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Legacy era

Jaina Skywalker Solo was a Human female Jedi Master as well as being the Sword of the Jedi. She was the twin sister of Jacen Solo, the older sister of Anakin Solo, and the younger sister of Ben Solo.

Born in 9 ABY to Han and Leia Organa Solo as Jaina Solo, she inherited her father’s mechanical attributes and his pilot skills, while she got her mother’s Force sensitivity and leadership skills. During her time as a child, she proved herself to be a capable Force user. She was trained by Mara Jade at first at the age of 10, before having Luke train her at the age of 14 for 3 years before the outbreak of the Yuuzhan Vong War. She was at the forefront of the war showing herself to be a capable leader and pilot. She later made the acquaintance of Jagged Fel during her time in the 3-year war. She would be given the title of Sword of the Jedi for everything she did in the war. Soon after that war ended, the next big war broke out. She was the leader of Rogue Squadron for 2 years, during that time she met Poe Dameron whom she dated for the time she was in the war. After the Third Galactic Civil War, she would get married to Rey Skywalker with whom she had 5 children with.



Jaina Solo was born in 9 ABY, 5 minutes before her twin brother Jacen, 4 years after her older brother Ben. When she was 1, her brother Anakin was born and Leia moved her and her siblings to the countryside on Naboo, to protect them from the dangers of the Dark Side. She grew close to her brother Jacen during the first 2 years of her life. By the time Jaina was 3, Leia moved her and her brothers back to Coruscant. She grew to admire the Jedi from her uncle Luke. She hoped she would become one, one day.

Corellian Crisis[]

When Solo was 6, she and her family vacationed to Corellia where a crisis broke out. Which cause them all to help fight in said crisis, during this Solo discovered the ways of the Force for the first time and her own Force sensitivity. She asked Leia if she would be able to start her Jedi training having admired them all her life. Leia said in a few years she would start. During the crisis, Solo met a girl named Jaylen whom she developed a crush on. Having worked together during the crisis, Solo grew close to Jaylen but Jaylen confessed that she didn’t see Solo in that way and their relationship died down as Solo went back to Coruscant. When they returned, her brother Ben left for her uncle Luke’s Jedi Academy to start his Jedi training. During the next year, the Solo twins met a street kid named Zekk, with which they became fast friends. They went on many adventures on the planet. Solo soon found herself developing her first crush on a boy.

Jedi Training[]

In 18 ABY, when Solo was 9, she slowly began her Jedi training with Mara Jade in which she found the ways of the Force even more than before. But her training was cut short due to her brother falling to the dark side by the Knights of Ren. Which caused Solo to stop her training while her brother fell. Which took a toll on her as she loved her older brother deeply. She spent the time before her training with Luke learning the ways of the Jedi and practicing her Force abilities. When she turned 13, she started to train with Luke alongside her brother Jacen secretly on Yavin 4. She showed immense improvement from her few years of learning thus making her a Jedi. She built her lightsaber and after a year of training when she hit the age of 14, she went on her first trip by herself to see what has happened to Ben. Before she left, she met a girl named Ellie, who came with Jaina seeing as Ellie was a skilled fighter. She learned shortly after how to fly a starship from her father. She flew around the galaxy for a year where she grew close to Ellie where they dated for a year. They later broke up, right as the Yuuzhan Vong War broke out. Causing Solo to join in the war alongside her brothers and parents.

Yuuzhan Vong War[]

A brilliant fighter who was selfless and determined to help as many people as she could while being the Jedi she's dreamed of.
—Jagged Fel[src]

Jaina had nearly finished her Jedi training, at the age of 16. While her brothers were Jedi Knights. She would join Rogue Squadron having proved her excellent pilot skills and her mechanical abilities. During a battle, Solo met Jagged Fel. Where the pair developed feelings for one another. She would get the title of Sword of the Jedi from Luke for her work in the war. She would start dating Jagged Fel but she returned to Coruscant which strained her romance with Jag. When the Solo twins were 18, Jacen had his daughter Allana Solo with his lover Tenel Ka Djo. For the first two years of her life, she would be raised by her mother before she was given to her father and aunt.

