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Jaxe Minzo was a human male born on Erayyxa in 46 BBY. He grew up in a turbulent time when several different warlords vied for control of his homeworld and eventually became a member of the Erayyxa Civil Defense League. Eventually, he became an Imperial officer and had three daughters.
Working for a Warlord[]
One of the warlords of Erayyxa, the ancient assassin droid 3X-AK2R, conquered the city of Yuuruxuu in 35 BBY in a violent battle that pushed the forces of the Vug'uric warlord, Bazadarp, into the Plains of Bȯgnanan. Orphaned in the battle, Jaxe Minzo lived with and worked for a Meshakian merchant named Sheroz Bol for two years until Bazadarp’s forces retook the city, massacring hundreds of merchants and artisans. With the death of his employer, Minzo was on his own again. A gang calling itself the League of Civil Defenders recruited him. They were secretly working to push Bazadarp out of Yuuruxuu permanently. The League’s leader was a gold-skinned Nothoiin male named Sarqi Polpotta and he was determined that they would become the new and just rulers of Yuuruxuu. In 32 BBY Minzo participated in a raid on the Yuuruxuu Mayoral Palace, in which the League killed Bazadarp and her top aides. Bazadarp’s soldiers quickly surrendered afterwards. Then Iotran warlord Zerul Oss and 3X-AK2R briefly set aside their differences to launch an attack Polpotta and Yuuruxuu. The League of Civil Defenders was victorious, sealing Sarqi Polpotta’s status as a respected new warlord on Erayyxa. During the general retreat, the assassin droid 3X-AK2R’s men lagged behind while the droid assassinated Zerul Oss so that they could begin shooting the Iotran’s soldiers from behind.
After the fall of two warlords, there were no major fights between the ruling factions for two years. Minzo worked for Polpotta and the League, mostly spying on different warlords, occasionally sabotaging a rival faction, and engaging in a skirmish now and then. In 30 BBY Polpotta joined a against the Twi’lek warlord Bid Ooza in a coalition with two other warlords, Dagger Flinton and the yellow-skinned Near-Duros warlord Codo Nure. A female Balosar warlord named Lashira sided with Ooza but they were defeated and Lashira retreated to her holdings around the Sea of Bzariüm. Ooza retreated to the Fortress of 3X-AK2R, hoping the droid warlord would protect him but he was thrown into a dungeon and his land was divided among the other warlords. After the short conflict, sixteen year old Jaxe Minzo was promoted to become one of Sarqi Polpotta’s captains.
A human woman named Sara Korth came to power in the Celoo District of the Eqarnian Marshes in 29 BBY. Because the marshes were the territories of 3X-AK2R and Lashira, Codo Nure and Sarqi Polpotta aided the young warlord’s rise to power. Minzo was sent in to help secure her estate until she could handle her own detail. A year later, Korth was assassinated by her Rodian vizier, Farfara Toonk, who proclaimed himself the new warlord of Celoo. Minzo and half of the League of Civil Defense marched straight through Dagger Flinton’s territory and into to Celoo and wiped out Toonk and his forces. This action sparked the biggest war that the Erayyxa system had seen in centuries, all five the remaining warlords declared war on each other and fought bitterly.
Far as Erayyxa was from the Core, it took the Jedi until 26 BBY to send a team out to investigate. By this time, the twenty year old Jaxe Minzo was a battle hardened veteran, even killing a Mandalorian warrior who had come to fight for Dagger Flinton. When the Jedi finally arrived, they were unsuccessful in getting the warlords to meet and discuss peace accords. Warlord Cado Nure refused to even meet with the Jedi and Flinton attempted to have the Jedi killed. Jaxe Minzo was sent to infilitrate the Fortress of 3X-AK2R while the Jedi were inside. He managed to bribe the security chief, a short-sighted Quarren, to order the security system and his men to attack the Jedi. During the incident, the Jedi fought their way to the throne room and destroyed what was thought to be the droid warlord. On his way back to report the success to Polpotta, Minzo encountered the real 3X-AK2R, who said it preferred to be called the Exactor. The Exactor congratulated him on successfully removing him from power, saying that it had grown tired of “pushing meatbags.” It announced that it would be returning to its old ways as a bounty hunter and assassin and that it looked forward to seeing Minzo again when he reached his prime.
