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Rise of the Empire era

Junna Pawon was a Human female painter and moisture farmer from Tatooine. She married Brek Mooncylle and had two children, Renna and Jax.


She was born in a farm near Motesta in 55 BBY and was the youngest of seven children, although her parents later adopted three children from Bestine named Suzante, Velrov, and Shawia. She began painting as a young girl and by the age of seven was talented enough to sell her art in Bestine. She painted a picture in 41 BBY called Sunset Over the Sand People Dance and it was purchased by a well-known Togruta collector named Zaruland Tuntrik. After the purchase, she gained brief fame but was quickly forgotten by the galactic art community. In 38 BBY she began painting landscapes of worlds she had never visited, based on scenes from holovids but her dream was to become talented at portraits. After years of portraits that she considered failures, she painted her grandmother mixing omscred leaf stew in 33 BBY. She was frustrated with the outcome but her mother convinced her to sell the painting at auction. It was purchased by a Sepori merchant named Ardins Ikaarce. Encouraged by the sale, Junna continued painting for the remainder of her life. She married a man from Etzo Thokos named Brek Mooncylle in 24 BBY and they had two children. In 2 BBY as Junna was painting a portrait of Tour Aryon she suddenly became very tired and collapsed. Governor Aryon had her rushed to the clinic but Junna never reawakened.


During her lifetime, it was estimated that Junna had painted nearly four hundred paintings. She was mentioned by Eonice So-Relvik in her popular book, Contemporary Classical Artists of the Outer Rim Territories, written in 3 BBY. Her death was noted by Coruscanti art critic Wilvard Jenostech and some of her works were sold for hundreds of thousands of credits.
