Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

She's like her mother in every way. She's got her mother's looks, tenacity and determination. Can't say the same about her father, though. I was never really close to him.
—Sebastian Zarkan

Jane Zarkan II, born as Elyzabeth Jenkyns and also known as Jane Zarkan Jenkyns and nicknamed "Daughter of the Confederacy", was a human female born in 31 BBY at Castle Zarkan to 21-year old Jane Zarkan and 22-year old Guarin Jenkyns III. She was publicly known as Jane Zarkan II, and not by her birth name.

She was home-schooled for much of her childhood. At age 3 after the assassination of her grandfather Daniel, she was crowned Princess of Zarkan Kingdom and became next in line to rule the Kingdom, behind her parents who had been crowned monarchs. Later on at age 10, her parents began to teach her politics and how society worked. Because of her place in Earth's society, Jane and Guarin were the only ones who referred to her by her birth name Elyzabeth. Whenever her parents were away on business, she was taken care of by her grandmother Glendale whom had shown her much love and taught her the carefree life of children. She also formed a strong bond with her uncle Sebastian Zarkan which her parents encouraged, though they never tolerated their mischievous activities on playing pranks. Because of his influence on her, she called Sebastian "the best uncle on the whole planet".

When the Galactic Empire invaded her homeworld in 18 BBY, Jane told her brother Sebastian to take Elyzabeth and whatever was left of the Confederate States to Mars, a planet that was abandoned by the Ultranationalist government in 4627 BBY. Elyzabeth was made aware of her mother's death but not her father, and due to this, she went through teenage hating Guarin because she believed he joined William Crest's Earth Empire. On Mars, she became one of two leaders of the Union-Confederate Alliance, becoming the youngest leader in the history of Earthlings as she was only 13 at the time. Though her uncle Sebastian slowly became an advisor to her and she saw him as such, having assisted her in the duties and taught her what he knew of leadership and politics.

Throughout the Union-Confederate Alliance's time on Mars, she became the President of a reformed Confederate States, and worked closely with Radford Redforge, the President of a reformed, much weaker Union States, and promoted equality and friendly relations between their people, though several incidents occurred and caused the Union-Confederate War.
