Star Wars Fanon

That's the irony of our Order, though, isn't it? Make war to make peace. The secret to it is accepting the peace once the war ends. If you let peace burn with whoever you opposed in the war, then you've gained nothing. In fact, you've only prolonged your misery. That's why the Jedi always came out on top: we accepted peace.
—Jeden recording one of his holocrons on his deathbed.

Jeden Vesal, was a Human Jedi Master who rose to prominence during the Clone Wars for his exploits alongside Nightingale Squad, a group of four clone troopers who often assisted him with special operations and the search for Jedi artifacts. A notable figure in the Republic and the Rebel Alliance, Jeden was possibly one of the greatest Jedi left alive following Order 66, and one of few to take an active role against the Empire.

Born on Alderaan and quickly joining the Jedi Order, Jeden rose to the rank of Jedi Knight after proving himself to be a skilled lightsaber combatant (one of the best, in fact) and having a wide knowledge of galactic lore. Taking part in multiple missions on behalf of the Order, Jeden soon became galaxy-wide famous during the Clone Wars, becoming feared by the Seperatists as a dangerous soldier and a skilled general. Most of his time in the Clone Wars was spent alongside the elite Nightingale Squad, a squad consisting of him and four Clone troopers from the 44th Special Forces Division, which he commanded with great prestige.

During Order 66, Jeden managed to convince the 44th that Palpatine, now known to be the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, was the true enemy. The Jedi Master's soldiers followed Jeden and his Padawan, Koses Lik-Har, into hiding, where Jeden soon became famous once more as both a runaway Jedi and a dangerous leader of resistance against the Empire.

After joining Bail Organa's Alliance to Restore the Republic, Jeden became one of the Rebellion's primary commanders, and came to develop a healthy relationship with Luke Skywalker, the son of Darth Vader and the eventual hero of the New Republic. By the time the Empire was defeated, Jeden had become possibly the greatest member left of the Old Jedi Order, and was also one of the Republic's greatest heroes, from his time as a Jedi Knight right through to old age.


Early life[]


Jeden was born on Alderaan and his usage of the Force quickly became apparent. Brought to Coruscant by Master Tyvokka and his padawan, Plo Koon, Jeden was soon placed in the class of Jedi Elder San-Ha-Vin, a dedicated teacher and respected Jedi Master. Jeden was in the same class as: Gwanno, a female Rodian, Gini Reyall, the daughter of a Republic Senator, Kit Fisto, a Nautolan boy, Sun Jovin, a Rattataki boy and Jiin La, a Torgruta boy.

Jeden soon befriended Kit and the Nautolan became Jeden's closest friend as a child. He also made good friends with Gini, and was on good terms with Gwanno, but was often at odds with Sun and Jiin, who began bullying one Zabrak boy named Liko. Jeden stood up for the victims of their bullying, and while it eventually came to an end, Jeden didn't become friends with them for a very long time. It was revealed early on that Jeden had the ability to sense a person's Force-sensitivity strongly, and could tell if some people were lying, though only those with weaker wills. Master Vin became interested, as did the other students.


When Jeden was thirteen, he was made Master Vin's Padawan. While Jeden soon became famous throughout the Order for his early skill with a lightsaber, Vin was a pacifist, and so most of their missions involved diplomacy or lore-gathering. However, Jeden had an interest in lore, an interest that brought him to Liko Eil, the boy he had protected from bullying as a child. Liko was an avid collector of lore, even as a young teen, and while the two started off rockily, they became close friends.

Mission to Corellia[]

Jeden's first diplomatic mission came at sixteen, when he and Master Vin went to Corellia to negotiate with a councilor who had refused to allow children in his city to be taken by the Jedi as Initiates. Jeden, not the one for long talks, became aggressive during negotiations, an action that angered the councilor. In response, the councilor banned any jedi from entering the city. However, it was Jeden who sorted out the entire scandal.

Discovering plans by the councilor to ban all Jedi from Corellia permanently, Jeden ousted the politician, and the latter was soon arrested by Corellian authourities. While Jeden was still berated for his agression, he was thanked by many for discovering the councilor's true intentions, though Vin stated 'you owe me' after their return to Coruscant.

Around this time, Jeden had also begun to start a romantic relationship with Gini, his old classmate, a relationship they were obviously forced to keep secret. For a few years, the two remained together, though it began to wane, not down to not loving one another, but because of Gini's reluctance to endanger Jeden's possiblity of becoming a Jedi. With Jeden due to become a Jedi Knight, Gini left the night before, abandoning the Order. Jeden wouldn't meet her again for over two decades after.

Jedi Knight[]

Jeden became a Jedi Knight the day after Gini's farewell, to the pleasure of Master Vin, who himself became rather emotional during the ceremony. Jeden, due to his love of lore, was chosen by the Council to roam the galaxy, searching for missing Jedi artifacts to be returned to the Temple. Jeden accepted.

Before he left, Jeden crafted a cop of his current lightsaber after learning to wield two from battlemaster Cin Drallig, who Jeden had once famously disarmed during a spar. He also said farewell to both Liko and Kit, with Liko remaining at the Temple and Kit being sent to investigate the Trade Federation, a collection of galactic corporations who were massing an armed force.

Return to Corellia[]


Jeden first arrived on Corellia, not to find an artifact but to refuel his ship, which he discovered was leaking. Deciding to take a walk through the streets of Coronet, Jeden found himself speaking to a Torgruta criminal operative named 'Knocker'. Knocker warned Jeden about a Jedi-hating criminal on Coronet nicknamed the 'Sculptor', as he could apparently freeze people using an ancient crystal he had found.

However, the female Torgruta was then shot in the leg by a sniper, shooting from the main Coronet government building. Jeden raced over, climbing to the top of the building, only to find the sniper, wearing explosives on his chest, crying as he told Jeden about how the Sculptor had forced him to shoot. The explosives then detonated.

Jeden met with the police chief of Coronet, Major Kelasa, who told Jeden that if he helped the police track down the Sculptor, he could have the artifact the Sculptor was using. Jeden accepted, and began working with the Coronet police to try and find out who the Sculptor was.

Fighting the Sculptor[]

Jeden and Kelasa finally discovered who the Sculptor was - a Rodian criminal who was once a security guard at the Jedi Temple. To aid Jeden, the Jedi Council sent another Jedi to aid him, that other Jedi being Sun Jovin, the childhood bully. However, it seemed that Sun was a changed man, showing much respect to Jeden.

Jeden, Sun and Kelasa arrived at the Sculptor's underground hideout, before Kelasa suddenly held Sun at gunpoint, revealing he was the Suclptor's spy. Sun dodged a shot, but as Kelasa raised his gun, Jeden knew Sun wouldn't avoid the next shot. So, in a quick move, he launched his lightsaber at Kelasa, impaling the traitorous chief and killing him: it was the first life Jeden ever took.

Rather than lose to a Jedi, the Sculptor instead took his own life. Sun and Jeden were able to contain the Sculptor's artifact, an ancient crystal used by Freedon Nadd, before it was taken to Coruscant and destroyed by the Council of the Consulars. Jeden thanked Sun for his help, forgiving the Rattataki's misdeeds as a child, before returning to Coruscant.

Clone Wars[]

That war still haunts me in a way, and for a terrible reason. I won't pretend that the battles, the carnage and the death didn't strike me, because they certainly did, but it was something else that hit me harder. The Clone Wars showed the galaxy that Jedi were warriors and soldiers, not the diplomats and archivists we should have been. I defend my role as a soldier, but I wish that we didn't have to prove ourselves through bloodshed and war. It isn't the Jedi way, and it never should be.
—Jeden, recounting his view on the Clone Wars in his twilight years.

