Star Wars Fanon
Jedi council

The Jedi Council tests the skills of Annikin Starkiller

We shouldn't even bother with this dangerous investigation at all.
Shaak Ti to others about the investigations on Kamino

The Jedi High Council, or Jedi Council for short, was a Jedi organization that still existed during the invasion of Naboo in 19 BBY. The council each sat twelve Jedi Masters, with the exception of Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was still a Jedi Knight at the time. The council, as of the invasion of Naboo included the following members, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Dooku, Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, Shaak Ti, Eeth Koth, Coleman Trebor, Kit Fisto, Even Piell, and an unidentified Quarren member. The council was in an argument on whether they should send one of the council members to investigate cloning activities on Kamino. The only two council members not present during the debate were Dooku and Koth, since Dooku was with Senator Aks Moe and Koth was doing research in the archives. Yoda, Mace, Ki-Adi, and many others strongly believed in sending someone, but Shaak Ti was against the idea. The topic was put on hold when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi informed the council on the return of the Sith and that they requested the council test Annikin Starkiller, a farmboy from Utapau who was thought to have been The Chosen One. Dooku returned just in time to hear the story and the council requested Annikin to be tested.
