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New Republic eraNew Jedi Order era

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Janna0, who renamed herself Janna Limburg, was the only female clone to be created in Project Jedimca0. Created by Iaku Caloi, who was often referred to as Jedimca0, the donor of the DNA she was cloned from wasn't revealed. Begging to be released from Caloi, she was eventually freed when Hiram Drayson of the New Republic put an end to the Project and arrested Caloi. Janna0 was then, at fourteen years of age, sent to live with an adoptive family. Eventually, at twenty-one years of age, she left to became a bounty hunter, as Jedimca9 did. She died aged eighty-three, married and with children.


Early life[]

"Born" in 11 ABY, Janna0 was created as a part of the cloning project Project Jedimca0, conceived by Iaku "Jedimca0" Caloi. The template from whom Janna0 was cloned from was never disclosed, however it was evidently different from the other clones, who were cloned from Iaku Caloi, due to the fact that Janna0 was female. "Born" on Kushibah, much of Janna's early life was spent living within a laboratory, with tests performed on her and about her, whilst she had to complete certain exercise procedures. Different from the other clones in both gender and personality, many suspected that Janna0 was cloned from the sole female scientist in the team, Lindu Mansya. Caloi, however, refused, even in jail, to disclose the template, and no concrete evidence was found to prove what later became known as the "Mansya theory". Whereas the previous batches of clones in the project had been grown and raised in groups of three, Janna was raised alone and singularly, after the last batch broke free and killed all of the team except for Caloi and Mansya, Caloi killing Mansya himself. Given very little recreational time, specialists would later say that events which occurred later in Janna's life were almost definitely due to a repressed childhood, Janna being only allowed to go and 'play' outside in a small enclosure sporadically, and under close supervision. For the remainder of the time, Janna was kept in the laboratory, in what was consider little better than a cell for accommodation.

Augmented by various chemicals and substances and receiving state of the art military standard weapons training, which Iaku Caloi had stolen from the New Republic upon first starting the project, Janna0's "childhood" was considered vastly different from those of most children in the galaxy. At five years of age, Janna0 began questioning her surroundings and confinements, and official diary entries by Caloi record Janna0 as having begged to be allowed to keep a small animal as a pet, one she'd seen from the enclosure within the compound. Caloi, deciding this might be detrimental to the military side, as he wanted to replicate her again and again to make an army, refused, on the basis that it could make her psychologically weak. From the age of seven Janna0 was recorded as having been seen attempting to concoct plans which would allow her to escape from the compound. Although Caloi was aware of such plans, he did little to stop them and, indeed, cultivated them. Caloi felt this would breed resourcefulness in the young clone, however he made sure to make sure that none of Janna's plans ever came close to fruition, and that she never escaped. As Janna began to grow older, her plans grew more and more, increasing in number and quality. Caloi, anxious that this would detract her from developing into what would become a strong young soldier, eventually prohibited any more plans being concocted by Janna, threatening her with torture if she refused to comply.

Instead of halting all such plans, to avoid torture, Janna0 instead worked on making them less obvious to Caloi. As Janna0 went on without having made any more escape plans, Caloi assumed she'd taken heed of his warning, and had chosen not to make any more plans. Janna0 had, however, worked on building together a modification of the weapons she used in practice and, at thirteen years of age, launched what was considered, by Caloi, to be her most audacious plan of escape yet. Knowing she wouldn't be able to escape the compound with Caloi alive, Janna broke out of her cell during the night, when Caloi was asleep, and made her way towards his private quarters in silence, after cutting off the main power to remove all lights and alarms, turning off the backup power whilst she did so. Making her way to Caloi's quarters, out of a desire for revenge as well, Janna didn't know of the fact that Caloi had a number of alarms which didn't rely on the power systems she'd turned off, or ran on a separate, private power conduit of Caloi's. Caloi, alerted to the fact that Janna0 was approaching his quarters, entered the override code to access the suspended backup power, turning it back on before turning the main power back on from there. He then proceeded to shut off the corridor Janna0 was in, and trap her. Having starved her of both food and water for a couple of days, Caloi approached, however Janna0 managed to loose off a shot and hit Caloi in the thigh before he could restrain her.

