Star Wars Fanon

Jaden Korr was a Jedi Knight during the rise of the New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong War, and the Second Galactic Civil War. Shortly after his mission at Centerpoint, Jaden met an old Jedi Knight named Jacen Fearbeamer, who told him of the Clone Wars. Jaden and Fearbeamer often talked about recent wars, especially the New Galactic Civil War. When Jaden began his journey in 41 ABY, he left a note to Fearbeamer saying he'd be back when he had accomplished what needed to be done.



Jaden was trained, alongside Rosh Penin, by Jedi Master Kyle Katarn. He and Rosh were friends, though sometimes at odds because of Rosh's competitive nature. Jaden was described as an excellent student, and one of the best Kyle Katarn had ever trained.

Due to the peace with the Empire, Jaden, like most of the other academy students, faced their training in a time of relative peace. Most of his missions involved solving peace disputes or helping the New Republic military in putting down minor revolts. Jaden faced a Force vision of a Dark Jedi while on one such mission, and he later came to realize—too late—its true meaning.

Kueller's attack[]

Jaden and his Master were at the Jedi Praxeum when the Dark Jedi Kueller attacked. Realizing that the attack was in connection to his vision, Jaden rushed to help defend the Academy. During the battle, he struck down several Dark Jedi. The battle ended when Kueller was killed aboard his flagship. However, the flagship's destruction also took with it Jacen Solo. Master Skywalker was horrified by this and took a sabbatical from the Praxeum, leaving Kam Solusar in charge.

Attack on the Jedi Temple[]

Jaden lit saber

Jaden with his lightsaber at the ready.

In 35 ABY, when Jaden was a Knight, he and the other Jedi on Yavin IV felt a disturbance in the Force. The Masters, including Kyle Katarn, Kam Solusar, and Corran Horn, summoned all the Jedi to the pinnacle of the Temple and discussed it. They all felt the threat was directed at the Jedi. Horn took several of the to Coruscant, just in case, while the rest prepared to defend Yavin IV.

Jaden, along with Tenel Ka Djo, Ganner Rhysode and Miko Reglia, prepared the outer defenses of the Praxeum.

When the attack began, it was led by several Sith. Ganner took these Sith on, killing the one named Paxis, while Ahli Keros took her troops around. Jaden, Tenel Ka, and Miko, along with the other Jedi, ambushed these Sith. Meanwhile, Ganner was killed by the leader of the Sith attack, Darth Ruin. Jaden and the others managed to hold off the Sith for some time, though Miko was killed. Tenel Ka ordered a retreat when Ruin came through the forest, advancing on them.

Jaden and the others made it back to the Temple and held their ground there for some time, but they were eventually overpowered. Though Skywalker's return saved Jaden and Katarn from being killed by Ruin, the Jedi were forced to retread off-planet, and Jaden was one of the many Jedi captured.

Captivity and Escape[]

For weeks, Jaden was held in a cell surrounded by ysalamiri. Unable to fight due to his injuries, Jaden was forced to wait for rescue. Eventually, Ben Skywalker and Jacob Nion managed to escape at the same time that Wraith Squadron struck at the Temple. Jaden was one of the many Jedi rescued and, during their escape, they managed to capture Ahli Keros. However, Ruin managed to escape, and Jacen Solo was taken prisoner along with him.

The Jedi then made to their secret base on Nar Shaddaa. There, they began to make preparations to strike back at Ruin and finish him off once and for all. Jaden, along with Jacob Nion and Ahli Keros, flew with Katarn in his ship, the Raven's Claw.

