Isla Waverunner – also known as Mitth'att'inrokini, Isla Ahnkett and Chrome Besh – was a female Chiss Force user adopted by the Ahnkett family of Onderon after her father was mortally wounded by pirates while fleeing the Chiss Ascendancy. Shortly after being adopted, Isla was given over to the Jedi Order and trained as a Jedi Padawan. At the age of ten Isla and her Jedi Master – Master Rosentine Synma – were ambushed while en route to a diplomatic distress call in the Outer Rim, leading to a confrontation in which Master Synma was killed.
Isla was pressed into joining the Sith Empire on threat of death, becoming the secret apprentice of Lord Kim. During this transition, she assumed the name Loreli Patek and would continue to utilize her new identity for the entirety of her Sith career, leading the Jedi to assume Isla Ahnkett had been slain alongside her master. Loreli was trained to specialize in stealth and assassination, learning to conceal her presence both physically and in the Force and eventually applying her abilities to assist Imperial Intelligence operations as a volunteer field agent when she became a Sith proper, submitting to the authority of Keeper and becoming a full-time operative of Imperial Intelligence's successor organization, Sith Intelligence, where she excelled as an assassin.
She fought against the invaders during the Zakuulan invasion and was almost killed at the very beginning of the conflict when she was cornered by a quartet of Zakuulan Knights, only surviving thanks to the timely intervention of Zhavi Waverunner, a self-exiled Jedi Padawan-turned-smuggler. Loreli continued to serve the Empire until 20 ATC, at which point her frustration with the lack of action against Zakuul drove her to abandon her duties and seek out resistance groups. Doing so led her back into the company of Zhavi Waverunner, and the pair eventually made their way to Odessen to join the newly formed Eternal Alliance at the start of 23 ATC. The two women developed an intense – and eventually romantic – relationship which continued beyond the destruction of the Eternal Fleet in 25 ATC, an event which saw a large portion of Alliance forces – Zhavi and Loreli included – return to their respective factions in anticipation of a renewed Galactic War. Loreli was present on Dronim Major when the Antiquarians – a mercenary company specializing in dangerous archaeological site security – attacked the expedition she was working for at the behest of the Sith Empire, forcing her – under her alias Carla Jemso – to work alongside the shipwrecked former Darth Enigmus, Benjamin Lambert, to prevent the mercenaries from acquiring a mysterious artifact hidden beneath the ruins.
Later that year, the hidden Jedi colony on Ossus was invaded and the couple met on Makeb to discuss Loreli's role in the attack. Believing Loreli had given the colony's location to Sith Intelligence, Zhavi attacked the Chiss, although ultimately the errant Jedi could not bring herself to strike a killing blow. When she learned that Zhavi's family had been captured later in the year, Loreli spent months trying to find them, a search that ultimately led her to an ill-fated duel against her Sith mentor – Lord Scarlet Jhang, who had recognized their bond as a Force dyad and wished to exploit it – in the Tomb of Freedon Nadd on Dxun towards the end of 26 ATC. During the confrontation Loreli was grievously injured and went into shock, and would have died from her wounds if not for Zhavi intervening with the Force. Due to an ongoing security issue on nearby Onderon and issues with security measures on the ship she had stolen from Lord Jhang, Zhavi was chased out of the system and forced to set a course for the neutral world of Voryle in search of medical attention.
Loreli awoke on Voryle several months later – in the first few weeks of 27 ATC – and reluctantly reclaimed her former identity, posing as a Jedi sent by the SIS to help combat the Empire's influence. She allied herself with the Mikkian Countess Patrice LaLenna, who helped her form the Cobbled Terentateks, a street gang that she led to victory over the Empire's proxy forces on the planet, the Rabid Akks gang, after which she was honored with a place among the planet's nobility by the newly crowned Samantha D'callo, becoming Lord Ahnkett of the Independent Nation of Voryle, as an acknowledgement of her former desire to be named a Sith Lord.
At the end of 27 ATC, Isla, along with Zhavi, was approached by SIS chief Frank Pad and Gray Jedi Benjamin Lambert – who she had worked with on Dronim Major – to become a founding member of the Republic Strategic Information Service initiative Project Petrichor, where she received the designation Cobalt. The duo's first assignment took them to Voss, to the Interepreter's Retreat, where they recruited the Gormak Force-user Xadda. Through 28 ATC Isla participated in assignments on Kashyyyk, Corulag, Felucia, Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa as part of the larger Operation: Crystal Lekku, which culminated in a final battle against the forces of Darth Aivela on Jum Tarra. Isla personally assassinated the Sith Lord while she was distracted by Benjamin and recovered the so-called "Four Bound Spirits" Project Petrichor had been tasked with keeping out of Imperial hands, temporarily absconding with them and using them to reanimate the deceased Bibi Jotto, who had been killed on Voryle the previous year.
Towards the end of the year, Isla, Zhavi, Kassie Kaadara and Damascus infiltrated an Imperial starfighter factory with the intention of destroying it. While successful, Damascus was captured and transported back to Dromund Kaas, though Isla was later able to rescue him with the help of his estranged wife Corrith, resulting in the end of Isla's relationship with the Chistori. In late 28 ATC, Isla and Zhavi helped the crew of a modified Terminus-class destroyer – the Relinquished – overthrow their abusive Sith commander and defect to the Republic, providing Project Petrichor with a mobile command center that enabled them to expand and reorganize into the Strategic Asset Reassignment Bureau in early 29 ATC. Isla and Zhavi were the first agents deployed under the organization's new banner, responding to a request for assistance from a Chiss observatory on the edge of the galaxy, where an extra-galactic artifact had brainwashed the station personnel and attracted an entire swarm of starweirds.
Following the extermination of the starweirds, Zhavi and Isla were dispatched to capture an Imperial transport as it traveled through realspace, unaware that they were being lured into a trap set by Lord Artofen. Overwhelmed and captured, the pair almost died of starvation in their cell on Dromund Tyne before they were rescued by Benjamin and his partner Aaellu, escaping back to Republic space for emergency medical treatment. After recovering and attending the Daragon Hall Annual Charity Gala and winning Yummobbu's Capture the Ysalamiri wargame, the pair – having once again become a couple – journeyed to Copero to visit Isla's mother and siblings, where Isla was offered an opportunity to return home and rejoin Chiss society, albeit without Zhavi. She rejected the invitation initially, but agreed to consider it when the terms were amended to include Zhavi, and left the planet with the intention of returning one day.
Isla went on to participate in an investigation on Mek-Sha, take part in ending a short-lived civil war on Voryle that saw the end of D'callo's reign and Bibi Jotto's resurrection undone, serve as a protective decoy for Princess Imke Ulgo and recover the valuable Bimmisaari Document on Darvannis before taking part in the conclusion of Operation: Kaasian Rose, helping to stop the experimental forces of Darth Madré above Pillio and remove the Scepter of Ragnos from the Sith Empire's control. After Darth Madré's defeat, veteran Jedi Shadow Master Magda held Benjamin and Aaellu's children hostage to force them to turn over the Celestial Orbs they had hidden on Idlanna. Isla was dispatched to assassinate the Jedi Master at a long abandoned enclave on Chandrila, preventing her plan to resurrect the Jedi who had fallen during the war.
Relocating to Copero with the intention of settling down in 30 ATC, Isla and Zhavi soon returned to service to play an integral role in the Battle of Scarif. The couple returned a month later for a vacation, during which time they invested in the spice trade run by Mister Crimson, becoming partners in a new organization called the Crimson Wave. Isla also received an Esseles bird as a gift from Zhavi, who she named Imani. Isla and Zhavi were later sent to investigate the lost Jedi world of Ahch-To using data recovered from Master Magda's Enclave, where Isla experienced a vision warning her of the inevitable return of the starweirds.
Towards the end of the year the couple were deployed to Sullust to create an opening for Republic forces to retake the planet; utilizing a Basilisk war droid loaned to them by Clan Gharva, the couple were able to flood an Imperial facility with lava, beginning the long process of liberating the planet from the Empire. Two years later in 32 ATC, Isla and Zhavi assisted Master Urthan Reynolds on a personal trip to Endor, serving as protection while he helped his Ewok companion return home to die. That same year, Isla and Zhavi were invited to Mister Crimson's birthday party on Kymikka VI to help charm the hedonistic princess of Kymikka into supporting Crimson's distribution of spice throughout her system.
In 36 ATC Isla was contacted regarding the final wishes of Lord Jhang, who had bequeathed her family vault – a hidden orbital station – to the Chiss. She inherited several hundred artifacts of varying value, in addition to the Dashade bodyguard Retem Vok and a Sith lanvarok. Two years later, Isla and Zhavi returned to Sullust to participate in a massive Republic offensive, helping to finally end the Imperial occupation. Isla and Zhavi went on to expose senatorial candidate Beck Yuggoda's connection to the Coruscant spice trade and helped organize a party for the 40th anniversary of Nomi and Yuri Waverunner a day later, during which a conversation with Frank prompted Isla and Zhavi to travel to Dromund Kaas to try and capture his surviving child, Lord Vauk, though they were outplayed by Vauk and had to be rescued by SARB forces.
In 39 ATC Isla and Zhavi returned from Copero to see friends and relatives in Republic space, and while staying with her parents on Onderon the couple were visited by the ghost of Master Synma, who had returned to complete Isla's training. Sent off with cryptic directions, Isla and Zhavi traveled to Ossus to search for answers, but were redirected to Ilum when they heard news of Ben Lambert's disappearance there. Discovering an ancient temple which concealed a network of crystal caves, Isla and Zhavi were separated, and in her isolation the Chiss experienced several visions – during which she was declared a Jedi Knight – before receiving a new lightsaber crystal.
After returning to Onderon, Zhavi proposed to Isla (who accepted) and the couple soon moved on to help defend the Janarus hypermatter refinery, protecting the installation but failing to prevent Darth Vokuur and his daughter Salila Ishtar from claiming the "Infinite Codex" buried underneath the facility and killing Jedi Master Urthan Reynolds during their escape. Shortly afterwards, Isla's biological mother asked the couple to return to Copero to assist with a secretive assignment, which they soon discovered was an attack on a research facility on Csilla belonging to one of Mitth'icini'inrokini's rivals, a scientist who was kidnapping and experimenting on Force-sensitives. In the aftermath, Isla – who had seen visions of the experiments and feared the implications – and her mother reconciled.
In 40 ATC, Isla and Zhavi joined a massive assault force for an incursion into Imperial space and were deployed along with several other boarders to take down the so-called "Dromund Forge", a space station constructed by Darth Vokuur using lost Rakatan techniques contained within the Infinite Codex. Assisted by her long-term rival Sera Artofen, Isla reached the control room of the station and lowered the shields while Artofen, Aaellu Lambert and her adoptive daughter Acina Lambert confronted Darth Vokuur, a fierce battle which only ended when Acina sacrificed herself, satisfying the vision she had seen to end Vokuur's threat. Searching for calm after the intensity of the conflict, Isla and Zhavi returned to Odessen and ventured out into the wilds, where they worked together to forge a new lightsaber for Isla using the crystal she had acquired on Ilum. A few months after returning to Republic space, Isla and Zhavi were wed on the Gold Beaches of Corellia before returning to their life on Copero.
In 41 ATC Isla was rushed to hospital on Talravin while en route to Coruscant via the Hydian Way due to complications with her pregnancy, necessitating a C-section to safely deliver the couple's first child, Acina Waverunner. Their droid companion Ducky was deactivated and kidnapped during the commotion, but Zhavi successfully recovered him from a scrapyard and traced his stolen data back to Imperial forces. The following year, the couple helped evacuate Bimimma when an Imperial dreadnought ravaged by starweirds drifted into the planet's atmosphere and crashed into the ocean.
Isla went on to take part in a privately funded expedition to rediscover the lost Jedi world of Shimka's Well in early 43 ATC and helped repel the Sith Empire's forces when they arrived to seize the planet and its secrets for themselves. Although seriously wounded by the newly unveiled extinction forces of Darth Hamon, Isla recovered enough to save Zhavi from the ancient being Shauko, preventing it from recovering a Zeffo astrium from beneath the Mesa Temple. In the hidden chamber the pair also saw a vision of their unborn children in the distant future, disappearing and reappearing in nebulous circumstances that were somehow related to the starweirds. They were forced to jump back into the action almost immediately to help rescue Shen and Gretta Lambert from Darth Hamon's prototype superdreadnaught, the Hammer of Hamon, which ultimately resulted in the death of Lord Vauk, the destruction of the vessel and the capture of Shara Vhenn, Frank's granddaughter.
Several months later, Zhavi gave birth to a boy and a girl, whom the couple named Atem and Meetra Waverunner, respectively. This happy time in the couple's lives was overshadowed when, weeks later, they received word that Frank had been murdered by Shara in cold blood while she escaped custody with Darth Hamon's aid. Zhavi, supported by Isla, stood for election in the hopes of becoming the Senator for Coruscant in 44 ATC, gaining considerable public support and condemnation from the Jedi Order, who began pressuring the Galactic Senate to disband SARB in retaliation. By 45 ATC, after her successful campaign saw her elected to the senate, Zhavi was well-respected by the electorate, though Zhavi herself became increasingly frustrated with the senate humoring the Jedi Order's harassment of SARB, an issue which was continuously brought up and postponed.
Eventually, Zhavi denounced the Galactic Republic in a bold speech to the senate, criticizing the continued poor behavior of – and the senate's submission to – the Jedi Order. Zhavi resigned her post as senator during the speech and announced the founding of a new colony and Jedi Enclave on Shimka's Well, further adding to the immeasurable controversy her speech stirred up. Taking the undocumented assets and crew SARB had accumulated over the years as their own, Isla and Zhavi appointed themselves as rulers of Shimka's Well and relocated to the planet to begin a controversial new Jedi Enclave, backed by their friends and allies. With support from Farrow, in addition to Zhavi's ongoing popularity and the fact that Shimka's Well was outside Republic space and its rediscovery privately funded by Lambert, the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic could do little to prevent what would later be referred to as the Waverunner Exodus.
In 56 ATC, Isla and Zhavi worked alongside Elizabeth Kondarr – captain of the Relinquished – to establish a joint military and intelligence organization to defend Shimka's Well from external threats, Sith or otherwise. Commissioning weapons, armor and ships, Isla became the Director of Intelligence and the Advanced Strategic Operations Service was officially established. Over the years, Isla, as head of ASOS Intelligence, oversaw the rediscovery of the Sith world Kitessh and the demolition of the Shatterpoint Outpost superlaser, the destruction of Darth Hamon's extinction droid factory and clone warrior facilities and the elimination of both pirate warlord Lizzett Odé and her fleet and the Antiquarians mercenary company. She also commissioned Benjamin's daughter Azora Lambert to eliminate several Sithspawn who threatened the peace, some of which were engineered by Darth Despiro. A year after the establishment of ASOS, Isla personally performed a test flight of the prototype Firefly-class interceptor and approved it for mass production.
In 62 ATC Isla and Zhavi traveled to Geonosis to rescue the Force-wielding Kaleesh gladiator Kasor Nuth and recruit her to the ranks of the Shimkan Jedi. That same year, Isla and Zhavi rescued Acina and Shen from their own ill-advised rescue mission on Sleheyron, negotiating with their old acquaintance Yummobbu to locate and intercept a Republic prison ship carrying Suiko and Sakura Artofen, who had been kidnapped as part of a black operation to apprehend their mother Sera. Acina and Atem both disappeared the following year, the former shortly after receiving a commendation for uncovering senate corruption in her role as a Sector Ranger and the latter while working with the Republic's Expeditionary Response Fleet to patrol the distant Outer Rim. Though upset and worried, the couple had foreseen their disappearance years earlier – and knew they would return, in time.
As predicted, both children did indeed return – in 66 ATC – with troubling news concerning the starweirds and an extra-galactic threat, prompting a two-pronged response from Shimka's Well. Leading a Jedi strike team into the hidden Nar Shaddaa surface city known as The Under, Isla and Zhavi stopped a plot (orchestrated centuries prior) to open a sinister form of hypergate beneath the Smuggler's Moon; meanwhile Meetra and Atem joined Operation: Black Flood; an initiative involving a coalition of Mandalorian warriors – comprised of Clan Gharva, Clan Menti and a number of smaller clans – and a special Republic task force. Black Flood concluded with a number of Clan Bossim holdouts sealing themselves inside an impenetrable beskar tower, beginning a siege that would last for several years.
Once the battle was over Meetra accompanied her newfound rival Sethos Lambert to investigate Imperial fleet sightings near Kymikka VII, resulting in the duo being marooned for a time. Isla and Zhavi, wary about losing their children again, traveled to Kymikka VII and remained cloaked in orbit, listening in on Imperial communications until they were able to locate Meetra and Sethos. Joining them on the surface, Isla helped the duo confront the Imperial forces and discovered the existence of another Celestial Orb, confirming that the "Four Bound Spirits" were not a complete collection after all.
Meetra and Sethos, with Isla's help, eventually followed the stolen orb to Korriban and retrieved it from Lord Dzundro after he tried and failed to resurrect Darth Madré. Isla was also responsible for sending the pair to Tatooine to eliminate a Twin Suns slaving operation. Their mission ultimately led them to split up to investigate different leads; a Blooded Claw encampment on Scarif and a prison on Lok, which in turn led to the holiday palace of Gaddim, a Hutt businessman and prominent member of the Congress of Bandomeer. This chain of events ultimately allowed Sethos to warn Isla about an impending attack on Shimka's Well, ensuring the suicide vessel sent to destroy the colony was dealt with quickly, though several smaller, bomb-laden starfighters managed to slip through the atmosphere in a last-ditch effort to destroy the colony.
Only two of the starfighters were not intercepted in time for the colony shield to be activated; the first was halted before it could hit Mesa Temple by Meetra, though the second struck the temple's independent shield dome, exploding and triggering a second blast in the fighter Meetra had under her control. Meetra shielded herself and several older citizens from the blast as it leveled Temple Mesa, save for the temple itself, the shields of which held out against the blast, protecting the civilians – including Acina's fiancée Kelsie Sayaki and her pet varactyl Jewel – sheltering within. Isla and Zhavi were forced to immediately depart from Shimka's Well when the exiled Sith Lord Darth Salvharroh took the opportunity to attack the allied world of Farrow. The couple helped stop the Sith Lord's plot to "corrupt" the Force itself, but they were unable to prevent the performance of an experimental ritual on Farrow's moon Merot, resulting in the opening of a rift connecting the physical world to the Cosmic Force, forcing Benjamin – mortally wounded – to seal himself inside in order to close it and keep the Force in balance.
At the beginning of 68 ATC, Isla and Zhavi received word from Ghatooine that their son Atem had died to ensure the final defeat of Clan Bossim and their Gen'dai leader, Rakta Bossim, and that just days later their youngest daughter Meetra had given birth to a daughter of her own, Millie Lambert. Isla continued to serve as the head of ASOS intelligence until 84 ATC when, using data acquired by Iden Lambert in the hours before her death and the destruction of Sarros, the multicultural Infinity Coalition was assembled to deal with the Zhaelor Vong. Using hypergate technology, the coalition created a gateway to the extra-galactic satellite the Chiss Ascendancy had designated EGS-KTTL-0795, known to the troops as the "Nightmare Satellite", and launched a full-scale invasion.