Battle of Geonosis[]

In 22BBY, it was revealed that Obi-wan Kenobi, his Padawan Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala of Naboo were being held hostage on Geonosis by Count Dooku. Mace Windu rallied the Jedi he could to travel to Geonosis and save the Jedi and Senator. Jeden was one of the last to arrive at the Arena, and took a position on the roof.

After Windu revealed himself, Jeden quickly started destroying battle droids in the upper ring of the arena as the battle below raged on. When the Jedi were getting cornered, Jeden hid in a small corridor circling the arena. While he was inside, he was greeted by a man in white Mandalorian armour, who Jeden quickly slammed into the wall. However, the man was no enemy. He was called Phoenix, or by his designation, CC-1450.

It was then that a bundle of gunships appeared in the arena, rescuing the cornered Jedi below. The soldiers there looked just like Phoenix, which Jeden discovered was because they were all Clones. Getting back to the roof of the arena, Jeden was greeted by a LAAT/i gunship carrying three other 'Clones': Wraith (CC-1451) Twenty (CC-1452) and Sting (CC-1453), the members of Nightingale Squad, which Phoenix commanded.

Arriving at an assembly zone near the rest of the Clone army, which was now fighting Dooku's droids, Jeden learned from Yoda that the Techno Union were preparing to transport their supplies off-world, and that there ships needed destroying. The squad arrived and used an artillery cannon to destroy the ships, during which the squad first fought together. However, Twenty was wounded after he dove in front of a rocket, saving the lives of Phoenix and Sting, and the squad were extracted to a Venator-class Star Destroyer in orbit over Geonosis.

After a medic tended to a few of Jeden's wounds, the Jedi went to the bridge with Phoenix, learning that Twenty would recover in a few days. Jeden also met Admiral Anhal, the commander of the cruiser, and learnt from Master Yoda that Dooku had escaped and that there were multiple droid armies outside of Geonosis, meaning there was now war between the CIS and the Republic. Also, Yoda informed Jeden that he was to become a Jedi master for collecting artifacts and for his actions on Geonosis.

Returning to the Temple, Jeden was made a Master before going to find Liko Eil, one of Jeden's best friends and a known archivist, only to discover Liko was on a trip to Mygeeto, a trip he should have returned from the day before. Discovering that Mygeeto was CIS territory, Jeden realized that Liko was in danger, and his worries were confirmed when the Jedi Council received a transmission from a droid commander on Mygeeto, who was stating that if Liko didn't give up the security secrets of the Temple and the Republic didn't pull it's forces away from the Outer Rim, Liko would be executed.

Rescuing Liko[]


After Jeden summoned Phoenix to the Temple to discuss whether Nightingale Squad could launch a rescue, Kit Fisto (Jeden's first friend in the Jedi Order) told Jeden and the Clone commander that a Senate meeting was about to be held regarding what should happen to Liko, after Windu stated it was no longer a Jedi matter. Jeden decided he wanted to see the meeting, and went there with Kit and Phoenix.

During the meeting, there were two arguers: Senator Aak Ask, who wanted to abandon Liko to his fate to make sure the Republic still had a foothold in the Outer Rim and Senator Bail Organa, who thought it was immoral to leave Liko to his fate and wished for the Republic to attack Mygeeto to save him. After saying multiple times he would join the debate, Jeden made his presence known and was called to speak.

Jeden informed the Senate that both the plans of Ask and Organa were ludicrous, and Phoenix then explained that Nightingale Squad could infiltrate Mygeeto and rescue Liko, before paving the way for the Republic to launch an invasion, capturing the vital system and ensuring less casualties, including Liko. Many agreed, but the debate was ended by Palpatine, who Jeden correctly guessed wished to rescue Liko, one way or another.

Jeden was called to the Council for his actions, as the Council had never agreed to Jeden making a stand in the Senate. However, some Council members (main Even Piell) pointed out that they had never made a rule against Jedi speaking in the Senate, and so Jeden had done no wrong.

The Council planned a meeting to be held that was unique to any other, as it would include Palpatine, Phoenix and Admiral Anhal (who's Star Destroyer was the home of Nightingale Squad). The meeting was held, and it was finally decided, with the permission of Palpatine and Windu, for Jeden and Nightingale Squad to rescue Liko using Phoenix's plan.

The Rescue[]

Using an LAAT/s stealth gunship, the squad slipped through the CIS blockade and made it onto the roof of the CIS base. After using fusion cutters to slice their way through the metal roof, the squad shut down radar equipment, meaning Anhal's fleet could move in to rescue the group and begin an orbital strike once they were off-world.

After sneaking through the complex for around an hour, the squad came across Liko in the prison block, beaten and obviously tortured. However, Liko had given no secrets away, to the joy of Jeden. As the squad made their way towards their self-made exit, they were confronted by a monstrous cyborg who wielded two lightsabers, which Jeden identified as being Jedi make: General Grievous, now revealed for the first time to the Republic after killing a Jedi Knight on Geonosis.

Jeden and Grievous dueled, with Jeden managing to amputate two legs and an arm from the General, who at that time was still unskilled in lightsaber combat. Getting back to the gunship, the squad made it back to Anhal, who then called the fleets of Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, starting the war-long Battle of Mygeeto.

Jeden and Nightingale Squad were praised as heroes for the successful rescue, and after it was revealed Liko let himself be captured to help an innocent family escape battle droids, he was made a Jedi Master. The members of the squad (except Phoenix) were promoted from Lieutenants to Commanders for the mission, and Jeden was rewarded with command of the 44th Special Forces Division, and was given a fleet of three ships: the Phantom, the Resolve and the Pacifist, the fleet being commanded also by Admiral Anhal.

The Grand Sith Order[]

Darth Nelox[]

During a patrol near Dantooine, Jeden and his fleet intercepted a smuggler frigate and went to search it. Aboard they saw a Twi'lek woman get to the cockpit and start a self-destruct sequence, before entering a ship she had and fleeing. Jeden and his men made it out alive, but Jeden soon found out that the Twi'lek was in possession of an ancient Sith crystal, full of dark side energy which, if released, could cause an explosion the size of a moon. Realizing the threat, Jeden soon started a pursuit of the Twi'lek eventually tracking her position to a fairly desolate area of Ord Mantell, near an abandoned Old Republic base called Fort Garnik.

Taking a group of fifty men to an island near the Fort (including Nightingale Squad) in Jeden's Consular-class cruiser, Jeden found out that Caro Dillian, the mayor of a local village, was attacked, and that three children were kidnapped from the village by the Twi'lek, who was actually Nara Sa-el, a thief wanted by the Republic for stealing Jedi data and blowing a hole in a prison, killing two guards and over twenty prisoners in the process.

Learning that Nara was hiding in a nearby volcano formerly used by the Sith Empire millennia before, Jeden and the squad investigated. Jeden went through a secret side entrance, finding one of the children inside, the child's face covered in veins and it's eyes yellow. Jeden knocked the child out, before finding Nara with another child. It was then that Nara revealed her true appearance and identity: Darth Nelox, a self-proposed Sith Lord who was the founder of a new faction of Sith called the Grand Sith Order.

