Jacen Fearbeamer was a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars. He formed the Jetiise Vode when he became a Jedi Knight. He had his arm amputated by Dark Jedi Sora Bulq. After this, he asked Captain Rex to train him in the use of the DC-15 blaster rifle. Jacen also wears Katarn-class commando armor.
After being wounded by Sora Bulq in battle, Jacen was knighted. He formed a close friendship with many other Jedi and clones, so close they were almost a unit. Jacen formed a squad, the Jetiise Vode, consisting of all his friends. He had the Clone captain Clap assigned to him. He named his squad Jetiise Vode after meeting Kal Skirata, who told him it meant "Jedi Brothers."
Jacen during his temporary job as a diplomat.
Mission to Dathomir[]
After Zabrak warrior Savage Opress escaped Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jacen was sent to Dathomir. As Skywalker and Kenobi had been, Jacen was greeted by the male warriors in the Iridonian village. However, Jacen was unable to persuade them to leave him alone, and he was forced to fight them. One of the Iridonians was killed, and others had their limbs amputated. Enraged, the village leader ordered Fearbeamer to be taken to the dueling arena. There, Jacen fought many of the Zabrak warriors. However, Savage Opress soon arrived to gather what remaining possessions he had and, when he saw Jacen, engaged him in a fierce duel. Fortunately, Jacen had reinforcements in-system, and Clap, along with several other clones, opened fire on Opress long enough for Jacen to escape.
Battle of Umbara[]

Barriss Offee, one of Jacen's close friends.
Jacen fought with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's forces on Umbara, leading Clap and Viz against the Umbaran forces, and assisting ARC trooper Fives in destroying an Umbaran airfield. He also led them against a group of Trandoshan slavers on the planet. After defeating the Trandoshan captain, Fearbeamer, Clap, Viz, and Degan struck three Umbaran bunkers. While searching the planet, they found evidence of a Sith Academy, and when they located it, discovered that it was headed by Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Shortly after the battle, the Jetiise Vode fragmented, with Degan and several others leading their own squads of clones, and Clap being entered in the clone commando project.
Shortly after the Battle of Umbara, Jacen was framed for an attack on the Senate tower. With the Republic security and the Jedi Order searching for him, Jacen cut his hair, dyed it brown, and shaved his beard. He joined up with the CSi Outer Rim, who helped him prove his innocence, though he chose not to rejoin the Jedi Order after the incident. Instead, he fought alongside the Republic wearing either Mandalorian or clone commando armor when appropriate. Shortly thereafter, he joined an offshoot group of Jedi called the Kofun.
When Ahsoka Tano was framed for the murder of Letta Turmond, Jacen decided to investigate, seeing how similar the situation was to his own framing. Knowing his old friend could not commit such an act, he searched for an answer in hopes of proving Ahsoka's innocence. He had a brief argument with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Tano's Master, when their investigations conflicted, and Jacen managed to close the argument peacefully; not easy, considering Skywalker's anger over the situation.
The Outer Rim Sieges[]
Jacen was with Clap's battalion during the Outer Rim Sieges, fighting on Felucia and Saleucami. At this time, Jacen rinsed the dye from his hair and regrew his hair and beard.
Battle of Coruscant[]
During the Battle of Coruscant, all of the former members of the Jetiise Vode were either trapped on-planet, or else summoned back to help the battle. They fought many Separatist droids in order to defend evacuees who were trying to get to shelters. With the battle finished, Jacen transferred to Arkania with Clap's battalion.
Order 66[]
While on Arkania, Jacen wore his commando armor and used his DC-15 blaster rifle. When Order 66 was issued, Clap made a split-second decision to defend Jacen, who would have been executed despite leaving the order. He threw an EMP grenade, which shut down the other troopers' armor. Clap and Jacen made a quick run for a nearby town, where Twi'lek Knight Degan and ARC Trooper Viz had escaped. Viz had also decided to ignore the order. Word came in from Ula and Numa Torana that Streak and Sparks had also refused to execute their generals. Deejay and Gyro, two clone troopers in the squad, had also ignored the Order, though their Generals (who had not been in the Jetiise Vode) had been killed.
The Rebellion[]