Rescue and adoption[]

Caloi, although angry at the attempt on his life and at the fact he would walk with a limp for the rest of his life, was more concerned with the fact that he hadn't been able to see her plan until it was too late. Although he attempted to look on the positive side, that Janna0 was a resourceful young clone who might provide a good template for an entire army late on, this still scared him. For this attempt, Janna0 underwent a course of both physical and psychological torture, carefully planned so as to cause the maximum amount of pain without causing any long lasting damage that would be a problem later on. However, when Warshack Rojo, officer of the New Republic and commander of the New Republic battleship Rejuvenator travelled to investigate a reported incident around Helska IV, the ship put down for supplies on Kushibah, and the locals reported Caloi's laboratory to Rojo. Rojo, before setting off, sent a transmission back to the New Republic, alerting them to the accusations against Caloi. Hiram Drayson, Admiral of the New Republic, arrived with another battleship, having been in the system at the time of the transmission. Drayson and his men quickly shut down the laboratory, arresting Caloi and liberating Janna0 from what they deemed to be a prison of squalid and cruel conditions. At around fourteen years of age, Janna0 watched the prison she'd lived in for the entirety of her life so far destroyed, and her tormentor arrested by the New Republic.

Taken to Coruscant, the capital of the New Republic, Janna0 was, at first, tested upon by the scientists of the New Republic, leading her to believe that she was merely being transported to a more high class laboratory. Unaware of who the New Republic were, due to her lack of education, Janna0 was skeptical at first after having her new circumstances explained to her. Being offered the chance of adoption into a family who were unable to have children of their own, Janna0 accepted it in the hope that this would turn out to be a realistic offer, rather than a cruel taunt. Accepting, Janna was integrated into the Limburg family, choosing to take on the name "Janna Limburg" over "Janna0", as she felt the clone name held bad memories for her. At the age of fourteen, Janna began to receive education regarding the galaxy as a whole, being considered highly receptive to information and being consider highly intelligent by her tutors, which they attributed to her augmentation with various procedures and chemicals under Caloi. Despite this, however, Janna began to realise that a great deal of jobs in the galaxy whole wouldn't be possible for her to go into, due to the fact that her education had started much later than many other children on Coruscant. Being very skilled in the use of vehicles and weapons as she was, Janna focused her attentions on becoming a X-wing pilot, something she received a great deal of support regarding from her adoptive parents.

At the age of twenty, shortly after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War. After the collapse of the New Republic, the Galactic Alliance were who Janna turned to. Janna's ability with ships and at piloting allowed her to successfully apply to become a member of the New Republic's X-wing squadrons, Janna being assigned to Corsair Squadron. Completing a number of training exercises, Janna wouldn't first see real combat until 35 ABY, and the outbreak of the Dark Nest Crisis. When the Chiss sent a message to the Galactic Alliance accusing the Jedi Order of interfering with their internal affairs with the Killiks. As tensions escalated, the war eventually progressed to the capture of the Star Destroyer Admiral Ackbar. After, eventually, the Galactic Alliance declared war against the Killik colonies, triggering the Swarm War, Janna0 began to see combat. Under the lead of Nek Bwua'tu, the Bothan officer, Corsair Squadron were just one squadron who participated in the Blockade of the Utegetu Nebula. With the battle occurring to prevent the Killiks from expanding further into Chiss space, the Killiks fought back in kind. Attempting to prevent the Dark Nest escaping, Janna0 was injured during the battle, meaning she missed the Battle of Tusken's Eye, as Corsair Squadron were shortly pulled out from participating in the blockade.


With Corsair Squadron being involved with the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet, the next battle Janna Limburg flew in, after her injury and subsequent healing on Coruscant, was the Battle of Sarm. After Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker hunted down Nightsister and Gorog Queen Lomi Plo to Sarm, the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet, including Corsair Squadron, engaged the eleven Nest ships and Gorog, in an attempt to allow Skywalker to capture Lomi Plo. Although the battle was a victory for the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet, Lomi Plo escaped to Tenupe. Following to Tenupe, Janna0 and Corsair Squadron participated in what was to be the final battle of the Swarm War, the Battle of Tenupe. After the Chiss invasion of the Killik world of Tenupe, the Killiks counter-attacked and a battle escalated into occurrence, with Joiners participating also. After Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon brought a Galactic Alliance task force into the battle, Corsair Squadron included, the battle began for Janna. The original aim being to force the Killiks back and aid the Chiss in their aim of destroying the Killiks, this changed after Luke Skywalker persuaded Pellaeon to seek only recapturing the Admiral Ackbar. Successful in this, Corsair Squadron aiding in the fight against the enemy forces, the battle ended after Lomi Plo's death, the war ending also, both for Janna and for the Galactic Alliance as a whole.

