Star Wars Fanon

Jensen Hayledea (pronounced /ʤɛnsɛn heɪleɪdɪə/) was a male Human Jedi Master, revolutionary, war hero and politician who served as President of the Galactic Republic from 3600 BBY to 3580 BBY. Prior to his presidency, he served the Jedi Order as its Battlemaster and as a member of the Jedi High Council. By defeating Darth Vitiate and saving all life in the galaxy, toppling the Eternal Empire and Galactic Commonwealth and safeguarding the Republic's democracy, he became a legendary figure in the eyes of many quadrillions of the galaxy's citizens for hundreds of generations.

Jensen Hayledea and his identical twin brother Jain were born in 3661 BBY in Hanna City, Chandrila to Gabriel and Johanna Hayledea. Exhibiting Force-sensitivity from infancy, Jensen and Jain were given up by their family and inducted into the Jedi Order a few months after their birth. Jensen was raised by the Jedi Order and was eventually sorted into the Thranta Clan. At the age of eight Jensen attracted the attention of the unorthodox Jedi Master Sikandar Vayaru and became his Padawan. Surpassing all his peers, Jensen's strength in the Force and his prowess in lightsaber combat made him a candidate for Knighthood at a very young age, though the Jedi Council refused to grant him the position due to his prideful nature and his attachment to his brother.

Growing into a tall and muscular young man, Jensen was eventually forced to abandon his master's apprenticeship due to his master's coma in 3643 BBY. Shortly afterwards, Jensen was summoned to Tython to undergo his final trials. Jensen became briefly apprenticed to Jedi Master Orgus Din, defeated the Dark Jedi Bengel Morr, gained the droid T7-07 as his companion and achieved Knighthood. Discovering a plot to destroy the Republic, Jensen and Kira Carsen, who would be assigned his Padawan, set out to save the Republic from the plots of Darth Angral. Above Tython, Jensen defeated the Sith in battle and saved Tython from destruction, earning him the title Hero of Tython.

Jensen was soon after recruited by Master Tol Braga in a mission to capture the Sith Emperor. After making the necessary preparations, Jensen, along with Braga and several other Jedi, stormed the Emperor's Fortress, however the Jedi were defeated and turned to the dark side. After several months of Sith training, Jensen was reminded of his true self by the ghost of his late master Orgus Din, returned to the light and came home to Tython. Jensen embarked on a quest to save the galaxy from the Sith Emperor's ritual to consume all life in the galaxy. After foiling the Emperor's plots on Belsavis, Voss and Corellia, Jensen confronted the Sith Emperor on the Sith capital of Dromund Kaas, defeating him in battle and seemingly killing him. For this feat, Jensen was elevated to Jedi Master. For his almost unrivaled skill with the lightsaber the Jedi Council also granted Jensen the position of Jedi Battlemaster.

The Sith Emperor did not truly die however, and was resurrected on Yavin IV. Before Jensen could confront the Emperor again, the Eternal Empire disrupted the galactic order by staging dozens of incursions across the galaxy. Teaming up with Darth Marr, Jensen investigated the threat, but ended up imprisoned on Zakuul by Vitiate, now going by the name of Valkorion. With the help of Valkorion's son Arcann, Jensen struck down Valkorion, whose spirit invaded Jensen's body. Arcann then betrayed Jensen, imprisoning him in carbonite, seizing the Eternal Throne and starting a massive invasion of the galaxy.

Jensen remained imprisoned in carbonite for five years, though Jain could faintly feel his brother was alive. In 3631 BBY Jensen was freed by Lana Beniko and escaped Zakuul. Jensen formed an alliance devoted to toppling the Eternal Empire, while Valkorion's spirit attempted to manipulate him to his own ends. Jensen reunited with his brother Jain, and with the help of his many allies he killed Arcann, his sister Vaylin and liberated the galaxy from the tyranny of the Eternal Empire, while also killing Valkorion's spirit in his own mind. After the fall of Zakuul, Jensen took the Force-sensitive girl Kuvira as his third apprentice, whom he adopted as his own daughter.

