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Your powers are weak, old man.

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Julian Qel-Tythas
Biographical information

New Alderaan


2,055 ABY

Physical description





1.80 meters

Hair color


Eye color

Blue (formerly; empty sockets)

Skin color


Chronological and political information

Legatum Era


Jedi Order

Known masters
  • Sirre Tonnika
  • Irabelle Qel-Tythas (informally)
Known apprentices
Notable relatives
I have been many things in my life. A guardian and a scholar. A warrior and a teacher. Even now, I serve the Order as a living weapon forged of the Light. I am and become whatever the Force needs me to be.
—Julian Qel-Tythas

Julian Qel-Tythas was a Force-sensitive Human male that served as a legendary Jedi Battlemaster, Master of the Order, and briefly as Grand Master across three wars afflicting the galaxy, extending even into the conflict of the Extant War. One of the youngest Jedi to attain the rank of Master in the era of the New Jedi Order, Julian was a descendant and head of the Great House of Qel-Tythas, making him the King of New Alderaan and one of the few known Jedi that also held significant political power and responsibilities.

Considered one of the greatest diplomats and warriors, Qel-Tythas was a veteran of the Trandoshan Rebellions and the Hundred-Day War, the former of which he negotiated the end of. Earning various monikers, most notably the "Speaker of Ashla" and variations of the term "Jedi King", Qel-Tythas was ironically regarded as pacifistic and dreaded conflict, considering it a last resort. On at least one occasion, Qel-Tythas was known to have considered surrender a viable option against an enemy, which was only avoided due to the progressive extremist terms.

By the time of the Extant War, Julian Qel-Tythas was still considered to have been the greatest Jedi warrior alive, even referring to himself as a "living weapon of the Light". According to Raysha Edolus, Qel-Tythas' former apprentice and the current Grand Master, the only reason for her attaining the position she held was that Qel-Tythas delegated the office to her. Nonetheless, Qel-Tythas was one of the most senior members of the Jedi Council, preferring meditation and studies into the Force over interactions, even in the form of peacemaking, with the rest of the galaxy.

Scarred with the loss of his physical eyes during the Hundred-Day War, Qel-Tythas relied on the Force to provide his sense of sight. Few ever became aware of Julian's injury however, due to the white mask he donned for most of his Jedi career, which was styled after the helms worn by the ancient priests of Old Alderaan. By the time of the Extant War, Julian had sired one son, Nero Qel-Tythas, and two daughters, all of whom were Knights of the Jedi Order.

Julian Qel-Tythas' reputation was such that the vast majority of the Sith Kings, including Koldun V and Sycarion IV, either highly respected or feared his powers. The antithetic exception to this was the young Sith King, Oculus VII, who due to his obscure nature and power, was instead the only Sith that was in fact feared by Qel-Tythas.


Early life[]


Julian and his master, Sirre Tonnika, frequently trained on the Jedi Temple grounds on Voss.

Julian Qel-Tythas was the son of Jedi Master Irabelle Qel-Tythas and the then-recently excommunicated Black Sun Vigo Jaek Ryvkus. Born in 2,055 ABY on the arboreal garden world of New Alderaan, Julian was the firstborn of the Queen of New Alderaan, making him the heir and crown prince of the House of Qel-Tythas.
