Star Wars Fanon

With all of us may the Force be, and may the peace of this temple be ours, a place open to thought and speech, a realm of mutual respect, and a haven of shared noble purpose. Let us take these seats together, with no one above the others. May we work together, free from the restraints of ego and jealousy, at this gathering and all others to come.
—Jedi Council Members speaking the traditional oath during the Gathering ceremony.

The Jedi High Council was the highest administrative body of the Jedi Order, directing and guiding the Order's members on their role of service to the Force. Comprised of twelve wise and powerful Jedi Masters, the High Council historically served as an advisory body to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic in conjunction to their administrative duties within the Order. Assisted by several smaller Council convened at different points in the Order's history, the High Council's effectiveness fluctuated with the centuries; playing host to lively debates by wise Masters and sometimes idiotic choices by individuals who were led to the Council during dark times for one reason or another.

Formed from regular assemblies of the Order's wisest Masters, the Council originally had no set meeting place, and met irregularly on planets such as Ossus, Alderaan and Chandrila. While setting up permanent residence in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for several millennia, the High Council relocated once more to Ossus following the Clone Wars to cement and codify the distance between the influence of the Senate over the Council. In order to keep fresh ideas flowing through the Council, membership on the body was made up of five lifetime members, four long-term members, and three limited-term members.

History of the High Council[]


The origins of the High Council could be traced back to the founders of the Jedi Order who assembled on Tython to contemplate the role of the Jedi and the structure of the Order, with Jedi Masters Rajivari and Garon Jard among its first members. Members of the Je'daii Order, these Je'daii believed that the teachings of the Order had become flawed and had been the catalyst of their defeat during the Force Wars. Remaking the Je'daii code to focus solely on the light side of the Force and to eschew the teachings of the dark side and the Balance, the Council hoped to rebuild what the Je'daii had lost and by 25,748 BrS the Jedi Order was formed. Despite early successes, Councilor Rajivari became convinced that the Order was going in the wrong direction and years of war and death caused him to abandon the Order he helped create and lead a band of followers against the Jedi. Ultimately, Rajivari's rebellion was put down and the Council decided to lead those Jedi who remained offworld. Those Je'daii to remain on Tython, such as Manwë Súlimo, became known as the Ainu and began a radically different branch of Je'daii philosophy.

Joining the Republic[]

Wandering the stars for centuries the Jedi Council eventually settled the world of Ossus, far beyond the Deep Core where they had originated from. Setting up temples and academies the Order thrived in their solitude for over a millennia, becoming strong by the time of 24,918 BrS when the High Council officially announced its intentions of aligning with the Galactic Republic in an effort to support the fledgling government in becoming a strong force of good in the galaxy. The Council of this era was not as closely wrought as future incarnations; meeting irregularly and maintaining flexible opinions. Their first major test came during the 24,500s BrS when an upstart named Xendor began spreading heresies across Ossus urging Jedi to abandon the teachings of the Council in favor of searching out and utilizing the dark side. Putting down the Schismatics with aid from the Republic, the Jedi remained faithful to the Republic for generations until the beginning of the Pius Dea era. Cutting ties with the conflict-ridden Republic from 11,930 to 10,931 BrS as a series of radical Chancellors reigned over a corrupt Senate, the Order only intervened to end the conflict after over a millennium of conflict and decay. Capturing the Chancellor and installing the Order's own Grand Master as the head of government, the Order reaffirmed their faith in the Republic and began a new era of peace.

When a second Great Schism erupted between the teachings of the High Council and a group of dissidents, the Republic aided the Order in putting down the rebellion, exiling the fallen Jedi to space and whatever fate awaited them beyond. Unwittingly the High Council sent them to Korriban, where the Exiles grew in power as they proclaimed themselves Dark Lords of the native Sith people. Building a mighty army which went undetected by the High Council, the Sith would remain undiscovered until the fall of Jedi Padawan Exar Kun in 3,961 BrS. During the conflict many great Jedi of the Council were killed not just in battle, but some at the hands of their own students. Ultimately the war would be far more costly to the Order then the High Council could predict; Kun ruined the surface of Ossus and scattered the Jedi to the stars. Forced to relocate to their enclave on Coruscant, the directionless Order approved of the appointment of Grand Master Nomi Da'Boda at the Conclave on Exis Station to lead them into the future. Despite Da'Boda's leadership, a large portion of the Order saw the High Council as ineffectual in that they were not actively pursuing the Sith as forcefully as they should be. It was at this time that Master Krynda Draay formed a secret cabal within the Order, known as the Covenant of Jedi Seers, who sought to divine the coming of the next Sith threat and stomp it out. When the Order came under the leadership of Grand Master Vrook Lamar in 3,929 BrS, a brewing conflict between the Republic and the Mandalorians threatened the stability of the Order as a group of Revanchists threatened to go to war while the High Council refrained from declaring support.

The Council's authority crumbles[]


The Jedi High Council just after the Mandalorian Wars.

A Sith Lord could walk right in front of the Council and they would lecture him about neutrality!
—Radical Jedi Master Raana Tey expresses her thoughts on the Council's effectiveness in the time leading up to the Mandalorian Wars.

When the Mandalorian Wars did eventually erupt, the Council advised all Jedi not to involve themselves in the war under threat of punitive measures. While trying to keep the Order together, the ineffectual High Council was overwhelmed with incidents within the Order which eroded their failing sense of authority. As the frustrated Grand Master dealt with thee slaughter of Padawans on Taris, the Council was also chasing Jedi Revan and his followers across the galaxy trying to keep them out of the conflict. The appointment of Lucien Draay to the Council gave the Draay Covenant free reign to operate under the nose of the oblivious High Councilors until a final showdown at the Draay Estate led to the death of most Covenanteers as well as several dozen Jedi Knights on Coruscant. As the Council continued to argue with several outspoken members of the Order who disagreed with the High Council's neutrality in the ongoing war, its members preaching patience and restraint against the Mandalorians, Jedi Revan and his forces were able to convince the Grand Master through a shared vision that the Mandalorians had to be stopped.

Reluctantly and quietly throwing their support behind the Revanchists, the Mandalorians Wars carved a bloody trail across the Republic, leading to the death of trillions and the loss of many Jedi. When the war was eventually declared a victory, a single Revanchist returned from battle to face the judgment of the High Council. While Revan disappeared along with several key followers, Meetra Surik met with the Council and was unanimously condemned for disobeying their original call to neutrality and darkening the Force during the final battle at Malachor V. Banishing Surik, Grand Master Lamar left Coruscant in disgust and sought refuge at the secret enclave on Dantooine where he assisted in the training of new Jedi and the restoration of the Order. Lamar's frustrations with the Council were revealed to be valid when Revan and his Padawan Malak returned to known space as Sith Lords. Rallying their former allies in the Republic Navy and the Order, the two Sith Lords were able to start a new war with the Republic and nearly cripple the institution. Determined to end the so-called Jedi Civil War by cutting off the serpent's head, Lamar ordered Padawan Bastila Shan to bring Revan back to Dantooine for reprogramming. Once in custody, the High Council manipulated Revan's memories and sequestered his identity as a Sith before retraining him and dispatching him to fight on their behalf. Slaying his apprentice Darth Malak and ending the war, Revan was hailed as a hero despite the High Council's distrust of him.

Over the ensuing years the Order struggled to raise funds and public support for their regrowth and their numbers remained low. When entire groups of Jedi began disappearing, the High Council called for a conclave to be held on Katarr despite the warnings of Grand Master Lamar. As the Order assembled on Katarr in 3,917 BrS Darth Nihilus attacked the world and killed every living being on it. With the Order in ruin, the surviving High Council members disbanded and went into exile in hopes of surviving the new threat of the Sith Triumvirate. Before the three Sith Lords could completely take control of the Republic, Meetra Surik returned from exile and slew each one, but not before each of the High Councilors was hunted down and killed. As one of the few remaining Jedi in the galaxy, Surik championed the rebuilding of the Order and eventually reconvened the High Council. Under Surik's leadership the Order was able to rebuild before she herself left Republic space in search of Revan, leaving her disciples to prosper without her.

An Empire returns[]

While the Republic thrived, the Order grew in numbers as well and began securing their foothold in the galaxy once more. When the Jedi Service Corps was founded in 3,865 BrS by the High Council to assist worlds in need of farmers and healers, the Order created the Service Corps Council to directly oversee assignment to the Corps and their operations. While the Order prospered, the Sith Empire secretly thrived just beyond known space; growing so bold as to send agents to infiltrate the Order for several generations. When the Sith Empire revealed itself during a bold attack to reclaim its homeworld of Korriban in 3,646 BrS the Order began investigating only to uncover that this threat had grown right in front of their blinded eyes. For years the Republic and the Empire battled it out for dominance in the galaxy until the fateful Sacking of Coruscant in 3,618 BrS which saw the death of the loss of the Jedi Temple and the deaths of half of the High Council. As a cautious peace ensued after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, Jedi Knight Satele Shan rediscovered the Jedi birth world of Tython and helped to establish a new Temple there. Relocating to Tython, the High Council appointed Shan as Grand Master and hoped to reflect and grow on their ancestral homeworld away from the conflict and destruction of war. Undergoing a renaissance of sorts as they uncovered lost knowledge at the ruins of Kaleth and thrived in the lush wilds of the mysterious world, the Council was comprised of many luminaries ranging from the Chief Archivist too the Order's Blade Master and healers, and the restoration of the title Barsen'thor.

After a decade of peace under the treaty the war resumed in full-swing, bringing on the deaths of several of the High Council; some of whom fell into darkness before being hunted down and defeated. After the ruin of the Temple on Tython and the Order's calculated strike against the Sith Academy on Korriban, the High Council devised a plan to rid the galaxy of the Sith Empire forever. Following a successful assault by the Jedi, Korriban was abandoned and the Sith vanquished while the Republic was able to stay afloat and bring the war to a close; at this time the Order remained strong, yet homeless as funds were gathered to rebuild their home on Coruscant.

The Hidden Fear[]

With the defeat of a strong, organized Sith Empire the Order begins a new chapter of relative peace. The High Council begins sending out Knights on mercy missions once more as they abandon the role of warrior in favor of peacekeepers. In the event that a Sith Lord reemerged the High Council successfully put down the threat and allowed the galaxy to forget. The Council was highly involved in the defeat of former Jedi Master Asag Theaur who took the name of Darth Desolous and led raiding parties across the Outer Rim resulting in the slaughter of nearly two thousand Jedi over the course of three decades. Hunting Desolous down to Yaga Minor in 3,387 BrS the entire Council was needed to trap the Sith Lord in a Wall of Light, stripping him of the Force and then running him through on their lightsabers. In the wake of Desolous' defeat a new Sith Lord took to the throne, amassing a large cult of followers dedicated to serving her plots to destroy both the Sith and the Jedi. Backstabbing and manipulative, Darth Phobos was quick to destroy a rival even if they were fellow Sith. As Phobos gained authority a group of vengeful Sith Lords conspired to destroy her ship in low-orbit over Korriban, leading the High Council and the Sith to believe that the threat had been dealt with.

However, over the ensuing decades various prominent Sith Lords were assassinated, leading the Order to suspect that something was amiss. When High Councilors began disappearing on missions, the Council convened to ponder on who it was that could be slaying the Order's greatest Masters. Following an evaluation of the bodies, some on the Council had reason to suspect Jedi Master Volfe Karkko was behind the attacks as there was damage in the nostrils of several of the bodies. Assigning a task force to seek out the Anzat, not all on the Council believed Karkko was fully responsible: certainly he was behind some of the attacks, but not all believed he was acting alone. Tracking the Anzat to Kiffex, the entire High Council was forced to travel to the world and use the morichro technique to slow his bodily functions to a near standstill before placing him into a stasis field deep in the uncharted forests of the world. With Karkko dealt with and the majority of the Council believing the threat vanquished, only three members of the High Council continued to review the cases of the dead Jedi Masters and look for clues. When Shadows began reporting on the deaths of prominent Sith Lords still active on or around Korriban, the Council took notice and soon sought out the Sith to learn what was happening. Meeting with a small delegation of Sith Lords, members of the Council learned of the dangers of Darth Phobos and worked together to flush her out. Learning that the Theelin Sith had a significant cult following protecting her and assisting her in her assassination plots, the Sith-Jedi task force eventually flushed her out and killed the Sith Lady. Despite her death, her cultists scattered and were able to endure for the next several millennia.

Misguided leadership[]

When Jedi Master Phanius and fifty Jedi Knights departed the Order in 2,003 BrS, he took his creed of Ruin to heart and rallied the remnants of the Old and Resurgent Sith Empires, as well as groups such as the Phobos cult and other Jedi cast-offs to his headquarters on Qalydon. Declaring a new age of the Sith, Phanius adopted the name Darth Ruin and set about unleashing his solipsistic code of moral relativism on the galaxy. Building his New Sith Empire on Qalydon, the Sith of Ruin soon swept over much of the galaxy and the Republic quickly entered a Dark Age. The Jedi High Council floundered during this time, oscillating between providing support for the crumbling Republic and withdrawing into the Temple to regain strength. As world after world fell to Ruin's Empire and the Republic led a full retreat from the Outer Rim, enrollment in the Order plummeted and the High Council was unable to maintain its numbers to lead troops in battle. During this time several powerful Masters, including several members of the High Council, denounced the Order's leadership and set out with what loyal Jedi their could muster to beat back the Sith. Seeking out planets and sometimes entire systems where the public supported the Jedi and the Republic, these Jedi declared themselves Lords and took control of these worlds in return for protecting them from the Sith. Overthrowing local governments too weak to defend the world, These Jedi Lords formed their own, loosely organized governing body known as the Jedi Grand Council which competed for overall authority over the Order and its members. The High Council refused to recognize the Grand Council and deemed the Jedi Lords dissidents and in some cases heretics when it suited them; only acknowledging their works when a High Councilor became a Lord.