During the revolution against Zakuul, Jensen met a fellow Jedi, Laranna, with whom he quickly developed a friendship and eventually fell in love with. Defying the Jedi Council, Jensen openly married her and fathered several children with her. Despite their disapproval, given his status as a legendary Jedi and war hero, the Jedi Council reluctantly allowed Jensen to stay in the Order, and Jensen was later even allowed to join the Jedi Council.

Jensen disapproved of Chancellor Sanura's decision to make peace with the Sith Empire; and together with his son Luke and adopted daughter Kuvira, he founded the Guardians of the Republic, initially a branch of the Jedi Order, placed directly under the control of the Supreme Chancellor, to act as an elite military force. Jensen's suspicions came true, as the Sith invaded Coruscant and despite fierce resistance, Coruscant fell to the Sith.

By the end of 3622 BBY, the Republic surrendered to the Galactic Commonwealth as they revealed the Liberator, a superweapon capable of destroying planets, which was tested on Zakuul. Jensen was elected Chancellor-in-exile, but turned down the position and appointed Vasara Tanis to the position; together they would found the Galactic Liberation Army (GLA), which would work to overthrowing the Commonwealth's reign. In 3617 BBY, with the help of many other factions, Jensen and the GLA liberated Coruscant and Alsakan simultaneously from Sith rule and destroyed the Liberator. A massive uprising in the Core Worlds and Colonies rapidly overthrew Sith Rule. By 3614 BBY, the Galactic Commonwealth was on the brink of collapse, and the capture of Liana Ascalia during the Battle of Kharzem sealed its fate.

Having saved the Republic thrice now, many within the Republic begged Jensen to take up the mantle of leading it. Jensen rejected this, fearing he would not be able to resist the allure of power. Kuvira clashed with him on this, saying this was their chance to reshape the Republic for the better. In 3614 BBY, Kuvira agreed to run with Senator Kai Shadao in the Republic's first direct presidential election in centuries, which they won unexpectedly, defeating Chancellor Tanis. Jensen became wary of Kuvira's loyalty to President Shadao, as she supported him in his radical but controversial policies. Jensen began to suspect Shadao had ulterior motives; he was proven true when Shadao staged a coup by attempting to have the Senate eliminated by having an enormous mob storm the Senate Building. Jensen and Laranna intervened in the coup and saved the lives of most of the senators, while Kuvira turned on Shadao and had him arrested by the Guardians of the Republic.

Kuvira ascended to the presidency, and often asked Jensen for advice in matters of state. However, during her presidency, Jensen began to notice Shadao had indeed influenced Kuvira's views and had radicalized her. Despite attempting to prevent her from following in Shadao's footsteps, Kuvira became convinced that she would deliver the people of galaxy from tyranny and inequality. In 3608 BBY, Kuvira disavowed Jensen's legacy and changed her surname to Laghima, after which their relationship turned hostile. In 3606 BBY, Kuvira declared herself Great Uniter and began to rule as a dictator, having opposition leaders arrested and replacing the Supreme Court with justices loyal to her. Kuvira's rule turned more extreme by the year, and by 3604 BBY, she had effectively dismantled democracy. Jensen was convinced to confront his estranged daughter and stop her, but he failed to do so diplomatically. Instead, Kuvira attacked Jensen and tried to kill him, showing how far she had fallen. After a long duel, Jensen emerged victorious, but Kuvira refused to abandon her crusade, and Jensen was forced to exile and imprison her.

With the Republic once again leaderless, civil war seemed imminent between the political factions in Republic. Once again, the Galactic Senate turned to Jensen and asked him to lead the Republic, claiming he was the only person who could unite the galaxy and prevent the Republic from descending into chaos. Reluctantly, Jensen at last agreed to lead the Republic, but insisted on holding an election, which he won in an enormous landslide. Jensen was inaugurated as President of the Galactic Republic, with Vasara Tanis as his Vice President. As the senate suspected, the vast majority of the galaxy rallied behind Jensen, thus preventing civil war and returning the Republic to peace.


