HRH Jasmine Viprinius Auroras Morathi was born on the planet of Naboo nineteen years after the Battle of Yavin. The daughter of Ye`keb Millennium and Viprous Auroras, two Jedi Masters and members of the Jedi Council, Jasmine was destined from birth to become a member of the Jedi Order herself. However, she ultimately rejected that destiny, leaving the Order to become an artist. Almost a century later, she followed her younger half-sister Rin Sakaros into the Golden Empire and became a member of its Royal Family.
Early Years[]
Jasmine began training as soon as she could walk, learning from both of her parents. Intelligent and always eager to please her parents, Jasmine soaked in information like a sponge, and quickly learned how to control the powers that were budding within her. Since her mother was the head of a Jedi academy at the time, the girl was introduced into the Jedi life at a very young age, making friends with the younglings there, and learning a large number of things from older students. In addition to her parents, she spent considerable time with her mother's best friend, Jadian Star.
Despite such a strong Jedi influence, though, it was the things she learned elsewhere that piqued her interest the most. From a very young age, Jasmine displayed an undying love for music and art, and a talent to match. With a voice that listeners said was as sweet as milk and honey, and a mind overflowing with creativity, her true love quickly became the arts. As a child, she could draw and sculpt with photorealistic qualities, and had an eye for color that even professional artists considered stunning. By the age of ten, she was making her own robes by hand, though she would often make clothes that were not acceptable Padawan robes at all.
It was not long before Jasmine's love for the beauty in life began to make her see the downsides of the Jedi Order. She lived to see many battles and wars in her young days as a student of the Jedi Order as the Yuuzhan Vong War raged, despite being tucked safely away behind the walls of the Jedi Academy. She saw what wars did to her parents, and the stresses they went through, which put an abnormal stress on the girl compared to those around her.
In the young teen's thirteenth year, she approached her mother with a request she was feared might break both her parents' hearts. She wanted to leave the Jedi Order in favor of studying art and philosophy at a private school on Coruscant. She did not want to be a hero or a warrior. She wanted a normal life of a teenage girl. Despite his training, Viprous was furious with this revelation, and threatened to force Jasmine to stay in the Jedi Order because it was, as he saw it, her duty, though Jasmine never knew what the extent of those emotions were. Viprous and Ye`keb only argued for a short time before her mother won a the battle for her. Jasmine was a Jedi no more.
A New Life[]
Jasmine had spent her entire life around her parents, and while one or the other was often gone for meetings with the Jedi Council or different missions, the pair had always been there for her. Leaving for a boarding school that was not even on the same planet as her old home was more than a little intimidating for the girl, as it would be for any child. Despite her fears and lingering homesickness, she vowed to remain patient and strong, and refused to give up and return home. In fact, for an entire year, she refused to return home for breaks or holidays, forcing herself to integrate fully into her new home.
School was the best decision she had ever made. She flourished in classes in a way she never had at the Jedi Academy, learning everything from math and science to arts and music. The girl never wanted to stop learning. Always the social butterfly, Jasmine made friends by the dozens at school. Her classmates almost universally felt she had a dazzling personality and infectious smile which made it nearly impossible not to fall head over heels whenever a person spoke to her. Despite her popularity, she retained a humble, kind disposition.
Jasmine, in fact, loved school so much that she often found herself having to be reminded to go home for breaks during the year. Not that she didn't miss her family, but the years went by so fast that she quite often lost track of all time.
It was during one of these breaks during her sixteenth year that her mother broke news to her that she would never forget. Due to an affair with a Sith Lord named Tak Sakaros, her mother was now pregnant with her little sister. The girl found herself emotionally torn. So ashamed of what her mother had done to her father, and whom she had done it with, she found herself withdrawing from her parents. This was only amplified when Tak Sakaros killed her father after being challenged to a duel. Heartbroken, Jasmine returned to school, where she remained even during and after her sister's birth.