Return to Coruscant and beginning of the Cold War[]

She would take Jacen’s daughter Allana in as her own to protect her. With the next Galactic War breaking out. She would bring Allana with her, as she broke up with Jag. She would join Rogue Squadron and lead it for the 2 years she was in the war. She would meet and fall in love with Poe Dameron while she was in the war. She would break up with Poe after she left. She returned to Coruscant to finish her training, which would be Luke’s second to last training session. She left Allana with her mother when she was 5.

A fully realized Jedi Knight and Marriage[]

She would leave the war to finish her training and protect Allana. During the time she was with Luke, she realized that she was in love with Jag. She finally finished her training and became a Jedi Knight. She went back to Coruscant where she and Jag started dating again and got married shortly afterward. She adopted Allana as her own and had her posing as a war orphan named Amelia. She would still help and fight in the war alongside her husband. In one of the wars, Solo would join them along with her brothers and Jag. She would secretly join the Resistance on Crait with Allana being protected. This would be the first time she would see Rey and the final time she would see Luke. After the Resistance was safe, she would leave due to the Dark Side coming through her after witnessing her brother duel with Luke seeing what he had become.

Fallen Jedi[]

Although the dark side would slowly take her as well in which she would fall to the dark side due to seeing her brother as Kylo Ren which overwhelmed her. From a secret Sith Master, she learned how to wipe memories from people. Before she would become a Sith, realizing her true future from Jag. She returned to the Light with the help of her husband. She would feel her brother’s redemption and her mother’s death. She and her brothers and husband would hear the call from across the galaxy to help in the final battle on Exegol. Solo would have Allana join her in the battle as she promised Allana would start her Jedi training after the war had ended seeing Allana of age.

Redemption Jedi[]

Solo would join the pilots on Exegol alongside Jag, Jacen, and Anakin on their X-Wings as Solo personally felt her brother’s demise and death. Which she had finally accepted and with this she would finally know what it means to be the Sword of the Jedi. After the battle realizing her love for Jag has died down and she finally divorced from him but they remained very close friends. Mara Jade would make her a Jedi Master making her the last Jedi Master before Mara Jade would die following the battle.

Meeting Rey[]

She would go to Tatooine where she would meet Rey. Rey thought Ben was truly the last Skywalker/Solo. But Jaina would say that there’s another side to Leia: her son Anakin and her twin daughter and son along with her granddaughter. Solo would befriend the young Jedi and she would develop feelings for her secretly. But seeing as Rey had loved Ben she knew Rey wouldn’t reciprocate her feelings. Before she left she would finally meet her grandfather Anakin Skywalker as a Force ghost.

Training a young Jedi Knight[]

As soon as she got back to Coruscant, she would begin training Allana along with her brother Jacen. She would teach Allana about the Force and flying starships and mechanical skills. 3 years later, she would hear of a war breaking out on Endor. Before going to fight on Endor she made Allana construct her lightsaber. She would not make Allana a Jedi at the time as Allana would need to fight in the war on Endor to prove her Jedi learnings. She would be reunited with her ex-boyfriend, Poe, and her ex-husband, Jag.

A Sword on Endor[]

She would also meet Rey once again and her feelings for Rey would grow again. Rey and Jaina would be paired up in one battle. In which, Rey realized she was in love with Solo resulting in the two of them starting dating after the battle as they shared a kiss thinking they were going to die. Near the end of the war, Jacen had finally decided his part and he fell to the Dark Side realizing he couldn’t protect Allana anymore as she was nearing the age of 15. Jaina tried to get him back but he refused. She would return to Coruscant and leave Allana with Rey and she would break up with her, being on her own for the first time in 15 years, since she was 18.

