Star Wars Fanon
NGW era

Jera Fazz was a Togruta female pilot who served in the Triumvirate Starfighter Corps, later Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps. During the Triumvirate Civil War he began considered as an ace and at the end of the conflict she and her squadron covered a key role for the Alliance's victory.


Early life[]

Jera was born on Shili in 229 ABY. When she was young, a group of pirates attacked her homeworld, killing many people and enslaving as many. After a difficult period for the Togrutas, the Galactic Federation Triumvirate sent a task force to free the planet. This was the first time Jera saw a starfighter, and her dream of Triumvirate pilot began in that moment.[1]

When she was fourteen she enlisted on the Coruscant Flight Academy and started her carrier at only eighteen years.

The anti-piracy campaign[]

In 247 ABY the Triumvirate started an anti-piracy campaign which had the aim of clearing the Galaxy from the too many pirates. Agreeing with this purpose, Jera fought courageously in many battles, taking part in the key fighting of the war, the Battle of Florrum. In this period she flew as Viper Five.

Lately in the campaign, she took part in the Battle over Geonosis and with her MS-19 starfighter she eliminated some enemy counterparts, giving a hand to the Viper Squadron that during the battle was practically alone. Three days later, the Viper and its Star Destroyer, the Shadow Pearl, engaged another group of pirates and in the battle Narold Gallia, Viper Leader, was killed.

Returned on the Shadow Pearl, the pilots had to choose the new commander, and Jera was able to win the elections, gaining the title of Viper Leader.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Jera was reputed a beautiful Togruta very skilled and courageous. In battle she was a death machine, but when resting she was friendly and made humor. Her favorite flight partner was Viper Four, Leonard "Leo" Andhero.

In battle she used a Ms-19 starfighter[1]. She didn't like imperial Subjugator-class starfighters because, in her opinion, they were too "delicate".