Continuing in this way for centuries, the High Council eventually took control of the Galactic Senate and installed High Councilors on the Council beginning in 1,365 BrS. Ruling the Republic for four centuries, the High Council was led by guilds of Grand Masters who all held differing views on how to handle the Sith Empire and its attacks on the Republic. Some Grand Masters such as Harloth Calway believed that the Sith were a menace best dealt with through force and urged for the extermination of all who followed their teachings or bent the knee to their lords. Others of the mindset of Consular Masters Diona Telcontar and Eselis Genarra wished to end out-right war and wage a secretive and measured battle of destabilizing the Sith from within. Ultimately, the High Council's greatest failure came when their jealousy of the Grand Council's authority caused them to raise up their own hero, Skere Kaan as the Savior of the Republic. Grooming their champion to succeed where the Grand Council could not, the High Council's desire for dominance over the Order demonstrated their lack of vision; Kaan gathered a band of loyal Jedi Knights and Masters and abandoned the Order, hunting down Sith factions and killing their leaders before rallying the survivors to his cause. While the High Council lauded his successes, Kaan eventually declared himself as the Sith Lord who reorganized the fractured Sith Empire into the Brotherhood of Darkness. Bestowing the rank of Dark Lord upon all who was worthy, Kaan quickly was recognized as a threat by the Jedi Lords and ignored by the High Council. Temple Battlemaster Hoth, in his disgust with the High Council, rallied to his side dozens of Jedi Knights and Masters still on Coruscant to form the Army of Light. Hounding Kaan across the Outer Rim, Hoth brought together the full strength of the Grand Council to finally wipe out Kaan and his Brotherhood on Ruusan.

Ultimately sacrificing himself along with most of the Army of Light, Hoth wiped out the Sith and brought the war to an end. Under the leadership of Senator Tarsus Valorum, the Galactic Senate passed the Ruusan Reformations which disbanded the Army of Light and returned the Order to pre-war regulation. The surviving members of the Order gathered together on Coruscant under the banner of the remaining members of the Grand Council. Ousting the members of the High Council, the Order appointed Grand Master Fae Coven to lead the Order into an era of reform. Creating a new High Council to govern the Order, the body strove for change but oft times simply banished those members who held different views, including many of the feudal Knights and Lords who had fought with the Army of Light. Master Fae Coven led reform in the Order as it moved away from its militant teachings and back to peacekeeping, formalizing many traditions lost over decades of warfare. Coven and fellow luminaries of the Order authored the Temple guidebook, The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force to help codify these rules and strictures for future generations. Coven sat on the High Council for several centuries throughout the Republic's Golden Age, eventually becoming one with the Force in 861 BrS.

A new time of crisis[]

Over the next few hundred years the High Council continued to govern the Jedi. Assisting the Galactic Senate to keep the peace and settle diplomatic disputes, the Order grew extremely lofty and deeply settled in their philosophy, maintaining their Temple on Coruscant. The High Council was made up of many scholars during this time, differing from the military leaders that made up its membership during the periods of war. Exploration Corps Master Jocasta Nu, historian Thame Cerulian, and scholars Omo Bouri and Tor Difusal all made up the Council's rank at varying points towards the end of the Republic's Golden Age. When Yoda was made Grand Master, the august body began to feel the ripples of the dark side creeping back into the Force. The young Mace Windu was appointed as Master of the Order sometime during this time, serving alongside some of the greatest Jedi of the era. As the dark side grew stronger, more conflicts cropped up across the Republic, challenging the Ruusan Reformations' dissolution of a Republic Military and straining the effectiveness of the Planetary Defense Forces. The Council lost many of its own during this time: the legendary Wookiee Tyvokka, during the Stark Hyperspace War and the portly Master Micah Giiett during the Yinchorri Uprising.

The Silent War was one conflict which codified the High Council's approach to all Sith-related activity. When a group of ancient fallen Jedi emerged from hiding in 13 BrS, the High Council dispatched a team of Jedi Shadows and investigators to hunt them down and destroy them. The so-called Dark Masters had once served as Jedi during the New Sith Wars begun by Darth Ruin, and had comprised the only satellite Jedi Academy Council to fall to the dark side. Amassing an army of alchemically-altered warriors and droids imbued with the Force, the Dark Masters threatened to annihilate the Republic's forces should it ever come to war. Bewildered by the dark magic their enemies used to create their army, Jedi Shadow Indot Sheni learned that they used a unique clay-like substance to sculpt miniature recreations of a fallen warrior before using dark side alchemy to imbue it with the corresponding soul of that warrior which had gone to wait in a Spirit Realm after its initial death. Once this process was completed a machine would "cook" the spirit-imbued figure and transform it into living flesh, there by allowing the Dark masters to recreate their army anew with each defeat. Armed with this knowledge, the Jedi were forced into a war of attrition as they hoped to find some way to combat their new foe. When all seemed lost, ancient Jedi Master Zordon allowed for the plasma tube which sustained his life to be shattered, thus releasing a wave of raw Force energy to sweep across the planets invaded by the Dark Masters, reducing them and their armies to dust and releasing their spirits. Rushing to keep the entire conflict quiet, the High Council instructed the Shadows to never speak of their time on the front lines attributing to the conflict's name, the Silent War.

Following the invasion of Naboo and the death of Master Qui-Gon Jinn at the hands of a Dark Lord of the Sith, the High Council became acutely aware that their long-thought extinct enemy may have returned. Quelling rumors about a Sith resurgence, the Council obscured information surrounding the death of Jinn, swearing his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Queen of Naboo to secrecy. Signs of a Sith return seemed to increase; the attacks by fallen Jedi Xanatos years prior and the constant troubles posed by Granta Omega, including his involvement in the death of Council Master Yaddle constantly caused problems for the High Council as they attempted to distract the Senate and much of the Order from the signs that the dark side was gaining strength. Following former Jedi Master Dooku's departure from the Order, the enigmatic idealist organized the Confederacy of Independent Systems which caused a crisis in the Senate. As these problems intensified, the Council lost another member, Yarael Poof, and struggled to keep up with the constant assassination attempts on Senators and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Appointing Master Coleman Trebor to the Council in hopes that he could serve as a spokesbeing for the Order, the Council was constantly barraged with accusations of corruption and even kidnapping by groups such as the People's Interest.

Under the pall of the Sith[]

This crisis culminated in the historic Battle of Geonosis, during which Master of the Order Mace Windu led over 200 Jedi to Geonosis to rescue two captured Jedi and Senator Padmé Amidala, the three of whom had been captured by the Confederacy and sentenced to death. Many Jedi died in the fighting, though the tide was turned upon the arrival of the recently discovered Grand Army of the Republic and Grand Master Yoda. The start of the Clone Wars wasn't the only result of this confrontation; the High Council realized that the shroud of the dark side had completely blinded them to seeing the creation of such a large army, from sensing the growing dangers of this Confederacy and its leader, Count Dooku, and his fall to the dark side of the Force. Sensing the shift in the Force, the High Council regrouped on Coruscant to begin the hard conversation as to their next course of action. With so many of their number killed on Geonosis, Senior Padawans would need to be thrust into the role of knighthood prematurely. The ethical and moral questions raised by the creation of the clone army were set aside in light of the Republic's desperation for soldiers while questions as to the Order's place in the war could not fully be discussed as time required action. Declaring their intentions to fight for the Republic, the High Council demanded that all able-bodied Jedi report to Coruscant to take up arms and serve as Generals and Commanders within the Grand Army of the Republic. Converting classrooms and meditation chambers at the Temple into war rooms and strategy planning centers, the Temple's hangars were stocked with military weaponry and crafts while a small garrison of troops were quartered in the Temple Precinct.

Master of the Order Windu stepped down as leader of the Council so that he could serve more of a role on the battlefield. Grand Master Yoda took over as head of the High Council, remaining on Coruscant to better interact with the Office of the Supreme Chancellor and coordinate war strategy. Faced with the reality that the Sith had returned with Master Dooku in their ranks, the High Council locked down all information surrounding their ancient foes to ensure public support was no diminished or swayed by turning the conflict into a war of Force-wielders. When Dooku's Shadow Collective began to punch holes in this veil of the truth, the senior members of the High Council elected to reopen the Order's secret prison satellite known as the Prism, which hung in orbit around the sixth moon of Diab since ancient times. Keeping it a secret from the Senate, the Order increased it's reliance on unorthodox measures to avoid being outed in regards to their cover-up of Sith involvement in the war. Strong ties with the neutral Purpilia system gave the Order access to the twelve-bladed satellite facility known as the Sunburst over the barren world Shrokaan. Here, Barsen'thor Tomac Moorcé was authorized to imprison Force-users courted by Dooku's Shadow Collective and place them in suspended animation, while using the rest of the facility as a base for the Jedi Shadows. The make-up of the Council was in constant flux throughout the war, as Masters died or retired. As members became increasingly spread out, the High Council did its best to maintain some sense of cohesive leadership over the Jedi.

In the final days of the war, the Council had become increasingly suspicious of the Supreme Chancellor's office as mysterious coincidences began to suggest a connection with the mysterious Darth Sidious. Leading the investigations, Master Windu and Shaak Ti investigated a clone who attempted to murder his Jedi General before tracing a trail back to the basement of 500 Republica, the apartment complex of some of the most prominent senators, including the Chancellor. Before the investigation could continue, Coruscant was attacked by General Grievous, forcing the Jedi to the surface. The ensuing conflict and capture of the Chancellor postponed the investigation as the events of the next few days prevented Windu or the Jedi returning to the trail. As Coruscant recovered from the attack and Palpatine was returned to his office, the High Council's power was limited with the passage of the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act. In a stunning move to exert more influence over the High Council, the Chancellor appointed Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to the Council as his personal representative. Increasingly troubled, the High Council was given news of the death of General Grievous at the hands of one of their own members, Master Kenobi. Along with Count Dooku's death, the Council believed this sufficient grounds to ask the Chancellor to step down from office and allow an election to take place. Motivated by fear that he was a puppet of the Sith Lord, Master Windu took three other members of the Council with him to encourage Palpatine's resignation. However, Windu was informed by Jedi Skywalker that Palpatine and Darth Sidious were indeed the same man; with this knowledge the Masters set out to arrest the Sith Lord. Arriving at his inner sanctum, the four Masters confronted the Sith, with Windu's comrades, Kolar, Fisto and Tinn falling within moments. Alone in the presence of Sidious, Windu fought a vicious duel with Windu gaining the upper hand and disarming the old man. Before Windu could deliver the killing blow, Skywalker entered the fight and, deluded by Sidious's promises of power, attacked Windu in an attempt to save the Sith Lord. Managing to deflect the attack, Windu impaled Darth Sidious and destroyed the line of the Sith. Engaging in a brief fight with an enraged Skywalker, Windu rendered the High Councilor unconscious before alerting the rest of the Order that they should immediately return to Coruscant.

The changing of the guard[]

With three Council members dead and one, Anakin Skywalker, fallen to the Sith

Organization and politics[]

Existing from the very foundation of the Order, the Jedi High Council's twelve members were observed as embodying the characteristics of leadership, wisdom, bravery and self-sacrifice. Each member represented a different discipline of Force-using tradition within the Order, chosen for their unique qualifications and expertise in a particular field of study or training. When time came to appoint new members, the existing Council would gather to meditate on a candidate before voting unanimously to invite their colleague to join. Deliberations were historically brief as the best choice was typically obvious to all members. In order to keep membership on the Council fluid and to ensure many voices were heard and prevent stagnation, three terms of service were created. Five members would serve indefinitely; giving up their seats upon becoming one with the Force or stepping down. Four long-term members had the opportunity of stepping down at any time; haven been selected for their particular skill set or knowledge, the Councilor was need so-long as that reason remained valid. Examples of this would be an ongoing conflict in the Galactic Senate which called for the expertise of a Master with diplomatic training; this Master would remain on the Council for the duration of the crisis and step down once it had abated. Because of the nature of politics and war, these Masters might sit on the Council for over a decade. To bring new perspectives and ideas to the Council, three limited-term members served during brief crises or to bring the voice of different Temple organizations to the forefront. With the passage of time any of the long- or limited-term members could be elevated to another position within the Council, increasing the length of time served. When a lifetime member died, a long-term councilor might succeed them, though this was not always the case.

As the governing body of the entire Jedi Order, the High Council's decision was final and to be respected by all Jedi. Dealing directly with the Office of the Supreme Chancellor for much of its history, the High Council would offer the sitting Chancellor advice on political maneuvering and insight through the Force. As both the High Council and the Office of the Chancellor served as an executive branch of sorts for their respective organizations, they sometimes came into conflict as the High Council supposedly served at the discretion of the Chancellor. Perhaps the most prominent occurrence of overstepped bounds was Chancellor Palpatine's appointment of Knight Anakin Skywalker to the High Council in Year 16, a move made legal due to the recently passed Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act. Following the end of the war the High Council broke many of its old ties with the Chancellor's Office, remaining available as advisers but refusing to be control by the Republic. No longer would the Order respond when called by the Chancellor; instead the High Council would abide by the will of the Force and act on issues that it deemed vital, regardless which side of the conflict the Republic was on. The powers of the High Council within the Order changed dramatically over time. Initially only an advisory body, Jedi would take missions that they felt needed attention, appoint their own students and elevate them to knighthood. Following many conflicts, including the affair with Exar Kun, the High Council asserted its power and began to enforce certain policy norms. Becoming the sole distributor of the title of Knight to its members, the Council hoped this would eliminate the promotion of Jedi who were not yet ready to hold the responsibilities of the title of Knight. While allowing Jedi to take on missions of their own choice, the High Council reserved the right to redirect or halt a Jedi's activity on a particular case if deemed necessary. When the Ruusan Reformation took effect in 965 BrS the High Council took the time to codify new rules such as a set series of tests to be known as the Trials of Knighthood. Marriage was officially banned and child birth frowned upon. Policy as to who might join the Order was restricted to infants, a policy supported by Republic law demanding all Forceful newborns be turned over to the Order. These restriction remained intact for nearly a millennium until the end of the Clone Wars when Grand Master Tomac Moorcé opened the Order to other Force-wielding traditions in an attempt to consolidate all Forceful individual within the Order and prevent the rise of new enemies. Allowing in older students to train as Acolytes and members of sects such as the Dathomiri Force Witches or the Guardians of the Breath to maintain their own ways but agree only to train adult Jedi in their ways, the Order thrived in ways not seen since its founding while membership grew to the greatest number in recorded history.

