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All guns, fire at will!
—The commander of the 9th Anti-Aircraft Brigade, giving the order to fire at Republic gunships during the First Battle of Earth

The J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannon was a long range self-propelled artillery piece developed by the Techno Union, and fielded by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The J-1 could either operate with a pre-installed droid brain, or with a gunner operating the cannon from the side-seat, most of the J-1 models built for Earth didn't have the droid brain fitted, as Earth's military command wanted trained gunners to operate the cannon. One of the variants produced by the Techno Union Earth Division, an autonomous division of the Techno Union which produced weapons for the Separatist governments of the Solar System, had a twin-stick control system and a targeting crosshair complete with lead-fire indicator, rather than a touch screen targeting display, this system used two control columns, the left to move the droid, and the right to aim the gun, which had a trigger button for firing.

The J-1 didn't have an automatic reloading mechanism, and required a loader (though there was usually two loaders, due to the size and weight of the shells) to load each shell into the breech, Earth in particular viewed this feature as a plus, as it was almost a tradition on Earth for the military to shun automatic reloaders for cannons, on the grounds that they added unnecessary complexity.

The J-1 was popular on Earth, a member of the Confederacy, Earthlings liked the J-1 for its power, the J-1 was operated by Earth forces for at least 61 years, from the First Battle of Earth of 21 BBY, and was still in service as late as the Battle of Earth of 40 ABY. A variant of the J-1 was the J-1 tank gun, which was the main armament of Earth's superweapon tank, the Black Mamba super-heavy tank.

Another variant was the J-1 Anti-Aircraft Gun, this variant was simply the gun and breech system of the J-1 removed from its casing and placed on a full-traversing mount, this made it much quicker to spin the gun than the standard walker mount, J-1 AA guns were used as both fixed land-based emplacements and as emplacements on the largest ships of the Ocean-borne Confederate States Navy, the J-1 AA was used as a dual-purpose gun, engaging both aerial and surface targets, the Vulture Droid Carrier carried 10 J-1 AA guns.

Another naval variant was the Type J-1 Naval Gun, which was used as the main armament of the Confederacy-class Heavy Cruiser, the main armament consisted of four turrets mounting three Type J-1 guns each, the Type J-1 was much like the J-1 AA gun except mounted in a ship turret, the Mannat-class Light Cruiser's main armament also consisted of Type J-1 guns, one gun in each of the cruiser's five main turrets.

During the First Battle of Earth, the J-1 was used to shoot down Republic gunships, as well as destroy Republic vehicles, at which they were successful. They were also used against the Imperial forces during the Third Battle of Earth, and subsequently used by the Force for the Restoration of Separatist Earth Separatist Holdout group, they were also consecutively operated by the Earth Imperial Army of the Earth Empire puppet state, it wasn't unknown for J-1s of FRSE and the EIA to conduct skirmishes against each other.

Following the Revolution of 4 ABY, surviving J-1s were operated by the restored Confederate States of Earth, which from 40 ABY was a member of the Corellian Confederation.