Both Isla and Zhavi served as battlefield commanders throughout the campaign, but towards its end the couple ventured out to the heart of enemy territory of their own volition to confront the alien, brain-like entity behind the strange army they had been fighting and set a modified version of the Mass Shadow Generator. The creature attempted to seize their minds, exerting the same immense suggestive power it had used to control Gaddim, but was unable to penetrate the dyad that bound them together. Undeterred, the entity set the satellite – in actuality an enormous, organic vessel – on a collision course with the galactic barrier in a desperate final attempt to forcibly enter the galaxy.
Summoning its army of deformed warriors and starweirds to converge on the pair, the couple – following a shared vision – ignored the oncoming threats and focused solely on each other and everything they loved, willingly accepting death and becoming one with the Force, disappearing in a blinding, irradiating light which killed everything in the area. The Infinity Coalition, already evacuating when the vessel began to move, were able to escape, and the passing of Isla and Zhavi was sensed by everyone who knew them. Meetra, certain her mothers had succeeded in their mission, gave the command for the Mass Shadow Generator to be activated as the satellite attempted to penetrate the galaxy, crushing the entire vessel and generating enough energy to create a fracture in the barrier.
Early Life[]
She'll spend her life in care unless someone gives her a chance. She's different, special. We should give her a chance to show it... be different, just like her.
—Mr Ahnkett, to his wife.
In 2 ATC, on the world of Copero, the Chiss scientist Mitth'icini'inrokini gave birth to her fourth child, a premature baby girl whom she named Mitth'att'inrokini. Initially, Mitth'att'inrokini was sickly and unwell, but she grew healthier by the end of her first year. At just under two years of age, Mitth'att'inrokini displayed her connection to the Force by telekinetically summoning a toy to her hand, sparking a debate between her mother and father in regards as to what they would do about it.
As lesser ranking members of the Chiss Ascendancy were primarily exiled if found to be Force sensitive – with only the upper echelons of society being allowed to retain their citizenship and status on the proviso that they suppressed their powers through medical means – the secret quickly became a source of friction for the couple. Mitth'icini'inrokini, still working on climbing up the ranks of the Chiss Ascendancy, was certain that she would eventually rise to a position from which she could shield Mitth'att'inrokini from exile.
Her father, in contrast, was unconvinced, certain his daughter would be discovered and exiled – or worse, given that she was already actively using the Force, an act which was punishable by death in Chiss society. The couple could not reach a decision on what to do, and as their impasse continued to endure through the weeks, Mitth'att'inrokini's father decided to take matters into his own hands. He took Mitth'att'inrokini from her cot in the dead of night, setting off in the family's shuttle and slipping away, heading for Republic space before anyone realized what had happened.
Sadly, his dreams of a new life in the Republic, safe from the laws of the Ascendancy did not – for himself at least – come to pass; pirates set upon his vessel on the inner border of Republic space, disabling it and fatally wounding him in the process. Before they could board and salvage the exotic starship, however, a Republic counter-piracy patrol came across the scene and drove off the attackers, saving Mitth'att'inrokini from death or slavery. They were too late to do anything for her father, but he lived long enough to ask them to protect his daughter from any Chiss who might come after her.
Although her name had been given, in full and in short, the soldiers elected to omit her name from the records, honoring the last wish of her father for her to be protected from her people, even if they did not understand why. To that end, she was handed over to the appropriate authorities as a nameless war orphan, and quickly transferred to the first orphanage that had room to spare, which ended up being on Onderon. Due to her exotic nature and young age, Mr and Mrs Ahnkett took pity on the misfit during their visit and adopted her, naming her Isla Ahnkett. For a time Isla's future seemed to be secure, with new, loving parents who had longed for a child of their own and had, in Isla, found what their lives had been missing.
The Force once again changed the direction of Mitth'att'inrokini's life when the infant used her Force powers for a second time, prompting another lengthy discussion, this time between her adoptive parents, both of whom reluctantly – and after careful consideration – agreed that it was in Isla's best interests – if not theirs – to be sent to the Jedi Order, where she could be raised by people who understood her powers and knew how to help her.
Traveling to Coruscant to meet with representatives of the Jedi Order, the Ahnkett's bid a tearful goodbye to the young Chiss as she was taken away by the Jedi, departing for the recently discovered world of Tython on which the Jedi had built a new temple to replace the one destroyed during the Sacking of Coruscant. The Ahnkett's tried to stay in touch with Isla even though the Jedi had made it clear they would have no further contact, though their attempts to reach her failed and it would be almost twenty years before they spoke with Isla again.
A Youngling on Tython[]
I should say I'm annoyed you disobeyed orders, but I reckon you've put me in my place one time too many already tonight. Looks like the situation would've got real dicey if you hadn't stuck your neck out t' help... nice job in there kid.
—Isla's CSF handler, after the resolution of a hostage situation.
Isla arrived at the temple on Tython blissfully unaware of what was happening, confused but unafraid. As with all Jedi younglings, Isla was trained as part of a Jedi Initiate Clan – specifically, Katarn Clan – and began learning her first, essential lessons, pertaining to things such as the Jedi Code, meditation, memorizing the layout of the temple and the grounds as well as learning the value of physical training.
In spite of her peers' best efforts, Isla was uncomfortable around other beings, seeking solace in isolation whenever she was able even in her earliest years at the temple. Conversely, she was a model student when it came to studying the ways and history of the Jedi Order, enjoying her time in the Jedi Archives and soaking in knowledge like a sponge. As she grew older and progressed in her training, she proved herself competent in the martial aspects of Jedi life too, being a capable fighter in both hand-to-hand and saber combat, albeit with a clear preference towards the latter due to her diminutive stature. Alongside her peers, Isla inevitably reached the stage of her training where her fate would be decided; the Initiate Trials.
Being familiar with the Jedi Code and the various meanings derived from it by generations of Jedi scholars past, Isla's trials started well, with the young Chiss breezing through the tests requiring her to prove her knowledge of the Code. For her second trial, Isla and her clan were taken to Coruscant where they were each tasked with aiding the CSF in their duties, mostly helping with simple tasks that involved no real danger or responsibility. The officer Isla was assigned to assist responded to a report of a hostage situation en route to their intended destination and ordered the Initiate to remain in the speeder while he joined his fellow officers in responding to the crisis.
Isla, now nine years old and on the cusp of biological adulthood by Chiss standards, did not see this as an acceptable order. Even so, Isla was smart; she waited to disobey the order only when she identified an opportunity she could exploit. Smaller than the security officers, Isla realized that she could infiltrate the speeder showroom in which the hostages were being held through the ventilation systems, accessible via a maintenance access panel outside. Sneaking out of sight, Isla opened the panel, made her way into the ventilation shaft and followed it along, using Force Stasis to immobilize a number of high-speed fans blocking her path until she reached her destination, inside the showroom.
Not one to rush into a situation, Isla listened from within the vents, eavesdropping on the hostage takers to try and get an idea of their numbers and mental states, quickly realizing that they were Imperials agents, outed and forced into a desperate, futile retreat which had ended with them taking hostages to stall for time. They knew, however, that they would not escape, and as Isla listened she realized they intended to rig the building to explode using parts from the speeders, killing them, their hostages and likely injuring many of the officers and bystanders outside. Once she believed she had enough information, Isla used the Force to break part of the ventilation shaft further along from her position, drawing their attention long enough for her to dislodge one of the shaft's panels, drop into the room and assess the situation before the fighting started. Fortunately, there were only three of them, and in the close confines of the office area they were in Isla was able to use her small size and speed – coupled with the fact they had not been expecting anyone to get inside so quickly – to overwhelm the unsuspecting trio, blinding one with the tip of her training blade, immobilizing another with the Force and repeatedly striking the last until he was in too much pain to keep resisting.
With their suicide escape plan foiled, the Chiss proudly declared that they were under arrest, released the hostages tied up on the showroom floor and returned to the injured Imperials to bind them with the same electrical wiring they had used on their victims. Once she had cleared the barricade blocking the entrance and escorted the hostages out, the CSF forces swarmed the building to secure it and medics descended on the group to check for injuries. The officer who Isla had been traveling with begrudgingly congratulated her, conceding that while he ought to be critical of her for disobeying instructions, he was impressed with the outcome. Given her success, the officer praised her to her clan Master, stating that she made the right call – if she had not acted as she did, a lot of people would have been hurt and killed.
Pleased with herself, Isla continued to assist the CSF, savoring her triumph until her period of service was over and the Jedi headed back to Tython, returning to normalcy for a few weeks before the final – and most difficult – trial was scheduled to begin.
The Dark Initiate[]
You know that to grow is to outgrow. Our destiny lies at the top of a mountain of Jedi corpses – and anyone else who presumes to call themselves our master.
—Isla's vision of herself, immersed in the dark side.
For her second trial, Isla was tasked with facing the dark side of the Force and overcoming it. Alongside her peers, Isla was taken to a cave far from the Jedi Temple, a site strong in ancient dark side energies that still lingered from the forgotten Force Wars. Their instructions were simple; head inside and face the darkness within. Isla was not particularly thrilled with the vague objective but ventured in without question, eager to advance to the next stage of her career as a Jedi. As the younglings progressed, they began to experience visions, luring them away from each other and into the depths of the rocky labyrinth.
Before too long, Isla was alone, walking through the darkness with only the echoed dripping of water to guide her, unable to see anything so far beneath the ground. With no way to check the time, Isla was not even sure how long she had been wandering, though as her ordeal went on she felt certain she had been lost for hours. Naturally, she began to worry, fearing that she had failed somehow; until she came across a wide cavern, filled with enormous crystal growths that illuminated the space with a dim mixture of colored lights.
In the center, a figure stood watching her, waiting patiently as she approached. Initially, Isla believed it was one of her fellow students. She called out to the figure but received no answer and, when she eventually got close enough, realized she was staring into her own eyes. Clad in dark robes and with a lightsaber on her hip, Isla's dark mirror was a sinister sight, with sunken eyes and pale skin that was marked with subtle lines that Isla knew to be the result of the corrupting influence of the dark side. Her clone finally spoke as she came to a halt a short distance from her, telling her it was her destiny to embrace the dark side of the Force and that she would climb the corpses of the Jedi in her rise to power.
According to her dark alter ego, the group had entered the caves weeks ago and her peers had long since succumbed to the dark side to stay alive. Isla expressed her doubts about the claims, refusing to believe it had been that long, though lost some of her confidence when her duplicate made a beckoning motion, silently summoning the other acolytes from the shadows around her. Their robes torn, their flesh bruised and bloody and their eyes glowing with the furious taint of the dark side, Isla raised her blade in readiness, believing that her fellow initiates had fallen. Her mirror told her she had to embrace the dark side herself if she wanted to survive.
With that, her peers launched clumsy, aggressive attacks in unison, devolving the situation into violence. As was the case with reality, Isla was the superior duelist, more physically advanced than the other initiates due to her alien biology and therefore afforded an unfair advantage, even though Isla herself had no idea her species matured faster than other near-Humans. She outmaneuvered all of them in quick succession, one after the other, and with each impact her foes burst into clouds of swirling black dust until only her dark opposite remained. Again her clone tried to talk her into embracing the dark side, telling her that she had only reinforced what she already knew – Isla's peers were inferior. They were of similar age, but not similar ability, and the Jedi would continue to treat her as a child, ensuring she never reached her full potential. As before, Isla refused to go against her training, prompting her clone to activate a red lightsaber and launch towards her.
Isla could not gain the upper hand against her clone due to their shared abilities and knowledge, yet her clone faced the same hurdle, ensuring that the duel continued for hours with neither of them able to land a blow. As time seemed to bleed out into an infinite path with no end in sight, Isla came up with an idea. She knew neither of them could win, that much was clear, and she also knew the vision could not physically hurt her, as it did not exist in reality. With that in mind, Isla worked towards creating an opportunity, guiding the duel in such a way that she gave her opponent an opening – then allowed her to take it, spearing the lightsaber through Isla's stomach. In doing so, however, her clone had closed the gap between them and left herself open to a counter-attack.
Doing her best to ignore the searing pain in her abdomen and her concern that the vision actually could hurt her, Isla used the opportunity to reach up and grab the duplicate's head in her hands, jerking it violently to one side and – with the Force aiding her – breaking her neck. She too burst into a cloud of dust, leaving Isla shocked by the phantom pain she had experienced, but ultimately unharmed. When that cloud dissipated, the crystal cave she had fought in was gone, replaced by the pitch black of the tunnels and the persistent dripping. This time, a single light source shone up from the floor beside Isla, a blue lightsaber crystal that cast enough of a glow for the Chiss to navigate a way out of the caves with, emerging less than an hour later.
She was greeted by a handful of her clan members, with more joining them in the hours that followed. By nightfall, all but one of the initiates had returned, and the clan were escorted back to the Jedi temple, glad to have succeeded in their trial yet kept awake worrying for their missing friend. Isla, in contrast, fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, certain that the hardest part of her initiate trials were over.
Jedi Padawan[]
You are a fine student, Padawan, but you must learn patience. An eagerness to learn is admirable, yet an eagerness to learn can easily become a weakness that can endanger both you and others. That is why we preach patience, so that you don't just learn a teaching, but understand it as well.
—Jedi Master Rosentine Synma, explaining the importance of patience to Isla.
With the rest of her Initiate Trials behind her, all that remained was for Isla to construct her lightsaber.
Using instructions from the archives to guide her, Isla set about building her weapon using parts provided by the clan Master, spending several days in quiet meditation to assemble a sleek, simple lightsaber fitted with the crystal she had collected in the cave, infused with Force energy during her ritual duel against her dark reflection. Having successfully completed all her tasks to pass her Initiate Trial, Isla was approached by one of the visiting Jedi Masters, Master Rosentine Synma, who invited her to become her Padawan and accompany her on her travels. Eager to leave Tython behind, the Chiss was already prepared to agree to any master that offered and departed with Master Synma later that evening, believing she would finally be given the tuition she felt she had been denied as an Initiate.
Unfortunately for Isla, the weeks that followed saw her Jedi training progress as slowly as ever, with lessons being staggered and cut short, or repeated, needlessly as far as Isla was concerned. Isla's time with Master Synma saw her deal with mostly diplomatic situations and disputes between civilians – and even then only as an observer to learn from her master's example. Isla grew increasingly frustrated, and after almost a year under Master Synma – and with Isla now at her species' age of maturity – the relationship between master and student was becoming frayed, almost hostile.
Unbeknownst to both Synma and Isla, the Padawan's training was about to take an unexpected turn.
In 12 ATC, the duo were sent to assist with another diplomatic mission in the Outer Rim, unaware that information about their travel plans had reached the ears of Imperial Intelligence, prompting the organization to seize the opportunity to eliminate a Jedi with almost no risk to Imperial assets. En route, the Jedi's vessel was intercepted and boarded by Rattataki Sith Lord Lord Kim. Isla was easily overwhelmed, stunned and apprehended by the Imperial troopers supporting Lord Kim and restrained with stun cuffs to prevent her from intervening as Kim crossed blades with Master Synma.
Lord Kim's use of Makashi allowed him to eventually outperform Master Synma's Niman, the limited room aboard the ship preventing her from making full use of her Force powers while his form was tight and precise, ideally suited to the situation. Powerless to assist, Isla was forced to watched as Lord Kim slipped his blade through Master Synma's defenses and impaled her, striking her sternum and killing her almost instantly, leaving her Padawan shocked and saddened and fearing her own impending death.
Curiously enough, Lord Kim had other ideas; he had his men to remove Isla's shackles and ordered her to stand, detailing the situation she was in in a logical, straightforward way, pointing out the facts that were already obvious to all present. He then explained that Isla had two options he would allow her to choose between.
Firstly, she could die with her master, a swift and painless death that would honor her commitment to the Jedi Order and allow her to stay true to their ideals. The second option, was to accept Lord Kim's offer of an apprenticeship, joining the Sith Empire as a Sith apprentice under his tutelage and committing herself to the dark side, as her vision had told her to. Isla, seeing a way out of what had previously seemed like a certain death scenario, asked if she would be held back by him, too, to which he darkly vowed to push her beyond what she believed she could achieve – and likewise vowing consequences if she could not keep up with his expectations.
Considering her options carefully, Isla was compelled to decide quickly when Lord Kim ignited his lightsaber, held it to her heart and asked her what it was to be – death, or the dark side.
Sith Acolyte[]
Discretion has served me well thus far, and I do not intend to deviate from my current philosophy in my training of you. The Jedi will believe you are dead along with your master and only you, these troopers and I know you live. Provided we are smart about your training, that will not change, and you will not have to waste time with slaves and thugs at the academy on Korriban.
—Lord Kim, to Loreli, shortly before ordering her to kill his troops.
Having for some time had doubts about her place in the Jedi Order and often questioning the ideals she had been raised to believe in, Isla was quick to choose the dark side rather than die a Jedi, the decision – while initially weighing heavy on her conscience – being a forgone conclusion in spite of the years of teachings warning her of the dangers of the dark side. Isla knelt, pledging her allegiance to the Sith Empire and to Lord Kim, as instructed, after which she was told to rise as Kim detailed his intentions regarding her training.
Most Sith acolytes were shipped off to Korriban to train at the academy, but Lord Kim wanted to train Isla personally, even before she was properly accepted as a Sith. As only Isla, Kim and the troops who had helped him capture her knew of her existence, Lord Kim explained that he would train her in secret until the time came for her to face the trials, avoiding the backstabbing and underhanded tactics of other acolytes she would encounter if she were trained in the conventional manner.
To ensure secrecy, he stated that it was vital only the two of them retained any memory of her rebirth. To that end, he ordered her to pick up her fallen master's saber and – once she had the blade in hand – Kim used the Force to pull the soldier's rifles from their hands, disarming them. Lord Kim then ordered Isla to execute them, and after a split second of hesitation Isla was spurred into action when the soldiers tried to reach for their fallen blaster rifles. Without their weapons, the soldiers were killed without a fight, ensuring her existence remained a secret and forcing Isla to commit her first murders in a single stroke. To cement the transition, Kim decreed that Isla Ahnkett was dead and asked – that being the case – who it was standing before him, forcing Isla to invent a new persona on the spot; thus, Loreli Patek was born.
Before they left, Lord Kim warned her that she should not mistake the calculated murder of Imperial troops as acceptable standard practice under his command. He considered them valuable resources, lamenting that sometimes the greatest service they could offer their Empire was to die for it, but that such an outcome should never be chosen unnecessarily. With their business concluded, master and apprentice sent the Jedi vessel on a crash course with a local asteroid belt and set a course for the Empire's capital, the eternally dreary world of Dromund Kaas.
After arriving on Dromund Kaas, Loreli was outfitted with a crimson lightsaber crystal to insert into her old weapon and garments more appropriate for a Sith-in-training.
Immediately, her instruction began, with hours of sparring and practicing her Force abilities filling her days from the moment she woke in the morning until last thing at night, while her weekends were spent in meditation, focusing on the negative emotions that would allow her to channel to the dark side of the Force, a connection she struggled with due to her historically apathetic outlook. When she made mistakes or failed to achieve the result Lord Kim was training her towards, she was struck, and with each strike she became weaker and more prone to making further mistakes, creating a cycle of beatings that increased the rate of her failures. This only made her angry, though, and – as Kim intended – pushed her to draw on the dark side for strength, allowing her to continue sharpening her skills through the persistent physical abuse.
In time, Loreli had mastered the core abilities Lord Kim had pushed her to focus on, unusual abilities but ones that were ideal for her intended role of Sith assassin: abilities such as hiding and falsifying her presence in the Force, manipulating light and sound to render herself practically invisible, remotely disabling security cameras and even the very basics of moving through solid objects, though she found this incredibly difficult and for many years was only being able to extend the ability to her fingers for a few seconds at a time before exhausting completely herself. She also became proficient in Form II, Makashi, the lightsaber form most suited to lightsaber duels, for when she was forced to engage an opponent overtly, as well as some limited training in the basics of Shien, a division of Form V well suited to deflecting blaster bolts.
