Star Wars Fanon

Jerec was a Miraluka male Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire. Upon joining Vorath's Sith, he took on the name Darth Oculus.



Discovered at an early age, Jerec was taken into the Jedi Order and trained in the ways of the Force by Jedi Master Jocasta Nu. By the time of the Clone Wars, he had attained the rank of Master himself and served in the wars as a Jedi General. Like his master, Jerec worked as an archaeologist, and among the hardest of his pursuits was the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan. Over time, Jerec became less content with his place among the Jedi, feeling that the order was no longer providing him with the knowledge he craved. Shortly before the Clone Wars, Jerec led a research team into the Unknown Regions at the behest of the Jedi High Council.[1]

By the time Jerec returned, the galaxy had fallen under the rule of the Galactic Empire and the Jedi had been all but wiped out. Jerec attempted to retreat only to be caught by Imperial Inquisitor Antinnis Tremayne, who offered him an ultimatum: join the dark side, or be destroyed. Eager to obtain the dark knowledge the Jedi had refused him, Jerec agreed and became an Inquisitor, hunting down the Jedi he had once called his brethren.[2][3]


In service to the Empire, Jerec expanded his knowledge on the dark side, relying on the teachings of the Prophets of the Dark Side as Emperor Palpatine had cut him off from learning of the Sith. During this time, Jerec decided to form a group of seven Dark Jedi, a number which he had derived from Sith teachings. The prophet Cronal aided him in his search for prospects, allowing Jerec to recruit his daughter Sariss as well as two mutants he had created. Over the course of the Galactic Civil War, Jerec and his Dark Jedi would scour the galaxy for the Valley of the Jedi, all in the hopes of one day overthrowing Palpatine.[1]

When the Battle of Endor saw to Palpatine's demise, Jerec took it as an opportunity to further his dreams of conquest. While publicly pledging loyalty to the Pentastar Alignment, Jerec was secretly working for the Prophets of the Dark Side to find the Valley of the Jedi and claim its power.[1][4] Around this time, he received a message from his former master Cronal, ordering him to find the Valley of the Jedi so it could be used to bring back Emperor Palpatine from the depths of Chaos. Jerec ostensibly agreed but had no plans of sharing the power of the Valley with anyone but himself.[5]

In 5 ABY, Jerec sensed the death of Cronal at the Battle of Mindor. Shortly afterwards, he was approached by a Messenger droid carrying a posthumous message from Palpatine, commanding him to seek out the Scepter of Ragnos, an artifact once wielded by the ancient Dark Lord Marka Ragnos. Unsure whether to believe the message as legitimate, Jerec nonetheless put his search for the Valley of the Jedi on hold and traveled to Korriban, where he met with Grand Moff Nil Nihan before setting out with his Dark Jedi to venture into the tomb of Marka Ragnos.[5]

After entering the tomb, Jerec and his apprentices made their way into the chamber where the Scepter was held. Before Jerec could take the Scepter, the Dark Jedi Yun attacked him, influenced by the spirits of the tomb. This led to a skirmish between the seven Dark Jedi, ending with all but Jerec and Sariss being killed, the latter pledging her loyalty to Jerec. Taking the Scepter, Jerec and his sole remaining apprentice exited the tomb and were directed by the Messenger to take the Scepter to the Super Star Destroyer Ravager.[5]

Arriving on the Ravager, Jerec met with Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, self-proclaimed Counselor of the Empire. Rax informed Jerec of his plans to use the Scepter to bring back Palpatine and introduced him to an ancient Sith Lord who would aid in their ritual: the Dark Lord Darth Vorath.[5]


Over time, Jerec was elevated to the rank of Sith Lord within Vorath's order. By the time of the Imperial Sith War, he had obtained a seat on the Sith Council and taken the name "Darth Oculus", holding supreme authority over the non-Sith forces of the Crimson Empire. In 20 ABY, Lord Oculus took in the Cerean Ver-Su-Tus as an apprentice, shaping him to one day be his Shadow Hand.

After Vorath met his end during the Battle of Coruscant, Jerec led his forces to the Outer Rim Territories, establishing a stronghold on Endymion. Four years later, the allied forces of the New Republic and Imperial Remnant attacked Jerec's army and the Sith warlord was eventually slain by Jedi Master Kyle Katarn.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

Non-canon storyline[]

In 6 ABY, Jerec was forced to shift his focus to another source of power: the Scepter of Marka Ragnos. By this point, Darth Vorath had come to see Jerec as a potential asset and had the ghost of Darth Trayus lead Jerec and his Dark Jedi to the tomb of Marka Ragnos. There, all but three of the Dark Jedi were killed, after which Jerec and the remaining two were taken into Vorath's Sith Order. Recognizing the ancient Sith Lord to be far stronger and knowledgeable than he, Jerec pledged his loyalty to the Dark Lord of the Sith.[7]


Non-canon appearances[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Dark Forces Saga
  2. The Dark Side Sourcebook
  3. The New Essential Guide to Characters
  4. The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 From the Ashes
  6. The Dragon's Claw
  7. The New Republic