Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The Jedi Order was an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force. The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, serving both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Led by a series of administrative Councils, the Order grew over the millennia despite facing many trials, most often threats from the Sith Empire, wielders of the dark side of the Force. With membership spanning thousands of species and drawing from every world within the Republic and the Confederacy, the Order was at its height in the decades proceeding the Clone Wars and the defeat of their ancient nemesis, the Sith. Based on Ossus, the Jedi had academies on a multitude of worlds where Force-sensitives trained and studied the ways of the Force.

During several Great Schisms dissident Jedi broke away from the Order, leading to several wars including the Hundred-Year Darkness, after which the fallen Jedi fled, and founded the Sith Empire. The Sith were eventually found by the Republic and their discovery led to the Great Hyperspace War and a Sith invasion of Coruscant. The Jedi on Coruscant, led by Jedi Guardian Anavus Svag and Jedi Grand Master Memit Nadill, successfully defended the planet and defeated the Sith. Their dark side brethren wouldn't stay defeated for long, however, and during the next several thousand years many wars would be fought. A millennium after the Great Sith War, the Mandalorians saw their chance and attacked the weakened Republic. After the war the Jedi that had led the Republic's military, Revan and Alek Squinquargesimus, disappeared. When they returned it became clear they had turned to the dark side, and during the ensuing war many Jedi died. During the aftermath the Order was left numbering less than one-hundred Jedi, until it was rebuilt by Meetra Surik and the remaining active Jedi. Over a millennium later, the galaxy was again engulfed in a war between the Republic and the Sith. Led by Lord Hoth, the Jedi were able to regroup and push back the Sith, who eventually withdrew to the planet Ruusan. After seven long battles on Ruusan, the Sith were defeated and presumed wiped out. One of them managed to survive and reorganize the defeated Sith Order. Though Darth Bane and the Sith Lords that followed in his footsteps remained hidden; they were patient. Millennia later they revealed themselves, determined to have their revenge.

At the height of a separatist crisis, the Republic was split in two and a war once again engulfed the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, the Republic's armies were once again led by the Jedi. However, nobody expected that the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic was, in fact, a Sith Lord. The Jedi eventually learned the truth, striking down the Sith in a vicious fight for survival. Reinvigorated from their near destruction, the Order entered into a decades-long renaissance which sparked a Golden Age of expansion, growth and a deeper understanding of the Force.

History of the Jedi Order[]

Origin and prehistory[]

The history of the Jedi Order begins with the fall of the Ainur's reign over the galaxy. The Ainur, or Celestials as historians knew them, had held dominion over the galaxy for untold millennia, using the Forceful species of the galaxy as laborers in their unknowable schemes of world-building and the seeding of worlds. When the Ainur became aware that their client species' connection to the Force began to dwindle slowly over time, they became concerned for the galaxy, fearing the Force would diminish completely and life would die out. Crafting massive arks to harvest Force-sensitives from burgeoning species from across the galaxy, the Ainur retreated beyond the galactic rim and left the Tho Yor arks to fulfill their purpose. Moving across the galaxy over the millennia, the Tho Yor hid on worlds, slowly accumulating Forceful groups, cults, and civilizations until they had gathered nine million pilgrims. Departing for the Deep Core, the Tho Yor traveled to the planet Tython amid the dangerous and bewildering blackholes and star clusters at the heart of the galaxy. Scholars, warriors, and philosophers; priests, scientists, and healers, of a multitude of species gathered above Tython in the nine Tho Yor in 36,418 BrS, or 0 TYA, amid a violent Force storm. Once the storm quieted, the Tho Yor separated, descending to the world's surface and spreading out across the many continents. Each pilgrim awoke alone, scattered across the planet without memory of their travels. Bound only through their connection to the Force, the scattered pilgrims found one another, gathering into nine tribes surrounding the nine Tho Yor. Quickly enough, these strangers gathered to discuss their discoveries involving the enigmatic and mystical energy known as the Force. Naming themselves Tythans, the nine tribes of Tython sensed one another, quickly coming to the realization that each tribe had arrived at the same time on the planet, and there were no other observable sentients present on the jungle world. Over the course of the following decade, the tribes recreated stone age technology, using what little tech they had carried with them onto the Tho Yor. Creating carts and sailboats, the Tythans longed to unite with the other tribes they sensed in the Force, struggling to cross the violent seas and the forbidding jungles. Studying the ominous arks that floated over them, the Tythans could glean nothing from the Tho Yor, which remained as silent sentinels above their settlements. As it became abundantly apparent that the ships which bore them into the Deep Core would not be taking them back to their homeworlds, the Tythans turned their attention wholly to surviving on their new home, which tantalized their curiosity to understand the palpable strength of the Force which promised revelation.

Even as some continued to seek a way offworld, most of the older Tythans began to establish laboratories, libraries, and agoras for open discussion. However, their studies of the Force were not meant to be idyllic and without danger. While safe from persecution, exile, and discrimination many had faced on their homeworlds, the Tythans learned that Tython was not a garden world, but a planet struggling for Balance in the Force. Fierce beasts and plants posed a threat to their survival, with raids by carnivorous beasts as frequent as the attacks by enormous flowering mawmouts. With the wildlife striving to kill them off, the Tythans quickly learned to defend themselves from among the myriad cultural techniques shared by the different races. Wookiees taught their tribe members to imbue wooden clubs with enchanted jewels and metal bands, while the Twi'leks and Cathar shared their skills with metallurgy and bows respectively. Each tribe quickly formed a guard corps that patrolled the perimeter of their settlements, wielding clubs and swords imbued with the Force and capable of fending off the violent beasts which sought to devour the Tythans. Tython had more potent threats then living beasts; Force storms ravaged the planet's surface as the dark and light aspects of the Force vied for control. Observing the world around them, the Tythans noted two moons in orbit around the planet: one shrouded in darkness, the other bathed in light. Naming them Bogan and Ashla respectively, the Tythans associated these satellites with the duality of the Force: light and dark sides of the same cosmic energies. When the dark side grew in strength within the Force, the world was ravaged by groundquakes, volcanic eruptions, and plagues. When the light was ascendant devastating rains, floods, and windstorms tore at the world. After the loss of several cities and colonies to these storms, the Tythans sought answer within the Force. Adherents of the Dai Bendu traditions organized the tribal leaders into a Gathering of nine, one leader for each tribe, and offered answers and guidance to the questions the Tythans asked. Determining that Balance was the best way forward, the Gathering of tribal leaders declared themselves the Je'daii, from the Bendu terms je and daii, meaning mystic center. The nine Je'daii began to speak publicly, espousing the benefits of living a balanced life. The different groups within each tribe eventually came to see the wisdom of these teachings and began to learn to structure their lives around these tenets. As the teachings of the Je'daii spread, Tython became more hospitable. Disease and famine became rare, storms were less severe, and eruptions and groundquakes less seldom. Each Je'daii passed his or her teachings on to a band of apprentices and eventually the Grand Je'daii from each tribe was attended by a court of philosopher-scientists specialized in different rituals and arts. As the millennium passed, the Je'daii had established settlements around each of the Tho Yor becoming centers of learning and knowledge. The Je'daii served as a governing institution for centuries, ruling as philosopher kings as the Tythans diversified their studies and skills. With the number of Je'daii expanding rapidly, as families and dynasties began to form amid the theocratic states, the Je'daii deemed it necessary to begin construction on a centralized education facility for the Forceful youths of the Je'daii. Within the shadow of Seh-kohlah Tho Yor, Grand Je'daii Padaw of the Ani tribe commissioned the expansion of the tribe's historic castle-fortress. Comprised of a massive above ground structure and several levels of subbasements, Ani Kesh, or the Castle of the Ani tribe, was renamed Padaw Ani Kesh and opened as the Academy of the Je'daii in 434 TYA. Sending their youth to the academy within the Ani tribe's lands, the relationship between tribes grew increasingly close, and borders began to fall away. Nordia Gral, the appointed first leader of Padaw Ani Kesh, designed a regimen not only for the training of the young students at the academy, but also for their trials after they left their initial schooling. Recognizing the dangers of Tython and the challenges it would present to the young, Gral declared that a graduate of the academy would have the tools needed to face the wilds of the world. On their first self-sustained adventure across the planet. These graduates, known as Journeyers, were required to travel to each of the planet's great cities on their own, on a mission of self-discovery and planetary exploration. Because most of the planet was still unexplored, Gral believed that Journeyers should shape the future immediately after their schooling by mapping and exploring the world and adding to the general knowledge base of the tribes. While understanding that some Journeyers would perish along the way, Gral believed that in order to exist in smooth Balance within the Force, one must first confront its sharp edges.

Having formed a thriving community over the millenium despite dramatic reduction in population from their initial nine million, the Tythan population was comprised of five million citizens; 60% were Je'daii, 10% were untrained Forcefuls, and 30% were non-Forceful. While the Je'daii ruling class became more and more numerous, not all of their children could wield the Force, as the children of two Forceful individuals were not guaranteed to have the same skill as their parents. These non-Forcefuls were defenseless from the harsh reality of Tython's ecosystem, and despite the efforts of their Je'daii governors and defenders, many did not make it to old age. The solution to this attrition was to restrict the travels of non-Forceful Tythans to within city limits, sheltering them from the dangers within the dense jungles, sprawling mountains, and vast oceans. The flaw within this system was laid plain in 1,000 TYA during the celebration of the new millennium. Within the walls of the great city of Auxum, celebrants gathered to observe the rising of the sun of the second millennium. Dawn never came for much of Aurum, as the eruption of Mount Kaleth lead to the city's destruction and the death of most of its non-Forceful residents. When the Gathering of Grand Je'daii convened, they began to undertake the mournful task of dealing with their non-Forceful offspring. Half a decade later, the Grand Masters declared Tython unfit for the non-Forceful and a so began the space race in earnest. While the foundry at Vur Tepe had long been churning out ground and aircraft, limited progress in the way of spacecraft had been seen. With this new task laid before them however, the Je'daii set to their work and within twenty short years had constructed trips capable of short-range travel. And so it was in 1,026 TYA that the first ships left Tython and landed on the moons of Bogan and Ashla. Exploring the surfaces of both moons, the Je'daii and the non-Forceful Tythans began constructing massive stone cities on the surface of both moons, creating beautiful stepped pyramids with garden terraces and plentiful storehouses. With work well underway on these new colonies, the Je'daii began to send their non-Forceful loved ones out from Tython for their own safety. Families were torn apart, loved ones divided, dynasties rent asunder. Despite being far away, the so-called Children of the Je'daii maintained a relationship with Tython, sending back Force-sensitive children for training in the ways of the Force. With all citizens of Tython serving as Je'daii by 1,029 TYA, the Grand Je'daii formally declared the existence of the Je'daii Order and codified many of its practices. Gone were the city states that once defined each tribe, and in their place rose the Great Temples of the Je'daii, a unified planetary Order.

Golden age of Tython[]

With the ascension of the Je'daii Order, exploration of the Force became the main focus of the Je'daii as they no longer had to protect their non-Forceful loved ones from the planet. New techniques in manipulating the energy came about as Journeyers and Masters alike strove for greater understanding of the universe. At Akar Kesh, Vur Tepe, Bodhi, Lapi'Zakul Kesh, Yanivartek, and Anil Kesh, the Je'daii studied the Balance, metallurgy, the arts, survival, Force skills, and astrology respectively. Over time, academies fell into disuse or were destroyed, re-purposed or converted to new uses. By 3,987 TYA, the nine Great Temples of the Je'daii had come to exist: Akar Kesh, Vur Tepe, Bodhi, Anil Kesh, Padawan Kesh, Mahara Kesh, Kaleth, Qigong Kesh, and Stav Kesh. Across the planet, the Je'daii found ways to use the Force for defense, science, and exploration. The ability to manipulate the thoughts of others, create illusions that lasted decades, control weather and the elements, and much greater strengths then any of the individual traditions of their ancestors were able to do. Despite being alone on Tython, the Je'daii located ruins of ancient civilizations all across Tython, with their greatest scholars linking many structures back to the Kwa and Gree cultures their forebearers had written about upon their arrival on the planet. Artifacts found on Tython that were suspected to be of Gree or Kwa origin were kept hidden by the Je'daii Council, becoming simple rumors among the bulk of the Order. As their power grew, the Je'daii sought to use their ability to conduct good deeds. Sending their youngest, able-bodied Je'daii to the moons to oversee law and order among the Children of Tython, the Order found that the Je'daii could serve as peacekeepers and investigators among the non-Forceful. Eventually, the Je'daii aided the Children of Tython in expanding out into the rest of the star system, taking up residence first on Kalimahr, then its moons, and then onward to the other astral bodies in the star system. For ten millennia the Je'daii grew in the Force and learned to master it, while also serving as the guardians of peace and justice within the Tython system, ranging between the Settled Worlds inhabited by the many Children of the Je'daii. Eventually, as technology allowed, some citizens of the Tython system were eager to return to the stars and find their ancestral homeworlds. Sleeper ships were constructed and sent out into the galaxy over the many centuries; while the Je'daii Council did not expressly encourage such journeys, they assigned fifty Je'daii per ship to accompany them out into the galaxy.

Despite their vows of service, the Je'daii were not always viewed as heroes by the citizens of the Tython system. Intervening in conflict when asked, or intervening at the Force's urging, the Je'daii became mysterious and feared. Some resented the Je'daii for taking all Force-sensitive children back to Tython for training in the ways of the Je'daii, branding them as abductors and strange wizards. Becoming estranged from the mystics of Tython, the citizens of the Settled Worlds sometimes rebuffed the Order's attempts to help and assist their non-Forceful brethren. Sometimes, this fear of the Je'daii manifested in violence, as it did during the Despot Wars. Queen Hadiya of Shikakwaa mustered an army and struck forth at Tython, landing forces on the world and attempting to rest control of the Great Temples from the Je'daii. Struck down by one of her own generals, a Je'daii masquerading as her lover, the pain of the Despot War marked the people of the Settled Worlds as they rebuilt their cities ruined by the fighting. As the Je'daii helped to rebuild, mistrust continued to simmer below the surface.

Force Wars[]

Rakatan invasion[]

While the Je'daii flourished in seclusion in the Deep Core over the millennia, the rest of the galaxy had been subjected to the reign of the Infinite Empire. Once client species of the Kwa, the Rakata species gathered their strength and declared their sovereignty over vast swathes of their former masters' territory. Sending out agents, known as Force Hounds, to locate worlds strong in the Force and to imprison their Force-sensitives, the Infinite Empire was made aware of the planet Tython in 10,660 TYA. Sending out a fleet to conquer the world, the Rakata hoped to find an answer to their diminishing Force-sensitivity. When a scout ship from the Infinite Empire breached the system and crash-landed on Tython, a massive Force storm racked the planet, alerting the Je'daii to the Empire's push into the Tython system. Stripping the ship of any and all valuable clues as to the alien culture which designed it, the Je'daii quickly learned of an impending invasion and began mass-producing a mysterious weapon known as the Forcesaber in the forges of Vur Tepe. The saber, introduced by the Force Hound who discovered the planet, was a sword of pure energy extending from a metal hilt; the weapon drew upon the dark side of the Force and was a dangerous tool in the hands of the Je'daii. When the Infinite Empire launched its attack on the system, the Je'daii rallied the defense forces of the Settled Worlds and met the Rakata in combat. The violence lasted over a year, resulting in heavy casualties among both sides. Already war-weary from the Despot Wars a decade prior, the Settled Wars' defenses crumbled to Infinite Empire's powerful Force-powered technology. Pushing one by one through the Settled Worlds, the Rakata assaulted Tython itself, seeking an ancient Kwa construct known as a hypergate. The gate, located deep under the Great Temple of Anil Kesh, was the site of the last pitched battle between the Je'daii forces and the Rakata. Unleashing their pens of alchemically-altered beasts, the Je'daii plunged into the forbidden depths of the Chasm hoping to prevent the activation of the hypergate but failed; the Rakata were successful in activating the gate. As the end seemed at hand, a lone Je'daii Seer activated a Kwa holocron, which triggered the Tho Yor to defend Tython. Using their hidden weapon systems, the Tho Yor destroyed the hypergate, blasted apart the Infinite Empire's fleet and sending the survivors scattering into the wilderness.

Civil War[]

While the Rakata were defeated after the Tho Yor activated their defense systems, the Order was left heavily fractured. One sect of Je'daii threw their support behind Daegen Lok, an exiled Je'daii who had been banished during the Despot War for a vision that predicted the war with the Rakata. Lok sought to harness the power of the Forcesaber and the Rakatan weaponry and leave Tython in search of the rest of the Infinite Fleet and destroy the Empire. The rest of the Order, under the leadership of the Council, believed that the old ways held the most promise for a bright future, and would help them rebuild the system after the destruction of war. Denouncing Lok's cabal as heretics and dark side adherents who were deeply out of Balance, the Council commanded that the Forcesabers be destroyed and that Lok's followers report to Bogan to meditate and find Balance. In addition, a faction of Je'daii began espousing use of the light side only, to counter the dark side wielders. These Je'daii again refused orders from Akar Kesh to go to the moons for meditation and announced themselves as the Ashla'Je'daii, seizing the Temple of Balance and casting out Temple Master Ketu. While the Ashla'Je'daii amassed amassed themselves as Akar Kesh, the Bogan'Je'daii rallied around the Forges of Vur Tepe, mass-producing more Forcesabers to wield against their enemies.

For nine years, the Ashla and Bogan Je'daii clashed, costing the Order much of their resources and ending many lives. The fighting saw the burning of temples, the murder of masters, pillaging, rape, and torture of unprecedented degree all across Tython. Heroes that had fought side by side on the battlefield against he Rakata, reveled in each others deaths and misery. When the Ashla'Je'daii were able to muster the strength, they struck out against the Bogan'Je'daii's stronghold at Vur Tepe and struck down several leading members of their army. With the armies of the Ashla'Je'daii away, Daegon Lok, leader of the Bogan'Je'daii, struck at Akar Kesh in hopes of dealing them a severe blow. Engaging Ortis Rajivari at the peak of Akar Kesh, Lok and Rajivari were enveloped in a Force storm of unrecognizable magnitude. When Lok was struck down by the strength and purity of the light side, Tython was enveloped in light in an event known as the Force Cataclysm. When Rajivari looked out at Tython from the summit of Akar Kesh, he saw only devastation. The world burned and crackled in the light of the Force, numbing the world to power of the Force itself. Reduced to an uninhabitable ruin, Rajivari gathered the survivors and helped form a new order, one based solely in the light. Convening the first Jedi Council, the Jedi Masters began searching for a way offworld where they might rebuild and cultivate their Order. As negotiations began with wealthy entities across the Settled Worlds who would fund such an enterprise, the Jedi were dealt their first blow when Rajivari was consumed by guilt and attempted to destroy the Jedi Order he had helped build. After his cabal was routed, the Jedi Council abandoned Tython and boarded the massive sleeper ship provided to them by the group known as the Stargazers. Over six million Jedi boarded the ship, with nearly all of them entering into suspended animation as the vessel departed the Tython system and ventured out into the greater galaxy. The remaining Jedi and several non-Forceful crew members piloted their ship out of the system in search of a new home. As much of the Order slept, the surviving members of the Jedi Council began the process of reforming the Order and training a new generation. Equipped with the last surviving text of the Je'daii's great wealth of knowledge and few artifacts from their past, the Jedi believed that they were given command over the Force in order to assist those in need, and that their true calling was to defeat those who used the dark side and vanquish all evil doers.

Finding a new home[]

You must remember that there are over a hundred thousand inhabited worlds in the Republic, and there are now only a few thousand of us. Billions of beings have never seen a Jedi. Millions have never even heard of our Order. Or of the Force. When we do appear, we can be killers, but also healers. Thank the Force for that.
—Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to Padawan Anakin Skywalker

Traveling between the stars, the fledgling Jedi Order cultivated a system of practices and regimens based off of their Je'daii habits. Those who remained awake aboard the sleeper ship were committed to the Jedi way and were devoted to preserving what they could of Tythonian culture. The threat of attack from other alien ships in their travels kept them active and ready for hand-to-hand combat for the first century, but when no attacks came, fear gave way to training in other ways. Meditation, introspection, and Force-studies replaced combat. Remaining a martial order despite this in order to maintain their physical shape aboard the ships, most Jedi concentrated on their studies rather then wielding swords. Directing the ships through the maze of space using the Force, the sleeper ship drifted for centuries, with generations of Jedi living out their entire lives amid the corridors and halls of their ship, watching as their brethren lay in uninterrupted slumber within the vast stasis facilities below decks. After over six centuries of travel, the Jedi Ruling Council detected a planet that seemed to call to them through the Force. With a goal in their minds, the Jedi ship slowly pushed its way across the galaxy, using only the Force and the currents of space to move the vessel to a planet in what the civilized galaxy would call Wild Space. In 25,063 BrS the sleeper ship entered the orbit of the planet Idux, a member state of the Empire of Xim. The Jedi found the planet in a state of disarray and conflict as the Empire's control began to fall apart. Jedi prophets looked to symbols and myth to cement the belief that the Order had been drawn to the world by the Force: the conflict raging on the planet mirrored the Force Storm that plagued Tython when the Tythans first arrived; twin moons were symbolic of the moons Ashla and Bogan; and the two suns Adega Prime and Adega Besh that the planet orbited represented the Balance, as Ossus' climate was most stable when it hung between the two stars. The planet orbited the stars in a figure-eight trajectory, causing a humid season twice a year when all of the surface water evaporate to form a dense cloud cover across the planet's surface.

Landing on the surface of the planet, the Jedi found a lush world of mountains, forests, and savanna land. Vast oceans, large islands, and two massive continents made up the new home of the Jedi. The citizens of the Xim's Empire that survived on the planet were suspicious of the Jedi at first: aliens of varying races that had never been seen before wielding strange powers descending from space were oft met with hostility across the galaxy. After several negotiations took place, the Iduxians welcomed the Jedi in the wake of the news that the Empire that had once strung the planet's of the region together had collapsed. As for the Jedi, the planet held great promise as it already had many great cities, advanced technology such as starships, repulsor technology, and other abilities that resembled the advanced societies established in the Tython system. Additionally, many Iduxians themselves were Forceful and eligible for training in the Force. Established as the Holy Order of the Jedi, the Jedi Ruling Council gave the go ahead for their engineers and scientists to begin reviving the Je'daii held in stasis. Slowly, over the course of several years, the hundreds of survivors from Tython were released and oriented to the new environment they found themselves. As the Ruling Council began to establish a governing system on the planet as a replacement body for the Empire, Jedi teachers began educating young Iduxians and Je'daii alike in the ways of the Force. Older Je'daii struggled with the new teachings, arguing that the Jedi had strayed far from their original understanding of the Force in the centuries they were sleeping. To remedy this internal conflict, the Jedi Council reorganized itself: six Je'daii Masters and six Jedi Masters would serve on the Council and begin reviewing Jedi teachings. Over the next several decades the Order grew strong on Idux, renaming the planet Ossus, in tribute to the wise Master D'jek Ossus, an early High Prophet aboard the sleeper ship. The Jedi quickly shaped Ossus into a world wholly their own, teaching the people of the world to respect life, practice a scholarly and fulfilling existence, and to value education, peace, and justice. The Ruling Council established itself within the city of Buljing, the ancient capital of Ossus, from where the Order's prophets could turn their eyes to the galaxy for greater answers.

A tremendous answer came in the form of alien ships in 24,972 BrS when emissaries of the fledgling Galactic Republic arrived on the planet. These explorers discovered Ossus as part of the blazing of the Perlemian Trade Route, a hyperspace corridor opening the Galactic Core to the Tionese throne worlds. Arranging talks with the Republic, the Jedi Ruling Council was made incredibly uneasy by the delegation, as they were informed that the Republic had already had interaction with Jedi in the past. Baffled, the Ruling Council feared that the Republic was indeed an offshoot of the Infinite Empire, explaining how the two organizations would have crossed paths on Tython. When pushed for answers, the Republic insisted that its relations with the Order had been warm and that the groups had only parted ways after the members of the Order assisted in the Unification War that forged the Republic. Ever cautious, the Jedi agreed to consider a partnership with the Republic so long as they had time to consult the Force. Giving Ossus space, the Republic pulled back from the world and the Jedi sought guidance from the Force. Eventually, Councilor Haune Tiar was dispatched to tour the Republic and bring back counsel for the Order. After two decades of exploration and discovery, Tiar returned to Ossus and emphatically implored the Council to form an alliance with the growing democracy. Inspired by the Republic's commitment to peace, democracy, and cooperation, the Order vowed to serve as the Republic's advisers, defenders, and ambassadors in 24,918 BrS.

The First Great Schism[]

As the Order welcomed Republic citizens to Ossus, the leaders of the Jedi began to be influenced by other thinkers who had been involved in galactic affairs much longer than they had. The most prominent influence was a group of Caamasi who preached the principles of justice laid forth by Hespecia Tik'kla; these teachings would lay the framework for the Jedi Order's view of galactic justice and their role as peacekeepers. At the same time, the Jedi High Council began to assert its authority over the members of the Order, limiting individuality and crafting several exclusionary regulations. Stretching out across the galaxy, the Jedi discovered that members of the Je'daii Order had already made strongholds in the Core and elsewhere, confirming that early sleeper ships had been successful in their missions to leave the Tython system generations ago. Worlds such as Corellia, Koros Major, and Coruscant all boasted their own Order of Jedi, with unique traditions and abilities. Encouraging them to join the bulk of the Order on Ossus, many other Force-traditions brought their multitude of devotees and members to study on Ossus. The High Council slowly began an agenda of attrition and conversion, believing the Jedi Path to be the best. Over time those who came to Ossus left as Jedi, and their own traditions and beliefs were absorbed into Jedi teachings or obscured. Around this time a Kashi Mer exile named Nikola Xendor gained a large following on Ossus, taking counsel from a Steel Hand of Palawa named Arden Lyn who urged him to study the ancient Force traditions of the Bogan. Believing that the Jedi were too complacent in their studies, Xendor sought to form an academy of his own where his followers would study the traditions of the Chatos Academy, the Dai Bendu, the Palawa, the Kashi Mer, the Baron Do, and the Protectorate of the Hidden. Viewing these traditions as being focused too squarely on the Bogan, the High Council denied Xendor's request, causing him to break peacefully from the Order to found his own academy on Lettow in the Core, far from Ossus. As the Order witnessed a surge in renunciates following Xendor, the High Council deemed the so called Legions of Lettow a heretical group which strayed dangerously close to studies of the Bogan and the outflow of students was deemed the Great Schism. Pushing Xendor and his band of schismatics into open conflict, the Jedi Order quickly rallied an army from among the Iduxians with which to crush the Legions of Lettow. With a much larger arsenal of space-worthy craft, the Order waited for Xendor and his Legionnaires to attack first. When the Legionnaires landed ships on Ossus, the Order unleashed its full fury on the renunicates, driving them from the Jedi homeworld and sending them fleeing down the Perlemian. Chasing the Legionnaires from the Rim to the Core, the Order waged war on Chandrila, Brentaal, Metellos and Coruscant itself, while Xendor attempted to spread propaganda about the Jedi throughout the Republic as the war broke out, warning against the Jedi and their guise as peacekeepers. The Republic saw through Xendor's attempts to discredit the strange monks from Ossus and so began aiding the Jedi in the war effort. Finally, Jedi Grand Master Awdrysta Pina managed to confront Xendor at the battle of Columus and slay the leader of the Legions. In the following months, the rest of the Legions of Lettow were routed and the Great Schism finally ended.