Sith Assassin[]
You are slight, lithe. Direct confrontation is not your best approach, and if you had any inclination towards specializing in mastery of the Force it would have manifested before now. No, you are like me. A duelist. An assassin. Elegant, precise and lethal. I will train you to strike only once, and to master the grace and precision of Form II for when circumstance dictates you must strike a second time.
—Lord Kim, regarding Loreli's training as a Sith assassin.
In 16 ATC, Lord Kim – satisfied she was ready for service – sent Loreli – now fourteen years old – to eliminate one of his rivals in the Sphere of Mysteries, a younger Lord who had insulted and mocked Kim indirectly on multiple occasions in an attempt to undermine his standing. Knowing he was in the capital after a recent, successful assignment, Loreli chose to monitor the Lord's comings and goings over the course of a week.
Through her efforts, she soon discovered that the young assassin was a braggart with a weakness for alcohol; most nights, he drank heavily at the Nexus Room, staggering home with a different woman each evening, usually Imperials who knew the value of a Force sensitive child. Loreli exploited this habit, incapacitating an Imperial officer, hiding and binding her unconscious body in an alleyway and stealing her uniform before proceeding to enter the cantina, hiding her Force sensitivity while pretending to be interested in the Lord's wild stories. The Lord, however, was not interested in fraternizing with alien women, forcing Loreli to adapt. She waited, watching for several hours as he and a Human woman exchanged drunken flirtations, only moving late in the evening when the cantina had emptied out considerably. When the woman ventured over to the bar to order another round of drinks, Loreli tried engaging in small-talk, struggling at first due to the woman's clear dislike of aliens.
Thankfully, when Loreli moved the topic onto the Sith Lord she had been flirting with her interest was piqued. Loreli invented a story about how the Lord had single-handedly killed almost a hundred Republic troops, and the only injury he had sustained was a small knife wound on the back of his neck. Loreli then pointed, attempting to draw her attention to the imaginary scar and tricking her into looking away from the bar long enough for her to pour a small vial of synox into their drinks, opting to risk poisoning both and hoping that the Imperial did not drink before her target.
She departed almost immediately, knocking out the officer from whom she had stolen the Imperial uniform a second time before unbinding her, though she kept the uniform for future use. From there, the Chiss reported back to her master, only able to settle down the following morning, when word had spread of the poisoning. As a reward for her success and due to his good mood at having an upstart Sith put in his place, Lord Kim arranged for Loreli to finally attend the academy on Korriban a month later, a short visit that would pit her against the trials necessary to be formally recognized as a Sith and finally legitimize her as a member of the Sith Empire.
Agent of the Eternal Alliance[]
Rogue Asset[]
The current situation is not sustainable. Pretending it is not happening and continuing to scrap with the Republic out of nostalgia for happier times will not make the Eternal Empire go away.
—Loreli, to her colleagues in Sith Intelligence.
A year later in 17 ATC, galactic events took a dark turn. Loreli, now a rising star in Sith Intelligence had just been recalled from a sabotage operation on Kuat and was on her way back to Ziost to report in for reassignment when the Republic invasion of the planet began. Forces were being evacuated, with all sorts of outlandish claims being made from the evacuees. Irrespective of her skepticism, she did what she could to help process the evacuated slaves and military personnel and to ensure the security of the station, staying long enough that she was present when the planet was destroyed by the Sith Emperor.
Although a major loss, it was soon overshadowed by the attack on Korriban, which in turn heralded the galaxy-wide invasion by the mysterious Eternal Empire and their unstoppable fleet. During the war, Loreli continued to serve as an intelligence operative, being sent primarily to follow up on rumors that were pertinent to the conflict and assassinate select individuals, primarily Republic (or Republic-aligned) officials, in an effort to steer the invaders towards more vulnerable worlds – or worlds outside of Imperial territory – to buy the Empire time.
It was after meeting a contact on Nar Kreeta that Loreli was finally caught up in her first battle, with the Eternal Fleet descending on the relatively undefended world before the Chiss could withdraw. Relying on stealth as she always did, Loreli was able to move around the fighting taking place between the local criminals and the unified Knights of Zakuul, avoiding fighting entirely until she entered the city's spaceport. With her own transport out of reach, Loreli accessed the terminals in the besieged spaceport and picked a suitable ship from the list of vessels currently docked inside. Unluckily, when she arrived in the hangar she had targeted, four Knights of Zakuul were present, forcing her to engage.
Despite being outnumbered Loreli managed to dismember one of the Knights, but their unorthodox tactics and her relative inexperience in lightsaber combat led to her being overwhelmed and defeated by the remaining three, who swiftly beat her into submission. The owner of the ship, errant Jedi Zhavi Waverunner, arrived in time to save Loreli's life, dispatching all four Knights and – after a brief moral crisis – carrying the unconscious Chiss aboard her ship and departing the planet before it was locked down, an act of kindness that would have lifelong consequences for both Loreli and Zhavi. Loreli had her wounds tended to by Waverunner and was dropped off on the first safe world they stopped at, returning to work until the war ended with the surrender of the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic in 18 ATC.
Although she continued to serve dutifully for a further two years, Loreli eventually grew tired of submission, and with Lord Kim numbering among those killed by the invaders she decided to depart Imperial space in 20 ATC, chasing up rumors of resistance groups to whom she could lend her skills.
Joining the Alliance[]
Loreli Patek... what're the odds?
—Zhavi, to Loreli, during their reunion on Sullust.
Seeing the rise and fall of a number of doomed rebel cells over the year she spent operating independently, Loreli was prepared for the worst when she joined another such group on Sullust in 21 ATC. To her surprise, she was reunited with Zhavi Waverunner a few weeks after joining the movement when the Jedi delivered a shipment of supplies to one of the group's hidden bases. Like Loreli, Zhavi had decided she could not sit on her hands while the Eternal Empire ruled unopposed, though unlike the former Imperial the group on Sullust was her first taste of resistance life.
When Loreli told her about how she was restricted to guard duty and dock work Zhavi – having had a similarly unwelcoming reception from their xenophobic Sullustan allies – sympathized and suggested Loreli join her aboard her ship, an invitation she confessed she had been hoping to receive. After completing the unloading of Zhavi's cargo and notifying her handler that she was leaving, Loreli boarded the ship with the former Padawan and the two set off to hunt down leads, recruit new members for the Sullust resistance and steal Eternal Empire resources whenever the opportunity presented itself. Ultimately, their efforts were wasted when the Sullust group was all but destroyed, though thankfully Zhavi and Loreli were off-world at the time and thus numbered among the handful of survivors.
The unlikely duo did not find another movement until 23 ATC, when word spread from Asylum of a battle that took place there, and through Zhavi's underworld contacts the duo managed to learn of – and reach – Odessen. On their arrival, they were introduced to the Eternal Alliance and the secret weapon they held that put them above other resistance groups; the colossal Gravestone. Both women were pleased to see well-known faces from their respective factions, viewing their presence on Odessen as vindication of their decision to join, particularly for Loreli, who had been with a number of other failed movements already. Loreli was reunited with her old Sith Intelligence superior, Minister Beniko, while Zhavi got to meet the Commander of the fledgling Alliance, the famous Jedi known as the Hero of Tython.
Home on Odessen[]

Zhavi and Loreli, during their time in the Eternal Alliance.
We both know emotions are irrelevant, Jedi.
—Loreli, to Zhavi, regarding their mutual attraction.
While the Alliance Commander led the charge against the forces of Zakuul, Zhavi and Loreli took to the underworld, working under the direction of Republic legend Hylo Visz, who had been tasked with coordinating the Alliance's supply lines.
Aboard Zhavi's dilapidated old ship, they helped ferry cargo and passengers to and from Odessen, providing backup or an extra pair of hands to other crews when called for. During this time, the mutual attraction the pair shared developed into something more meaningful, with the Sith and Jedi becoming increasingly comfortable fighting and living together in spite of their historically solitary lifestyles, often forced to spend days on end in the cramped interior of Zhavi's small vessel with no way to avoid one another and nobody else to talk to. It was only natural that their friendship developed quickly in such a compressed space, and despite ongoing efforts by Loreli to remain emotionally distant from a sworn enemy, Zhavi voiced her opinions on the subject shortly before the raid on Darvannis, after a failed attempt to kiss Loreli.
Embarrassed and angry, she questioned why the Chiss was going to such great lengths to pretend she did not feel anything towards her, to which Loreli tried to claim she considered her a friend, but nothing more. Zhavi, unconvinced, did not let the issue slide, and – under pressure – Loreli conceded that while she did care for Zhavi, how either of them felt was irrelevant as eventually the Eternal Empire would be stopped and they would go back to fighting on opposite sides of the galactic war. Undeterred, Zhavi tried to convince her it was a problem for later, but when that failed she tried a more aggressive angle, appealing to Loreli's Sith ego by claiming she was a coward.
Unfamiliar with close relationships beyond the insincere emulation of them that Sith Intelligence required of her, Loreli was unable to analyse the situation clearly enough to see that she was being goaded; riled by the accusation, she declared that she had never cowered from anything in her life and forced herself on Zhavi, not realizing until later that she had been manipulated into crossing a boundary and – in doing so – had instigated a relationship that went beyond mere friendship. After their first night together, the couple became almost inseparable and their ability to anticipate one another's needs and actions developed to such a degree that their peers in the Alliance found their unconscious synchronization slightly unsettling to witness, given that those who were not of Sith or Jedi origin had little to no experience seeing the Force in action.
For a few weeks, a rumor spread around the base that Loreli was controlling Zhavi's mind, supposedly explaining their synchronized behavior, though this was quickly dismissed by members of the Alliance's Force enclave to whom the conspiracy theory was eventually presented. Sana-Rae, head of the enclave, cited Zhavi and Loreli's relationship as proof that Sith and Jedi could work together harmoniously, even using them as an example during a debate between two Force using members of the Alliance who had come to blows during an argument. Lana Beniko, Isla's former superior, also made note of their connection in Alliance personnel files, noting that their effectiveness as a team was considerably greater than their individual value – an unexpected outcome based on their respective psychological profiles. She recommended that they be deployed as a single unit unless individual assignments were "essential to operational successes".
Under normal circumstances the recommendation was irrelevant due to their particular role in the Alliance, but during the Assault on Odessen in 23 ATC they were deployed together in defense of the Alliance base, joining the rest of the Alliance's available troops to meet the hordes of Skytroopers head-on in the wilds outside the base.
Long Distance Relationship[]

Loreli and Zhavi, aboard the latter's ship.
Hey, ain't like I'm a proper Jedi. I'm a smuggler, a crook, 'n' I reckon a Sith spy won't have no problems findin' a reason t' cross paths with a crook.
—Zhavi, to Loreli, during a discussion about their future outside the Alliance.
Remaining with the Alliance after the fall of Empress Vaylin, Zhavi and Loreli saw out the fighting on Iokath, the apparent betrayal of Theron Shan during a mission to the shadow world of Umbara, the surprising events on the Chiss world of Copero and the destruction of both the Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone at the hands of the Order of Zildrog in 25 ATC.
It was only after the Alliance's naval force was decimated that many within the organization's ranks decided it was time to return home, with large numbers taking the chance to accept pardons and leave Odessen before war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire broke out again. Knowing she may never get another chance to return home – and that if the Alliance collapsed in the aftermath she would be cast adrift – Loreli decided to take advantage of the amnesty period; bidding an agonizing farewell, Zhavi and Loreli parted ways, with the Chiss returning to Dromund Kaas to resume her role as an assassin and spy for Sith Intelligence.
Zhavi, meanwhile, returned to her smuggling ways, hopeful that they would see each other again – as they had promised one another – sooner rather than later. With war on the horizon, the Sith Empire was keen on locating and exterminating Jedi who had survived the war with Zakuul, knowing that – with the Jedi Order all but disbanded – they were exposed and vulnerable to elimination or conversion. To that end, Loreli was assigned to investigate leads on potential Jedi targets upon her return, the perfect cover to shrug off her duties in favor of spending time with Zhavi, letting her superiors believe that the failed Jedi was still in contact with her former peers and could lead them to a hidden enclave.
Even Zhavi's aunt Sophia – herself a Jedi Master – rarely heard from her, but Loreli was confident she could keep her superiors at bay with false leads and mistruths before they ordered her to redirect her efforts elsewhere. After several rendezvouses, Loreli insisted that she be introduced to Zhavi's parents as a way of proving that she was serious about their relationship, though Zhavi firmly dismissed the idea. Rather than let the subject go, Loreli programmed the ship to fly to Coruscant whilst the drunken Jedi slept, hoping to force the issue. Despite Zhavi's concerns that her parents – Republic loyalists and serving veterans in the armed forces – would react very poorly, Loreli was adamant about meeting them, intent on proving her commitment to Zhavi due to the former Jedi's quiet concerns relating to how serious Loreli was taking their partnership.
Disguising herself as a Pantoran using face-paint and sunglasses, Loreli arrived on Coruscant via the lower levels, where security was somewhat lax. Zhavi guided them to the surface level and to her parents' apartment, knowing they were not currently deployed thanks to Loreli looking into the matter ahead of time. Before they entered, the pair shared a moment of realization as they discovered they were connected by a powerful Force bond. Initially, the pair were greeted warmly, exchanging pleasantries and small-talk. When Loreli's species and affiliations were revealed, however, Zhavi's mother – the zealous Nomi Waverunner – was unsurprisingly enraged. Her father Yuri was far more understanding, and made an effort to calm his wife down before suggesting they split up, with Zhavi and Nomi going one way to talk while Yuri took Loreli to the local gun range to let their more emotional other halves have it out, assuring her the choice of venue was not an omen. They agreed to meet up again later for dinner at the Waverunner's favorite restaurant, at which point they could calmly discuss any concerns or objections.
Zhavi's younger brother Carth Waverunner – a Republic Strategic Information Service agent – met them at the restaurant, invited along by Yuri to be a calming influence and an additional vote in favor of Zhavi's choice of partner. Although the dinner was understandably tense, the discussion remained civil and Nomi was convinced to accept the reality of the situation, even if she did not approve and claimed she never would. The morning after, Zhavi was contacted by Bao Shotti, a Republic soldier she had befriended long ago when she was still a Padawan. He had received a message from his young cousin, Maeve Shotti, who claimed to be living on the dead world of Ossus at a hidden Jedi colony. Her message concerned her unhappiness as a Jedi, her feelings of isolation and homesickness and her belief that her master, Urthan Reynolds, did not understand how hard she was finding life at the colony.
Bao asked Zhavi if she could head to the colony to help her, unsure about going himself due to his lack of transport, the unknown nature of the Jedi base on Ossus and the fact that Zhavi knew better than most how it felt to want to leave the Jedi Order. Zhavi, curious about why the Jedi were on Ossus, agreed to visit. Loreli protested the decision and tried to appeal to Zhavi's laziness, reminding her that Ossus was an inhospitable wasteland, but was unable to discourage her from her trip. In the meantime, Zhavi volunteered Loreli for a mercenary contract as a security coordinator, hoping to show her that there was a life waiting for her outside of the extremes of the Jedi and Sith, one that was hers for the taking if she could bring herself to make one of their meetings permanent.
Treasure Hunt on Dronim Major[]
No offence, but it seems to me that there's three "teams" in this place right now. There's these hungry, toothy critters, there's the mercs, and there's you two. Now, whether I'm a Jedi or not, you'd have to be stupid to think I'm with the mercs – and clearly the local fauna don't view me as one of theirs.
—Benjamin Lambert, defending himself against "Carla Jemso".
Loreli's contract was straightforward; going by her old mercenary alias "Carla Jemso", she was to head up camp security on an archaeological expedition to the unimportant world of Dronim Major, where a professor Leeroy Demmen was intending to spend two weeks studying the ancient ruins in person as part of an academic paper he was preparing for publication.
The ruins had been thoroughly explored over the decades and were well-documented already, so the expedition was not particularly well-funded, but Loreli was not overly concerned with her payment, doing the job only because Zhavi wanted her to, even if she had doubts about the prospect of leaving her career in the Sith Empire behind. After arriving on Dronim Major – a dense jungle world with no settlements or sentient life – Loreli began her work, coordinating the mercenaries hired to guard the researchers. The mercenaries, unused to taking orders, disliked Loreli immediately due to her strictness, but professor Demmen was impressed with her professionalism – when he took the time to pull himself away from his studies.
Whether through the will of the Force or by sheer bad luck on Loreli's part, a private military organization known as the Antiquarians – ostensibly a security force for large-scale expeditions in hostile environments – had been hired to secure the ruins, locate an artifact hidden there and kill any witnesses they encountered. Loreli's team of mercenaries were wiped out almost immediately, along with most of the researchers, though thanks to the Chiss' inability to let her guard down she reacted rapidly to the assault on the camp and managed to escape into the wilds with the professor.
Unbeknownst to Loreli and Demmen, another Force user was approaching the planet, also pursuing the lost artifact. The Antiquarians had a frigate in orbit, however, and the newcomer was shot down while attempting to land, crashing into the jungle. He survived, and as Loreli and Demmen continued to move away from the ruins to escape the mercenaries, the Force adept was heading to confront the individuals who had attempted to kill him. Despite the adept's strength in the Force, he was unprepared for the effects of Zildrog's Breath, a chemical weapon that was able to suppress a Force user's connection to the Force – though neither the adept nor Loreli were aware that such a weapon existed at the time. His senses blinded, the adept was blinded to the fact that a pack of mawvorr were preparing to ambush him, and though he put up an admirable fight it took Loreli – watching through the scope of her sniper rifle – opening fire to save his life.
Initially, Loreli was suspicious of the stranger, given that only archaeologists visited Dronim Major and all expeditions were notified of one another to reduce the chances of friendly fire in the jungle. Introducing himself as Benjamin Lambert – a Green Jedi from Corellia – he explained that he had been shot down and intended to stop the Antiquarians from claiming the artifact they were searching for, believing they were acting under the orders of the Sith Empire. Loreli was unconvinced, noting his distinctly Imperial accent, but in spite of her protests Benjamin won over professor Demmen's trust with relative ease. Further irritating her, Benjamin convinced Demmen to agree to head back to the main temple they had worked so hard to flee from, although Loreli insisted that – since he was so confident he could defeat so many alone, even with his injuries – he lead the way while they followed in his wake. She offered to provide sniper support where possible, but made it clear Demmen's survival was what she was being paid for, pointing out that it was also his testimony that would force the Republic to launch an investigation into the Antiquarians' criminal behavior.
Benjamin led the charge, though with his lightsaber destroyed and only a makeshift knife at his disposal, stealth was essential to his survival and thus, progress was slow. The mercenaries were very well equipped, which proved to be a two-pronged factor when the trio looted rations, comm units and weapons from the scouts Benjamin was able to dispatch. Eventually, after somehow taming a wild fyrnock while he was out of Loreli's sight, Benjamin stormed the temple, eliminating the outer guard and discovering that a secret chamber beneath the temple had been uncovered after the expedition had been driven from the site. Loreli and Demmen caught up, and the Chiss agreed to help him investigate.
