The planetary government of the Inner Rim planet Jakol, while officially a democracy, was actually a kleptocratic oligarchy controlled by individuals that used their wealth to gain power and influence. The government of Jakol provided barely anything to the majority of its citizens, and was perceived as only being concerned with enforcing the interests of the oligarchs and megacorporations that influenced it.
The Galactic Republic did not take action against the corrupt planetary government, which caused many Jakolites to support the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars in hopes that they would provide a better form of governance. Most of the oligarchs chose to remain with the Republic, but Ogval Goshal worked with the Separatists, resulting in the Battle of Jakol. The Separatists won the battle, and Goshal deposed the other leaders so that he could become a dictator, hiring Sergon Security Services to enforce his rule. He promised to improve the planetary government, but failed to actually do so. The rule of the CIS-aligned government ended only a year later during the Recapture of Jakol, when the Republic regained control over the planet.