While historically the High Council has always maintained the highest authority in the Order, several smaller, auxiliary council were formed, officially and unofficially, to oversee certain practices. The first Jedi Councils to appear in addition to the High Council were those governing the many satellite academies strewn across the galaxy. Most of these academies began as the private residence of a Jedi Master who oversaw the training of a large class of students; after the death of these Masters the High Council organized smaller administrative bodies to keep these outposts open. When the High Council called for the establishment of the Service Corps in 3,865 BrS they created four distinct branches out of existing institutions and assigned a group of Masters to oversee the transition and conduct operation. Through this act the High Council effectively created the Agricultural Corps, the Medical Corps, the Exploration Corps and Education Corps as well as their guiding Councils. For millennia the High Council oversaw the protection and upkeep of the Order's Archives, the Academy, the Service Corps and the relationship with the Republic. It wasn't until the creation of the Council of Reconciliation that this began to change; established in 2,941 BrS BrS by decree of the High Council, this Council was assigned to take over the relationship with the Republic's Diplomatic Corps and work to find peaceful ends to conflict across the Republic. Convening for the first time on Coruscant in 2,484 BrS, the Council of First Knowledge was called upon to protect the recently created Temple Archives within the halls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and to maintain the holocron vaults. The fourth major Council to be called by the High Council was the Council of Reassignment, to which the High Council bestowed authority over the Service Corps and its members, giving them the power to take failed Padawans or Initiates and sort them into the Corps.

A great change befell the High Council after it reconvened on Ossus in the decade after the Clone Wars; to fulfill its promise to protect all citizens of the galaxy, not just the calls of major governments and their collective interests, the High Council convened Court within the Great Temple where they could hear the concerns of visiting diplomats. Meeting once a month in an lofty chamber, the Court was not only presided over by the High Council, but several new positions created for the new assembly.

  • Sworn Sword of the Grand Master: The Grand Master's Sworn Sword was a blademaster who served for life as the defender of the Grand Master. A largely ceremonial position, the Sworn Sword was stationed outside the Grand Master's quarters and stood at their side throughout meetings of the Temple Court or at ceremonies where the Grand Master did not carry a lightsaber. Wielding a thick cortosis hilt veined with red stone, the Sworn Sword's blade shone silver when ignited.
  • Sword Shield of the Master of the Order: The Grand Master's Sworn Shield served in the same capacity as the Sworn Sword; protecting the Grand Master in a largely ceremonial way. Dressed in regalia and armor, they bore a large shield with the sysmbol of the Office of the Grand Master emblazoned in cortosis. Drawn from the ranks of Jedi brutes or Temple Guards, the Sworn Shield stood beside the Grand Master in battle and, more frequently, at celebrations.
  • High Council's quartermaster: The quartermaster of the High Council served at the Grand Temple to prepare the High Council for missions. Separate from the Temple's Quartermaster, the individual serving in this position resided within the High Council tower and was responsible for tending to the supplies specifically needed for the high-profile missions undertaken by members of the High Council.
  • Herald: The Herald served within the Court to announce the names and titles of all visiting dignitaries who wished attended a session of the High Council Court. A position typically filled by a non-Forceful individual, the Herald stood abreast of the main entrance into the chamber and read from a cloth scroll.
  • High Council's Blademaster: Serving the High Council as a sparring partner when necessary, the Blademaster helped to keep the members of the High Council in peak fighting condition at all times and was on hand at all times to assist in training exercises. Highly skilled in all forms of lightsaber combat, this position required unerring discipline to the martial forms of Force combat.