Hanna City (cropped)

Hanna City, Jensen's howetown


Jensen Hayledea, along with his identical twin brother Jain, were born on 24 Concordia 3661 BBY in the Ilaris Park Hospital in Hanna City, the capital of Chandrila, as the sons of Gabriel and Johanna Hayledea. Jensen's mother Johanna was the daughter of the wealthy Chandrilan socialites Vanara and Theodore Hayledea. Jensen's father Gabriel was believed by Johanna and her family to be a destitute and homeless vagrant, but he was in fact the Crown Prince and heir to the throne of the Calian Confederacy, Horus Hehrashen, who had fled his homeworld of Shiva IV. As the grandson of Pharaoh Osiris Hehrashen, Jensen was thus in line for the Calian throne.

Jensen was born a few minutes before his twin brother Jain, and was thus technically the older brother. The birth of the twins brought great joy to the Hayledea family, allowing Vanara and Theodore to accept Gabriel as truly part of their family.

Although the twins had separate cribs, they recognized each other's presence from their time in their mother's womb and instinctively tried to telepathically reach out to each other via The Force. Just four months after their births, the twins demonstrated Force-sensitivity in the presence of their family, telekinetically moving their toys around. This surprised the family, as none of the Hayledea bloodline was Force-sensitive. Although Gabriel knew that the twins had inherited his strong connection to the Force, he kept this a secret and didn't tell anyone about it. Johanna and her family alerted to the Jedi to the fact that Jensen and Jain were Force-sensitive, and shortly after they were visited by a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order.

The Jedi Master explained to the family that the twins had been gifted with the ability to use The Force, and that with their permission he would take the baby boys to Coruscant to be trained as Jedi. Initially, Johanna and Gabriel were very averse to this proposal, outright rejecting the 'abduction' of their firstborn children. The Jedi Master understood, but told the family he would give them some time to think about it, and that he would return in a week. Vanara and Theodore, while also initially reluctant to the idea of giving up the boys, secretly thought that if the boys were trained as Jedi, they may bring glory, fame and prestige to the family. Four days after the Jedi Master's visit, Vanara and Theodore argued with Gabriel and Johanna that it was perhaps the twins' destiny to be trained as Jedi, and that being a Jedi was a honorable and admired position. Johanna eventually agreed that the twins should maybe be trained as Jedi, but Gabriel continued to reject the idea.

Gabriel argued that he would not have his sons abducted and raised as warriors or soldiers, although Johanna countered that the Jedi were not warriors, but peacekeepers. Gabriel dismissed her argument, as he had heard enough stories about the Jedi fighting in battles and wars. Johanna understood Gabriel's distress, and said that if he did not consent, the twins would remain with the family, pleasing Gabriel. However when days later Johanna and Gabriel were on a date in Hannah City and Theodore was on a trip with his friends, Vanara secretly contacted the Jedi Master and made up a story about how everyone in the family had agreed to the twins' departure, but that they could not bear to witness the Jedi Master taking them away. The Jedi Master believed Vanara's word and took Jensen and Jain with him to Coruscant.

Upon the return of Johanna, Gabriel and Theodore; chaos erupted in the Hayledea mansion. The three of them chastised Vanara for her behavior, with Gabriel in particular being especially furious. When Vanara countered that this was for the best and that the twins would perhaps make up for the shame of having a former vagrant be part of the family, Gabriel exploded with anger. He angrily berated Vanara for stealing his children and giving them away to some woman who she had never met before. Vanara argued that the Jedi were wise and just, but Gabriel was critical and argued that the Jedi were an order of 'creepy monks who indoctrinated their members from infancy'. When Vanara said that she understood their anger, but as the family matriarch she had the final choice, again referring to Gabriel as a vagrant, Gabriel lost control of his emotions and lashed out, releasing a telekinetic wave that threw around everyone and everything in the room.

