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Old Republic era

As a soldier of the Republic, it’s my duty to help.
—Jacen Tresherslider[src]

Jacen Tresherslider was a Force-sensitive Human male born on Alderaan. At an early age, he was diagnosed with a mild form of Cerebris paralysis which affected his ability to walk. He was later discovered by Javeren Tresherslider, who took him to the Jedi Order and trained him as a padawan.

However, after a confrontation with his father Jacen ultimately left the order, choosing the path of a soldier. Eventually, he was assigned to train under Havoc squad while serving in the Galactic Republic's military. Jacen was later deployed to Ord Mantell with the task of locating a stolen Republic bomb. During his mission, he witnessed the defection of the original Havoc Squad members to the Sith Empire. As a result, Jacen formed a brand-new squad with the goal of hunting the defectors, as ordered by General Garza.

Jacen later participated in the Galactic War, where his major events included participation in the Battle of Corellia, Evacuation of Makeb, Revanite crisis, as well as the invasion of Ziost. Jacen was later captured during the initial stages of the Eternal Empire raids and imprisoned in carbonite by Arcann, after Jacen assassinated his father. Arcann used Jacen's actions to destroy his reputation, blaming his father's death on the so called Outlander. Arcann also used this to wage war and conquer the galaxy.


Early life[]


Born Jacen Deleon Thul on Alderaan in the city of Aldera in 3660 BBY. With his birth, he was the second child and eldest son of Alimar Thul and Hadne Corcega. He had an older sister named, Adrella.[1]

Family troubles[]

Despite Jacen's birth his parents continued to drift apart from each other. Then one day Alimar was caught in an affair. During the heated argument, he reconnected with his Sith roots by embracing the darkside once more and in rage attacked his wife. Having scared his children, Alimar fled to Sith controlled space. After the fight, Jacen's grandmother, Dalin, would travel to Alderaan to help her daughter.[1]


A few months after Dalin's arrival, she had noticed that Jacen still wasn't walking. It was decided that the boy would be taken to Coruscant to undergo treatment and discover an explanation behind this. A short time later, the boy would be examined by his grandfather, Dr. Rodolpho Organa, who would go on diagnose his grandson with Quadriplegic Cerebris paralysis at 13 months old.[1]

A new discovery[]

As Jacen was being treated for the illness, his grandfather did everything that he could to find a potential cure. It was at this time, Rodolpho contacted the Jedi Seeker, Javeren Tresherslider. Upon his arrival, the Jedi sensed Jacen’s connection to the Force. After a brief discussion with Rodolpho, Javeren took a blood sample from the baby. When the Jedi analyzed it, he was able to determine that Jacen had a high midi-chlorian count.[1]

After reporting his findings to Rodolpho, Javeren told the doctor that he would return when the time was right to take boy to the Jedi Order.[1]

Life as a Jedi[]

Early training[]

Upon Jacen’s fifth birthday, Javeren traveled to Alderaan to the boy to the Jedi Temple on Tython. As he began his Jedi training, Jacen was placed into a clan, where he was constantly teased by his peers for his condition. Despite this, Jacen would go on to pass the Initiate Trials and become a padawan.[1]

Mission to Bulacan[]

As a young teenager, Jacen became curious about the origins of his Force-sensitivity. While on a mission on the Outer Rim planet Bulacan, Jacen encountered an old man trapped in a ravine, after getting separated from Javeren. Unbeknownst to Jacen, this was part of a plot which was devised by his father, in the hope of turning Jacen to the darkside. After assisting the old man, he lured Jacen to a small cave. Once inside the cave, Jacen discovered that it contained many artifacts which belonged to House Thul. Upon examining them, Jacen began experiencing visions of a future confrontation with his father. As he explored the cave further, Jacen found a hidden passageway which took him back to the city where he reunited with his master. [1]

Confrontation on Serenno[]

At last, my son!
—Alimar Thul to Jacen Tresherslider

Sometime later, Jacen and his master were called upon to resolve a dispute within the Great Houses of Serenno. As the two Jedi mediated peace talks, they were joined by two ambassadors from the Sith Empire. However, unbeknownst to everyone, the power plant’s reactor had been sabotaged to hinder the peace process. [1]

Following a loud boom, Jacen was sent to investigate. Upon entering the room, he felt a familiar presence. At that moment, a cloaked figure stepped out from the corner of the room. The figure then taunted Jacen before removing his cloak. Jacen was horrified to find his father standing across from him. In response, the two adversaries powered their lightsabers and engaged in a duel. With a reactor failure imminent, Alimar was able to use his son’s frustration against him and throw Jacen off balance. This resulted in Jacen drifting dangerously close to the dark side. However, with the help of his master, Jacen was able to regain his focus. Soon after, the two Jedi were able to stabilize the reactor and stop Jacen’s father from further sabotage. [1]

A new path[]