In the following years, Ye`keb fled into hiding with Jade Star as Tak went to war with fellow Sith Lord Gav Daragon, and Jasmine did not return home very often, opting to get an apartment on Coruscant rather than come home when school was no longer in session. Graduation came, and Jasmine was honored at the top of her class, and was given a full scholarship to a university on Coruscant, which she gratefully took. With a full course load of classes, she worked diligently, more than thankful that her Qua physiology made it possible for her to work long hours without rest. This was extremely helpful, since the woman began doing commissioned artwork for extra money during what little free time she had.
It was this part-time hobby, however, that soon took on a life of its own and became a full-time passion. A director of a local museum found Jasmine's small HoloNet store with all of the commissioned art she had done over the years, and fell completely in love with the works. He commissioned her for what turned out to be the largest piece she had ever done: a natural fiber canvas that didn't even fit in her small apartment. In order to work on it, she had to actually set up a makeshift studio in the museum's spacious storage chambers. Time went by, she went to classes, did her work, and painted the gigantic painting for what felt like an eternity. She finally finished, though, and just as promised, the curator paid her far more graciously than she ever would have thought he would. Little did she know that her painting was meant to be the main display of an art show in one of the largest art galleries on Coruscant.
After that, Jasmine's popularity took off in the artistic community. Wealthy dealers from all over Coruscant wanted Jasmine's work, and it didn't take her long to sell all of her original works, allowing her to quickly off all debts she worked up while going to school.
All Grown Up[]
After graduating from university, the young woman took to painting full time, being commissioned by art lovers from all over the system. News spread within the artistic community, and so did her popularity. Before long, she was being commissioned by wealthy socialites from all through the Core worlds, then the Mid Rim. She began traveling to find unique paints and resources to use in her art, the rarity of which often made a single painting worth its weight in gold. The fact that she often took the time to make everything from the canvas to the paints, to the frame itself by hand appealed to the more eccentric of art dealers, who paid her well.
Shortly after her graduation, Jasmine reconnected with her mother and her now-six-year-old half-sister, Rin Sakaros. Jasmine remained unhappy with Ye`keb, refused to have anything to do with Tak (who shortly after became Senator of Naboo), and had an awkward, uncomfortable relationship with Rin. Rin adored Jasmine, but to Jasmine Rin was a living reminder of her mother's infidelity and her father's death. Jasmine's naturally caring personality eventually got the better of her, and she played with Rin when they were together, but her visits were infrequent given Jasmine's new and consistent travel.
During one such trip to the Outer Rim in search of new resources for more unique colors of paint, she met a young human male named Kelan Morathi. He wasn't like the others she had grown so used to seeing: socialites and aristocrats. The man was a hard worker, and while his father was quite wealthy, Kelan was not seeing a penny of it. Not until he earned his own keep, anyway. At first, Jasmine was drawn to him as a friend, his sense of humor and positive outlook making the woman more content than she had been in a long time. It wasn't until she was twenty-five years old that he proposed they be more than friends, and another five years before he proposed marriage to the woman.
For the first time in a long time, Jasmine was content with everything in her life. They had a small wedding on Naboo, where her family gathered for the first time in a long time. It was the first time she had seen her little sister for any extended period of time since Rin was a young child as well. Now fourteen years old, her crimson little sister was just as lovely as she had ever seen, and growing even more so as she aged.
Jasmine spent the next few years with her husband, who traveled around with her and happily watched her paint while he took any odd jobs he could on the planets they landed on, until Jasmine discovered that she was pregnant with her first child. Elated, the pair decided to buy a home in the Core Worlds. They settled on a small property on Chandrila, where they could raise a family in peace.
That peace and comfort did not last all that long. Three months into the abnormally long pregnancy the Qua-Sith hybrid would have to endure, a massive disturbance in the Force racked the woman's mind, body, and soul. Her mother was dead, and her death cries in the Force were strong enough to send her tumbling down a flight of stairs in her home. Jasmine survived with a few minor injuries, but her unborn child did not.
