Star Wars Fanon

J'sute was a male Xian and warrior during both Xian conflicts in the Paryu system. He was also the son of Zhar, the Xian dictator governing the system during the first conflict. J'sute joined with the Liberators when his father disowned him for helping the Liberators enter the system. Tesh allowed J'sute to stay with the Liberators after learning that he had been disowned. He remained with the Liberators, helping them with logistics throughout the next Xian conflict, eighteen years later. Close to the end of the second conflict, J'sute was part of a strike team that stormed the Xian palace on X-Nais, the home planet of the Xians, to attempt to overthrow the new dictator. During the surge at the palace, J'sute was forced to fight his half-brother Jate Vohore, who had claimed to be the Redeemer, a person prophesied by Xians long before to bring the Xian Empire to its fullest. J'sute defeated Jate and was transformed into the true Redeemer through a process common among Xians where their body tattoo design changes with new experiences in their life.