The war for Janna, however, had caused her to lose faith in the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi. Janna, having fought against the Killiks on numerous occasions for the Galactic Alliance, had wanted to see the Chiss super weapon deployed in the battle of Tenupe, thereby destroying the entirety of the Killiks. Luke Skywalker, however, had talked Pellaeon out of supporting such a thing, making her lose faith in the Jedi for proposing it, and in the Galactic Alliance and Pellaeon for agreeing to it. Handing in her resignation with immediate effect in 36 ABY, immediately after the Battle of Tenupe, twenty-five year old Janna Limburg left the Galactic Alliance to pursue a new life, breaking off all contact with her adoptive family at the same time. Informing her adoptive family of her decision, she proceeded to tell them that she would be pursuing a life as a bounty hunter amongst the Chiss Ascendancy, who she admired for their willingness to use the super weapon and their reluctance to be stopped by the Galactic Alliance. Upon leaving for Chiss space, however, Janna0 discovered the Chiss Ascendancy to be incredibly isolationist and xenephobic, spurning her advances and wish to work for them due to the fact that she was a human. Angered by this, Janna maintained her wish to become a bounty hunter for the Ascendancy, and so began working on plans to infiltrate it.

Eventually settling upon the idea of disguising herself as a Chiss, Janna proceeded to die her skin and hair, as well as slightly modifying her features, so that she would appear as if she were a Chiss. Working on a number of contracts for the Chiss, Janna was eventually approached by a young human man called Nimda Gump, who had seen through her disguise due to the fact that he was a former Jedi Master, now an estranged member of the Order. Master Gump offered to aid Janna in her missions, for reasons he refused to disclose, and, unwilling to lose the option of having a Jedi as an ally, Janna agreed. Working together for a number of years, the two eventually fell in love, and Janna agreed to leave the Chiss Ascendancy in order to return to Coruscant and to marry Nimda. By this time, however, tensions in the galaxy were fraying with what would become the Five Worlds questioning the Galactic Alliance in the build up to what would soon become the Second Galactic Civil War. In 40 ABY, shortly before the outbreak of the Second Galactic Civil War, Janna's first child was born. Naming him Nuruodo, after the Chiss Nuruodo Family, of whom Janna was a great admirer, the young Nuruodo Gump was born upon Thyferra, whilst Janna was waiting for the birth between accepting various bounty hunting contracts.

Second Galactic Civil War[]

Janna0, by this time still being heavily critical of the Galactic Alliance, chose to side with the Five Worlds during the second Galactic Civil War, both for their ideals and for their opposition to the Galactic Alliance. Gump, no longer considering himself to be affiliated with the Jedi, agreed and sided with the Five Worlds based solely on their political ideals, rather than their opposition to the Galactic Alliance. With Nuruodo Gump being taken by his father to Thule, to be placed in the care of Gump's parents, Janna first saw combat in the second Galactic Civil War in the Battle of Tralus. Piloting a Corellian YT-5100 Shriek-class bomber and under the command of Corellian Admirals starwars:Vara Karathas and Wedge Antilles, former leader of Rogue Squadron, Janna engaged the Galactic Alliance forces above Tralus with the rest of the Five Worlds forces involved in the attack. After the assassination of Five Worlds Prime Minister Aidel Saxan on Toryaz Station, the Five Worlds forces were eager for conflict. After the battle started and the forces engaged, the destruction of the Rendilir facility caused the civilians of Tralus to turn on the Galactic Alliance, the combined force of the Five Worlds forces and the Tralus civilians driving the Galactic Alliance forces away to allow victory for the Five Worlds. After the Five Worlds developed into the Confederation, Janna continued her loyalty still.

