Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The Jakol Separatists was a political faction in the Jakol planetary government that supported secession from the Galactic Republic and joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. It was formed around the time of the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY by Jakolites who opposed the corrupt and oligarchic of Jakol, blaming it for the poor living conditions on the planet. While most of the planet's oligarchs were members of the Jakol Loyalists, Ogval Goshal secretly supported the CIS and he helped General Yosip Zagoonga to win the Battle of Jakol in 21 BBY, defeating the Republic and Loyalists. The Jakol Separatists took over the planetary government of Jakol, and while the Separatist faction initially had a populist appeal, Goshal did not bring democracy to Jakol and instead became a dictator who used Sergon Security Services to maintain his power. This resulted in Jakolites distrusting the Separatist faction just as much as the Loyalists, and the reign of the Confederacy-aligned government ended with the Recapture of Jakol in 20 BBY.
