Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The Jedi aren't perfect. Neither am I. I hope we can make each other better.
—Jular Sunn

Jular Sunn was a male Nautolan and a member of the Jedi Order for several decades. A Jedi Consular, Jular was nonetheless skilled in combat and served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars as a Jedi General until his death at the hands of ex-fellow Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, who had recently become the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

After passing the Jedi Initiate Trials in 59 BBY, Jular attained the rank of Padawan within the Order and became the apprentice of of Jedi Master Rael Shan, descendant of a long and prestigious line of Jedi dating back nearly four millennia. Jular and Rael went on many missions together over the nearly twelve-year period that Jular was Rael's Padawan, until in 47 BBY the Jedi High Council deemed Jular ready to take the Trials of Knighthood. Passing the Trials, Jular was elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight, but retained his close friendship with Master Shan.

Over the years, Jular trained two Padawans of his own. The first, a fellow Nautolan named Malara Siou, proved to be a challenge for Jular, who referred the young Jedi to An'ya Kuro, the Dark Woman. However, even Kuro could not tame Siou's emotions. A mixture of anger and bitter disappointment led Siou to flee the Order and go into hiding on the Outer Rim world of Korriban, thinking that the Order would never think to search there. Her own emotions, coupled with the planet's strength in the Dark Side of the Force, drove Siou to abandon the light. When Jular had a vision of what his former Padawan had become, he went to Korriban without the consent of the Council to face Siou. Defeating her, and being given no option but to kill her, Jular returned to the Order to face the Council.

The Council, however, understood Jular's situation and no formal charges were pressed or punishments considered. Despite this, it was seven years before Jular trained another Padawan, this time a Togruta by the name of Festus Krigg. Krigg proved to be a far easier pupil than Siou had been, and Jular's self-confidence was rebuilt rapidly during Krigg's training. Just before the Battle of Geonosis, which heralded the start of the Clone Wars, Krigg passed the Jedi Trials and became a Knight. Consequently, Jular was given the title of Jedi Master. Both Jular and Krigg were dispatched to Geonosis to rescue Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala. Both survived the initial foray into the Petranaki arena and went on to fight in the greater battle outside. However, while Jular survived this, Krigg did not, meeting his end at the hands of the Separatist warrior—and future Supreme Commander—Grievous.

Distraught over the death of a second Padawan, Jular nonetheless overcame his emotions and fought throughout the three years of the war, distinguishing himself during the Outer Rim Sieges. He was recalled to Coruscant shortly before the Separatist attack and remained there until the attack on the Jedi Temple, led by the newly anointed Sith Lord Darth Vader. Jular fought bravely, but proved to be no match for the fallen Chosen One and was slain.