Upon Gump's return to Janna, having left Nuruodo with his parents on Thule, Janna informed him that she was pregnant with their second child, however would continue fighting for the Confederation until she had to stop. Gump, worried about this, tried to persuade Janna to take a different course and not to endanger the life of their child, but Janna was adamant. Out of love, the two decided that Janna would continue to fight, and so Janna and Gump both participated in the Gilatter VIII, flying TIE series fighters against the Galactic Alliance forces. After the planned Confederation assault failed, the battle resorted to little more than an all out brawl, with Gump coming close to being shot down however managing to avoid the blast at the last moment. Despite the Confederation claiming complete victory over the Galactic Alliance, the battle ended in a draw, with the Galactic Alliance also claiming victory over the Confederation. After the death of Jedi Master Mara Jade Skywalker, this was seen as a victory for the Confederacy, albeit the Sith master Lumiya not being affiliated with the Confederation. Flying a YT-5100 Shriek-class bomber once more, in the Battle of Balmorra, during the Confederation's push towards the core. The victory over Balmorra allowed the Confederation to push onwards towards the core. Due to her pregnancy, Janna wasn't fit enough to participate in the Battle of Kuat against the Galactic Aliance Fifth Fleet, of whom she'd previously been a member.

The next battle Janna was well enough to participate in, alongside Gump who'd also participated in the Battle of Kuat, was the Battle of Kashyyyk, where the New Jedi Order and the Wookiees also gave support to the Confederation. With the battle being almost solely about Luke Skywalker fighting his nephew who'd turned to the Sith, Darth Caedus, the Alliance achieved it's aims, however the Confederation still achieved it's victory. Gump, severely injured in the battle, crash landed upon the surface of Kashyyyk, and was presumed dead. After the battle, the news was brought to Janna, who was reported to have been incredibly distressed. Forced into a premature labor by the stress, Janna was taken to an emergency medical unit, where she gave birth to a daughter, Elisaya Gump. Although, for some time, the medical doctors and nurses feared for the life of both mother and child, the baby was born via caesarean section. The issue, however, was that both mother and daughter were ill for some time afterwards, Janna having retained little will to live. Wookiee's, however, had discovered Gump on the planet's surface, and given him access to reach the Confederation ships once more, allowing him to reach Janna and his child. Through a mixture of medication and influence from Gump in the form of Force heal, both mother and child eventually recovered, and developed into a stable health condition.

The war ending[]

The battle Janna0 was fit enough to participate in was the final battle of the war, the Second Battle of Roche. Janna, however, refused the call to fight in the battle, despite her wish to see the Galactic Alliance defeated, in order to travel to Thule with Gump to reunite their family as a whole once more. During the battle, however, the Confederation forces were trapped and forced to surrender, leading Janna0 not to regret her decision to refuse participation in the battle. Although the Galactic Alliance achieved victory, the Confederation planets refused to become members of the Galactic Alliance, leading to Janna, Gump and their two children moving to Corellia. At just thirty years of age, Janna Limburg had fought and survived through two major conflicts. With Natasi Daala now being the leader of the Galactic Alliance, and the Confederation being defeated, Janna didn't yet feel the inclination to settle down and endure a quiet life. In 47 ABY, when Janna was thirty-six years old, she returned to the life of a bounty hunter, with Gump opting to pursue what he considered to be the 'quiet life', opting to become a politician on Thule, his homeworld, and where the family had made their home. Accepting a number of minor assassination contracts, Janna gained recognition in bounty hunting circles, eventually receiving a high profile contract reportedly from the Galactic Alliance, although all contact with Janna was through a middle man. The contract was to complete the assassination of a high ranking Corellian.

It was reported that the Galactic Alliance feared that this man was for starting the second Galactic Civil War once more, and so the Galactic Alliance wished to remove him from the picture. The man was a compulsive gambler, however, and frequented the Coral Vanda on Pantolomin. Janna first set about finding a colleague of hers, Jakerl Skyhawk, who'd been with Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn's Imperial Remnant when they'd boarded the Coral Vanda. Janna, searching a number of locations where Skyhawk was reportedly last seen. However, Janna eventually discovered the records that listen him as having been the Imperial spy who infiltrated the ExGal-4 facility on Belkadan, and so was killed when the Yuuzhan Vong spy Yomin Carr destroyed the facility and killed all life on the planet. This meant that Janna0 was forced to find her own way into the Coral Vanda Janna's probably resided not in entering the Coral Vanda but in assassinating the target and making it out without arousing suspicion, as the casino was highly public but for the personal chambers of the gamblers. Travelling to Pantolomin, Janna began by first finding out the location of the Coral Vanda, and disguising as a well known rich yet reclusive businesswoman, in order to gain entrance to a private suite next to her target's.