Name Species Date of joining Date of leaving Special titles Membership length Replacing Replaced by
Garon Jard Human 25,748 BrS 25,725 BrS Peacekeeper of the Order Life-term N/A Gaen Myec
The leader of the Ashla-Je'daii following Rajivari's death, Garon Jard was the former master of the Temple Master of Akar Kesh, Master Jase Ketu. Before the Force Wars, Jard kept to himself on the ancient mountain slopes near Stav Kesh and enjoyed meditation deep within the caverns which pock-marked the snowy mountainside. Following the defeat of the Infinite Empire, Jard laid down his Forcesaber and called upon his former pupil to rally the Je'daii to the light side and abandon the teachings of the Balance. Refusing, Master Ketu attempted to silence the Ashla-Je'daii sect and banish them to the moon after which they were named. When the Je'daii refused to listen to his orders, Ketu was driven from Akar Kesh and found an ally in Daegon Lok. Empowering Lok to attack the other Je'daii and blinded by his own devotion to the Balance, Ketu fell out of Balance and was eventually deemed a target by the Ashla-Je'daii. Standing alongside Masters Tem Madog and Thok Rath in opposition to the Ashla-Je'daii, they hoped to mass-produce Forcesabers to ensure their superiority of arms. When Master Rajivari's forces of light side wielders attacked Ketu's base of operations at Vur Tepe, Rath fled the Temple to ensure a stable line of succession while Madog fled with the First Blade to protect the ancient technology and preserve its memory should those who knew how to build it were slain. While Ketu and Lok led the defenses of Vur Tepe they did not expect Master Jard to lead a covert team of Je'dii into the Temple and mass an assault on the volcanic core over which the Temple was perched. Making the volcano unstable, Jard caused the violent eruption which would destroy the Forge and kill Master Ketu. After the fighting died down when Lok was slain at Akar Kesh, Jard assembled the surviving Masters and formed the High Council which would lead the new Order away from Tython and to find a new home among the stars.
Ortis Rajivari Human 25,748 BrS 25,748 BrS War Marshal Life-term N/A Tave Efedinin
A respected warrior and a noted scholar, Master Rajivari was a veteran of the Despot War and the Force Wars and was responsible for coordinating many of the Order's greatest victories. Seeing the Rakata routed from the Tython system, Rajivari began planning for an inevitable conflict with the forces of rogue Je'daii Daegon Lok. Pitting Je'daii against Je'daii, the Force Wars were waged on and off in strings of battles over the course of nine years until finally Rajivari cut down Lok at the summit of the Temple of Balance; an event which sparked the Force Cataclysm which wiped out much life across Tython's surface. As the surviving Je'daii gathered together in the few inhabited areas of the world, Rajivari and several Masters proposed the reorganization of the Order as a light side-only approach to the study of the Force. As the newly formed High Council waxed philosophically about the nature of the Force and the role the Order might have in the greater galaxy, Rajivari continued to be haunted by the terror he unleashed when he killed Daegon Lok. It was not long after convening the first High Council that Rajivari abandoned the fledgling Order in favor of a creed of dark side study. Taking with him a sizable number of followers, the group holed themselves up in the Temple of Knowledge, Kaleth. Within the Temple Rajivari found the First Blade, the original Force Saber which had been sealed away by Tem Madog before his death at the hands of Daegon Lok, and planned to wield it against the High Council. Waging war with the remaining light side-studying Je'daii, the followers of Rajivari fought through the halls of Kaleth before being overwhelmed. Fleeing the Temple, Rajivari escaped into the surrounding jungle only to be confronted by Master Lha-Mi who slew him and recovered the First Blade. Rajivari's legacy lived on, however; transcending death and maintaining his identity in the realms of the living. Before his death rumors of a secret weapon had spread among the Je'daii, the so-called Font of Rajivari. In fact, Rajivari had created a secret storehouse of information in the sublevels of a destroyed acropolis in an abandoned city surrounding the base of the ruined Temple of Vur Tepe. Rajivari's spirit would maintain the Archives for millennia to ensure the preservation of the Je'daii's history.
Cala Brin Human 25,748 BrS 25,714 BrS Justicar of the Council Life-term N/A Adriav Wes
A singer at Bodhi, Master Brin was a well-traveled Ranger and favored diplomatic missions; honing her skills in diplomacy and justice, Brin was highly-regarded by those politic analysts in the Settled Worlds who viewed her as an honest authority on the dispensing of judgment. Serving as an adviser to the nine Sky Judges, the judicial branch which served the nine Settled Words excluding Tython, Brin represented the Order's interests in the system when at Court and helped to give insight into the will of the Force and how the Balance might be served through Je'daii intervention. As most Je'daii activity in the system went through the High Court of the Sky Judges, Brin's presence was vital to the Masters' Council as she and her predecessors were responsible for keeping the Sky Judges' faith in the Order's moral standing to serve. As the High Court was located within a traveling space station which weaved its was around the systems planets to symbolize its neutrality, in addition to having a member from each world, Brin spent most of her time in space and was seldom on Tython. Master Brin was thought dead during the early years of the Force Wars after the High Court facilities were destroyed by the Infinite Empire's fleet; though she escaped in an emergency pod and floated through space in a hibernation trance until she crashed on the Tythonian moon of Ashla. Rescued by Master Oromë Aldaron and brought into the shelter meant to house certain members of the Je'daii Order in the event that the war went poorly, Brin decided to return to Tython despite their pleas for her to remain with them in hiding. Descending to the planet's surface, Brin met with Master Ters Sendon at Akar Kesh where other Je'daii had gathered to discuss the future of the Order. Following the defeat of the the Bogan Je'daii, Brin helped found the High Council of the Ashla Je'daii and joined the deliberation in forming a new code. Advocating that the Order's members set aside passion and embrace a mission of justice and see to it that it was meted out wherever there was civilization. Abandoning Tython aboard the sleeper ships designed to take the Order beyond the Tython system and into the greater galaxy, Brin continued to teach future generations of Jedi the ways of law and politics as they traveled the vast emptiness of space.
Ters Sendon Zabrak 25,748 BrS 25,699 BrS Chronicler of the Order Life-term N/A Viera Corliss
A Zabrak member of the Je'daii Order, Sendon served Kaleth as a historian and archivist, working in the northwestern tower sorting and researching the histories of the Order and their studies of the Force. Lending his services to any Je'daii Journeyer in need of assistance in navigating the extensive records of Kaleth, Sendon befriended Seer Tasha Ryo during the early years of the Force Wars and was saddened by her death which brought about the defeat of the Rakata. Coming to believe that following the light side and shirking the dark side was the only way to truly serve the Force, Sendon assisted in forming the first High Council of the Ashla-Je'daii and helped to cement within its central tenants the love for knowledge and the need to defend it. Indeed, Sendon argued the Order's only use for weapons at all came from their mandate to defend the knowledge preserved within their records. Devastated by the loss of Kaleth after Rajivari abandoned the Order and holed himself within the ancient edifice, Sendon gathered what records he could and built extensive libraries aboard the sleeper ships that the Order would take out of the Tython system and beyond.
Quan-Jang Miraluka 25,748 BrS 25,731 BrS Master of the Sciences Life-term N/A Naras Dam-Powl
The Temple Master of Anil Kesh, Quan-Jang was shaken philosophically during the early battles of the Force Wars as he saw his peers and students fall victim to the lure of the dark side which largely stemmed from the used of the Forcesaber. Agreeing with Master Yons Ketu that the Forcesaber should be abandoned, Quan-Jang was vital in repelling the forces of Daegon Lok's dark side adherents as they laid siege to the Order's Temples. Hunting down Je'daii Ranger Sek'nos Rath during the conflict, Quan-Jang discovered the Sith Je'daii in the ruins of the Temple of Qigong Kesh standing over the bodies of his grandparents who he had struck down in his quest for power. Engaging the Sith in battle, Quan-Jang slew Rath and watched his broken form tumble into the depth of the great cave in which the Temple was built. When Lok was vanquished and Tython ruined during the Force cataclysm of 25,748 BrS, Quan-Jang allied with other Je'daii Masters in abandoning the tenants of maintaining Balance in favor of serving only the light. Declaring themselves the Jedi Order, Quan-Jang and his fellow Councilors formulated a new Jedi code and its precepts. Advocating for the discontinuation of alchemy, Quan-Jang argued that the perversion of nature had caused many of his students to loose their way and should be discontinued. When it came time to abandon Tython, Quan-Jang boarded the sleeper ships with the rest of the Order to begin the long journey beyond the Tython system.
Calleh Har Selkath 25,748 BrS 25,741 BrS Healer in Chief Life-term N/A Daylana Dio Beshenal
A healer and a lover of all beings, Har was once the joint Temple Master of Mahara Kesh with her life-partner, Naro. When Naro was slain by his own students during Daegon Lok's uprising, Har went into mourning and joined with other Je'daii who believed that the light side was the only pure aspect of the Force. After watching Mahara Kesh burn, Har seldom spoke and kept to her apartments high within Akar Kesh, pouring over the several dozen medical holocrons she was able to rescue from the lost temple. It wasn't until the Temple of Balance was attacked that Har drew upon the Force in defense to cast the Bogan-Je'daii off the Temple to fall to their deaths below. When the Ashla-Je'daii emerged victorious, Har encouraged the new High Council to abandon Tython so that they might heal and find prosperity on new worlds not scarred by cataclysm and war. As others on the High Council rallied to her side, Har began overseeing the sleeper ships' for occupation by Je'daii and some other explorers. Retaining her position as Chief Healer, Har's heart could not be mended after losing her beloved Naro Har and she became one with the Force only a few years after leaving their home system.
Kora Ryo Twi'lek 25,748 BrS 25,720 BrS Caretaker of First Knowledge Life-term N/A Baz Torsin
A proud woman and the Temple Master of Kaleth, Ryo was once married to crime baron Volnos Ryo before ending their relationship to safeguard their daughter, Tasha, from the violent criminal. Disgusted by her former husband's livelihood, Ryo raised their daughter to be a resourceful Je'daii and was devastated when The young Twi'lek gave her life during the Force Wars earliest battles to ensure the defeat of the Infinite Empire. Taking hear from Ters Sendon, who witnessed her daughters death and assured her that she had given her life willingly to protect Tython, Ryo made peace with her loss and only reflected on Tasha's life with happiness and never again was saddened by the thought of her. When her husband led a riding party against Kaleth during the ensuing conflict with Daegon Lok, Ryo took up her Force-imbued blade and struck down her husband after a fierce battle. Before delivering a fatal blow, Ryo confronted her former love and spoke of her intense hatred of him, before letting go of her anger and forgiving him. Refusing his former wife's pity and mercy, Volnos Ryo threw himself from her balcony and died on the ground a hundred stories below. When the Force Wars came to a close and the Je'daii formed a new High Council to lead them, Ryo joined the body as the protector of the old teachings and holocrons. Working closely with Ters Sendon to secure a new Archives aboard the sleeper ships, Ryo would serve as the first Caretaker of First Knowledge.
Ruhr Wookiee 25,748 BrS 25,489 BrS Sower of Seeds Life-term N/A Nils Krystal
The quiet and humble Ruhr towered over his peers but was a gentle and kind being despite his fierce appearance. As the Temple Master of Padawan Kesh, Ruhr oversaw the basic training of all Je'daii Initiates before sending them off on their Great Journey. Defending the Order's future during the Force Wars, Ruhr ensured that Padawan Kesh was highly armed and kept the children in the heavily armored lower levels to protect against orbital bombardment by the Infinite Empire. When the Rakata were repelled, Ruhr saw to it that the oldest children were taken on as students by any able-bodied Ranger or Master to ensure that the teachings of the Order continued even with the loss of Anil Kesh, Qigong Kesh, Vur Tepe and Mahara Kesh. After Daegon Lok was killed and the Force cataclysm destroyed many regions of Tython, Ruhr was happy to lead his charges offworld in massive sleeper ships. A knowledgeable farmer, Ruhr drew upon his Wookiee heritage to tend to the massive gardens aboard the ships and preserve the food supply of the Je'daii. Passing down farming techniques and his knowledge of agriculture to the next generation, Ruhr ensured the legacy of the Je'daii would long outlive his own.
Lha-Mi Talid 25,748 BrS 25,735 BrS Battlemaster of the Order Life-term N/A Gaeriel Basout
As a young being, Lha-Mi was reckless and nimble, ranging across the Tython system with the spirit of youth. In his old age, Lha-Mi became a strong traditionalist and a master bladesman which earned him the title of Temple Master at Stav Kesh. A strict taskmaster, Lha-Mi was closely advised by Masters Tave and Kin'ade before the Force Wars and together trained the Order's members in advanced forms of combat. The training the students received was both the Order's saving grace and death knell; it helped to stand strong against the Infinite Empire but also ensured that both factions of the Je'daii were able-bodied and competent when competing for dominance. Siding with the Ashla-Je'daii, Lha-Mi led the defense of Kaleth against Daegon Lok's forces and was pleased when the man fell at Akar Kesh. Joining the High Council after the war, Lha-Mi was deeply unsettled by Master Rajivari's defection and deemed him beyond redemption. As the High Council besieged Kaleth to rout it of Rajivari's followers, Lha-Mi gave chase to Rajivari as he fled the Temple in the eleventh hour of battle. Meeting at the ruins of Vur Tepe, the two masters faced off in a fierce battle until the older Je'daii Master outmaneuvered his Human opponent and cut through him with his blade. After Rajivari's body disappeared Lha-Mi collected the stolen First Blade, the Force Saber of the Force Hound who had unleashed the Rakata on the system ten years prior, and returned it to its resting place at Kaleth where it would be forgotten. Boarding the sleeper ships as the Je'daii abandoned Tython, Lha-Mi passed down his fighting techniques to the next generation of Je'daii in hopes of preserving the noble traditions of his people.
Rori Fenn Human 25,748 BrS 25,698 BrS Mistress of Illusions Life-term N/A Wedge K'toka
The younger sister of Temple Master Jake Fenn, Rori Fenn was not one to live in the shadows of her powerful older brother. Making a name for herself while still a Ranger, Fenn was a skilled pilot and powerful in the Force. Exiled at one point for coming out of Balance and dwelling too deeply in the light, Fenn was naturally drawn to the Ashla-Je'daii sect when the Order suffered a schism during the Force Wars. After her brother died at the hands of her former lover Hawk Ryo, the cruel and sadistic Twi'lek Je'daii took over Bodhi; torturing the inhabitants for years and ruling the island continent of Masara with an iron-fist. Marching on Bodhi alone in 25,750 BrS, Fenn noted with sadness that her brother's rotted, decapitated corpse was reduced to bones in the spot on the Temple ramparts Ryo had thought best to display his conquest. Ryo, believing the woman had come to treat with him, offered her a place in his harem via hologram if she was willing to enter the Temple. Instead Fenn drew upon the light side of the Force, sinking into deep meditation before tearing the Temple down through sheer force of will. Feeling Ryo's anguish as he slowly bled out in the sea of rubble, Fenn came to terms with his death and forgave him his misdeeds as he became one with the Force. Appointed to the High Council and thus becoming the Council's youngest member at the age of forty, Fenn developed her skills in illusions and was a fundamental element in keeping the study of the Force alive within the sleeper ships as they cruised out of the Tython system and into the galaxy beyond.
Karem Tarask Sith 25,748 BrS 25,700 BrS Bladesmith Life-term N/A Luun Chias
A master of metallurgy at Vur Tepe, Tarask was the loyal adviser of Temple Master Tem Madog and was highly involved in the construction of Forcesabers throughout the Force Wars while Madog fought in the field. When Madog returned from war, Tarask grew suspicious of the Cathar Je'daii and grew to distrust him as he openly struggled to maintain balance. As Madog grew more feral, Tarask gathered what data he could from the Temple archives and fled the Temple to join with the so-called Ashla-Je'daii who were amassing their followers at Akar Kesh. As the fighting between the Ashla and Bogan-Je'daii grew to a crescendo, the forces of Master Rajivari besieged Vur Tepe. Anticipating their movements, Tarask watched from afar as Master Madog slipped out of the Temple and into the hills below. Following at a distance, Tarask watched as Madog frantically raced across the continent to the distant Temple of Knowledge. Racing ahead, Tarask hid within Kaleth's halls as Madog entered and found a hiding spot within the Temple's ground floor for the First Blade. Programming the security droids in the wing to slay all who approached the weapon and to keep it safe for all time, Madog headed to the upper levels to make contact with his allied Masters. Once in the communications chamber at the summit of the northwest tower of Kaleth, Tarask revealed himself and engaged the Cathar in combat. Feral and vicious, Madog attacked with a ferocity the Sith Je'daii had never seen in a peer and relied on his mastery of telekinesis to bring the roof down on Madog. Wounded and furious, Madog attempted to free himself but was come upon by a roaming party of Flesh Raiders who had infiltrated the Temple. As he lay pinned beneath the rubble, Madog pleaded with Tarask to assist him but to no avail. Retreating to a safe distance, Tarask watched as the Flesh Raiders devoured Master Madog alive, consuming him before he finally expired. Slaying the Flesh Raiders and retrieving Madog's Force-imbued blade, Tarask returned to Akar Kesh in time to join the first High Council. Bringing his skills in metallurgy to the the table, Tarask was appointed to craft the Order's blades as they traveled into the great beyond aboard their massive sleeper ships.
Heron Zerga Iktochi 25,748 BrS 25,706 BrS High Prophet Life-term N/A D'jek Ossus
A Seer who served alongside the martyr, Tasha Ryo, during the first year of the Force Wars, Master Heron Zerga was one of the few surviving Seers by the end of the war. Having had his sight restored to him by looking into the Abyss following the defeat of the Infinite Empire, Zerga spent the next several years of war hidden deep within Akar Kesh to ensure that his valuable abilities of precognition were not put in harm's way during the conflict with the Bogan-Je'daii. Once the fighting ended, Zerga lent credence to Master Calleh Har's assertion that the Order should abandon Tython in search of life beyond the system. Having visions of a mighty world of great learning and understanding, Zerga believed that it held the key to survival for the Order. Trusted for his frankness, Zerga sat on the High Council as they made their way across space and time in search of this new world.
Tave Efedinin Noghri 25,748 BrS 25,716 BrS War Marshal Life-term Ortis Rajivari Kira Kroan
The assistant to Temple Master Lha-Mi, Efedinin was highly-skilled in the martial arts and excelled in hand to hand combat. A combatant during the Force Wars, Efedinin fought on the front lines and saw the true power of the dark side as it consumed his peers. Following the war, Efedinin renounced his Forcesaber and refused to touch the dark side again out of a revulsion of the effects it had on the mind. When Rajivari was slain in the forests near Vur Tepe, the Noghri Master was called upon to replace him as his own knowledge of war tactics would prove vital to carrying on the teachings of strategy and defensive techniques to his students aboard the sleeper ships the Order would take out of the Tython system. He oversaw the sleeper ships' defensive weapons systems and ensured that crews were kept trained and alert, prepared to defend themselves from other space-faring vessels if need arose.
Daylana Dio Beshenal Devaronian 25,741 BrS 25,691 BrS Healer in Chief Life-term Calleh Har Unidentified
Scarred from the Force Wars, Daylana Dio Beshenal was a hardened warrior who respected life in keeping with the new Jedi Code. When Master Har became one with the Force, Master Dio Beshenal was called upon to maintain the art of Force healing and oversee the medical bays which would keep the Order healthy through their long voyage. As their sleeper ships traveled, Dio Beshenal was tasked with maintaining the medical holocrons preserved by Master Har, as well as tending to, and monitoring those Jedi who were selected to enter the sleeping chambers. Inside these cells, members of the Order were suspended in stasis pods, safeguarded against the affects of time and slowing the aging process. Dio Beshenal and her fellow healers spent many hours each day ensuring that the pods were functioning properly and that the future of the Jedi Order was preserved in good condition.
Gaeriel Basout Cathar 25,735 BrS 25,699 BrS Battlemaster of the Order Life-term Lha-Mi Unidentified
When Battlemaster Lha-Mi passed away, the Order was faced with its first major loss while aboard the sleeper ships; while Master Har's death was tragic, it was also expected. Lha-Mi had left behind a final testament before becoming one with the Force, recommending one of his most noted students, Jedi Master Gaerial Basout. A fierce duelist and survivalist, Basout was a senior Ranger when the Order abandoned Tython and a hardened veteran of the Force Wars. Formerly championed as one of the foremost survival guides of the jungles of Tython, Basout had refined his skills in the art of siska devi, the Je'daii technique of forest combat based on the hunting motions of beasts. A brusque man, Basout demanded perfection from his students and tested his charges within environment simulations which helped the Jedi remain true to their heritage.
Naras Dam-Powl Cathar 25,731 BrS 25,723 BrS Master of the Sciences Life-term Quan-Jang Hegul Lacer
Gaen Myec Miraluka 25,725 BrS 25,679 BrS Peacekeeper of the Order Life-term Garon Jard Unidentified
Hegul Lacer Krevaaki 25,723 BrS 25,649 BrS Master of the Sciences Life-term Naras Dam-Powl Unidentified
Baz Torsin Human 25,720 BrS 25,682 BrS Caretaker of First Knowledge Life-term Kora Ryo Malcolm Baric
Kira Kroan Twi'lek 25,716 BrS 25,672 BrS War Marshal Life-term Tave Efedinin
Adriav Wes Human 25,714 BrS 25,666 BrS Life-term Cala Brin Unidentified
D'jek Ossus Dathomiran 25,706 BrS 25,650 BrS High Prophet Life-term Heron Zerga Unidentified
Luun Chias Devaronian 25,700 BrS 25,662 BrS Bladesmith Life-term Karem Tarask Unidentified
Viera Corliss Alectan 25,699 BrS 25,632 BrS Chronicler of the Order Life-term Ters Sendon Unidentified
Wedge K'toka Nikto 25,698 BrS 25,650 BrS Master of Illusions Life-term Rori Fenn Unidentified
Malcolm Baric Human 25,682 BrS 25,649 BrS Caretaker of First Knowledge Life-term Baz Torsin
Nils Krytal Krevaaki 25,489 BrS 25,420 BrS Sower of Seeds Life-term Ruhr Unidentified
Otta Cinn Twi'lek 4,976 BrS 4,945 BrS Grand Master Life-term Unidentified Unidentified
Hunted down and killed Terrak Morrhage in 4976
E'ad Garnoo Neti 4,963 BrS 3,971 BrS Unidentified Life-term Unidentified Trl Nuwest
Memit Nadill Molavaran 4,953 BrS 4,917 BrS Grand Master Long-term (4,953 BrS-4,945 BrS)

Life-term (4,945 BrS-4,917 BrS)

Unidentified Helrun Dol
Zerrid Odai Cathar 4,918 BrS 4,883 BrS Grand Master Life-term Unidentified Unidentified
Helrun Dol Thisspiasian 4,917 BrS 4,618 BrS Grand Master Long-term (4,917 BrS-4,842 BrS)