Within the chamber, where the gas had not been dispersed, the duo's respective connections to the Force were unhindered, allowing Benjamin to glimpse Loreli's Force sensitivity before she realized she needed to veil herself again. Benjamin remarked that he was not there to judge or out her as a dark side user, revealing that he – formerly Darth Enigmus – had recently left the Empire and knew that an individual's connection to the Force was a personal thing. Aware that she was not who she claimed, he asked her to trust him with her lightsaber – making the correct assumption that she had one concealed on her person – and create a distraction, allowing him to sneak past the mercenary guards and reach the room they were protecting, rather than fighting through them.
Doing as requested, Loreli drew enough attention to create an opening for Benjamin before retreating back outside, taking professor Demmen with her as she retreated into the jungle to find a safer position from which to observe. Five minutes later, a Rattataki Sith and the Antiquarian troops departed the site (allowing Loreli to use her datapad and rifle scope to take photographic evidence of their attack) and ten minutes later Benjamin emerged. Once Demmen and Loreli re-joined him, he explained that the Sith could not find the artifact and had opted to leave peacefully rather than fight him over what seemed to be an empty room. Benjamin, however, had uncovered the artifact's hiding place after the Sith's departure.
Loreli questioned where and what it was, to which Benjamin admitted that he did not understand it himself as yet. Of one thing he was certain, though; he had absorbed the artifact into his body after picking it up. He remarked that he felt as though his connection to the Force had been strengthened somehow, even if he was unsure about accepting such an unusual boon at face value. Mystified, the trio were nonetheless content that they had been victorious in stopping the schemes of the Sith and – with the Antiquarians hastily leaving the system – were able to reassemble the camp's destroyed distress beacon within an hour. Loreli turned the images she had taken of the Sith and the Antiquarians over to Demmen, asking not to be identified when he reported their activities to the Republic, a request he agreed to.
Once the group were off-world Benjamin returned Loreli's saber (carrying it on her behalf to spare her any scrutiny from the navy personnel who rescued them) and wished her well in her future endeavors. Loreli, unsettled by her unexpected proximity to Republic military personnel and the strange Jedi who had seen through her deception, elected to head back to Imperial space earlier than she had originally intended, opting to tell Zhavi what had happened on Dronim Major at a later date.
The Ossus Catalyst[]
—Zhavi, to Loreli, during their duel on Makeb.
Unfortunately Imperial space was not the same safe harbor it once was; Loreli's mentor in Sith Intelligence, Sith Lord Scarlet Jhang, suspected the Chiss' loyalties were divided by her affection for Waverunner, and when she returned to Sith Intelligence headquarters with no actionable intel yet again, Jhang decided to make her displeasure clear. Using the Force to pin Loreli to the wall in full view of her colleagues, the Sith Lord reminded her that a respectable work history did not make failure any more acceptable and demanded something worthwhile in exchange for her life.
Loreli was quick to sell out the former Darth Enigmus (although she neglected to mention the artifact he had recovered from the temple on Dronim Major) and offer up his location, only for Jhang to refute her offering as his location was already known. The Chiss offered up fictional rumors of Jedi activity but Jhang was not convinced and – struggling for air through the Lord's grip – Loreli was forced to reveal the colony on Ossus out of desperation. As it turned out, Jhang already knew exactly where the Jedi colony was located and her demands were a test of Loreli's loyalty; plans were already underway to destroy the Jedi on Ossus, Zhavi included.
To ensure she did not make any poor judgements, Jhang had the Chiss confined to Dromund Kaas until the operation was over. As soon as it was, Loreli made discreet arrangements to meet Zhavi on the dying world of Makeb, in a protected biodome on Frinn Mesa, which was operated and maintained by Galactic Solutions Industries. Pulling some strings with old associates in Sith Intelligence, Loreli had agents within GSI insert false data concerning the mesa's possible instability that prompted a temporary evacuation of all GSI personnel, allowing Zhavi and Loreli to dock with the station and descend to the surface individually, under the pretense of being contracted geologists called in to verify the instability.
When Zhavi arrived, Loreli attempted to explain what had happened, but Zhavi was in no mood to listen. Distraught by the losses – both of colonists and Jedi – suffered thanks to the Empire's assault, Zhavi was furious even before they started their conversation, and the more Loreli spoke the angrier she became until – overwhelmed by emotion – she attacked Loreli, blaming her for the attack on the colony and the deaths that had followed. Loreli refused to retaliate, only raising her blade to defend herself as she tried to talk her partner down, failing repeatedly until she was eventually disarmed and cornered and left at the Jedi's mercy. Zhavi drew her blade high, ready to avenge those who had died on Ossus, but found she could not bring herself to deliver a killing blow.
Instead, she took Loreli's saber and left her there in the rain, wallowing in her loss. Lord Jhang had achieved her aim; with Zhavi no longer a part of her life, Loreli had nothing left except her career and her loyalty to the Empire. The Chiss returned home, unaware that her mentor had been present to watch the entire exchange, poised to snatch her protégé from the jaws of death had Zhavi chosen to deliver the final strike.
Sith Inquisitor[]
A desk job...
—Loreli, regarding her advancement to the rank of inquisitor.
Rededicating herself to Sith Intelligence, Loreli took to filling her days with work. In her free time, she spent endless hours honing her lightsaber form and Force abilities, to the exclusion of all else. Thanks to her renewed commitment to her work, Loreli's success in uncovering a number of internal security threats and routing out would-be terrorists earned her attention she did not want. As a reward, Loreli was reassigned from field work, promoted to the rank of Sith Inquisitor and assigned to the capital to protect against treason and infiltration attempts, becoming one of many coordinating the eyes and ears of Sith Intelligence within Kaas City.
Internal security was important, but to Loreli, the promotion wasted her talent for murder and infiltration and placed her in an office job more befitting a less physically capable Sith – or even an Imperial. She found herself coordinating agents, instead of being one, and while many Sith saw such an advancement as a step up in their career, Loreli preferred to be a pawn in the dejarik game that was Sith politics, rather than one of the players. It did grant her a greater degree of respect, however, and she lived comfortably for a time, aware that her promotion meant she was one step closer to her ambition of becoming a Lord of the Sith.
As the year progressed Loreli's associates in Sith Intelligence tipped her off about the capture of Yuri, Nomi and Carth Waverunner, causing Loreli to regress somewhat; she surmised that Zhavi's entire family being captured was no coincidence, and that only Lord Jhang could be behind it. Determined to learn what she was up to and thwart her plan before she could bring harm to Zhavi or her family, Loreli devoted her every spare hour to investigating their whereabouts. Information on their location was well classified, however, and when she uncovered information suggesting they were being held on Dxun Loreli was suspicious, as Dxun was both in Republic space and uninhabited.
Irrespective of her concerns, she compiled all the information she had into a single file and set off for the jungle moon, transmitting the data to her one-time ally Benjamin Lambert once she was safely out of Imperial space, along with a request that he help Zhavi to act on the information in the unlikely even that Loreli's own rescue attempt was unsuccessful.
The Death of Inquisitor Patek[]

Loreli vs Lord Jhang.
Inquisitor Patek. I'm so very glad you could make it."
"After all the time and dedication you have poured into this little project of yours it would be rather graceless of me to miss the grand finale, no?
—Scarlet and Loreli, in the tomb of Freedon Nadd.
Traveling to the coordinates provided by the intelligence report on the Waverunners, Loreli set her shuttle down in front of what she assumed was the Tomb of Freedon Nadd, disembarking and entering the tomb with no resistance from the cult mentioned in the intercepted report, a group of Dark Jedi fanatics who were obsessed with worshiping and emulating the abilities of the Sith Triumvirate called the Followers of the Three.
Permitted access to the burial chamber of the ancient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Loreli came face-to-face with her old mentor, Lord Jhang. The Lord revealed that she had witnessed Loreli and Zhavi's confrontation on Makeb, following the Chiss with the intention of murdering Zhavi and cementing Loreli's loyalty only to come up with a better idea. Having seen first-hand how potent their Force bond was, the Sith Lord recognized their connection as a Force dyad – Jhang had decided she wanted that power to answer to her. Instead of killing Waverunner to rid Loreli of the distraction, she intended to corrupt Zhavi using a three-stage approach; the cultists would weaken her physically, the temple would sap away her resolve and Jhang's hostages would force Zhavi to embrace the dark side or watch her family die.
In doing so, Jhang believed she could claim two apprentices – both of whom were far more lethal together than they were as individuals. Loreli was not tempted, unwilling to help break Zhavi just to sway her into joining the Empire, even if it would put them on the same side. She activated her saber and engaged Lord Jhang, giving herself over to the dark side to combat her superior opponent, not truly believing she could win. Even so, her defeat came more swiftly than she had imagined when Zhavi – who was, unbeknownst to Loreli, trekking through the jungle towards the tomb at the time – was attacked and wounded by a Boma, and the pain from her injury was unintentionally projected through the Force bond they shared. Zhavi's pain through their bond caused her to hesitate and allowed Jhang to injury her. From there, Jhang destroyed Loreli's lightsaber and incapacitated her, locking her in a force cage alongside Zhavi's family.
She remained there for several hours, until Zhavi started fighting her way through the tomb to rescue the group. She sensed her former partner giving into the dark side's power, but found her attempts to communicate with Zhavi telepathically rebuffed. By the time Zhavi reached the burial chamber, she found Lord Jhang waiting for her, just as planned. Jhang welcomed her and – after a brief exchange in which Jhang refused to stand down – the fallen Jedi sent her lightsaber flying from her belt to begin the duel.
While Zhavi dueled Jhang, Loreli worked on freeing herself from her cell, and by the time she overloaded the cage to disable the energy field Zhavi had been outmaneuvered and pinned to the floor by lightning. Loreli called her old lightsaber from Zhavi's side and rushed at Jhang, forcing her to break off her attack and defend herself from the Chiss. Zhavi got back to her feet while Jhang was preoccupied, and as the Sith Lord tried to talk them both into surrendering rather than forcing her hand, the bond between Zhavi and Loreli began to strengthen again after Zhavi had unconsciously closed herself off from it on Makeb. Tired of listening to Jhang's threats, Zhavi drew her pistol and fired, creating an opening for Loreli. Both women descended on the Sith Lord with a level of coordination Jhang could not defend against for long.
A momentary delay gave Jhang a chance to leap aside, away from the duel, and with a brutish exertion she ripped Loreli's now-unoccupied force cage into the air and dropped it from a height, letting it fall towards the cage in which Carth was imprisoned. Terrified her brother was about to be crushed Zhavi dashed towards the falling cage and grabbed it with the Force, slowing its descent and saving her brother just as Jhang had intended. Loreli tried to follow after her to assist and defend, but Jhang gripped her with the Force and slung her across the tomb floor, pursuing her aggressively while Zhavi was stuck maneuvering the floating cage. In the time it took Zhavi to put the cage down safely on the ground, Loreli had managed to lock blades with Jhang and clamp her free arm around the back of the Sith Lord's neck, holding her – trapped – and with her back to Zhavi.
But as she charged to exploit the opening the Chiss had created, Jhang altered the direction of the pressure she was applying with her blade in a last-ditch effort to break the stalemate, dragging Loreli's weapon downwards towards the floor and using the Chiss' own lightsaber blade to sever her forearm. The tip of Jhang's weapon removed her arm entirely when it passed by half a second later. Enraged, Zhavi barreled towards Jhang and leapt into the air, spinning to build momentum as she tore her lightwhip from her belt and lashed it at the Sith Lord. She managed to defend herself, but the whip did exactly what Zhavi had built it for; Jhang lost her grip on her weapon when the whip was retracted, stripping the saber out of her hand. To her horror, Jhang simply took Loreli's lightsaber while she stood paralyzed by shock, using the Chiss' lightsaber to spitefully dismember Loreli further, removing her right leg and part of her right arm in a swift, merciless motion.
Throwing her lightsaber – which Jhang easily disabled with lightning – Zhavi began a frenzied assault on the Sith Lord, lashing repeatedly with her whip, again and again, until Loreli's stolen blade was torn from her grasp and destroyed itself when it spun into the retreating whip. When Jhang tried to raise her hands to defend herself with the Force, Zhavi used her natural talent for mental domination on the tired and unsuspecting Sith Lord, commanding her – simply – to "stop". Frozen, if only for a brief moment, Jhang could do nothing as Zhavi lashed her whip one last time and sent the flexible plasma wire swiping horizontally through the Sith Lord's helmet.
Blinded and dealt massive, irreparable brain damage, Jhang's last moments were little more than reflex, her hands rising shakily as her loyal body attempted to follow through on her final effort to protect herself until – entering a spasm – Jhang's body collapsed, joining her in death mere moments later.
Commander of the Cobbled Terentateks[]
Freeing Zhavi Waverunner[]
Emergency Care[]
She's alive, but–"
"–Don't say it.
—Carth and Zhavi, regarding Loreli.
In the aftermath of her duel with Lord Jhang, Zhavi tore the force cages holding her family apart and Carth rushed to Loreli's side to check her vital signs, reporting that she was alive but explaining that she would not be for long. Zhavi's mother Nomi tried to write Loreli off until Zhavi threatened her, prompting her father, Yuri, to contribute with more helpful suggestions, instructing Carth and Nomi to scout ahead to ensure their path out was clear.
Zhavi – still fueled by the dark side and refusing to lose Loreli again – began to pour her Force energy into the dyad that bound herself to the Chiss, cannibalizing her own strength to keep her former partner from succumbing to the final draw of death. Yuri was concerned by Zhavi's efforts, as even he – completely blind to the powers of the Force – was able to physically feel the effects of what Zhavi was doing to keep Loreli alive as she carried her from the tomb. He did not dissuade her, although he did caution her, telling his daughter that he did not want to lose both of them.
Carth and Nomi – using lightsabers recovered from the fallen cultists – made sure any survivors who tried to stop the group were thwarted before Zhavi arrived, yet after the death of their leader and the volcanic emotions Zhavi was transmitting through the Force only a single assailant dared to try his hand, the rest keeping their distance. The perimeter guard Zhavi had crept past watched as they departed, making no effort to stop the group when they reached the two ships stationed outside the temple.
Concerned that, in her enraged state, her mother's negativity might provoke her to do something she would later regret, Zhavi instructed her family to take Loreli's shuttle and return to Coruscant to make a report while she took Lord Jhang's ship to nearby Onderon, telling them they could meet her there later. Once aboard, she was able to get Loreli into a kolto tank, stabilizing the situation somewhat – although Zhavi still had to continue sacrificing her own energy to prevent the Chiss from dying.
Worryingly, however, she soon realized that Jhang's ship had some surprise security systems, chiefly a lock on the communications system that prevented Zhavi from contacting the authorities on Onderon. With a critical Republic fleet in orbit and a crisis taking place on the surface, fighters were sent to intercept the ship when Zhavi was unable to respond to the hails of the flight control staff on the surface.
Forced to jump out of the system, Zhavi discovered another snag; Jhang's navicomputer was only loaded with the navigational data relevant to her current destinations. Those included only Dxun, the Sith capital of Dromund Kaas and – the only viable option – a neutral world called Voryle. Evading the Onderonian fighters, Zhavi made the jump safely and managed to reach Voryle, where she was directed to one of the industrial world's security hangars.
Voryle was well-known among the underworld for having excessive – and incredibly invasive – security to enforce its laws on civilians being banned from carrying weapons. Zhavi was subjected to exhaustive checks, despite her dire situation, though thankfully the authorities were understanding enough to rush Loreli through for emergency treatment, where she was stabilized over a number of hours, finally allowing Zhavi to rest after the ordeal.
Such an extreme and primal use of the Force had left Zhavi exhausted and with her connection to the Force weakened, a condition that would last several months before she started to recover properly. After sleeping for a few hours in the hospital waiting room, Zhavi left Loreli in the care of the medical team and departed for Onderon, knowing she could not afford the medical bills personally but her parents – having spent most of their lives in active service – had plenty of cash and a debt to pay.
Using the last of her money, Zhavi had one of the hangar technicians disable Jhang's security systems to give her full control of the Sith Lord's stolen ship, claiming it as her own and setting off into space where she would spend time meditating, cleansing her mind of the dark side's influence.

Isla took the loss of her limbs particularly hard.
Uhh, wha- where... where am I!?"
"Shh shh shh, relax, relax. You are at Capital Borough Hospital on Voryle. You were in an accident, but you are safe now, my dear. Just relax.
—Loreli, meeting Countess Patrice LaLenna for the first time.
By the time Loreli woke up in Capital Borough Hospital, Zhavi had been arrested for trying to smuggle her lightsaber through customs and was awaiting trial which – if found guilty – would result in her execution. Fortunately there was a backlog, meaning it would take some time before she would get as far as the courtroom, though Zhavi's predicament was initially kept from Loreli, a decision made by Mikkian Countess Patrice LaLenna – a member of the local nobility and Governing Council of Voryle – in the hopes of reducing the stress placed upon the Chiss.
A Republic ally, Countess LaLenna had lived on Voryle for most of her life, serving as a starfighter pilot in the Republic navy for several years before returning home with her husband, a Republic soldier who was discharged after suffering debilitating injuries. Her husband passed away years prior, but LaLenna continued to champion the Republic over the Empire, strongly believing in the ideals of the ancient organization.
Since Loreli had just woken up after going through considerable physical trauma, the countess was patient with her, doing most of the talking herself, unaware that Loreli – though groggy – was studying the alien and her present situation to work out how best to take advantage. As she listened, she realized that LaLenna believed she and Zhavi were agents promised by the SIS, agents intended to help coordinate a proxy war that had been going on for several years already. Roughly a year earlier, the Republic's agents and allies on the planet had been systematically eliminated during a sudden surge of support from the Empire, with their representatives – primarily the Rabid Akks street gang – striking with uncharacteristic precision and force. Countess LaLenna was the last open supporter of the Republic, and feared that with her death the advocates of Imperial rule would be able to sway the planet into formally aligning with the Sith Empire.
Loreli – sensing an opportunity – falsely confirmed that she and Zhavi had been sent to help as the countess believed and introduced herself as Isla Ahnkett, knowing that any attempt to verify her identity would reveal she had been missing in action for several years, but that that was also a convincing cover for an SIS agent plucked out of the Jedi ranks. Additionally, her Sith name would yield little – if anything – when checked against any Republic or independent databases, potentially arousing suspicion if Sith Intelligence had eyes on the database in question.
Patrice informed her that she had paid for Isla to be fitted with high-end cybernetics to replace the subpar models Zhavi had opted for, although the replacement would take time. LaLenna visited several times, informing Isla of Zhavi's situation on the final visit and providing her with an address and directions, asking that she visit her at her estate as soon as she was discharged from the hospital. LaLenna apologized, explaining that she could no longer risk leaving her home for fear of being intercepted by members of the Rabid Akks, for whom she was a priority target.
Forming the Terentateks[]

Isla met with Countess LaLenna at her estate.
We shall be the Cobbled Terentateks.
—Isla Ahnkett, declaring the name of her street gang.
Three months after first being admitted to the hospital, Isla was back on her (new) feet. She was discharged, with a later appointment scheduled for the application of synthskin to disguise her mechanical limbs. With no money or possessions and with Zhavi still in custody, Isla had few options, and so elected to visit the countess at her estate in Yonmouth South, as requested. There, LaLenna assured her that she had a scheme in mind to secure the Jedi's release, with Isla being an essential part of her plan.
First, however, the countess wanted Isla to familiarize herself with the city – and her new allies. Among those allies, LaLenna's butler – the well-spoken Trandoshan Rissessk – would serve as Isla's adviser, confidant and guide to the city. The countess also explained that the primary means of changing the political landscape was taking and protecting territory to convince local business leaders and figures of influence to support their work.
