Maybe my life has no purpose, when millions of years from now, the Jedi may not even be a memory. But I least I lived a life. At least I knew what it was like to live a life, and to lead a good life also.
—Jarn talking to Vidril on Tython.
Jarn Walon was a Miraluka man and a Shadow of the Jedi Order during the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Old Republic. A powerful lightsaber duelist and practioner of the Force, Jarn posessed the rare power of invisibility through the Force, and so instead of becoming a Jedi Knight, was made a Jedi Shadow, a rare rank of the Order who were tasked with achieving covert missions that other Jedi could not. However, Jarn seemed to spend a lot of his time also on Tython, the home of the Jedi, where he would often journey the planet searching for knowledge regarding the ancient lore of the Je'daii, the first Force users.
Early life[]
Born in 15 BTC (3667 BBY) on the Miraluka homeworld of Alpheridies, Jarn was like the rest of Miralukans blind, posessing nothing but eye sockets, though being able to see using the Force. Due to this, Jarn was strong in the Force from an early age, posessing more power as a child than some did as Jedi Knights. Taught by Cathar Jedi Master Namex, Jarn became devoted to the Order, loving nothing more than to meditate on the Force.
Jarn made a few friends in the Temple, though not many, as his time alone in the Temple either looking at lore in the library or meditating meant he rarely socialized with other Younglings. However, Jarn was well-respected by the Jedi Masters and teachers for his devotion to the light side and his willingness to learn new things from his teachers.
End of the War[]
Since Jarn was three, the Republic had been at war with the Sith Empire. When Jarn was fourteen, he was meditating when Coruscant was suddenly and brutally attacked by Imperial warships. The Temple was attacked by Sith warriors, and soon the Temple was overrun. Jarn followed three other students, two Twi'lek sisters and a rather tall boy through the Temple, before arriving in the auxiliary hangar. Rushed onto a smuggler's disguised shuttle by Master Namex and his Padawan, the smugglers and Jedi then left for Kurano Station, a hidden space station in the Deep Core. Jarn introduced himself to the boy, who was called Vidril Vesal. The two agreed to stick together, wherever they went.
Arriving at Kurano Station to meet other Jedi refugees from Coruscant, of which there seemed a fair few. After Vidril spoke with Grand Master Zym on the future of the Order, the Kel Dor Master learnt that on Alderaan, negotiations were still going on between Republic and Imperial delegates, hoping to end the war. Jarn told Vidril that no matter what happened, the Order would live on, which Vidril replied to with some rather blunt pessimism.
Zym later gathered the Jedi together, informing them that a Treaty had been signed on Alderaan, ending the war and making the Sith leave Coruscant. However, the Sith had gained dozens of sectors in the Outer Rim and the Jedi Temple had collapsed, meaning the Order would have to find a new home. Jarn realized that the Empire could have destroyed the Republic, yet chose not to, an act that would confuse him for years.
Life on Tython[]
Two years later, when Jarn was sixteen, the planet Tython was discovered by the Jedi. Tython was where Jedi and Sith first began, and thus was the birthplace of the Jedi Order. Jarn became fascinated by the planet and the amount of Force energy coming from it, which (due to him being a Miraluka) he could sense and feel.
In addition to this, Jarn became a gatherer of lore on the planet, often volunteering to venture out and find out more secrets of the planet the Order could use. Jarn was chosen by Master Gnost Dural, the main archivist of the Order, as a Padawan, and Jarn soon became vital in filling the archives with knowledge. However, that would not be his main task as a Jedi.
Jedi Shadow[]
During a meditation session with Master Dural, Jarn suddenly vanished. However, before Dural panicked, Jarn started speaking to Dural. Dural realized that Jarn was still there, being able to sense him through meditation, yet he could not touch him or see him. It appeared that Jarn posessed an ability few Jedi did: Force blending, in which he was able to apparently vanish, turning invisible.
Due to this power, Jarn never became a Jedi Knight, but instead became a Jedi Shadow, a member of the Jedi Consulars who had the ability of Force blending. Receiving enhanced training with a double-bladed lightsaber and to harness his power, Jarn soon became one of the most powerful members of the Order, even when he was barely out of his days as a Padawan.
Serving the Jedi[]
Despite his role, Jarn's first task after becoming a Shadow was not actually to use his abilities, but to act as an ambassador to the Order in the Senate. Remaining in Coruscant for nearly a year, Jarn became a major representative for the Jedi in the Senate, and spoke at many congressions of Senate, becoming known across Coruscant for his optimistic, diplomatic solutions to issues.
Luckily for Jarn (who disliked the Senate for it's agression), he did not stay longer than a year, leaving when he was almost twenty-one. Returning to Tython, Jarn spent some time on the planet, searching for more relics and using his abilities to protect the planet, most famously when he was twenty-two.
Protecting Tython[]
An Imperial strike team, while doing recon near the Core, found Tython. However, they made the mistake of not contacting Imperial command, and tried to scout the planet itself. Jarn, seeing that one was about to shoot Master Dural as he wandered the wilderness, was able to ambush the sniper, saving Dural's life, who heard a shot but didn't know where from.