Heartbroken on too many levels to fathom, Jasmine secluded herself from her paintings for a long time. She refused to travel, refused to see any visitors or well-wishers. She simply existed. Her worried husband did all he could to comfort his wife despite his own grief, which was not much more than simply being there with her.
A year passed, and although their pain had not faded, the pair stubbornly decided to move on with their lives. Slowly, Jasmine began to paint again, though she did not travel like she used to. Instead, she took commissions from HoloNet requests, and shipped the works to their destination rather than delivering them in person. Works from Jasmine were rare from this time in her life, and carried a distinctly somber look to them. In later years, they often sold for three times the price of her other works.
At the age of forty-four, Jasmine learned that she was pregnant again, and after such an emotionally crushing few years, this was exactly the shining star that both the new parents needed. In fact, over the following ten years, Jasmine gave birth to five beautiful little girls: Rhia, Katie, Thalia, Iluna, and Aerwen. Jasmine named her second daughter after the nickname Tak Sakaros had given Rin (whose full name was "Katherine").
Jasmine saw Rin herself in 68 ABY. The reunion was awkward for both; Rin would not explain what she was doing on Chandrila, but confirmed she had left Coruscant and her father three years prior, and that it was Tak who had killed Ye`keb in an attempt to drive Rin deeper into the dark side and make her stronger. Nauseated that the same being had killed both of her parents, Jasmine left her sister on unpleasant terms, but her later decision to name her daughter Katie was a sort of solitary reconciliation with her absent sister, whom she would not see again for nearly six decades.
Growing Family[]
Jasmine and Kelan remained on Chandrila, raising their daughters while Jasmine continued her artwork. Her daughters grew up and built families of their own in time; most married Chandrilan Humans, but Katie married Sor`yn Turgachia, a Qua expatriate who had fled the enslavement of Quadia. Most of them had children as well, swelling the family; all remained on Chandrila and lived in close proximity to one another. Jasmine did not discuss her past as a Jedi with her children, though she could sense that several of them and their own children were strong in the Force.
In the 80s ABY, Kelan died. After his death, Jasmine began to travel more often, taking her paintings on the hyperlanes to shows throughout the galaxy. She traveled less after the eruption of the Sith-Imperial War in 127 ABY but, after the dust had cleared and the One Sith taken over, she defied her daughters' fears and resumed travel amongst more outlying systems, including the Imperial Remnant.
Travel Companion[]
Jasmine was close to all of her grandchildren, but perhaps closest with Rayne, Katie and Sor`yn's eldest daughter; they grew particularly close after Sor`yn died from the Sickness. When she was in her early teens, Rayne began to travel with her grandmother, seeing the galaxy and learning about its cultures. A bit more practical than Jasmine, she also worked to guide her grandmother away from dangerous situations. Jasmine could sense that Rayne was Force-sensitive, but did not give Rayne any coaching in the Force.
In 144 ABY, Rayne and Jasmine visited Nar Shaddaa. There Jasmine sensed Rin's presence for the first time in decades, and spoke her name in surprise. Following a hunch, Rayne went to Ara Merquise's Fortress and met Rin, who was present visiting her allies in the Merquise Syndicate. Rayne and Jasmine later argued about Jasmine keeping the truth to herself. Only months later, Rayne disappeared on a solo trip. Katie was distraught, and her daughters Sovi and Taia beside themselves, but Jasmine was calmer, if a bit begrudging; she suspected Rin had a hand in Rayne's disappearance.
Rayne returned to Chandrila at the end of 145 ABY, but she was not alone. She had brought along the Qua Centurion Te`net Organi and the startling news that she had been a guest of Rin's Golden Empire, where she planned to move. Rayne sought to persuade her family to move with her, and while Jasmine was initially averse to the idea, knowing the carnage and violence that surrounded her sister, she finally agreed. She was a bit short with Te`net, sensing the connection between him and Rayne and a little exasperated by the extreme loyalty to Rin she sensed in him, and thereafter Te`net remained wary of her.