To that end, the Republic needed a gang of their own to enforce and defend their interests at a grass-roots levels; Countess LaLenna believed that Isla was the ideal woman to lead such an initiative. But Isla was unsure, self-aware enough to know she was suffering psychologically from the trauma she had experienced on Dxun and was thus unfit for field work, especially not such an important and commanding role. LaLenna disagreed, however, and pointed out that whether she was the right person for the job or not, she was the only one available to take it on.
She was not unsympathetic though, assuring Isla that she had time to recover. Zhavi's trial was several weeks away and LaLenna still had details to iron out before she would need Isla's assistance. Regardless, Isla would not be leading alone; aside from Rissessk, specialists had been recruited to serve as Isla's support network and officers within the gang, but while they discussed Isla meeting them, a Houk thug broke in through the front door. The countess calmly explained that in future, Isla should be sure to close the garden gate behind her.
At LaLenna's suggestion, Isla vaulted over the balcony to confront the intruders and test her new limbs, dispatching the burly brute – unarmed – with relative ease. Due to the restrictions on civilians carrying firearms, the most advanced weapons available to the gangs were simple, old-fashioned slugthrowers, built illegally – more or less by hand – in the backrooms of select factories around the city. Those were easy enough for someone in LaLenna's position to obtain, though she warned that smuggling in lightsaber components for her to construct a new weapon was on an entirely different level of difficult and – subsequently – would take longer.
Isla was ushered through the estate to meet an Ugnaught woman named Tixk, a seamstress who saw to the clothing needs of Voryle's high society. Tixk took Isla's measurements and started working on an outfit to help her blend in. LaLenna explained that class was more important than race or gender on Voryle, and simply dressing like she was nobility would automatically improve her social standing and dissuade the locals from bothering her without good cause. With their business concluded for the moment, Rissessk provided Isla with temporary clothing to replace her medical robe and escorted her to a local pub later that evening, where they were met by the three individuals who would be helping Isla lead the gang.

Bon-Yi, Bibi Jotto and Yagogg.
Bibi Jotto was the first to introduce herself, a shy but bubbly Cathar who used to serve in the Republic military until a mine caused nerve damage in her leg, making it hard for her to move with any speed. She had been brought in as a military adviser and strategist, her experience offering an advantage over the undisciplined movements of the Rabid Akks.
The heavily-tattooed ex-gangster Yagogg was the next to speak up, a Gamorrean who had spent his life fighting and leading gangsters for the Hutt Cartel (their logo still tattooed prominently on his face) until a near-death experience shook him to his core and caused him to rethink his life, seeking redemption for his past crimes. He had helped the Republic's SIS take down two sizable spice operations that were responsible for a noteworthy percentage of the drugs reaching the Core Worlds before it became too risky for him to continue sharing his intelligence. As a result, he had been hand-picked to assist on Voryle for his intimate understanding of gang culture; he could screen unsuitable recruits and was better placed to understand the needs and motivations of their members.
Next to speak was Tabassa, a local Hutt businessman – and owner of the pub they were meeting in – who was concerned that the Empire might actually end up controlling Voryle, which would likely cost him his business – and life. He was open about the fact that money was his reason for lending his aid, but also seemed to be sincerely concerned about the social changes that becoming an Imperial world would inflict on the population. The Hutt was offering financial support, along with advice on the strengths and weaknesses of other business leaders, potential allies and confirmed enemies alike.
Finally, and by far the most surprising individual of the group; Bon-Yi, a failed Voss Mystic, who had been brought in to help combat and research Force users on the planet, as well as identify problems within the gang via her talent for sensing emotions. The group then turned to Isla, clearly expecting an introduction from her, too, forcing her to – reluctantly – offer up her name and her role as a "Jedi". She then fabricated a background to explain her accent, claiming she had been marooned in Imperial space when she was younger and had been assisting local rebel groups within the Empire's borders ever since.
Once the introductions were wrapped up Yagogg brought up the issue of a name for their prospective gang, insisting that it was an important detail that Isla should be responsible for. Although she did not see it as as important as Yagogg did – and after some suggestions from Bibi that the group immediately dismissed – Isla declared that they would be known as the Cobbled Terentateks, after the cobbled streets of Voryle and the shadowy Sithspawn, respectively.
Only Isla – and later Zhavi – were privy to the fact that the name was a homage to Isla's history as a Sith assassin.
An Elegant Weapon[]

Thanks to the countess, Isla was able to build an expensive sabercane to replace the weapon lost on Dxun.
One might suggest even the Prime Minister himself would be envious of such beautiful craftsmanship. You have done wonderfully, Miss Ahnkett.
—Countess LaLenna, regarding Isla's sabercane.
Thanks to the influence of the Countess, the components needed to build a new lightsaber were purchased and smuggled in through government channels, included in a shipment intended for the weapons factories and – as a result – not subject to the same customs regulations as everyone else. Under the cover of an inspection, LaLenna recovered the components with the help of her supporters in the local police, using her position in government to bypass the compulsory searches all personnel were subjected to when leaving high security zones.
Isla spent two days constructing her new lightsaber, with Rissessk providing assistance during the more complicated metalworking process. Unlike her previous weapons, her new bllade was to be far more ornate than the utilitarian designs she had favored previously, and with the countess' fortune at her disposal Isla was offered a lavish selection of expensive material samples to choose from. A replacement crystal was a much more difficult find, however, and as the crystals from her old weapons had been damaged on Dxun, Isla could not salvage them for use in a new lightsaber. Fortunately, LaLenna possessed a blue adegan crystal, recovered from the destroyed lightsaber of a Jedi Padawan she had flown alongside and befriended during her time in the Republic navy.
Since lightsabers were as illegal as blasters on Voryle, Isla decided – at LaLenna's urging – to build a sabercane, working from dusk till dawn to finish her replacement weapon. Once finished, Isla had in her possession an ornate, aurodium-plated walking cane featuring a sculpted terentatek head to symbolize Isla's leadership of the Cobbled Terentateks. There were no visible controls on the hilt – as the weapon could only be activated via the Force – and a wafer-thin layer of neuranium lined the interior to blind security scanners to the cane's hidden workings.
The shaft of the cane was made of pure corundum coated in a transparent protective finish. The base, capped with aurodium, sported a retractable hidden blade fashioned from rare songsteel, which had relied on Rissessk's expertise to craft. Like the lightsaber itself, this blade could only be deployed using the Force. After testing the weapon and confirming it worked without issue, LaLenna entered Isla's room and congratulated her on her success, complimenting the weapon and telling her she should get some sleep, as she had arranged for the Chiss to visit Zhavi the following afternoon.

Zhavi misinterpreted Isla's symptoms of PTSD as a sign that the Chiss had moved on.
It's all right."
"No... it's my fault Lor, it's all my fault... what she did to you... your arms... your legs...
—Isla and Zhavi, during the latter's incarceration.
The next day, Isla traveled via carriage to the holding facility where Zhavi was imprisoned ahead of her trial. Covered in dirt and bruised from where she had clearly been hit, Isla questioned whether Zhavi had been abused by the staff, though she assured her that – after putting up a fuss during her arrest – they knew better than to enter her cell. Isla briefed Zhavi on the situation concerning her trial and the pair traded notes on their cover as SIS agents, but Isla was evasive when Zhavi tried to talk about more personal matters. When Zhavi pressed her hands against the energy field separating them, Isla mirrored her actions and the pair shared a tender moment, after which Zhavi apologized for her behavior on Makeb.
Sadly, Zhavi voiced her regrets about what had happened and pointed out Isla's injuries as one of them, causing the Chiss to experience a traumatic episode. She withdrew, becoming distant and cold, and a few seconds later the guards called down the corridor to inform her her time was up. When Zhavi repeated her Sith name, trying to elicit a response, but Isla coldly corrected her, stating that her name was Isla Ahnkett before wishing her well with her trial and accompanying the guards out of the cell block, leaving Zhavi – not realizing Isla's sudden apathetic behavior was a result of post-traumatic stress disorder – heartbroken.

Although Isla disliked aliens, she found Rissessk's counsel to be surprisingly comforting.
Isla returned to the estate, but – disquieted by her meeting with Zhavi – found herself unable to sleep. She instead chose to look over the trinkets LaLenna had inherited from her Jedi friend. Finding the Jedi's holocron uncooperative due to her dark nature, she resigned herself to a long and boring night until – to her surprise – Rissessk materialized.
They briefly discussed her visit to the prison, with Isla struggling to speak on the matter. Rissessk understood, however, and assured her that everyone had to deal with trauma in their own time. At Rissessk's suggestion, Isla ventured out into the night with the simple goal of doing "what Jedi do", hoping it would calm her mind somewhat to busy herself with honest, straightforward tasks. Initially she objected due to their previous discussions concerning secrecy, but Rissessk seemed confident that a single night of heroics would not draw suspicion. It did not take Isla long to come across someone in need of assistance, finding a young Rodian man being harassed in an alleyway.
Provoking the group into a fight, Isla dispatched them easily enough and instructed the Rodian man to keep his head down and head home. Ten minutes later, Isla came across yet more members of the Rabid Akks openly harassing a young Lasat woman. They were rummaging through the crates she had been carrying, claiming her goods were not worth anything and that she would have to find some other means of paying. Isla stepped forwards and pointed out that they were not on a toll road and they did not look like government representatives, drawing their attention away from their intended victim, who wisely stepped clear of the brewing confrontation. The group's apparent leader – a knife-wielding Daichyura – suggested Isla pay for the both of them, as she looked like she could stand to lose a few credits.
Naturally, Isla did not agree; once again it took little to goad the alien into swinging for her, allowing her to easily deflect the strike with her cane. The Daichyura attempted to block with his off-hand when Isla swung her cane at him, but with thorough combat training to back her up the Chiss was far too fast, hooking her cane's hidden blade into the side of the alien's neck, dealing a grievous and fatal wound that terrified the rest of the thugs into a hasty retreat.

With Jedi and Sith training, Isla was more than a match for members of the Rabid Akks.
However, Isla had no intention of letting them leave; to maintain the privilege of anonymity, the former assassin launched into a lethal routine that left the entire group dead or dying, providing Isla with some much needed practice with both her cybernetics and cane. Helping to gather up the fallen crates, the Lasat thanked Isla for for her intervention, introducing herself as Mynyrra and explaining that she was moving stock into her new premises, a small sweet shop, and it was only thanks to a delay at the spaceport that she was on the streets so late.
She invited Isla to stop by sometime once she was open for business, promising to thank her properly for her help and – having no intention of actually doing so – Isla assured her she would stop by when she was able.
Returning to the countess' estate to avoid causing too much of a stir, Isla opted to explore the area a little on her way back, speculating that she could find shortcuts by avoiding the roads. It was during this excursion – while moving along a bridge used by the city's trains – that she realized the psychological trauma she had suffered was far worse than she had initially suspected. From out of the smog a looming and familiar figure emerged, hooded and veiled by the darkness and the rain, but recognizable by his distinctive silhouette alone. At first Isla saw the similarity as simple – albeit eerie – chance, calling out to the mysterious figure to identify himself.
When he continued marching and got close enough for her to see his face clearly, the towering shadow morphed into the unmistakable visage of Darth Malgus. Roaring the word "traitor", Malgus ignited his lightsaber and forced Isla to do the same, blocking his strike head on and collapsing from the sheer force of the impact, her blade spinning off across the tracks. Aware that it was not the real Malgus and was – most likely – a hallucination did not help calm Isla as she scrambled backwards across the ground, trying to escape his long, audible strides while reminding herself that what she was seeing was not real.
He thrust his blade downwards and speared the tip through her heart, and – real or not – the action caused unspeakable pain and forced Isla to scream out until – when she opened her eyes – the pain suddenly stopped – and the phantom of Darth Malgus had gone, confirming the spectral juggernaut was a hallucination generated by her damaged mind.
Illegal Proceedings[]
Ummin Cha Shyndatyriss is the most distinguished lawyer in the sector – and openly supportive of the Empire's "rule of the strong" style of governing. As long as he is leading the prosecution team, Miss Waverunner's case is little more than a formality and political statement aimed squarely at myself and the Republic.
—Countess LaLenna, to Isla, discussing the latter's target.
The following day, Countess LaLenna told Isla that a high profile lawyer had been appointed to lead the prosecution in Zhavi's smuggling case, the pro-Imperial Mon Calamari Ummin Cha Shyndatyriss, regarded as the best lawyer in the sector. In addition, the case had also been brought forward – an unprecedented move – and they had less than a week to influence the judgement and somehow get rid of the evidence serving as the linchpin of the entire case.
LaLenna knew a sympathetic police captain who would be in the running to take over as Voryle Police Commissioner if the current commissioner were to stand down, which LaLenna confessed was an unlikely scenario – unless something drastic happened on his watch; such as an important and influential lawyer – visiting the planet at the government's request – being murdered within days of arriving in the city.
LaLenna cautioned Isla against approaching from the street, as the hotel would be well guarded, while the roof would have only limited protection and the suite Shyndatyriss was staying in had a large skylight that could easily be broken by a Jedi. The countess requested that she leave her cane behind, however, as the weapon was too distinctive and using a lightsaber would raise questions that would be better left unasked. Regardless, she was confident – albeit uncomfortable – that eliminating Shyndatyriss was their best opening move.
Isla set off that evening, crossing the city via the rooftops until she reached the hotel where police troopers were stood guard, as predicted. Though the police were armed with expensive body armour and modern blaster weaponry, Isla's speed and ability to cloak herself from sight allowed her to incapacitate the rooftop guards without raising the alarm. From there, it was a simple matter for Isla to wait for Shyndatyriss to move into a good position, shatter the skylight with the Force and drop down, stabbing the Mon Calamari in the back before he could even begin running. Leaping back out to make her escape across the rooftops, Isla left the hotel certain that Ummin Cha Shyndatyriss would never prosecute Zhavi – or anyone else – ever again.
The next day, on a whim, Isla changed her mind regarding Mynyrra's sweet shop, visiting the newly opened store late in the morning to see how the Lasat was getting on. Mynyrra was thrilled that Isla had taken up her invitation and offered her whatever took her fancy in the store free of charge, though Isla – never having been one to indulge in junk food – declined; prompting the Lasat to gather up a bag of the most popular selection of sweets and chocolates, insisting that she take something for her assistance, even if she only re-gifted it.
She admitted that she had taken a bit of a gamble opening the store, lacking any kind of financial safety net and not realizing just how bad the Rabid Akks were. Nonetheless, Mynyrra cheerfully professed that she was not a quitter and was determined to make a success of things. Isla asked why she had decided on a sweet shop of all things, given the widespread poverty in the city. Sweets and chocolates were – Mynyrra claimed – a little luxury that made life's hardships that little bit easier to bear.
Mynyrra went on to explain how her mother died when she was young and her father had always worked long hours to make sure Mynyrra had a comfortable childhood. Because of that, she did not spend much time with him. However, every weekend he would take her to their local sweet shop and the pair would sit and eat sweets and chocolate as they watched the boats sail up and down the river, at least until the shop closed. Touched – rather unexpectedly – Isla bid Mynyrra farewell and went to see Tabassa, pressuring him into offering the optimistic young Lasat a fair loan to help her keep her business afloat until the Rabid Akks could be dealt with and the streets made safe. The Hutt was hesitant, but with Isla leading the Cobbled Terentateks and his options as far as allies went being slim-to-none, he begrudgingly agreed to write up a draft for her perusal.
Tabassa warned that such businesses often struggled even in strong economic climates but Isla dismissed his warning, suggesting that if he paid her a visit at least once a month she would rule the sugary treat market before the end of the year.
Startup Capital[]
Voryle Fight Club[]
Good fight. Fun fight, even. Been a while since someone made me work that hard."
"Likewise. I made the mistake of thinking this street fighting would be an easy diversion when I first arrived. Suffice to say I have been appropriately... humbled."
"What can I say? It's a fine art. Took me a whole lot of beatings before I got good enough to be the one dishin' 'em out. Name's Sam, by the way. Samantha... if I were putting on airs."
"Isla Ahnkett. And this is my associate, Rissessk. A rare pleasure, Sam.
—Samantha and Isla, after their fight in the Voryle Fight Club ring.
With Shyndatyriss dead and without any leads to speak of, blame for the incident immediately fell on the head of Voryle's Police Commissioner, with pressure increasing almost hourly for him to step down – and with Countess LaLenna doing everything in her power to fan the flames. In return for her support in his bid to become commissioner, Tommo Sanders snuck into the evidence store and disassembled Zhavi's lightsaber to remove the crystal and wreck the internal components, ruining them beyond any hope of repair before putting it back together.
By the time Zhavi's trial began, the prosecution team had been significantly weakened and the sole piece of damming evidence on which the entire case depended was found to be inoperable, despite police technicians stating they had reassembled and activated it to confirm it was functional. Zhavi's defense attorney demonstrated for the court that the weapon clearly did not work, and asked for it to be opened for the court's inspection, revealing that the interior was filled with wrecked pieces – and with no sign of the crystal that was essential to the weapon's functionality.
Though electronic components were heavily regulated by the government, the fact that the components Zhavi had smuggled were so badly damaged that they could never be salvaged eviscerated the prosecution's case against her. One of the arresting officers suggested that the lightsaber had been tampered with while he was on the stand, but without proof the accusation only harmed the prosecution's case, leading it being thrown out for lack of compelling evidence, prompting the police to launch an internal investigation in the aftermath and the accusing officer to be suspended.
Unsurprisingly, Sanders – who successfully became Voryle Police Commissioner with LaLenna's support – had already erased the incriminating security recording from the evidence room and replaced it with looped footage from another point in the day, ensuring that the internal investigation he personally ordered once the trial was over would never find anything. Although Zhavi had been found innocent, she was required to remain in police custody until the appropriate documentation had been completed, checked and signed off on, which would take a couple of days at minimum.
In the meantime, LaLenna suggested Isla take some time to relax and enjoy their triumph – encouraging her to maintain a good work/life balance, lest she forget what they were all fighting for. Isla, however, was neither used to, nor comfortable with, sitting idle and only slept for a few short hours each night, sleep that was disturbed by nightmares ever since Dxun. So, faced with the prospect of being left alone with her thoughts, Isla chose to consult Rissessk on what she should do to kill time. The Trandoshan, though aged, was still a keen combat enthusiast, and ashamedly admitted to losing his monthly earnings on illegal street fights on more than one occasion.
Asked if he knew when and where the fighting would be taking place, Rissessk confessed that there was to be a gathering the following evening, down at an abandoned warehouse. Anyone could sign-up on the night and anyone could challenge whoever stepped into the ring, the only rules being no killing or maiming and when the referee called stop, the combatants stopped. Rissessk remarked that it was actually a very civil affair most of the time, with only two or three deaths in the ring over the past fifteen years, and an additional death occurring outside the ring as a direct result of injuries sustained inside it.
Somewhat nervous, Isla remained confident that her training with both the Jedi and Sith would make her more than capable of defeating what she referred to as "unwashed and uneducated gutter rats", though Rissessk cautioned her against underestimating her opponents. When she entered, she drew a fair amount of attention at the gathering, the crowds of commoners clearly surprised and anxious at the arrival of a finely dressed woman and her butler, who they naturally assumed to be a noblewoman.
