Jumprays were a species of colorful and highly curious fish native to Neroth. They were related to another native species, the seawings.
Jumprays were relatively small creatures, being 1.52 meters in length. As they were rays, jumprays had fairly flat bodies and a pair of "wings" that adorned the entire side length of their body, ending in a short tail capped by a pair of blue-orange caudal fins. Jumprays were primarily blue-black in color, with their dorsal side speckled with bioluminescent spots. Likewise, the edges of their wings had blue bioluminescent outlines. They had a pair of large orange eyes placed at the sides of a small head, with a pair of orange external gill stalks trailing at the top of the head. Their mouths were placed along the underside of their head, filled with grinding teeth to grind down tough vegetation or through the shells of prey such as small crustaceans.
Like their seawing cousins, jumprays were highly curious and friendly creatures who regularly interacted with divers. Unlike seawings, jumprays were primarily solitary until mating season, although they have been observed swimming in small schools of up to three individuals. They had serene dispositions but were capable of fast swim speeds. Jumprays got their name from their tendency to breach, leaping up to 3 meters above the water's surface.
Jumprays had no known predators, as their flesh - in addition to be tough and unpalatable - was poisonous.