Warlord Larisha was assassinated a day later and Dagger Flinton and Cado Nure were taken into custody. Because Sarqi Polpotta acted favorably toward the Jedi, the Republic agreed to not take him into custody and to recognize him as the legitimate ruler of Erayyxa on several conditions. The League of Civil Defense was reorganized into the Erayyxa Civil Defense League and recognized as the official defense force of the Erayyxa system. Minzo was made a commander of the new ECDL. In 23 BBY, he recruited Argun Obroggva into his platoon.
The Clone Wars[]
About a day before the Clone Wars began, Erayyxa announced its allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The ECDL was to be utilized across the galaxy in a variety of different roles. Minzo had about a thousand soldiers under his command, including a human named Tull Strayfiend who was a very talented saboteur. He and his men, like all members of the ECDL, were trained in both combat and covert warfare, travelling around the galaxy to fight alongside the droid armies against clones and to damage or terrorize key Republic locations. At some point in 21 BBY, Minzo and a small team of soldiers fought in the Battle of Simocadia.
Following Simocadia, he went on a special assignment to Echnos to locate a Separatist agent who had suddenly gone silent. After fruitlessly searching Echnos City, he donned a breath mask and went into the cold, barren wasteland outside the city, where an Aar'aa assassin tried to kill him. Defeating and capturing the assassin, Minzo attempted to interrogate him but the assassin killed itself by sheer willpower. He did, however, find a marked holomap on the assassin’s datapad. The first mark he explored revealed only signs of a small camp used by no more than three beings. When he explored the next location he found the camp and it contained the bodies of an Écparzi male and two Vodran. All three of them had been shot to death. Arriving at the final mark, he discovered a concealed air speeder with an executed Ugor inside. The Ugor matched the description of the missing Separatist agent, so Minzo left the planet for his next mission.
After leaving Echnos, he traveled to Veight Station in the Jjannex sector. He met with several ECDL agents and then took over the station, forcing the station's permanent residents to side with the Separatists. Because smugglers and outlaws used the station as a shadow port, it was used to recruit them to the CIS. Later, he returned to Veight Station to unsuccessfully defend it from a clone assault group. Because the battle was about to be lost, he ordered his men to place thermal detonators in critical points around the station and then retreat, leaving the battle droids to hold off the clones. They fled the system and the station was destroyed, a direct violation of their orders to defend the station at all costs.
He moved on to hunt Kol Kotha on the planet Umgul where it was rumored that the traitorous Gran was hiding. Kotha had initially worked with the Confederacy as a mercenary pilot but then the Feeorin Nym, who was an old friend of Kotha's, convinced him to betray the CIS. Kotha fled with important knowledge of codes, troop movements, and locations, all of which he gave to the Jedi Master Ali-Vor. At first, he had hidden on Malastare but the Dug bounty hunter Lospa found him. He managed to kill Lospa but informants traced him to Umgal where he was working as a ticket vendor at the Blob races. Minzo found him there and attempted to capture him but the Gran escaped in his fighter but he made the mistake of flying into the Kabal system. Trapped between Minzo and Separatist forces, Kotha was forced to surrender.
Minzo was overseeing various ECDL agents in the Taldot Sector when the Republic invaded Erayyxa in 20 BBY. Brining every available man under his command, he raced home to defend his world. During the battle, most of the ECDL was wiped out. The Separatists sent droids to help after weeks of prolonged fighting and the Republic gradually withdrew, thinking they had exterminated the Erayyxa Civil Defense League. Of the thousand soldiers Minzo had commanded at the beginning of the Clone Wars, only about forty remained after the Battle of Erayyxa. Overall, there were probably less than two thousand ECDL members left. Minzo spent the next several months training new soldiers. Finally, in 19 BBY, he went on his last mission for the ECDL. With Dooku dead and Grievous on Utapua, someone was needed to persuade the planet Écparz of the importance of continuing to support the CIS. A Jedi named Z'meer Bothu was negotiating with planetary leaders to abandon the Confedarcy. When Minzo arrived on the planet, he made assassinating the Jedi a top priority. First, he hired a Trandoshan bounty hunter to assist him. Then he convinced the pro-Separatist elements in the military to occupy the government sector during the negotiations. His third move was to convince the pro-Republic groups to attack the Separatists. During the confusion, he and the Trandoshan bounty hunter teamed up to kill the Jedi and then several of the Republic favoring officials. His mission was a success but the Clone Wars came to a close and the CIS was defeated.