She surprised everyone when she challenged the winner of the fight that ended shortly after her arrival, shedding her elaborate gown to fight in her undershirt and stepping into the ring against a burly Nautolan, whom she defeated handily. Following her surprise victory, the ringmaster invited in challengers to take on the newcomer, with two more muscular individuals jumping in and falling right back out again in short order as Isla exploited her training and agility to outmaneuver them all. With three wins under her belt, an orange-skinned Twi'lek woman stepped up to challenge Isla. A few minutes were allocated to the placing of bets, but once the excitable build-up was done and dusted the two women began, initiating a surprisingly brutal brawl; Isla's opponent had considerable skill in hand-to-hand fighting.
Even with her training, Isla's own skills had been somewhat dulled by her time in the hospital and her foe as fast as she was and physically stronger, incorporating more aggressive, unorthodox moves to eventually slam Isla to the ground – pinned and unable to break free. The ringmaster counted her down, then announced the match in her opponent's favor. Isla stepped out of the ring feeling embarrassed, yet the Twi'lek did not stay to take on challengers herself, choosing to follow Isla to the bar and commend her on a fight well fought. She introduced herself as Sam and ordered the Chiss a drink.
The trio chatted for a while (though neither Rissessk nor Isla were great at authentic small talk) and the Twi'lek encouraged Isla to return for a rematch when they were both fresh and at their best, flirtatiously suggesting that she would enjoy grappling with her a second time. Isla returned to the estate to process the evening's events, finding herself looking forward to returning to the ring despite herself and secretly conceding that she had enjoyed doing something other than work or training.
The Midnight Rose[]
Voryle has – I am ashamed to say – employed child labor for well over a century now, but I know many are opposed to the barbaric exploitation of minors. Liberating the workhouses will be an excellent way of gaining support, as well as saving lives."
"If they're as lightly guarded as y' reckon they are, I c'n deal with 'em easily enough. Isla, y' mentioned..."
"The Midnight Rose. A valuable brothel in the west of the city. Rumor is that the madam in charge has no love for the Rabid Akks. They act in a brutish manner and the protection money they demand is extortionate; I intend to convince her that the Cobbled Terentateks can and will protect her and her... "entertainers", on far more reasonable terms. Having access to the services she offers will also help keep our future recruits contented."
"Mm. Madam Quisselle is a pragmatic woman. Cynical, but kind-hearted. If she believes you can truly push back against the Rabid Akks, I believe she will be willing to help you. Do be cautious though. Quisselle is fiercely protective of her charges, and her species are able to... "influence" the feelings of others. She will try to get what she can from you without giving anything of herself, if possible. Do not let her.
—Countess LaLenna, Zhavi and Isla, discussing their first major strikes against the Rabid Akks.
Almost a week after her charges were dropped, Zhavi was released from holding and allowed to go free, joining Isla at LaLenna's estate where she was promptly outfitted with equipment and clothing. Unlike Isla, Zhavi insisted that she would be better off dressing like she belonged on the streets, being honest about the fact that she could not pull off acting like nobility the way her Chiss companion could.
To celebrate her release, Zhavi wanted to head out for the evening, to which Isla suggested they return to the fight club on account of the Jedi's love of brawling – and her own private desire to return. Isla watched from the side-lines, opting not to take part in the fighting that evening. Instead, she decided to join the other gamblers by placing a wager, betting her money on Zhavi to defeat the large, muscular Krex she was up against. Mid-way through the fight, Samantha crept up to stand beside Isla, trading small-talk for a few minutes before she suggested the Chiss check out the Midnight Rose, one of the city's most respected brothels.
She explained that Madam Quisselle's relationship with the Rabid Akks had never been entered into with enthusiasm and that it was only getting worse the more the Akks fortified their control of the city, making them all the bolder – and greedier. Hinting that she was aware of Isla's activities, Samantha claimed that – if a rival gang were to rise up – they could make Madam Quisselle very happy by driving the Rabid Akks out of the borough, undoubtedly earning her favor.
Samantha concluded by stating that it was a shame all the other gangs had been absorbed into the Akks' ranks, before passing along a message for Isla from someone she had apparently met en route to the fight. The message, scrawled on a scrap of paper, hinted at a potential ally looking to make friends with Isla, but discreetly, either to hide their affiliation or as part of some sort of trap for the Vorylian underworld's rising star. Trap or no trap, Isla slipped away from the arena to meet the individual as requested. By the time she arrived, she found a large Lasat man kicking a Rodian who was cowering on the floor, only stopping when he saw Isla. Oddly, he removed his hat, clutching it to his chest to offer a polite bow before introducing him as detective chief inspector Pierre Arkonjii.
Firstly, he told her he knew that Isla had stepped in to protect his daughter a short time ago and for that he considered himself indebted, sparking the realization in Isla that Pierre was almost certainly Mynyrra's father. Secondly, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the government and his superiors in the police force, calling them lazy and corrupt and proposing that, if Isla would be willing to work with him, they could bring justice, order and common decency back to the streets.
Isla bluntly told DCI Arkonjii that her primary goal was to get rid of the Sith Empire and its influence, which he claimed was a good enough start for him. He then hoisted the Rodian up onto his feet, handing him a sizable pouch of coins and patting his shoulder, telling him to keep his "snout clean" and reminding him he had children who relied on him. Arkonjii warned Isla to keep her eyes peeled, stating that corruption was like a cancer: it could develop and spread from anywhere. He tipped his hat and made to leave, promising her he would be in contact in future.
The following day, Isla mentioned the Midnight Rose to Zhavi, who agreed it sounded like something worth looking in to, though she urged her to bring it up with the countess first. LaLenna already had her own suggestion on where to start their campaign against the Rabid Akks, pointing Zhavi to the borough's workhouses and factories, where children were forced to work long hours in incredibly dangerous conditions for little more than scraps. She admitted, however, that winning over Madam Quisselle would be a great boon. But Quisselle was a cunning and experienced Zeltron, which concerned LaLenna. Isla's past in Sith Intelligence meant she was trained to identify and resist the influence of alien pheromones, however.
Not that she discounted the Zeltron's natural capabilities as a threat, but experience and training sapped away much of her concern. The same evening, Zhavi and Isla set off and split up, with Zhavi hitting the nearest workhouse and Isla visiting the Midnight Rose. On entering, she was immediately set upon by Quisselle's courtesans, who tried to tempt her into indulging in the services they offered, brushing off her insistence that she speak with Madam Quisselle until it eventually became clear she could not be lured into spending money. She was asked to wait before being led to a backroom.
Inside, Madam Quisselle greeted her and informed her that she did not cater to just anyone who asked, but claimed she could be talked into making an exception in Isla's case. Isla politely ignored her suggestive comments and explained that she was there to make her a business offer. Curious, Quisselle agreed to hear her out, listening as Isla proposed an arrangement between the Cobbled Terentateks and the Midnight Rose. Quisselle was unconvinced, pointing out that the Rabid Akks had long-since destroyed the other gangs on Voryle and – she made a point of mentioning – Isla's Republic friends and had a monopoly on all underworld activities.
She asked what made Isla and her gang any better suited to combating the Akks than the legion of dead men who preceded her; Isla responded by removing the head of her cane with the Force and activating the lightsaber hidden inside, clearly surprising the aged Zeltron, yet not as much as Isla had hoped. Visibly tempted, if not entirely sold on the risk, Quisselle told the Chiss about a train owned by the Rabid Akks, bought and fueled using the profits from their underworld activities. It allowed them to quickly move troops and supplies from borough to borough, preventing their opposition from gaining a foothold.
Without the train they would have to rely on the roads to move their people around, making it all the more difficult for them to maintain control of all the boroughs if opposition arose to test their strength. Quisselle told Isla that she had to protect her courtesans from retaliation, and before she would make any risky choices that might cause them more harm than good the Chiss needed to prove what she was made of – by destroying the train. Initially she attempted to use her pheromones to persuade Isla to destroy the train without an agreement to ally with the Cobbled Terentateks, even attempting to seduce her in an effort to avoid committing to one side or another in Voryle's upcoming gang war. Isla resisted her influence, however, and would not budge from her position, forcing Quisselle to abandon her efforts and agree to an alliance, pending the destruction of the train.
Quisselle's people heard much from the Rabid Akks who visited the brothel; through her courtesans, the Zeltron was able to tell Isla when the train would next be passing through the borough, down to the rough time and the track it would be using, one of the main cargo lines used by the corporations to pass goods around the city. After Zhavi successfully burnt down one of the local workhouses and liberated the children working their, Isla was confident that taking the train would drum up support for their initiative. Quisselle was expecting her to destroy it, yet even as she was given her task the Chiss had already come up with a much better idea. Living with the countess made her a target, which would only worsen as the gang began to expand and make itself known to the Rabid Akks, and though spacious they would need more room in future if they hoped to expand their operations.
To that end, Isla was resolved to kill the Rabid Akks she encountered and capture the train; not only would it prove Isla's skills to Madam Quisselle, it would also provide the Cobbled Terentateks with a mobile headquarters that they could use to move easily and discreetly around the city.
Capture of the Rapid Akk[]

Isla, during her theft of the Rabbid Akks' train.
Good evening, gentleman. If you would be so kind as to disembark the train in an orderly–
—Isla, to members of the Rabid Akks, before being fired upon.
Still struggling to come to terms with the losses she suffered on Dxun, Isla kept her plan to capture the Rabid Akks hovertrain – the Rapid Akk – from Zhavi, positioning herself on a maintenance catwalk above one of the elevated tracks that snaked around the borough until the train was in sight.
As it passed by, she jumped down, timing her fall so that she landed atop the rear carriage, allowing her to move through the train from one end to the other to ensure she would not end up surrounded. Misjudging her landing slightly, Isla dropped down hard and attracted attention from within the carriage, drawing the Rabid Akks out onto the roof. She asked the gangsters to leave the train, fully aware that they would never do as she instructed, and before she could even finish her sentence one of the Akks pulled out a revolver, firing a shot that Isla blocked with her lightsaber.
Disarming each attacker, Isla switched off her lightsaber to avoid drawing attention and used her cane blade to eliminate them, throwing each of them from the roof before descending into the train, clearing each carriage of enemies one at a time until only the driver remained, weak minded and easily enthralled by the power of the Force. With the driver under her influence, Isla stopped off at the station in Yonmouth South, wrote out a note and paid one of the homeless children littering the streets to deliver it to Rissessk, instructing him to bring the others to the station urgently, gathering her team aboard to present her prize. She then instructed them to begin preparing it for use as their new headquarters.
Given the dilapidated state of the train, Isla was informed that it would take some time to generate the necessary funds to both repair the mechanical faults in the outdated, second hand model and spruce up the interior, which had been treated poorly in its role as a troop and supply transport. Yagogg removed the trains transponder unit, saying they should start by replacing it to give the train a new ID signature. In spite of the work they would need to do to bring the train up to a more respectable standard, the team were impressed with their leader's achievement, agreeing that it would serve them better as a base of operations than LaLenna's estate – as well as drawing attention away from the elderly Mikkian – in the long-run.
Sizable carriages – and lots of them – also meant the lieutenants could live aboard the train, ensuring they were always on the move and their prize was never left unattended. Isla instructed them to tag the bodies of the fallen with the gang's new logo, take the train out to another borough and deposit the remains, masking the location of the attack until such a time that they had the resources and personnel to ward off any retaliatory efforts. Before she left, she released the train driver from her control, only to snap his neck a moment later – silencing the only remaining witness.
Having captured the train rather than destroying it outright, Isla was confident that Madam Quisselle would see that the Cobbled Terentateks were smarter than most criminals and honor her agreement. She returned to the Midnight Rose to find Quisselle was stood waiting to greet her at the door, whereupon she congratulated her on surpassing her most optimistic expectations. In addition, she handed Isla the first installment of the agreed upon protection money, stating that she expected Isla to honor her promise.
The Chiss assured her that recruitment had already started, and that her establishment would be guarded within a matter of days. Quisselle, cautiously optimistic, invited Isla to spend the evening with her to "celebrate" their new arrangement, weaponizing her pheromones yet again. Still isolated from those around her and tired from her efforts aboard the Rapid Akk, Isla accepted the invitation and spent the night with her new ally. Although not a business meeting, the pair spoke a great deal during the evening, leading to a discussion about the Cobbled Terentateks' finances and possible sources of income to give the group more financial stability, long-term. Quisselle considered the topic carefully and – before she left in the morning – told Isla about the Voryle Capital Bank, the bank of choice for the nobility and wealthy businessmen on Voryle.
The bank manager, an overweight Neimoidian, visited the Midnight Rose regularly, choosing to venture out to the city outskirts rather than using the services of local prostitutes so that his wife – and mistress – remained unaware of his indulgences. Even though he paid well, Quisselle clearly detested the man, referring to him as "revolting" and mentioning how uncomfortable he made her people feel, which – as a Zeltron – she was sensitive to. Isla asked if she could arrange some one-on-one time between herself and the Neimoidian, but Quisselle was clearly concerned about being involved in interfering directly in something as high profile as theft from the planet's most prestigious bank. She told the Chiss she would think it over; to help influence her thoughts, Isla gave her back the protection money, saying she would consider her a partner in any operation that came out of a meeting with the bank manager, and that partners received a portion of the spoils.
Quisselle highlighted the fact that partners also tended to receive a portion of the blame, too, to which Isla retorted "only if they are caught".
The Neimoidian's Key[]
The manager is greedy, boorish. He ogles my girls and boys equally, but can't tell any of them apart or even remember their names. I'm sick of him treating them like toys. Henrietta has lent you a change of clothes and taken the night off, and he'll be too busy staring at your chest to notice you're new. I trust you can use your Jedi tricks to get what you need from him without him noticing?
—Madam Quisselle, to Isla, regarding the manager of the Capital Bank of Voryle.
Madam Quisselle sent one of her courtesans to LaLenna's estate two days later, delivering a message to Isla in which she requested that she visit the Midnight Rose before they opened for the evening. After arriving, Quisselle stated that she was sick of tolerating the bank manager's behavior; she then pointed to an outfit left out on the bar, explaining that Henrietta – the girl who had summoned her – had provided her clothes for Isla's use, taking the night off so that the Chiss could take her place "entertaining" the bank manager.
Quisselle correctly assumed that Isla could use her Force powers to take the key from him without him realizing he was being robbed – which she confirmed – and though Quisselle apologized for forcing her to endure the Neimoidian's company she made it clear that she had no intention of ever asking her staff to take part in any illicit activities that went beyond what they had signed up for. They lived the lives they did because it was required if they wanted to survive; none of them wanted to be caught up in a gang war. Isla commended Quisselle's loyalty to her workers, confessing her respect and lamenting that in her experience, being able to rely on one's superior was a rare state of affairs. She added that she would not be entertaining the Neimoidian, as her mind tricks could make him believe whatever she wished him to.
Armed with new knowledge, she asked if Isla could use her powers to "dissuade" him from returning again, a favor which she agreed to see to while she had his attention. More than that, she also intended to convince him to make a generous donation on his way out, as well as to come clean and reveal all his indiscretions to his wife and mistress. In doing so, she hoped to provide sufficient distraction from the Midnight Rose when the investigation into the robbery began.
Isla returned later in the day – in the early evening – and changed into her disguise to prepare herself for the Neimoidian's arrival. When he made his entrance, she understood the courtesans' collective disgust; he was loud, rude, incredibly overweight and groped the staff a little too eagerly, even earning judgmental scowls from other patrons. Guided into a private backroom by Quisselle, Isla appropriated an accent she had heard one of the other courtesans speak with – Rylothian, she believed – and teasingly invited the alien manager in, encouraging him to take a seat. She waited, only briefly, letting him get comfortable and giving him time for his mind to wander as he stared at her, just as Quisselle had described.
Then, with his subconscious mental defenses lowered, she began to use the Force to whisper soft commands into his mind. She maintained the accent and soft, seductive tone of voice to keep him calm and avoided directness, knowing that an overt Force interrogation would make the process both more difficult and less effective long-term – or unsuccessful outright, if the situation really went badly. Keeping him calm and asking her questions discreetly would make it a lot less likely for him to recall anything odd about his visit, or shake off the lingering commands she intended to send him away with.
Isla soon learned that the bank contained vaults filled with physical treasures; some of those treasures were simply hard currency &ndahs; used by most of the population due to the planet's isolated and technophobic tendencies – while many contained material wealth of a more sophisticated nature, such as expensive ornaments, gemstones and other trinkets that would fetch high prices on the black market. Those vaults could only be opened and closed through a physical locking system in the manager's office. And to get in there, Isla would need his key. Handily, he kept that very key on him at all times, hanging around his neck. They key was all too easily removed and concealed elsewhere by the Chiss' nimble fingers. Key and information in hand, she had everything she needed – she told the Neimoidian he had enjoyed the most memorable night of his life, so much so that he felt weak with exhaustion and would need to take the following day off to recover.
Additionally, she followed through on her promise to Quisselle, instructing him to make a generous donation on his way out; and that he had reached such an enlightening state of ecstasy that it had sparked an epiphany, one which made him realize the error of his ways and that – out of respect – he intended to tell his wife of his adulterous misdeeds and would never visit the Midnight Rose again, such was his shame. Weak minded and manipulated covertly, he staggered out of the backroom, under the illusion that his body was aching from the exertion. Quisselle helped him outside where his driver was waiting, sending him on his way, very happy and very oblivious. By the time his troubles started, he would be so distracted the Midnight Rose would never cross his mind.
Quisselle thanked her as she left, quipping that she had never seen the Neimoidian look happier and that Isla would have to show her exactly what she had done to him when she found herself with another free evening. Isla commented that the Force had its upside, though she was quick to change back into her usual finery, her revealing courtesan disguise doing her no favors against the city's bitter winter evenings. She shared a drink with Quisselle out of politeness but did not loiter long enough for a second, returning to LaLenna's estate to head to bed early, knowing she had a limited window in the morning in which to execute her heist before the missing bank manager – and his missing key – whipped up an air of caution.
The Voryle Capital Bank Job[]

Dressed as an off-world tourist, Isla was barely noticed at Voryle Capital Bank.
Is that...? Oh, it is. Fascinating... Oh, and that is... mm, yes, I believe that is genuine Beskar.
—Isla, evaluating the contents of the vault.
The next morning, Isla entered the bank early, making her way through the main entrance confidently, as if she belonged there. She had considered disguising herself, but knew that – despite the diversity on Vorlye – the locals were fairly ignorant when it came to alien species and any witnesses would simply state they had seen a blue woman, or, at worst, a Pantoran.
The disinterested men and women manning the front desks did not bother the finely dressed woman as she marched through, likely assuming she had an appointment and knew where she was going or simply not caring enough to wonder. Given the security precautions they had in place, there was little reason for them to be overly suspicious of visitors. LaLenna had told her that the bank – grand as it was – was a common stop for tourists visiting the world, so it was not uncommon for people to wander around the bank aimlessly. It was only the secure areas that were actively patrolled.
Luckily for Isla, she had been trained to hide herself from sight. With a brief application of the Force, she manipulated both light and sound to pass by the guards stationed outside the manager's office without being seen, using a simple mind trick at the last moment to slip through door without alerting them to her presence.
Once inside, she found the manager's ledger in his safe and identified the vault suggested by the countess, one of her rivals in government and an open advocate for closer links with the Sith Empire. He had inherited his wealth from his sickly mother – a long-term friend of LaLenna's – and LaLenna had long suspected he had had a hand in the disappearance of three of her past suitors, along with the public disgracing of a fourth, ensuring his mother never remarried and no man threatened the fortune she passed to him on her death. Isla did not care much about the justification, however. He was the opposition. On that basis alone, Isla was quite happy to empty his vault of valuables.
