During the raids of Jizen, I found something quite interesting about the native species, Jarg as they call themselves. They have starships, modern-like weapons, and even a primitive knowledge of the Dark side.
—Darth Marr after the Battle of Jizen
The Jarg was a Reptilian Jizenal species from the planet Jizen. While they seemed primitive to most outsiders, they had a very sofisticated, yet xenophobic, culture. While they were later conqured and enslaved by the One Sith Empire, they were also by far the hardest species to control.
Biology and appearance[]

Jargs were often mistaken for Trandoshans (seen above)and Barabels.
The Jargs were reptile-like sentients with dark green skin (unless they have merged with the dark side, in which case they'd be red skined). They walked on their hine legs, and unlike other reptilian sentients, they had no tail. Being native to Jizen, they were called Jizenals along with other species native to Jizen. Nearly all Jargs were Force-sensitive and those that weren't were often workers, though they weren't slaves as some other Jizenals species thought.
Society and culture[]
Time to kill the human dogs!
—Rebel slave leader Jial
Jargs were a highly xenophobic species. In fact before the Sith arival, they killed off all the other sentient species in the Jizenal Wars. Like the Sith, they beleved war made one stronger and only the strongest could rule. Their language was spelled a lot like Aurebesh even thought it was said much differently, which may have been why Darth Marr knew they called themselves Jargs. This was because of brief contact with the Rakata before repeling them from their world.
They, like the other native species on Jizen, were able build starship, though they were not able to go through Hyperspace. This led the Jizenal Wars to go to other worlds, as each species created bases there.
At first, older Jargs were killed off because of weakness though old age. However a Jarg known as Kizel studyed the dark side after his near death and took back his leadership through The Force. This led to the creation of the Priest class, a class of elder Jarg that studyed and taught the ways of the dark side, and led the Jarg society.