End of the ECDL[]
Returning to Erayyxa, he learned that many ECDL agents around the galaxy had been captured. As of yet, the new Galactic Empire had not made any move against Sarqi Polpotta and the Erayyxa system. A slow year rolled by and the entire remaining ECDL returned home. In 18 BBY an Imperial Fleet arrived in the system. Imperial troops landed in Yuuruxuu and Polpotta offered to negotiate a treaty with the Empire. The Imperial troops responded by attacking the city. ECDL soldiers fought back and actually drove the Empire into on section of the city. The fighting went on for two days and then Polpotta’s Viidaav advisor, Keerii Laa, betrayed him and helped the Empire capture him. With Polpotta out of the way, the Empire appointed Viidaav as dictator of Erayyxa. Minzo began conspiring immediately with two of his fellow ECDL officers, a Mirialan named Eddie Zynish and a Feeorin named Buk. They determined to cause Laa to fall out of Imperial favor and make Zynish dictator.
By 17 BBY Laa had made so many deals with Hutts and pirates that the local economy was beginning to suffer. The three conspirators had moved around the planet, convincing the people to refuse to pay their taxes. Because of their rank in the ECDL, they made sure that no one was arrested for failure to pay and that what little was paid rarely made it to the dictator’s office. As a result, the planet was unable to pay the Empire even a fraction of the taxes they owed in 16 BBY. Once again, Imperial forces arrived in the system and landed on the planet. The ECDL not only welcomed them but led the attack on the dictator’s palace and killed Keerii Laa and his supporters. The Empire appointed Eddie Zynish as governor and disbanded the Erayyxa Civil Defense League, putting a small Imperial garrison on the planet. Buk and many of the alien members of the ECDL simply disappeared into the general population while Minzo and many human ECDL soldiers were recruited into the ranks of the Imperial military.
Imperial Service[]
After Minzo defected to the Empire, his experience in espionage landed him in a wing of Imperial Intelligence called the Tarsketov Commandos. He was immediately sent to the Centrality to investigate reports of a Jedi on Douglas III. The trail proved to be false but he did find out that a former guard at the Jedi Temple lived on the planet. Knowing that the guard could lead the Empire to more Jedi, he captured him and returned to Coruscant. Later, he was tasked with locating a Jedi on Dagobah. For two years, he combed the planet with the help of an Inquisitor but they found nothing in the end. The Inquisitor blamed him for the failure but his immediate superior shielded him from any major repercussions.
It was learned in 13 BBY that the Jedi Knight Rann I-Kanu had survived Order 66 and was probably hiding on one of the two thousand moons of the gas giant Belxoo, near the Farana system. Minzo flew aboard a shuttle with a team of Imperial clone commandos to the Belxoo system. A few small, scattered settlements existed throughout moons of Belxoo and Minzo began questioning various settlers while the commandos began stealthily exploring the moons and settlements. Eventually, Minzo learned from a trader in Miner Station 30 on the barren Belxoo 940 that a mysterious scientist lived on the lush Belxoo 1138. Once in a while, he would come to one of the other moons and purchase supplies or enter several undiscovered species into the records. He said his name was Rem Sykes and he had first appeared in the system four years earlier in a new wave of about three hundred immigrants who settled the previously uninhabited Belxoo 21 in order to work the new Miner Station 103. Sykes was a loner and had purchased a small shuttle and settled on the uninhabited jungle-filled Belxoo 1138. Returning to the shuttle, he flew to the barely populated Belxoo 1423, the grassland moon, to pick up the clone commandos who were scouting for the Jedi. Flying to Belxoo 1138, he scanned the swampy moon, discovered a single shuttle near a small cabin, and sent the commandos down.
They found the Rem Sykes and confirmed that he really was Rann I-Kanu. Although he clearly no longer had a lightsaber, he managed to evade the shots from the clones’ weapons and escaped into the jungle. As they followed him through the mire, they began walking into deadly traps. Managing to survive, they nearly lost him. Then he led them to the lair of an armored, ten legged beast that was easily as long as an AT-AT and half as tall. It had the head of a dragon and a tail that ended with a mace. The beast devoured two of the clone commandos and, seeing their weapons were useless against it, the other two fled into the jungle. The monster followed and Minzo flew down and attacked it with the shuttles laser cannons. Ultimately, it took two concussion missiles to bring the creature down. Because another one of the creatures was nearing the scene, Minzo evacuated the two surviving commandos aboard the shuttle. Before leaving the moon’s atmosphere, he destroyed the Jedi’s shuttle. After returning the commandos to the surface near the Jedi’s home, he spent the next several days circling the moon and scanning for any sign of I-Kanu. Then an Imperial Star Destroyer entered the system and summoned Minzo to board. When he landed in the hanger he was surprised to find Darth Vader waiting for him. The Sith Lord informed him that he was to bring him and his troops to the moon where the Jedi was hidden. He flew with Vader and his men to the destroyed shuttle and the Jedi home and landed them there. Joined by the two surviving commandos, the group set off into the forest while the shuttle flew back into space to avoid the risk of being hijacked by the Jedi. After many of the Stormtroopers were eliminated by various traps, they finally encountered the Jedi who attacked with a rune-covered sword. Vader responded with his lightsaber but the sword was undamaged. For at least an hour, the Jedi and Sith dueled until Darth Vader finally struck his opponent down and killed him, taking his sword. Then they left the moon and then the star system.