Gabriel said that he was not a vagrant, before divulging his entire past to the family. He revealed that he was in fact Horus Arkuwai Hehrashen, Crown Prince of the Calian Confederacy and heir to the Calian throne. He said that he did enjoy lying to the family, but that he wanted to start a new life, a life away from war and violence. He said that this was why did not want his children to be trained from infancy as warriors or soldiers like he was. When Gabriel began to cry because of the loss of his children, Johanna comforted him, and Vanara finally realized she had made a mistake. She apologized to Johanna and Gabriel, but Gabriel stood up in fury, and began Force choking Vanara, causing her to grab for her neck. Theodore and Johanna frantically begged Gabriel to calm down and not kill her, to which Gabriel obliged. Gabriel then denounced Vanara, stating that she was not his family, before leaving the mansion. Johanna followed soon after, also denouncing Vanara, saying that she had no mother. Left alone with his wife, Theodore disappointingly shook his head, and left Vanara alone.

Soon after the Hayledea family fell apart. Overcome by guilt, Vanara attempted to commit suicide, but she was stopped by Theodore before she could do so, and she was subsequently hospitalized in a mental institution for several months. When she returned to the home, she was still guiltridden, eventually becoming depressed. Theodore could not bring himself to abandon and divorce his wife despite his anger with her, and continued living with her in the Hayledea mansion. Gabriel and Johanna moved out of the home and into a home of their own, allowing Theodore to visit them and their later children, but they cut all contact with Vanara and barred her from ever meeting her other grandchildren.

Early life on Coruscant[]

Jensen and his twin brother Jain were taken to Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic. After arriving on Coruscant, they were taken to the Jedi Temple, where they resided in a nursery in the dormitories section of the Temple. The twins were placed in different nurseries to avoid them from glowing close to each other and forming attachments, though they nevertheless still could feel each other's presence.

Personality and traits[]


Jensen Hayledea (transparent)

Jensen was a towering and heavily muscled man

Jensen was a very tall man, standing 209 centimeters tall as an adult. He was light-skinned, had dark brown hair and naturally had blue eyes, although Jensen usually had his eye color changed to be brown. Jensen was broad-shouldered and very muscular, a trait he inherited from his father, who was a Calian immigrant from Shiva IV. Jensen was considered very handsome by many individuals, including Laranna Lazarus, Gale Calydon, Caspian Zavarai and Liana Ascalia.

Other than his hair and eye color, Jensen looked the same as his identical twin brother Jain. Jensen also greatly resembled his father Gabriel, from whom he inherited his muscular and very tall physique.


As a legendary war hero and celebrity, Jensen was believed by many citizens of the Galactic Republic to be an exemplary Jedi, although this was an idealistic view. Jensen proved himself countless of times to be brave, diligent, and compassionate. During his lifetime, Jensen faced down dozens of Sith, bounty hunters, criminals and other antagonists, rarely showing any fear of them, demonstrating his devotion to the Republic and the Jedi. But he also proved himself to be stubborn, arrogant, headstrong, prideful, and vengeful. Jensen also had a humorous nature, sometimes making jokes, even in dangerous situations, although he could also be a very serious and no-nonsense individual when the time called for it. Jensen was very protective of his family and friends, and would become furious when they were threatened, sometimes tapping into the dark side of the Force.

From a young age, Jensen demonstrated great diligence in learning the ways of the Jedi, vigorously training in lightsaber and physical combat and learning about new Force abilities. Although the Jedi Council noted that he was also arrogant, headstrong and prideful. Jensen would often boast to his fellow Jedi Padawans or his master about his achievements like defeating his entire sparring class in lightsaber combat, or being able to defeat Jedi Knights while he was still a Padawan. Although Jensen was an eager student and was often well-meaning, he often bent or outright defied the rules or the instructions his superiors gave him. Jensen's attachment to his twin brother also concerned the council, who tried to separate the two from each other, but they would find their way to each other nevertheless.