Despite their brief military allegiance with the Republic during the Great Schism, the Order was seldom seen throughout the greater galaxy since their settling on Ossus. Because of this the Order's warnings of impending war went unheeded by the Republic government until the Tionese were on their doorstep. As the Tionese War erupted across the Perlemian Trade Route, the Order's attempts to divide Tionese allegiances were abandoned and the Jedi withdrew again to Ossus to avoid involvement in the war. From their ancient fortress world, the Jedi contemplated the war, struggling to see how they fit into the galactic crisis at hand. After a long internal debate, the Jedi High Council declared for the Republic and entered into service as commanders in the Republic Army to crush the Tionese threat. As the war was all but won, the Republic sterilized the planet Desevro in an event which horrified the Order. Meeting above the ruined world, the Jedi struck a deal with the Republic that, while they could not serve the government, they would establish a network of Watchmen to protect the Perlemian from the Tionese and Hutts from a series of fortress worlds including Ossus, Falang Minor, and Haashimut. When the war with the Tionese had been resolved, the Republic decided to disband its military and rely on sector- and system-based defense fleets, earning back the trust and allegiance of the Jedi Order. With this new system intact, the Jedi began to search the galaxy for the Jedi that the Republic scouts had reportedly worked with during the Unification War. While the Green Jedi of Republic and the Krath of Koros Major were already known to Ossus signs of several Jedi colony worlds, all of different origins, began to become more apparent. Some appeared to be worlds colonized by the long lost sleeper ships that had been departing Tython centuries before the Je'daii abandoned the Deep Core. Among these worlds, Je'daii had preserved their traditions and taught of the Balance between Ashla and Bogan. On other worlds, the Warriors of Ashla or the Knights of Bogan had overcome the Balance teachings and ruled accordingly. Still other worlds had been inhabited by surviving Bogan Je'daii that escaped the cataclysms at the end of the Force Wars. The Jedi Order responded carefully to these groups, absorbing some and eradicating others. The Bogan Je'daii that had taken root on Palawa saw that the Order was blamed for the world's devastation when the Order attempted to convert them to the light. Other groups avoided detection, or simply maintained autonomy from the Jedi through contract with local governments and the Republic. Eventually, the Jedi Order was the dominant Force-using organization in the galaxy, leaving others to irk out an existence in isolation on backwaters and in private retreats.

The beginning of the Sith[]

The relationship between the Republic and the Order flourished for millennia following the defeat of the Legionnaires and the war with the Tionese. Forming academies and chapter houses across the stars and representing the Republic as ambassadors to new worlds, the Order grew in size until there were millions of Jedi active across the Republic. While the High Council exerted some oversight to its members, their seat of power was on Ossus, and they were forced to trust their members on far-flung worlds with their responsibilities without the benefit of direct surveillance. The Republic's need of the Jedi was at its height during the Alsakan Conflicts, which played out sporadically from the first war in 16,983 BrS through the assassination of Republic Chancellor Pers'lya in 11,952 BrS. In the wake of his death the enigmatic Chancellor Contispex I, a member of the Pius Dea faith, was installed in the highest echelon of galactic governance. During his reign, the fanatical Chancellor began a series of crusades which would come in the form of war, purges, and genocide. Officially known as the Recusal, the Jedi Order declared itself independent from the Republic in 11,898 BrS and completely withdrew back to Ossus, shuttering its academies across the stars or sheltering in place when they could not. Throughout the next millennium, the Jedi Order fought an internal struggle regarding the correct response to the insanity of the Contispex dynasty and the Pius Dea rule it had established. While the majority of the Order refused to fight against the very government it had protected for millennia, some Jedi served as Knights errant, taking the fight to the cultists without the permission of the High Council. Others declared for the Pius Dea, forming a splinter group called the Ordu Aspectu, or more mockingly, the Order of the Terrible Glare. These Jedi began to experiment with the notions of immortality, abducting Jedi Padawans to serve as fodder for their experiments. It wasn't until the 11,100s BrS that the Order was approached by their old allies, the Caamasi, and were finally convinced to end their period of isolationism and intervene. The Jedi High Council joined with the Bureau of Ships and Services in seeding the cathedral ships of the Pius Dea with a crippling virus, and plotting to arrest the current Chancellor. In a stunning move, a Jedi strike team boarded Chancellor Contispex XIX's flagship, the Flame of Sinthara and arrested him on war crime charges. In accordance with the terms set forth by the Jedi Order at the start of their involvement, the Jedi High Council suspended the Galactic Senate and placed Grand Master Biel Ductavis in the position of Supreme Chancellor.

A few generations later, the Jedi Order had returned to their peaceful ways on Ossus upon seeing the Republic make a full recovery from the Pius Dea Era. However in 6,968 BrS the Jedi suffered a Second Great Schism, resulting in a time known to history as the Hundred-Year Darkness. The schism stemmed from the Order's reaction to a group of heretical Jedi experimenting with forbidden alchemy. While alchemy had long been acceptable within the Order's ranks, a steady growth of conservative Councilors had eaten away at the old teachings and saw the art banned a millennium prior. The monstrosities which arose were deemed abominations to the Force by the High Council and war was begun to end the practice of these dark arts. By this time the Order had managed to develop the lightsaber in a way in which it was useful in hand-to-hand combat. Used before as a siege weapon due to its massive power pack, the Order's scientists were able to create a transportable power pack which could be worn on the belt of the user. Crossing blades with the heretics, the Jedi Order's reaction set in motion a series of attacks that would span a century. Known to history as the Hundred-Year Darkness, the fallen Jedi ruined worlds, destroyed cultures, and annihilated or mutated entire species for decades. Using apocrypha obtained from the ancient vaults of the Ordu Aspectu, these alchemists took up residence on Rhen Var where they worshiped the dark side and twisted life to their will. Known as the Ordu Negruum, the Negruum Warriors battled the Jedi fiercely and seeded countless worlds with their spawn. The conflict finally saw its end with the victory at the battle of Corbos in 6,863 BrS. There the Jedi Order arrested the twelve surviving Negruum Warriors, led by High General Ajunta Pall, and banished them to Wild Space. Unknown to the Jedi, these Exiles would land on the planet Korriban, homeworld of the Sith species, and conquer the natives, deeming themselves the Dark Lords of the Sith. Shortly after settling on Korriban, a splinter group of exiles, led by Remulus Dreypa, returned to Republic space to enact vengeance, but were intercepted by a Jedi patrol. The Jedi pursued those Sith across the galaxy, until both factions crash-landed on the planet Kesh. After a period of fighting, the two factions made peace and formed a new organization called the Doomed, striving to achieve balance between the light and the dark sides of the force. Meanwhile, the Korriban Sith would eventually move their headquarters to Ziost where they would form the massive Sith Empire, an Order of dark side warriors who would dream of crushing their Jedi oppressors.

The Great Hyperspace War[]

The Republic has grown and expanded for many generations, encountering no worse than a few interplanetary squabbles and civil wars…but if we should confront the fabled Sith Empire, we will experience a war so great, so devastating…it can cross the fabric of hyperspace, a conflagration spanning the Galaxy…
—Master Ooroo

In 4,965 BrS an attack on the Koros system by the Sith Empire introduced the Republic and the Jedi Order to the Sith and sparked the beginning of the Great Hyperspace War. The battle began shortly after a Jedi Knight named Odan-Urr had a nightmarish vision of the death of Sith Lord Marka Ragnos, and the war against the Republic that it would cause. He traveled to Coruscant with Jedi Master Memit Nadill and Teta, the empress of Koros, to voice his concerns in front of the Galactic Senate, though they did not take him seriously, and took no action. Returning to Koros, Jedi Nadill, Odan-Urr and Urr's master Ooroo were present when a young convict named Jori Daragon burst into Teta's chambers, telling the Jedi that she had seen the great Sith Empire, and that they were on their way to attack the Republic. Nadill learned as much as he could about the Sith Empire, then traveled to Coruscant to rally the support of the Jedi Knights. The newly christened Dark Lord of the Sith, Naga Sadow, deployed his fleets to invade numerous Republic worlds simultaneously while he left his eye-shaped Sith Meditation Sphere near Primus Goluud and used Sith magic to create thousands of illusory soldiers, which made the Sith army seem far larger than it actually was. The Jedi Order played a huge role in the defense of Coruscant, with Memit Nadill leading a team of Jedi Knights, including Tuknatan and Sonam-Ha'ar. Meanwhile, another battle was raging on the planet of Kirrek, where Jedi Master Ooroo and his apprentice Odan-Urr were stationed. However, when Naga Sadow's concentration was broken, the illusory Sith forces disappeared and the Republic's forces' morale was bolstered. On Coruscant, the Jedi realized what had happened and launched a massive counterattack, easily defeating the Sith. The Republic also emerged victorious on Kirrek, however only at the expense of the death of Master Ooroo, who sacrificed his life in defeating a large force of Massassi warriors. With the Sith forces routed, Supreme Chancellor Pultimo ordered the sacking of Sith Space, liberating the Sith from the Dark Lords and ultimately dissolving the Empire.

In 4,367 BrS, the ambitious Padawan Freedon Nadd was denied Knighthood by his Jedi Masters. In an attempt to find out why this had happened, Nadd went to Jedi Master Matta Tremayne, who challenged him to prove to her that he was indeed a Jedi Knight. Nadd saw this as a threat and decided to attack and kill Tremayne. Furious at the Jedi Masters for making him kill his teacher, Nadd went looking for the Sith, because he felt that they were the only ones who would readily accept his apprenticeship and teach him about the Force. During his travels, Nadd discovered the Sith Lord Naga Sadow who was serving out his exile on Yavin 4. Awakening from his status chamber, Sadow trained Freedon Nadd in the ways of the dark side only to be killed by Nadd when his training was complete. Following Sadow's death, Nadd abandoned Yavin 4 in favor of Onderon, located outside Republic space, with hopes of rebuilding a stronger Sith Empire. After Freedon Nadd had made himself the leader of the capital city of Iziz, the Sith Lord began to exile all criminals from the city; some of whom managed to survive in the deadly jungles surrounding the city and organize into a tribe of hunter-gatherers. The world of Onderon suffered through the legacy of Nadd even after his death as a cult devoted to his memory, known as the Naddists, wreaked havoc on the people of the planet. When Jedi Master Arca Jeth attempted to move Freedon Nadd's remains to Onderon's moon Dxun the Naddists, led by Onderonian King Ommin, attacked and managed to capture Nadd's remains as well as Jeth himself. Ommin then fled to the city of Iziz. The Republic's army converged on the planet and attacked Iziz, but was too strong and devastated the city. After the battle, Freedon Nadd's remains were taken to Dxun and sealed in an armored tomb.

The Old Sith Wars[]

Third Great Schism[]

In 4,217 BrS the Jedi experienced a third Great Schism on Coruscant following Nadd's death. Three members of the Jedi High Council and the Order's Chief Librarian were exposed to Sith holocrons recovered from the Order's last run in with the Sith Empire. One of these relics, a trap created by the Sith Emperor Vitiate, led to the Jedi Masters' descent into madness. From within the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, the maddened Jedi quietly seduced as many of their colleagues as possible until their madness was discovered. After a brief civil war on Coruscant between the Jedi and the Ravers, as they came to be known, the surviving Ravers retreated to the Vultar system with their stores of Sith treasure. In the system, the Ravers were encouraged by the voices in their heads to unlock the secret weapons technology of the Celestials. Peering through the dark side of the Force, the Ravers realized that the planets that comprised the star system were artificial, and that the system was constructed by the Celestials for a mysterious agenda. Looking for answers, the Ravers determined that the planet Vultar was actually a construct known as the Cosmic Turbine. Capable of powering the entire system, and the mechanism through which the planets in the vicinity were brought through space to their modern orbits, the Ravers attempted to harness the Turbine on behalf of their master, Emperor Vitiate. Using the Force and the holocrons to motivate the Turbine to activate, the Ravers were unable to control the massive alien technology and were utterly and completely destroyed. The cataclysm took with it the Ravers, their holocrons, the Turbine, and all of the planets and citizens of the Vultar system. Known as the Third Great Schism, the Vultar Cataclysm was left as a reminder of the temptations of the dark side of the Force.

The Great Sith War[]

Exar was a Jedi who was corrupted by ghosts of the old Sith, or so they say. He attempted to conquer the Republic and create a new Golden Age of the Sith.
—Master Jolee Bindo reflects on the fall of Padawan Exar Kun.

Over the generations, Ossus had continued to thrive as a Jedi fortress world, holding many treasures and knowledge in Odan-Urr's massive archives known as the Great Jedi Library. The Jedi High Council began to take a more active role in the operations of the Order, and Four Masters oversaw the construction of a massive Temple on Coruscant to house members of the Order responsible for working directly with Republic representatives. At the height of Ossus' heyday in 3,965 BrS, the talented and curious Jedi Exar Kun, having learned about the Golden Age of the Sith, traveled from Ossus to Dxun where he found the tomb of Freedon Nadd. The spirit of Nadd corrupted Kun and the young Jedi surrendered to the dark side of the Force. After first traveling to Korriban, Kun then went to Yavin's fourth moon and took over Naga Sadow's ancient fortresses, enslaving the Massassi race to further his ambitious plans. Destroying Nadd's spirit for the last time, Exar Kun staked his claim as the true heir to the ancient Sith legacy, which was thought to have been destroyed. When word of this unsettling turn of events reached the Jedi High Council, a conclave was called on Deneba to discuss the growing foothold of the Sith. During the conclave, the secret dark side society called the Krath attacked the Jedi with war droids. Led by Aleema and Satal Keto, the Krath were able to kill the legendary Master Arca Jeth, who died while saving his student Ulic Qel-Droma's life. When the Krath were repelled, the Jedi regrouped and returned to Ossus.

Seeking retribution for his masters death Qel'Droma planned an unsanctioned mission to infiltrate the Krath in an attempt to destroy them from within. The Krath, suspecting he was a spy, injected him with a Sith poison and eventually Qel'Droma fell to the dark side and became a Krath general. Concurrently Sith acolyte Exar Kun traveled to Cinnagar to find and destroy Ulic Qel-Droma. However, their duel was interrupted by the spirit of Marka Ragnos, who commanded them to stop fighting each other and form an alliance, declaring them Dark Lords of the Sith. United, the Dark Lords waged war on the Republic, luring young Jedi from Ossus and subverting them to the dark side while in a stunning move, Exar Kun raided the Great Jedi Library and stole the Dark Holocron after murdering the legendary Master Odan-Urr. Elsewhere, Qel-Droma defeated Mandalore the Indomitable, the leader of the Mandalorians, and with their leader defeated the Mandalorian Crusaders agreed to join the Sith. Qel-Droma's Krath and Mandalorian forces laid siege to Coruscant in an all out attack at the heart of the Republic. Jedi forces on the capital were few as their temple remained as just a small hermitage but infighting between Qel-Droma and Aleema Keto allowed for the Republic to score a victory through the capture of Qel-Droma and the retreat of his forces. In the custody of the Republic, Qel-Droma was tried before the Galactic Senate on Coruscant for war crimes. During the hearing, Dark Lord Exar Kun walked into the Senate Hall and executed the Chancellor before a shocked audience and later struck down the wise Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Freeing Qel-Droma, Kun contacted his acolytes within the Jedi Order to assassinate their former Masters in a successful pogrom which left many Jedi dead. At the culmination of their attack on the Order, the Sith Lords made the suns of the Cron Cluster go supernova using Naga Sadow's Sith flagship, which they had discovered on Yavin 4; the exploding stars sent a devastating shock wave through space directly towards Ossus. Aware of their impending doom, the Jedi desperately tried to save as many of the artifacts stored on the world while a mass evacuation took place. In a stunning move, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma arrived on Ossus as the Jedi scattered in an effort to loot the Great Jedi Library. In the upper levels, Master Ood Bnar buried several priceless artifacts just before the Sith arrived. As the Sith attempted to strike him down, Bnar called on the Force to transform his body into that of a tree, a technique which came natural to the Neti. Meanwhile Qel-Droma dueled his brother Cay and killed him in his anger. When confronted with the finality of his actions, Qel-Droma's will was shattered and was then cut off from the Force by the Jedi Nomi Sunrider. A broken shell, Qel-Droma surrendered to the Republic and was escorted off of Ossus as it was swept clean by the supernova's shock wave.

With Qel-Droma in the hands of the Jedi Order, Exar Kun knew that his secret forces on Yavin 4 were in peril. To prevent his ultimate defeat, Kun committed a ritual which took the life from every Massassi on the planet to separate his spirit from his body and bind it to his temple. When Jedi forces arrived on the planet they unleashed a Force-assault on the world, trapping Kun's spirit within his temple indefinitely. With both Sith Lords defeated and the Mandalorian Crusaders defeated on Onderon, the Jedi Order had finally brought an end to the Great Sith War. With many great Masters dead and the fortress world of Ossus uninhabitable, Master Nomi Sunrider called a conclave on Exis Station to formally address the Order and begin the healing process. With the entire Order in attendance, Sunrider accepted the leadership role within the Order and set to rebuild the High Council. Additionally, the headquarters of the Jedi was to be relocated to Coruscant, with major expansions on the existing enclave there to accommodate the entire Order. Relics and texts which had been stored at Exis Station after the destruction of Ossus would be transported to Coruscant as a new Jedi Archives was compiled within the Temple. In addition to her work in rebuilding the Order, Master Sunrider ordered the creation of an underground city on the planet Yavin 4 to aide the recovery of the planet's ecology as well as to ensure that Kun's spirit never returned again.

The Mandalorian Wars[]

It was not your ships or your men or your vaunted 'fight for freedom' that won this, the final battle of the war. It was by the actions of one person—the Jedi Revan—that you prevailed. Revan's strategies and tactics defeated the best of us. Even Mandalore himself was taken aback by the ferocity of his attacks, the tenacity of his defenses, and the subtlety of his plans. Revan fought us to a standstill and then began pushing us back. We didn't really have a chance.
—Mandalore Canderous Ordo postulates on the power of Revan against the Mandalorian forces.

As the Order settled in on Coruscant, the renowned Jedi Seer Krynda Draay saw it as her duty to prevent another war like the one that had just plagued the galaxy and taken so many lives, including that of her husband, Barrison Draay. Resigning from the Order and holing herself away within her late husband's massive Galactic City Estate, Draay began the length process of training an army of Seers without the knowledge of the High Council. As the Order grew complacent in the eyes of Draay, the respected Master created the Covenant, a shadowy organization devoted to spotting and dealing with any shatterpoints that could cause the Sith to emerge again. With her own son, Lucien Draay, as head of the First WatchCircle, Draay and her faithful retainer Haazen guided their movements on Taris as they sought a dangerous weapon of the Sith called the Muur Talisman. The events of the Mandalorian Wars would begin the decline of the Jedi Order. They coincided with a vision seen by four Jedi Masters—the Consular members of the First WatchCircle of the Draay's Covenant—who saw visions of chaos in the Jedi Order and the Republic as well as signs that the responsible party could be one of their Padawans. The Masters decided to strike, but only succeeded in murdering four of their own Padawans who were near Knighthood. Their actions also caused massive civil disorder on Taris—which later made the planet easy prey for the Mandalorians—alienated Padawan Zayne Carrick from the Order, and inadvertently dissolved even their own group, being split up by the High Council and assigned to different postings around the galaxy. As each of the WatchCircle members began to die through mysterious circumstance which resembled their vision of impending doom, one of their number, Master Xamar, revealed the truth of the Covenant to the High Council and confessed his crime. As the High Council moved to secure the Draay Estate, it became clear that the venerated Master Krynda Draay was no longer in command; Haazen, her retainer and secret Sith Acolyte, had taken over and descended into madness. Sending members of the Covenant against the Jedi Temple and hijacking ships from the Republic Navy, Haazen ultimately and inadvertently destroyed the estate and himself through an orbital bombardment.

The Mandalorians, led by Mandalore the Ultimate, began to conquer planets that were left defenseless after the Sith War. By adding the weapons and technology of their victims to their own the Mandalorians soon built a large army, and their territory grew fast. The Republic's efforts to stop the Mandalorians were ineffective, and soon Mandalore took advantage of this weakness by directly attacking Republic space. The Jedi High Council refused to help the Republic, believing that caution was necessary and unwilling to bloody their hands after the last war. The Council's decision set poorly with many young Jedi who, under the leadership of Jedi Knight Revan and his friend Alek, openly defied the Council and leading the Republic's forces in battle. Revan used Mandalorian tactics against his enemies: he was willing to sacrifice one planet if it meant securing victory at a more important one. Under the leadership of Revan and Alek the Republic liberated many planets, and the final battle of the war was fought at Malachor V. During the battle, Revan killed Mandalore in hand-to-hand combat and obliterated the remaining Mandalorian forces. The war with the Mandalorians was over. The Mandalorians had been defeated by a worthy opponent, and destroyed their armor and weapons as a sign of respect. While the Republic failed Revan and Alek, who went by the name Malak, as heroes the High Council was deeply enraged. Ordering all so called Revanchists back to the Coruscant Temple for judgement, the High Council's summons were only respected by General Meetra Surik. Appearing before the Council to await judgement, the Council stripped Surik of her titles and banished her for her role in the destruction of Malachor V. In addition, Jedi Master Kreia, Revan's former mentor, was exiled as the Council felt her 'gray' stance on the Force had led her students, most notably Revan, down the path of the dark side.

The Jedi Civil War[]

The reason the Jedi Civil War was named such was because few in the galaxy can recognize the difference between the Sith and the Jedi. To them, they are both Jedi—with different philosophies.
—Master Mical Herath speaks on the naming of the conflict between the Jedi-Republic forces and the Sith.

At the close of the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Revan and Malak mysteriously disappeared into the Unknown Regions, supposedly pursuing the last remnants of the Mandalorian fleet. Unknown to the Order or the High Council, the two Jedi had traced clues to the planet Dromund Kaas where they discovered that the Sith Empire lived on in secret and was ruled by the mysterious and incredibly powerful Sith Emperor. Unable to stop him, the Emperor reprogrammed the Jedi and sent them back to the Republic as the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Returning to the Republic with their loyal followers in tow, the newly christened Sith Lords began to wage a second war, preying on a Republic already weakened by the Mandalorians and taking full advantage of the immense number of Jedi who were still willing to follow the pair. This Jedi Civil War pitted masters against students, fathers against sons, and friends against best friends, making it one of the most emotionally powerful wars in galactic history. While the early stages of the war were indecisive, it soon became apparent that Revan's Sith armada was growing at a steady rate, and in a short time the Republic was overwhelmed with the seemingly limitless forces of the enemy. World after world fell to Revan's vast fleets and masterful strategies. Determined not to make the same mistakes they had in the Mandalorian Wars, the High Council devised a plan to eliminate the enemy at its source: Revan. During one fateful battle a small Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan, a young Jedi Padawan with the remarkable gift of battle meditation, infiltrated Darth Revan's command ship to capture the Dark Lord. During the confrontation, Darth Malak, who was stationed aboard a different ship, realized that Revan could be easily defeated and that he could then assume the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, fired upon his own master's vessel in the hope of killing both Revan and the Jedi fighting him. The Jedi managed to escape with Revan's body, but Malak had achieved a crucial victory, for he was now the Dark Lord of the Sith and commander of the entire Sith armada.

Malak continued to wage war against the Republic, relying exclusively on brute force as opposed to subtle strategies. Following the Sith tradition, he took an apprentice of his own: former Jedi Darth Bandon. As the situation for the Republic and the Jedi became more desperate, they began to rely more and more on the battle meditation of Bastila Shan to gain an advantage over the ever-growing Sith Empire. Consequently, Darth Malak began to target Jedi Shan specifically, hoping to crush the Republic's last chance of standing against his armies. During one battle in orbit above the world of Taris, Jedi Shan's vessel, the Endar Spire, was crippled beyond recovery, and the young Jedi was forced to evacuate to the planet below. As fate would have it, two other survivors eventually caught up with Jedi Shan on Taris: Carth Onasi, a decorated soldier and war hero of the Republic, and another lowly officer who Shan recently had transferred to her command. The key to the rest of the war, however, lay in the identity of this single, seemingly insignificant foot soldier. Onasi and Shan continued to gain more companions, managed to escape the destruction of Taris, and fled to Dantooine's secret Jedi Enclave, where their third companion was inducted into the Order and they discovered the existence of the Star Forge. The Jedi Council commissioned their small band to seek out Star Maps from various planets in order to discover the location of the Star Forge, which they believed was the key to Malak's power. During their quest, the group encountered and defeated many Sith minions, including Darth Bandon. The biggest interruption to their mission was the groups capture by one of the Sith fleet's command ships. After a frantic escape attempt, Onasi, Shan, and the new Jedi Padawan encountered Darth Malak himself. This confrontation revealed a startling truth: that Darth Revan had not been killed, but had instead been rendered comatose by Malak's attack and saved by the Jedi, specifically Shan. The Jedi Council had inserted over his destroyed mind a new identity, that of a lowly officer who was now a Jedi Padawan. Darth Revan had been traveling with Shan and Onasi the entire time. Upon escaping Malak and realizing his true identity, Revan was determined to complete his mission and destroy his old apprentice. Eventually, he and his companions discovered the location of the Star Forge and launched an attack in collaboration with the Republic against it. Revan managed to infiltrate the giant factory, which was the source of the Sith's limitless armada, and defeated his old apprentice Malak once and for all. Despite the victory over Malak and the apparent defeat of the Sith, the High Council and the Order in general kept Revan and his wife, Bastila Shan, at a distance. Regarded as outsiders, Revan and Shan remained outside of the walls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant while an increasingly strained relationship with the Order wore on them. Revan, suffering from crippling Force visions, eventually left for the Unknown Regions in search of answers.