The Snivvian pirate, Ogesso, drew the attention of the Empire in 9 BBY when his operations in the Luuq sector resulted in the disappearance of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Jaxe Minzo was sent in with a team of commandos to make an example the pirate. They destroyed every single one of his pirates and then they publically executed Ogesso on Ord Mantell. The missing Star Destroyer was found wrecked on a small moon. Minzo went on a mission later that year to the planet Oon Tien in the Kahol sector to infiltrate and destroy a group of insurgents who had fled to the world after being defeated over Alakatha. Upon infiltrating them, he discovered that many of the dissidents believed that they part of a larger rebellion that would someday become organized on a galactic scale. After gaining their trust, he set off a bomb in the middle of their base, eliminating all of the rebels.
In response to the growing rebellion around the galaxy, he was sent with a platoon of Stormtroopers to make an example of an armed group on Thule in 4 BBY. The insurgents fought back hard but the Empire proved victorious that day. Minzo was removed from Imperial Intelligence after the battle and given command of a legion of stormtroopers that included Davedd Tursulth. In 3 BBY, he and his legion were sent to a planet in Wild Space near the galactic edge called V’nstad’nek. The local population was purely technologically-ignorant natives but they were being armed with modern weapons by an unknown group and they protected a temple full of alleged Sith artifacts. For five and a half years, during which time Minzo’s oldest daughter Nitty became a Stormtrooper, they occupied the planet and they fought nearly the entire time against the natives who insisted on sending their entire race against the Imperials rather than letting them access the temple. In the end, the indigenous population was wiped out.
After leaving V’nstad’nek in 2 ABY, Jaxe Minzo was removed from yet another post. This time he was given command of a Dreadnought-class ship called the Deposer and ordered to patrol the Outer Rim with three other Dreadnoughts and a Star Destroyer captained by Admiral Ervoi Malaki. The Deposer had replaced a ship in the company that had been destroyed by Rebels near Makem Te. The small battlegroup engaged the Rebellion in combat several times. Finally, in 3 ABY, they encountered Rebel forces too large to destroy while in an empty star system in the Spinward Sector. Three of the dreadnoughts were destroyed along with the Star Destroyer, although Admiral Malaki escaped in his personal shuttle, leaving the Deposer to defend itself against a small Rebel fleet. After the Deposer took severe damage, Minzo was forced to crash-land his ship on a nameless planet with the only breathable atmosphere in the system.
The planet had a powerful energy field that disrupted any long-range communication. The survivors were able to fire off short distress signals but these would take thousands of years to even reach the next inhabited system. Their only hope was that a passing ship would detect them. Foraging for food was difficult. Much of the planet was bleak and many of the plants and animals were poisonous to humans. They discovered a large rodent that they called yummies because they were not only edible but one of the few the animals on the planet with flavor. Another discovery that they made over the course of a few months was a species of wild peppers that added a sweet and spicy flavor to anything. These they named Ob'ko beans after the stormtrooper who discovered them, Sergeant Ob’ko Ven.
After two years, they were raided by the Zanibar who were looking for sacrifices. Several of Minzo’s men were killed but they managed to kill several Zanibar in return and the Zanibar only made off with a single sacrifice, a petty officer named Brin Cedwin. The following year, they found an ancient Gizer L-2 freighter crashed in a nearby valley. A mysterious plague broke out at some point and most of the remaining crew died. The Zanibar returned and captured a few more survivors. They never came back afterward.
