Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Jasper Fondorball was a Human male who was known as "Number Five" in the criminal organization SMERSH. He was born into slavery and got mixed up in a lot of criminal activity. SMERSH sent him out to infiltrate and take control of MI5 Headquarters in 32 BBY, but was defeated.


Early life[]

Jasper was born into slavery on Hosnian Prime in 65 BBY. By the time he was ten, the slave owners had him working in the mines. Five years later, he was sold to a different owner. When he was 18 years old, he killed his owner, stole his ship, and fled Hosnian Prime.

At some point Jasper ended up on Coruscant where he was arrested for killing a man over 25 credits. After doing his time in prison, he was released back into society. He later traveled to Nar Shadda where he got mixed up with a couple smugglers who tried to kill him. Instead, Jasper killed them. Soon after, he was recruited by SMERSH.


SMERSH had the idea to infiltrate MI5 Headquarters on Coruscant and destroy the organization from within in order to get revenge for all the trouble MI5 had caused them over the years.

Jasper was tasked with the job of infiltration. He was hired by the technical support and maintenance company Freya and he used that as cover. After being the "new guy" at Freya for a few months, he was finally part of the technical team that was sent to MI5 HQ. As the maintenance crew worked on the computers, Jasper killed them. He then used a computer spike to hack MI5's network and take over their systems.

With the building's security systems down, SMERSH's troops were free to enter. They rounded up all the personnel in the building and held them hostage in the auditorium until they received further orders from Stavro, the leader of SMERSH.

Unknown to Jasper, a handful of MI5 operatives were able to break in to the building and attack the SMERSH goons. A firefight in the auditorium left Jasper wounded.

Having been stabilized in MI5's medbay, MI5 agents Jace Bont, Shasta Moonreaper and Gruu Funkistann began interrogating him. After some convincing from the MI5 agents, and an agreement to ease the restrictions on his imprisonment, Jasper gave up the location of SMERSH's hideout: the ice planet called Rinnk.

Soon after, he was transferred to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center.

Behind the Scenes[]

Jasper Fondorball is the eponymous character of the fan fiction Fondorball. He's the one that finally revealed the location of SMERSH.

