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Jott Ruzhim was a Derimzo officer in the Confederacy of Independent Systems responsible for the Massacre on ZR-8X-OST5-M.
Born on Zydomaar in 58 BBY, he worked for the Trade Federation as a customs agent at the age of fifteen. In 41 BBY he was permitted to join the Sector Rangers and he served nine years before becoming an officer in the Judicial Department offices on Uviuy Exen. In 23 BBY he retired to his homeworld and attempted to begin a career as a private investigator. When the Clone Wars broke out and his homeworld joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems he felt his duty to his people was stronger than his duty to the Galactic Republic and he became a Confederate officer. He was given command of a battle group on the edge of Wild Space and he fought in numerous skirmishes against the Republic.
In 21 BBY, he was sent to raid the unprotected Fiskerite colony on ZR-8X-OST5-M. When he arrived, the local militia retreated to the Western Caves. Before he launched his droids, an order came down the chain of command to exterminate the undefended civilians. He obediently complied and his droids massacred the entire population and the militia. Afterward, he shot himself in his cabin with his N'goph 7 blaster pistol.