Attacking Jeden, the Jedi quickly disarmed Nelox, but she then caught him in a chokehold. Just as she was about to stab him, Phoenix sniped her in the skull, killing her instantly. The child nearby fell unconscious, as did a child the rest of the children the squad encountered. Retrieving the crystal and informing the Jedi Council, it was decided that Masters Luminara Unduli and Ki-Adi-Mundi would take the crystal and the children to the Jedi Temple (the children were Force-sensitive) while Masters Kit Fisto and Obi-wan Kenobi would meet Jeden on the Phantom and help him investigate the new Sith threat.

A New Threat[]

Meeting on the bridge, Jeden spoke with the two Jedi on the matter, and Jeden proposed the radical idea of travelling to Korriban, the ancient homeworld of the Sith. While Obi-wan protested the idea, Fisto agreed, and it made sense, as the Sith had used Korriban as a base for millennia. Coming out of hyperspace over Yavin 4, the Jedi and Nightingale Squad would take Jeden's cruiser to Korriban to investigate the Sith.

Landing on the planet, Sting noticed that there was some sort of crashed starship near the LZ. Investigating alongside Kit and Wraith, they discovered it was a near-ancient Jedi corvette, a Consular-class corvette used by the Jedi Order during the Old Republic, around 3000 years before the Clone Wars. Pulling it from the sand using the squad's cruiser, they found that it was landed on Korriban, not crashed, and so the entire ship was completely preserved inside.

Finding the data logs of an old protocol droid, Jeden discovered that the ship was owned by his incredibly distant ancestor, Vidril Vesal, during the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Republic. Vidril went to Korriban to try and assassinate a Dark Council member, and returned to his ship as a Sith himself. The astromech droid and protocol droid on board panicked, and activated the ship's thrusters, burning Vidril alive. Locked inside, the rest of the data logs showed the astromech droid disable itself and the protocol droid go insane.

Meeting Koses[]

The group split up. Jeden and Twenty went to a nearby outpost to shut down local radar. Phoenix and Obi-wan would track Sith movements near the Valley of the Dark Lords. Kit and Sting would take down a communication station nearby and Wraith would repair the salvaged corvette of Vidril Vesal.

Reaching the station, Jeden and Twenty found a teenager at the station in Sith clothing, wielding a red lightsaber. Jeden, sensing that the boy wasn't a practitioner of the Dark Side, confronted him while Twenty shut down the outpost. Discovering the boy was immensely powerful and only attacking Jeden in fear, the Jedi Master knocked him unconscious and took him back to the camp.

Interrogating the Sith acolyte, Jeden learnt his name was Koses Lik-Har, and was correct in guessing that Koses was no Sith. Abducted by Nelox as a child, Koses was forced to join and serve the Sith or be killed (or worse). Jeden informed Koses that he would try to get Koses into the Jedi Order, and Koses in turn told Jeden about the Sith's new leader, Darth Krasor, who was manufacturing ancient Sith Imperial battle droids and was building an army.

After Kit and Sting made it back, Phoenix and Obi-wan then arrived, scarred. The pair had fought and killed two Sith scouts, but a third escaped, meaning that even with communications dead, the Sith knew they were here. After towing the old corvette to the cruiser, the group fled back to Anhal, who was waiting in orbit.

The Jedi spoke with Windu, who now realized that the Sith were a threat. With an orbital shield now ip over Korriban, Windu realized the only option was to launch an invasion of the Valley of the Dark Lords and the Sith Academy, with the 44th Special Forces Division and Obi-wan's 212th Attack Battalion launching the initial assault.

Battle of Korriban[]

Landing a few miles south of the Valley, the Republic's forces were met with brutal resistance. With only a few Jedi aiding the Clones, Sith acolytes managed to kill hundreds with the Sith battle droids, and 2,000 Clones were dead to 10 Sith and 300 droids by the end of the first day. However, the Clones made it to the Valley after a midnight battle.

In the valley, the situation was worse. With the Clones not having the range advantage, the Sith unleashed their more experienced members, many of whom had to be attacked by Kit, Obi-wan and Jeden to be defeated. However, Windu then arrived with the 187th Legion and dozens of Jedi Knights and Masters, and soon the Valley was conquered by the Republic.

The battle outside the Academy was the most brutal of all. Both sides took heavy casualties, until Jeden and Krasor confronted each other for a one-to-one duel. Both armies fell to silence as the two fought for some time, before Jeden cut off Krasor's leg and disarmed the Sith Lord. As Jeden was about to leave the Sith to be attacked from orbit, Krasor activated a series of explosives in the Academy, seemingly killing him and the Sith along with hundreds more Clones and some Jedi. Korriban was then abandoned and struck from civilian space routes, and the star system it was a part of was made a no-fly zone for all except Jedi Masters and high-ranking Republic personel.


In response to growing demoralization among the 44th's men, Jeden allowed the division to travel to Kamino for R&R whilst he went to Coruscant with Koses. Twenty also went with the Jedi Master on the role of witness, as the Jedi Council wanted a witness to the events on Ord Mantell and Korriban. Jeden arrived on Coruscant with Koses and Twenty on-board the ancient corvette the team discovered on Korriban, now repaired by Wraith, and Jeden quickly met with Master Yoda to discuss what had happened over the past few weeks.

Jeden and Koses were presented before the Jedi Council, where Jeden, Twenty and Koses recalled what had happened, with Koses making a plea to become a Jedi. Many suggestions were given: Master Agen Kolar, who had fought on Korriban, argued that Koses' past was a danger, and that he should remain in custody; Master Luminara Unduli instead suggested that Koses become one of the Temple Sentinels, devoting himself to a life without emotion and to protect the Jedi Temple. Eventually, the Council agreed that Koses would become a Jedi, and Jeden would be his Master. Jeden agreed.

Jeden also spoke with Liko quite a lot, learning that the crystal Nelox had stolen was in fact a tool that could open every holocron in a certain radius. During a test involving Liko and Luminara, the crystal was activated, causing all of the holocrons in the Jedi Archives to open, though the effects were reversed before any harm was caused. Liko also revealed that he had a Padawan, a Dathomirian Zabrak named Tallas, one of the only Dathomirian Zabraks to ever join the Order. Hearing that Tallas had been bullied and was often alone, Jeden introduced Tallas and Koses to each other, and the pair became close friends.

Resting from War[]

Visiting Kamino[]

Jeden left Koses in the hands of Liko, Koses and Kit while he travelled to 44th on the request of Shaak Ti, the Jedi Master who supervised the cloning facilities there. On arrival, Jeden learnt many worrying things from Shaak Ti, primarily that the anxiety and trauma first seen by his men after the Battle of Dantooine had returned after the battle on Korriban, and it was now becoming a major threat to the troops. Jeden met with Phoenix, Wraith and Twenty (who had travelled to Kamino a day before Jeden), though Sting was out of sight. Phoenix told Jeden that Sting hadn't been himself, speaking even less than usual and refusing to meet with Lion, who was organizing check-ups with several soldiers in the Division.

Jeden finally found Sting in his quarters, the Clone still refusing to take his helmet off. Jeden talked about Koses and his acceptance into the Jedi order, though Sting's mind seemed to sway. With permission from the Clone, Jeden used Force empathy to temporarily tap into Sting's mind, revealing that Sting was losing the will to fight more and more as time went on, and that he had become depressed after killing Sith acolytes on Korriban. It was eventually Twenty who got Sting back into a rational state, with some help from Phoenix and Lion.