As Jensen grew older, the council became more and more concerned about his prideful and stubborn nature, and his relationship with his twin Jain. Jensen openly admitted many times he was proud of himself, of his skills as a powerful Jedi, of his reputation as an undefeated warrior, and also of his own physical appearance. His twin Jain remarked several times that this arrogant pride sometimes bordered on narcissism, a sentiment shared by many other Jedi, including his own Padawan Kuvira. Jensen insisted that there was nothing wrong with this behavior, even though many Jedi tried to teach him to more humble. Though Jensen had enormous strength in the Force and was unrivaled among his peers in his skills with the lightsaber, which made him a candidate for Knighthood from an early age, the council refused to grant him the rank because of his refusal to change.

Although he was prideful, Jensen was very cautious about accepting power for himself, having witnessed firsthand that power could corrupt and twist even the most noble beings. When President Kai Shadao was deposed after a failed coup, the Galactic Senate was divided on electing a successor, and many suggested Jensen become the Republic's leader, but Jensen was not interested in imposing his views and declined. After the fall of Kuvira's rule as Great Uniter, the Galactic Senate called on Jensen to take up the office of President, which he at first declined. Although after the Senate begged him to reconsider as the Republic was on the verge of civil war, Jensen reluctantly accepted to take up the mantle of leadership.

Jensen could be a compassionate individual, as he was often concerned about the lives of others, putting his own life at risk to save them others danger. Even against his enemies, Jensen was known to show pity or even empathy. During his mission to stop Darth Angral, Jensen saw the good in the Sith Lord Praven, and managed to convince him to reject the dark side. Jensen was also often concerned about the lives of many of the less fortunate in the galaxy, like slaves, the poor and the oppressed. Although if an enemy made the mistake to threaten Jensen's friends or family, Jensen's compassion nearly always vanished, being replaced instead by anger or even rage.

Jensen was a staunch believer in democracy, freedom, and equality; he abhorred slavery and detested dictatorships and monarchies. He wasn't as extreme as his apprentice Kuvira however, as he grudgingly respected the right of planets of the Republic to choose their own type of government. Jensen also generally disliked very wealthy people, believing that the rich had far too much and the poor far too little.

Powers and abilities[]

Jensen Hayledea was almost universally considered to have been one of the most powerful Jedi in the history of the Jedi Order, with some even considering him the most powerful of all. Even amongst the Sith, Jensen was begrudgingly acknowledged as one of the greatest and most powerful individuals in galactic history. Jensen had the reputation of never being defeated in single combat by any other individual, although this was untrue as Jensen had been defeated at various points in his life by Sith Emperor Vitiate and Caspian Zavarai, even though Jensen managed to later triumph over both of them when confronting them again. During various points of his lifetime, Jensen defeated some of the most powerful Force-users and lightsaber duelists in galactic history, such as Darth Vitiate, Arcann, Vaylin, Caspian Zavarai and Liana Ascalia. In addition to his Force and lightsaber abilities, Jensen was a deeply charismatic individual who was able to inspire loyalty and admiration in the Republic's citizens, holding together the Republic for twenty years as President.

Lightsaber abilities[]

Caspian Zavarai vs Jensen Hayledea

Jensen dueling Caspian Zavarai on Kashyyyk

Serving as the Jedi Order's Battlemaster for almost four decades, Jensen Hayledea was considered the greatest lightsaber duelist in the galaxy by most of his fellow Jedi during most of his lifetime. Mastering all seven forms of lightsaber combat by age twenty-four, Jensen became the youngest Battlemaster in the Jedi Order's history. By the time of the Clone Wars, Jensen was considered one of the most skilled lightsaber duelists in the history of the galaxy, purportedly having never outright lost a one-on-one lightsaber duel in his lifetime, although several individuals pressed him to the edge of his limits.

As a Jedi Initiate, Jensen showed proficiency in wielding a lightsaber far beyond his peers. In training duels with fellow initiates, Jensen was the undefeated champion. His remarkable swordsmanship from such an early age drew the attention of the Kiffar Jedi Master Sikandar Vayaru, himself a master of all seven lightsaber styles. After becoming Vayaru's Padawan, Jensen's skill with the blade continued to grow, until at the age of fifteen, he became capable of occasionally besting his master in lightsaber duels. Among his fellow Padawans, Jensen was unrivaled in his swordsmanship, even his own twin brother Jain was ultimately unable to defeat him in a duel. Alongside his immense strength in the Force, Jensen's early mastery of the lightsaber made him a candidate for knighthood at just fifteen,although the Jedi High Council refused to let him take the trials due to concerns about his prideful and boastful character.

