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Trust me, Finn. It might hurt you to hear this…but Jaina is the best pilot here.
Jacen Solo to Finn Galfridian

Jaina Solo is the daughter of Han and Leia Organa Solo, twin sister to Jacen Solo, and older sister of Anakin Solo. She spent much of her youth training alongside her twin brother, receiving lessons from their uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, at the praxeum on Yavin 4. There, she developed her skills as a Jedi Guardian, seeking to use the Force to improve herself as a pilot and a soldier in the defense of the New Republic.

With the outbreak of war against the Yuuzhan Vong, Jaina was still beginning her apprenticeship with her aunt, Mara Jade Skywalker. However, the devastating invasion caused a shortage of skilled pilots in the New Republic's front line forces and so Jaina was enlisted to serve with Wraith Squadron, augmenting her Jedi training with her work as both a fighter pilot and commando. Although it was difficult for Jaina to manage her aggression on the front lines of the war, she was able to do so with the help of her mentor and her squad mates. It is also during the war that she made the acquaintance of Chiss liaison Jagged Fel, with whom she began a romantic relationship.

After the war, Jaina was given command of her own all-Jedi fighter squadron, Darkmeld, and the responsibility of prosecuting pirates throughout the Outer Rim. Her skill as a soldier and a Jedi, however, were put to their greatest test when her brother Jacen began a slow descent toward the dark side. Fortunately, Jaina was able to use their twin bond to bring him back, and continued to uphold her family's legacy by training her niece, Allana, in the ways of the Force.


The Yuuzhan Vong War[]

Even being a Jedi is something where you look for more. At first you acted as if Jedi was synonymous with hero. It isn't. Being a hero isn't what all these folks are here to do. They're here to do their jobs.
—Jaina Solo, to Jacen Solo

Jaina at the start of the war.

When the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy, Jaina and the rest of her family assembled to fight against this new menace. While her brothers went to help their uncle and the other Jedi mobilize, Jaina received an offer to enlist with Wraith Squadron and fill the void left by Jedi Knight Tyria Sarkin. Although she was also continuing her training as a Jedi under Mara Jade Skywalker, Jaina was allowed to fly with the Wraiths and augment her non-Jedi skills.

Her wingmate was Anni Capstan, a Corellian slicer and gunner who would give Jaina her team nickname "Sticks" (a reference to Jaina's X-wing control stick and to the lightsaber she carried). Their commanding officer was Garik "Face" Loran and they participated in several minor assignments. However, Anni was killed during the Battle of Ithor, which opened Jaina up to the horrors of war.

With the Duros pilot Lensi replacing Anni's spot as wingmate, Jaina continued to fly several more missions with the Wraiths. She also caught the eye of a human-born pilot for the Chiss Ascendancy named Jagged Fel, who despite his family and his allegiances, found himself falling just as easily for her. They would fly together in a few Chiss-Republic operations against the Yuuzhan Vong, helping to secure the Unknown Regions from further incursion.

She was eventually pulled from the roster to help lead a Jedi strike team to Myrkyr, where they would eliminate the voxyn cloning facilities. While the mission was a success, many lives were lost, including her younger brother Anakin. This drove Jaina into a brief rage of vengeance, though it subsided once Jacen was captured and the surviving Jedi convinced her to return to New Republic space.

Jaina remained determined to carry the fight against the enemy, although her Aunt Mara remained just as concerned for her well-being. Yet Jaina proved resilient in the face of despair, even when she elected to stay behind and defend Borleias while her teammates went on an infiltration assignment onto Coruscant, now the seat of the Yuuzhan Vong Empire. Her patience was ultimately rewarded when her brother Jacen turned up alive and well, and just as eager to do his part for the New Republic.

The Sword of the Jedi[]

I name you the Sword of the Jedi. You are like tempered steel, purposeful and razor-keen. Always you shall be in the front rank, a burning brand to your enemies, a brilliant fire to your friends. Yours is a restless life, and never shall you know peace, though you shall be blessed for the peace that you bring to others. Take comfort in the fact that, though you stand tall and alone, others take shelter in the shadow that you cast.
Luke Skywalker

On Dac, Jaina had attended a public ceremony where she, her brother, and all the other survivors of the Myrkyr raid were invested as full Jedi Knights. At that ceremony, both Jacen and Jaina received from their uncle a Force-induced prophecy about their future paths and an epithet to describe the roles they would lead in the future Jedi Order. Jaina became known henceforth as "the Sword of the Jedi," while Jacen became "the Shield of the Jedi."

Toward the end of the war, Jaina sought to find an appropriate balance between her skills as a pilot, her duties as an officer, and her commitment to the Jedi Order. She participated in the Second Battle of Coruscant, helping her uncle and brother infiltrate the citadel of Supreme Overlord Shimrra, and then expose and defeat Onimi as the true power behind the throne.

After The War[]


With the end of the war, Jaina was eager to continue her romance with Jag Fel. He went off to become the new ambassador of the Chiss Ascendancy while she resigned her commission from Wraith Squadron and worked full-time for the New Jedi Order. They attempted to keep up a steady pace of liaisons on Coruscant in between their critical assignments on behalf of the galaxywide reconstruction.

A year and a half into the new era of peace, Jaina approached the Jedi Council with a proposition to form an all-Jedi fighter squadron to prosecute piracy in the Outer Rim. The Council approved her request, granting her a squadron known as Darkmeld and access to such notable Jedi pilots as Lowbacca, Octa Ramis, and Waxarn Kel.

Defending The Skywalker Legacy[]


Yours is a restless life, and never shall you know peace, though you shall be blessed for the peace that you bring to others. Take comfort in the fact that, though you stand tall and alone, others take shelter in the shadow that you cast.
Luke Skywalker

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