First Jedi Purge and recovery[]

Scattered and broken in the wake of the Jedi Civil War, the Jedi Order's fractured membership was left vulnerable to assault. While the High Council reclaimed Coruscant and the academy attempted to move on, business as usual, an air of unease settled over the Jedi. Jedi such as Revan and his wife, Bastila Shan, were lauded as heroes by the younger Jedi Knights, while the more conservatives Masters distrusted them and pondered banishing them for their Balance heresy. Attempting to assisting in the rebuilding of the Republic, the Jedi deemed the Sith too weak to be concerned with, as the remaining members of the dark side cult were engaged in their own civil war among the surviving Dark Lords. Beyond the sight of the Council, however, a growing darkness was beginning to take shape. Far-flung Jedi were disappearing, and journey-missions ended without any communication back to Coruscant. In the darkness of Malachor V, Darth Nihilus, Darth Traya, and Darth Sion entered into an uneasy union, hunting down Jedi one at a time, beginning a Great Jedi Purge across the Republic. As more and more Jedi failed to report back to the High Council, Grand Master Vrook Lamar grew increasingly wary of gathering the Order together. Within a few short years, the Council ordered its members to refrain from visiting Coruscant, and the Council itself resided on separate worlds. Against Master Lamar's counsel, several members of the Council called for a conclave on the planet Katarr, in hopes of focusing the Order's power on rooting out the threat that was dogging Jedi across the galaxy. Unknown to the Jedi assembled there, they had been betrayed by a rogue Council member who sought to lure out the Sith by gathering the Jedi together. During the conclave, Darth Nihilus descended on Katarr, using an arcane Sith ritual to absorb all life on the planet, killing all of the Jedi present at the conclave. Master Lamar and the scant few Jedi not present on Katarr numbered less than one hundred. Disbanding the Order, the remaining members of the Jedi High Council hoped to avoid the Sith assassins of Darth Sion while seeking out a solution for the desperate threat facing the remaining Jedi.

With the gates of the Coruscant Temple barred and the Dantooine Enclave in ruins, the Jedi still alive in the galaxy were on their own. During this time, the exiled Jedi Meetra Surik sought out the remnants of the High Council in an attempt to unite them and lead an assault on the Sith Triumvirate. Traveling the galaxy in search of Masters Lamar, Zez-Kai Ell, Lonna Vash, Vierra Atris, and Amus Kavar, Surik found several Force-sensitives whom she began to train in the ways of the Jedi. Guided in her own studies by a mysterious woman named Kreia, Surik succeeded in gathering Kavar, Ell, and Lamar at the ruins of the Enclave on Dantooine. When she revealed her plans to strike out at the Sith, the Councilors decided once again that exile was the best solution to her erstwhile thinking and attempted to severe her completely from the Force. Before they could carry out their plot, Surik's mentor, Kreia, intervened and killed the Masters, revealing herself to be the Sith Lord, Darth Traya. With Traya revealed and the Council dead, the Sith launched an attack on the weakened Republic in a desperate move to wrest control of the galaxy. Surik and her band of students regrouped on Telos IV, striking down Darth Nihilus in pitched combat. With one of three Sith Lords dead, the forces of the Empire sought to destroy Surik's resistance and mustered on Malachor V around Darth Traya and Sion. Surik destroyed both Sith, ending the war and scattering the remnants of the Empire across the stars. With the threat vanquished, Surik and her followers returned to Coruscant and reopened the Jedi Temple there. Because of the thoroughness of the Sith, only some scant one hundred survivors remained; some in hiding, others having abandoned the Jedi ways, and those that continued to fight the Empire through the Dark Wars. Surik's allies formed a new Jedi Council and sent recruiters across the galaxy to worlds known for supplying the Jedi some of its best candidates in the past. Gathering reclusive survivors, like Masters Shan and Atris, Surik's Order began to grow once more and the academy knighted its first generation of new Knights. This class of twelve would go on to become famed Jedi themselves: Kam Solusar, Tionne, Harlan Dol, Dorsk Aytevun, Karl Streen, Gantoris Edinn, Tes Madurrin, Kyle Katarn, Lom Brakiss, Kyp Durron, Keyan Farlander, and Corran Horn. While Aytevun and Brakiss would die before attaining knighthood, they were swiftly replaced with Dorsk Aytetu and Dal Konur who completed their training. As the Order was slowly rebuilt, Surik was troubled by a clarion call from beyond known space. Stepping down from the High Council and embarking on a journey mission, Surik departed Coruscant to search for Master Revan and the darkness he had sought to find beyond the galactic rim.

Resurgence of the Sith Empire[]

For nearly three centuries the Republic and the Order enjoyed a peace not seen since before the Great Sith War. Growing from the first class of twelve to an Order of 104,000 active Knights and Masters, the Jedi were once more a respected peacekeeping organization; strong in the galactic core but weak on the fringes of known space. Believing the Sith threat to be long since past, the Jedi High Council and the Republic Senate were caught unawares when a surviving fleet of Imperial warships emerged from the Unknown Regions in the year 3,646 BrS. Because of the lack of vigilance within the Order, the Jedi failed to notice the Sith who had infiltrated the Galactic Republic's planetary governments over the past generations, allowing the Sith to gain many quick victories early in the war. With the assistance of the Mandalorians and several Planetary Defense Fleets, the Sith Empire fractured the republic along old fault lines and paved the way for a war which would last nearly thirty years. When peace talks were called on Alderaan, the Sith launched a surprise attack on the galactic capital, sacking the Jedi Temple, executing the Supreme Chancellor, and forcing Jedi negotiators to sign a treaty that would suspend the fighting and allow the Empire to regrow its strength unopposed. With the heavily biased treaty in full effect, the Jedi and the Republic withdrew from the battlefield, leaving hundreds of thousands of Republic worlds firmly in the grasp of the Empire.

With the Temple on Coruscant in ruins and the Republic economy too weak to rebuild it, the remnants of the Jedi Order were led to their origin world by Grand Master Satele Shan. Relearning lost skills and exploring ancient ruins, the Jedi returned to their roots and began training a new fighting force to defeat the Sith when the peace was inevitably broken. The High Council, comprised of several young veterans of the war, attempted to contain those Jedi and Republic troops who opposed the treaty, limiting them to only border skirmishes with the Empire until the time was right to attack in full force. Forced to take on older apprentices in an attempt to replenish the number of active Knights, the Order's intensive training program on Tython was fraught with danger and pushed every Padawan to the limit in order to forge strong, capable Jedi Knights. New heroes emerged from the ranks of Jedi hopefuls, becoming beacons of hope across the galaxy in a time of utter chaos. Sith became Jedi, Jedi became Sith, and champions of both the light and dark sides led armies across known space in pitched combat as the two ideologies competed for dominance.

As the treaty that maintained the Cold War became more and more irrelevant, war broke out once more, as a new generation of Jedi sought to prove themselves and rid the galaxy of the Sith threat. The Jedi High Council sanctioned assaults on the Sith throne world and their training grounds, while the Empire attempted to deal equally damaging blows to Coruscant and Tython. More violent and brutal then the last conflict, the Order was better prepared to compete with the Empire's strength than ever before, with Jedi having trained for a decade to face Sith in open battle. Despite betrayals, third party assaults, and defections, the Republic and Empire seemed at a stalemate, as both sides gained as much ground as they lost. The Sith Emperor, who before the Cold War had remained hidden from even the Sith's highest ranking Dark Lords, emerged at the head of his host, leading the Dread Masters in a gambit to absorb the Force and consume all life. At the same time, a cabal of Balance philosophers emerged within the ranks of the Sith Empire, threatening to tear it asunder even as the Emperor marshalled all of his strength and the Dread Masters secured a foothold in the Rim. The Order of Revan, combined with the assault by the Hutts, and schismatic Sith warlords, only ensured that the war would be protracted, seemingly indefinitely. When the Sith Emperor consumed all life on Ziost, it seemed that at last the Emperor had revealed his trump card and that the Empire would finally destroy the Republic. However the Sith, Jedi, and Republic were all caught unaware by the Emperor's seeming disappearance and the arrival of a massive invasionary force on the edge of the galaxy.

To counter the new threat, Imperial forces under Darth Marr and Republic military commands joined forces to investigate the new warriors at the edge of Wild Space. The expedition had barely begun when the Republic-Imperial task force was set upon by the strange fleet, which easily destroyed the Republic-Imperial ships and took their leaders captive. Taken to Zakuul, the throne world of the Eternal Imperium, Darth Marr was executed by the Emperor Valkorion, whom he recognized as the Sith Emperor himself. The Jedi representative present killed Valkorion, but was imprisoned by his son, Prince Arcann. With Arcann as Emperor of the Eternal Fleet, he declared war on the Republic and Sith Empire, blockading Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, and forcing both sides to sue for peace. With the Republic Chancellor's powers stripped by the Senate, the Sith Council dead, and the Jedi Order in hiding, the Eternal Imperium successfully conquered the galaxy and brought the war to an end.

Rebuilding a galaxy[]

With the Republic and Sith Empire both paying tribute to the Eternal Imperium, Jedi and Sith forces worked behind the scenes to undermine the Eternal Throne while the galactic governments were unable to act. Assembling a task force of the greatest veterans from the war, Jedi and Sith warriors uncovered an ancient ship, known as the Gravestone which had potential to stand against the seemingly indomitable Eternal Fleet. With a major blow against the Eternal Fleet giving hope across the galaxy, the Jedi-Sith taskforce formed an Alliance of Republic and Imperial troops on Odessen to counter the Eternal Imperium with or without the Galactic Senate, Jedi High Council, or Sith Council. With enough strength amassed over the ensuing years, the Alliance led an assault on the Eternal Fleet, capturing the Emperor of Zakuul and crippling the Eternal Fleet. With an Empress on the throne of Zakuul, the Sith Empress reported dead, and the Republic Chancellor attempting to take over the Alliance, the galaxy was once more in disarray, until the Alliance leadership was able to take control of the Eternal Fleet and reorganize itself into the Eternal Alliance. Now a dominant galactic power, the Jedi-Sith coalition prepared to face the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic for dominion over the galaxy. The Jedi Order, leaderless and sequestered on Tython, participated very little in the conflict, believing all sides to be far to corrupt to support.

Eventually the Eternal Alliance, shaped by the Jedi who led the campaign to destroy the Sith Emperor and the Eternal Fleet, came to rule Coruscant. Reorganizing the Eternal Alliance from a resistance organization into a galactic government, Coruscant became the capital of the Galactic Alliance of Free Sectors. Those Jedi and Sith who had joined the Alliance early on formed a new High Council, remaining in their Temple on Tython and slowly rebuilding the ruined Temple on Coruscant. The Galactic Republic and Sith Empire, both defeated in the war, became governments-in-exile, uniting in the northern regions of the galaxy under the banner of the Imperial Remnant. Holing up on Bastion, members of the Jedi Order that followed the Remnant became known as the Imperial Knights. Defenders of the principles the Remnant upheld, the government was divided into three branches: the Parliament, comprised of mostly exiled Republic senators and members of the Imperial elite; the Navy, largely made up of Imperial vessels and crewman who answered to a Council of Moffs; and the Emperor, who served as the leader of the Imperial Knights, or what was left of the Jedi and Sith. While the Jedi of the Alliance maintained much of the old ways of Jedi conduct, the Imperial Knights believed that their Emperor was a messiah sent by the Force to guide them. Answering only to the Emperor, the Imperial Knights enforced his edicts, wearing red armor and wielding lightsabers with pure white blades.

The New Sith Wars[]

Jedi corruption in the Alliance[]

With the Empire absorbed into the Galactic Alliance and the surviving Sith brought into the fold of the Order or scattered across the Rim, the Jedi once more attempted to keep stability in the Alliance. However, the horrors of conflict were far from forgotten, and the Sith who had joined the Order never forgot their heritage. From within the ranks of the Order, Jedi defected from agreed upon teachings and began to study the ways of the Sith once more. Led by the Umbaran Jedi Master Darth Ruin, a new generation of jedi-turned-Sith emerged to threaten the galaxy. Gathering other Sith cultists to his side, Ruin hoped to form a strong, cohesive Sith Empire and strike at the galactic core, but was quickly slain by his compatriots, who would fight incessantly for control of the Empire. Meanwhile, the Jedi Council on Coruscant struggled under the burden of dogmatic leaders, too bound by tradition and their own high-minded ideals to properly lead the Order. Disgusted by the Council's ineptitude, some Jedi left Coruscant to establish baronies and kingdoms across the galaxy, pledging to protect and serve the civilian population in exchange for fealty and military service. Forming a loose confederation known as the Jedi Grand Council, these Jedi Lords raised sector armies to defend their borders from raiding parties of Sith and their soldiers.

In the Core, the Jedi High Council continued to rule, sending Jedi on missions as it saw fit to defend the Alliance. When conflict arose on Corellia between Alliance troops and the interstellar alliance known as the Corellian Confederation from Independence, the Jedi sought to intervene. With the entirety of the Corellian sector attempting to secede from the Alliance because of local defense limitations and heavy taxation to rebuild the Outer Rim, the Jedi and Alliance found themselves fighting not just the Sith, but former Alliance sector governments. Because of the improbability of a decisive fleet victory against the Confederation, events within the Alliance began to spiral out of control. Jedi Knight Jacen Starkiller was appointed leader of the Galactic Alliance Guard, a paramilitary group commissioned in the name of state security, and began a brutal crackdown on dissidents on Coruscant. While the High Council refused to step in and control Starkiller, Alliance Admiral Cha Niathal and Jedi Starkiller staged a coup and ousted the Supreme Chancellor. Unbeknownst to the High Council, Starkiller had secretly become the Sith Lord Darth Caedus, seduced by Sith teachings and bent on bringing peace to the Alliance. With an authoritarian regime to prevent the Confederation from pushing deeper into the Core, the Jedi Order withdrew its support of the Alliance in the wake of Supreme Chancellor Starkiller's attack on the planet Kashyyyk. Holed up in the Jedi Temple, the Jedi High Council allowed the Jedi Grand Council to send a coalition of Jedi warriors to eliminate Chancellor Starkiller and regain control of the Alliance. With Joint-Chancellor Niathal defecting to the Jedi Grand Council's coalition, Alliance ships under her command formed the Alliance-in-exile and participated in a massive battle between the Alliance, Confederation, and Jedi Coalition. In the midst of pitched battle, Chancellor Starkiller, known by his inner circle as Darth Caedus, was confronted by his Jedi sister, Jaina Starkiller. After a fierce lightsaber duel, Jedi Starkiller struck down her brother, allowing Chancellor Niathal's faction to retake control of the Alliance and strike an uneasy peace between the Confederation and Jedi Grand Council.

As the Sith continued to war across the Outer Rim and Jedi Lords defended their duchies from attack, the Galactic Alliance was once more threatened by a long forgotten terror. A tribe of ancient Sith, stranded over two millennia prior on the world of Kesh, reconnected with the galaxy and attempted to take control of the Alliance. Infiltrating Alliance space in an attempt to return to the galactic stage, the Sith led strikes against Alliance worlds in an attempt to draw out the Jedi Grand Master. The Council on Coruscant remained ineffective in the developing crisis, unable to mobilize due to an anti-Jedi Chancellor's administration. Chancellor Natasi Daala, a member of the Alliance military and stern tactician, banished the Jedi Grand Master from Republic space after finding him responsible for the chaos caused by Darth Caedus. Additionally, Jedi strength on Coruscant was undermined by a strange psychosis in several of its members, leading the Galactic Senate to deem the psychotic Jedi a threat to the Alliance and the galaxy. When the Sith tribe began hunting down the exiled Grand Master, interim Grand Master Kenth Hamner refused to allow Jedi Knights in the region to defend their banished leader, fearing the political repercussions of doing so. When the Sith were implicated in the strange psychosis crippling the Order, and Hamner's continued refusal to act, a Jedi Master of the High Council killed Hamner in single combat and took control of the Order, launching starfighters to go to the aide of their exiled leader on the world of Pydyr. With the entire Coruscant Jedi strength, the Grand Master struck out at the Sith tribe in a space battle that would see the tribe defeated and slaughtered. Despite the victory, public opinion of the Order dropped tremendously, and the Jedi returned to their Temple on Coruscant as pariahs rather then heroes. Despite the public outcry, the Jedi removed Chancellor Daala and formed a triumvirate, with the Jedi Grand Master, Senator Haydnat Treen, and Alliance General Merratt Jaxton in control of the Senate. After only a short rule, the Triumvirate was replaced by Chancellor Wynn Dorvan, with the Jedi serving as close advisors to his administration.

Rise of the Imperial Knights[]

Constantly unstable, the general peace in the Alliance did not last two centuries before the emergence of a new threat. The Imperial Remnant, a relatively small government comprised of the civilian leaders of the old Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, began building its armies in preparation for an attack on the Alliance. During this time, the Jedi Order' leadership began championing a terraforming project across worlds devastated by the wars with the Sith. Selecting one hundred worlds to undergo the project, the Jedi were met with great initial results; regaining much of the respect that was eroded over the centuries of inefficiency and turmoil in the galaxy. The Jedi Council failed to foresee the interference of the Sith, which caused the terraformed worlds to become inhospitable and dangerous after the introduction of a chemical agent designed by Sith alchemists by order of Emperor Darth Krayt. With worlds in ruins and their population tortured by painful bony growths, the Jedi were blamed despite their claims of Sith interference. Because the Council was unable to find evidence of the sabotage to the Supreme Chancellor, Alliance member worlds grew angry with the Order's place in the galactic government and seceded. Seeing an opportunity, the Imperial Remnant rallied their armies and declared war on the Alliance. Fearing annihilation, the High Council commissioned the construction of a new Temple, hidden deep in the Outer Rim in the event that the Remnant or the Alliance should turn on them and attempt to initiate a Great Purge.

The Alliance was handicapped from the start of the conflict, and its collapse was predictable and inevitable. The worlds most likely to defend it had been alienated by ineffectual leadership and a weak Jedi High Council; all too many worlds were happy to blame the Order for the destruction of the fragile peace holding the galaxy together. Plagued by secessionists and traitors, the Alliance government fragmented under the Remnants assault, with the exiled government taking in hundreds of thousands of disaffected worlds. The Emperor of the Remnant, Roan Fel, was reluctant to lead the attack on the Alliance, despite the Remnant holding the advantage against the galactic government. Allowing his generals to conduct war with his nominal support, Emperor Fel forbade the Imperial Knights from actively participating in the conflict. Formed from the surviving Jedi and redeemed Sith that never allied themselves with the Eternal Alliance a millennia prior, the Imperial Knights rallied behind the Republic/Empire-in-exile and pledged to uphold the tenants that the shattered governments stood for as guided by the Force. Fel, a venerated Knight in his day, led both the Order of Knights and the Remnant government as it attempted to take back control of Coruscant. As the Remnant fought against the Alliance and their Mandalorian allies, a traitor in the Mandalorian camp arranged for the Mand'alor's death and led the surviving soldiers out of the conflict, declaring neutrality.

Despite the Republic forces' diminished strength, the Jedi Order on Coruscant continued to prevail, beating back the tide of the Remnant as it attempted to take control of Alliance space. This came to an end when a strong faction of Sith approached the Empire and allied themselves with the Imperial cause. While Emperor Fel disliked this new breed of Sith, realizing that they were behind the sabotage of the Jedi terraforming project, his Imperial Knights were too few to successfully stop them from interceding on behalf of the Remnant. Because his rule was not absolute, Fel's dislike of the Sith was set aside by the Ruling Council of the Remnant, and completely rejected as the Sith led the Remnant to victory at the fateful battle of Caamas, three years into the war. Accepting the surrender of the Alliance Senate on Coruscant, the Imperial Remnant became the Galactic Dominion of the Unified Powers. The Alliance-in-Exile, comprised of the Core Fleet, fled the Dominion and took refuge in holdout systems far from the Core. In a gesture of goodwill, Supreme Leader Fel reached out to the Jedi High Council, holed up within the Temple on Coruscant, to come to the new Imperial Palace in the Senate District and join the Imperial Knights. Fel accepted those Jedi who did come and allowed them to join his Order of Knights without any punishment. The High Council by and large declined the offer, as Supreme Leader Fel knew they would, and locked down the Temple Precinct in preparation for battle. The Sith, without seeking consent from Fel, struck brutally at the Temple under the command of Darth Nihl. With several legions of Dominion troops at their disposal, the Sith massacred the Jedi inside their Temple, killing Masters and younglings alike. Despite the slaughter, much of the Jedi Order remained offworld in their own kingdoms, secure under the banner of their Jedi Lords and the Grand Council. Leader Fel, outraged at the massacre, prepared for the coming coup, and fled the capital as his body double was slain by the Sith forces that raided his palace. With Fel in hiding and the Coruscant Jedi dead, Darth Krayt declared himself Supreme Leader of the Sith Dominion.

As the Sith settled into power on Coruscant, Supreme Leader Fel and his Imperial Knights retook their fortress world of Bastion and reestablished their government-in-exile. Rallying loyal worlds not yet controlled by Coruscant, Fel joined forces through a secret treaty with the Alliance Remnant's Admiral Stazi and the Jedi Council-in-exile stationed at the Hidden Temple. The Grand Council, for its part, remained content to let the war play out without declaring for the Remnant governments, simply defending their own territories as best they could from Sith intruders. For seven years, the Alliance-Imperial Remnants waged guerrilla warfare against the Sith Dominion. The Sith, for their part, maintained some of the traditions of the Galactic Dominion such as the Imperial Mission, an organization formed out of the defunct Jedi Service Corps, and used it as a backdrop to spread anti-Jedi propaganda and search for potential traitors on the multitude of worlds the Missions operated on. Behind the scenes, the Sith were desperate to locate and kill Leader Fel and wipe out the Imperial Knights, as their highly organized group were the major threat to Sith control of the galaxy. With Sith operating in the former Jedi Temple, former Jedi Cade Starkiller attempted to infiltrate the so-called Temple of Sith and liberate fellow Jedi Hosk Trey'lis. Feeling responsible for Trey'lis' capture and a traitor to his Jedi heritage, Starkiller's determination defied reason and he was promptly captured by Darth Talon. Tortured in the bowels of the Temple by Supreme Leader Darth Krayt, Starkiller agreed to join the Sith after weeks of pain and threats against his allies drove him to surrender his will to the Dark Lord. After training for months at the feet of Darth Talon, Starkiller betrayed the Sith, remaining loyal to his fallen Jedi father, and determined to strike down his killer and avenge his legacy. Escaping the Sith Temple after a deadly confrontation with the Sith Lord and his cadre of followers, Starkiller sought out the Hidden Temple for guidance.

While the Jedi of the Hidden Temple were too weak to intervene in the galactic conflict, Starkiller remained determined to fight the Sith when Darth Krayt attacked the planet Dac. Distracting both the Remnant governments and the Jedi with the pogram against the Mon Cala and the Quarren, Krayt's quest for galactic dominance was cut short by his loyal aide, Darth Wyyrlok. Wyyrlok was in fact the only being who had knowledge of Darth Krayt's terrible secret; he was ill and dying of an incurable illness. Believing Krayt unfit to rule, distracted by a quest for a cure to his ailment, Wyyrlok betrayed Krayt and killed his former Master. Placing the corpse of Darth Krayt in a stasis tube on Korriban, Wyyrlok claimed that Krayt was regenerating his strength and assured the Sith that he spoke on behalf of their true leader. With Wyyrlok in command, the Sith Dominion became more and more ruthless, striking out and purging more worlds like Dac. Upon learning of the location of the Hidden Jedi Temple, Sith forces descended on the world of Taivas, wiping out most of the Jedi there. Despite his setback, the Imperial Knights and the Remnant forces were assisted by an unexpected ally; a resurrected Darth Krayt. Regaining his strength and returning to Coruscant, Krayt attacked the Sith Temple and destroyed Darth Wyyrlok, reclaiming his position as head of the Sith Dominion. Taking advantage of the disarray, the Remnant struck Coruscant, crippling the thinly-spread Dominion forces and successfully killing several prominent Sith Lords with the assistance of the Imperial Knights. Together, Leader Fel and Jedi Starkiller struck at the Sith Temple, engaging Krayt in combat and slaying the Sith Lord, flying his corpse in the Coruscant's sun. With the Sith defeated, Supreme Leader Fel returned to his throne, declaring the reorganization of the Galactic Dominion and the Allied Remnant Forces into the new Galactic Republic. Additionally, to restore peace and justice to the galaxy, Fel reconstituted his Imperial Knights into the rightful Jedi Order, simultaneously declaring himself Jedi Grand Master and Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

Reign of Jedi Supreme Chancellors[]

With the Imperial Knights now operating on Coruscant as the true Jedi Order, Grand Master Fel reclaimed the Sith Temple as the Jedi Temple and began as massive expansion project on the complex. Rebuilding the Jedi High Council from his top Knights and survivors from the Hidden Temple, Fel retained his throne at the Palace of the Republic and left his daughter, Marasiah, in command of the High Council as Master of the Order. Under the Fel dynasty, Jedi Supreme Chancellors became the norm, with a series of Council members holding the office. Guilds of Grand Masters were formed, taking over the Senate on a rotating basis and guiding the Republic through its darkest period. Despite the restoration of the Republic, civilization continued to collapse as the Sith on the Outer Rim destabilized the galactic economy. After over a millennia of on and off war, both the Republic and the Sith kingdoms were near collapse, despite neither side being actively engaged in widespread war. Independent Sith fiefdoms fought each other, playing out maniacal wargames with one another and leaving their citizens to fight for them or die hungry. While the Republic made no official attempt to regain these worlds, Jedi Lords and Knights errant engaged in precisely executed skirmishes designed to liberate world or stop the spread of Sith rulers. For four centuries the Jedi controlled the Galactic Senate and, while the High Council was nominally in control of the Order, the Jedi Grand Council commanded the greater numbers and fleet.

In 975 BrS, the High Council raised their protege Skere Kaan to the rank of Master, dispatching him into the galaxy to cripple the Sith Empire; the High Council did this despite their knowledge of Kaan's extremist views and his belief that the Order and the Republic were responsible for the state of the galaxy. Taking with him a group of like-minded Jedi, Kaan declared himself Dark Lord and organized a Brotherhood of Darkness, issuing a warning to all surviving Sith: join the Brotherhood and bend the knee or die. Holding true to his promise of death to all who did not join the Brotherhood, the High Council sent their congratulations to Kaan for his swift work of the worst of the Sith Lords. Kaan openly mocked the Order and the thanks, declaring war on them and promising to burn their Temple to the ground. Furious at the Council's ineptitude, Jedi Lord Hoth rallied the banners of those loyal to him and raised a great host called the Army of Light. Gaining the support of the last Grand Council of the Jedi and every single Jedi Lord, Hoth harried the Brotherhood along its flank until the Army of Light had enough practice at warfare to strike at the Brotherhood's heart. Meeting the Brotherhood in open combat during a series of campaigns at the planet Ruusan, the conflict ground on for seven fierce battles costing many lives on both sides. At the conclusion of the seventh battle, Lord Kaan—near defeat and driven insane by the power of the dark side—unleashed the horrors of the thought bomb in a cave system, engulfing every single Force-user on the world. To this end, the Sith were presumed destroyed, the Jedi emerged victorious despite their losses, and the Republic was once a government run by politicians not Jedi. With Kaan and his Brotherhood dead, the Republic army quickly reestablished its hyperlanes into Sith Space and reestablished its dominion on the galaxy.