In, 3643 BBY, by the time he was eighteen, Jensen's skill with the lightsaber had surpassed even most Jedi Masters, with his own master Sikandar Vayaru freely admitting that among the entire Jedi Order, few would be able to stand against him. Jensen's skill with the saber allowed him to defeat the Dark Jedi Bengel Morr with surprising ease. After this feat, the Council decided to finally grant Jensen the rank of Jedi Knight, deeming him to have passed his trials by defeating the fallen Jedi and saving Tython from a Flesh Raider uprising. Soon after Jensen was chosen to lead the Jedi effort against the vengeful campaign of Darth Angral, one of the most powerful Sith of the Sith Empire, who swore vengeance on Jensen after his son Tarnis was killed by the former. By the end of the year, Jensen defeated Angral in personal combat, proving his skill with the lightsaber once again. In the following years, Jensen led the Jedi campaign to defeat the Sith Emperor, defeating dozens if not hundreds of Sith and fallen Jedi along the way, including the Emperor's Wrath, Lord Scourge and Tol Braga, one of the Order's most powerful Jedi Masters. Stunningly, the same year, at the age of twenty-one, Jensen managed to defeat the Sith Emperor Darth Vitiate himself in personal combat, although it should be noted that Vitiate was not all full power and Vitiate had not fought a lightsaber duel in centuries.

Force abilities[]

Jensen Hayledea was one of the most powerful Force-users in galactic history, possessing one of the highest midi-chlorian counts in galactic history, over 20,000, being only certainly surpassed by Anakin Skywalker. Jensen and his identical twin brother Jain possessed around the same Force potential as their contemporary, Caspian Zavarai, with whom the brothers often clashed. Jensen's enemy Liana Ascalia considered Jensen and Jain "avatars of the Force", claiming their strength in the Force in the entirety of recorded galactic history was rivaled only by her husband Caspian Zavarai, Darth Vitiate and his daughter Vaylin. Indeed, Jensen proved to be able to match both Emperor Vitiate, his daughter Vaylin and Caspian Zavarai in Force power several times, managing to triumph over all of them, although Jensen was only able to defeat Zavarai when he tapped into the dark side and Zavarai was caught off guard.

Jensen had an almost unprecedented connection to the Force, even in infancy, as he was capable as an infant of somehow communicating telepathically with his twin brother Jain, who also had this ability. Jensen was also able to telekinetically move his toys around as a baby and summon them to his hands. As a young toddler in the nursery of the Jedi Temple, Jensen telekinetic abilities continued to grow, even though he was not receiving any formal training at that point. By age three, Jensen was able to sometimes levitate himself out of his bed and by age four he was able to levitate other children. Jensen's rapidly growing strength in the force drew the attention and concern of many Jedi. Jensen began to receive formal training in the use of Force abilities from age four, attending daily classes on the nature of the Force and how to use it. Although he often found these boring as he either already knew how to use the respective ability or mastered it much faster than all the other initiates. By the age of six, Jensen able to use telekinesis routinely and effortlessly, being able to move anything from small items to making adults stumble. At the age of seven, Jensen surprised his peers when instead of levitating a metal ball as his instructor asked, he levitated the instructor high into the air. By the same age, Jensen also showed proficiency with mind tricks, as he often was able to convince his peers of his suggestions or ideas, such as playing pranks on adult Jedi. When he was eight, Jensen showed disinterest in a lesson about Force powers, outright goofing off, much to the Jedi instructor's displeasure. The instructor attempted to teach Jensen a lesson by levitating him in the air, but found himself unable to do so, as Jensen's mastery over telekinesis seemed to be stronger than his own.