Teaching Koses[]

On his return to Coruscant, Jeden found Koses eager to learn, especially after Jeden arranged Plo Koon, the one who had found Jeden as an infant, to give Koses combat lessons with a training lightsaber. For a few weeks, Jeden taught Koses all there was to know, including basic lightsaber combat, the Jedi tenants, and countless life lessons. Jeden eventually deemed it was time for Koses to build his lightsaber, and travelled with the Padawan to the planet of Ilum, where Koses found a green lightsaber crystal, later crafting his lightsaber at the Jedi Temple.

Jeden suspected that it would not be long before he was given another mission, though he was lucky enough to not go on a combat mission. Liko told Jeden about a Wookiee historian had he befriended called Kowlaar, who believed there was an ancient Jedi vault somewhere on the planet. Jeden volunteered to undertake the mission alongside Koses, feeling it was best for Koses to go on his first true mission on behalf of the Order.

Mission to Kashyyyk[]

Arrival and Investigation[]

Jeden and Koses arrived on Kashyyyk and met with Kowlaar, who revealed some details about the vault: it was hidden within a ten mile radius of an ancient Wookiee pillar deep in the jungle, though his probe droids found worrying news. The droid's visual receptors were disabled, and all that could be heard were CIS battle droids shooting at each other, claiming to be Jedi and Sith. Troubled by the report, Jeden decided it was best to investigate the battle droids first, worried that the Seperatists were planning something.

Arriving at the pillar alongside the Wookiee warrior Tarfful, who had volunteered to help investigate the droids, Jeden soon discovered an enormous battleground in the jungles between two battle droid groups, one claiming to be Sith, and the other claiming to be Jedi. Jeden managed to stop the droid's from fighting, before asking what they were doing on Kashyyyk, and it was on faulty droid who revealed why: Asajj Ventress had sent them as scouts, though they had gone mad due to technology hidden in the Jedi stash.

Arriving at the Jedi Vault, Jeden found Ventress already there, looting it alongside some commando droids. Jeden and Tarfful eliminated the droids while Koses called for help, though Ventress escaped on a shuttle. Nightingale Squad were called to the sector alongside the 44th, while Jeden and Koses travelled to Ventress' cruiser.

Fighting Ventress[]

Aboard Ventress' cruiser, Jeden and Koses were greeted by Nightingale Squad, who had already taken control of the hangar, alongside Tallas, who had been sent by Liko after the Zabrak sensed something was ill. Tallas assured Jeden that he could fight, before the three Jedi and the Clones set off towards the bridge to take on Ventress and re-claim the Jedi artifacts.

On the bridge, Ventress was backed by more commando droids, leading to a fearsome battle as the Clones took on the droids and the Jedi faced Ventress. Tallas managed to save Koses from a wild slash by Ventress, and the Dark Acolyte responded by impaling Tallas in the stomach, before fleeing the bridge. Sting gave chase to no avail, while Koses rushed to Tallas' side, the Padawan dying in Koses' arms. Phoenix received word from Lion that the Banking Clan had arrived to take Kashyyyk, and that they needed help. Koses brought Tallas' body to safety, while Jeden went with Nightingale Squad down to Kashyyyk's surface to repel the CIS invasion.

Battle of Kashyyyk[]

Jeden and the 44th were initially overwhelmed, finding themselves outnumbered. However, Tarfful and his friend Chewbacca soon arrived with Wookiee reinforcements, before Master Yoda arrived as well, backed by the 327th Star Corps, who were equipped to fight on the beaches of Kashyyyk. Jeden and Yoda fought alongside each other, beating back the droids in the beaches, while Nightingale Squad and Commander Gree fended off commando droids at the ancient Wookiee pillar.

The opening attack was repelled, though more forces were reported to be on the way. Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos both arrived alongside the 41st Elite Corps and the 91st Reconnaissance Corps, and Kashyyyk prepared for future battles. A funeral was held for Tallas at the Jedi Temple, attended by Liko, Jeden, Koses and the Council of Consulars (which Liko was the head of). When everyone else left, Koses admitted to Jeden that he and Tallas had been in a romantic relationship. Instead of punishing Koses, Jeden instead recounted to his Padawan his own relationship with Gini as a teenager, before warning Koses not to linger on Tallas' death.

Closing Days of the Clone Wars[]

Invasion of Ylesia[]

Planning the Battle[]

The Republic decided that it was time to go on the offensive against the Seperatists on a major scale. Seeing that the CIS dominated the Outer Rim and Hutt Space, Republic Command organized 'Operation Colossus', a synchronized attack on multiple Seperatist-controlled systems in Hutt Space and the Outer Rim. The 44th were to launch a joint operation alongside the 501st Legion, commanded by Captain Rex (Anakin Skywalker was on a seperate mission at the time). Their mission would be the invasion of two planets at the same time in Hutt Space: Ylesia, a forest world, would be attacked by the 44th; Nyrvona, an oceanic world with some small pockets of land, would be attacked by the 501st.

Jeden went over the plan to the commanders of both units on the bridge of the Phantom, before the operation was launched, with the 44th engaging in a fierce night battle with CIS forces on Ylesia as winter approached on the planet. The 501st were initially unable to invade Nyrvona due to heavy naval resistance, though reserve cruisers from Coruscant soon came to their aid. The 44th made a forward base camp on Ylesia, with the main goal being the capital city of Ulsor, which needed to be captured to break Seperatist control.

Paving the Way[]

Jeden, Nightingale Squad, Koses and Lion commanded Yotta Company, the largest of five companies created for the attack. The others were: Giga, who handled artillery support; Kilo, who were the primary armoured division led by Commander Mech, a former 501st Juggernaut-tank commander; Mega, who handled light-armour vehicles and infantry support; and Nano, the scout company who engaged in forward scouting and aggressive reconnaissance. Mega and Nano would engage military targets all over Ylesia, Yotta and Kilo would capture Ulsor, and Giga would support all four of the other companies.

The first victory was by Mega, who managed to capture Ylesia's third-largest city through a risky flanking tactic. Nano, meanwhile, were continually neutralizing weapons factories and outposts across Ylesia. Jeden, Koses and Nightingale Squad soon launched their own mission, sneaking underground into Ulsor to take down a ray shield blocking the 44th from getting inside. Just as Yotta and Kilo attacked, a blizzard hit, and both forces settled in for weeks of urban warfare.

Capturing Ulsor[]

As Ylesia's winter struck hard, Kilo was practically immobilized, save for the beastly Juggernaut tanks, one of which was led by Commander Mech. In orbit above, Admiral Anhal reminded Jeden that due to the storm, extractions were much less frequent, and dropping more equipment was tough. However, the CIS were suffering, as they too couldn't receive supplies. Mech, in a desperate attempt to break the deadlock and take Ulsor for good, leads Mega's tanks into Seperatist territory, though eventually the force is almost annihilated, and Mech is killed after escaping his burning tank with a fatal head wound.

With one company all but gone and the other low on supplies, things seem bleak for the 44th, until the 501st arrive, now with the backing of Master Obi-wan Kenobi, with new supplies and more man-power, having managed to take Nyrvona from the CIS. The droids are all either destroyed or forced to retreat off-world, and Ylesia is taken by the Republic.

As the 44th begin a patrol through the Mid Rim to recover from Ylesia, Jeden notices that after leading men on both Kashyyyk and Ylesia, Koses is becoming more of both a commander and a soldier, and is connecting more with the other soldiers, especially Twenty. On the plus side, the other battles in Operation Colossus seem to go well, with Jeden now satisfied that the war will soon be over.