Ruusan Reformation[]

With the Sith presumed extinct, the Jedi believed that they had at last forged a long-lasting peace in the galaxy. With the Ruusan Reformation passing the Senate and receiving the High Council's blessings, both the Jedi Order and the Republic renounced militarism, disbanding their vast armies and navies. From that point on, the galaxy would rely on smaller Planetary Security Forces and the Judicial Department to help the Jedi keep the peace. With the Army of Light largely destroyed at Ruusan and most Jedi Lords lost, the fiefdoms and duchies once governed by Jedi regained their sovereignty and cast off their Jedi rulers. Sects of Jedi that had assisted in the liberation of the Republic from the Sith were thanked for their efforts by the High Council before being named heretics and cast out from the Order proper. The wave of change sweeping the Republic enabled conservative-thinking Jedi to make vast strides in the Order' setup during the first years of peace. Under the leadership of Grand Master Fae Coven, the Jedi High Council became more influential, and many loose rules were codified. The Jedi Grand Council was largely forgotten, with most of its members dead, and their ancients forts and castles abandoned. Adults were banned from entering into the Order after Ruusan proved them to be too volatile and susceptible to the dark side's sway. They would renounce all ties to the outside world—to wealth, material possessions, and even family. Training would now be undertaken on a strict one-to-one basis and centralized on Coruscant. With the far-flung academies of the past, the temptation of delving into forbidden knowledge was considered too great for members of the order. Nearly all satellite training facilities were closed and the Temple on Coruscant became the heart of the Order. The Trials of Knighthood were firmly put in place to ensure all Knights were tested on a fair and equal scale. Grand Master Coven also ensured that her changes would be known by every Jedi by drafting and putting into circulation throughout the Order personal copies of The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, a guidebook given to each and every member of the Order. Along with Master Coven's quest to set the Order on a firm footing, Caretaker of First Knowledge Restelly Quist and the other members of the Council of First Knowledge were determined to completely eradicate all memory of the Sith to ensure they never returned. Dispatching Jedi Shadows to find and locate all Sith artifacts, relics, and even history books detailing past Jedi-Sith conflicts; the Order essentially erased all memory of the Sith in under five decades. Sith strongholds such as Korriban and Dromund Kaas were removed from star charts, as well as Jedi pilgrimage sites such as Ilum, Tython, and Ossus. Sith academies were gutted, torched, and purified. Worlds once controlled by the Sith were fed a constant stream of misinformation and propaganda, allowing for the Jedi to craft a narrative that excluded the Sith from the stories of war, and painted the Order as saviors. While few galactic citizens ever met a Jedi, no one had heard of the Sith after only two generations.

A phantom menace[]

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.
—Darth Maul

Over the ensuing millennium, the Jedi Order enjoyed a Golden Age in which training flourished and the Galactic Republic enjoyed peace. Following the disaster on Almas involving fallen Padawan Kibh Jeen, the Order was made aware that a Sith had survived Ruusan and a new Rule of Two had been established. Believing the Sith to be a minor threat, it wasn't until the machinations of Darth Tenebrous and his apprentice Darth Plagueis in the Fobosi District that the Jedi Order felt the dark side of the Force on Coruscant for the first time in nearly one thousand years. Under Darth Plagueis, the Sith grew emboldened and set their insidious plan in motion against the Jedi and the Republic. Working from the shadows, Plagueis' apprentice Darth Sidious revived the Dark Masters in the Outer Rim, a group of Sith that had been imprisoned since the New Sith Wars. Following the interception of a coded message from the long-since forgotten Command Center on Ansion, the Jedi High Council was made aware of the threat of the Dark Masters, though assumed the group to be upstart dark side scholars and warriors. At the counsel of Master Sifo-Dyas, the High Council secretly dispatched an army of Jedi Shadows to Ansion to investigate the growing threat out on the Outer Rim. Upon arrival at Ansion, the Jedi discovered that the threat was much greater than the High Council realized, and the host of the Dark Masters threatened to invade several systems and establish a strangle hold on several Republic trading routes. Determined to stop them, the Shadows were forced to use all of their skills to survive without the aid of the Republic as the Dark Masters plunged regions of space into communications black out. Battling for four long years against an army that could not be diminished, the war seemed to be one of attrition against the Jedi. Spread thin across many worlds, the Jedi appeared to be defeated after the death of ancient Jedi Master Zordon, but ultimately his death caused a wave of pure Force energy to wash across the embroiled worlds and destroy the armies of the Dark Masters. With the threat vanquished, the Jedi Shadows limped home, their numbers thinned and their deeds unnoticed by the rest of the Order and the galaxy at large. Blaming the communications disruption on antiquated systems and the fighting on local gangs and warlords, the Order ensured that mention of the Sith never reached the public domain. Unwittingly, the Order played into the plans of the Sith. While the Sith host was formidable, Darth Plagueis' vision of a reborn Sith Empire had no room for ancient Sith stuck in the past. Additionally, the Sith's plan was twofold. The instability the fighting caused in the Rim sectors, coupled with the secrecy around the events ensured that faith in the Jedi and the Republic would waver.

Within the following decades, the Order became more and more disillusioned as the dark side of the Force continued to cloud their vision. The Order failed to sense the betrayal of one of their former members: the esteemed Jedi Master-turned Senator Dooku who fell under the sway of the Dark Lords of the Sith. Secretly contacting members of the Trade Federation, Darth Sidious saw to it that Nute Gunray was made Viceroy of the Federation by using a special battle droid to kill the members of the Federation Ruling Council. Along with a series of other devious plots, Sidious was responsible for manipulating Gunray to show the Republic that they could not bully him with trade embargoes by blockading the remote planet of Naboo. The Supreme Chancellor dispatched Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate a Trade Federation withdrawal. Meanwhile in the Senate, Senator Dooku became a voice for the industrialist seats and members of the Rim Faction that felt that the Republic had abandoned them. Growing resentment for Chancellor Valorum and his lackluster politic performance, and for the Jedi Order which appeared to be meddlesome and withdrawn from the people of the Republic, saw Dooku's political weight grow. When the Trade Federation launched their blockade of Naboo, the Senate was divided on how to react: military might to assert the Republic's dominance over the Federation, or succession from a government that sought to stymied businesses and corporations from collecting their fair share. When Sidious' apprentice, Darth Maul murdered the planet's Queen, the Senate overwhelmingly elected Naboo's own Senator Palpatine to the Chancellorship after ousting Valorum. Watching from the sidelines, the Order was wary of Palpatine's moves of aggression against the Federation, and feared all-out warfare was on the horizon. While the Federation as driven off of Naboo, Dooku withdrew from the Senate and formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems to contest the Republic's corruption. Declaring war, Chancellor Palpatine resisted raising a federal army, relying on planetary defense fleets to protect individual worlds. For four long years the Republic fought small skirmishes across the Outer Rim as the Jedi Order offered military assistance and counsel. When the Chancellor accepted the clone army mysteriously grown by the Kaminoans in Year 7, the Jedi had no choice but to lead the Grand Army to war against the growing Separatist threat.

The Clone Wars[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Clone Wars (Jedi Renaissance)
Victory? Victory, you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the Clone War has.
—Master Yoda after the Battle of Geonosis

As the Clone Wars ravaged the galaxy, the Order sustained terrible losses as its members died on the fields of battle or in space above worlds they hoped to protect. While the clones fought valiantly against the droid terrors of the Confederacy, the Jedi were evenly matched against the Dark Acolytes of the Shadow Collective, warriors trained in the ways of the Force by their Sith Masters. Leading the Collective was Darth Maul, the only Sith visible to the Order. Believing him to be a lone agent, the Order was shocked to discover that Confederate Head of State Dooku was actually a Sith Lord too. Uncovering the truth at the Battle of Geonosis, the Order laid waste to the Confederacy's main droid foundry and forced Dooku into revealing himself as Darth Tyranus. Following this revelation, the Clone Wars escalated further as Tyranus unleashed the full power of the Confederate Army on undefended Republic worlds. As more and more Jedi Generals lost their lives, more dissidents turned their cloaks and joined the Shadow Collective. While Tyranus was the worst of the Jedi traitors, Sora Bulq, Pong Krell, and Quinlan Vos were terrible reminders that the Jedi were not infallible. Four months after Geonosis, the Jedi Order faced their biggest threat in the war against the Confederacy: General Grievous. On Hypori, Grievous was revealed to the Republic and the Order as a killing machine, slaying several Jedi and wounding several other high ranking members of the Order. On Jabiim, the Jedi suffered heavy losses, and although they managed to evacuate the planet, all except one of the Padawan Pack, a group of Padawans orphaned when their Masters either were killed or disappeared, perished. The sole survivor was the famed Jedi Knight and war hero Anakin Skywalker, whose flame seemed inextinguishable.

Towards the end of the war, the Separatists retreated from many of their bases in the Core Worlds and the Colonies, to Fortress worlds in the Mid and Outer Rim, after being defeated by the Republic in a series of battles. This boosted the morale of the Republic, and Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi deployed almost every fleet available to CIS worlds in the Outer Rim, laying siege to the Separatist strongholds in an attempt to force the Confederacy to surrender; however, the Sieges left many senior Jedi dead. On Boz Pity, the Order lost several members but were able to remove Asajj Ventress from the war while Sora Bulq and his Morgukai Shadow Army were defeated on Saleucami. The citizens of the Core were led to believe that the end of the war was near, and that the Confederacy would be brought to justice in the near future. In truth, the Sieges were the work of Darth Sidious, intended to lure forces away from Coruscant. In Year 16, with most of the Republic's army and the Jedi fighting in the Outer Rim Sieges, the Separatist fleet, led by Grievous and Dooku, launched a week-long siege against Coruscant. Thousands of Vulture droids and Droid tri-fighters rained down on the capital, and Confederacy C-9979 landing craft unleashed hundreds of millions of battle droids and tank droids on the capital's streets, causing much damage to lives and property. In response, the Republic deployed its clone forces against the CIS droids. With the battle raging on in space, Grievous and his IG-100 MagnaGuards kidnapped the Supreme Chancellor, after defeating several Jedi and wounding Council member Shaak Ti. Grievous then transported Palpatine to his flagship, the Invisible Hand. Several Jedi piloting starfighters attempted to intercept Grievous on his way to the flagship, but they failed. After realizing that they had been lured away from Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi returned from Tythe to join in the attempt to rescue Palpatine, who was being held aboard Grievous' flagship, the Invisible Hand. Although Dooku injured Kenobi, Skywalker disarmed him, and at the Chancellor's command, the young Jedi Knight ruthlessly beheaded the Dark Lord, and released Palpatine, dealing a tremendous blow to the Confederacy.

Igniting a fire[]

In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you're under arrest, Chancellor."
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
"The Senate will decide your fate."
"I am the Senate!"
"Not yet."
"It's treason then.

Mace Windu and Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

In the aftermath of the battle over Coruscant and the death of General Grievous on Utapau, the High Council learned from Anakin Skywalker that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and had been responsible for the war to begin with. Shocked by this knowledge, Master Mace Windu led a group of Jedi Masters to arrest Sidious and take control of the Senate until new leadership could arrive. Alerting Master Yoda on Kashyyyk as to his mission, Windu and three High Councilors stormed the Chancellor's office in the Senate district. Upon entering the suite of offices, Darth Sidious quickly slew Masters Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto and Agen Kolar before engaging Windu in a fierce duel to the death. Exerting all of his skill and knowledge of the Force, Windu overpowered the Sith Lord and disarmed him. Beating back the Sith lightning Sidious attacked with, Windu watched warily as Jedi Skywalker entered the office and approached the window where he stood over top the Sith Lord. While combating the lightning strikes, Windu urged Skywalker to help him and strike down the Sith Lord and end the war; all the while Sidious goaded young Skywalker into believing that Windu was attacking a weak old man. Skywalker made his decision and attacked Windu with his lightsaber but was deftly rebuffed, giving Windu enough time to send his lightsaber through Sidious' heart, killing him. As the balance in the Force shifted violently, Skywalker tackled Windu and the pair fell through the open window to a landing platform below. Filled with rage over losing the knowledge Sidious had promised him, Skywalker attacked Windu in a fierce duel which ultimately ended with the superior skill of Master Windu rendering Skywalker catatonic.

With Skywalker no longer a threat and Sidious dead, Windu realized quick action was needed to save the Republic and the Order. Using his beacon device, Windu issued an order to all Jedi in the field to avoid contact with Republic personnel for fear that the Sith plot ran deep in the military and report beck to Coruscant as soon as possible. Closing down the Chancellor's suite as he awaited the arrival of Jedi tech experts and investigators, Windu began to compile a list of all of the Chancellor's strongest supporters and allies. When a contingent of Jedi Shadows arrived at the suite he dispatched them to arrest those politicians, aides and associates of the Chancellor who may have been involved in the conspiracy to destroy the Republic and the Order. As the investigations took off, Windu contacted Senator Bail Organa and Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin and named them members of the new Republic Triumvirate to lead the Republic out of such a treacherous situation. Forming the temporary government with a representative from the Order, the Senate and the Grand Army, Windu hoped to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the public and ensure a smooth transition out of war. By the fifth day of the Triumvirate's reign, the Republic had successfully disabled the Confederacy's droid army and arrested their war council on Mustafar, calling for a ceasefire with the Confederate Parliament. Meanwhile, Jedi investigators were searching out Sidious' contacts and seizing his assets, with a large group of Jedi and Republic forces blockading the world of Byss and releasing prisoners held there by the Sith's minions.

As the battlefields quieted and more and more Jedi poured into the Jedi Temple, the remnants of the Jedi High Council gathered to discuss the future of the Order. Because of Master Windu's duties to the Triumvirate he would be unable to fulfill his role on the Council; to top this, Grand Master Yoda felt that his time as leader of the Order had resulted in the near destruction of the Order and imposed exile upon himself. In need of filling six seats to replace those Jedi who had died in the Chancellor's office, Skywalker, Triumvir Windu and the departing Grand Master, the High Council appointed Tomac Moorcé to the position of Grand Master and followed his guidance in picking new members. Ten days after the Sith's defeat, Moorcé led the Council in a secret conference for five days, going over reform measures and expansive ideas on the new direction of the Order. On the sixth day, all Jedi were summoned to the Great Hall of the Temple to participate in the historic Conclave where Moorcé's new appointment was announced and he would first greet the entire assembled Order. Within his speech, Moorcé outlined three major changes: first, the Order would no longer serve a government, but work with all governments to fulfill the will of the Force. Secondly, the Order would move its base of operations to the historic Jedi fortress worlds of Ossus and Tython to better connect with their roots and assert autonomy. Thirdly, the Jedi would embrace a view of the Force which encouraged a focus on the Balance, as well as opening its doors to other Force traditions so as to ensure all Forceful individuals had a place in the Order.

The end of the Hutts[]

Having ensured that the Republic and the Confederacy now saw the Hutt Empire as a problem that could no longer be pacified or ignored, the Jedi High Council decided to strike at the Hutts in Year 43. The Jedi led armies attacked the fringe worlds of Hutt Space, quickly regaining old territory and pushing the lightly-defended borders back towards the central Bootana Hutta. Forcing a hard drive into the heart of Hutt Space, the Republic-Confederate forces were initially met in battle by the combined forces of the Zygerrian Slavers' Guild, the Thalassians, the markets of Orvax IV and the Karazak Slavers Cooperative. However, thanks to the foresight of the Jedi High Council, these slave rings were destroyed internally by slaves who had received weapons secretly smuggled to them by the Jedi. Crippling the bulk of the slavers' fleet, these slave revolts allowed the Republic-Confederate Army to penetrate further into Hutt Space.

Fearful that more uprisings may occur, the Hutt Council purchased a massive droid army off the Invisible Market from Vigo Lannik Racto, a member of Black Sun's elite. The Hutts, happy to call upon the Black Sun and the homeless Shadow Collective, made generals out of the Vigos, Lom Pyke, and several ranking members of Death Watch. While this seemed to be a major setback to the Republic-Confederate war effort, the Jedi High Council was secretly pleased that the Hutts had brought the Shadow Collective out of hiding; while the group had been chased out of the Mandalorian system decades ago, it continued to be a problem along the Outer Rim. Black Sun too was a continued annoyance, especially under the leadership of Prince Xizor and his insistence on remaining in the Core Worlds despite attempts to drive him and his thugs out. The Jedi were also invested in Lannik Racto's involvement; the Order had long ago bought Racto's compliance by promising him a pardon at the end of the war. In exchange for his life and his freedom to live out the rest of his days on Ossus, he promised to sell the Hutts assassin droids with faulty programming. In order to make the sale however, the droids needed to be free of a centralized droid brain. To make this work, the Vigo simply installed a fail safe program which would activate after receiving a set verbal command: "Execute Order 66." The order name, a defunct contingency code from the Republic military, was originally Darth Sidious' secret weapon against the Jedi Order; the Jedi Council found the infamous order's use to be a way to redeem it of the taint of the failed Sith plot.

As the war ground on, the Hutts surrounded themselves with the droids that had been mass-produced for them by Racto's benefactors in the Tion Hegemony. Jedi and military soldiers fought valiantly through Hutt Space, taking planet after planet though unable to strike at the Hutt Council's Palace Worlds. Despite the loss of Tatooine decades ago and the constant border wars, the Hutts had maintained most of their holdings until losing several planets in Year 43. As the skirmishes seemed to drag on into the following year, it wasn't until the third year that the Jedi pushed inward and took Nal Hutta, the "Glorious Jewel" of Hutt Space. Having fled deep into the Bootana Hutta months prior to the taking of their capital world, the Hutt Council was sealed off from the invaders for the time being. Decimating the Hutts' holdings on Nal Hutta, Republic and Confederate soldiers claimed the world for the Evocii people, the race who had long since been enslaved by the Hutts of Nal Hutta, originally called Evocar, the Evocii homeworld. With the Hutt Council withdrawn into the Bootana Hutta, or the Garden of Hutts, Hutt Space collapsed. Hutt warships and droids quickly retreated from their masters' former holdings to defend the throne worlds. The Hutts who remained outside the protected region of the Garden were arrested and tried; those found not guilty of slaving were ordered to make way for elections on longtime slave worlds. Those who were found guilty of slaving were stripped of their wealth and put to death. While the Jedi avoided these trials, the Grand Master did not personally object to the removal of the slavers as he believed that if allowed to regroup they would definitely pose a threat to any fledgling government attempting to establish itself. As the Jedi Service Corps and reconstruction organizations descended upon the newly freed systems, the Jedi and Galactic Armies regrouped to mount a final assault on ''Bootana Hutta''. Moorcé understood that the cluster of star systems was the most heavily fortified area of the Hutt Holdings and would be the most difficult to take. Thankfully, when the Hutt Council withdrew within the Garden they brought with them their allies in Black Sun and the Shadow Collective. As the Jedi and the Galactic Armies began to lay siege to Mulatan and Gos Hutta, the Hutts fired back with all of their strength. While casualties existed in their ranks, the Jedi and their troops held strong, with Jedi High Councilors fighting on the front lines beside Confederate and Republic troops.

After nearly a year of fighting at the borders of the ''Bootana Hutta'', the Jedi cracked into the Garden when Mulatan fell to the Jedi Order's might. The defense platforms and Hutt Cartel warrior ships were left in ruins surrounding the world; Death Watch generals were hunted down and killed while their troops scattered. Black Sun was nearly bankrupted and only five of its Vigos remained. The Shadow Collective, weakened severely after leading the frontal assault on the Jedi, slowly began to disengage itself from the fighting and fled silently into space with its few surviving members. The Hutt Council, each of its members remaining separate on their throne world, cowered in their palaces behind lines and lines of assassin droids. As Jedi and Galactic troops flooded the Garden, the Hutts were confused as the Jedi rushed first to the aid of the slaves on the market planet of Bootana Shagwell. In one final move, the Hutt Council prepared to launch an assault on the planet and kill off the slaves and the Jedi in one final blow. During the Council meeting, Grand Master Moorcé infiltrated the palace of Gorga the Hutt on his throne world of Kor Desilijic. While the holoconference was in session, Gorga ordered his assassin droids to open fire on the Grand Master. As they raised their weapons however, Moorcé shouted out the phrase "Execute Order 66" and the droids quickly reversed their position and slaughtered Gorga. As the holoconference comm was still open, the droids surrounding the other Hutt kajidii obeyed the verbal command as well, slaying the Hutt Council in one brief instant. By the hand of the Grand Master, the final threat had been removed, and the war concluded. When the fighting ended in Year 47, the Jedi remaining long enough to ensure the former slave species could hold fair elections and establish the government of their choosing. Jedi and diplomats from both the Republic and the Confederacy assisted in the process, with the Order ensuring that new planetary constitutions outlawed slavery and declared proudly universal rights of sentients. Petitioning planets were given representation in the Galactic Senate or the Confederate Parliament, while those systems which wished to remain neutral were given the well-wishes of the Republic Chancellor and Confederate Chief of State. The end of the Hutt Empire had finally come to an end, and the surviving Hutts were permitted to live in peace and equality with their former slaves.

War with the Far Outsiders[]

In the wake of the conquest of Hutt Space, the Shadow Collective retreated into the Outer Rim and began plotting new ways to attack the Jedi. Sending out their agents, the Collective was approached by a group calling itself the Peace Brigade. This organization consisted of many members of different species from across the galaxy who all possessed an anti-Jedi sentiment. Originating during the Separatist Crisis that led into the Clone Wars, the Brigade was originally known as the People's Inquest before transforming into a militarized terrorist organization. Planning a major attack, the Brigade hoped to lead a campaign of terror from the planet Isis. When the Shadow Collective agreed to help, the Forceful Collective agents gained the alliance of the Yuuzhan Vong species through a treaty designed to assist the Vong in their invasion of the galaxy. The assault on the neighboring worlds across the Anoat sector was violent and savage; and garnered the attention of both the Republic and the Confederacy. With the assistance of the Shadow Collective, the Brigade swept over the world of Garnib and conquered the Vaathkree colony there. Targeting worlds with mineral-based species due to their generally simple minds and brute strength, the Acolytes within the Collective found it easy to control both the Gutretee and Vaathkree people and pit them against their neighbors. Additionally, the Peace Brigade forcibly indoctrinated the youth of the invaded worlds and forced them to join their campaign of terror, spreading anti-Jedi propaganda and destroying all communication relays in the systems they conquered.

When the Shadow Collective took Indobok and enslaved the B'rknaa, they inherited an even larger fleet of ships capable of withstanding the blasts from Republic-Confederate warships. When the Jedi joined the campaign, the fighting flared up and only further compelled those under the sway of the Peace Brigade of the righteousness of their mission to wipe out the Jedi. The Republic Senate was divided over how to further proceed with the war, not wanting to drag the entire galaxy into another great conflict. This angered some Jedi, who hoped to see the destruction of the Shadow Collective and the eradication of the Peace Brigade and other groups who supported their anti-Jedi message. To the horror of the galaxy, Peace Brigade members began publicly executing any Force-sensitives they found, including children, and mutilating the bodies of captured Jedi. When the High Council committed the full strength of the Jedi Order into bringing an end to the scourge of the dark side, several dozen Shadows were dispatched and tasked with infiltrating the ranks of the Peace Brigade and the Shadow Collective. It was not long before the Jedi Shadows discovered just how corrupt the Brigade was, as its top commanders were planning to betray the Shadow Collective at the end of the war in their bid to rid the galaxy of all Force-users. Leaking this information to the Collective's Acolytes, the Jedi sat back and allowed infighting to erupt. The Collective's leadership swept into the Peace Brigade's base and executed the commanders-in-chief and took control of the non-Forceful recruits and pushed on with their savage agenda.

The war dragged on for two decades as the Jedi struggled to curb the indoctrination of new members of their anti-Jedi foes. Planets were quickly swept up in a war of ideology and neither the Republic or the Confederacy could reach whole sections of the southern arm of the galaxy. When the Shadow Collective's leadership showed themselves at last on the front lines in Year 70, Jedi Tesar Sebatyne infiltrated their ranks and slew their leader. Taking out five of the most important members of the Collective's leadership, Sebatyne was eventually cut down, but left a bleeding wound in the heart of the Collective. As Acolytes fought to fill the power vacuum, the Collective crumbled like all other dark side organizations before it: defeated by their own lust for power. With the Force-sensitive members hunted down or killed by their own allies, the Peace Brigade's army collapsed. The Yuuzhan Vong broke free of their compulsion and retreated back to their homeworlds and the galactic governments were free to restore communications to all of their lost systems. With the communications relays working again, the Republic quickly undid the indoctrination effort by crippling the propaganda machine of the Brigade. In a final assault, the Brigade's chief leaders instructed all surviving members to sacrifice themselves for the glory of their cause. A string to suicide attacks spread out across the systems with a Peace Brigade presence, including the destruction of several historic government buildings, capitals, palace and places of worship. Two Jedi temples were similarly bombed, with an attack on the Coruscant Temple foiled. Apart from blowing themselves up, the Brigaders flew starfighters into skyscrapers, capital ships began bombarding the planets they orbited before launching to hyperspace and targeting planets to ram. This caused cataclysms on Kelrodo-Ai, Belsavis, Derab, Quintas and Narjarka. Despite these atrocities, the war ended and the remaining members of the Peace Brigade were detained by their fellow citizens and military personnel. Several surviving Acolytes were hunted down and destroyed or taken into custody by the Jedi Order. The remaining criminal elements of the Shadow Collective were effectively disbanded and their fortunes and properties seized and auctioned off. The Republic and the Confederacy declared an end to the fighting and the Jedi were honored as the true saviors of the day.

The way to Balance[]

During the Hutt Offensive, exiled Grand Master Yoda secretly returned to the Order, revealing himself only to the Jedi High Council on Ossus. Having spent the past three decades traveling the galaxy in solitude, Yoda had discovered the ancient race known as the Celestials, or Ainur. Tracing them to a forgotten world at the center of the galaxy, Yoda had returned with a greater perception of the Force and a stronger idea of the will of the Force. Searching for answers on Tython, Grand Masters Yoda and Moorcé sailed to the continent of Arda and sought counsel with the Valar there. sending them into the forests of Srednata Zemya, the two Jedi met with the aloof forester called Bombadil. He wove a tale of nine Tho Yor, the same ships which had transported the ancestors of the Je'daii to Tython long in the distant past. These same ships, he said, would return to Tython with more Forceful beings who would attempt to fulfill the ancient goal of the Tho Yor: to return the Force to Balance and initiate the end times of all non-Forceful species. Determined to see that the Force could be restored to Balance and the galaxy set back into harmony, Moorcé ordered that all non-Forceful inhabitants of the planet be evacuated to the other world of the system in preparation for the return of the Tho Yor. Patiently waiting for the arrival of the new Force-sensitives, the Order began constructing a new acolyte on Tython to accommodate those Forceful beings who would need training in the Jedi ways.