In 10 ABY, having been marooned for seven years, they were rescued by Minzo’s daughter Nitty. She had left Imperial service after her mother’s homeworld joined the New Republic and spent several years trying to locate her father. When she finally discovered that the Deposer had disappeared in the Spinward Sector, she hired, Kees, the Ithorian captain of the Wild Space Charter and came looking for her father. After a year, during which time Kees and his crew successfully explored several uncharted systems, they discovered ghostly signals emanating from the system where Minzo was trapped. When they arrived, only Minzo and seven other crewmembers were still alive.
Searching for Meaning[]
After learning the course of galactic history since he had left, Minzo asked to be dropped off on Dubrillion. He promised to reward Kees handsomely but the Ithorian assured him that the discoveries the Wild Space Charter had made in the Spinward Sector were payment enough.
Soon after, he began exploring rumors of one of Emperor Palpatine’s treasure vaults that had been removed from Imperial records by New Republic slicers. After almost two years of searching, he discovered the erased vault was located on Ord Zathuun. Unfortunately, the planet had just joined the New Republic and Minzo’s ex-Imperial status prevented him from having any access to the vaults, which were highly secured. He found work for a man named Braut Ruyn, from the Unknown Regions. Ruyn sent him on a mission to rescue a compromised Falleen agent who had been compromised on a moon of Ord Mantell. In order to rescue the agent, he had to infiltrate a jail in Worlport. 3X-AK2R, the assassin droid and former warlord on Erayyxa met him there and assisted him in breaking the Falleen agent from jail.
The Treasure Hunt[]
He then told the droid about the treasure trove on Ord Zathuun, offering to pay the droid a reasonable in exchange for help breaking into the vault. The droid agreed, suggesting that they hire a smuggler to lead an expedition into the vault to soften its defenses. They traveled to various shadow ports in 15 ABY. On Kidiet Olgo, they tried to recruit the Carosite smuggler Yeon Nej but were refused. They decided to recruit the Falleen agent they had rescued. The Falleen recruited two human agents, including one from Atrisia. On the planet Nixor they found a smuggler who had once been an underling of Minzo’s in the ECDL, Tull Strayfiend. They decided to that he would lead the expedition. They recruited other smugglers. On Feriae Junction, Strayfiend talked the Ishi Tib, Kulgen Un, and his Twi’lek copilot Delfor to join the adventure. He also hired a Xexto slicer named P Sal Somm. On Lammax, Minzo hired the ten man Welzcraft Mercenary Company while Minzo convinced a Correllian gunslinger and a Devoran smuggler named Birbunt Yesh to sign on. Bith smuggler Chac Muth and his human copilot Crodell Mess joined in return for a favor that they owed Strayfiend. Once the Issori Chamarh Ozlee and his Toong copilot Fomm Graedimenow and their Drall crewmember Adli joined the group, after numerous other smugglers turned them down on Tatooine, Minzo felt they had enough.
He placed Strayfiend in charge of the mission and sent him and the smugglers with the three agents to the vault. As he and the Exactor (3X-AK2R) waited aboard a shuttle at the edge of the Zathuun system, several former stormtroopers they were expecting, led by Sneeb Kropp, arrived. The ex-Imperial officer Stavan also arrived, eager to redeem himself after numerous career failures. Taking command of the operation, Stavan decided to betray the team already on the ground. He sent the ex-stormtroopers to eliminate anyone who might have seen the smugglers and mercenaries. Then they entered the vault as six of the original of the original twenty-four raiders were returning and Stavan, without hesitation, ordered the ex-stormtroopers to fire. The survivors retreated into the vault, rapidly losing the former Imperials. After several hours of wandering around the vault, Minzo convinced Stavan to return to the entrance. When they arrived, they found Ord Zathuun security waiting for them and Stavan, once again, ordered the ex-stormtroopers to attack. During the fighting, Minzo and 3X-AK2R slipped out of the vault and escaped the planet.
Full Circle[]
In 23 ABY a Noghri named Ghok’rahbid captured Minzo while he was overseeing construction on an orbital facility over Ryloon. He was taken to a planet in the Corva sector called Gerthoss where he was held inside a closet in a medical facility. After a couple of standard days, 3X-AK2R and Marthrull Strayfiend entered the room. Marthrull informed Minzo that the droid had convinced him that he was not responsible for betraying his uncle, Tull, on Ord Zathuun. However, he felt that Minzo owed his family a debt and that the debt would only be forgiven if he assisted the Itching Empire with the release and restoration to power of a certain Imperial prisoner, Sarqi Polpotta. Minzo agreed, and soon he was on a transport with 3X-AK2R on his way to the planet Lokondo to rescue his former commander. When they arrived, Minzo used his clearance to have the prisoner taken to the shuttle and they managed to fly him offworld.