Jaina, Alone[]

Solo left everything behind, for the time being, posing as a war orphan herself giving her the name Jai. She would live on Coruscant for 2 years to accept that Jacen had indeed fallen and became a Dark Lord of the Sith, She would leave for 2 years, during the time she would find herself and she would be hopelessly in love with Rey. She would finally accept her brother’s fate once more and she would finally return to Allana and she would soon find out that Jacen had become Darth Caedus. To protect Allana, Jaina would leave her somewhere Jacen wouldn’t find her but her mother would join the war along with Allana. She would return home and she would fix and repair her X-Wing from the Cold War.

The Third Galactic War[]

Solo would serve as the leader of the war as well as the primary leader of Rogue Squadron as well as being one of the commanding officers and leaders of the New Rebellion. In the first battle, Solo would lead Rogue Squadron and she would fight her brother for the first time, seeing him as Darth Caedus for the first time. But she became overwhelmed by his power and she was able to escape with Rey and she would be badly injured. When they got back to the base, Solo would get back together with Rey confessing she was in love with her and apologizing for leaving for as long as she did. They would share a kiss. During the middle of the war, seeing Allana as a Jedi Knight for the first time. Nearing the end of the war, Solo would reunite with her old crush Zekk as he offered to help in the final war. He said he did have feelings for her but his feelings later fated when he met his fiancée. In the final battle of the war, Solo made a difficult decision in killing her brother, which she tried not to think about but with the help of Rey and Allana, she accepted that it was the only option. She had Allana come with her. She would have Allana see her father one last time before she would kill him. Allana agreed to this as she would join her and her mother. After Allana said she loved her father despite what he had become. Jaina would get into a brutal battle with Caedus leaving him dead and her badly wounded. She would tell him that she will forever love him as he once was, Jacen Solo as she held him in his final moments, with Jacen’s death the war would be over. Despite what he had become, they would give him a proper burial. With his death lingering over Solo, she would eventually forgive herself for killing him and with this, she would avenge herself and she would kill his Sith Master, Aegon. As she wanted to avenge her brother’s death and finally forgive herself for what she had to do.

Aftermath of the War and The Fate of the Jedi[]

She would also propose to Rey. They would have twins a son whom she named AJ after her brothers and a daughter named Amiea. She would also take in Benn Skywalker and train him as that’s what Luke would’ve wanted. Her brother Anakin had a son named Jacen named after his older brother and he married his boyfriend, Jekk. She and her fiancée Rey would try to rebuild the New Jedi Order. With an outbreak of new Force Sensitive beings, they would go to Yavin 4 and rebuild the old Jedi Praxeum once more to train the new generation of Jedi.

New Jedi Order, second marriage and start of the Dark Nest[]

She would honor her family’s legacy as she would secretly marry Rey in 46 ABY thus becoming Jaina Skywalker Solo as a result. She would raise her children on Coruscant along with the help of Allana as Rey would mostly train the Younglings. Rey wouldn’t see her children or spouse as much due to her being on Yavin 4 along with Anakin. Allana would eventually leave for Naboo once her children were and 3. Solo would join her spouse on Yavin 4 once her children were older. She would personally train her nephew, Jacen on Anakin’s wishes. She would make her cousin, Benn into a Jedi Knight as well. She would have another daughter named Jyn Avar after the war hero Jyn Erso and the Jedi Avar Kriss.

Dark Nest Crisis[]

Rey would hear of a crisis happening between the Galactic Republic and the Chiss Army. With this, they were forced to fight. During this, Jaina would place her children in Benn’s care as he was unable to fight as he had not built his lightsaber yet and Solo told him not to join the fight as he was not ready. Her relationship with Rey strained even more as they were unable to see each other as much as before. Solo would have thoughts of divorcing her but she rejected the idea as she was still in love with her and she didn’t want to separate her children from their mother. Benn later joined the fight as she would place her children in Jagged Fel’s care since they were still very good friends despite the divorce.

