Star Wars Fanon

Jawa Juice was a restaurant chain that specialized in soft drinks, juices and soups. As one of the largest chains in the galaxy, it had at least one location on nearly every inhabitable planet within the Galactic Republic and the Outer Rim. The corporation was founded on Tatooine by a pair of brothers. Later on, a Coruscanti entrepreneur named Pip Harlow purchased the corporation from the brothers, moved the headquarters from Tatooine to Corellia and facilitated the growth of the brand to Republic space.

It revolutionized the concept of the dine and dash which allowed the customer to pay and receive their order from their speeder and leave. By 0 BBY it was the second largest single-brand restaurant in the galaxy, behind only Burger Belle.

Behind the scenes[]

Jawa Juice was created by I'm the Chosen One. It was inspired by the real-world dining establishment Jamba Juice and the beverage mentioned in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Upon reading the name Jamba Juice, the author was reminded of the fictional beverage and came up with the idea to combine the two and make a fictional restaurant. The history behind the corporation was based on the background of McDonald's Corporation which is based near the hometown of the author.