The Imperials then appeared, surrounding Jarn and forcing him to flee further from the Temple. However, Jarn used Force blending, before knocking out all of the strike team and handing them into Republic custody. Not only were Republic officials grateful for their new prisoners, but Jarn was also praised by the Council, not only for saving Dural's life, but also for making sure the Empire never found out about Tython.
An optimist to the highest level, Jarn believed that good could prevail in any situation. Even after the Sacking of Coruscant, Jarn thought that the Jedi could return to their former glory, a thought that came true when the Sith Order eventually crumbled in the New Sith Wars thousands of years later. While this attitude was welcomed by the Jedi Council, who saw him as the definition of a Jedi, many in the Senate saw him as delusional, and even Vidril, his closest friend, thought him to be extreme in his optimism at times, with Vidril having a cynical, realist attitude.
Jarn posessed a love for lore, which drove him to explore Tython and uncover secrets for the Order to research. His adoration of knowledge was also what drove Gnost Dural to take Jarn as a Padawan, though Jarn did love one thing more than lore, that being the Order. A devout Jedi and a strong, capable user of the Force, it was more than common for a person to find Jarn meditating, whether it was a Jedi in the Temple or a Senate worker on Coruscant.
Physical characteristics[]
Jarn was quite tall and slim, with normal-looking shoulders and a very thin build. Jarn always wore a mask over the top of his head, like other Miraluka, his band being one of simple but clean brown cloth. He had raven-black hair and fair skin, and had no facial hair. Jarn, unlike some Miraluka, had no foreign-sounding accent, instead posessing a noble-sounding, well-spoken voice accustomed to most Jedi.
Jarn wore a rather unique robe. He had a yellow vestment, with a dark brown robe covering it and two bands of brown cloth and silver running down his torso. He had a large hood, which he almost always had up (for reasons no one quite knows) and wore brown and grey fingerless gloves. Jarn wielded a double-bladed lightsaber with a blue crystal, with which he was very skilled, being able to attack quickly and silently.
Powers and abilities[]
Force abilities[]
Jarn was possibly one of the most powerful Force-users of his generation. Possessing more power as a Padawan than most Jedi Masters, Jarn nonetheless comitted to passive Jedi roles, including as a diplomat on Coruscant and as an archivist and explorer on Tython. However, Jarn truly showed his power when the time called for it, such as when he launched a large pillar into the beast known as the Forge Guardian during an expedition as a Padawan with Vidril on Tython, knocking the humongous beast to the ground with a single attack.
Jarn's most famous ability was most certainly his ability to turn invisible. By chanelling his Force energy for a few seconds, Jarn could literally vanish from sight, hiding him from view and muting many actions such as walking. If he managed to channel more energy, he could even stop himself from being sensed by other Force-sensitives, a trick both Jedi and Sith used to hunt each their enemies. Jarn's invisibility first appeared when he was a Padawan after reading ancient runes left by the Jedi ancestors, the Je'daii, on Tython, not knowing that the runes held power. After receiving the ability, Jarn's Master, the Chief Archivist Gnost-Dural, named Jarn as the first Jedi Shadow of the Order in hundreds of years.
Jarn also possessed another rare ability: Force empathy. Force empathy allowed a person to sense someone else's feelings, detect if they are telling a lie or the truth, or even being able to predict a person's thoughts before they were even conceived. Jarn theorized that he developed this ability due to being a Miraluka, as Miralukas were blind, and so had to use the Force to map themselves around areas, notice visible actions, among other things.
Combat and practical skills[]
While Jarn had great potency with the Force, he was also skilled in using a lightsaber, particularly a double-bladed lightsaber which he crafted himself. In the few times in which he did fight, Jarn often combined his skill with a lightsaber with his many Force abilities, making him a strong and often unpredictable opponent. Jarn also used his agile nature in combat, often using evasive tactics to confuse or avoid an enemy, constantly thinking of his next attacks while he was fighting.
Jarn was also a very skilled hiker and climber due to his time as a Padawan exploring Tython. Due to his status as a Miraluka, Jarn often used the Force to map out paths up cliff faces or through tricky terrain, and rarely found a bad footing despite his blindness.
Other skills[]
Jarn was famed on Coruscant as a highly skilled diplomat and debater. Following his tenure as a Padawan, Grand Master Satele Shan sent Jarn to Coruscant as the Order's diplomatic ambassador to the Galactic Senate, as the Council saw the Miraluka's peaceful but determined personality. During his two-to-three years on Coruscant, Jarn became popular throughout the Senate as a stern and often passionate speaker, gaining support from those in the Senate who wished to avoid another war with the Sith, all while gaining contempt from those who more favoured war.
Jedi have no place in the Senate!
"But freedom of speech does, and I will express mine!
—a Senator and Jarn arguing in the Republic Senate.
You made a friend? How did you make a friend? You're you!"
—Jarn reacting to meeting Salovan, Vidril's half-brother, for the first time.
The Jedi will never die, and I would do all I could to preserve the Order.
"Just promise me you won't go too far."
"That's what I should tell you.
—Jarn and Vidril talking about Jarn's devotion to the Order and Vidril's extreme attitude.
I think Master Dural is getting annoyed that I keep accomplishing my tasks without any problems. I guess he needs to shout at me about something, he just doesn't know what exactly.
—Jarn, commenting on his exceptional record as Gnost-Dural's Padawan.