Battle of Coruscant[]

As Jeden's fleet returned from a hunt for artifacts in the Mid Rim, they were contacted by the Jedi Council, stating that CIS forces had appeared in orbit over Coruscant, invading the planet and starting a enormous battle in space. Jeden set off with Nightingale Squad to the Saviour (the name for the corvette found on Korriban) to rescue Master Vin, who had been abducted by battle droids on Coruscant, while Koses took Jeden's starfighter out and lead fifty ARC-170 starfighters into the battle.

After making their way through immense laser fire, the squad arrived on the Firestarter, the personal ship of Colonel Judra, a CIS leader who had captured Vin. After rescuing the Jedi teacher, Judra was taken as a prisoner and the squad returned to their ships. Wraith used the cruiser's ships to attack other CIS ships, while Phoenix and Sting went to neutralize a boarding party of droids who were hoping to take back the ship, with the aid of the 501st Legion and Captain Rex, a friend of Phoenix on Kamino.

In the hangar, Jeden and Vin watched as a two-seat starfighter of unusual design entered the ship, before two figures stepped out: Krasor, now with a cybernetic leg, and a young-looking Sith in Sith apparel. Krasor revealed that he had survived the blast at the Academy, and had rescued his apprentice, Xolem Jiskar. The Jedi and Sith dueled as Twenty dragged Judra onto the Saviour.

Jeden was able to knock out Krasor, and discovered through a Force reading that he never loved Nelox, and only joined her for power. As Krasor fell into a catatonic state from the reading, Xolem killed his master, before unleashing a fury of lightsabers on the two Jedi. Just as they were about to be beaten, Koses arrived in his starfighter, and began to duel Xolem.

Koses revealed moves never before seen in lightsaber combat, with agility outmatching that of even Yoda. Koses struck down Xolem, before realizing that this was the first time he had ever killed anyone, before having a breakdown as Jeden comforted him. The squad regrouped on the ship, with news reaching Jeden that Anakin Skywalker had killed Count Dooku on the order of Palpatine, who had been captured by Grievous during the battle on Coruscant. The general in turn had fled.

Helping Koses[]

Jeden spoke with Koses on the ship, before the two started an hour-long meditation as the Saviour was flown to the Jedi Temple. After the meditation, the pair spoke about when Jeden took his first life, a corrupt police chief on Corellia, and how he coped with it, before Jeden told Koses that it wasn't about whether someone took a life or not, it was about how they reacted.

Arriving at the Temple, Koses went straight to his chambers and continued to meditate for some time, while Jeden spoke with the Council alongside Vin. Jeden discovered that Dooku was indeed dead, and shared concerns over the fact that Palpatine ordered the execution. At this, the Council decided that with all of them seeing combat, it was best to rest. Jeden told a Padawan to get Liko to speak to him in his quarters.

Liko arrived as Jeden revealed to Liko that he was sensing an impending danger for the Order, one that they couldn't beat, no matter what they did. Jeden then gave Liko a data chip, which would transfer any data found on it to the computers on the Phantom. Jeden told Liko that if anything happened, that he should transfer the data of the Temple library to Jeden, without hesitation. Liko accepted, and with Jeden leaving in a few days, the two said farewell.

The next day, Jeden was speaking with Vin when the teacher revealed that due to his old age, he was close to dying of natural causes. Vin told Jeden to promise him that his students would be taught by him after Vin's death, which Jeden accepted. The two then went with Vin's class to the training yard (as Jeden was going to show off his lightsabers to the excited Younglings) when Jeden found Koses practicing there.

Jeden told Koses to show both Jeden and the other Jedi what he had done in the duel with Xolem. Koses accepted and the two began a long, spectacular spar, where Koses revealed some of the most complex and advanced lightsaber maneuvers ever performed, which even Yoda admitted were beyond his reach. Yoda then told Koses to come to the Council chamber at dusk for an unknown reason. In truth, Koses was to become a Jedi Knight. Jeden relayed the information that Vin was dying to Kit, before the two shared a brotherly moment, knowing they would soon lose the closest thing they had to a father.

Jeden and Koses later left the Temple and returned to the fleet, before the 44th set out into the Outer Rim to help search for the last Separatist leaders in deep space. It would be the last time they would see the Jedi Order fully for nearly three decades.

Order 66[]

What are we even meant to do? The Republic is dead!"
"We do what we've been doing since Geonosis: we fight the enemies of the Republic. We're all that remains, and by now, we should know that the 44th don't give up!

—A Clone officer and Jeden, as the latter states the new goal of the 44th following Order 66.
The Command[]

When Order 66 was given to all Clone Commanders across the galaxy, Jeden was on the bridge, alongside his squad. Eavesdropping what was heard, he disarmed his soldiers peacefully before he told them what they were about to do. Reminding them that they were not simply droids to be programmed and that they had a free will, the Clones did something that no other Clones did: they disobeyed Order 66 and stayed with Jeden, sending the three-ship fleet to the Outer Rim.

Getting reports from across the galaxy of the Jedi genocide, the Clones at first sent a message to Coruscant, telling the central military command that Jeden and Koses had fled and they were in pursuit. They kept up this act until after Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader and donned his suit, by which time they were regarded as defectors and criminals, labels used to spread anti-Jedi propaganda for some time.

Final Farewell[]

After learning from Imperial reports that Vin was still unaccounted for, Jeden made a daring move, and with Koses, returned to Coruscant unnoticed. After searching the back streets for days, they came across Vin, saying his last words in an abandoned warehouse. Jeden learnt that Vin's students had escaped the Temple and Coruscant, but that Liko was dead, killed by Stormtroopers. However, the archivist succeeded in getting a lot of the Temple's data to Jeden. Vin finally passed away, before Jeden openly wept for the first time in front of Koses.

The two were able to get Vin's body off-world, before flying to Mygeeto, where the war was still raging, now between droids and the Empire. Returning the teacher to his homeworld, Jeden held a small funeral in the wilderness alongside Koses, before Vin was buried. Jeden finally returned to the fleet, and began a guerllia campaign against Imperial ships in the Outer Rim.

On the Run[]

The galaxy crumbles[]

Over the course of a year, Jeden watched the galaxy fall apart. Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, and started a purge against the remaining Jedi who had survived Order 66. Obi-wan and Yoda failed in their tasks to eliminate Vader and Palpatine respectively, and Vader killed Padmé Amidala, his lover, on Mustafar. Amidala gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia. Obi-wan took Luke to live with his relatives on Tatooine and hid on the planet, while Yoda went into exile on the remote world of Dagobah. Jeden sent out a message to the remaining Jedi in the galaxy: to hide, and wait for the time to come when the Empire could be defeated.

Morale hit a low among the 44th. Admiral Anhal began questioning his loyalties to the Supreme Chancellor that he had prior to the Empire's formation; the Clones struggled with the idea of fighting 'their brothers', especially Lion; Koses began having panic attacks about Tallas and nightmares about Order 66; and Jeden became more and more stressful, trying to hold the division together.

Finding Gini[]

In 17 BBY, two years after Order 66, the fleet went away from the hyperspace lanes and stumbled upon Yavin 4, the forest moon of Yavin infamous for holding the tombs of ancient Sith Lords. While in orbit over Yavin 4, Jeden sensed a familiar presence from his past, and decided to travel to the planet's surface to investigate. Koses said he would go too, and while Jeden was reluctant, Koses would not be stopped.