With the twist of a single dial, his vault was unlocked and a randomized security clearance code provided on a small screen, leaving her free to pillage the contents. Before she moved on, she deleted the security camera footage and deactivated the entire system to make sure the only evidence she left behind was purely plucked from the vague memories of the people – if any existed – who noticed her. The Chiss departed the office in the same manner she had entered and headed to the north vault wing. The guards in the bank were the tech-heavy government police troopers, well armed and armored individuals kitted out head-to-toe in shielded, modern armor and carrying high-powered blaster carbines, forcing Isla to be stealthy to avoid detection.
Though she was equipped to fight them, if needed, and as much as she doubted they had the training to deal with Sith or Jedi, Isla knew that their equipment would prove a significant hurdle and the degree of attention an altercation in the bank would draw would be devastating to her campaign. Isla preferred to work in the shadows – that was much harder when her enemies were actively searching for her. Regardless, she managed to avoid being spotted by the patrols, eventually ducking into the vault she intended to rob to discover a genuine treasure trove of rare artifacts.
An eclectic collection, Isla knew immediately that the relics she found would earn her a small fortune even if she could only grab one item; an aged Mandalorian helmet made out of beskar, a statue of Sistros made of platinum, what appeared to be an authentic Rakatan mind prison, a number of rare paintings from various cultures, a beautiful vase of unknown origin, security chests literally overflowing with gemstones and – most notably to Isla – a rare Hurrikaine crystal.
More than rare antiques, the vault was filled with stacks of Vorylian Sovereigns. With the physical monetary boon plus the money they could eventually make selling the rarities to off-world collectors, Isla believed they had enough start up capital to truly launch the Cobbled Terentateks in a major way, easily possessing enough to refurbish their headquarters and arm their new recruits. Isla pocketed the crystal for her own use, then used the controls inside the vault to summon loader droids to her location, giving them the clearance code she had received from the terminal in the manager's office.
Provided with the code, the droids obeyed her orders as if she owned the vault and started gathering up the contents for transportation to a secure loading bay at the rear of the bank, where the goods would be packaged up into secure containers for her retrieval, accessed via a second code provided by the droids. As she was leaving the secure area, one of the patrols spotted her and questioned why she was alone in the vault wing, as access was by appointment only. She feigned ignorance, claiming to be a tourist who had not realized she was somewhere she was not supposed to be.
Given that she could not have entered the wing unnoticed due to the door guards, the patrol assumed their peers had slacked off; they escorted her back to the main area before giving their companions an earful, providing Isla time to escape before the sentry could turn suspicion her way. She made her way around to the rear of the bank where some of Yagogg's new recruits were waiting to help her, following Isla into the automated loading dock when she entered her code. Security droids greeted her and directed her to input her secondary code into the display on each crate, authorizing their release and electronically "checking out" the contents from the vault.
Once she had verified the withdrawal was genuine using her codes, the guard droids told her the crate had been officially transferred into her care and permitted her people to begin moving them. The Terentateks carried the crates out onto the street, where they were loaded into carriages and driven away to be hidden elsewhere. The Terentateks left the bank with the staff still completely unaware of the theft; it was almost two days later that the manager finally admitted he could not find his key and the vaults were individually checked as a precaution, leading to the discovery of the crime, the imprisonment of the bank manager and his public execution just a week later.
Due to Isla's stealthy approach, the burglary was presumed to be an inside job and the police investigation that followed primarily focused on the staff at the bank and the wife and mistress of the manager – both of whom had distanced themselves from their Neimoidian lover. In the aftermath, the gang took a full inventory of their haul, twenty-five percent of which Isla delivered personally to the Midnight Rose the evening after the theft, keeping her word to Madam Quisselle regarding her sharing of the spoils. Even in the face of a considerable sum of money, Madam Quisselle's attention remained on Isla.
Insisting Isla stay for a drink, Quisselle attempted to charm Isla into bed once more. This time, however, the Chiss declined, and as she left Quisselle stated that there was a sadness in Isla's eyes that needed attending to. She claimed she could help, with time, but Isla did not respond and made her way out of the Midnight Rose.
The Murder of Ora Perez[]
Ora Perez. She was a witness in a high profile drugs case. Worked as a secretary for an accountancy firm on the other side of the city. Been there less than a year. Bright young lass, good head on her shoulders and not a bad lookin' bit'a skirt as it goes... had everything goin' for her, really. Then bang... You know I can't even begin, to find the words, to describe how much I hate, these sewer-supping bastards polluting my city.
—DCI Arkonjii, to Isla, regarding the murder of Ora Perez.
Not all was well for Isla's allies.
Receiving a summons hand-delivered by one of the police constables working under DCI Arkonjii a few weeks after her visit to the bank, Isla was escorted to a crime scene on the edge of the borough, where Yonmouth North and Yonmouth South fed into each other. There, she approached Arkonjii as he stood looking down on the mortal remains of a Nautolan woman, introduced to the Chiss as Ora Perez. Arkonjii revealed that Perez was a witness for a serious drugs case the DCI and his team had been working on for months. She claimed to have seen one of the partners of the accountancy firm she worked for engaging in secret meetings, and after poking around believed she had evidence linking him to the sudden appearance of a homegrown "spice" being sold on the black market.
Clearly, there was truth in her claim; her death was meant to look like a spice overdose, all too easily done due to the toxicity of the drug. In reality it was a cocktail of poisons that had an addictive effect with diminishing returns, compelling users to continue taking the substance with increasingly weaker highs. One try was all it took for the substances to kick in, and it only took a few more doses after that to fatally poison the addict. Arkonjii asked for Isla's take on the state of the corpse, prompting her to point out the flayed fabric of her skirt around her knees and bruising on her arms from where she had been restrained, seemingly by someone large, which Arkonjii agreed was his assessment – though the confirmation only angered him further.
He surmised that she was approached from behind, held by her arms and pushed down onto her knees by one man, while a second administered a lethal dose of spice. Isla agreed, adding that she likely went straight into a seizure or was otherwise incapacitated, as the mixed pool of blood and vomit she was lying in indicated her body had not been moved and since she did not seek help – a noisy pub and orochick racing den being open and nearby at the time – the drug must have taken immediate effect.
There was also blood on one side of her jumper, but no sign of any penetrative wounds on Perez's body that might have caused it. Isla noticed – thanks to her species' ability to see infrared – that there were more spots of blood nearby, leading away from the scene. Following the trail led Isla a little over a mile away from the site of the murder, to a shadowy alley in which a Caamasi was slumped against a wall, tending to the injury – a stab wound, in which Perez's pen was still stuck – that had caused the blood trail. His companion locked eyes with Isla and decided to abandon the Caamasi, clearly unwilling to risk his own freedom.
Wounded, the alien could do little to combat Isla, but shocked her by taking his pistol and shooting himself in the head, rather than allowing himself to be taken alive for questioning. Isla returned to Arkonjii to report her findings, apologizing that their only lead died on her watch. The DCI dismissed her apology, assuring her that they would catch those responsible next time and confessing that he took some small comfort in knowing Perez's defiance brought at least one of her killers to justice.
Warning him to be cautious – as anyone who inspired such fear in their foot soldiers that suicide was preferable to capture was someone to take seriously – Isla left Arkonjii to his duties.
Manufactured Monsters[]
Hey! I'm just worried about my friend, y'know? You guys are out in the open now, and the Akks are stepping up their game, majorly. Let me help huh?
—Samantha, to Isla, after the latter's insistence on working alone.
A month after the successful bank heist, the Cobbled Terentateks were blossoming. Their headquarters had been beautifully refurbished, they welcomed in new members daily and they had an unshakable control of Yonmouth South.
Zhavi, enjoying leading the gang in activities on the ground, was also branching out into attacking Rabid Akk holdings in neighboring boroughs, giving them a buffer against any attempts by the Akks to reclaim lost ground. While Isla was walking the streets on the outskirts of Yonmouth South, she was approached by a panicked and terrified child – one of the gangs many informants – warning her of a monster killing people in a residential area just inside northern Yonmouth.
Unconvinced the cause of the commotion was actually a "monster", Isla nonetheless rushed to investigate the source of the trouble, intent on stopping it, whatever it might be. She followed the screams to a residential back alley, wading through a tsunami of panicked residents running for their lives from – to her surprise – a creature that could be fairly described as a monster; a beast of some kind, towering over the houses and not dissimilar from an acklay. It sported asymmetrical patches of crystal growths that worried Isla.
Activating her lightsaber, Isla used the brick walls of the back gardens lining the alleyway to reach a slightly elevated position, then leapt up onto the creature's back, struggling for a time as the creature thrashed about wildly and her lightsaber bounced harmlessly from its hide. Eventually, through sustained attacks to a single point on its head, Isla managed to plunge her blade into the monster's skull, fatally wounding it and causing it to slump down dead. Tragically, Isla was too late to save several dozen civilians and members of the gang who had tried to protect them, their weapons proving even less effective than her own.
Of particular concern was what Isla sensed from the creature – although it did not actively use Force abilities against her, it was augmenting its senses and physical capabilities in the same way Jedi and Sith were able to. Although the Force passed through everything to some degree, as far as Isla knew only sentient beings were capable of controlling the Force. It was clear this creature had such an ability, however, which made its existence and presence on Voryle deeply troubling. Before leaving the scene, Isla hacked the beast's head away with her lightsaber and ordered it dragged away by Terentateks reinforcements, escaping with it before the police could arrive and cordon off the area.
With the help of her troops, she had the head covered with a sheet and drawn via carriage to one of the smaller local hospitals, where Rissessk – an accomplished hunter – joined her to study the remains and offer his assessment. Rissessk was able to identify the creature immediately; a rare and mighty kkorrwrot from the forested world of Kashyyyk, where his people often hunted, albeit usually for less honorable prey. He confirmed, just from the immediate visual inspection, that the creature's rocky growths were not natural, and as Isla helped him dissect the beast he was able to determine that the crystals had pushed up through the flesh from below, growing out of the kkorrwrot's skull – which was made of pure crystal.
The Trandoshan was unsettled by the revelation and found it surprising that even the grisly experiments of the Sith could produce something so drastically altered. To replace the skeleton of the creature would surely kill it, but the prospect of it being bred to develop that way unsettled Rissessk even more. Even with the monster dead, Isla could still sense the power of the dark side seething within the crystals, a macabre hint at the source of the kkorrwrot's Force abilities.
Isla saw the Kkorrwrot attack as an indication that she needed to step up and be more proactive. The Cobbled Terentateks had made a name for themselves and started strong, but she had held back, wanting to consolidate their territory and strength before making any significant push into the other boroughs. Now, however, the Chiss was convinced she needed to be more aggressive in her leadership; she needed, given the circumstances, to begin thinking like a gang leader, not just an intelligence operative. Under her orders, Bon-Yi began teaching the gang members how to best defend themselves against the Force, hoping that being better educated about what a Force-using opponent could and could not do – and how best to adapt to those new parameters – would improve their odds if they ran into more of the mysterious beasts. Helped by Bibi, Tabassa and Yagogg, Isla selected a target for her next attack, arranging a distraction that would divert the Rabid Akks away from her objective.
Bibi, having developed something of a slight crush on Isla, was worried about her, and though the Chiss dismissed her concerns as unfounded, the Cathar reached out to Samantha, telling her what she was planning and sharing her worries about Isla taking on her burdens alone. Samantha – as a result – sent word to Isla that she wanted to meet her before she launched her attack, and when they did meet she confronted her about her isolationism.
Naturally, Isla refuted the accusation, stating that she was just being practical by leaning into her talents rather than away from them, though Samantha insisted that that was not the whole truth and that she had seen Isla let her guard down when they fought, but never since. She also said she was not going to pressure her into sharing how she felt, but that she was not going to let her play the dark and brooding hero either. The Twi'lek told her that Voryle was her home, so she was going with her to help, whether she liked it or not. Reluctantly, Isla decided it was not worth arguing with her and accepted her assistance.
Under the cover of an early morning fog, the pair crossed one of the city's main rivers, a polluted thoroughfare that was used by the waterside businesses to transport materials from one end of the city to the other, and as a means of disposing their waste. It was busy at all hours, but particularly at the start of the day, creating a glacier of vehicles that the duo used to cross the water and enter a storehouse used by the Rabid Akks. Quietly, the pair crept around the stores and searched for clues relating to the kkorrwrot Isla had fought, and even though they spent a fair amount of time searching, the best lead they discovered was a collection of food crates.
None of the food was fit for sentient consumption, and Samantha theorized that given the state and large quantities, the food might have been to feed the beast they had been keeping. She also recognized the stamp on the box, but the two women were spotted before she could say more. Forced to fight their way out, Isla and Samantha were almost overwhelmed until the Twi'lek noticed a cluster of crates sporting the brand logo of a popular local vodka, using Isla's cane to smash a hole in one of the crates, shattering the bottles inside and spilling the liquid; allowing her to use a match to start a blazing inferno.
With a wall of fire holding the Akk foot soldiers back, Isla and Samantha jumped onto a cargo boat as it sailed past, disappearing safely down the river. Crossing back into Yonmouth South, Isla asked Samantha to tell her where the stamp she had spotted was from. Samantha refused to give her the location unless she agreed to take her along, prompting Isla to once again agree with her demands simply for the sake of hurrying events along. Spitting into her palm, Samantha offered her hand to shake on it, an act which Isla commented might be a contributing factor to the widespread problems of disease throughout the city. Sam told her to shut up and retracted her hand when Isla tried to shake it without spitting on her own hand first, insisting it was part of the custom.
The Chiss did as instructed, voicing her opinion that Voryle was a strange place, though Samantha suggested that Isla was growing fond of it really, before surprising her by pulling her in for a hug. During the hug, she told Isla that whatever she was going through, it would be easier with the help and support of her friends, reminding her that people had put their trust in her and that it was discourteous not to give them that same chance. The interaction was the first close, emotional contact Isla had had with anyone since the incident on Dxun, far more meaningful than her time with Madam Quisselle and a moment which sparked a new affection towards Samantha, something Isla was uncomfortable with.
Swearing to herself that she would honor her agreement then avoid Samantha and the distraction she posed to the best of her ability, Isla headed back to the hideout, successful but confused.
Sith on Voryle[]
I'm so very glad they sent a Jedi for me."
"I am not here for you. Sorry to, ahh, "burst your bubble"."
"And yet here you are. It's been far too long since I bested one of your ilk."
"Looking at the state of you, I daresay you will be waiting a while longer.
—Artem Phond and Isla, during their confrontation at the factory.
After their incursion into Yonmouth North, the Rabid Akks lieutenant in charge of operations in the borough issued a challenge to the Cobbled Terentateks a day later, pitting him against their champion of choice. He claimed to want to avoid wasting time and money by engaging in a drawn-out back-and-forth conflict, believing a head-to-head fight would be the most efficient way of deciding things, presumably expecting that he could win and eliminate the Terentateks' leadership.
Zhavi, being a keen brawler, took a number of the Terentateks to the specified location, intent on meeting the challenge. Unfortunately, the lieutenant had no intention of a fair fight. Less unfortunate, though, was the fact that Yagogg had already warned that he would behave dishonorably, and so when Zhavi arrived to find the lieutenant backed up by a large group of his subordinates, she had her own troops to counter – sparking a violent fight that crippled the Akks in Yonmouth North when the lieutenant was killed, creating a power vacuum.
In the meantime, Isla was on her way to meet Samantha when she had her purse stolen by two Nautolan children, one distracting her while the other snatched the purse and ran. Isla pursued the boy, climbing up onto the rooftops to follow him and realizing as she did that his nimble movements were a result of Force use. Yet what the thief had not accounted for was that Isla had the Force too – before long he reached a gap between rooftops that the Force could not help him overcome, leaving him trapped between a fall and an irate Sith assassin.
Being from a society that was harsh on criminal behavior and operating on a world that was just as ruthless towards petty thieves, Isla took the purse when the boy offered it back to her in an attempt to win himself mercy. Isla was not given to merciful behavior, however, and grabbed the child by his collar, hoisting him up and holding him over the edge of the roof. The boy begged for his life, as did the girl – his sister – once she caught up with them both. Isla asked why she should let him live after he had tried to steal her hard-earned money, to which the boy fairly pointed out that judging by her clothing she was obviously wealthy and would not miss a single purse of coins.
Rather ironically, he then asked her if she would not steal from the rich if she had to, which amused Isla and she conceded that perhaps it was taking things further than necessary to kill him. She set the boy back down on the roof, telling him he could work off his debt to her by helping the Cobbled Terentateks in whatever way they deemed sufficient payment for his crime. The Chiss learned the childrens' names – Kol and Mirris – and ordered them to report to the train station in Yonmouth South, describing the Terentateks hideout and instructing them to board it when it arrived and explain why they were there – including their attempt at thievery.
She also warned that if they decided not show up her enforcers would find both siblings and break their legs, scaring him into complying with her instructions. Delayed due to the distraction, Isla quickened her pace and met with Samantha as intended, who jokingly scolded her for her tardiness. According to Samantha, the stamp on the crates she had recognized was from a food factory in North Yonmouth that primarily dealt in tinned meats and pies for the working classes. The meat they used was low quality, but it was affordable and the workers did not know any better.
Yet, even though the meat was low quality, certain standards were still maintained by the company and meat that was not up to that standard – for whatever reason – was, historically, dumped into the river like all factory refuse on Voryle. According to Samantha, the company had stopped doing that at some point, which was why she had waited a few days before getting Isla to meet with her – she wanted to observe the factory and see if anything out of the ordinary was going on before making a move.
Unfortunately, she had not been able to ascertain where the meat was going now, as their transports moved all around the city and she could not investigate them all, but she was certain someone, somewhere, was paying to have that waste meat delivered somewhere specific. The fathiers used to pull the carriages the city employed in place of speeders were not fed meat and the zoo in Capital Borough imported its own food supplies to feed the specimens held there. Both women agreed it was a question worth looking into if they wanted to learn more about the creature Isla had defeated. Sneaking into the factory, it did not take them long to reach the overseer's office, break in and check his ledger, revealing that the food waste was in fact being sent to Voryle Zoo, which came as a surprise to Samantha but, for better or worse, pointed them towards their next destination.
As they stepped out of the office, the overseer was waiting for them, along with a more sinister figure, an armored warrior towering over all of them and wearing a mask that resembled a metal skull; lightsabers hung from his waist. The overseer expressed his astonishment that the masked man had correctly predicted the arrival of thieves in his office; and his fury that they dared to trespass. The figure itself ignored the overseer and focused on Samantha and Isla, greeting the pair and introducing itself as Artem Phond, apprentice of Darth Aivela. Isla politely introduced herself in response, asking if he intended to prevent them from leaving, which he confirmed just as civilly. She told Samantha to leave, but as the Twi'lek tried to vault the railing to descend to the floor below Phond used the Force to immobilize her, compelling Isla to engage.
She pushed him to break his concentration and he was forced to release Samantha, providing Isla with an opening to make a break for it. In doing so, the Chiss drew his attention and was soon gripped with the Force and slung out of the window beside her, whereupon she landed on an enclosed second story bridge that connected the two separate buildings that made up the factory. Phond followed after her – slow and confident and incredibly physically powerful – and ignited both lightsabers, prompting her to draw her own, tossing the cane aside, knowing it would be useless against the cyborg.
Utilizing the overwhelming erraticism of Juyo, Phond initially took the upper hand, forcing Isla to continuously give ground and break off to escape and avoid being boxed in, gradually moving their duel to the roof. Isla could sense the constant pain that gave Phond his furious drive, but she also knew he could not maintain such a ruthless assault forever. As such, she kept deflecting and evading his attacks while ensuring she was consistently mobile, hoping to weather his barrage and let him tire himself out. In pursuit of that goal, she ascended the factory's chimney, combining the Force with her climbing skills to ascend the smoking spire in record time, knowing Phond would follow her up to the top.