Jasmine, Katie, and all three of Katie's daughters moved to the Empire, leaving the rest of the family on Chandrila. After a brief, somewhat awkward reunion, Rin gave her sister an estate on artistic Tyras, as well as a contingent of Massassi Guards and the title "Princess". Jasmine was not particularly concerned with formalities and titles, and vexed Rin often by ignoring both diplomatic and security protocols. The Massassi began to dread assignment to her Guard, both because she seemed oblivious to the perils around her and because she treated them with a kind familiarity that gave the Massassi—who viewed Rin as a god and her siblings as something akin to demigods—great unease.
Jasmine continued to paint on Tyras and occasionally sold her work. She rarely appeared at Royal functions, though in 153 ABY she attended Jira Zaffrod's concert at the Samayus Palace of Opera. She visited Rayne aboard the Sith Star from time to time, often chiding Rin for taking her work too seriously and not devoting enough time to self-care. Jasmine was present when Rayne was commissioned a Centurion in 156 ABY.
Jasmine attended the funeral of Eskol Kaartinen at the end of 157 ABY. The next year, she gave Rin a painting of Rin and Jira, having sensed the mother-daughter bond between the two. Jasmine was supportive of her granddaughter Taia when she expressed interest in serving the Empire as a goodwill ambassador; like Rayne, Taia was strong in the Force, but unlike Rayne, Taia was strongly pacifistic and unsuited to the rigors of combat. Jasmine made her first appearance at a Consular Assembly in 160 ABY to see Taia crowned a mirzaya.
Powers and Abilities[]
The daughter of two Jedi Masters, Jasmine possessed a strong natural connection to the Force—according to Te`net Organi, while Jasmine's raw power was not equal to her sister Rin's, had she mastered her gifts she would have been more powerful than Tariun Sakaros, and possibly more than Te`net himself. However, Jasmine renounced the use of the Force after leaving the Jedi Academy as a teen, and her skills largely atrophied. She was still capable of using rudimentary telekinesis and projecting simple, artistic illusions. Rin theorized that, if truly pushed, her sister might still be a dangerous adversary.
On the other hand, Jasmine honed her artistic skills to a level of mastery acclaimed by critics throughout the known galaxy. Paint was her preferred medium, although she dabbled in others. Her works consistently sold for thousands of credits, and Rin had more than one of Jasmine's works in her private art gallery aboard the Sith Star.
Appearance and Personality[]
Unlike her half-sister Rin, Jasmine strongly favored their mother's genes; she possessed Ye`keb's auburn hair and fair skin. She also had Ye`keb's green eyes, though they lacked the silver streaks Ye`keb's had. Jasmine had a slender, almost willowy build, and stood 1.60 meters (5'3") tall. Despite her thin appearance, her Sith heritage gave her more physical toughness than a full Qua, roughly equivalent to a normal Human. Jasmine enjoyed dressed in bright colors, but normally wore simple, often homemade clothing.
Despite her Force gifts, Jasmine loathed violence; she preferred peace and light to begin with, but her feelings were greatly amplified after Tak Sakaros killed her father Viprous in a duel. Unwilling to take up arms as a Jedi, she left the Order to pursue an artistic career. In later years she continued to go unarmed, even in the most dangerous parts of the galaxy, but those who knew her best suspected that, while she might be unarmed, that was not the same as being defenseless.
Jasmine treasured her family, particularly after the grief of having lost her parents relatively early in her long life. She was very protective of them for many of the same reasons, and took the death of both her husband Kelan and her son-in-law Sor`yn very hard. She was supportive of her daughters and grandchildren, but also willing to be stern with them when the need arose.
Jasmine often struggled with her relationship with her only sibling. Rin's life was surrounded by the violence and fear that Jasmine so despised, and that Rin was the product of her mother's adultery did not help matters. Jasmine also had no interest in the politics of the Golden Empire, and was a bit wearied by the constant ceremony and mystique surrounding Rin and her royal court. Despite this, Jasmine tried to be close to Rin, whom she did genuinely love. Their relationship was strained anew when Rayne became a Centurion, taking on all the risks of injury and death from which Jasmine had tried to protect her.