Star Wars Fanon

The Jedi Service Corps was an organization formed by the Jedi High Council during the Inter-Sith Wars era as a branch of the Jedi Order's academy. Membership within the Service Corps was voluntary, and many Jedi Knights and Masters would attach themselves to the Corps as they followed their path in the Force. Despite this, many of its members had failed to pass their Trials and therefore could not proceed in moving up in rank within the Order. The Council of Reassignment was eventually created to govern the Service Corps and assign failed Padawans or Initiates to serve in one of the branches.


Founded in 3,865 BrS, the Jedi Service Corps was created by the Jedi High Council to assist the galaxy heal from generations of instability. Sending farmers, educators, and healers out into the Republic, the Service Corps helped restore many planets to their former strength, as well as helping to bring alien worlds into the Republic. Born out of the need to reconcile the feelings of frustration and mistrust held by the galactic populace after over a century of Force-users clashing in violent wars, the Order hoped to send out emissaries that could promote wellness and restore the faith of the people in the Order. To implement this the Order began to direct Initiates and adepts that proved weak in the Force into the Service Corps. These failed Jedi would never become Jedi Knights; instead they would hone their Force talents in specific niche studies that would allow them to serve humbly across the galaxy.

The Service Corps was organized out of existing groups within the Order and codified into four distinct groups at its inception: the Agricultural Corps, the Medical Corps, the Educational Corps, and the Exploration Corps. Serving both a humanitarian role and a political one, the Service Corps' first mandate was to serve the people and elevate the standard of living across the galaxy. The AgriCorps would become the largest of the four branches, training the use the Force to end hunger across civilized space. Members of the AgriCorps specialized in encouraging crop growth, ending famine, cultivating new ways to farm, and ward off plague and pestilence. Maintaining greenhouses and laboratories across the Republic, the AgriCorps became associated with the Republic Agricultural Administration and targeted worlds with rich soil good for planting mass crop loads capable of feeding entire planets.

During the centuries of fighting and desperation that defined the New Sith Wars, membership in the Service Corps was considered an honorable alternative to serving in the Army of Light and commended by the High Council, which took a negative view of the Army's existence.