Boarding the ship, Janna0 managed to reach entrance into the private quarters of her target, and, as a method, pretended to seduce him in order to gain regular entrance to his quarters. The man, however, was uninterested, and turned her out of his private quarters. During her visit, however, Janna had been able to place poison into the private decanter the man kept with him. Although the target drank the poisoned liquid, the poison failed to kill him, meaning Janna's secrecy would be compromised. Resorting to a back up option, Janna barricaded him into the medical wing and alerted the owner of the Coral Vanda to a bomb threat. Evacuating the passengers and gamblers from the ship, and mistakenly leaving Janna's target behind, Janna escaped, on a life-boat, away from the Coral Vanda with the other gamblers. The bomb Janna had placed detonated, destroying the Coral Vanda and her target inside, thereby completing her mission. Collecting the bounty, the sum of money paid to her was enough to allow her to retire to Thule for the next few years, to allow her to spend time with her family. It wasn't until 52 ABY, when Janna was forty-one standard years old, that she returned to the life of a bounty hunter. At this time, Janna's eldest child, Nuruodo, was twelve, and was becoming apparently Force-sensitive. Considering him able to defend himself and the rest of her family, alongside her husband, Janna felt safe enough in seeking work elsewhere in the galaxy, searching for a job that would give her a big enough sum of money in payment for her to retire permanently.

Raioballoan War[]

At this time, with the Galactic Alliance still recovering from its war with the Confederation, a number of systems in the outlying Outer Rim began having problems of their own, for which they needed warriors. In the Raioballo system, Gravlex Med, and it's native species the Anx, were the subject of the re-emergence of a wish from the Shusugaunt species of the planet Shusugaunt to conquer the planet once more, as they'd tried to do once before. With the Hornogaunt species from the planet Tertiary Kesmere also being allied with the Shustugaunts, the Anx were heavily outnumbered. Due to the Empire having used Gravlex Med as a weapons testing ground, the planet and, indeed, the Anx species, was heavily damaged, meaning they were at a loss for allies. The planet Sinsang, an industrial world, and homeworld to the native Sinsang species. The Sinsang, relatively similar in ideals to the Anx, allied themselves with the Anx, having found themselves at ends with both the Shusugaunts and the Hornogaunts before. This meant that, prospectively, a large scale conflict could ensue. The Galactic Alliance, stretched as it was, decided at first not to intervene unless the conflict got increasingly violent, or unless Dantooine was directly threatened.

The Anx, interested only in their own safety, refused to accept the measures proposed by the Sinsang, however didn't have the necessary strength to attack them and didn't want to break off relations in any case, as such a move would leave them open to the Hornagaunt and Shusugaunt forces. Claiming they didn't have the necessary resources, Anx pulled out of any sort of combat, which the Sinsang agreed to take control of. Janna, recognizing that the cause of the Sinsang would be contrary to Galactic Alliance mandates, agreed to work as a bounty hunter for their leader, Chel Gest. The Sinsang, wishing to establish their authority over the Shusugaunts and Hornogaunts, who'd collectively named themselves the Gaunt Alliance, and to ensure that they wouldn't be able to fight back. Janna was assigned to assassinate the leader of the Shusugaunts, the Shusugaunts also being de facto leaders of the Hornogaunts in the alliance. Agreeing, Janna set out for the planet Shusugaunt, posing as a bounty hunter who wished to work for the Shusugaunts to assassinate the leader of the Anx species. Upon infiltrating the Shusugaunt building, Janna was given assignments only by Dibar Lergnom, commander of the Hornogaunt forces, and didn't interact with Tnaug Redael, the leader of the Shusugaunt species. Increasingly frustrated, Janna knew that a pre-emptive rocket strike from the Sinsang was imminent and that, if she wasn't quick, she'd be caught in the explosion too. Eventually, Janna began to suspect that she, as they were unsure of her loyalty, was being purposefully kept away from Redael.

Knowing that the rocket strike would be due relatively soon, Janna was forced to accept what she could. Lareneg Suhs, General of the Shusugaunt forces, was beginning a rally in the Shusugaunt capital. Using a sniper rifle, Janna was forced to accept killing the Shusugaunt General, a long time antagoniser of the Sinsang species and a Shusugaunt Janna felt her employers would still be relatively happy about had she killed him. Having killed him, Janna fled to the spaceport and, boarding her ship, managed to work her way an escape route before the planet was put on lockdown. The Gaunt Alliance, however, responded quicker than the Sinsang had expected, marshalling their troops and sending out ships to engage merchant ships travelling to Sinsang, destroying them indiscriminately despite the fact that most on board were neutral civilians. This meant that the Sinsang were forced to launch their rocket strike before being properly ready, Janna arriving back on the planet as the rockets were launched. The launch, as the Sinsang weren't quite ready when it was fired, meant that the blasts went some way off target and missed the main buildings in the capital, allowing shields to be raised by the Gaunt Alliance to prevent further rocket blasts being launched with effect. The Galactic Alliance, hearing of the conflict, dispatched ambassadors, however Janna advised the Sinsang that the Galactic Alliance were well stretched and so wouldn't be able to fulfil any threats.