When the Tho Yor arrived in Year 100, the Jedi Order gathered in droves to welcome the new Force-sensitives. Made up of nearly a hundred different species, some of which had never been encountered by the Jedi, they two groups were initially unsure of how to proceed. Some Tho Yor passengers joined instantly in the training at the Acolyte academy while others wished to find their own way and fled deep into the forests and mountain passes of the vast planet's many continents.


  • Jedi High Council – Based on Ossus, the twelve members of the High Council were given the highest ranking members of the Order and charged with governing the entire Jedi Order. Three types of membership existed: life-term, long-term, and limited-term. During the Golden Age of the Jedi, Grand Master Tomac Moorcé greatly dispersed the authority of the High Council into smaller Councils to insure proper attention could be given to specific matters out of the scope of the High Council's greater perspective.
  • Council of First Knowledge – Charged with maintaining the Order's knowledge banks and academies, the First Knowledge Council was directly responsible for the coordination of the Order's numerous satellite Councils charged with governing the Order's many academies and chapter houses.
  • Council of Reconciliation – Residing within the Political Academy on Coruscant, this Council was made up of five Jedi diplomats; the Chief Diplomat to the Republic, the Chief Diplomat to the Confederacy, the Chief Diplomat to Unaligned Worlds, the Speaker of the Order, and the Chief Instructor of the Coruscant Academy. This Council dealt with all things politics, ran the Coruscant academy, oversaw the Jedi Embassy and served as the Order's public relations department.
  • Council of Reassignment – Based out of the Service Corps Tower on Ossus, the five members of this Council was tasked with the supervision of the operations of the Service Corps and each of its branches. Assigning failed Padawans and Journeyers to the Corps, members of this Council rotated out after a five year term.
    • Council of Judgment – The primary judiciary organ of the Jedi Order, this Council heard all cases of Jedi and non-Jedi arrested by agents working in the field. Having jurisdiction over all Force-sensitives who committed crimes investigated by the Order, and over non-Forceful beings by special request to the applicable court system, the Council's judgment was final and binding.
    • Council of AgriCorps Jedi
    • Circle of Healers
    • Council of ExplorCorps Jedi
    • Council of Site Preservation and Construction
    • Jedi Security Council

Jedi Code and the Santulanum[]

The Jedi Code was a code of conduct intended to help establish, regulate and maintain the general behavior of all Jedi. Despite undergoing, at various points during Jedi history, a subtle but substantial alterations, the code's fundamental context and meaning, invoking as it did self-discipline, tolerance, compassion, harmony and peaceful exploration, remained unchanged. The Jedi Code was part of a larger body of writings, teachings, songs, poems, historical accounts, commentaries, and a variety of other sources that formed an extensive collection of ancient and modern scripture collectively known as the Santulanum. Maintained within the Order's Great Holocron, a large dodecahedron holocron safeguarded by the Jedi Order's Lore Keepers, the Santulanum was comprised of many thousands of different source materials that contributed to the collective spiritual essence of the Order.

The Santulanum was divided first into four major sections or "books": the Hisabi mets’ihafi, the Kanti tirigi, the Kotta racanalu, and the Tentsver. These books were subdivided into different "ajiza": History, Poetry, the Code, Knowledge of the Force, Annotations, Scholarly Works, and Prophecy. In this way, the "Santulanum" was not ordered in a linear way, as it was presented in the form of a holocron for most of its history. While written works did exist, they were not written in any particular order; though some scholars attempted to transcribe hand-written copies of the entire text. The nature of the "Santulanum" was one of a living document, as it was continually added to and expanded. The personal experiences of Jedi, the discovery of new abilities, and the ever-forward-moving march of time necessitated updates and constant revisions. Each book of the "Santulanum" was comprised of hundreds, if not thousands of texts with a multitude of authors from over thirty-five millennia of Jedi scholars and scientists.

The oldest body of text within the Santulanum was called the Hisabi mets’ihafi. The Hisabi mets’ihafi was first recorded by the Je'daii Order on Tython before they departed the galaxy's Deep Core after the Force Wars and relocated to Ossus. The Hisabi mets’ihafi was inspired by the religious and philosophical beliefs of the Order's founders. The most organized religious aspects came from the Dai Bendu, an ancient organization of monastics that studied the Force's mysteries during the height of the Infinite Empire. Espousing monasticism, the Bendu tradition contributed a love of art, written traditions, flowing robes, and staves. The Hisabi mets’ihafi contains poems and songs, as well as instructions on meditation. The greatest contributions to the Hisabi mets’ihafi was the principle of non-confrontational behavior and the study of numerology. Studying the significance of numbers, they believed that the number nine represented the beneficent presence of the Force in a unitary galaxy. While the male dominated Bendu Order might have influenced the early Je'daii, the shamans of Dathomir present on Tython balanced out these teachings to ensure that the Je'daii Order valued both its male and female members equally. The shamanism of the Dathomiri gave the Je'daii a belief in the duality of light and dark aspects within the Force, and was passed down orally. The Dathomiri shamans also understood the connection between the natural world and the Force, demanding that the Je'daii Order respect nature and its bounty in their pursuit of higher knowledge.

The blind Miraluka contributed oral traditions and legends, most importantly stories of the deities Ashla and Bogan, gods of life and death. The Miraluka taught that Ashla was not good, nor was Bogan evil; they simply were two aspects of the Greater Force. The Mirialans brought the concept of fate, while Devaronians males spearheaded the Order's desire to take to the stars. The lktotchi brought with them a long tradition of seers and prophets; the Wookiees their deep spirituality and martial prowess; the political and philosophical writings of the Twi'leks were foundation. The Nikto and Noghri espoused strict care of the body and the use of the body and the Force as great tools; the Sith had developed strong Force powers, while the Cathar spoke of peace in nature. The Selkath had mastered healing techniques and the Sullustans understood the earth.

After establishing themselves on Ossus, the members of the newly reorganized Jedi Order started a new book, using the Hisabi mets’ihafi as a starting point. With a new focus on purely the light side of the Force, the Jedi established the Kanti tirigi, a collection of writings that invoked the light and maligned the dark side aspects of the Force. Incorporating the social justice principles of the Caamasi, as well as newly discovered cultures out beyond the fringes of explored space, the teachings of the Kanti tirigi established the Order's service to the newly-formed Galactic Republic as the will of the Force.

When Grand Master Odan-Urr established the Great Library on Ossus, he called for the writing of a new book and the creation of the Great Holocron. Naming the newest book the Kotta racanalu, the goal of the text was to update some of the oldest teachings and to present them in a more modern, easily understood way. When Jedi Master Odan-Urr examined the Jedi Code, he talked about the Code's basic points and few of the specifics. His interpretations of the Jedi virtues and traits of meditation, training, loyalty, integrity, morality, discretion, and bravery, as well as his thoughts on combat, redefined how Jedi interacted with scripture. Transcribed by Master Homonix Rectonia, the Code was said to consist of five core precepts that were shaped into a mantra taught to every Jedi thereafter.

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

While the Code addressed a number of matters relating to understanding and mastering the Force, it was not entirely about knowing the Force. Jedi wrote on ways to handle oneself in public; the way they should treat others and themselves; hygiene, dress, and diet; thoughts on justice and law; philosophical discussions on peace, life, and morality. The Upper Manderon and Draggulch transcriptions add more—and controversial—tenets and text that were constantly added then removed from the canon of the Kotta racanalu.

Following the Clone Wars, the Santulanum was furthered by the addition of the "Tentsver", the fourth book. The post-war Order went through a renaissance which saw the Order's push back towards a view of the Force that needed Balance in order to flow correctly. Jedi were taught that Balance started within, that they needed to walk the fine line between darkness and light in order to fully comprehend the Force's mysteries. The new Code that was adopted following the historic Conclave of Coruscant was a hybrid of Master Odan-Urr's and the ancient Je'daii code.

I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with light and dark,
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is strength.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is immortality in the Force.

-The Jedi Code of the Golden Age of the Jedi-era Order.

The books of the Santulanum were so numerous it was impossible for a member of a species with an average-lifespan to read and comprehend all of its teaching. Every exploration of the text would bring the reader into contact with new knowledge they hadn't encountered before, symbolic of the continuous journey every Jedi embarks on for understanding. Among the core teachings of the Code were a series of ancient and modern texts. While written forms of the text were preserved within the Pinnacle Chamber of the Tranquility Spire of the Coruscant Jedi Temple for four thousand years, the post-Clone Wars Jedi High Council saw the text returned to the Great Library on Ossus where the fragments of ancient text were stored in specialized chambers that preserved the fragile papers and wiring of the different original pieces. The primary way of accessing the Code was through the use of holobooks or holocrons. The Great Holocron was the absolute authority on the Santulanum, as it contained every canonical text approved by the Order's scholars. The Great Holocron contained over four thousand gatekeepers that possessed the simulated personalities of Jedi from across the generations.

- Qui Ko Lectures on the Nature of the Force - Ood Bnar Meditations on a Padawan's Journey - Alaqua Crystal and Edge: Lightsaber Construction and Philosophy Question of Master Jrul Rules of Engagement Teyan Apologia - Simikarty The Collected Writings of Master Dorak Reflections of Form III: Unraveling the Contradictions of Power and Protection - Aurilan Book of Practical Lightsaber Technique - Vo'ren Faalo

Jedi ranks[]

As the Jedi instructed their members in the ways of the Jedi Code and the Force, each member progressed through five basic levels of rank with additional honorary titles handed down by the Jedi High Council on occasion.


  • Jedi Initiate – The youngest members of the Order, these Force-sensitive children were given the rank of Initiate when they began their communal training in clans. Recruited from every inhabited world within the civilized galaxy where blood testing was required upon birth, Initiates were removed from their families and brought to the Grand Academy on Ossus for formal training. During the Jedi Renaissance era, every Jedi in the Order was required to begin their training on Ossus with no exception. Studying within the Academy's walls until they reached adolescence, Intiates took a final test before participating in a weeks-long series of trials known as the Academy Apprentice Tournament where Jedi Knights and Masters sought out potential Padawans.
    • Jedi Acolyte – Throughout the Order's history, the High Council has wavered on the age limits which restricted entry into the Order. Following the Clone Wars the High Council declared that all Forceful individuals could find a home in the Order, though they would enter into the Academy as an Acolyte. Given over to an accelerated yet intensive course structure within the Acolyte Academy. Like all Initiates in the Order, Acolytes took a final test before participating in the Annual Academy Acolyte Tournament to demonstrate their abilities for a potential master. Instead of being selected by a single Master for one-on-one training, Acolytes worked with several different Masters as they took assignments, and were carefully assessed to assure that they had unwavering Balance within the Force. Once their training period ended, Acolytes were sent to Tython to become Journeyers.
  • Padawan – After being selected for individual tutelage under a single Jedi Knight or Jedi Master, Initiates and Acolytes were given the title of Padawan. Eligible for this rank following the successful completion of the Initiate Trials]]and Acolyte Trials respectively, Padawans were typically taken at adolescence and completed their training away from the academy and Ossus. Per tradition, Padawans of a hair-growing species would wear a long braid of hair behind their ear; non-haired Padawans were encouraged to wear a type of jewelry, a tattoo, or other body modification. A Jedi Knight or Jedi Master could have only one apprentice at a time, and the Padawan had to be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight before another apprentice could be chosen; a practice that was formalized following the Great Sith War and continued through the Renaissance era.
    • Service Corps member – Following several unsuccessful attempts at the Initiate Trials or if a student is not chosen by a Master, the Council of Reconciliation would place the student within the Service Corps. Depending on where the student's talents lay, this might be the Agricultural Corps, the Medical Corps, the Educational Corps Builder Corps, Security Corps or the Exploration Corps. The Service Corps were also open to ranking Jedi and non-Forceful individuals after the Clone Wars; allowing for those not generally allowed into the Order to serve the will of the Force. If this role did not suit a particular student, they could choose to leave the Order entirely.
  • Jedi Journeyer – Following a period of nearly a decade of one-on-one training with a master, a disciplined Padawan was eligible to attempt the Great Journey and the Trials of Knighthood on Tython. A title resurrected from the ancient Je'daii Order, Journeyers were tasked with travelling across the dangerous terrain of Tython to each of the nine Great Temples for specialized training in different fields of education including, science, metallurgy, Force skills, healing, martial arts, research, the arts, and philosophy before traveling to Padawan Kesh to face the formal Trials of Knighthood. Once completed successfully, each Journeyer underwent the knighting ceremony and ascended to the next rank in the Order's hierarchy.
  • Jedi Knight – Upon successfully ascending to the rank of Knight, the Jedi is no longer attached to a master. Knights were free to accept missions from the Council, pursue specialized training on one of the four branches of Knighthood, or take their own Padawan. Many attached themselves to an academy somewhere across the galaxy to pursue further knowledge and skills at specialized facilities. Upon taking a student, a Knight was free to take them on missions or into the wilderness and train them survival skills as well as the traditional Jedi skills.
    • Jedi Ranger– Some Knights of the Order could elect to be assigned to a Ranger Academy where they would serve as a protector of the star system the academy watched over. As Rangers, the Jedi would patrol the system, become familiar with its planets and the beings that lived there. They collected the histories and tales of the inhabitants and assisted in expanding the Academy Libraries. Rangers could serve indefinitely, but typically remained in their designated system of 15 years before accepting reassignment. Rangers often became well known by the public, giving the Order a public face and a reliable champion of justice.
  • Jedi Master – A Knight who showed great understanding of the Force and managed to instruct a Padawan and train them successfully to the level of a Jedi Knight was elevated to the rank of Master by the High Council. Self-declaration of the title was frowned upon and rare practice in the latter days of the Order and increasingly rare after the Renaissance era. Among the Order's Masters, only a select few were appointed to one of the Jedi Councils which governed the Order's academies, institutions and knowledge banks. Made up exclusively of wise, experienced Masters, the Councils of the Order had different levels of membership, ensuring fresh perspectives were expressed as new events occurred. The High Council was made up of 12 masters, five of them holding life terms, four holding long-terms, and three holding short-terms.
    • Master of the Order – This position was the elected leader of the High Council and was tasked with guiding Council discussions and directing its members' attention to specific matters. Charged with calling the Council into session, the Master of the Order was the guiding hand of the High Council but was still considered an equal among the other Councilors.
    • Grand Master – The recognized leader of the entire Order, only a single Grand Master was appointed at a time during the modern era and was seen as giving orientation to the Order. The Grand Master did not always sit on the High Council, but more commonly did then didn't.
    • Temple Master – During the Golden Age of the Jedi, each of the nine Great Temples of Tython were headed by a Temple Master who was tasked with not only overseeing the Temple's day-to-day operation, but with sitting on the Grand Council and maintaining each Temple's Noetikon. The Noetikons of the Great Temples were repositories of knowledge that were considered canonical text and essentially facets of the Santulanum that allowed for accelerated addition to the Order's scriptures. Collectively, the Noetikons formed the Codex of Tython, which was an addendum to the Great Holocron and a subsection of the Tentsver.
  • Combat instructor – While field agents were important to the Order's public mission, it was also necessary for some of the Order's finest swordsman to pass on their knowledge to the next generation in a classroom setting. The combat instructors stationed at Jedi temples or academies were battle-scarred Masters who had served in the field for years perfecting their art and growing deeply in the Force. While Knights were permitted to take on a single Padawan as they built their own resume of accomplishments, the rank of Master was required in order to teach many young Initiates at a time at an academy. Hand picked and vetted by the Order's Battlemaster, each combat instructor had a specialization they had mastered and were permitted to train others in. While each instructor might have a specific field of study, the Order's Battlemaster was proficient in all seven forms of lightsaber combat and was considered the leader of the combat training program within the Order. Stationed at the Order's primary academy and elected by the Council of First Knowledge, the Battlemaster appointed a proxy at each academy and enclave to serve as leader of combat training in the Battlemaster's stead. These individuals were known as the Master or Mistress of Lightsabers after the Clone Wars, and they sat upon the academy's governing Council.


Upon a ascending to Knighthood, each Jedi faced the choice of continuing down one of four branches of Jedi training. Choosing based on preference and personal talents and skills, the opportunity to join the ranks of the Guardians, Consulars, Sentinels, or the rare Seekers was open to all who passed the Trials of Knighthood. In addition to their specialization, the High Council could demand that the members of the Order assume military ranks in order to defend civilization. The tradition of dividing the skills a Jedi might possess into different talent trees began with the Je'daii on Tython. While the Je'daii were less rigidly structured, certain titles and ranks were passed down through the ages to describe the specializations pursued at each of the nine Great Temples. At Anil Kesh, the Temple of Science, Je'daii Alchemists studied the biological sciences and used the Force to manipulate living tissue to create new life-forms and tools. Researchers at the Temple pursued a variety of sciences ranging from geology to astrophysics. At Mahara Kesh, the Temple of Healing, Healers used the Force to promote good health in patients; Surgeons used more traditional methods of operating on wounded Je'daii. The Forgers of Vur Tepe created weapons and tools within the great forges of Vur Tepe; technicians used ideas created at Anil Kesh to manufacture starships and machinery. Bodhi, the Arts Temple, was famed for the work of its craftsman, who were sculptors, artisans, and cooks. The Minstrels of the Temple of Arts sang, danced, played instruments, and wrote poetry and prose. Kaleth's Chroniclers maintained the archives and libraries within the Temple of Knowledge, while strategists observed the art of war and conflict. Duelists trained on the snowy peaks of Stav Kesh, while the Temple of Martial Arts also taught survival skills to the trained Hunters of the Order. The Order's Gurus taught the youngest students at Padawan Kesh, while Acquirers recruited Forceful children to study on Tython. Seers at Qigong reported to the Masters' Council on the mysterious ebb and flow of the Force, while Mystics studied the use of new and arcane techniques in Force manipulation. The Vicars of Akar Kesh meditated on the Balanced Force and advised the Masters' Council on matters of great import, while the Sky Judges were the ultimate arbiters of justice.

Jedi Guardian[]

The school of thought espoused by the Guardians was one of heroism fueled by a responsibility and compassion for the public. The most visible members of the Jedi Order, Jedi Guardians harnessed the Force in a way that allowed them to protect the weak, intervene on behalf of the dispossessed, and render silent the cry of despair. Their connection to the Force was intense, fueled by their compassion for all living beings and a need for justice. Inevitably, Guardians were forced to face the consequences of these powers, feeling the anguish and suffering of strangers unbidden. Passive and reactionary, Guardians waited for the enemy to approach before rebuking it, using their patience and resilience to shape their own honest practicality. Embodying justice in the public eye, Guardians were consistent and honorable, acting as agents of peace. Frequently interacting with the citizens under stressful circumstances, Guardians helped to shape the perception of the Order as an organization dedicated to the protection of those who need protection. Approaching a problem conservatively and remaining considerate of local customs and politics even when they stood in opposition to their own beliefs, Guardians took note of every challenge and forged ahead undeterred. While other types of Jedi hid themselves away to study the mysteries and philosophies of the Force or were preoccupied with matters of the vast bureaucracy that held the galaxy together, these champions made a point of traveling among the populace, seeking out trouble and resolving it themselves. Guided by premonitions or summoned by the unmistakable sense of mass suffering, Guardians undertook countless missions to serve the people.

While garbed in the traditional robes of the Order like almost all Jedi, the Guardians could sometimes be distinguished by certain aesthetic choices. Training to fight in their long-flowing robes, Guardians during wartime would also train in heavy armor, donning it during combat or when necessitated by their assignment. Some Jedi preferred simple tunics when fighting, or only minimal coverage, allowing for a greater range of motion that could never be achieved while wearing heavy plating or inflexible steel. Many Guardians chose a blue crystal to power their lightsaber as a symbol of fraternity, but this was by no means required. Like other Jedi schools, the Guardians had many specializations amid their ranks. These specializations focused on using force to end a threat before violence broke out. When a Padawan began their training as Guardian, they were encouraged to perfect their physical prowess before learning to combine it with stronger applications of the Force. After they had crafted their own lightsaber, Padawans were obligated to defend themselves along with their master and all bystanders in the vicinity of danger.

  • Armorer – Throughout the Order's history, armor served an important role in a Guardian's life. Realizing early on the need to protect oneself in order to protect others, the Je'daii built the massive Forges of Vur Tepe on Tython where they forged armor and swords. While some chose to make their own armor, throughout the galaxy's history of war and conflict many Jedi have taken on the role of armorer and assisted in mass-producing strong armor for comrades. Talented craftsbeings, they could wield their lightsabers with deadly precision and retrofit materials with their bare hands even in the middle of battle. Jedi Armorers used the Force to enhance their skills when they lacked proper repair equipment or needed to quickly comprehend foreign technology. The most skilled Armorers could imbue an item that they made with the Force, granting that item qualities far beyond those that could be produced through mere physical manufacturing. In the modern era, all Jedi temples and enclaves had at least one Armorer on staff serving as the quartermaster for the facility, arming each Jedi going into the field with the latest tech and equipment.
  • Peacekeeper – Wherever tyrants, murderers, criminals, and the corrupt stood in positions of power, capable of causing untold suffering upon those too weak or unable to oppose them, Peacekeepers were waiting to unravel such regimes. Worlds ravaged by war and conflict drew Jedi Peacekeepers who pursued a path in which they choose not to limit their activities to a single region. The most common of the Guardian specializations, Peacekeepers often acted as special police or military personnel and took on assignments that extended beyond the abilities of the average security officer. Helping to quell riots and capture terrorists; organize resistance fighters and clear out gangs, the Peacekeepers were the most wildly seen Jedi. Because of their naturally protective personalities, Peacekeepers wanted to do everything in their power to protect their allies from harm.
  • Protector – Guardians were often driven by their compassion for the plights of those who could not protect themselves. Protectors ensured that those innocents never came to harm. Few were tougher than a Jedi Protector, and even fewer could get through their guard to attack those they defended. Even if their charges did suffer harm, the Protector possessed basic medical knowledge to heal their wounds. Acting as bodyguards when needed, they tended to serve as defenders of the needy on larger scales. Their medical knowledge allowed them to serve as rescue workers, sheltering refugees and holding the line until the innocents had escaped to safety. Protectors entered war-torn regions and intercede to fight for freedom, protect the innocent, or enforce treaties and justice after conflict ends. They are capable leaders and steeled fighters, able to command entire armies or spearhead an underground insurgency.
  • Soresu Defender – The master of self-defense, Soresu Defenders were Jedi that gave themselves completely to lightsaber combat as a way of keeping the innocent from harm. Capable of fending off entire hordes, Soresu Defenders spent their days going through the stances of Form III, whether in a dojo or on the side of a mountain. Driven by the Force and reliant on it to know where to position their weapon for the most defensive strike, Defenders had a precognitive-like ability to step out of the way of an impending blow or parry a lightning-fast strike.
  • Warden – Wardens were adept, disciplined hand-to-hand fighters, but were even better at convincing potential attackers not to fight at all. They knew the underworld inside and out, and their talents allowed Wardens to intimidate adversaries and prevent them from getting away, or launch into scathing verbal tirades that cause evil-doers to suffer strain as they were forced to hear their own cruel deeds cataloged. To remain in Balance with the Force, Wardens balanced their coercive talents with their sense of justice. The empowering practice of intimidating or threatening an opponent could corrupt a Warden’s sense of right and wrong, drawing him towards the dark side he originally set out to fight against. Wardens often found work with the SecurCorps or were stationed at detention facilities maintained by the Order. While they were tasked with the detention of wrong-doers, their primary objective was rehabilitation rather than eternal punishment.
  • Warleader – To establish a beneficent order, the Jedi often had to engage in the brutalities of war. Warleaders were common during periods of galactic strife, and unlike Peacekeepers, focused on military tactics and strategy rather than the more typical police work. Warleaders relied on foresight, tactical acumen, and their lightsaber to win necessary battles with minimal bloodshed. Warleaders were trained to anticipate the enemy’s approach, command their own troops, take up arms, and keep fighting in the worst of circumstances. Warleaders only retired after the fighting was done, either dying in war or surviving the crisis and assisting in the cleanup. Veteran Warleaders usually took up combat instruction in their retirement, passing on their knowledge and experience to the next generation.

Jedi Consular[]

The school of thought embodied by the way of the Consular was discourse over violence and harmony over divisiveness. Developed out of the original Jedi Code formulated on Tython, Consulars were an essentially part of the Jedi Order since its inception. While Consulars received training in the ways of combat and defense, those who walked this path found strength in the avoidance of conflict. Compassionate for all living beings, Consulars sought the resolution of disagreements through discussion and negotiations. Only when confronted with senseless violence would a Consular draw their weapon or wield the Force to incapacitate a foe. Consulars wore lightsabers, typically with a green crystal inside, but preferred to keep their weapons on their belt rather than to wield them. Many Consulars were diplomats, scientists, or scholars and were therefore not often seen among the stars by the common people of the galaxy. Jedi Consulars were most numerous during times of peace or renaissance, wherein the Jedi devoted themselves fully to the study of the Force and learning its secrets. In the wake of great galactic strife, the Order generally saw an uptick of individuals interested in the sciences and greater mysteries, and it is during these times when adjustments to the Order's teachings were made to reorient the Jedi away from violence and warfare and ground it once more in the study of the Force. Consulars knew the universal truth: knowledge is power, and understanding a situation can give one a decisive advantage. This held just as true when resolving disputes or negotiations as it did on the battlefield. A Consular focused on studying the world around them, recognizing that information offered tremendous advantages to themselves and their allies. They could then use that power to help change the hearts and minds of others to achieve their goals. Equal parts scholar and diplomat, Consulars see knowledge and understanding as the basis for long-term peace and harmony. It was their belief that hatred often sprang from ignorance and when a sentient comes to appreciate the backgrounds of another being's beliefs and practices, it became far easier not only to accept that being but to feel compassionate for them. As with all paths, a Consular risked falling out of Balance if not wary. Some researchers might become lost in their academic pursuits, obsessing over dry facts while blind to the plight of the weak and helpless. A Consular who maintains connections to those around themselves via the Living Force would not fall into these traps, as the Force provides a means of grounding a Consular's studies so that they kept what they learned in perspective. By remaining always mindful of how they could use their knowledge to help others, a Consular would remain in Balance with the Force. A Knight studying the path of the Consular would spend hours each day in a meditation chamber or wandering the halls of a temple or enclave seeking inner Balance. Those inclined to research would feel at home within the Order's vast halls of knowledge or deep within the holocron vaults; others might find themselves drawn to the Halls of Healing where they might help others with through their own personal sacrifices through the Force. While not excessively physical, Consulars still trained in the art of lightsaber combat, with many becoming disciples of Form VI lightsaber combat: Niman. Because the Consulars usually lacked the time or passion to focus all of their energies toward mastering combat techniques, Niman was developed by those who chose to focus their careers in areas other than combat. While less physically demanding and precise as other forms, Niman was extremely effective due to its integration with other Force techniques. Niman practitioners learned to use their telekinetic abilities to push or pull opponents into range of their lightsabers. This worked particularly well against groups of enemies. Similarly, some who chose to study Niman also learned to fight with two lightsabers, enabling them to defend themselves against multiple opponents more effectively. Focused on survival and defense instead of attack, Niman disciples developed their defensive measures in concert with their negotiating techniques.