Life-term (4,842 BrS-4,618 BrS)

Memit Nadill Unidentified
Baraga Barrezz Meri 4,900 BrS 4,842 BrS Grand Master Long-term (4,900 BrS-4,884 BrS)

Life-term (4,884 BrS-4,842 BrS)

Unidentified Ood Bnar
Ood Bnar Neti 4,842 BrS 3,961 BrS Caretaker of First Knowledge Life-term Baraga Barrezz Eventually Oss Wilum
Odan-Urr Draethos 4,653 BrS 3,961 BrS Grand Master Long-term (4,653 BrS-4,618 BrS)

Life-term (4,618 BrS-3,961 BrS)

Unidentified Nomi Da'Boda
Thon Tchuukthai 4,550 BrS 4,491 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Unidentified Unidentified
Vandar Tokare Zelena-zhaba 4,131 BrS 4,491 BrS Master of the Order Long-term (4,131 BrS-4,000 BrS)

Life-term (4,000 BrS-3,917 BrS)

Unidentified Bao-Dur
A wizened Jedi Master, Vandar Tokare had served the Order faithfully for centuries when he was asked to join the High Council. A noted Jedi Docent and Recruiter, Tokare had been a member of the Educational Corps for decades where he educated non-Jedi on hundreds of worlds to become moral individuals in a darkening galaxy. Following the loss of Ossus and the death of several venerated members of the High Council, Tokare suggested that Master Baas' private academy be converted into a secret enclave for Jedi students to ensure that if the Order's stronghold on Coruscant was attacked some Jedi would survive. Rotating members of the High Council to Dantooine to oversee the operation of the Enclave, Tokare became the leader of the Council under Grand Master Lamar's time on the Council. Rotating his time between Dantooine and Coruscant along with the rest of the Council, Tokare eventually abandoned Coruscant during the Jedi Civil War and remained on Dantooine for the rest of the conflict. When Master Atris called the Conclave on Katarr, Tokare attended against the wishes of Grand Master Lamar and perished in the assault.
Da'yid Dominus Psadan 4,004 BrS 3,961 BrS Alchemist Life-term Unidentified Bala Nisi
A respected alchemist and a gentle soul, Master Dominus was the master of sciences and a necessary part of the High Council, advising the group of Masters on new discoveries and theories. While well into his venerable years, Dominus still actively trained Padawans in the ways of the Force. As a scientist, Dominus rarely left Ossus and his combat skills had diminished as he grew old; though he still carried a lightsaber at his waist. When Exar Kun began converting Jedi students to the dark side of the Force, Dominus' student Zona Luka attacked him in compliance with Kun's pogrom against the Jedi Masters. Confronted by Luka in his private residence, Dominus' lightsaber skills were not as quick as his lithe, young student and he was quickly struck down. As he lay dying, Dominus used the Force to vaporize the blood flowing within Luka's veins; killing her instantly.
Pearson Ghyron Harch 3,983 BrS 3,961 BrS Hyperspace scientist Long-term Unidentified Aleco Stusea
A rare Harch Jedi Master, Pearson Ghyron was a specialist in calculating hyperspace routes and the leader of the Exploration Corps. Playing a pivotal role in the Order as the galaxy continued to be explored and colonized, Ghyron's insight on the High Council offered a glimpse into the ever-expanding borders of the Republic and the species being discovered there. Rarely on Ossus, Ghyron attended Council meetings via holocommunication and would often deliver reports on new worlds while in orbit. Returning to Ossus during the conflict with Exar Kun, Ghryon helped in the defense of the planet when Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma led an assault on the Jedi fortress world. Confronting several of Kun's acolytes within the Great Temple, Ghyron was killed while defending the hyperspace logs within the Temple's vault below the Council chamber. While he slew many acolytes in his defense of the chamber, Ghyron was overwhelmed and gutted by the fallen Jedi.
Malando Bey Chagrian 3,981 BrS 3,953 BrS Battlemaster Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
The Order's battlemaster, Melando Bey was a noted swordsman and preeminent lightsaber virtuoso. Overseeing the education of students in lightsaber combat in Knossa, Bey appointed all other lightsaber instructors to their positions within the Order's main academy and was noted for making several advances in lightsaber construction. As problems between the Order and the Krath escalated, Bey decided to leave Ossus and declared himself the Battlemaster of Coruscant and took up permanent residence in the Temple on the Republic capital world. When Ossus was destroyed in the ensuing year by the Sith, Bey joined the Order and the Republic on Yavin IV to end the reign of Sith Lord Kun. Chasing Kun into the inner sanctum of a massive Temple, Bey helped imprisoned the Sith in a wall of light.
Lania Miransi Human 3,978 BrS 4,961 BrS Chief Archaeologist Long-term Unidentified Yars Dorak
Lana Miransi was Chief Archaeologist of the Academy of Archaeology, leading Jedi study of ancient civilizations across the Republic. A respected scholar and a master at sensing the history of an artifact through her strength in psychometry, Master Miransi was suspicious of Exar Kun after he lied about having permission to explore the tomb of Freedon Nadd. As the strength of the forces of the Krath grew on Onderon, Miransi and several other members of the High Council took up residence in the Temple on Coruscant to ensure that the Order's leadership was not all stationed in one place. When Ossus was destroyed during the Cron supernova, Miransi rushed to Yavin IV to help imprison Exar Kun within the temples there. With the Sith vanquished, Miransi stepped down from the Council to pursue exploration of the ruins of Ossus.
Vodo-Siosk Baas Krevaaki 3,980 BrS 3,961 BrS Shadow Long-term Unidentified Darin-Vel-Aath
The leader of the Order's elite Jedi Shadows, Master Vodo-Siosk Baas was widely respected among the Order's seers, artisans and historians as his skills spanned many different specialties.
Maxim Kator Human 3,973 BrS 3,955 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Unidentified Unidentified
(Unidentified Human male)
Trl Nuwest Rodian 3,971 BrS 3,962 BrS Artisan Limited-term E'ad Garnoo Unidentified
A renowned chef and artisan, Trl Nuwest ascended to the High Council at a dangerous time for the Order and the galaxy. As Exar Kun began dabbling in the dark arts, many questioned the Council's reasoning in inviting Nuwest to sit on the august body. Continuing to serve despite vocal opposition, Nuwest attempted to demonstrate his worth through his crafting of delicious meals for Jedi and other culinary feats. Unable to win hearts and minds during the troubled time, Nuwest chose to select an apprentice and demonstrate his considerable knowledge a the Force by educating the young Human Jedi to knighthood. Nuwest was in his kitchen on Ossus when his new student walked in and amputated Nuwest's arms as he carried out Kun's plan to destabilize the Order through a pogrom against the Jedi Masters. As he lay crippled, Nuwest's student tortured him before throwing the dying Jedi Master into his own oven and cooking him to death.
Thon Tchuukthai 3,963 BrS 3,947 BrS Unidentified Life-term Unidentified Zhar Lestin
Nomi Da'Boda Human 3,961 BrS 3,941 BrS Grand Master Long-term (3,961 BrS-3,959 BrS)

Life-term (3,959 BrS-3,941 BrS)

Odan-Urr Vrook Lamar
Darin-Vel-Aath Cerean 3,947 BrS 3,947 BrS Grand Master Long-term (3,961 BrS-3,942 BrS)

Life-term (3,942 BrS-3,929 BrS)

Vodo-Siosk Baas Amus Kavar
Zhar Lestin Twi'lek 3,947 BrS 3,928 BrS Chronicler of the Order Life-term Thon Hardus Set
Overseeing the preservation of the records of the Order as they were transferred from various points around the galaxy to the Coruscant Temple. A close friend of Master Atris, Lestin was a noble man who was dedicated to the security of the Order's past and hoped to save that which was salvaged from Ossus. Sitting on the High Council for years, Lestin was asked to take up residence on Dantooine and begin establishing a back up Archives in the secret enclave there. A member of the Dantooine Council, a body which was established to ensure that half the High Council remained off Coruscant and hidden in the event of a massive assault on Coruscant, Lestin eventually stepped down from the High Council to remain a permanent Councilor on Dantooine. Surviving the the attack on the Enclave during the Jedi Civil War and returning to the rebuilt academy during the reign of the Sith Triumvirate, Lestin attended the Conclave on Katarr against the wishes of the Order's Grand Master and perished during the Sith attack.
Dorjander Kace Human 3,943 BrS 3,928 BrS Pacifist Long-term Unidentified Lucien Draay
Like most Jedi of the era, Dorjander Kace was raised on Ossus, growing up in a vast community of Force-sensitives and Jedi Knights. Kace had been an active Knight for only a year when Padawan Exar Kun declared himself a Sith Lord and launched an assault against the Jedi Order. Rushing to the front lines, Kace was injured during a space battle on the Outer Rim and was taken prisoner by the Mandalorian Crusaders. Forced to live among them, Kace befriended and fell in love with one of his captors, a woman named Varda, and together conceived a child. Their family was not to last however, as Varda died in a surprise attack by Republic forces led by Jedi Barrison Draay. Heartbroken, Kace returned to the Order but believed it was unfair that Varda and their child had to die against a Force-user rather than a Republic officer. Attaining membership on the High Council, Kace was the strongest opponent of Jedi involvement in a Republic-championed was with the Mandalorians as they seized territory across the Outer Rim. Believing that the Order should stay out of the conflict on principle, he was not alone in his stance, standing in agreement with the Vrook Lamar, the Order' Grand Master. However, when Jedi Revan amassed strong support from many Knights and Masters in favor of joining a Republic war effort against the Mandalorians, public support swung against the High Council. Forced to step down as the High Council capitulated to the Revanchist group within the Order, Kace believed that if the Jedi allied with the Mandalorians they stood a chance at teaching them to let go of their violent tendencies and become a force for good. Secretly leading a small group of followers to join the Mandalorians, Kace pledged allegiance to the Mandalore while remaining a member of the Jedi. Capturing a Republic vessel, Kace led his Mandalorian Knights to Dantooine to raid the Enclave there and abduct the Jedi Initiates there and raise them as Mandalorian Knights. While the initial stages of the attack went according to plan, the intervention of former Jedi Zayne Carrick foiled the plot and Kace was taken into custody. Tried on Coruscant, Kace was imprisoned within the Coruscant Jedi Temple's secure prison facilities designed to house Sith and fallen Jedi.
Vrook Lamar Human 3,941 BrS 3,916 BrS Grand Master Long-term (3,941 BrS-3,930 BrS)

Life-term (3,930 BrS-3,916 BrS)

Nomi Da'Boda Vima Da'Boda
Tortos Krit Ongree 3,929 BrS 3,919 BrS Unidentified Life-term Bala Nisi Keval Raffaan
Zez-Kai Ell Human 3,938 BrS 3,916 BrS Prophet and philosopher Long-term (3,938 BrS-3,926 BrS)

Life-term (3,926 BrS-3,916 BrS)

Unidentified Mira Zols
A Jedi Seer, Zez-Kai Ell was a colleague of Master Kryndra Draay and a fierce proponent of training Seers. Introspective and calm, Ell openly questioned the High Council's collective wisdom in casting off those Jedi who disobeyed its commands instead of questioning what might bring those Jedi to abandon the Order. Following the redemption of Revan, Ell was disgusted by the Order's continued mistreatment of him and of Jedi Meetra Surik and Bastila Shan and warned against being blinded by their own pride. When the Sith Triumvirate forced the Council from Coruscant, Ell renounced his place on the Council and went into hiding on Nar Shaddaa where he descended into a deep depression. After learning of the massacre on Katarr and being sought out by Jedi Surik, Ell agreed to return to the Dantooine Enclave to hear her thoughts on the future of the Order. Agreeing with Grand Master Lavar and Master Kavar that Surik needed to be severed from the Force in order to close the void she had created during her time following Revan, Darth Traya intervened and stripped the Councilors of their Force-connection. Closed off from the Force, Ell and his colleagues died from the emptiness they felt.
Vierra Atris Human 3,935 BrS 3,916 BrS Chief Archivist Long-term (3,935 BrS-3,929 BrS)

Life-term (3,929 BrS-3,916 BrS)