As Janna had prior experience of fighting both for and against the Galactic Alliance, and a conflict with the Galactic Alliance could become possible, Janna was appointed as General of the Sinsang forces, in the wake of the death of the former Sinsang General as he returned to the planet, shot down by Shusugaunt forces. Agreeing, Janna took the position as further missile strikes were launched, this time to less avail. The Gaunt Alliance, angry at such an assault, responded by sending out a force to attack the gathering Sinsang force. Janna, now General of the forces, responded in like by sending concealed ships behind the attacking Gaunt forces. When the Gaunt forces hit the main bulk of the Sinsang forces, the second group came from behind and trapped them between the two, the Gaunt troops being destroyed in what they considered to be a massacre. The ambassadors from the Galactic Alliance, at this time, demanded an immediate ceasefire so diplomatic negotiations could continue, or both factions would face the consequences. Ignoring the warnings, Janna proceeded to blockade merchant ships transporting goods transporting resources to the Gaunt Alliance. The Galactic Alliance negotiators demanded that an immediate ceasefire be called to Janna and the Sinsang leader, and that this would be the final warning they'd give, however the Sinsang responded by expelling the Alliaance negotiators from Sinsang space, before blockading off the Gaunt Alliance's planets of Tertiary Kesmere and Shusugaunt.

The Gaunt Alliance, trapped as they were, knew they'd have to surrender or face a massacre if they weren't able to fight their way out, and so Janna was forced to keep up a large blockade so as to stop the Gaunt Alliance, which were becoming more and more large scale with their attacks, from breaking free and so breaking the blockade. The Galactic Alliance sent messages to the Sinsang, demanding that the blockade be disbanded, however the Sinsang refused, believing that the Galactic Alliance wouldn't be able to punish them with their resources already stretched. Eventually, the Gaunt Alliance surrendered, with the Sinsang proceeding to move down onto Shusugaunt and Tertiary Kesmere, occupying it and setting up bases in which to station their troops. The Galactic Alliance responded by sending a warship, Indefatigable, under the command of Galactic Alliance Captain Chal Nla to show that the Galactic Alliance were serious with their efforts. The Alliance, however, hadn't estimated the resolve and the number of forces the Sinsang had, and so Janna, desperate for attacking the Galactic Alliance, ordered the Sinsang forces to open fire upon Indefatigable. Outnumbered, the forces of Indefatigable were quickly destroyed, and the warship boarded. The members of the ship were quickly rounded up and placed into Sinsang detention centers, with Captain Chal Nla placed into solitary confinement.

After the destruction of such a ship, Janna knew that a backlash from the Galactic Alliance was inevitable. Trying to draw Dantooine onto their side, Dantooine remained loyal to the Galactic Alliance, despite threats of violence from the Sinsang. Due to this, Janna turned instead to the Confederation, who'd fought the Galactic Alliance last. The Confederation, however, were unwilling to start another conflict which could result in their alliance being destroyed altogether, and so the Confederation refused to offer them help. Janna0 recognized, at this point, that defeat was inevitable, however chose to stay with the Sinsang forces. When the Galactic Alliance arrived, however, they arrived in far larger forces than Janna and the Sinsang had predicted, they demanded that the Sinsang surrender. The Sinsang leader recognized that he would lose his permission were he to surrender anyway, and Janna knew the same, therefore the decision was made to continue the fight, in the Battle over Shusugaunt. Although the Sinsang fought and took careful consideration of tactics under Janna0, the better equipped Galactic Alliance, and in far great numbers, soon succeeded, destroying the recently set up Sinsang bases on Shusugaunt and Tertiary Kesmere, before taking the battle to Sinsang itself and landing forces on it to oversee the process of change. Deposing the leader, the Galactic Alliance demanded that a new leader be elected to lead the Sinsang, whilst the high command were put under arrest.