Jacen during the Dark Times.
Many years passed, in which the clones who had ignored Order 66 found a cure for rapid aging. They settled on Corellia, until they heard news of a battle on a snowy plateau. Jacen led Streak, Jayrel, and Gallen Stipe to see what had happened. A Sith-turned-Jedi named Galen Marek had formed a Rebellion, but the leaders had been captured. Galen led a rescue, though he was killed. When Senator Bail Organa and pilot Juno Eclipse returned, Jacen and the others were still on the mountain. Juno offered them a place in the Rebel Alliance, which Jacen accepted, and the Jetiise Vode was reformed.
Battle of Kamino[]
When the reborn Jedi Starkiller returned to the Rebellion during a raid on Captain Eclipse's personal ship, the Salvation, Jacen was flying a Y-wing starfighter. Starkiller gave the coordinates to a secret cloning base on Kamino, and General Rahm Kota ordered the fleet to attack the base. Jacen flew a Y-wing bomber down, with Ula as his gunner, and destroyed many critical targets before being shot down. When his fighter crashed, he and Ula joined the ground battle with their lightsabers. Clap led a group of rebel commandos, which included Viz, Streak, and Sparks, into the battle, and the Alliance won the battle, taking Lord Darth Vader into custody.
Battle of Polis Massa[]
The Jetiise Vode were asked by Leia Organa to fight in a diversionary battle on Polis Massa, and Jacen agreed. During the battle, many Rebels fell, though the Jetiise Vode did not take any casualties.
Battle on Utapau[]
Jacen sometime after the Galactic Civil War.
Leia later led a strike on Utapau, and the Jetiise Vode fought with her. Jacen struck down many stormtroopers, including a dark side acolyte trained by Palpatine. When the Imperial leader on Utapau threatened Tion Medon, the Pau'an leader of the Utapau resistance, Jacen cut the Imperial's hand off, and Leia shot him.
Battle of Hoth[]
During the Battle of Hoth, Jacen and the others held off the Imperial ground troops, making sure none of them reached the command center. When Leia gave the evacuation order, the Jetiise Vode were the last ones out. Jacen ordered them all back to Jayrel's yacht, and as they retreated, Jacen caught a glimpse of Vader and unleashed a Force blast. One of Vader's men managed to shoot Clap in the leg, but the Jetiise Vode were otherwise unharmed, and they escaped Hoth in the yacht.
Powers and abilities[]

Jacen's first lightsaber, lost during a fight with Sora Bulq.
As a Jedi Knight, Jacen had access to many Force powers. Among his specialties were telekinesis and Force persuasion. During a battle with Dark Jedi Sora Bulq, Jacen was able to use the Force to turn aside some of Bulq's attacks, as well as temporarily confusing the Acolyte by blurring his vision and making his moves sluggish. He was also able to temporarily dumbfound Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, and Savage Opress. He noticed that his powers worked minimally on General Grievous due to the Separatist's cybernetics.
Fearbeamer's skill with a lightsaber was slightly lacking as a Padawan, as Sora Bulq was able to defeat him after a short duel and cut his arm off. However, Jacen later admitted that this was more due to his lack of practice than lack of skill. After his Knighting, he decided to train more often, defeating Jedi like Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, and at one point, Anakin Skywalker. He barely held his own against duelist Savage Opress, who nearly overwhelmed Jacen before a gunship arrived and distracted the Iridonian.
After the loss of his arm, Jacen decided that lightsaber skill would not be his only choice of combat. Often, when fighting droids, he used a DC-15 rifle. Captain Rex helped train him with the blaster weapon. Jacen was also lightly trained in the art of using a bowcaster, as well as an energy bow used by the Nightsisters. However, Jacen did use his lightsaber whenever things got thick, as well as whenever he was confronted by a Dark Jedi or other Force sensitive.