Anakin and Jag’s Sacrifice[]

Knowing that a Jedi would have to sacrifice themselves to finish the war, Anakin told his sister to protect his beloved son and husband as he was going to sacrifice himself. But Jaina couldn’t accept that as she had grown extremely close to him as he was the only living son of Han and Leia left. Anakin insisted that he would be the one saying that Jaina was the last living child of Han and Leia as well as being the oldest. Being unable to accept his decision, Jagged Fel would die for the Jedi. As Jagged dies, she gave him one last kiss saying that she will always love him. With the war done, due to Jag’s sacrifice, she promised she would take in his daughter, much like she did with Allana and Benn.

Return and regrowth[]

Solo would go back to Coruscant where she would mend things with Rey, strengthening their marriage once more as Jaina got over Jag. After living on Coruscant for most of her life Solo would give her children to Rey, as she would make Anakin into a Jedi Knight and Benn into a Jedi Master. Allana would join her on Tatooine for 4 years of her life. Allana would return as a Jedi Master in honor of Jacen and due to her abilities with the Force. Rey would later join her on Tatooine with their teenage children. She would finally grow as a person and she would finally be confident in her abilities and most importantly herself.

Final years[]

Solo would spend her final years in exile with her wife and children. She and her spouse would train their children into Jedi Knights as they would go off and fight in battles that Solo and Rey wouldn’t be able to. Rey would sometimes join in battles. Anakin would die before his sister making her the last Solo child. In her final years, she and Rey secretly had a daughter and a son named Jacana and Jagen, whom she would train into Jedi making them the last ones she would train. In her final battle out of exile, she would fight in a battle in which she would die in her spouse's arms with a final kiss.


Jaina’s youngest daughter would name her daughter Jain, after her mother. Her death would send Rey to the Dark Side of the Force, but she would be saved from a vision of Jaina. Allana would name her oldest daughter after her. Jaina would be remembered as the Sword of the Jedi and taught about by the newest generation of Jedi. Her title of Sword of the Jedi would be given to Allana Solo in remembrance as she wanted Allana to have the title before she died and she would name Allana as the Heir of the Jedi.

Personality and traits[]

Jaina was a Human female, with dark brown hair and brown eyes, standing at 1.49 meters.

When she was a child, she was fascinated with the Jedi and admired Avar Kriss from the High Republic era. She was fairly energetic and eager to become a Jedi. She would learn and find out that she has the Force inside of her, which would make her learn the ways of Force before her training. During the Corellian Crisis, Jaina would learn how to fly and use starships from Han. Although then she wasn't fascinated by them, during her training on Yavin 4, she would learn about both starships and mechanical skills. Which would bring her closer to her father when he was around. She was said to be a little hot headed and brash when taken the wrong way but she was willing to help almost anyone. She was fairly cheerful but somewhat serious at the same time.

As a teenager, she would develop her mechanical and flying skills, developing an interest in both. She became logic minded as she grew up. She would be fairly hot headed especially while she was training due to the stress of her brother Ben falling to the Dark Side. She didn't have too many romantic interests due to her training and her focus on the Yuuzhan Vong War. She would later meet Jagged Fel, who would help her become the pilot she always wanted to be. She would later calm down in terms of her secret anger she was dealing with. After being separated from her family during the war, she would learn about herself and mature a lot due to the circumstances in the war. Jagged during the war said that she was "A brilliant fighter who was selfless and determined to help as many people as she could while being the Jedi she's dreamed of." Near the end of the war, Solo would break up with Jagged and focus on her training. She would earn the title of Sword of the Jedi.

As an adult, she would get back together and marry Jagged Fel, though they would later divorce which Jaina has stated as being a hard decision. She would also train Allana, who was her first apprentice. During the war on Endor, she would develop a romantic relationship with Rey. But due to the overwhelming pressure on Jaina she would leave and pose as a war orphan named Jai. During that time she would learn that Jacen had fallen to the Dark Side, which took a toll on her.