Arriving on the jungle-covered moon, Jeden tracked his senses to a small stone temple, likely one of many Sith tombs. However, inside Jeden found Gini Reyall, his lover as a Padawan, who had abandoned the Order so that Jeden could succeed as a Jedi. However, Gini had fallen to the dark side (though Jeden predicted it was temporary, and she was likely corrupted by a Sith spirit). However, Gini launched Koses back, before using the dark side to wipe Jeden's senses, putting him in a dazed trance. Koses, who didn't know Gini, wasn't affected by her charms, and easily knocked out the Padawan-level Force user. Koses called for R9 to pick him, the dazed Jeden and the unconscious Gini up in the Saviour, before all three Jedi were sent to the Pacifist to heal up.

When Jeden came to his senses, he and Koses managed to heal Gini of her corrupted mind, with Koses knowing too well how to resist the dark side. Gini, it turned out, had no memory since arriving on the planet, and Jeden was forced to tell her about all that had happened since, including Order 66, Vin's death and the Republic's collapse. Gini was overcome with grief, though agreed to stay with Jeden and the 44th, becoming another Jedi evading the Empire.

Fighting Back[]

Morale Boost[]

Jeden realized that the fleet and the Division were still a force to be reckoned with, plus they had yet another Jedi to aid them. He also predicted that morale was low because the Clones weren't seeing any action, and if they could successfully engage the Empire, not only would it be a welcome boost to the diminished morale of the Division, but it would also inspire dissent and rebellion throughout the Empire.

Jeden instantly set to work trying to lay some groundwork for organized resistance, though found that he could only find one safe contact: Guno, the Jawa scavenger who Jeden had befriended over a decade earlier. Meeting with Guno in the Dune Sea in 11 BBY, the Jawa revealed that he had made many anti-Imperial friends following Order 66, and that he already had contact with pirates, merchants and mercenaries who were all willing to fight the Empire free-of-charge.

Jeden left the fleet and the Division in the hands of Koses, Anhal and Phoenix, before leaving for three years, forming a group that would later be known as the 'Sand Rats'. Operating mostly inside Tatooine, the group soon became famous for having a Jedi at it's helm, something that instantly brought them some 'unwanted' attention.

Duel on Naboo[]

One of the strongest pockets of anti-Imperial sentiment in the galaxy was Naboo, which had surrendered to the Empire, though it's citizens still had contempt for the regime following Senator Admidala's death. When Jeden received word that Imperial Moff Tarkin would be making a visit to the planet, he planned to assassinate him. However, he instead arrived in Theed to find a Force-user accompanied by Stormtroopers. This was one of the Emperor's Dark Adepts: Force users turned to the dark side who were loyal to Palpatine, even to the grave.

Jeden dispatched the Stormtroopers with ease, before facing off against the Dark Adept, a woman who seemed quite young. Despite showing promise, the Adept was no match for a Jedi Master as skilled as Jeden, and he killed her after a short duel. However, Jeden now knew that he was likely a target, and that if an Adept failed, Vader would give it a try. Meanwhile, the 44th had begun a campaign against Imperial merchant shipping, though this soon turned to full-blown attacks on Star Destroyer fleets. Phoenix sent the Clones into different pockets of the galaxy, either as spies, assassins or blatant rebels, gathered into groups of ten and in disguise, to sow chaos throughout the Empire.

An Old Friend[]

In 2 BBY, Jeden received a transmission from a man he hadn't spoken to since 17 years before: Bail Organa, a former Republic Senator and the adoptive father of Leia, one of Vader's children. Organa told Jeden of his plans to organize the different resistance cells together, as part of what they called the Corellian Treaty. Seeing now that there was a chance of a true rebellion against the Empire, Jeden signed the treaty via holo, and the 44th became the primary military unit of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The 44th gathered it's troops back and the Division was submerged into the Alliance's overall military. Jeden became Supreme Commander of the Alliance's infantry forces alongside another Jedi, the Jedi Knight Rahm Kota. Anhal and his fleet became part of the Alliance's navy, often working alongside Mon Calamari war hero Admiral Ackbar, and Koses was tasked by the Admiral with forming an elite starfighter squadron alongside pirate Tullun Bor: this would later become 'Vin Squadron', the greatest A-wing squadron in history.


Leading the Fight[]

Jeden soon found himself leading the Clones once more into battle, now leading invasion forces in liberating planets from Imperial rule, mostly in the Outer Rim. On more than one occasion, he ended up facing more Dark Adepts, all of which he defeated to the point of death, capture or retreat, even facing Darth Vader himself on Geonosis during a covert mission with Nightingale Squad. The duel was indecisive and Vader retreated, though his breathing equipment was damaged after one of String's blades struck the Sith Lord's mask.

Jeden was easily the highest-ranking member of the Alliance until Luke Skywalker, the son of Anakin, joined the Alliance after he rescued Leia from the Death Star, a space station with a planet destroying laser. However, to the shock of both the Alliance and the galaxy at large, Vader used the Death Star on Alderaan, destroying the planet and killing Bail, along with billions of innocents. For a short time, Jeden was made overall leader of the Alliance, though passed the responsibility to Leia.

Finding a New Home[]

Jeden recommended that the Alliance use Yavin 4 as a base, as even the Empire didn't know about it. After a successful mission to destroy the Death Star, which killed Grand Moff Tarkin and removed the Empire's most dangerous weapon, Yavin 4's location was revealed, and now a new base would have to be found. Jeden volunteered to find a new planet to make a base on, accompanied by Luke Skywalker, now a Jedi. Jeden never told Luke his legacy, something instructed to him by Obi-wan, who was killed by Vader on the Death Star during Leia's rescue.

After almost two years of hiding from place-to-place, Jeden and Luke relocated the icy world of Hoth, which wasn't shown on most star charts and could be used by the Alliance quite easily as a new base of operations. Jeden used the manpower of the 44th to help build a new base, using his own Force abilities alongside Gini to aid in the construction, and the Alliance began striking back once more.

Battle of Hoth and losing the 44th[]

In 3 ABY, an Imperial probe droid was found by Han Solo, a smuggler and hero of the Alliance, while scouting Hoth's terrain. The Alliance command realized that the Empire would arrive any moment, and began an evacuation. Sure enough, the Empire arrived, though a mistake by an Imperial admiral meant the Rebels had enough time to activate an orbital shield, so the Imperials were forced to launch a ground invasion. The 44th, due to their large numbers, were forced to pack up instead of staying behind to defend, while Jeden and Koses waited in Echo Base to defend it, Gini aided the 44th in preparing to leave.

After a short scuffle between Koses and Vader in the tunnels of Echo Base, the 44th managed to depart, though they found Hoth's orbit littered with Star Destroyers. Jeden ordered and unguided hyperspace jump to avoid certain death, and the three-cruiser fleet launched into hyperspace, arriving in orbit over Tatooine, where seven Star Destroyers were on patrol. Anhal and Lion both stated that they and the Division would remain behind with their ships, and that the Jedi and Nightingale Squad should escape on the Saviour, as, according to Anhal's words: "Someone needs to be the heroes".

The Jedi and Nightingale Squad escaped the attack on the Saviour, but the 44th, Anhal and Lion included, were destroyed when the fleet was torn apart by laser fire. As the Clones mourned, Jeden went to be alone and Gini tried comforting the members of the Squad, Koses brought the Saviour safely to Home One, the flagship of Admiral Ackbar's enormous fleet. Koses handed command of Vin Squadron over to Tullun, while Nightingale Squad vowed to fight on as a covert, smaller unit, operating from Home One. Jeden, who blamed himself for the 44th's destruction, was eventually brought back to reason by Koses and Gini, who reminded him that there was still a War to fight.

