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Rebellion era

Joar Omnis was a stormtrooper from N'Rovskent who was murdered by three other stormtroopers for agreeing to testify against their commander in court.


Omnis was born in a large family in 19 BBY and joined the Empire to become a stormtrooper at the age of eighteen. Completing his training, he was sent to serve under Yimes Balkar in time to participate in the Defense of Écparz, where he narrowly escaped death from a large explosion that killed and wounded hundreds of other stormtroopers. Months after the battle, he was approached by Admiral Feyet Kiez who offered to make the young soldier's family very comfortable in exchange for testifying before a court that Commander Balkar had failed in his duty to protect the stormtroopers under his command during the operation on Écparz. Even though Balkar was respected by his men, Omnis agreed to the deal. Afterward, he experienced hostility from the other stormtroopers who had served under Balkar. Balkar's replacement, Cobron Olessa, recognized there was danger and requested Omnis be transferred to the legion commanded by Jaxe Minzo in Wild Space, where he would be very distant from any stormtrooper wanting to take revenge for Balkar. The requst was denied and he tried to get Omnis moved to several other units but found the soldier could not be transferred. He settled for permanently placing him in a squad with Nashar Norris and Byrten Kiize, two recruits who had never served under Balkar. However, in the three were ambushed and killed in a bog on Eeropha by three other stormtroopers, Sant Chun, Mirelsany Leamu, and Tirant Crurannc. Since Omnis was dead, Admiral Kiez never bothered to fullfill his promise to enrich the young stormtrooper's family.