Consulars typically dressed themselves in the Order's traditional earth-toned robes, but would also don specialized robes necessary to their work or to distinguish themselves as part of a specialized field. Healers or members of the Medical Corps often dressed in soft robes of blue, while Lore Keepers adorned themselves in green and yellows. As students of culture and tradition, many Consulars adopted some traditional garb from their species' homeworld or belief systems: they would then incorporate this dress into their robes to remind them of their heritage beyond the Jedi Order. As all other Jedi schools, the Consulars had many specializations amid their ranks. These specializations focused on particular form of study or a research into the nature of the Force and the way it interacted with the galaxy. When a Padawan began their training as a Consular, they were taught to balance their lives between studying the theoretical uses of the Force in the Temple's libraries, and understanding the practical uses of its nature within a dojo. As with all Jedi, once they crafted their own lightsaber, Padawans were obligated to defend themselves along with their master and all bystanders that may be in the vicinity of danger. All Consulars shared a strong sense of duty, a compassion for others, a willingness to understand differences, and a hope that the Force would see the galaxy through.

  • Ascetic – Only a sensitive spirit would be drawn to the path of the Ascetic, seeking seclusion to contemplate the greater role of the Force in the galaxy at large. Calm and contemplative, Ascetics take the monastic roots of the Jedi to heart, shirking all possessions and recognition for good deeds. Keeping themselves in peak, physical fitness, Ascetics concentrated on sharpening their minds to withstand strain and work through any difficult. Handy with tools and proven survivalists, Ascetics could make their way in any situation despite their lack of interpersonal skills. While Ascetics largely shunned social interactions, they could be found throughout the galaxy, wherever they could find a place to focus away from the distractions of civilization. Choosing deprivation and loneliness to foster growth in the Force, Ascetics emerged from their solitude focused and determined to end imbalance.
  • Arbiter – Seeking enlightenment in hopeless situations, Arbiters were masters of perseverance and negotiation. Coming between a disagreement in order to resolve it peacefully between the parties involved, Arbiters understood sentient nature and the ways in which they fluctuated between principle and conflict. Intelligent and perceptive, the Arbiters were the diplomats of the Order, seeking balance in conflict and confusion. Master negotiators, Arbiters sought reconciliation in all matters, serving as ambassadors to newly discovered worlds and diplomats between warring planetary governments. While some Arbiters worked in the halls of the Galactic Senate or with the DiploCorps, many others worked behind the scenes with corporations, organizations, and other groups to assist in the spread of harmony across the galaxy. Paragons of justice, Arbiters possess a calmness and tact necessary to diffuse a situation and make enemies allies. Working aboard ExplorCorps vessels and diplomatic cruisers, Arbiters were the first boots on the ground when encountering newly discovered civilizations as they represent the highest example of civilized behavior. Given the authority to hammer out a compromise or treaty during tense negotiations, backed by the full support of the Republic Senate, Confederate Parliament, and the Jedi Order, Arbiters were highly respected among planetary governments.
  • Healer – The ability to mend the flesh and the mind was a Force ability that rarely manifested itself, but when it did, the Jedi cultivated it within its ranks. The Jedi Healers were possessed of a strong sense of compassion and a need to foster strength and promote good health. Seeing the individual as a microcosm of the galaxy, Healers saw every life as equally important as the entirety of all civilization. With the proper training, a Healer’s skills could bring good health to an entire community, whether that is a small enclave of colonists, or an entire city-block on Coruscant. Taking a holistic approach toward medicine, many Healers used the Force to fuel the body’s natural recuperative abilities. Treatment allows for fatal wounds to become survivable, amputees to accept replacement limbs, or for the development of new and innovative medicinal technologies. Many healers held a very strong philosophical compunction against physical violence, healing not just the body but the broken spirit. Led by the Circle of Healers, healers were deployed to serve aboard MedStar frigates or to medical facilities across the galaxy to practice their arts. The MedCorps operated across the galaxy and staffed each Jedi enclave and temple's medical facilities. While the Circle was led by the Order's Chief Healer who was stationed on Tython as the Temple Master of Mahara Kesh, a Master or Mistress of Medicine was appointed to each of the Order's academies in the wake of the Clone Wars and oversaw the facilities there. These individuals held a seat on the academy's governing council and spoke with the voice of the Chief Healer.
  • Lore Keeper – Typically members of the EduCorps or attached to a specific academy or temple, Lore Keepers were Jedi that actively contributed to the preservation of the Order's collective knowledge. Separated into three distinct groups, Lore Keepers could either specialize as archivists, librarians, or historians. Each group worked for the proliferation of knowledge and preservation of the past, acting in conjunction with researchers and the ExplorCorps to catalog their work and discoveries to be presented to others. A Jedi historian was an individual who specialized in the history of the Order, its members, locations, philosophies, and deeds. Highly knowledgeable on past events and constantly kept up to date on new discoveries, the historians ensured that the Order remembered its past and protected the collective memory of the Jedi. Archivists worked exclusively with information communicated to their assigned facility by the ExplorCorps or other Jedi making new discoveries in the field. Cataloging, copying, and translating all new information that comes their way, the archivists work behind the scenes of the maintaining all of the Order's knowledge. The Librarians on the other hand, assist visiting scholars by helping them interface with the Archives directly. Members of all three groups make up the Librarians' Assembly, responsible for the oversight of each library around the galaxy. The Assembly was led jointly by the Chief Librarian of Ossus and the Temple Master of Kaleth in the wake of the Clone Wars. These two individuals oversaw the appointment of a Master or Mistress of Wisdom at each satellite academy. These individuals were the stewards of the academy library and directed the library's staff.
  • Niman Disciple – Consulars who trained with the lightsaber to prepare themselves for the failure of negotiations focused on self-defense training. Disciples of Form II, or Niman, these Jedi remained focused on working with groups of individuals to arrive at a peaceful accord, while acknowledging that the road to that accord could become fraught with danger. The Niman form allowed Disciples to survive in a treacherous environment, while maintaining their naturally compassionate nature. Developing defensive measures in concert with negotiation techniques, Niman was focused on survival over attack, with an emphasis on integrating Force abilities in the style.
  • Researcher – Jedi Researchers were scholars that devoted their time and effort to the study of the Force as it presented itself in the sciences. A broad title that could apply to many of the Order's scholars, a Jedi Researcher more specifically was a Jedi that employed their exceptional minds to solve theoretical problems and improve the quality of data in the Order's Archives. Researchers specialized in all matter of study, serving as mathematicians, linguists, archaeologists, alchemists, geologists, hyperspatial physicists, astronomers, and biologists. Researchers generally operated alongside the ExplorCorps and went on long journey missions to uncover new truths among the stars. Using the vast resources of the ExplorCorps, researchers worked in the field as well as in the lab alongside specialists from across the galaxy. Where non-Forceful individuals could also pursue a successful career in these fields, a Jedi researcher was bolstered by their ability to use the Force to uncover secrets others could not hope to detect.

Jedi Sentinel[]

Knights that sought a balance between the intensive combat training of the Guardians and the wider philosophical views and teaching responsibilities of the Consulars fill out the ranks of the Sentinels. These Jedi ferreted out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light through a combination of the two disciplines and civilian expertise. Because Sentinels don't focus all of their time on lightsaber exercises or Force meditation, Sentinels acquired a host of skills that didn't require Force sensitivity. Every city has its secrets, and every shining beacon of civilization has its seedy underworlds. Within these shadowy depths, miscreants and malcontents prey on the helpless, committing heinous crimes and leaving misery and chaos in their wake. Most law enforcement agencies try to combat criminals without violating the very laws the agencies exist to uphold; thus their agents must be abide by strict regulations that restrain their behavior. A Sentinel, however, plays by their own rules. Blending combat expertise and training in the Force with a more pragmatic approach to their duties, Sentinels embraced practical technologies and utilized techniques borrowed from police forces, skip tracers, spies, and even law-breakers. Sentinels relied on quick thinking an cunning to accomplish their tasks, and they quickly found their calling in the depths of urban environments. On the streets, Sentinels could fight criminals by using their own tactics against them. Such an approach was not without risk. Even as Sentinels skirted the law to enforce justice, they skirted the dark side of their own morality as well. A Sentinel had to maintain constant vigilance over their own actions, analyzing each choice they made to ensure it was the right one. The most devout Sentinels avoided falling out of Balance with the Force by cultivating a fierce intellect and a brilliant cunning--to see all sides of a no-win situation and find the unexpected solution.

Of all of the Jedi specializations, Sentinels were most likely to be garbed in street clothes, rugged disguises, or all black robes. In an attempt to blend in, Sentinels in the field eschewed the simple brown robes that represented the Jedi Order. While most still adorned their belts with a lightsaber, they also might travel with a blaster or vibroblade during their missions. Rarely igniting their lightsaber, Sentinels often utilized rare amber crystals in their lightsabers, producing a brilliant yellow blade. When they did wield their weapons, Sentinels were often experts in Form V of lightsaber combat. Called Shien, this combat style relied on power tempered by cunning. Jedi who used this form were often strong, but quick wits were the mark of a true master of this style. Shien depended on striking an opponent where they least expect the blow. When dealing with ranged blaster fire, Sentinels learned not to block incoming bolts, but to redirect them. In this way, an opponent's weapon became the tool of the Sentinel. It took clever precision to reflect a ranged attack back toward an adversary, but just as much shrewd brilliance to recognize the right time to overpower adversaries through raw force. Whenever possible, a Shien expert prepared a battleground well in advance of a conflict. Often, these individuals took the time to study a range of different locations soon after they arrived in a city or spaceport. Once combat began, they could carefully exploit the environment and trigger any traps they were able to prepare to unleash upon their opponents. Typically sent out to undertake missions that Guardians or Consulars were not optimized to complete, Sentinels often were sent on scouting missions and were skilled in security, computers, or stealth techniques, and also had diplomatic skills.

  • Artisan – Finding the beauty of the Force in the physical world, Jedi Artisans worked to craft beauty works through their connection to the Force. An Artisan did not create scores of the same item for sale or distribution; instead each of their creations was individual and iconic, a true work of art. The act of creation was central to the Artisan, since it represented a union of the creator and the created. Artisans sought to understand creativity as a central aspect of the will of the Force. Most regarded the construction of their personal lightsabers as their primary creative activity during their early years in the Jedi Order. An Artisan might create a half-dozen truly exceptional works in a lifetime. Some of these would be given to other Jedi and some would become part of the Jedi Archives. Artisans were innately skilled in many different forms of artistry, with some being sculptors, painters, poets, or musicians. Artisans felt the Force surrounding the tools, items, and materials they worked with. They used that connection to weave the Force into their art in intuitive ways and, above all, to build wondrous, powerful works of beauty.
  • Investigator – Jedi specially appointed by the SecurCorps to uncover hidden and obscure threats to the galaxy such as powerful criminal syndicates, corruption, and conspiracy against the galactic governments and other shady menaces served as Investigators. Relying on their on skills in addition to the Force, understanding the local customs and language, being familiar with the unspoken rules of a community, and knowing how to bluff their way into a back room were all talents that Investigators required to survive. Slicing a security camera, picking a lock, or stalking out a person of interest meant breaking laws without getting caught. Relying their instincts and emotions to help them understand the motives of a target, Investigators relied on their Jedi teachings to remain in Balance, not letting their emotions cloud their judgment. The constant exposure to suffering could burn out even the most stalwart of Investigators if the proper protocol was not followed, and the tenants of the Jedi Code not respected. Investigators viewed crime and victimization as a perversion of the nature of the Force, and felt the Force as something that flowed through people, affecting their health, psychology, and well-being. A corruption of the Force brings anger, fear, and suffering to fore and causes more crime. As society is chipped away, the Force is wounded until civilization itself succumbs to the dark side. Investigators seek to prevent the spread of this disease through their service to the Order. Investigators would often work in teams or form networks of informants, spies, and moles within the superstructure of the cities they operated in. Forming good relations with local law enforcement, Investigators often had a vast knowledge of all active criminals and built up a database of serial criminals to better identify patterns, criminal behavior, and terrorism. Tasked with infiltrating suspicious organizations on occasion, Investigators preferred to work on the sidelines and watch as events unfold and mysteries unravel with gentle prodding through the Force. Skilled saboteurs, investigators were stoic members of the Order and studied crime with a strong sense of justice. Based out of the Institute for Jedi Criminology on Coruscant after the Clone Wars, Investigators brought their Forceful suspects back to headquarters for trial by the Council of Judgment.
  • Sentry – The security experts of the Jedi Order, Jedi Sentries often served as members of the SecuCorps. While most Jedi Padawans dreamed of striking down an evil general or forging alliances between powerful armies, Sentries patrolled the streets, city blocks, and alleyways to help the overlooked and common people of the galaxy. These foot soldiers gained none of the glory of their peers, and their thankless tasks were never the stuff of myths, but their work benefited countless lives throughout the millennia. While other Sentinels might focus on the lightsaber form of Shien as tactical exercises, Sentries concentrated on the immediate and the personal. They reached their targets though speed and subterfuge, staying aware of potential threats as they struck quickly. Concerned with the present, a crime committed is a violation too far and stopped too late. Sentries lived in the moment, helping others in need at present and stopping potential threats before they strike. Personally engaging with a situation, Sentries were often accused of being too attached to the singular, becoming too emotionally involved with people and losing sight of larger tasks. Remaining steadfast in their mission despite their detractors, Sentries channeled grief, anger, and love into pushing themselves to their limits to save their charges and finding strength in their personal attachments. Relying on reputation and utilizing fear and surprise against their opponents, Sentries skirted the line between Balance and unbalance as they strove to be the monster who the monsters feared. Where Jedi Ataru Strikers, Aggressors, and Gatemasters kept intruders out, Sentries were called upon to break in. Able to disarm traps and silence alarms, Sentries recognized the Force's limitations when it came to technological countermeasures, and were known to have saved many missions and lives by studying how to disrupt them. A Sentry was often the difference between a successful infiltration and a lifelong prison sentence.
  • Shadow – The secret police of the Order, Shadows worked under the supervision of the Council of First Knowledge and were dispatched to destroy all agents of the dark side. In the ancient days of the Jedi Order, Shadows worked tirelessly to police the galaxy's criminal underbelly. A small subset of the Order's investigation arm, Shadows focused their attention on the great and dangerous threat of the Sith and those who sought their evil artifacts. Training tirelessly to find and eliminate those who had fallen to the dark side of the Force and willingly embraced corruption, the Shadows hunted Sith and their creations with the goal of eradicating their evil from the galaxy. Heavily employed after the New Sith Wars and the Clone Wars, the Shadows were responsible for erasing the word "Sith" from the minds of the majority of galactic citizens and eradicating their ancient strongholds. Recognizing that stealth and deception were integral to finding the targets they hunted, Shadows worked from the darkest places of the planet's they operated out of. Criminal organizations were often mired in secrecy, and uncovering these secrets required underhanded methods. While their techniques were frequently of questionable moral character, Shadows firmly believed their ultimate accomplishments more than justified the tools that they must use. Shadows could often become fanatical, and therefore were required to spend time under the guidance of Jedi Masters after a mission to ensure they remained in Balance with the Force.
  • Tech Specialist – The Tech Specialist carved out a unique talent among the ranks of Jedi, who often shunned leading edge technology. Unwilling to leave some things to droids, Tech Specialists possessed a number of skills, or specialized in different arts like that of slicing or droid modification. These skilled artificers could use their skill with the Force to enhance their abilities, and even intuitively understand a machine's form and function. Capable of disassembling, juicing up, and rebuilding any piece of equipment from a hyperdrive engine to an electronic deck of sabacc cards, the Tech Specialists were useful in missions where it could be necessary to infiltrate a building by overriding security systems versus using a lightsaber to cut one's way inside. Due to a prevalence of maintenance and repair droids, these abilities were rare among the members of the Jedi Order. Some Tech Specialists had cultivated a gift for the Force ability mechu-deru, which bestowed on the user an intuitive understanding of how complicated structures, including machinery and circuity, flow together. Tech Specialists used their connection to the Force to tap into the energy that surrounded their tools and the items they worked on. In order to fully integrate their Force abilities with the devices they manipulate, Tech Specialists would first have to have a solid understanding of how those tools worked. This required a fundamental educational grounding in the principles of technology. When faced with a broken machine, Tech Experts can often identify the problem in an intuitive way. Some Specialists lived up to the stereotype of the messy inventor, while others remained meticulously neat or even took pains to disguise their craftsmanship from casual observers. Many Tech Specialists served in the Order's Technical Division, wherein they worked on starships, droids, and oversaw maintenance within temples and enclaves.
  • Shien Expert – Recognizing that a lightsaber was a potent weapon, Shien experts wielded it with reverence for its precision and lethality. Cunning and willing to use the lightsaber in unorthodox ways, a Shien expert was as likely to strike an opponent with their saber as they were to use it as a ranged weapon, deflecting blasterfire back onto an opponent. Athletic and resilient, a Shien Expert treats each new opponent with the willingness to adapt their fighting style to the conflict. Planning out an attack and a battleground in advance when possible, Shien Experts would look to the environment to serve as a tool against their opponent. Constantly analyzing the situation, Shien Experts use traps, tricks, and any other advantage that the terrain could give them.

Jedi Seeker[]

It was not uncommon for some Jedi to feel compelled to travel throughout the galaxy to aid those in need and to oppose those who use the dark side in ways that went beyond the scope of service to the Republic. The call of the Force sometimes led Jedi out beyond the fringes of galactic society and the strictures of the Jedi High Council, out into the wilds of space. While Jedi Sentinels focused their attentions in cities and urban centers, the need was just as great far from the heart of galactic civilization. A Jedi willing and able to travel and work in these environments would find the path of the Seeker well suited to their skill sets and inclinations. Seekers generally took a very pragmatic view toward the Force. Operating independently, they considered it to be one of the tools in their arsenal, but not the only one. For a Seeker, preparedness and adaptability were paramount. They could not count on finding the right tools for the job in the isolated areas in which they traveled and, as such, they learned to be flexible and adapt quickly to find the best equipment from what was available. In some environments, this might mean discovering information about flora and fauna that was previously undocumented. In such situations, the Force could be the most reliable asset, and its flexibility could aid them in selecting and using whatever else was at hand. This flexibility was vital for the Seeker, as their primary task was to hunt down secret knowledge, solve the great mysteries of the galaxy, and to combat sinister threats in whatever form they materialized. Most Seekers traveled at the direction of the Force, allowing fortune and chance to select their destinations and their traveling companions. Most operated far from temples or enclaves, preferring to make their own way rather than to rely on official transport. Seekers often wielded a lightsaber and used the Ataru form of combat in fighting. When working alone in a hostile environment, every physical conflict would need to be resolved quickly and decisively. Frequently, an uncivilized planet completely lacked any sort of medical facilities. In fact, at times, a Seeker could be the only sentient being on a particular world. In such a situation, a minor injury could be deadly. If a conflict is necessary, it is better that it be resolved quickly, taking whatever risks are involved, that to might more conservatively and prolong the risk of injury. Known as the Aggression form, Ataru appeared as a blur of leaps and lunges to the uninitiated. This style of lightsaber combat was exhausting, even for those who could enhance their speed and stamina through the Force. Seekers were the backbone of the Jedi Exploration Corps, making up the bulk of its membership since the founding of the organization. Casting themselves out into the unknown aboard rugged freighters, and small craft, the galaxy's frontiers were first mapped largely by Seekers in service to the Republic. As members' missions often took them into the wild parts of the galaxy and exposed them to tremendous danger on a regular basis, Seekers of the ExplorCorps had a reputation as the hardiest, most courageous, and most battle-hardened members of the Jedi Service Corps. Jedi Seekers were rarely found at a temple or stationed in one spot, preferring to roam freely across the galaxy, as the Force willed. Guided along strange, winding paths by the Force, Seekers were drawn to wondrous discoveries and untold dangers. Hard to read or understand, even by their fellow Jedi, a Seeker's life was not dedicated to study and introspection but to exploration, adventure, and travel in service to others. Due to their predilection for exploration and the fact that they were largely unsuited for more scholarly or martial duties, Seekers were dispatched by the High Council--or wandered off of their own volition in some cases--to uncover the galaxy's secrets. Many stellar discoveries across the galaxy's long storied history can by linked to the endeavors of Seekers. They were among the first to plot the hyperspace lanes using the Force as their guide instead of the notoriously unreliable early navicomputers. It was Jedi Seekers who sought out and found Ossus, Ilum, and many of the other Jedi enclaves established around Force nexuses. Seekers were most like Jedi Sentinels, in the respect that they relied on a combination of mundane skills as well as their Force-sensitivity to complete missions. Seekers rarely donned Jedi robes in favor of typical spacer or exploration equipment. Unlike the Sentinel however, this was not an attempt to blend in with non-Jedi, but a matter of convenience for their rugged lifestyle on the fringes of society. While most still adorned their belts with a lightsaber, they also might travel with a blaster or vibroblade during their missions. The lightsabers of the Seeker tended to be imbued with a crystal that projected an orange blade that was highly stable and cut with high precision.

  • Beast Master – Beast Masters were gritty Jedi that strove to restore natural Balance to the wilderness. These rugged individuals could forge deep bonds with animals and withstand the most hostile environments. Possessing a natural understanding of nature, Beast Masters could commune with the wild beasts of the galaxy and bring them under their control. Because they were able to bond with companion animals through the Force, they could communicate with them mentally, seeing through their senses, and even directing their actions. Beast Masters could enter into a deep meditative trance and send out their will to possess entire packs of animals. Beast Masters chose their specific career out of a preference for the company of animals over that of sentient beings. Enjoying a symbiotic relationship with the galaxy's fauna, Beast Masters occasionally engaged in alchemical alterations to species, particularly those that had been tainted by the touch of the dark side. Beast Masters would alter an abomination's chemical make-up to restore their Balance within the Force and breed out the twisted taint of ancient Sith machinations. This led many Beast Hunters to be hunters as well as the tamer of wild things. Armed with vigilance and ranged weaponry, they used their powers to track, confront, and slay malicious creatures--sentient or otherwise--that needlessly preyed upon innocent life. Far from the civilized parts of the galaxy, there were many predators that could endanger sentient life. Some of these threats were animals that preyed upon anything digestible; others were malicious and twisted individuals who enjoyed a savage and bloodthirsty existence. Beast Masters were uniquely capable of tracking, confronting and slaying these creatures, particularly those who hid in the wilds. Beast Masters needed to be able to sneak up on their targets, move through difficult terrain, and be constantly alert to their surroundings. Many Beast Masters trained with ranged weapons so that they could strike their targets from far away. Most Beast Masters initially embark upon a hunt focused on animal prey. Because their connection to the Force often lets them differentiate between predators that hunt out of necessity from those that are actively malicious. A Beast Hunter does not normally interfere in the natural cycle of life, but they are more than willing to restore Balance by eliminating a predator that kills needlessly and destroys natural habitats. Sadly, these foul and twisted animalistic intelligences also have their parallels with sentient beings. All too often, a Beast Master found themselves hunting intelligent quarry.
  • Hermit – While most Seekers were often solitary and self-reliant by nature, some went beyond this simple tendency toward reclusion and formed the desire to operate independently. A life isolated from the High Council and other impositions was instead the goal for Hermits, so that they could develop their abilities and connections to the Force in relative calm. Free from outside distractions, Hermits could further themselves in ways previously unimaginable to them. Many Hermits agreed to share their knowledge with the Order proper, proving to be of great value, not only in their use of the Force but also in dealing with wilderness survival and deadly creatures. For Hermits, solitude was not necessarily a result of abhorring social interactions or lacking any skills with them. Some sought only to develop themselves in solitude. Meditation could not only help them become more in tune with the Force, but also strengthen their connection with nature and the surrounding wildlife.
  • Navigator – Seekers were often at the forefront of exploration, pushing back the edges of the unknown across planets and systems throughout the galaxy. Most viewed the mission itself as more important than the plotting needed to undertake it, and determining its best method and route unimportant when compared to what awaited at the destination. Others, though, saw these as perhaps at least as important, and certainly more personally rewarding. Navigators represented those Seekers who devoted themselves fully to these aspects, from charting hyperspace passages or plotting overland routes. No matter the environment, none could match a Navigator when they set about deciding a course. Navigators were often excellent pilots as well; often spending their entire careers in space and moving ship to ship. While the ExplorCorps made use of Navigators in space, they were equally skilled on the ground, plotting their courses over land, sea, and air.
  • Pathfinder – Pathfinders united survival skills and Force powers to live off the land and scout uncharted territory. They enjoyed the thrill of discovery above all else, whether that discovery was a shortened trade route or an uncharted planet. They often worked to support small tribes, pave the way for nascent colonies, or simply discover the natural secrets of unexplored worlds. Few were as capable of exploring a planet and discovering its secrets as a Pathfinder. The combination of Pathfinder's Force talents and their training enabled them to quickly and precisely complete a search, even under the most adverse conditions. A Pathfinder could survive in a hostile wilderness for weeks or months, living off the land with minimal supplies. Some Pathfinders followed this career because they discovered they have a knack for independent survival.
  • Ataru Striker –Seekers often focused on survival in hostile settings where they had to rely solely on their own abilities. Their self-reliance was reflected in their combat abilities, as each shot or strike must end a battle as swiftly as possible. Ataru Strikers embodied the need for finality in an attack, focusing precise lethality to conclude conflict. Many become feared across systems for their effective means of eliminating any threat that required removal. Determining which threats deserve their deadly and personal attention, though, could make for complex judgement calls that threatened to sway an individual out of Balance in the Force if not careful. Those who served the Order in this way relied on their own confidence in their own skill and their athletic prowess.
  • Justice &ndash The apex predator, a Jedi Justice was rare and seldom encountered by the public. Excelling in the art of death, Justices were not so much skilled fighters as they were capable of using their weapon to maximize the damage dealt to an opponent. Only striking out when a definitive end to conflict was necessary, a Justice could be mistaken for brutal killers, if not for their general avoidance of violence. A Justice might strike out against an opponent from afar, choosing to eliminate a threat by using a long-range lightsaber throw or a sniper rifle before they even became aware of any danger. When eliminating one saved hundreds of others or freed entire villages from suffering, a Justice saw their work as perhaps distasteful, but certainly necessary. Driven by intellect rather than emotion, Justices existed in the grey area not necessarily sanctioned by the High Council during much of the Order’s history. Many Justices worked on the fringe, operating far from any temple or central authority.