A New Padawan[]

Jeden decided to take a rest from the fighting, though Koses and Gini soon went back to fighting alongside Nightingale Squad. During his time with Ackbar, Jeden was introduced by Mon Mothma, one of the Alliance's founders, to Kayla Lanos, an twenty-year-old Alliance field Commander who claimed to be Jedi, which seemed true, as she had a lightsaber and as a Force-user. In a rare show, Jeden went into a rant against Kayla, revealing that she was no Jedi (she didn't even know the Jedi Code) and had lied to Mothma to give herself a high-rank. However, Kayla was indeed a Force-user, and had even managed to build her own lightsaber, and so after some thought, Jeden came back to the Force-user the next day, promising to teach her how to become a true Jedi Knight.

Jeden soon began a long journey alongside Kayla, teaching her about the Jedi, their history and teachings, new lightsaber skills, and some simple life advice. Jeden also began missions for the Alliance again, taking Kayla with him during them. Jeden eventually decided that Kayla was ready to become a Jedi, despite her short time as a student, and named her a 'Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order'.

End of the War[]

Battle of Endor[]

In 4 ABY, the Alliance learned that a second Death Star was being built, and was in orbit over the forest moon of Endor. Luke, accompanied by Leia, Han, the Wookiee Chewbacca (who Jeden had fought with during the Clone Wars) and a Rebel strike team would sneak onto Endor in a stolen Imperial shuttle to shut down a shield generator protecting the Death Star, while the rest of the Alliance would prepare for a massive space assault on the space station. Koses reunited with Vin Squadron once more; Kayla was sent to Coruscant to start a revolution there alongside some Rebel special forces; and Jeden prepared with Gini and Nightingale Squad to take over a Star Destroyer during the battle, using it against Imperial naval forces.

The battle started well, though turned to chaos when the strike team were captured and the shield remained offline. Luckily, Jeden's mission succeeded, easily capturing an Imperial Star Destroyer and turning it's guns against the rest of the fleet, before crashing it into another Star Destroyer and making an escape back to Home One. By that time, the strike team managed to shut down the protective shield and Luke, captured by Vader on Endor, had faced his father and the Emperor, resulting in Vader becoming Anakin Skywalker once more and throwing the Emperor in the reactor of the station, which was damaged by Rebel starships. Luke escaped with Anakin's damaged body as the Death Star was destroyed, signalling the end of Imperial rule in the galaxy.


Across the galaxy, celebrations began as the Empire was toppled in system after systems. Kayla reclaimed the ruins of the Jedi Temple and the Senate, and the Alliance's heroes gathered with the Ewoks on Endor to celebrate. Kayla arrived in time, meeting Nightingale Squad for the first time. The Clones rejoiced and gave rememberance to their fallen brothers; the Jedi, consisting of Jeden, Koses, Gini, Kayla, Luke and Rahm Kota, announced the reformation of the Order; and the Alliance celebrated their victory.

During the celebration, Luke remarked that he saw the spirits of Yoda, Obi-wan and Anakin, though Jeden saw more, which he didn't state, those being Liko, Master Vin and Kit. Jeden was content with life once more, before returning to the celebrations.

New Jedi Order[]

Founding Member[]

As a founding member of the New Jedi Order, Jeden was tasked with helping rebuild certain parts of the New Republic, primarily the military. After this, Jeden joined the Jedi High Council for a while, though this was short-lived, and he then became the new Battlemaster, training Padawans and Knights in lightsaber combat for four years.

The High Council decided to allow relationships between Jedi, and Jeden decided to marry Gini, with the two remembering what had driven Gini away decades ago. Jeden stood down as Battlemaster, becoming a Teacher for the Jedi Initiates, much like Master Vin had done himself.

Sadly, in 8 ABY, the ageing processes of Nightingale Squad, which had been delayed by the Kaminoans, suddenly caught up, and the Clones aged rapidly, putting them on death's door. The first to die was Sting, and Twenty, Wraith and Phoenix died over the course of the next five days. Jeden went to the funeral of the Clones on Coruscant, which was attended by thousands, and gave a speech, before flying in the Saviour with the coffins of the Clones to Kamino, where they were buried at sea.

The Four Holocrons and Death[]

In 15 ABY, after complaining about headaches for days, Jeden collapsed during one of his lessons, and was rushed to the Temple's medical bay. There, a medical droid discovered a growing tumour of unknown causes, which was spreading further and further through his brain, and which couldn't be removed without killing the Jedi Master.

On his deathbed, Jeden decided to record Four Holocrons in audio form, which he hoped would become guides for future Jedi. The Holocrons were about his experiences as a 'Soldier', a 'Lover', a 'Teacher' and as a 'Jedi' respectively. In them, he detailed his life, as well as the many lessons he had both learnt and taught.

Predicting his end to come soon shortly after finishing his final holocron, Jeden gathered many of his friends to his bedside, including Gini, Koses, Kayla, Luke and Supreme Chancellor Leia, dying peacefully early in the morning. A funeral for the Jedi Master was attended by millions and seen through holo by trillion around the galaxy, with even members of the Imperial Remnant paying their respects. As a testament to his friendship to Nightingale Squad, Jeden did not request a Jedi funeral, and instead joined the Clones at sea, while a plaque was placed in his honour in the library of the Jedi Temple. It read: "When darkness is strong, light is always stronger".


Jeden's teachings and history became influential in the way that many Jedi were taught forever after. His work during both the Galactic Civil War and the Clone Wars saved thousands of lives, as shown by how many people attended his funeral service. Remembered after his death as one of the greatest Jedi of his era, Jeden's service to the Jedi Order and the Republic was rivaled by none but a few.

Personality and traits[]

Jeden was very laid-back for a Jedi, especially a Jedi Master, and also had a wide sense of humor. Always one to cheer up his friends, Jeden was very popular among Jedi, clone troopers and senators alike. Despite this attitude, Jeden could be serious when the situation called for it, and was a good leader in battle. His optimism was respected by many, though some members of the Jedi Council saw him as both reckless and over-confident.

Jeden was one of very few Jedi to wield two lightsabers in combat, both being dark blue crystals. He also wore standard Jedi robes, though he did have white clone trooper armor to wear over his robes for battle. Jeden was very tall, standing at 6ft 5in, though he wasn't very muscular. However, he was very agile, being able to perform some acrobatics during combat. Jeden had a average sized head, with short, dark brown hair and a beard around his mouth. He had dark blue eyes, and his voice was quite deep, though he was well spoken.

Jeden did also own a Jedi starfighter, being one of the first to own an Eta 2 model. Nicknamed "Shadowstorm" by Jeden and "Scrapheap" by Phoenix, the starfighter was only used when Jeden was forced to fight in space or when he performed missions alone. Phoenix was once forced to use the fighter during a mission, and gave it his own name after finding Jeden had rearranged multiple controls, making the ship near-impossible to fly for anyone else.

Powers and abilities[]

Force abilities[]

Even as a child, Jeden was strongly attuned with the Force. Aside from typical Jedi abilities such as Force persuasion and telekenesis, Jeden was also capable of creating large shockwaves in the ground by leaping from a height and casting almost all of his energy into the ground, occasionally creating craters where he landed, such as on Geonosis, where he used the ability to destroy dozens of droids in one lethal strike. However, this power had a downside, often draining Jeden of energy and leaving him both tired and weary. In minimal circumstances, he was unable to do anything more than lift a rock.