Jensen Hayledea Floating Medidation

Jensen Hayledea using Floating Meditation on Tython

Jensen's strength in the Force continued to grow as he aged, was was sped up to even higher levels when Jensen became the Padawan of Sikandar Vayaru. By the time he reached the age of twelve, Jensen was able to match his master's telekinetic prowess. A year later, Vayaru admitted to a thirteen year-old Jensen that his strength in the Force was stronger than his own, and most Jedi. During the first four years of his apprenticeship to Vayaru, Jensen mastered almost several applications of the Force, including Force Jump, Force speed and Force Wave. Later on, at the age of thirteen, Jensen was capable of absorbing and redirecting blaster bolts with the Force. By the age of fourteen, Jensen had also mastered the ability to use extremely powerful Force Bursts, capable of shattering or destroying most things. In 3644 BBY, when he was seventeen, Jensen was knocked off off his hoverboard while surfing in the skies of Coruscant, and he began to plummet to the ground. Faced with imminent death, Jensen willed himself into surviving, by unlocking the power of Force flight, being able to fly around, to the shock of his friends.

By the time he reached adulthood, Jensen had mastered dozens of Force powers, displaying an almost unnatural command over them all, and was considered by most Jedi to have no equal in his Force prowess among the Jedi Order, except for his own twin brother Jain and Grand Master Satele Shan herself.

Jensen was extremely skilled in telekinesis. Even as a child, Jensen proved to very skilled in this aspect of the Force, outmatching all his peers and even many adult Jedi. By the time of his teenage years, Jensen was able to almost effortlessly move and lift multiple individuals at once, and lift and move large objects such as columns measuring dozens of meters. By the time he reached adulthood, Jensen was almost unrivaled in his telekinetic powers, being able to easily lift starfighters and subdue dozens of individuals at once by telekinetically forcing them to the ground. In 3643 BBY, Jensen used the Force to telekinetically lift his Defender-class light corvette out of the mud and into the air with moderate effort. The following year, in 3642 BBY, when first encountering the Sith Lord Liana Ascalia, Jensen overwhelmed her Force defenses and telekinetically disarmed Ascalia, who was an extremely powerful Force-user herself, with a simple gesture, before forcing her to the ground. Jensen was also a master in Force Wave, Force Repulse and Force Push, which he frequently used on the battlefield when surrounded by enemies. Perhaps Jensen's greatest display of his skill in telekinesis was when in 3622 BBY, during the Fall of Coruscant, he used the Force to force two Harrower-class dreadnoughts in the sky to collide, although it was extremely taxing on him. From a young age, Jensen was able to levitate himself off the ground and even float to a nearby location, although quite slowly and for a brief period. By the time he reached the age of seventeen, however, Jensen discovered he was able to use the Force to achieve flight, unlocking this power when he found himself in mortal danger after falling off his hoverboard.Although Jensen was able to use Force Flight from then on, he rarely used this ability, as he preferred to use either his hoverboard or to use Force Jump, which was easier to use. Jensen was also capable of Floating Medication, which he often employed to gather his thoughts, reflect on the past, or just to calm down.

Republic Emblem SWTOR
Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic
Connor Zavarai
3622 BBY
In office
2 Concordia 3622 BBY
(about 1 hour)
Vasara Tanis
3622 BBY – 3614 BBY
President of the Galactic Republic
Kuvira Laghima
(as Great Uniter)
3606 BBY – 3600 BBY
In office
3600 BBY – 3580 BBY
Vasara Tanis
3580 BBY – 3578 BBY
Hayledea family sigil
Hayledea family
First generation
Vanara HayledeaTheodore Hayledea
Second generation
Johanna HayledeaThomas HayledeaGabriel Hayledea (by marriage)Sarah Eridon (by marriage)
Third generation
Jensen HayledeaJain HayledeaLysander HayledeaLarissa HayledeaJonas HayledeaLaranna Lazarus (by marriage)
Fourth generation
Luke HayledeaKuvira Laghima (by adoption)Jay HayledeaNoa HayledeaRosalina HayledeaGale Hayledea