They flew to Erayyxa and landed with Polpotta in the village of Xirkyonés. While Polpotta, protected by 3X-AK2R, began turning the village to his side, Minzo began travelling around the planet to search for former ECDL members to recruit and anyone else who might join. He managed to locate his former coconspirator, Buk, as well as about thirty others who travelled to Xirkyonés to join Polpotta. Then Minzo and Buk began to train the villagers in the old ECDL fighting style. After gaining the support of a small army of people, Polpotta officially returned to power, declaring himself warlord of Xirkyonés. At this point Erayyxa was divided mainly by three powerful warlords, a cruel, arachnid-like Rakaan named Zud, a feline Orlak named Zazz Kelger, and a Gran warlord from Hok whose name was Cinohod. There were also nine minor warlords, including the Jarell smuggler Artinith Wrell and the Tanjayan known as the Jarl of Ghulzant Village. The old Jarl of Ghulzant had served in the ECDL and had great respect for Sarqi Polpotta. Because Ghulzant was within a few kilometers of Xirkyonés, he immediately joined his men to Polpotta’s forces. Artinith Wrell, as warlord of a few of the nearby mountain villages, felt threatened and gathered his forces together to launch an attack on Xirkyonés. Minzo and his outnumbered soldiers counterattacked, catching Wrell’s forces in a ravine and crushed them, killing Wrell in the process.
Minzo began to travel around the mountain villages, declaring that Sarqi Polpotta had returned and persuading the towns to swear allegiance to Polpotta. Within two months, he recruited several hundred soldiers and trained them in their villages. Zazz Kelger, the warlord who ruled nearly a third of the planet from the city of Yuuruxu, marched his troops into the mountains to occupy the villages ruled by Polpotta. Minzo and Buk, however, managed to marshal enough fighters to push Kelger’s forces out. The Itching Empire furnished Polpotta with rogues from the Ailon Nova Guard and they, along with Jaxe Minzo, assaulted the city of Yuuruxuu. After they successfully conquered the city, the Gran warlord Cinohod threw his support in with Polpotta. Cinohod ruled nearly a quarter of the planet and believed that an alliance with Polpotta would be enough to bring down Kelger. They succeeded and Polpotta absorbed all of Kelger’s holdings. Mother Nanqel D’boswa, a minor Quor'sav warlord who had controlled the small Udientarḱa Province for sixteen years joined Polpotta. Warlord Zud united human warlord Lukwee Ven Venn, Ansionian Loshnan, Orfite Jaul Berf, and Munner Tade, the human warlord of the western Kiptorla Sherva Desert. Alzot, a male Talz and the nearly brand new warlord of Embian Tӧ Village, quickly joined forces with Polpotta. Omii Lontooi, the female Rodian warlord of the Shirewooden Valley, managed to be the sole neutral party in as the conflict began.
Munner Tade and Lukwee Ven Venn combined their forces and launched a preemptive strike on Yuuruxu but they were decimated in the battle. Tade was killed and Ven Venn fled on his personal starship to the planet Capella. Zud then ordered Loshnan and Jaul Berf to attack the weakened Yuuruxu and they swarmed the city because Alzot opened the gates. Omii Lontooi came to the rescue with her army and the two attacking warlords were captured. Berf threatened Polpotta and spit on the officer presenting the prisoners so Minzo had the Orfite executed. Then Polpotta ordered Loshnan and Alzot exiled form Erayyxa. Then they launched an attack on Zud’s territory. They overran his cities and killed the Rakaan in his den.
After the war Cinohod retired to Lamaredd where he was given command of various Itching Empire operations throughout Wild Space. Thus, after only two months of fighting, Polpotta was once again the unopposed ruler of Erayyxa. It would not last, however, as Minzo defied the cautionary approach of the Itching Empire and began to persuade Polpotta to openly oppose the New Republic. A few of the old-time ECDL members, including Buk, had fought in the Rebellion and they opposed this move and began objecting to Polpotta’s restoration to power. The dictator had them taken to internment camps in a move that not even Minzo agreed with. Before he could change his leader’s mind, the New Republic invaded the planet in an effort to prevent the ECDL from being restored and used against it. Polpotta’s shaky regime was overthrown and Minzo and all of the other top officials were arrested.