Unidentified Brianna Voddher
A staunch traditionalist and an admirer of Grand Master Odan-Urr, Atris preferred the cool comfort within the Temple Archives over the battlefield and dedicated her life to restoring the Order's library to its former glory. Finding a friend in the like-minded Master Lestin, Atris became infatuated by the young Jedi Knight Meetra Surik but hid her feelings in keeping with the Jedi Code's ban on attachments. When asked to join the High Council by Grand Master Aath, Atris eagerly accepted the appointment and strove to represent the logic and policies favored by the deceased Master Odan-Urr. As the Mandalorian Wars erupted and Jedi Knights Revan and Alek ignored the dictates of the High Council and drew the Order into war. When Jedi Surik followed, Atris was heart-broken and became highly embittered to mask her pain. Voting to exile Surik when she returned for judgment after the conclusion of the war, Atris was hostile toward Jedi Revan and told him he was not welcome at the Jedi Temple, regardless of the High Council's official statement. As the Sith Triumvirate grew in strength in the wake of Jedi Civil War, Atris called for a Conclave on Katarr in hopes of drawing out the members of this new Sith organization. Her plan worked all too well and the conclave was attacked by Darth Nihilus, who wiped out all life on the planet and killed all of the Jedi there. Retreating in failure, Atris hoped to rebuild the Order in a secret academy she had established on Telos. Hording several Sith holocrons there to protect them from the Sith, Atris was slowly corrupted the the dark side. When Jedi Surik confronted Atris over her descent into darkness, Atris submitted herself for judgment following Surik's successful overthrow of the Triumvirate.
Lonna Vash Human 3,933 BrS 3,916 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Tott Doneeta Veni Ramunee
A proud and introspective woman, Lonna Vash took her seat on the High Council at a time of great internal strife within the Order. Hoping to bring about a sense of rationality she viewed as lacking on the august body, Vash quickly found herself joining consensuses for the sake of action rather than based on the merits of their arguments. Often acting as a referee between the more incendiary members of the Council such as Grand Master Lamar, Masters Atris and Kace, Vash found her dreams of enacting real change dwindling before her. Following the Jedi Civil War she attempted to see justice prevail in the trial of rogue Jedi Meetra Surik but was unable to convince her peers even to tell Surik the truth about her exile, which they imposed upon her immediately following her return. Not long after Surik was banished, a band of Sith began hunting down Jedi and killing them in great numbers. When the call came for an Conclave on Katarr, Vash prepared to attend with her fellow Masters but was dissuaded by the Grand Master who gave her an urgent warning: when Jedi gather, Jedi die. Leaving the Coruscant Temple in secret, Vash and her Padawan Kaah Ohtok fled the capital world and made the long journey to the ancient Sith world of Korriban. Taking refuge in the abandoned academy there, Vash and her student felt the deaths of their peers at the destruction of Katarr and vowed to survive in order to preserve the Jedi traditions. When the Sith returned to Korriban to reclaim their ancient academy, Vash and Ohtok remained hidden, watching the Sith from the shadows and surviving in the surrounding tombs. When Darth Sion appeared on the world, Vash underestimated his intelligence and was taken prisoner by the Sith Lord. Using Vash as a beacon in the Force to draw Jedi Surik out of hiding, Sion tortured the Jedi Master, killing her as Surik landed on the Sith homeworld. Infiltrating the academy, Surik found Vash's body in a pool of blood, left as a message by Sion as he prepared to destroy her and the remaining members of the Order.
Darkus Puln Vurk 3,932 BrS 3,917 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Yars Dorak Atton Rand
Pentos Krul Advosec 3,931 BrS 3,917 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Unidentified Visas Marr
Amus Kavar Human 3,928 BrS 3,916 BrS Warrior Master & Battlemaster Long-term Darin-Vel-Aath Thon
Amus Kavar was trained on Ossus and

Amus Kavar had been an active Knight for only a year when Padawan Exar Kun declared himself a Sith Lord and launched an assault against the Jedi Order. Assisting in the evacuation of Ossus, Kace rushed to the front lines of the war as his homeworld was destroyed in the Cron supernova caused by Kun's machinations. Following other Jedi to Yavin IV, Kace assisted in the attack on Kun's forces, but their victory against the Sith seemed hollow in light of Ossus' destruction. Relocating to the fledgling Temple on Coruscant, Kace

Lucien Draay Human 3,928 BrS 3,928 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Dorjander Kace Asavar Deel
The scion of an important Jedi dynasty, Lucien Draay grew up within the walls of his family's Coruscant estate. Shunned by his Jedi Master because of his lack of precognitive abilities and Force vision, Draay received his initial training in the ways of the Force by his mother's retainer, the failed Jedi Haazen. Accepted into the Order on a probationary basis by the High Council, Draay proved himself to be an able Jedi and was knighted in a formal ceremony in a shrine at the base of the Jedi Temple. Working closely with his mother, Kryndra Draay, Draay agreed to lead her First WatchCircle, a clandestine group of seers that worked to prevent the return of the Sith. Through the machinations of his mother and Haazen, Draay and his four colleagues in the WatchCircle were placed in charge of a small academy on Taris where they were working to uncover the legendary Muur Talisman. Taking on Padawans to deepen their cover, the four Seers of the WatchCircle had a vision in which they believed one of their Padawans would play a part in the rise of the Sith. Taking action, the five Masters slew their students to prevent this future, though Draay's Padawan Zayne Carrick escaped. Unwittingly, the slaughter of their Padawans, which they blamed on Carrick, was enough for the High Council to split them up and dispatch them to separate postings. Upset with this turn of events Haazen pulled strings on the High Council, using Krynda Draay's friendship with Masters Atris, Ell and Kavar, to arrange for Lucien to be offered a seat. Taking up the seat vacated by Master Kace, Draay immediately earned the suspicion of Grand Master Lamar which were quickly cemented as true by Master Xamar, Draay's former colleague. Xamar revealed that Draay and the rest of the Taris Council had framed Carrick for the slaughter and were working for Krynda Draay. Draay took refuge in his family estate and was there when Grand Master Lamar laid siege to the compound. After the revelation that Haazen had imprisoned his mother and sought to destroy the Sith and the Jedi, Draay attacked his former master, killing him in the rubble of his former home. Believed dead by the rest of the Order, Draay and the other survivors of his mother's cabal, fled to a private moon the Draay Estate owned over Mustafar. There, Draay established a new temple where he and his followers could live out their lives in piece. Blinded during the fighting, Draay finally had the vision his mother had thought he lacked.
Asavar Deel Togruta 3,928 BrS 3,917 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Lucien Draay Glent Enij
Hardus Set Nautolan 3,928 BrS 3,917 BrS Unidentified Limited-term (3,928 BrS-3,926 BrS)

Life-term (3,926 BrS-3,917 BrS)

Zhar Lestin Mical Herath
Jens Gröss Khil 3,926 BrS 3,917 BrS Unidentified Long-term Aleco Stusea Deesra Luur Jada
Vima Da'Boda Human 3,915 BrS 3,866 BrS Grand Master Life-term Vrook Lamar Unidentified
Thon Tchuukthai 3,915 BrS 3,808 BrS Master of the Order Life-term Amus Kavar Unidentified
Mical Herath Human 3,915 BrS 3,891 BrS Caretaker of First Knowledge Life-term Hardus Set Unidentified
Known as the Disciple, Mical Herath received his early training in the Force at the Dantooine Enclave in the build up to the Mandalorian Wars. When many of the academy's instructors join Revan in his quest to defeat the Mandalorians, there was no one left to train young Herath and he departed the Enclave, unable to progress further in his training as a Jedi. Travelling with the Republic throughout the Jedi Civil War, Herath sought to preserve the history of the Jedi Order as it risked utter destruction; from the destruction of Ossus to the near extinction of the Jedi. Seeking out artifacts preserved in the ruins of the Dantooine Enclave, Herath came across the exiled Jedi Meetra Surik and agreed to travel with her in search of the remaining Jedi Masters. During their travels across the galaxy, Surik took Herath on as her Padawan and completed his training before knighting him aboard the Ebon Hawk. As they set about to rebuild the Jedi Order, Herath began rebuilding the Temple Archives on Coruscant, becoming the Order's premiere historian and taking a seat on the High Council. Taking on the role of Caretaker of First Knowledge, Herath was given oversight of the Chief Archivist and the Order's Chronicler.
Glent Enij Bothan 3,915 BrS 3,869 BrS Unidentified Life-term Asavar Deel Unidentified
Oteg Zelena-zhaba 3,654 BrS 3,610 BrS N/A Life-term Thracken Dulovic Gnost-Dural
Young for his species, Oteg was a member of the Council throughout the Great Galactic War, and was conscious of the implications of the return of the Sith, more so then many of his peers. Understanding the dire consequences of a Sith victory, Oteg rushed to the war front and helped advise the Republic Navy in its counter attacks on Sith convoys. When aboard the Sarapin Wanderer, the captain was killed during an Imperial attack, forcing Oteg to take command and counterattack. Destroying the attacking fleet, Oteg's skill was praised by Republic leadership and the High Council. Upon his return to Coruscant following the Treaty which suspended the war, Oteg found the Jedi Temple in ruins and peace a fragile thing. Traveling to the recently rediscovered world of Tython, Oteg took on the role of instructor and began teaching the next generation of Padawans the ways of the Force. As the peace the Treaty promised began to falter, Supreme Chancellor Janarus himself asked for Master Oteg's assistance on the front lines as Fleet Admiral. With the good will of the High Council, Oteg stepped down from the august body and served the Order from within the Republic military.
Graal Zym Kel Dor 3,654 BrS 3,618 BrS Grand Master Life-term Unidentified Satelle Shan
Katiara Markyle Mirialan 3,637 BrS 3,618 BrS Unidentified Long-term Unidentified Oric Traless
Katiara Markyle Mirialan 3,637 BrS 3,618 BrS Unidentified Long-term Unidentified Oric Traless
Bren Ky-knomi Twi'lek 3,634 BrS 3,618 BrS Unidentified Long-term Unidentified Bela Kiwiiks
Verun Kortu Pada Unidentified 3,622 BrS Unidentified Short-term Unidentified Wens Aleusis
Giffis Fane Sullustan 3,630 BrS Unidentified Unidentified Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
Kruk Mollek Kiffar 3,626 BrS 3,618 BrS N/A Short-term Unidentified Jaric Kaedan
Wens Aleusis Gacerite 3,622 BrS 3,592 BrS Chief Prophet Long-term Verun Kortu Kennet Parn
Wens Aleusis had been considered a rogue by the High Council for much of his adult life, believing his prophecies to be a hoax. The first Gacerite to enter the Order, Aleusis had little skill with most forms of psychokinesis
Tol Braga Kel Dor 3,620 BrS N/A The Order's Conscience Life-term Unidentified Unidentified
The Order's premiere Sage Master, Tol Braga was a gifted Jedi who was famed for his ability to turn even Sith Lord's to the light side of the Force. During the Great Galactic War, Braga was appointed to the High Council following his redemption of the Dark Councilor member, Darth Sajar. With the former Sith Lord as his Padawan, Braga became a champion for redemption and was constantly in contact with Sith Lords in an effort to bring them into negotiations with the Order. Growing ever more confident in his renowned abilities, Braga led a task force during the Cold War to capture and redeem the Sith Emperor himself. Delving into Sith Space, Braga and his strike force infiltrated the Dromund Kaas Citadel and quickly found himself outmatched by the Emperor. Realizing his overconfidence, Braga became consumed by the dark side and was compelled to join the Empire. Traveling to Corellia on a mission for the Empire, Braga was prevented from attacking the planet by a Jedi Knight who redeemed the Sage Master and sent him back to Tython for rehabilitation.
Satelle Shan Human 3,616 BrS 3,583 BrS Grand Master Life-term Graal Zym Unidentified
Young and deeply attuned to the Force, Satelle Shan was the descendant of infamous Jedi Revan Meridus and Bastila Shan. While her mother was exiled by the High Council for her unorthodox views on marriage, Shan grew up under the tutelage of Master Ngani Zho before seeking martial guidance from Battlemaster Kao Cen Darach. Raised to the rank of Knight under Darach's teachings, Shan was witness to the conquest of Korriban by the Sith Empire upon their return to their ancient homeworld. As the Great Galactic War engulfed the galaxy, Shan conceived a child whom she named Theron and left with her former mentor, Ngani Zho, so that she might fight in the war. Serving in the war attached to several different Masters, Shan better herself and her skills, tempering her willfulness and learning the virtues of patience and compassion. Following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and the loss of the Jedi Temple, Shan began a pilgrimage across the Republic to better understand the suffering across the affected worlds. While making allies along the way, the Force guided her to the long-lost world of Tython where she rediscovered the birthplace of the Order and reported her findings to the High Council. Reinvigorated by this discovery, the High Council invited Shan to join their number and help in the resettling of Tython. In short order, Shan was named Grand Master and used her connections within both the Republic Senate and military structure to help secure the Order's place in the galaxy as the Cold War with the Sith Empire dragged on. When the war resumed, Shan oversaw the Order through years of great loss until the conflict finally wound down with the utter destruction of the Emperor and the scattering of his followers.
Oric Traless Nautolan 3,618 BrS 3,605 BrS Temple Gate Master Long-term Katiara Markyle Unidentified
A calm Nautolan Jedi Master, Oric Traless spent his entire life within the walls of the Coruscant Jedi Temple, marveling at the Force-inspired architecture and the immensity of the complex. Spending much of his time exploring the oldest parts of the Temple, Traless was greatly saddened by the start of the Great Galactic War as it left the Temple largely empty. When the Temple was attacked by Darth Malgus, Traless fought against the Sith invaders, striking down over a dozen as he struggled to defend his home. Ultimately the Temple fell, with Traless fleeing at the last moment to ensure the survival of the Order. Watching as the black and orange superstructure of the Temple complex smoldered and smoke rose from its flat rooftops, Traless pledged to see the Temple rebuilt. When Grand Master Zym approached him to take a seat on the High Council, Traless accepted with the hopes of using his voice to see the Temple reconstructed posthaste; but this dream was dashed when the Senate refused to fund the project. When the High Council declared its intentions to rebuild the Temple on Tython, Traless insisted on constructing a unique building so that the spirit of the Coruscant Temple would not be abandoned indefinitely. Appointed as the Temple's Gate Master, Traless was to be the Master-in-charge of Tython's defenses should the High Council be away. At the end of the Cold War, the Sith Empire launched an attack on Tython, laying siege to the Temple. Meditating in the Archives until the leader of the assault made his way there, Traless fought valiantly but was eventually struck down by the Sith Warrior.
Orgus Din Human 3,618 BrS 3,608 BrS Senior General Short-term Unidentified Jaric Kaedan
Joining the Council immediately after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and the suspension of the Great Galactic War, Din was respected not only by his fellow Jedi, but also by Republic troops due to his long history of serving directly on the front lines. Known as the "Plain Jedi" by his peers because of his simple nature and his preference for decisive action rather than debate, Din trained many Padawans to the rank of Knighthood and instilled with them the importance of compassion, especially for those whom you fought beside. Serving on Tython during the Cold War as the Order worked to rebuild its numbers, Din took a new student and together they undertook many missions on behalf of the Republic. Infiltrating the flagship of Darth Angral as the Sith Lord oversaw the construction of a new superweapon, Din was outmaneuvered and struck down by his long time rival and his body was released into space. Eventually, his remains were recovered and taken back to Tython for a proper ceremony.
Bela Kiwiiks Togruta 3,618 BrS Unidentified Scholar Long-term Bren Ky-knomi Unidentified
Jaric Kaedan Human 3,618 BrS 3,606 BrS The Order's Watchman Life-term Kruk Mollek Unidentified
A hero of the Great Galactic War, Jaric Kaedan was an uncompromising voice on the High Council, a master tactician and a military genius. Taking a seat on the Council after losing Master Mollek on Coruscant, Kaedan joined his peers on Tython during the Cold War in the new Temple built there. Maintaining offices within the Temple, Kaedan met with all new arrivals and studied the students and Knights in study, keeping a close eye on any who might be wavering in the light side of the Force. Sternly opposed to the notion of redemption, Kaedan favored strict punishment for all who were lost in darkness and argued fiercely with his fellow Councilors who thought otherwise. When the Cold War ended and war was resumed, Kaedan rallied the defenses of Ilum when the Jedi fortress world was besieged by Sith forces. While putting up a fierce defense, Kaedan's troops were overrun and he was eventually struck down in battle by a Sith warrior.
Syo Bakarn Human 3,616 BrS 3,606 BrS Chief Healer Life-term Ven Zallow Maru Varn
A battle-hardened soldier like most of his peers, Bakarn preferred the healing aspect of the Force to the martial side, and took to the battleside mobile clinics as often as he could to tend to the wounded. When the Treaty of Coruscant was ratified, Bakarn traveled to war-torn worlds healing the wounded and assisting where he could. Recalled to Tython to take a seat on the High Council, Bakarn was appointed Chief Healer of the Order and oversaw the medical facility located in the lofty heights of the Masters' Retreat located a short hike from the new Temple. Founding the Jedi Restoration Concord, an organization which would later become the Agricultural Corps, Bakarn was credited with bringing great wealth back to worlds devastated by the Empire's war machines. Unbeknownst to Bakarn, during his time on the High Council his mind was compromised when the Sith Emperor implanted an alternate personality into the noble Master's brain. Known as the First Son, he was created to lead other such thralls to do the Emperor's bidding; however the plot was discovered by Jedi Maru Varn who destroyed the First Son and redeemed Bakarn. Shocked by the discovery of this alternate personality, Bakarn stepped down from the Council to seek solace in the .
Gnost-Dural Kel Dor 3,610 BrS Unidentified Chief Librarian Long-term Unidentified Satelle Shan
A scholarly Jedi Master and a veteran of the Great Galactic War, Gnost-Dural replaced Master Ostar-Gal at the helm of the Jedi Archives as they were rebuilt on Tython following the Sacking of the Coruscant Temple. Tasked primarily with rebuilding the Order's wealth of knowledge and recovering lost texts and wisdom, Gnost-Dural spent most of his time pouring over records and directing fellow archivists where to look for hidden secrets. When his Padawan fell to the dark side and became the Sith Lord Darth Karrid, Gnost-Dural accompanied Republic agents to hunt down the Falleen woman and kill her before she was unable to unleash her terror on the Republic.
Voron Yung Dressellian 1,072 BrS 1,050 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term Unidentified Taza Azrah
Faythe Derrosk Human 1,064 BrS 1,037 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Life-term Unidentified Unidentified
Alon Payne Sakiyan 1,056 BrS 1,047 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Limited-term Unidentified Unidentified
Sadako Dolros Duros 1,061 BrS 1,039 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
Taza Azrah Human 1,050 BrS 1,031 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term Voron Yung Unidentified
Harloth Calway Togruta 1,044 BrS 1,023 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
Diona Telcontar Quarren 1,029 BrS 1,014 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term Unidentified Eselis Genarra
Cyana Saedrin Khil 1,024 BrS 1,007 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
Ordol Orailus Khil 1,019 BrS 999 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
Eselis Genarra Elomin 1,015 BrS 989 BrS Grand Master/Supreme Chancellor Long-term (1,015 BrS-999 BrS)