Jedi Warrior[]

Highly dangerous paragons of strife, the Jedi Warrior was proficient in the use of a lightsaber and many other forms of weaponry. Extremely focused and disciplined martial artists, Warriors had their origin in the beginnings of the Order on Tython where Je'daii worked to incorporate the Force into their physical training. A manifestation of the Force, the Warrior draws on its powers to augment their own considerable strength. Walking a narrow line between light and darkness, the Warrior was a symbol of the Balance, not allowing aggression to dominate their destiny. Dedicated to attacking only when violence is necessary, Warriors possess an ability to judge a situation accurately and only apply as much force as necessary.

  • Starfighter Ace – Members of the Starfighter Corps were known as Aces and specialized in using starfighters as an extension of their being, combining piloting skills with mastery of the Force. Pilots had been an important part of the Order from its beginning on Tython, navigating the stars as the Tythonian Jedi flew sleeper ships out of the Deep Core and into the greater galaxy. Using the Force to help navigate, control their craft, and target enemy ships, Aces had a strong connection to the Unifying Force and were highly attuned to spatial realities. Enthusiastically engaging in one of the most dangerous forms of battle imaginable, they place their trust in the Force to protect them as they launch into daring assaults. Those who embraced the risks of space combat were also skilled at astrogation, mechanical work, and working the complex equipment aboard their starfighters. These skills provided the essentials needed to successfully pilot a ship in combat, and their skill in the Force did the rest.
  • Aggressor – Jedi Aggressors relied on fear to intimidate their opposition into surrender or retreat. Aggressors tended to be tough and dangerous combatants, able to dish out brutal attacks to anyone who fought them, while surviving the same. They used their confidence and their terrifying attitudes to convey their strength to their opponents in the hope that battle could be avoided. Often members of the SecurCorps, Aggressors specialized in wielding double-bladed lightsabers against the enemies of the Order. Stationed at a Jedi temple, enclave, or academy, Aggressors were tough and dangerous combatants that often used fear to make their foes surrender or retreat in order to avoid a fight. Many Aggressors relied on brute strength or an imposing bulk to intimidate or scare an opponent, but were also willing to use their powers of coercion to end a fight. Tempered by the Force and Jedi strictures, Aggressors served with stoic detachment, using their strength to cause the bare minimum of harm necessary to incapacitate a foe.
  • Shii-Cho Knight
  • Vanguard – The Order's Vanguards were among the Order's greatest thinkers and scholars, while also fierce fighters. At the forefront of new ideas and techniques, Vanguards sought out new ways to wield the Force and tested and refined these concepts in the field. Wielding their lightsabers with precision, Vanguards were as likely to be found in a Temple dojo practicing their cadences as they were to be holed up in the Temple laboratories developing new ideas or equipment.
  • Weapon Master – While all Guardians studied combat and undertook weapons training, some preferred to focus all of their energy on learning to master a single weapon or technique. These Jedi were known as Weapon Masters, and were considered the premiere wielder of exotic weaponry. Among the greatest physical fighters in the Oder, Weapon Masters wielded their weapon with grace and precision. While some mastered a specific lightsaber combat style, or used a uniquely-bladed lightsaber, others specialized in wielding blasters, quarterstaves or more exotic weaponry from individual cultures.

Jedi Mystic[]

Deeply immersed in the Force, those who followed the Mystic school of thought were put on their career path far earlier than their peers. While a Padawan might waver between becoming a Consular or a Sentinel, those that would become Mystics were born into it. Constantly perceiving the Force, Mystics were notably different from their peers in that they were insular, introspective, and reliant on the Force for guidance in the everyday tedium. In touch with their instincts, Mystics were independent spirits and often mastered a broad range of Force powers. The training offered by the Order only served to enhance their natural abilities, with most Mystics receiving specialized training earlier than other students. Despite the specialized training, most skills were intuited by Mystics, with experience serving as their greatest instructor. Constantly seeking the Force for guidance, Mystics often times seemed distant and mysterious to their peers. Charismatic and natural authorities on the mysteries of the Force, Mystics, while few in numbers, often ascended to leadership roles within the Order’s hierarchy. Mystics were likely to be found in the earth tones of their peers when residing within a temple or enclave, but might have preferred to don courtlier garb when serving in advisory roles. Though humble and altruistic like all Jedi, Mystics understood the need to blend in and play the part when involved in the dealings of government or corporate environments. Jedi Mystics wielded their lightsabers proudly, often carrying two with white blades. The white blade, a symbol of Balance and purity, was a rarity among Jedi. When revealed, the radiance of such blades was typically enough to disarm would be aggressors.

  • Advisor – Because a Jedi did not seek power in order to dominate others, Mystics compelled to help in an advisory role did just that. Jedi Advisors served the DiploCorps and were led by the Council of Reconciliation from the Coruscant academy after the Clone Wars. Assigned by a Chief Diplomat, Advisors were either placed within the office of a planetary leader, or were tasked with roaming between sectors of space. These roaming Advisors felt their advice too valuable to limit to one planet or region and wandered the stars by the will of the Force, sowing their guidance wherever it was needed. Those attached to a planetary leader or government helped to shape the rule of law and ensure fairness and justice for the citizenry. Many popular rulers had been assisted by Jedi Advisors throughout history, as they helped ensure their policies did the most good for the greatest number. Socially adept, Advisors took a very pragmatic approach in working with others and offering them the guidance of the Force. An accomplished Advisor quickly analyzed the risks of a situation and then, using the necessary tools, would influence the involved parties so that a desired outcome could rapidly be achieved. Advisors also found themselves in less glamorous roles as they sought to assist the poor and the desperate. Among the common folk, they tried to counsel and guide individuals in dire straits, sometimes providing salvation to those who had lost all hope.
  • Seer – When the Force decided to manifest itself in the form of visions, the individual was subject to the images provided regardless of their own desires to see it. Racked with visions, the choice to walk the path of the Seer was not the individuals. Seers recognized its influence in the subtlest of ways where minor ripples in the Force revealed deep meanings and forewarn of critical events far in the future. Among Force-users, Seers were arguably the ones who felt the strongest sense of guidance from the Force. Dwelling within the Force at all times, they could recognize even minor ripples and follow them to their source to stop a small problem from turning into a major crisis. Similarly, they might recognize an even that occurs far away and advise those nearby to take action so they can be prepared well in advanced of a future crisis. A Seer's abilities often gave them insights into the future, guiding them to places and people who most needed their wisdom and advice. However, this quantity of information--particularly in environments filled with others--could become overwhelming. For this reason, the Jedi Order sought to identify those with a knack for foresight early on and give them specialized training. Throughout the Order's history, the number of Seers has remained low, fluctuating each generation. Following the Clone Wars Seers were given great attention and respect, and granted a home at the isolated retreat of Orthanc on Tython. Here, the wisest of the Seers were known as Prophets, and each led one of the five schools of Force Seers, each garbed in their own color. The Nataph school was led by the White Prophet and visions of this kind came as revelation. The Nabi School was oversaw by the Black Prophet and they learned how to control their visions, which erupted as violent vocalizations. The Shamar school was represented by the Grey Prophet, who saw the future as if viewing the time stream from a distance. The Blue Prophet of the Roeh School focused on discernment of facts through people or objects such as fire or crystals; the Chozeh School's Brown Prophet engaged in trances. The Prophets formed the Council of Five and spoke directly to the Jedi Councils to provide them with only the most accurate visions. The Council also appointed a Chief Seer to the Order's Grand Academy, and each satellite academy's Council had a Master or Mistress of Visions as a member.
  • Magus
  • Makashi Duelist – The Makashi style of lightsaber combat was known for its showmanship. Makashi Duelists relied on their ability to exert their presence over an opponent, in addition to their martial prowess. Using their charm and coordination to wield dual lightsabers, a Duelist was a graceful creature of a refined craft. As a form, Makashi was designed for combating an enemy wielding a lightsaber, and was implemented for the sole purpose of slaying an enemy. Relying on their showmanship to tire out an opponent or frustrate them, the Duelist was driven by their personality, rather than their natural athleticism.
  • Empath
  • Prophet

Special titles and cross-disciplinary roles[]

  • Recruiter – Similar in nature and disposition to the Investigators, Recruiters operated in ways akin to racers, those sportsbeings around the galaxy that sought thrill and speed. Instead of seeking the finish line on a race course, Recruiters sought to bring new Forceful individuals from across the galaxy into the Order's fold. The root of a Recruiter's interaction with the Force was based on knowing their position in time and space; Recruiters don't ask directions, they intuit their arrival at their destinations, pushing to understand the future in relation to the positioning of self. As the Force raced forward in time, it carved a path that Recruiters could follow to a potential Forceful Initiate. Physical obstacles weren't obstacles per se, to a Recruiter, as they represented perceptual shadows on the fabric of space time when viewed through the Force. Using the Force to peer into these shadows, Recruiters saw not only what exists in the shadows, but also when such interactions exist in the shadow. As their skills developed, this perception extended from their own relative position to those of other Forceful beings. Learning to predict not only their own place in space-time, but also about other beings' places relative to them, Recruiters were granted the eerie ability to be at the right place at the right time to intercept an individual. Serving the Acquisition Division, Recruiters carried with them technology that could take blood-samples for testing of midi-chlorians Recruiters had a calm demeanor and steady hands, calming parents and easing their children away from their families for induction into the Order. Years after the Clone Wars, Master Callista Masana headed the construction of a machine which, when augmented by a Force-sensitive's brain, could allow the user to perceive and identify all Forceful beings in the galaxy. Known as the Moshtnost-otkrivane, the machine formed a clandestine telepathic connection between the Master Recruiter and an anonymous Forceful individual. The job of each individual Recruiter was to tap into this link and follow it to the source of the connection. Once found, a Recruiter's job became much more complicated, as they had to convince a family of the necessity of handing over their child to the Order. Recruiters had to have diplomatic training, in order to convince a family that their child was safest growing up in the controlled environment of the Order's academy, rather than developing their Force talents on their own.
  • Gatemaster – Guardians who attached themselves to the Order's SecurCorps could choose to serve the Order as a Gatemaster. Stationed at one of the Order's many academies, temples, or chapter houses, Gatemasters oversaw security at the facility and were tasked with the appointment of Padawan guards or the distribution of other SecurCorps members. Gatemasters were appointed by the Security Council and were proficient swordsbeings. Trusted with a facility's keycodes and passwords, a Gatemaster always possessed a staunch belief in honor and duty.
  • Watchman – Throughout the history of the Jedi, many have understood the need to have a presence in trouble spots even when trouble is not apparent. Rather than wait at a temple or enclave until an emergency is noted, the Order preempts these events by placing a Watchman on individual planets to monitor the situation throughout the system. Generally tasked with maintaining the welfare of an entire region of space at a time, the Watchman position has evolved through the millennia. During the war with the Sith, many Jedi took it upon themselves to build academies or training centers in troubled regions of space from which they educated Padawans and monitored the system for threats. During the New Sith Wars, these Watchmen evolved into Jedi Lords, taking a political interest in the system and declaring themselves as the protector and regent of a planet or system to defend against the Sith. During the modern era, the Watchman position has changed once more. As old and new academy are reopened and serve as a place for Jedi Rangers to train, Watchmen are appointed as the Headmaster of each academy. From the academy, a Watchman oversees the missions of each Ranger assigned to the system and communicates with local officials either directly or through advisors. Each Watchman is responsible for dispatching a Ranger to quell problems before they begin and to anticipate any cultural, social, political, or economic ramifications of their actions.

Jedi temples, academies and chapter houses[]

Headquarters of the Jedi Order[]

Grand Academy and the Great Temples[]

The major educational arm of the Jedi Order, the Grand Academy and the nine Great Temples are the first steps in the training of every Jedi Knight. Since the Clone Wars generation, no Padawan was permitted to attain the rank of Knight without first visiting each of the Tythonian temples and completing their Great Journey.

Fortress worlds, temples, and enclaves[]

Fortress worlds were established early in the Order's history to act as military staging areas to defend the Order and the Republic. Since that time, the fortress words have retained their strategic and defensive positions, but focus on contemplation and reflection. These temples usually are not academies, and strictly serve as a place of solitude and peace for members of the Jedi Order. Prominent Jedi may pass through and hold court at these locals, or researchers may operate out of them, but most Jedi visit the fortress worlds on a pilgrimage to discover the mysteries of the Order's past. The homeworlds of the founding species of the Order were all home to Temples dedicated to honoring the Order's founders.

Holy sites[]

Many sites across the galaxy draw Jedi to them, even without having an established or controlling presence on the world. Some are sacred cities where lay beings observe the Force and study its mysteries while others are important Jedi heritage sites.

  • Ashla
  • Bogan
  • Ilum
  • Jedha
  • Great Library (Ossus)
  • Halls of Knowledge (Phateem)
  • Hidden Temple (Taivas)
  • Oracle of Pelgrin
  • Temple of Imperfect Repose (Vaklin)
  • Memorial of the Fallen (New Holstice)
  • Valley of the Jedi (Ruusan)


The Order's Praxeums are spread across the galaxy and offer a specialized learning environment for Jedi Knights. While some have Ranger Command Centers set up, most Jedi at these complexes are learning from the best Jedi in their chosen specialization, be it archaeology or diplomacy.

Service Corps chapter houses[]

The Jedi Service Corps typically operated embassies and forward operating bases for traveling Jedi. These facilities have a smaller staff than a Ranger Academy generally and a Council that only convened annually or as needed. Some facilities held a Ranger Command Center, but most were tended to by members of one of the divisions of the Service Corps.

  • Aleen (ExplorCorps)
  • Belsavis (SecurCorps)Source
  • Bespin (AgriCorps)
  • Bogden III Source
  • Tatooine
  • Dantooine (Outer Rim AgriCorps regional headquarters)
  • Draay II (AgriCorps)
  • Gandle Outt (AgriCorps)
  • H'ratth (MedCorps) Source
  • Kamparas (StarCorps) Source
  • Marfa (AgriCorps)
  • Rhinnal Source
  • Seline (ExplorCorps)
  • Dawn Temple of Spintir (MedCorps)
  • Taanab (Inner Rim AgriCorps regional headquarters) Source

Ranger Academies[]

Ranger Academies were specialized facilities maintained by the Order and served to further the Jedi mission. A Ranger Academy's Council was led by a system or sector Watchman and the Rangers under their command patrolled the space lanes of that designated area of space, using the academy as an operations planning facility and base. Others studies were conducted out of the Ranger Academy, typically tailored to the particular world or system the Academy was responsible for monitoring.

Species represented in the Jedi Order[]


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Top of pageSee alsoExternal links

When the Jedi Order was founded from the remains of the Je'daii on Tython, the entirety of the Order's membership was comprised of a small number of species, as the Tython system was comprised of the ancestors of the Tho Yor passengers. Because of this the species in the Order were contingent on sensitivity to the Force, and their having been selected by the Tho Yor for travel to Tython. While Humans were the most heavily represented, Zabrak, Twi'lek, Devaronian, and Talid comprised a large portion of the Order. Aside from Human subspecies, such as the Miraluka, Mirialans, and Dathomiri, Je'daii races included Cathar, Esral'sa'Nikto and Kajain'sa'Nikto, Iktotchi, Noghri, Selkath, Sith, Sullustans, and Wookiees. The species with the smallest numbers included Bothans, Anacondans, Koorivar, Aqualish, Harch, Zolander, Xan, and Krevaaki; these species all had sustained heavy losses early on upon arriving on Tython, and had very nearly been wiped out.

It wasn't until the Jedi Order relocated to the world Ossus that there was an influx of new species within the Order. Gathered first from the many species of Iduxians which inhabited the world, a member state of the Empire of Xim, the Order quickly attracted many other species from the region. New species that entered the Order at this time included the Stenax, Rhen Varites, Jomarkans, Sy Myrthians, Hutts, Vurk, Swokes Swokes, Emmerians, and Lamproids. These species varied in shape, biology, and size; not all could bear traditional weapons and not all interacted with the Force in the same way as the Tython Jedi. Several client species of the Hutts also found their way to the Order. Abyssins, Nikto, Weequay, Chironians, and Maelibi were among those that found a home on Ossus.

The Order at its zenith numbered in the millions, spread out across several fortress worlds in the Outer Rim, and having colonies formed by long forgotten sects, such as the Corellian Jedi or the Jedi of Coruscant. Entering the Order at all ages, Jedi were permitted to marry and thus gave birth to new potential learners. Humans, Twi'leks, Zabrak, and Miraluka, were still heavily represented during this time period, but new species such as the Togruta, Kel Dor, and Ongree began to create a foothold in the Order which would last for millennia. This era of prosperity ended with the breakaway Order of the Sith, which waged war on the Jedi for generations. Following the devastation of Ossus and the Jedi Civil War, the Order was reduced to a mere 106 active members. These Jedi were ruthlessly hunted until the destruction of the Sith Triumvirate by Jedi Meetra Surik, who reorganized the Order and began its rebirth. Bringing in large numbers of students, the Order rebounded over the years to reach a number of over 8,000 by the time of the Great Galactic War. While the loses were high during this conflict and the ensuing fighting with the Eternal Empire, the Order recovered yet again by opening its doors to former Sith and Knights from the Eternal Empire. The millennium of conflicts known collectively as the New Sith Wars saw the Order numbering at 10,000 active Jedi Knights and Masters; this number would stay steady for a thousand years until the Clone Wars reduced the number further to 7,000.

In the post-war era, after the defeat of the Sith, the Order underwent a renaissance wherein its numbers soared astronomically. Within a few short years the Order had nearly recouped its losses from the war by opening an Acolyte Academy to train older students and initiated half a million new younglings by reassessing the requirements to become a Jedi. By valuing all Forceful individuals, the Order grew its numbers and expanded the Service Corps with those Forceful not destined to be Knights. By bringing other Force-using groups into the Order, the Jedi population had reached 2,448,514 active Jedi Knights and Masters.





















Annoo-dat Prime[]








  • Gwellib Ap-Llewff
























  • Northern Forest of Yurs


Bah'r Kilido[]









  • Ekria Brotingo






  • Wollwi Enan





  • Amseth Mendes


  • Ulaha Kore
  • Ki Ph'ton
  • Cho Zeh'bra



Blood Carver[]

  • Zentoo Horle



  • Vel Ardox





  • Bora Boru


Bothan Half-breed[]

  • Zaq Pann




  • Rizann Mavr







  • Radd Minker
  • Jendi Wonetun




  • Allynic E'Kles
  • Ylenic It'kla
  • Loska Sa'akos


  • Duvandis Gilp


  • Pret Jordan


  • Lordes Fi
  • Ahn Rasi Tuum
  • Ekar Asi Tuum
  • Zho Rasi Tuum




  • Felanina Tekli
  • Tili Qua



  • Klossi Ano
  • Depa Billaba
  • Devlora Simms
  • Saleema Prithi
  • Ali-Vor Tyno



  • Siti Alaster


  • Lusa Cunha



  • Kung'urama'nuruodo





  • Tera Sinubé


  • Yoland Fee
  • Crev Hunew





  • Duala Aidu



  • Fery Sewq


  • Plubiri Vis'l



  • Qwal-Epido
  • Esma-Yerem


  • Cebidan Hi'sa


  • Fert Gewa


  • Juroango Reeft



  • Star Wing

[[Duros (Jedi Renaissance)|Duros

  • Looca B'Nash
  • Felanil Baaks
  • Tantron Dow
  • Kin Dre
  • Qiyat Fendel
  • Teo Gronn
  • Qwallo Mode
  • Melari Ruxon




  • Nikoova Bastra; Blue Prophet


  • Selibib Dokur


  • [[Oka Den (Jedi Renaissance)|Oka


  • Te Corso
  • Saras Loorne
  • Indot Sheni


  • Jog Saveen



  • Zenon Harper


  • Gwendel Dew


  • Rei Soffran




  • Ash Jarvee




  • Yuun Raltharan


  • Hagark
  • Har Hurrrsks
  • Kargrek


  • Darkus Mia


  • Saalia Zarmer



  • Sisseri Deo
  • Banol Hethrir
  • Kriel Rillao


  • Et Rex

Force Demon[]


Fraii Wys[]

  • Irkaniel Kardal


  • Eirta Oldin



  • Bendon Eon
  • Jol Wortin



  • Syron Aalun
  • Vaskau
  • Lu'daal-ud
  • Venlyss Pnorr
  • Ooryl Qrygg
  • Ussar Vlee
  • Vviir Wiamdi


  • Loubiv Lesh'Koorin


  • Lev Laseter



  • Lesa Slarga


  • Cet Kai


  • Digo Pret
  • Seek Ryontarr


  • Dree-Tekes
  • Boofer Kurn
  • Ulu Ulix


  • Saren Valek (first name last)



  • Cuzao Thiddex



  • Herr Humat


  • Keldiba Derrh


  • T'Seely Rudo


  • Tseki Vellin


  • Parasam Hijnik
  • Jin Ke-Ferzo
  • Iwo Kulka
  • Kath Plett
  • Brigantes Ustu


  • Terr Seks



  • Kendalina Abermiaci
  • Nadia Abduli
  • Beel Acton
  • Yebse Adul
  • Dimitria Aire'th
  • Stass Allie
  • Sim Aloo
  • Ricardus Alpert
  • Djinn Altis
  • Tren Alvar
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Mari Amithest
  • Darial Anglethorn
  • Soara Antana
  • Koffi Arana
  • Delcep Ardan
  • Avinoam Arelis
  • Spang Argor
  • Tash Arranda
  • Zak Arranda
  • Kani Asari
  • Bene Athan
  • Ren Auglu
  • Tavion Axmis
  • Daye Azur-Jamin
  • Tam Azur-Jamin
  • Sors Bandeam
  • Vincenzo Banz
  • Katooni Baralein
  • Yasinda Bardak
  • Zazer Barduun
  • Thraken Be
  • Eryl Besa
  • Aidan Bok
  • Z'meer Bothu
  • Lom Brakiss
  • Adalric Brandl
  • Jaalib Brandl
  • Shira Brie
  • J.K. Burtola
  • Winso Bykart
  • Drun Cairnwick
  • Cal-i-Vaun
  • Dannen Callat
  • Dalnus Cam
  • Damon Carlyle
  • Shavnia Carlyle
  • Stevan Carlyle
  • Zedd Carson
  • Alysun Celz
  • Namman Cha
  • Yral Chael
  • Hogrum Chalk
  • Ry-Gaul Chicri
  • Olana Chion
  • Pax Chizzik
  • Telloti Cillmam'n
  • Shen-Ji Collun
  • Essaj Cronal
  • Amar Cros
  • Sa Cuis
  • Flint Daagh
  • Nashira Daklana
  • Traavis Dalledos
  • Jessa Dajus
  • Sigel Dare
  • Noa-Jek Darillian
  • Finn Darktrin
  • Roblio Darté
  • Ameesa Darys
  • J'rek de Mahdav
  • Jarid DeBell
  • Nial Declann
  • Carth De'Dendon
  • Dimitria Aire'th
  • Nelani Dinn
  • Vydel Dir'Nul
  • Gel Dlarmard
  • Leodona Dodonna
  • Seha Dorvald
  • Antares Draco
  • Valin Draco
  • Cin Drallig
  • Clar Drayneen
  • Jeng Droga
  • Fenella Druce
  • Caleb Dume
  • Gruu Dunrik
  • Nobu Durrei
  • Kyp Durron
  • Imono Durshana
  • Gantoris Edinn
  • Jeswi Ele
  • Neth Enasteri
  • Nolor Endivain
  • Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy
  • Liam Esendos
  • Geith Eris
  • Halla Fabiszak
  • Keyan Farlander
  • Jonas Fel'Kona
  • Minos Fel'Konas
  • Azrakel Flivven
  • Eelysa Fluzhi
  • Devan For'deschel
  • Siadem Forte
  • Chard Fristena
  • Fy-Tor-Ana
  • Melik Galerha
  • Finn Galfridian
  • Bey Gandan
  • Nia Garr
  • San'sii Gatheri
  • Bandy Geffer
  • Lisor Gerrick
  • Klin-Fa Gi
  • Vila Gildera
  • Lexia Ginorra
  • Vill Goir
  • Jallar Golin
  • Cordelia Goode
  • Falon Gray (Gray Paladins)
  • Janus Greejatus
  • B.D. Hahvad
  • Kymber Halbret
  • Corran Halcyon
  • Val Halcyon
  • Gael Halmere
  • Kenth Hamner
  • Vor Harkass
  • Asha Hass
  • Brigta Hejaran
  • Seff Hellin
  • A'Sharad Hett
  • Wren Honoran
  • Jedgar Hooge
  • Rann I-Kanu
  • Anise I'Zak
  • Belsed-Qan Idan
  • Lagan Ismaren
  • Roganda Ismaren
  • Tycho Isod
  • Bairdon Jace
  • Mara Jade
  • Shela Jalahafi
  • Teles Jalahafi
  • Carnor Jax
  • Kessar Jedd
  • Darrus Jeht
  • Rana Jenarian
  • Dass Jennir
  • Kebel Jurokk
  • Caeleb Jonos
  • Pix Joyriax
  • Zett Jukassa
  • Victor Jun
  • Taj Junik
  • Bardan Jusik
  • Kai Justiss
  • Kadaan
  • Beliden Kara
  • Kyle Katarn
  • Morgan Katarn
  • Zasm Katth
  • Waxarn Kel
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Caryn Keona
  • Alec Kepporra
  • Danaan Kerr
  • Serra Keto
  • Sinsor Khal
  • "Don-Wan Kihotay"
  • Stoer Kilos
  • Ydra Kilwallen
  • Skeeto Kimer
  • Seenlu Kir
  • Vess Kogo
  • Loy Kommas
  • Dal Konur
  • Xarot Korlin
  • Jaden Korr
  • Rahm Kota
  • Vil Kothos
  • Dasariah Kothos
  • Ganner Krieg
  • Dolph Fordyce
  • An'ya Kuro
  • Yohn Lahk
  • Nason Laric
  • Luke Lars
  • Marie Lavou
  • Thracia Cho Leem
  • Shia Letap
  • Vram Linaki
  • Ben Lynus
  • Meera Lisso
  • Drake Lo'gaan
  • Uldir Lochett
  • Jambe Lu
  • Arden Lyn
  • Zeetara Maan
  • Du Mahn
  • Y'sanne Malek
  • Oden Malksch
  • Kath Malorum
  • Whie Malreaux
  • Galen Marek
  • Kento Marek
  • Mallie Marek
  • Nichos Marr
  • Sivarra Mecheaux
  • Marke Medjev
  • Nom Merili
  • Callista Masana
  • Denia Mindar
  • Cray Mingla
  • Margolis Mingla
  • Dama Montalvo
  • Krdys Mordi
  • Aalto Morituri
  • Celeste Morne
  • Braz Morphius
  • Ali-Alann Morsi
  • Garen Muln
  • Ryns Mynnic
  • Noirah Na
  • Leia Naberrie
  • Lora Nadad
  • Julias Narn
  • Pirt Neer
  • Vrke Niedra
  • Li-Suun Niik
  • Xecr Nist
  • Honi Nittet
  • Tro Nixx
  • Isela Norand
  • Akanah Norand
  • Nos'lyn
  • Jocasta Nu
  • Nyo
  • Lune Oddo
  • Ferus Olin
  • Lari Oll
  • Olof
  • Isaru Omin
  • Oca Owhes
  • Teela Panjarra
  • Lanu Pasiq
  • Drake Paulsen
  • Jax Pavan
  • Lo Pelkar
  • Rosh Penin
  • Allara Peoly
  • Bobby Phet
  • Atresh Pikil
  • Chase Piru
  • Olge Plavi-Dol
  • Lomi Plo
  • Taselda Pluten
  • Nam Poorf
  • Shadday Potkin
  • Lanius Qel-Bertuk
  • Quaithe
  • Voli Quana
  • Danni Quee
  • Sarcev Quest
  • Misha Quor-Din
  • Azlyn Rae
  • Qu Rahn
  • Octa Ramis
  • Yoshi Raph-Elan
  • Jin-Lo Rayce
  • Kai Rees
  • Sa-Di Reese
  • Naat Reeth
  • Loam Redge
  • Pyur Reezen
  • Miko Reglia
  • Tyneir Renz
  • Keelyvine Reus
  • Trevon Rey
  • Clee Rhara
  • Ganner Rhysode
  • Nick Rostu
  • Ekim Ryelli
  • Thaum Rystra
  • Valara Saar
  • Joc Sah
  • Pol Sandé
  • Tyria Sarkin
  • Kajin Savaros
  • Jomasom "Pinky" Sayul
  • Sedriss QL
  • Tipagna Senn
  • Sariss Shaia
  • Kasi Sha'Rhil
  • Corwin Shelvay
  • Echuu Shen-Jon
  • Lirik Sheyvan
  • Jula Shryne
  • Roan Shryne
  • Suna Shynne
  • Aralina Silk
  • Treis Sinde
  • Mas Sirrah
  • Wurth Skidder
  • Venku Skirata
  • Anakin Skywalker
  • Markus Solborne
  • Kam Solusar
  • Ranik Solusar
  • Jorad Somberlas
  • Jyl Somtay
  • Dyon Stadd
  • Bon Starfire
  • Olee Starstone
  • Urootar Steinar
  • Maarek Stele
  • Nova Stihl
  • Burra Stone
  • Bail Storm
  • Havet Storm
  • Morvet Storm
  • Atam Streen
  • Zelice Sturm
  • Jaizen Suel
  • Tobias Sun
  • Petro Suutrar
  • Bultar Swan
  • Kennan Taanzer
  • Evlyn Tabory
  • Domina Tagge
  • Jhara Tarmin
  • Eremin Tarn
  • Ana Tathis
  • Dorn Tavers
  • Tedryn-Sha
  • Acelin "A.J." Telcontar
  • Miat Temm
  • Probus Tesla
  • Savuus Thimram
  • Avlis Tholme
  • Raynar Thul
  • Glovan Thule
  • Kirana Ti
  • Sanola Ti
  • Tionne
  • Laddinare Torbin
  • Jafer Torles
  • Jor Torlin
  • Palo Torshan
  • Jan-Ira Toru
  • Axton Tredway
  • Erling Tredway
  • Pyrene Treibeiu
  • Rhondi Tremaine
  • Rolund Tremaine
  • Antinnis Tremayne
  • Cheryl Trinja
  • Hera Tuix
  • Etain Tur-Mukan
  • Vost Tyne
  • Vialco Ulso
  • Jhor-Kai Uropei
  • Thrynni Vae
  • Okko Varhoot
  • Dymytyr Vass
  • Kar Vastor
  • Cassa Veila
  • Tahiri Veila
  • Tryst Veila
  • Misha Vekkian
  • Halagad Ventor
  • Elke Vetter
  • Vima-Da-Boda
  • BoShek Vitaek
  • Wade Vox
  • Aris-Del Wari
  • Lahek Wass
  • Talilia Weden
  • Krasin Welk
  • Sia-Lan Wezz
  • Jace Wialu
  • Mace Windu
  • Alexandra Winger
  • X1
  • X2
  • Ilena Xan
  • Zantos Yabeley
  • Borik Yelgo
  • Jem Ysanna
  • Rayf Ysanna
  • Winna Di Yuni
  • Zekk
  • Ana Zakk
  • Arligan Zey