Shaken by the encounter with his father, Jacen decided to leave the Jedi Order. Seeking assistance from the Jedi Service Corps, the Council of Reassignment directed Jacen to work on Ord Mirit. During this time, Jacen became familiar with the inner workings of the Republic Military and decided to enlist in the Republic Army.[4]

Military Career[]

Early service[]

While at the training academy, Jacen vowed to never use his Force powers. Instead, he was reliant upon his natural abilities. Eventually, Jacen ranked first in Forward Assault, Search and Destroy, and Advanced Recon. Soon after, Jacen was sent on early tours in the Outer Rim and attained the rank of sergeant.[4]


Over a millennia later Jacen's DNA would be found by Sifo-Dyas and used to create CT-1899 later known as Jack Tresherslider.[6]

Personality and traits[]

Jacen Tresherslider was Human male who stood 1.49 meters tall with light skin, green eyes, and black hair. He was known for his positive attitude, kind heart, and was comedic at times but was serious when he needed to be. Jacen also loved to help others despite his physical limitations.

When trained by the Jedi, Jacen developed a sense of peace and humility. He made frequent use of meditation to center one's emotions and heal and rarely succumbed to anger or fear.[1]

Once he began training in the Republic Military, Jacen became the ideal Republic soldier, being highly patriotic and highly skilled in not only combat, but leadership and tactics. Even Arkos Rakton, the Empire's most feared general who was not only considered one of the top soldiers in the Galaxy but possessed extreme contempt for the Republic, viewed Jacen with grudging respect, going so far as to call him "the one worthy adversary in the whole Republic." Though suddenly granted the leadership of the most elite squad in the Republic, Jacen quickly adapted and led Havoc to many victories over the Empire. He disliked praise and medals, believing that it was a soldier's duty to serve the Republic regardless of the cost or rewards. Although Jacen did not enjoy taking lives, he understood when it was necessary to save the lives of innocents.

Powers and abilities[]

Due to Jacen's Cerebris paralysis, he had difficulty walking. However, while in the care of the Jedi, Jacen was given special anti-gravity braces that allow him to walk better. [1]

When trained by his master, Jacen had an attuned understanding of the Force and mastered several abilities such as Shatterpoint, Force Stun, Force push, Force pull, Force Persuasion, animal tame, and Psychometry. In an extreme case, he was able to use Force lighting and Force choke. At an early age, Jacen was taught extensively in all seven lightsaber forms.

Jacen was a very capable soldier, capable of using a combat knife, blaster rifle, and various grenade types such as sticky and cryo. Additionally, he made extensive use of a side arm and stealth generator to ambush enemies and survive the intense firefights in the heat of battle, making him heroes of the Galactic Republic. Due to his family history, Jacen pursued a primary specialization in medicine to become a medic, able to treat the wounded during a battle. While training at the academy, he took up additional specializations in demolitions, slicing, ordnance disarmament and disposal.[4] He also studied weapons and their modifications. As a result, Jacen became a skilled Armstech able to craft various blaster rifles, pistols, lightsabers, and other modifications for fellow allies.[3]

Armor and equipment[]

While training as Jedi, Jacen wore robes that were similar to the Jedi Temple Guard which was accompanied by his lightsaber.

When at the academy on Alderaan, he wore a blue overcoat with light colored pants. However, within the first few months of his deployment, he already had several different armor sets for various combat situations. However, Jacen would commonly be seen wearing a white and gray combat jacket with blue markings. In addition to this, he wore armor plating which was white and blue.

Jacen owned several different blasters which could be reconfigured for any situation. But he preferred to have his handcrafted bowcaster and side arm with him at times. In addition, he also carried sticky, cryo and flame grenades, along with a combat knife and stealth generator. As a medic, he carried medical probes, kolto and bacta packs.

Behind the scenes[]

Jacen Tresherslider first appeared in the MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic as an operative in the Trooper storyline.[3]

The character's namesake comes from Jacen Solo.[2]

Jacen's character story and development was heavily influenced by the life experiences of TheKyberKnight88.[2]



  • Star Wars: Stories of the Old Republic: "Enter the Precocious Child"
  • Star Wars: Stories of the Old Republic: "Shattered Path"
  • Star Wars: Soldiers Old Republic: "Academy Days Part I"
  • Star Wars: Soldiers Old Republic: "Academy Days Part II"
  • Star Wars: Soldiers of the Old Republic: "Civil War"
  • Star Wars: Soldiers of the Old Republic: "Coruscant Crisis"
  • Star Wars: Soldiers of the Old Republic: "Taris Trouble"
  • Star Wars: Soldiers of the Old Republic: "Droid Takedown"
  • Star Wars: Soldiers of the Old Republic: "Havoc Squad vs. Shadow Fist"
  • Star Wars: One Clone Captain: The Super Soldier (Mentioned only)


Notes and References[]