Life-term (999 BrS-989 BrS)

Diona Telcontar Unidentified
Elsviar Pernicar Human 990 BrS 966 BrS Unidentified Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
Valenthyne Farfalla Bothan/Hybrid 966 BrS 955 BrS Unidentified Limited-term Unidentified Unidentified
Fae Coven Jenet 984 BrS 858 BrS Grand Master Life-term Unidentified Unidentified
Yoda Zelena-zhaba 321 BrS Year 16 Grand Master Life-term Unidentified Tomac Moorcé
Omo Bouri Wol Cabasshite 89 BrS 42 BrS Telepath Long-term Unidentified Unidentified
Quiet and reserved, Bouri contributed to discussion on the High Council through telepathic communication. Extremely philosophical, Bouri's complex and evolved that his musings were difficult to understand for most of his contemporaries. A diplomat and a scholar, Bouri was extremely gifted in the study of the Force and contributed greatly to his generation's understanding of the energy source which gave them their power. His death was a deeply-felt loss for the Order, though his work was immortalized within the Archives.
Oppo Rancisis Thisspiasian 66 BrS Year 16 Strategist Long-term (66 BrS-12 BrS)

Life-term (12 BrS-Year 16)

Unidentified Anakin Skywalker
The High Council's premiere strategist in all military-related events, Rancisis was respected for his skills in the Force and his razor-sharp mind. Capable of remarkably potent battle meditation, Rancisis was a veteran of Planetaty Defense Force-led missions and was vital in putting down multiple civil wars during his time on the High Council. One of the senior most generals during the Clone Wars, Rancisis never recorded his battle plans, relying on his keen memory and the Force to guide his thoughts and moves. Like his former Master Yaddle, Rancisis spent most of his time split between teaching at the Temple and studying on Kamparas.
Tor Difusal Unidentified 62 BrS 49 BrS Unidentified Short-term Unidentified Unidentified
Epriaziar T'un Lowen 59 BrS Year 2 Curator of Records Life-term Unidentified Depa Billaba
Curator of Records for the Order, T'un was charged with overseeing all of the Order's records on each individual who joined the ranks of the Jedi. Detailing everything from their world of origin to information on their parents and bloodlines, and including later information such as mission history and personal achievements, the Curator was valued on the High Council for his detailed knowledge of each of the Order's members. Assisted by two Senior Padawans annually, T'un kept meticulous records; a fact appreciated by his successor following his death in Year 2.
Thame Cerulian Human 53 BrS 47 BrS Historian Short-term Unidentified Unidentified
A noted scholar of holocrons, Cerulian's specialty was the study of Sith holocrons. Valued by the Council in a time of growing concern that the dark side might be gaining momentum again, Cerulian used his knowledge of these ancient artifacts to direct the High Council's attention to trouble spots across the galaxy.
Yaddle Zelena-zhaba 246 BrS Year 9 Philosopher Long-term Unidentified Shaak Ti
The nature of Yaddle's appointment was unprecedented in the Order; having been imprisoned for nearly two centuries during her apprenticeship, the Council elevated her directly to the rank of Master in observation of her dedication to the Order's ways throughout her confinement and her escape. Allowing her to join the Council, Yaddle was a noted philosopher and a skilled researcher; heading the Librarians' Assembly before sacrificing herself on Marwan.
Jocasta Nu Human 27 BrS 17 BrS ExplorCorps Diplomat Limited-term Unidentified Saesee Tiin
Skilled in diplomacy and a diligent researcher, Nu was sharp as a whip and a stickler for fact. Her experience with the ExplorCorps made her an obvious choice for the High Council as they dealt with increased reports of civil war across unaligned worlds on the fringe of space. Leading the negotiations over several conflicts, including the Mandalorian Civil War and a dispute over succession on Serenno. Stepping down when she felt her time was well-served, Nu was later appointed as Chief Librarian of the Temple Archives.
Tyvokka Wookiee Unidentified 11 BrS Diplomat Life-term Unidentified Plo Koon
A senior member of the High Council, Tyvokka was among the Council's most experienced diplomats and skilled practitioners of precognitive powers. Highly revered by those on his homeworld Kashyyyk, Tyvokka possessed a powerful presence, though he rarely spoke during Council meetings. Skilled with a lightsaber and a fierce hand-to-hand combatant, Tyvokka first turned to diplomacy to resolve a crisis, believing violence was a sign of great ignorance to the tenants of the Living Force.
Micah Giiett Human 21 BrS Year 2 Unidentified Life-term Unidentified Ki-Adi-Mundi
Clever and witty, Micah Giiett came to the Council as a Master of practical skills and non-Force-based teachings. Viewing the Force as a tool which was not to be exploited or relied on, Giiett cultivated his abilities as if he did not feel the touch of the Force. A favorite at the academy, Master Giiett was well respected on the Council for his tenacity and his ability to solve any puzzle. Sacrificing his life during the conflict with the Yinchorri, Giiett was mourned by the Order and later memorialized on Ossus.
Even Piell Lannik 19 BrS Year 15 Warrior Master Long-term Unidentified Rizann Mavr
A veteran soldier by the time he was appointed to the High Council, Piell was honored with the title of Warrior Master for his dedicated service as Watchman of his homeworld and sworn sword of two generations of the Lannik Prince. Scarred and humorless, Piell was a noted scholar and sculptor, and his dedication to the laws of the Republic earned him a long-term seat on the High Council. His knowledge of secret hyperspace routes would become vital to the Republic during the Clone Wars, nearly costing him his life during the battle on Lola Sayu. Going into hiding after faking his death, Piell made it back to Coruscant and slipped into the Temple undetected. Revealing himself to the senior members of the High Council, Piell sat out the rest of the war within the confines of Coruscant, keeping a careful eye on certain members of the military he believed might be harboring wavering allegiance to the Republic.
Saesee Tiin Iktochi 17 BrS Year 16 Noted Seer/Pilot Limited-term (17 BrS-Year 2)

Long-term (Year 2-Year 16) Life-term (Year 16)

Jocasta Nu Tsui Choi
Noted for being one of the finest pilots of his generation, Saesee Tiin was considered a recluse and quiet, even by Jedi standards. Preferring to keep to himself and rarely speaking, many of his peers on the Council quietly wondered at the value of Tiin's presence on the body. Tiin occasionally demonstrated his worth through his mastery of telepathy and his ability to peer into the future and detect the flow of conversation and anticipate its direction. Proud and honest, the stern Iktochi's mind drifted often to the memory of his deceased master, with hopes of communing with him from the nether realms of the Force.
Sifo-Dyas Human 16 BrS 5 BrS Political theorist Long-term Unidentified Yarael Poof
A political idealist, Sifo-Dyas was invited to join the High Council in hope of bringing a different perspective on the growing unease in the Senate. Celebrated at first, Sifo-Dyas' musing became to radically anti-Republic and he was asked to step down. Believing that the Republic was corrupt and would become an eventual threat to peace in the galaxy, Sifo-Dyas taught that the rot and decay in the body must be cut away if the whole was to survive. In the years preceding his death he secretly ordered a clone army for the Republic, something only his confidant and murderer, Dooku, knew the details of.
Eeth Koth Zabrak 14 BrS Year 16 Unidentified Limited-term (14 BrS-Year 8)

Long-term (Year 8-Year 16)

Unidentified Agen Kolar
Lauded for his skills in resisting torture, Koth was a humble voice on the Council, providing insight into the minds of those who struggle in poor living conditions. A product of his childhood in the slums of Nar Shaddaa, Koth strove to improve the lives of those who were born into poverty or equally poor livelihoods. An opponent of slavery and the scourge of the oppressor, Koth was viewed as a member of the Council most in touch with the needs of commonbeings across the galaxy. Disinterested in politics, Koth found politicians to be a barrier to progress and preferred to work with groups who could not benefit from doing good when he could. Perishing during the Clone Wars, Koth's legacy was not forgotten as the High Council mobilized to destroy the Hutt Empire's iron grip on long-standing slave worlds.
Adi Gallia Tholothian 13 BrS Year 15 Diplomat Limited-term (13 BrS-2 BrS)

Long-term (2 BrS-Year 16)

Unidentified Maks Leem
A diplomat of the highest caliber, Gallia's appointment to the High Council was largely influenced by her high-profile presence within the Galactic Senate. A personal friend of Chancellors Kalpana and Valorum, Gallia served as a personal link between the Chancellor's Office and the High Council during troubled times. Her career in diplomacy served to increase the ties between the Diplomatic Corps and the Order and ensured that Jedi and Republic diplomats were comfortable around each other and willing to work together for a common good. Following the election of Palpatine, Gallia's connection to the Chancellor's office was severed and she instead directed her attention to keeping connections within the Loyalist committee.
Plo Koon Kel Dor 11 BrS Year 35 Baron Do/ Telepath Long-term (11 BrS-Year 2)

Life-term (Year 2-Year 35)

Tyvokka Koffi Arana
Born into a family noted for their service in the Jedi Order, Koon spent several years of his Knighthood studying among his people to become a Baron Do Sage. Dedicated to the Order and its principles, Koon used the knowledge gained on Dorin to further his studies as a Jedi, becoming a well respected Master. Invited to join the Council in the wake of his master's death, Koon was valued for his strengths as a Jedi Guardian and his expert combat skills. Able to communicated telepathically with Jedi in the field, Koon could help locate Jedi in need or send them valuable information to assist them in completing their missions.
Mace Windu Korun 14 BrS Year 16 Master of the Order Life-term Unidentified K'Kruhk
Mace Windu was one of the most prolific Jedi alive during the Clone Wars, ranked second next to Grand Master Yoda. A master swordsman and powerful with the Force, Windu's presence commanded respect while his love for the Republic was what drove him. His record was long and his heroics famed, but his most vital act was the ending of the Clone Wars through his execution of the last Sith Lord of Darth Bane's line. Stepping down from the High Council to serve as a Triumvir in the interim government leading the Republic, Windu served on the Council of Reassignment before taking up permanent residence at Akar Kesh on Tython.
Yarael Poof Quermian 5 BrS Year 8 Illusionist Long-term (5 BrS-Year 2)

