Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Jerex Antilles was a male Human politician from Alderaan during the New Sith Wars. A member of the House of Antilles, he served as Senator from Alderaan in 1,387 BBY, assisted by Prince Taylo Organa. He sat on the Senate's Ethics Committee.

Following Taylo's murder on Anaxes, along with Supreme Chancellor Phnyong and many other Republic leaders, Jerex repeatedly pressed the Republic for answers on how the murders had been possible and for the capture of Darth Alecto, the poisoner. Despite his private reservations, he supported King Rosulus Organa in threatening a recall of Alderaan's delegation to the Senate. When Tirien Kal-Di journeyed to Alderaan to persuade the king to remain in the Senate, though, Jerex participated in several meetings with the two and ultimately agreed to continue supporting the Republic. He also pledged to work with recalcitrant senators from other systems.

When Nerritil Marsh sponsored an unsuccessful kidnapping attempt of the Organas, the lead kidnapper, Himmel Rotef, accused Jerex of hiring him, but Tirien successfully pulled the truth out of Rotef's mind and cleared Antilles's name.

During the 1,384 BBY Conscription Act debate, Antilles, along with Senators Refni Ik'lakt and Kujko Wapam, represented the "Conscientist" position, though Coruscant's media more often referred to them as "the Pacifists". Antilles was deeply frustrated with Supreme Chancellor Nulu Thini's refusal to allow the Conscientists to frame the debate along with the "Universalist" and "Equitablist" positions, though Antilles was allowed the first speech once the Senate returned from a recess.

