Jack Cassidy was a Human from Alderaan who achieved fame as a pilot of the Galactic Republic Sector Rangers, Antarian Rangers, Kota's Militia and the Rebels.
Early life[]
Jack grownup on the planet Alderaan. As a young boy he dreamed to be a Ranger. He was, just as his dad accepted at the University of Alderaan
Sector Rangers[]
After he completion of the University and pilot training was selected as a Ranger. He became the partner of Hawke. Eventually he was selected for the corps' Special Enforcement Officers. As a SEO he operated with the Jedi Order to maintain peace in the Republic. During a mision he met Jedi Master Rahm Kota.
After the start of the Clone Wars, Hawke and Jack joined the Republic Navy to fight the Confederacy. Because the main body of the Navy was formed out of the clone troopers Jack's role as an frontline fighter would be over. His friend and wingman Hawke stay with the navy. But Jack was born to fight and left the force. We was eventually recruited by Jedi General Rahm Kota to join his Antarian Ranger Corps and in the end his Militia.
Kota's Militia[]
When Jedi Master Rahm Kota was a general in the Clone Wars, he refused to have anything to do with the Clone Army as he never trusted the Clone troopers. Instead, he formed his own unique unit of hardened soldiers from the Antarian Ranger Corps assigned to him. Jack Cassidy was one of the pilots Kota recruited for the LAAT When the BTL-B Y-wing starfighter became also available for the Militia Jack was trained for the Y-wing and became part of one of Kota's starfighter squadrons.

Jack after Order 66 was issued
After Order 66 was issued, Jack remained loyal to Kota and accompanied him into hiding. During this time Jack learned to fly the MAAT. It was also the time where he took part in the hit and run operations against key Imperial targets throughout the galaxy.
In 3BBY during the Battle of the TIE Fighter Construction Facility Jack led one the MAAT squadrons and was responsible to drop the infantry in the hangar. Following the space battle Jack destroyed at least one Lambda-class shuttle.
Alliance to Restore the Republic - Alliance Starfighter Corps[]
Jack was one the of survivors of the battle and became one of the bodyguards for Bail Organa and accompanied him to Felucia. When Organa was captured by Felucians, Jack and the other body guards searched for Organa and ran afoul of Imperial troops. Some of the bodyguards were killed until Galen Marek came and eliminated the Imperials. Afterward, Jack and the remnants of the Kota's militia were integrated into the armed forces of the Alliance in the aftermath of the Declaration of Rebellion. As part of the Alliance Starfighter Corps He was trained for the BTL Y-wing starfighter and later on for the B-wing starfighter.