Life-term (Year 2-Year 8)

Sifo-Dyas Coleman Trebor
Illusions were a trick used by some Jedi to help them escape danger or trick a guard to leave their post. Master Poof turned this simple trick into an art form, using it as a means to avoid violence, solve problems and keep others out of harm's way. Nimble and mischievous, Poof's good nature made him a perfect fit for the Council and even encouraged some of the more traditional Masters to smile. Perishing in a moment of self-sacrifice, Poof saved Coruscant from destruction by neutralizing a bomb as he became one with the Force.
Ki-Adi-Mundi Cerean Year 2 Year 35 Watchman of Cerea Limited-term (Year 2-Year 9)

Long-term (Year 9-Year 16)

Life-term (Year 16-Year 35)

Micah Giett Qiyat Fendel
One of the Council's most strict traditionalists in generations, Mundi was a consummate swordsman and strategist. His dedication to the Order was unquestioned, though like many of the older Jedi, his confidence in tradition often blinded him to change. Unafraid to voice his differing views on the High Council, Mundi oft times advocated for the route which had most precedence based on past decisions. A firm believer that the Sith were extinct before the Clone Wars, Mundi was highly unsettled when they reappeared during the conflict. One of the most outspoken critics of the new Grand Master, Mundi was not confident in the plan of relocating the Order back to Ossus and only came around after seeing the Order flourish in the ensuing decades. Along with Master Koon, Mundi perished at the Battle of Yavin IV where the last major conflict with the Sith was fought.
Depa Billaba Chalactan Year 2 Year 13 Chalactan Adept Limited-term Epriaziar T'un Obi-Wan Kenobi
Known for her wisdom, bravery, and loyalty, Billaba was widely considered to be one of the most enlightened Jedi of her time. Honing her philosophical skills as a Chalactan Adept, Billaba was asked to join the Council due to her ability to easily read the moods and minds of her peers and direct conversation to the key philosophical struggle at hand. Never one to lift her weapon first, Billaba was especially skilled with a lightsaber and wielded it with deadly precision with the belief that her skills would prevent injury, whereas if she neglected her sword-fighting skills she might cause unintended injuries. During the Clone Wars, Billaba lost her way on Haruun Kal, succumbing to the dark side and sinking into a deep coma. When she awoke, the war was over and she retired to the Temple of Balance to meditate and reflect, passing on her knowledge of the Balance to future generations.
Coleman Trebor Vurk Year 8 Year 13 Spokesbeing Limited-term Yarael Poof Kit Fisto
Recognized for his strength in public speaking and address, Trebor was brought onto the Council in an effort to have some limited transparency at a time when the Order was loosing public trust and support. Hoping to engage the public on questions they might have about the Order without violating the privacy and monastic lifestyle of the Temple, Trebor endeavored to become the public face of the Order by appearing on the HoloNet and reaching out to groups deriding the Order. His role on the Council and his vision was brought to an end with his death on Geonosis at the start of the Clone Wars.
Shaak Ti Togruta Year 9 Year 40 Kamino liaison Limited-term (Year 9-Year 14)

Long-term (Year 14-Year 40)

Yaddle Keith Varté
Employing questionable training methods, Shaak Ti was seen as an odd choice for the Council as each of her Padawans died shortly after completing training. Regardless, the Council viewed Ti as an excellent swordsbeing and a master in diplomacy. As the face of the Confederacy took on a more alien look, the Council hoped to connect with members of non-Human species through a diverse line-up of Jedi Masters. When the Clone Wars erupted, Ti was selected to oversee the training of clones for the Grand Army of the Republic on Kamino. When suspicion increased as to the nature of the army and its true purpose near the end of the war, Ti returned to Coruscant to aid in the investigation of the Sith Lord who seemed to be behind the war. Upon the discovery of the Supreme Chancellor's alter-ego as a Sith, Ti returned to Kamino to decommission the army and see to it that the clones were assimilated into normal life on worlds of their choosing. Seeing that sanctions were placed on the Kaminoans to prevent the creation of more clones on ethical grounds, Ti later founded a Temple on Felucia, bring the entire species into the Order proper.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Human Year 13 Year 40 Negotiator Limited-term (Year 13-Year 15)

Long-term (Year 15-Year 40)

Depa Billaba Dass Jennir
Kit Fisto Nautolan Year 13 Year 16 Unidentified Limited-term Coleman Trebor T'ra Saa
Maks Leem Gran Year 15 Year 15 Hyperspace navigator Limited-term Adi Gallia Stass Allie
Stass Allie Tholothian Year 15 Year 17 Healer Limited-term Maks Leem Besher Dan
Rizann Mavr Bpfasshi Year 15 Year 16 Unidentified Limited-term Even Piell Coleman Kcaj
The only Bpfasshi Jedi of his generation, Mavr temporarily served on the High Council while Master Piell was thought dead. Brought on to serve as an adviser during an uprising of Bpfasshi Force-adepts, Mavr led an attack group to the planet to put down the uprising and open negotiations between the Order and the adepts. Following his brief time on the Council, Mavr brought his homeworld's Force-using population into the fold of the Order and helped to reopen an ancient Jedi academy on the world.
Agen Kolar Zabrak Year 16 Year 16 Shadow Limited-term Eeth Koth Quinlan Vos
A powerful Shadow agent and a friend of Master Avlis Tholme, Kolar was especially familiar with Hutt Space and had many contacts amid the kajidics making him a valuable member of the High Council. Negotiating with the Hutts on behalf of the Order and tasked with investigating rumors that some on the Hutt Council were aligned with the Shadow Collective, Kolar was memorialized in bronzium at the gates of the city Knossa on Ossus following his death at the hands of Darth Sidious.
Anakin Skywalker Human Year 16 Year 16 Chancellor's Adviser Limited-term Oppo Rancisis Djinn Altis
Known as the Hero With No Fear, Skywalker was considered by many on the High Council to be the prophesized Chosen One who was destined to bring Balance to the Force. Granted a seat on the High Council through an unprecedented move by the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Skywalker was permitted to take a seat on the august body under the condition that he spy on the Chancellor's office as many on the Council believed him to be under the control of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. When Skywalker learned that Sidious and the Chancellor were on in the same, he reported his findings to the High Council and followed them as four of the Council's leading members went to arrest the Chancellor. Conflicted over the move against the Sith, a man who had promised to help him save his secret wife from dying, Skywalker was seduced to the dark side and attacked Master Windu in the Chancellor's office. Unable to prevent the Sith Lord's death, Skywalker was defeated by Windu and arrested for his attack. While removed from the High Council, Skywalker was later rehabilitated and returned to serve the Order with distinction in his later years.
Tomac Moorcé Purpilian Year 16 N/A Grand Master Life-term Yoda N/A
K'Kruhk Whiphid Year 16 N/A Master of the Order Life-term Mace Windu N/A
Djinn Altis Human Year 16 Year 23 Head of Altisian sect Limited-term Anakin Skywalker Callista Masana
Tsui Choi Aleena Year 16 Year 18 Pacifist Limited-term Saesee Tiin Kessar Jedd
T'ra Saa Neti Year 16 Year 34 Healer Long-term Kit Fisto Glynn-Beti
Coleman Kcaj Ongree Year 16 Year 29 Warden of the Order Long-term Rizann Mavr Zeto Helzer
Quinlan Vos Kiffar Year 16 Year 29 Shadow Long-term Agen Kolar Ikrit
Besher Dan Togruta Year 17 Year 23 Warrior Master Limited-term Stass Allie Diard Vads
Kessar Jedd Human Year 18 Year 42 Corellian Jedi Limited-term (Year 18-Year 29)

Long-term (Year 29-Year 42)

Tusi Choi Lev Laseter
Diard Vads Umbaran Year 23 Year 36 Shadow Limited-term Beshar Dan Leps Thrist
Callista Masana Human Year 23 Year 35 Tech specialist Limited-term Djinn Altis Fery Sewq
Zeto Helzer Zelosian Year 29 Year 38 N/A Limited-term Coleman Kcaj Presshh'i
Ikrit Kushiban Year 29 Year 56 N/A Long-term (Year 29-Year 34)

Life-term (Year 34-Year 56)

Quinlan Vos Sha Koon
Fery Sewq Defel Year 35 Year 50 N/A Limited-term Callista Masana Vima-Da-Boda
Glynn-Beti Bothan Year 34 Year 61 Pacifist Long-term T'ra Saa Et Rex
Koffi Arana Human Year 35 Year 41 N/A Long-term Plo Koon Treis Sorde
Qiyat Fendel Duros Year 36 Year 51 N/A Long-term Ki-Adi-Mundi Zesh-Zesh Kreeko
Leps Thrist Nedji Year 36 Year 55 Weapons Master Long-term Diard Vads Drollerd Kith
Presshh'i Ugnaught Year 38 Year 51 N/A Limited-term Zeto Helzer Siti Alaster
Dass Jennir Human Year 40 Year 46 N/A Long-term Obi-Wan Kenobi Bultar Swan
Keith Varté Kiffar Year 40 Year 42 N/A Long-term Shaak Ti Beyghor Sahdett
Treis Sorde Anomid Year 41 Year 63 Sniper Long-term Koffi Arana Lordes Fi
Beyghor Sahdett Verpine Year 42 Year 61 N/A Long-term Keith Varté Whie Malreaux
Lev Laseter Geonosian Year 42 Year 54 Artisan Long-term Kessar Jedd Cresh Vark'sera
Bultar Swan Human Year 46 Year 51 Herbologist Long-term Dass Jennir Lorbei Harves
Vima-Da-Boda Human Year 50 Year 56 Historian Limited-term Fery Sewq Bardan Jusik
Lorbei Harves Nikto Year 51 Year 54 Investigator Limited-term Bultar Swan Kresdi Durn
Zesh-Zesh Kreeko Kerkoidian Year 51 Year 63 Watchman Long-term Qiyat Fendel Seminol Sen
Siti Alaster Chevin Year 51 Year 65 Alchemist Long-term Presshh'i Sera Dewet
Cresh Vark'sea Trandoshan Year 53 Year 58 Brute Limited-term Lev Laseter Absen Lebbse
Kresdi Durn Nuknog Year 53 Year 60 ExplorCorps Scout Limited-term Lorbei Harves Kel Fee
Drollerd Kith Selkath Year 54 Year 62 Healer Long-term Leps Thrist Kyle Katarn
Sha Koon Kel Dor Year 55 Year 60 Historian Limited-term Ikrit Yebse Adul
Bardan Jusik Human Year 55 Year 61 Chief Healer Limited-term Vima-Da-Boda Aqinos
Absen Lebbse Ithorian Year 58 Year 66 Diplomat Long-term Cresh Vark'sera Jin Ke-Ferzo
Kel Fee Codru-Ji Year 60 Year 71 Alchemist Long-term Kresdi Durn Luke Lars
Whie Malreaux Human Year 60 Year 66 Lightsaber instructor Limited-term Beyghor Sahdett Galen Marek
Et Rex Species Year 60 Year 69 Tech specialist Long-term Glynn-Beti Mara Jade
Yebse Adul Human Year 60 Year 64 N/A Limited-term Sha Koon Beldorian
Aqinos Sunesi Year 61 Year 65 Droid specialist/Activist Limited-term Bardan Jusik Ashla Horde
Seminol Sen Chagrian Year 62 Year 72 Alchemist Long-term Zesh-Zesh Kreeko Fert Gewa
Kyle Katarn Human Year 62 Year 75 Lightsaber instructor Long-term Drollerd Kith Narpos Thor
Lordes Fi Cathar Year 63 Year 71 Diplomat Long-term Treis Sorde Tresina Lobi
Beldorian Hutt Year 64 Year 85 N/A Long-term Yebse Adul Replaced
Ashla Horde Togruta Year 65 Year 72 N/A Limited-term Aqinos Ganner Rhysode
Sera Dewet Zeltron Year 65 Year 73 N/A Long-term Siti Alaster Xext Yen
Jin Ke-Ferzo Ho'Din Year 66 Year 74 Agriculturist Long-term Absen Lebbse Heti Pand
Galen Marek Human Year 67 Year 74 N/A Long-term Whie Malreaux Corran Halcyon
Mara Jade Human Year 69 Year 77 Shadow Long-term Et Rex
Luke Lars Human Year 71 Year 84 Starfighter Corps ace Long-term Kel Fee Replaced
Tresina Lobi Chev Year 71 Year 78 Diplomat Limited-term Lordes Fi Replaced
Fert Gewa Drall Year 72 Year 84 N/A Limited-term Seminol Sen Replaced
Ganner Rhysode Human Year 72 Year 80 Lightsaber instructor Long-term Ashla Horde Replaced
Xext Yen Troikien Year 73 Year 82 N/A Long-term Sera Dewet Replaced
Heti Pand Falleen Year 74 Year 79 N/A Limited-term Jin Ke-Ferzo Replaced
Corran Halcyon Human Year 75 Year 80 Instructor Limited-term Galen Marek Lizar Hex
Narpos Thor Sith Year 75 Year 89 N/A Limited-term Kyle Katarn Replaced
Quaithe Human Year 77 Year 87 Shadow Long-term Mara Jade Beledon Jes
Lizar Hex Quermian Year 80 Year 83 Biologist Limited-term Corran Halcyon Replaced
Beledon Jes Shi'ido Year 87 Year 101 Shadow Long-term Quaithe

