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Jocade was located in the Copiir system of the Seitia sector in the Outer Rim Territories. It was visited at various times in the pre-Republic era but settlers never arrived until nearly twenty thousand years later.
The planet was first visited in 34,000 BBY by Death Tyrant after he was exiled from Oythe because of the threat of dying from pirates after killing three Dark Jedi, he left soon after that. At the time, he noted the world was barren except for a few hardy plants.
Jocade was later colonized, for the first time, in 7,432 BBY but the colony failed because of raiders from a nearby star system. It was colonized again in 7,390 BBY, this time by a group of Écparzi settlers but slavers captured the entire colony. Numerous other attempts were made over the years but the first permanent and only successful colony was in 1,589 BBY when Port Plius was constructed.
Yethra the Hutt set up operations on Jocade in 291 BBY but was driven off by Marthrull Strayfiend's Itching Empire in 22 ABY. The planet was then turned into a resort world, mainly by Banking Clan and Star Tours investments arranged by Strayfiend. After the fall of Wrydrock to the First Order, Jocade became the new Itching Empire headquarters.