  • Phiri Sarbanel



Ice Demon[]

  • Stagorr


  • Rax Tolen


  • Tolan Hing
  • Xen Klugh


  • Renij Jaa
  • Sardoth
  • Eshkar Niin
  • Karl Zen



  • Anya Precore




  • Akial



  • Jaek Dorf


  • Tnani Ikon



  • Chazre Depor



  • Libel Oornivar
  • Janseek Rehal


  • Kina Ha

Kasa Horansi[]

  • Plemen Zoi


Kel Dor[]

  • Eeesh Burra
  • Krin D'bis
  • Tokra Hazz
  • Ithia
  • Plo Koon
  • Sha Koon
  • Tila Mong
  • Tistura Paan
  • Charsae Saal
  • Doln Tok
  • Stara Zagoro
  • Koro Ziil



  • Tassida Judrelle
  • Dav-Wes Renno
  • Ti-Amun Tiro




  • Delvel Korsin


  • Winslau Da'k

Kowakian monkey-lizard[]

  • Picaroon Boodle


  • Bodo Baas
  • Kir Zih


  • Dorbi Sak


  • Regera Girawn


  • Cuhan Arrizza
  • Sola Upulu


  • Ikrit


  • Ring-Sol Ambase



  • Helz Ahge



  • Crela Fopti
  • Sargos Livest
  • Even Piell


  • Zeke Sarban

Lizard Warrior[]

  • Dracos


  • Vaas Ga


  • Alzo Jurahi
  • Jorus Trass


  • Bashinan Hodizwen
  • Epriaziar T'un


  • T'kyl







  • Broc Longstar


  • J'Soryn Jerec
  • Awde Seer


  • Tarsus Beling
  • Da'Bres Kubariet
  • Kazic Moonwood
  • Barriss Offee
  • Luminara Unduli

Mon Calamari[]

  • Ambaln
  • Orkos Ceol
  • Aleann Cilghal
  • Bant Eerin
  • Gumbrak Hoxz
  • Jerga
  • Eekar Oki
  • Ozlo
  • Rune
  • Shamlimin


  • Jeran Rool



  • Tiru Brishen


  • Jabidus Inspra


  • Binn Ibes



  • Niall Namore
  • Michael Tandre


  • Zatt Contarus
  • Ronni Kis
  • Nat Lariats
  • Zinn Toa


  • Ashka Boda



  • Gokim Keeg
  • Elvee Kjan



  • Lorbei Harves
  • Drok Kantalek
  • Ma'kis'shaalas
  • J'oopi Shé
  • Chian Soduntis


  • Baddon Fass
  • Kvag Gthull


  • Desvendil



  • Mara Mindel





  • Evele Romor


  • Bleth Fahr
  • Kalliv Juw
  • Karls Sannen
  • Tiu Zax



  • Nem Bees



  • Alicka Dabrini
  • Toro Irana


  • Vers Gubacher



  • Gean Niquon


  • Miro Daroon
  • Klienn Lassin

Protean (Sar Agorn's Species)[]

  • Delmon Morker


  • Dabri Auqom





  • Kisheks
  • Qid Proko
  • Feskaa Turnell
  • Sarn Vals



  • Trin Turnell



  • Barva Norr
  • Bazel Warv



  • Polaris Benn-Rondi
  • Wuwuhuul


  • Stanza Sturm


  • Jovan Drark
  • Wee Dunn
  • Kazdan Lblanda-Dol
  • Otee Nom
  • Kelbis Nu
  • Paemos
  • Rulo
  • Toile Senn
  • Ganodi Turon
  • Twool
  • Wamtra


  • Alurali Watashi


  • Hira Ismandel
  • Tivan Lo-Jad


  • Yush Baskalar
  • Jayk Lylin




  • Feldor Zrim




  • Kolko Hu'yi



  • Lucien Travgen
  • Teev Zonder


  • Bagar Nei-Leit
  • Dera Tharas


  • Hoddas Umgil



  • Dragite
  • Ilum
  • Luxum


  • Beledon Jes



  • Narpos Thor


  • Als Endvel


  • Arden Valiri
  • Ellu Viss


  • Ehart Zadane



  • Hebron'ssk


  • Toma Hi'llani



  • Darrin Arkanian
  • Ull Murub


  • Jevan Biliril

Sy Myrthian[]

  • Killos Berthadrean



  • Urai Fen


  • Horororibb


  • Ba'Ols
  • Besaama
  • Constanten
  • Missira
  • Gila Yarg


  • Ai-Ari Kuldi
  • Kili Selbed


  • Jastus Farr



  • Alam Syk
  • Tru Veld


  • Rouslyn Loli


  • Rassad Cospicitis



  • Noth Precore


  • Purr


  • Micba Bear
  • Anu Morto




  • Xext Yen


  • Dari Sobusk


  • Morag


  • Karb Celian
  • Alfi Hebsley


  • Boc Aseca
  • Selo Band
  • Ara Barotta
  • Vokara Ché
  • Daeshara Cor
  • Janiah Damarcus
  • Deel De
  • Shaala Doneeta
  • Finn Ertay
  • Swilja Fenn
  • Io Hary'nkel
  • Jinx Mahnsun
  • Sheshish Novus
  • Seddwia Nyeb
  • Illiv Orfa
  • Alema Rar
  • Numa Rar


  • Orros Delvid



  • Nanda-Ree Janoo



  • Diard Vads
  • Sly Moore

Unidentified species[]

  • Minch
  • Yoda





  • Lorrke



  • Lina Lascol
  • Zao Renarus


  • Andros Kroan (Darth Kruhl)



  • Lir'ata Korr (Darth Rauder)


  • Raik Muun


  • Poradal Derek
  • Beyghor Sahdett


  • Hran Beling


  • Desi Keldabe


  • Ja'kin Vamilad



  • Elendi Zark


  • Aven Rolk


  • Coleman Nasor
  • Charlena Unic


  • Rees Alrix



  • Sev Fitzik
  • Silmis Vey


  • Adorn Maru


  • Jempa Rohtul
  • Tak-tak
  • K'Kruhk
  • Tol Skaros

Wol Cabasshite[]



  • Lubimira Sendis




  • Corabel Syndata



  • Towan Navarr


  • Errol Dajjun
  • Horen Hote: the film - The Species of the Jedi Order



  • Keeth Anak
  • Maris Brood
  • Bol Chatak
  • Bas Fa'Zoll
  • Jiro
  • Drakka Judarrl
  • Jaylen Kos
  • Nek Lawsirk
  • Thra Liam
  • Mai
  • Mellichae
  • Wolf Sazen
  • Seeth'tal
  • Dar Singe
  • Tensa Voll
  • Ja'ce Yiasq
  • Tyzen Xebec


  • Pelia Seprisi



  • Niebur Boton
  • Sera Dewet
  • Rayfe Rollan


  • Peleana Zeami


  • Atlee Vekki


  • Ran Deezy
  • Farn Klin
  • Tiplar Pryde
  • Tiplee Pryde
  • Rig Nema

  • Markus Dorivonn; Human, Guardian, Protector
  • Dal Kir; Kel Dor, Consular, Sage Master
  • Kasuni Tamm; Togruta, Sentinel, Pathfinder
  • Sal Sor'chan; Nautolan, Consular, Advisor

Jedi sub-sects[]

The Jedi Order during its history has often been confronted with schisms regarding the interpretation of the Jedi Code, which sometimes created new thinking minority within the Order. Following the Jedi Renaissance, the High Council welcomed different ways of interpreting the Code and viewing the Force under the mantra that it is better to have Forceful beings under the umbrella of the Order then out in the galaxy without oversight. Following the Clone Wars, the High Council undertook a massive search for Force groups with the intent of bringing them under control of the High Council. Widely successful, these groups were permitted to maintain their individuality while required to submit their teachings to the Council of First Knowledge for review. Any new students had to have completed training at the Grand Academy before training at an academy of a sub-sect of the Order. This allowed for a more unified, diverse Order where all views were tolerated and given a voice.

Altisian Jedi Founded by the Jedi Master Djinn Altis, the Altisian faction held several precepts frowned upon by the orthodox Jedi Order, including the taking of multiple apprentices by one master, initiating adult Padawans, and allowing families. Leaving the Jedi Temple three decades before the Clone Wars, Altis and his followers moved about the galaxy serving as relief workers on underdeveloped worlds and backwaters. When Altis took a seat on the High Council, the Altisian Jedi were brought back into the fold of the Order proper. Taking up a permanent settlement in the small city of Talla, located in the mountains overlooking the city of Knossa on Ossus, the Talla Jedi as they became known welcomed Jedi who sought marriage ceremonies but agreed to allow their children to be trained at the Grand Academy.

Corellian Jedi Faithful to the reputation of rebels of their people, Corellian Jedi were strongly attached to their natal star system and unwilling to respect the rules of emotional detachment of the Order. So, a waiver was granted to them allowing them to remain in the Corellian system, to raise families and take their own children as Padawans. They soon developed their own cultural identity within the Jedi Order , with traditional green robes, commemorative medals and famous dynasties Halcyon family. Under the guidance of Kessar Jedd, the Corellians united with the Order more formally after high tensions during the Clone Wars. Allowing their young to train on Ossus, Corellian Jedi kept their traditions but respected the will of the High Council and the Corellian Academy's administrative Council.

Paladins Founded by the Jedi Master Teepo during the New Sith Wars, the Teepo Paladins and later Falon Gray's Paladins acknowledged that a Jedi could be no more independent of the Force than of nourishment or air; nevertheless, they had developed skills and techniques that did not utilize the Force's "flashier" aspects. They didn't eschew the use of lightsabers completely, they simply believed that a Jedi should use which ever weapon he or she felt the most comfortable with, but many chose instead to rely on proficiency with blasters and other forms of combat, both armed, and unarmed. They became Masters in various forms of martial arts like Teräs Käsi, as well as esoteric weaponry such as spinsticks, rather than rely on Force-augmented gymnastics and speed. Teepo and his followers were ostracized as potential dark siders. Though not a formal part of the Order, some still maintained residence at the Jedi Temple. Under the guidance of Grand Master Tomac Moorcé the Paladins were brought to Ossus to undergo formal training inside the Order so that they might take up their appropriate place within the Order. Many of the Paladin Weapons Masters went on to teach their specialized skills at Stav Kesh on Tython.

Iron Knights Founded by the Jedi Master Aqinos, the Iron Knights were Force-sensitive crystalline Shard trained as Jedi, who required droid bodies as their hosts to interact with the world. The High Council, however, was horrified that Aqinos had taught inorganic crystals about the Force, and felt that they could not truly understand the Force. Aqinos was excommunicated, and the Iron Knights went with him. Joining with the Altisian Jedi, Aqinos and his Iron Knights were invited back into the Order by the new Grand Master following the Clone Wars and were given ranks within the Order. Aqinos' Knights went on to encourage the proliferation of droid rights across the galaxy.

Baran Do sages The Force-based tradition of the Kel Dor, many Jedi native to Dorin studied ancient texts from this order during their time with the Jedi. Meditative and secrerative, the Baran Do possessed weather-related abilities which allowed them to sense the coming of storms and harness Force electricity. Long resisting the invitation of the High Council to declare full affiliation with the Order, the Master of the Baran Do Order was finally convinced to ally with the Jedi after being informed about the Sith plot that almost wiped out the Jedi in the Clone Wars. Constructing a Temple in the city of Knossa on Ossus, the Baran Do maintained their temple on Dorin as a Jedi chapter house. Many Baran Do Jedi made their way to Tython where they studied the bizarre Force storms which occasionally ravaged the world.

Believers The Believers cult was a dark side sect which fed off of the Sith fortress located on the planet Almas. Drawing many Jedi to their cause, the Believers were recognized as a true threat to the Order by the end of the Clone Wars. Tasking Almas Headmaster Worma Triblen with taking control of the Sith fortress on Almas and exterminating the Believers, the Almas Rangers finally captured the last members of the group in 15 BBY. Detained on Ossus, the Believers were systematically brought into Balance either through solitary meditation detention or exile to Bogan above Tython. After assimilating into the Order, the Believers were no more.

Blazing Chain Based out in the Unknown Regions, the Blazing Chain used the Force to augment their pirating careers and raid unsuspecting ships along the fringes of the galaxy. After the Clone Wars, members of the Jedi Order began to hear whispers of Force-sensitive pirates aligned with the Shadow Collective and quickly reported this to the High Council. It was not until the Hutt Offensive was in full-swing that the Order finally confronted members of the Blazing Chain as they fought alongside the Hutts in the war for control of Hutt Space. What members that could be taken prisoner were brought into Balance and allowed to live on a Jedi fortress world, while others were either destroyed or disappeared into obscurity. Due to the Order's strengthened recruitment policies, the Blazing Chain disappeared due to attrition as Forceful children were identified and brought into the Order's academy.

Boughtine A group of gentle hermits who make their living through the crafting of paper dolls and toys, the Boughtine study the Force as it manifests in the arts. Living in isolation on the mountain planet of Brosi, these individuals were encountered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn during his travels. Making note of their existence, his former apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi sought them out during his search for Force-based groups and invited them to join the Order. Agreeing to send representatives to train with the Jedi, most Boughtine Jedi resided either in Knossa expressing themselves in the public square or cloistered away within the halls of Bodhi, Temple of the Arts on Tython.

Ner Yan While not an organization, practitioners of Ner Yan were based on Cerea and suffered great decline as Cereans constantly attempted to fight off the encroachment of technology on their homeworld. As more and more corporate entities attempted to entice the younger generations to allow offworld innovations into the Cerean society, interest in Ner Yan diminished. After the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi offered Ner Yan adherents a place of worship on Ossus where they might preserve their traditions and pass it on to others. While reluctant to leave their homeworld, Mundi convinced them that by recording their knowledge in the Great Library of the Jedi they would ensure that their teachings would be passed down to the next generation of Cerean Jedi who could one day assist in revitalizing the tradition on Cerea.


The Cruthauses, native to the planet Talor, were farmers and pacifists, encouraging plant growth through the Force. Born out of the Agricultural Corps of the Jedi Order, the Cruthauses developed after Jedi Cruthaus crash-landed on the planet and taught the native Talorons the ways of farming with the Force. These individuals were encountered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn during his travels into the Unknown Regions during his long career. Making note of their existence, his former apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi sought them out during his search for Force-based groups and invited them to join the Order. Agreeing to send representatives to train with the Jedi, most Cruthaus Jedi resided joined the AgriCorps and spread their knowledge of farming to disadvantaged peoples across the Outer Rim. Others went on to join Master Stass Allie's community of wanderers out in the wilds of Ossus.

Disciples of Shaa At the height of their society, the Seylotts maintained a rich culture which spanned their entire planet. Worshiping the Mother and the Infant of Shaa, the Seylotts built massive temples devoted to the worship of the duality of life as personified in the Mother and Infant. When their society declined, those primitive groups which remained slowly began to die out. Dwindling down to a small population, only Force-sensitive Seylotts managed to survive. Unable to call for help due to a regression in technology, the Seylotts were saved from extinction when Jedi scouts discovered the world and opened negotiations to bring the Seylotts to Ossus. Taking refuge deep within the jungle continent of the Jedi fortress world, the Seylotts built new temples to Shaa and saw their society reinvigorated. As all offspring were Forceful, the Seylotts allowed their youth to be trained in the Jedi arts, making them a largely Jedi species.

Disciples of Twilight Native to the shadowy world of Dyspeth, the Disciples of Twilight were founded by a former Jedi Knight and a group of Forceful colonists. Protecting the weak with their ability to use the Force to bend light, the Disciples were able to render themselves invisible and cloak themselves in shadow. When rumor of their existence reached the ear of the High Council, Grand Master Moorcé wished to learn of their abilities so that the Jedi Shadows might learn the art of light bending. Sending an envoy to Dyspeth, the Disciples were intrigued by the idea of joining the Order and expanding their customs. Agreeing to establish a Temple on Ossus, Moorcé also suggested they build a training academy in the Shadowlands of Tython so as to study the strange light effects which had long baffled Jedi scientists. Jedi Disciples often served as Shadows, researchers or Peacekeepers.

Ela b'Yentarr A name given to Bosph Force-sensitives, the ela b'Yentarr were treated as mystics by their fellow Bosph. Located outside both Republic and Confederate space, the Bosph were not subject to laws regarding the custody of Forceful individuals and was therefore the target of Jedi ambassadors interested in bringing the species into the Order. Dispatching Master Beyghor Sahdett in 4 BBY, the High Council hoped to win the species over and receive several children a year. Successfully negotiating a deal, Sahdett managed to convince the Bosph to send ten Forceful infants to the Order annually and encourage older Bosph versed in the ela b'Yentarr tradition to travel to Ossus to share their collected histories and traditions with the Order.

Fallanasi Known as the Adepts of the White Current, the Fallanasi were an all-female group who focused solely on the mystical aspects of the Force, teaching nothing the way of telekinesis, or abilities which manipulated the physical world. Based on Lucazec, the Fallanasi did not believe that authority was a truth to be observed and therefore rejected the overtures of the Jedi High Council to join their Order. Despite this, the Fallanasi constructed a temple in the Free Cities of Tython where they continued to practice their arts of illusion in private. Over time the Adepts began to connect more and more with the Order, allowing for their religious texts to be stored in the Great Library and even sending representatives to the Ossus to give lectures on the White Current. By 98 ABY, the entire order was comprised of Fallanasi Jedi, as all Force-sensitive candidates were inducted into the Jedi Order and new Fallanasi were members of the Order who sought out the Adepts' Temple of the Infinite Spirit in the Free City of Braavos. The Fallanasi Jedi, while still exclusively female and refusing to recognize the High Council's authority, maintained their Jedi ways and introduced martial skills into their teachings of illusions. Remaining a small, isolated group in the Free Cities, the Fallanasi did move around freely on Jedi worlds and their teachings on illusions became readily available, especially after several Fallanasi adepts began teaching at Qigong Kesh.

Far Seekers

Fellowship of Kooroo A fringe group of pilgrims who traveled the Outer Rim visiting ancient shrines to the supposed historic being called Kooroo, the history of the Fellowship was plagued with allegations of corruption and fraud. In an attempt to discover the realities of the group and if they could be inducted into the Order, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano tracked down the group during their 16 BBY pilgrimage to Branteez. While observing the shrine from a distance, the Jedi were able to detect that it was closely guarded and that its sentries were Weequay. Approaching the shrine on foot, the Jedi convinced the guards to let the inside and they were greeted by an assorted group of Shriners. welcoming them to their Shrine, the members of the Fellowship gave a detailed account of their experiences at other Shrines and encouraged the Jedi to feel for themselves the true nature of the group. Feeling a definitive echo of their own Force abilities in the Shrine's walls, the Jedi were willing to entertain the notion of the group's legitimacy. All belief in the group diminished however after interacting with the group's leader, an Elomin priest who showed no knowledge of the Force or having any connection to it. Exposing the fraud for what it was, the group quickly disbanded in an awkward silence and departed the Shrine. As the Jedi prepared to leave a lone Shriner, the young Glovan Thule, approached the Jedi and asked them to take him with them back to Ossus. Revealing that he was once a Padawan but was abandoned on Gelgelar prior to the war, Thule revealed that some members of the Fellowship were legitimate and their shrines were fabled to hold ancient Force-based machinery. Intrigued, Kenobi took Thule along with him to the main shrine on Vaynai to speak with the Shriners there. After much debate the leaders of the Fellowship agreed to disband the group of pilgrims if the Jedi Order in turn guaranteed that they would protect the Shrines. Agreeing, the Order used its political backing to declare the Shrines as Jedi facilities and used them as chapter houses as the Order's membership increased enough to staff them.


Followers of Palawa

Guardians of Breath

H'Drachi Seers

Inner Seers A monastic religion native to the planet of Uyter, the Inner Seers resided in massive, mountain-straddling monasteries and sat in meditative repose while taking vows of silence which sometimes span decades. A common feature of their monasteries and temples were massive belfries used to ward off malignant spirits as well as prayer wheels spun to send positive energy into the Force. As the planetary governments attempted to win the favor of the Jedi Order, the Inner Seers were used as a bargaining chip by one of their own, Senator Male-Dee, as he attempted to appease the anti-Seer government of Uyter in exchange for Jedi protection of their interests in the post-war era. Learning of Male-Dee's less-then-admirable tactics, Grand Master Moorcé approached the leader of the Inner Seers and offered them refuge on Ossus should they wish to join the Order and shirk off the oppressive government sanctions of the Uyterian government. The leaders of the Seers confided in the Grand Master that Senator Male-Dee had been appointed as the Inner Seers' last chance of survival, that the planetary government had effectively waged a war against the monastic order, destroying two hundred monasteries and diminishing the order to a mere one hundred members. Appalled by the allegations against the Uyter government, Moorcé requested that the Order's newly developed ark ship be deployed to transport the Inner Seers off of Uyter and to Ossus. Packing away ancient artifacts, emptying massive libraries of histories etched in stone tablets, and gathering their prayer wheels and bells, the Inner Seers departed their homeworld to make their new home deep in the mountainous jungles west of Knossa on the planet Ossus. Erecting a massive palace on a hill completely enshrouded by jungle, the Inner Seers dressed in maroon and gold and refused to wield a lightsaber in favor of the quarterstaff. After the Republic began a crackdown against the Uyterian government, the Inner Seers who remained behind on their world ensured that all Forceful children born on the planet made their way to Ossus for training.

Jal Shey




Kilian Rangers

Luka Sene


Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon


Order of Shasa


Sorcerers of Rhand

Sälãi Käsi

Theran Listeners



Voss Mystics

Wardens of the Sky

Witches of Dathomir Founded in 600 BBY by the exiled Jedi Allya, the matriarchal society of Humans and Human/Zabrak hybrids thrived on Dathomir; developing in isolation from the rest of the galaxy. Focusing on arcane uses of the Force, specifically magicks learned from grimoires and oral traditions. Led by a Clan Mother, several clans coexisted on the sparsely populated world, taming rancors and using the Force for healing and the pursuit of knowledge. A sect of Witches known as the Nightsisters focused on dark arts and drew upon the Spirits for guidance in the pursuit of strength and power. Selling their arts to pirates and crime bosses, some Nightsisters found employ in Black Sun or the Shadow Collective. Following the Clone Wars the planet was seized by the Jedi Order who sought to form a lasting truce with the Witches and bring them into the Order. Eradicating the Nightsister sect, those who survived fled into Hutt Space. Those who joined the Order passed on their knowledge of natural remedies and magicks lost to the Order; combining these skill sets with Jedi dogma allowed both groups to evolve their teachings and add clarity to their pursuit of knowledge.

Zeison Sha
