Star Wars Fanon

Ismaila Argrodek is a female Human Captain of the Alliance To Restore The Republic and later she became the general of the New Republic. She was born on the planet Cordradel in 20 BBY, her father, Bolum Argrodek was a Jedi of the Jedi Order and her mother, Sakia Argrodek was a maid at the Jet Galaxy Hotel & Casino. In 19 BBY, in the Battle of Cordradel, her father was participated in the battle against the Seperatists but he was shot and killed by several of his fellow clone troopers in Order 66. And the Clone Wars has come to an end while Palpatine is now the emperor of the newly formed Galactic Empire. after many other Jedi members of the Jedi Order were shot and killed by clone troopers who now became stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire.
