John Cassidy was a Human from Alderaan who was founder of Cassidy Courier Services and a member of the Alderaanian Council on New Alderaan.
Early life[]
After John Cassidy completed his study Business Logistics at the University of Alderaan he started to work as a Logistics analyst for the Trade Federation. He became one of the view non Neimoidian captains on a Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter named the Gold Rush. However John was never realy a part of the Trade Federation. The only true friend he had within the Trade Federation was Kli´ic the Verpine chief engineer onboard the Gold Rush.
John and Kli´ic left the Trade Federation during the Invasion of Naboo and John founded his own trading company the Cassidy Courier Services.
Cassidy Courier Services[]
Cassidy Courier Services was founded by John Cassidy in 32 BBY. In the early years of the company he was the director and the captain of The Stoke a R10C Consular-class cruiser. In 16 BBY the new CCS Space Station was completed and John Cassidy started to run the business from there. John took over the position as the captain of the Stoke again after CCS space station was destroyed in the aftermath of the Destruction of Alderaan and CCS joined the Rebellion.
Galactic Civil War – Alliance Support Services[]
There were several employees hoe joint up with the Rebellion, still in the begin of the civil war CCS tried to hold a neutral position against the Empire and the Rebellion. However after the Destruction of Alderaan and the attack on CCS space station the CCS joined the Alliance. The transports ships of CCS played an imported role in the Alliance Support Services. John Cassidy commanded The Stoke during the Evacuation of Yavin to evacuate the remain rebel personal.
Alderaan Alliance and the Alderaanian Council[]
As part of CCS John Cassidy helped to establish the safe world New Alderaan. There took also a role in construction of the infrastructure and the exporting raw material for the Alliance to use in its war effort. After the establishment of the safe world New Alderaan John Cassidy became a member of the Alderaan Alliance and the Alderaanian Council.
John Cassidy he died of old age in 14 ABY on New Alderaan
Personality and traits[]
John Cassidy was a smart man, had ambitious and a feeling for (business)politics With a degree in Business Logistics and his service time with the Trade Federation he knew the ins and outs of getting products from A to B. He became one of the view non Neimoidian captains. However he wasn´t just a business men, he always chose people over business and had a stong sense of justice. he act against his orders by not participating with the Gold Rush in the Blockade of Naboo. By the time he got own ship The Stoke John Cassidy was aslo a quite mechanic, having made countless modifications to The Stoke alongside Kli´ic. After the establishment of the safe world New Alderaan John Cassidy became a member of the Alderaan Alliance and the Alderaanian Council.
He was also a loving family man and help other people if there where in need. For instance when he paid off the debt of Richard Dune and evacuate his mother from Tatooine.