Jeden was one of few people in the galaxy's history to have the exceptionally rare ability of 'Force empathy'. This meant that Jeden could detect the emotions, thoughts and even sometimes repressed memories of an individual just by being close to them. Jeden often used this ability to judge a person's allegiance as friendly or hostile, and also used the power to drain Darth Krasor of his power during the duel over the Battle of Coruscant by causing memories Nelox repressed to re-surface. The only person to ever cloud Jeden's judgement in this power was Palpatine, who, due to his strong connection to the Force, managed to hide his true intentions even from someone as strong as Jeden. If Jeden had discovered that Palpatine was a Sith Lord, Order 66 could have been averted, as could the Empire.


Jeden was one of the greatest lightsaber duelists in the history of the Jedi Order. Even at Knight level, Jeden held his own, even being one of only a few to disarm and defeat the Battlemaster Cin Drallig in a spar, something that even recognized Jedi Master such as Mace Windu were unable to do. Jeden also proved his skill against opponents using other melee weapons, such as saberstaffs and vibroblades, as well as blaster users, most notably the battle droids during the Clone Wars and the well-trained Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire.

Jeden originally trained using Form III, also known as Soresu. During his time as a Jedi Knight, some time around 27 BBY, Jeden created a hybrid form of Form IV, known as Ataru, and Form VI, known as Niman. While Ataru was aggressive and relied on a combination of agility and strength, Niman focused on using slow but complex attacks, which could confuse or daze an opponent, as well as allowing Force abilities such as telekenesis to be used mid-battle. By combining the two forms, Jeden created a way of combining his strong Force potency with fast, offensive lightsaber strikes, turning him into a deadly duelist by the time of the Clone Wars.

Jeden, from halfway through his time as a Padawan to his death, used two identical, dark-blue lightsabers, using an especially dark blue crystal he managed to split into two seperate crystals from Ilum. When he began using just one lightsaber, Jeden found that not only did it restrict his ability, but the crystal he found seemed too large to fit in a lightsaber hilt that he could use comfortably, so he split the crystal, becoming a dual-lightsaber user. Not only did his lightsabers often make him a notable sight on a battlefield, but the image of Jeden using his two lightsabers became a propaganda image widely distributed by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.

Jeden's lightsaber

One of Jeden's two identical lightsabers.

Other skills[]

Jeden was a skilled tactician, possessing quick thinking and a sharp mind. However, he was not much of a strategist, and often handed the planning of certain military campaigns over to Admiral Anhal. In battle, Jeden proved a potent commander, having a firm grip over the morale of his troops and rarely showing nervousness, even if he did have some. Due to his fast thinking, Jeden also managed to make quick decisions during battle, saving the lives of his squad countless times and eliminating threats quicker than many would first expect.

Away from the battlefield, Jeden was still highly intelligent. Not only did he possess a vivid archive of galactic lore in his mind, but he could speak many languages, and understood/read dozens more, mostly due to learning many as a Jedi Youngling. Jeden showed his expertise in passing on this knowledge when teaching Koses, as well as the few times that he aided Master Vin in teaching the Cerean's Younglings when Jeden was on Coruscant instead of out in the galaxy.

If Jeden lacked in one category, it was most likely diplomacy. His first experience of diplomacy was as a Padawan on Corellia, where he failed horribly in questioning a Corellian provisional governor due to his assertive and seemingly-hostile nature of questioning. This only showed further on Rattatak, where his attempt to be let into a tribal town left him in an arena against Rattataki warriors. However, his skills here did still managed to pull through sometimes, such as on Tatooine, where he managed to use his status as a Jedi to end a violent feud between two Jawa clans. By the time of the Rise of the Empire following Order 66, Jeden was a potent diplomat, rallying dozens of resistance cells to at first aid him in fighting the Empire, and later to join Bail Organa's Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Master San-Ha-Vin[]

Master Vin was Jeden's master and teacher during childhood. Despite Jeden's aptitude for violence and Vin's preference for peace, the pair shared a close bond, and Jeden viewed Vin as a father figure. When Vin passed away from old age shortly after Order 66, Jeden risked going back to Coruscant just so that he could properly bury Vin's body on the Master's homeworld, Mygeeto.

Koses Lik-Har[]

Koses was Jeden's first and only Padawan. A former acolyte for the Grand Sith Order, Koses was never a true Sith, and willingly accepted Jeden's offer to become a Jedi. Jeden viewed Koses as a younger brother, and kept a close bond to him, often being the one to give the padawan guidance.


Phoenix was one of Jeden's best friends. Because both shared a similar sense of humour and similar opinions on certain matters, the two stayed as friends for many years, and the friendship was so strong that Phoenix (along with the rest of Nightingale Squad) disobeyed Order 66, instead going on the run with Jeden and Koses.

Kit Fisto[]

Kit was Jeden's childhood friend, and the first friend he made when arriving at the Temple aged three. With a similar opinion to life and identical personalities, Jeden accomplished many missions alongside Kit, and suffered colossal grief when he learned of Kit's death at the hands of Darth Sidious.

Liko Eil[]

Jeden's main teenage friend, Liko was an archivist and the complete opposite of Jeden in many ways. Liko didn't like humour, hated violence and thought that being laidback was idotic. However, the two became close friends over their love for ancient lore and due to the fact that Jeden saved Liko from captivity and possible death at the hands of General Grievous.

Gini Reyall[]

Gini Reyall was a girl in Jeden's Youngling class, and the two started a romantic relationship as Padawans. After ending the relationship due to their devotion to the Jedi Code, the pair remained fairly distant, thought the two were reunited after Order 66, when Jeden found Gini in self-exile on Yavin 4 after she decided her romance with Jeden went too far. The pair later joined the Rebellion.


May the Force be with you, General."
"May the Force be with us all, Admiral.

—Jeden to Anhal before departing for Korriban.
But we should be watchful. Very few Jedi have traveled to Korriban and returned when Sith inhabit it’s tombs."
“I am always watchful, Master Kenobi.

—Jeden responding to Obi-wan.
Every Jedi has to know death at some point. Some take lives, others watch lives being taken, and some die themselves. It is not the action that determines a Jedi, but how they react to the grief. There are stories of powerful Jedi, who turned to darkness because they hoped to bring loved ones back. But, there are other stories, about how a Jedi has come to know death, and realize there is no death.
—Jeden lecturing Koses after the Padawan took a life for the first time.
Is this what it has come to? For you to gun me down, after all we went through? Look me in the eyes Phoenix: look me in the eyes and honestly tell me you want to kill me! I fought with you, I bled with you, and yet you would kill me just because of a single order, from a man we know to be Sith! Your duty was to serve the Republic, to uphold the values of justice and good! Palpatine is not your lord, or your master, and neither am I! Make your choice, and never forget it!
—Jeden giving a speech to Phoenix after Order 66 is given.
Hi there.
"Oh no...

—Jeden ambushing a Stormtrooper during a mission in the Galactic Civil War.
I'm going to count to three, and when I stop counting, I want all of you to drop your weapons and surrender.
"And if we don't?
"There's a reason my lightsaber is on.

—Jeden, facing off against henchmen of the Sculptor on Corellia.
Jedi scum!
"I'm flattered. Truly.

—Jeden sarcastically responding to one of the Emperor's Dark Adepts during a duel on Naboo.

Quotes about Jeden[]

Who will you follow? Will you follow that liar Palpatine, or will you follow the man we followed into battle time and time again? The man we risked our lives for, and the man who risked his life for ours!
—Sting, persuading the men of the 44th to disobey Order 66 after Jeden and Koses were nearly executed.
He saved my life. Just when I needed saving, he came.
"You think you owe him, then?
"Not just a thought: a certainty.

—Koses talking to Tullun Bor about his relationship with Jeden.