Unlike Isla, however, he was too heavy and his hands too large to climb well. Instead, he leapt up after her in stages, hanging on while he found his footing before throwing himself up to the next hold, relying heavily on the Force and physical power to do so. Once they reached the top, they had very little space to maneuver, handing Phond an immediate advantage over Isla's use of Makashi – and trapping her in a situation that she could only escape through death or victory.
But the Chiss had a strategy in mind now that they were at the summit of the factory. While Phond was focused on killing her, Isla dodged and deflected, using her lightweight, small frame and her massive agility advantage to weave around his heavy attacks, cutting the chimney bars they were standing on as she skirted around him. Then, leaping up into the sky to build moment, Isla used the Force to accelerate her descent as she brought her blade down – a move she had witnessed Zhavi perform in the past – and forced him to block with both sabers, just as she had planned.
The power of her blow was easy for someone of his size and raw potential to hold, but the additional downward force was enough to cause the sections of the metal grid that she had melted to give way beneath Phond's weight. Single-minded in his pursuit of her death, Phond did not see the trap coming until it was sprung and – before he could react – he plummeted down into the hollow factory chimney, meeting what Isla presumed would be a messy end when he reached the bottom. Isla climbed back down to eliminate the factory owner to keep him quiet, now that he knew her face and that she was a "Jedi", but found him dead in his office, a letter opener sticking out of his chest with a note hanging from it that invited Isla for a drink at the "usual place".
Annoyingly impressed by Samantha's wit and effectiveness, Isla hurried out of the factory as she heard the distant sirens of the approaching police troopers' speeders.
Trouble at the Sweet Shop[]
The Cobbled Terentateks do no tolerant thuggery.
—Isla to Sukiel Tesh, moments before his execution.
When she returned to headquarters, Isla was unsurprised to learn that Zhavi had taken a shine to the Nautolan thieves she had recruited earlier and had already suggested training them to become Jedi, a prospect that seemed to appeal to them. Zhavi also told Isla that she missed a fun brawl, with only a few of their people being injured due to the more cooperative fighting Yagogg was encouraging in the recruits.
All was calm for a few days until Isla learned that someone had been harassing Mynyrra over the past few weeks, demanding money from her repeatedly until – having stood her ground time and time again – the individual had trashed her store as a warning. Yet even in the aftermath of the attack on her livelihood, Mynyrra did not contact Isla for help, the Chiss only learning of her plight from her subordinates on the street. Though they did not know who was tormenting her, they had taken to guarding her shop since the incident, hoping to catch him the next time he turned up. Isla decided that was not good enough, however.
Making a personal appearance to confront Mynyrra about her silence on the matter, the Lasat explained that she did not want to trouble her and that she had already contacted the police. Isla knew they would never be permitted to dedicate resources to catching a petty vandal and insisted that Mynyrra provide her with a description, learning that she was looking for a dark-skinned Zabrak man with a scarred lip and face tattoos.
The confectioner was uncomfortable with Isla getting involved, but Isla scolded her, both for her pointless pride and undermining the reputation of the Cobbled Terentateks by making it appear that they did not protect the citizens within their own territory. After Mynyrra apologized, Isla left the shop and started to ask around, learning that the thug – one Sukiel Tesh – had been spotted most regularly frequenting bars and casinos in a small area of the borough, narrowing Isla's gaze to a select number of roads and alleys.
Hiring two of Quisselle's courtesans to help her blend in, Isla spent an evening loitering on one of the main streets, strategically placed so that she had the best chance of spotting Mynyrra's tormentor. Just as she was about to give up for the evening, the Togruta accompanying her spotted him approaching and pointed him out, veiled behind a crowd of rowdy workers singing their way to the next stop on a pub crawl. Isla paid her companions for their assistance, ignoring their attempts to refuse, and stealthily followed the Zabrak, waiting until she saw an opportunity to strike.
That opportunity came when he took a shortcut through a labyrinth of alleyways, providing a discreet location for murder. Calling his name both to bring him to a halt and confirm she had not got the wrong man, Isla then informed him that the Cobbled Terentateks did not tolerant thuggery in their territory. With no further comment, she raised her pistol and shot him in the chest, ensuring he would not die too quickly and would have time to ruminate on the behavior that had led to his undignified end.
Yagogg's Counselling[]
«S'pose we're not so different, you an' me. Two villains who lost their taste for it.»
—Yagogg, to Isla.
Despite the gang's string of successes, not long after the death of Sukiel Tesh Bon-Yi came to Isla to warn her that she had experienced fragments of a vision, leading her to be concerned for Yagogg's safety. In Voss society, the Mystics described their visions to Interpreters rather than making their own conclusions, causing Bon-Yi to feel somewhat conflicted, suggesting that Isla could act as an Interpreter in this instance.
Possessing a description of what Bon-Yi had seen to guide her, Isla went out onto the streets, heading for the pub Yagogg and the other Terentateks usually visited, starting her search from there. She found the Gamorrean – the last man standing – in an alleyway not far from the pub, victims of an ambush by members of the Akks as retaliation for the loss of their lieutenant in Yonmouth North, who Zhavi had killed. Isla intercepted the attackers as they were beating Yagogg, kicking him repeatedly while he was down. Since Yagogg had indicated to Isla that he knew she was a Sith – hence his ongoing, albeit professionally discreet, dislike of her – the former Sith Inquisitor did not hold back, summoning all the energy she could muster into frazzling the gangsters with a stream of lightning that arced between the group, causing the entire group to suffer fatal cardiac arrest.
Applying her limited medical know-how (along with the closest thing Voryle had to kolto) to patch him up as best she could, the Gamorrean offered groggy thanks, although in light of the circumstances Isla ignored his gratitude and ordered him not to speak. She helped him stagger back to headquarters, where he could be treated properly, and a few hours later – the pain from his injuries waking him – he joined Isla at the rear of train, where she always sat alone to smoke.
Yagogg thanked her for saving his life, saying that he had not expected that an Imperial would have his back. She corrected him and pointed out that she had left the Sith Empire, but also made it clear that being Sith never changed who she was the same way Yagogg was not the dim-witted brute his species were often stereotyped as. Furthermore, Isla asked if she should judge him for being a Hutt Cartel enforcer, or judge him by his actions in the present, to which he jokingly complained that she was not allowed to lecture him while he was injured.
Nonetheless, he conceded that she was right and apologized for his earlier behavior, taking the opportunity to ask her why she left. She summarized the story by simply stating that she had to choose between the Empire and Zhavi, and chose the latter. The Gamorrean asked, that being the case, why she tried to avoid spending any length of time with Zhavi, leading Isla onto the story of how she betrayed Zhavi's trust and did not expect it back. Additionally, she finally opened up about how losing her limbs had affected her, along with the confusion she felt about her illogical inability to come to terms with what was – in practice – an upgrade on her biological components.
Yagogg comforted her when she became tearful, admitting that he did not know what to tell her, but that he was a good listener if ever she felt like she needed someone to talk to in future. He also assured her that, for as long as she wished to keep her past to herself, he would keep the secret to himself.
Immortal Guardian of the Laboratory[]
I see the Empire has been busy here..."
"Not the Empire... Darth Aivela."
"Excellent, thank you. A name will make my hunt much simpler."
"There'll be no more hunting for you, Jedi. No more lucky escapes, no more cowardly tricks to exploit. You'll be going under the knife, just like that foul-mouthed friend of yours.
—Artem Phond and Isla, during their duel at the hidden laboratory beneath Voryle Zoo.
A few days later, Zhavi disappeared while committing a "routine" burglary at one of the Rabid Akks' tobacco warehouses, prompting concern from the other officers, though they could do nothing about it without actionable information from their members on the street. Isla decided the best course of action was to continue hitting Rabid Akk holdings as per normal until a lead presented itself.
While the gang stepped up their activities and kept an ear to the ground for word of Zhavi's whereabouts, Isla journeyed to the zoo in Capital Borough, accompanied by Kol and Mirris, who insisted that both Isla and Sam were too big to get into the zoo at night and would need their help. Samantha – unsurprisingly – agreed, once again pressuring Isla to accept assistance, leading Isla to privately question whether Samantha was agreeing because she thought they would be helpful or because she was determined to force Isla to spend time with other people. As it turned out, the siblings were correct in their assessment; the zoo was sealed off well, but they managed to find an opening, too small for an adult but large enough for the young children to squeeze themselves through and get inside.
Within ten minutes, the children had unlocked a door and let Samantha and Isla in, and it took them under an hour to locate a sealed off section in the lower levels. Using the Force to shield them from the hot air, Isla sent the twins through a heat outlet to find a way to open the door. Samantha darkly commented that the heat from the vent smelt "meaty", an assessment Isla agreed with, taking it as a sign that something – or things – was living inside. Before long, they heard terrified screams from within, followed by the angry shrieks of some sort of animals and – with the children in danger – Samantha pushed Isla to cut through the door with her lightsaber, creating evidence of Jedi activity that the authorities would find in the process.
Ultimately, though, it was the right call; the children jumped through the opening as soon as it was created with the long-neck of some sort of reptilian carnivore reaching through the gap immediately after, snapping wildly, though with its larger body it could not proceed any further, allowing Isla to easily sever its head. Another pushed its way forwards, making the same mistake as its partner, but it seemed that – for now – only two of the creatures had discovered them.
The group carried on into what they soon discovered was some sort of secret research facility, with tanks filled with animal specimens floating in what appeared to be blood. Long tunnels that looked like they were used for transportation led out from the laboratory, but before the group could investigate further they were ambushed by Artem Phond, who had evidently survived his fall down the chimney shaft. Ordering Samantha to take the kids and go, Isla held off Phond for a time before attempting to fight back, though as before the Sith's ferocity was difficult to defend against. He was both larger than her and heavily augmented both through technology and the dark side, forcing her to depend on her speed to avoid the brunt of his heavy-handed strikes, knowing that if he got hold of her she could be killed in an instant.
Their duel laid waste to the laboratory around them and spilled the contents of the tanks out onto the floor, a condition Phond tried to use against Isla when he managed to knock her to the ground, using his blades to pin her down and attempt to drown her until she managed to jar her knee between his legs, hooking her knee there to slide herself along the blood-slickened floor and out through his legs. To ensure her companions had time to escape (and hoping to exploit the same advantage she had used to beat Phond before), the Chiss began to lead Phond out of the laboratory and up to the higher levels of the zoo's operations building, temporarily outrunning him until she had found a suitable location for an ambush of her own.
Using her stealth abilities, Isla hid out of sight when Phond reached her position, then launched a devastating electrical attack, hoisting him into the air as the energy damaged his implants and cybernetics and smashing him repeatedly against the walls before throwing him through a viewing window, onto a maintenance platform. By the time she reached where he had fallen, Isla was exhausted and her energy all but spent. However, rendered defenseless by Isla's Force lightning, Phond was all but beaten. He mocked her, claiming that it was at that point that Jedi offered mercy to their foe, but Isla pointed out that opposing the Sith Empire did not make her any less a Sith than him.
More than that; she was truly free, just as the Sith code suggested, in stark contrast with those who served the Empire. Artem chuckled, conceding that perhaps she was right, although he suggested it did not matter, as few beings ever really cared about any truth beyond the one they chose to believe; he told her that she would never be a Jedi to her friends, nor would she ever be anything but a traitor to the Sith. Isla then attempted to torture Zhavi's location from Phond when he refused to offer it freely, but to no avail, trying for long enough that word of the fight had reached headquarters and Zhavi's ship – having been moved to a long-stay hangar in Yonmouth South – was brought in to extract the Chiss from the zoo, ostensibly transferring from a hangar in Yonmouth to a new hangar in the Capital Borough.
While en route, the stealth systems were used to momentarily disappear from the eyes of the flight control staff, allowing Isla's officers to lower the ship into position over the site of the duel with the intention of extracting Isla from the situation. Isla used the Force to hoist the cyborg up into the air and fed him into the engine exhausts as the ship rotated into position, disintegrating him quickly but in an excruciatingly painfully manner, causing him to scream out through the Force itself. When the ship turned into a position that made the boarding ramp accessible, Bibi was stood there waiting, hand extended for Isla to jump and make her escape.
Once aboard, it took less than a minute to get out of the area, drop Isla off on another rooftop and continue on to their destination as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, shrugging off the ship's disappearance on the scanners as a temporary glitch that flight control staff could not prove otherwise. Because they had dropped Isla off before arriving, they disembarked and passed through security with the same number of people as they had taken off with, allowing them to avoid further scrutiny from the authorities.
By the time Isla got back to headquarters, Samantha had been and gone, leaving a surprise in Isla's carriage; the door she had cut through in the laboratory, the Twi'lek taking the time to remove it from its frame rather than leave evidence of Jedi activity. Despite eliminating Artem Phond and discovering the Sithspawn laboratory, they had not found out where the underground tunnels led. Likewise, they still had no idea where Zhavi was being held either. Isla finally drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning, not feeling particularly victorious.
Murder of a Working Girl[]
I know her. She works for Madam Quisselle. Kia Bhek."
"Face down in a some grubby back alley. Well at least she died somewhere familiar eh? Practically at home love! Lucky girl."
"Chief Inspector... please. Same MO?"
"Same drug. Same outcome. Same sick bastard behind it all, but no, looks like she did this to herself, poor bitch. It's spreading Isla, and like hell am I going to sit on my arse waiting for bodies to start floating down the river. I need for us to end this, and I need it done tonight.
—Isla and DCI Arkonjii, after the discovery of Kia Bhek's body.
Shortly after the incident at the zoo, Isla was summoned in the early hours of the morning to meet with DCI Arkonjii at the site of another murder that shared uncomfortable similarities to the last case she assisted with. Upon arrival, Isla identified the victim as Kia Bhek, one of Madam Quisselle's charges, and while DCI Arkonjii confirmed the same homegrown spice as before was what killed her, there were nothing to indicate she had taken the substance against her will, or that her body had been moved postmortem.
Restrained by procedure, Arkonjii tasked Isla with investigating, beginning with potential witnesses who were in the area at Bhek's apparent time of death. After questioning several individuals throughout the morning, Isla eventually found someone who she sensed was hiding something; Isla opted for intimidation, learning that the woman had been at a party with Bhek, but left before her. She claimed that everyone was taking drugs and drinking at the party and gave Isla the address, though unsurprisingly the venue was abandoned by the time the Chiss arrived and broke in.
Thankfully, she found evidence Arkonjii could use to identify a number of suppliers who might have more information. Spurred on by the discovery, Isla was optimistic about finding a more direct connection until a flaming bottle was launched into the room through a window, shattering and starting a fire. Several more projectiles were thrown, expanding the fire into the makings of an inferno and forcing Isla to escape the building with what leads she had, consoling herself with the fact that she would not be reporting back to Arkonjii empty handed.
I got your message what is it? What's wrong? You said you needed help? Urgently?"
"I do, but nothing's wrong. It's just a nice day."
"A nice day. For a... date that's not a date but could be a date if we wanted it to be, maybe?
—Isla and Samantha, after the latter lured Isla to Blynan Park under false pretenses.
Without any leads to follow up on in her own investigation, all Isla and the gang could do was continue their takeover of Rabid Akk territory in the hopes of learning more about where Zhavi was imprisoned. To take her mind off her inability to act, Samantha sent a runner to Isla requesting her urgent assistance with an unspecified problem, prompting Isla to make her way hastily to Blynan Park to meet with the Twi'lek.
When she arrived, however, Isla quickly discovered that she had been tricked and that there was neither an emergency nor any problem that needed her attention. Samantha had actually lured her to the park under false pretenses to invite her on a date, insisting that she could not sit in her room focusing on a problem she could not solve and that – to combat her tendency to fixate and obsess – she needed to "reward" herself with pleasant company and weather. Isla dryly commented that she was arrogant to refer to herself as a "reward", with Samantha quipping back that the Chiss was not as subtle at hiding her feelings as she thought she was, but that she could – if she really wanted – go back and watch the sunshine through her carriage window, if her company was not appreciated without a financial or material incentive.
The Chiss apologized, only to spot Sam's sly smirk, realizing she was poking fun at her. She agreed to the date, but told Samantha she was paying any expenses since she had rushed out without any money. The Twi'lek was happy to accept the condition. The pair spent a few hours in the park, enjoying a picnic Samantha had prepared and discussing a variety of subjects, including literature, the future and how Samantha would change Voryle for the better, if she could.
Isla questioned if she thought Voryle should become a Republic world, discovering that Samantha was actually just as strong an advocate of independence as most of the population, though she admitted the planet would benefit from adopting more of their policies, particularly when it came to civil rights and environmental regulations. Before they left the park, the pair shared a kiss, then headed to the market, where Samantha encouraged Isla to try things she had never tried before, which ended up including an assortment of different fruits and giving money to a child beggar.
After the market, Samantha took Isla to her favorite pub, claiming she intended to test how strong Sith livers were, revealing that she had worked out some time ago that Isla was not really a Jedi. Unlike Yagogg, however, she had chosen to judge Isla on her actions rather than assuming the worst – which she claimed had paid off. The duo remained in the pub until late evening, drinking, playing sabacc and even entertaining the other patrons towards the end of their visit, with Samantha playing the piano while Isla sang, surprising her companion and herself when she discovered she was a decent singer.
Once they decided it was time to call it a day, Samantha claimed she would offer to invite Isla to her place, but Isla's was far nicer. The Chiss jokingly asked why she thought they would be leaving together, given that they were only on their first date; Samantha responded by claiming that just because they had been fighting and blowing up warehouses during their previous meetings did not mean they were not dates. Charmed, as ever, Isla relented, remarking that in the balance of give and take, she seemed to always be the one giving Samantha what she wanted, a fact the Twi'lek suggestively promised to make up for.
The pair spent the following hours locked in Isla's carriage, leaving only briefly to watch the sunset from the rear of the train before turning in for the night. But for all the distraction Sam had provided her, Isla's pleasant day was soon to be overshadowed by a more ominous invitation, quietly placed by her bedside by Bibi shortly before noon the following day.
The Chiss awoke before Samantha, opening and reading the letter, curious about the expensive paper given that poverty gripped most of the city. LaLenna was the only one who could afford such luxuries, yet she never wrote letters, favoring the more discreet services of runners. It was not from the countess, however. Reading down and feeling steadily more concerned as she went on, Isla quickly discovered that she had been invited to attend an evening garden party at Prime Minister Namos D'callo's country residence, outside of the city. She woke Samantha to share the news, to which the Twi'lek expressed her belief that it was highly unlikely her foes would try to make a move against her so openly.
Isla later consulted LaLenna – who revealed she had also been invited – and was again assured that the invitation was not a trap. It simply meant she had been noticed and was, notably, being taken seriously enough to warrant a formal introduction. Her invitation specifically stated that it was for Isla and a companion of her choice. LaLenna seemed uncomfortable when Isla asked if she could take Samantha, though, telling her clearly that that would be unwise and not a particularly shrewd move, politically. She reminded her that politics was a delicate game, suggesting instead that she extend the invitation to Madam Quisselle, a woman who – strange as it seemed to Isla – was highly regarded in Vorylian society, despite her profession. Knowing when to defer to the wisdom of someone with greater expertise, Isla agreed to visit to Madam Quisselle and extend the invitation personally.
Voryle's Spice Epidemic[]
You must be Pierre's contact."
"Detective Inspector Daphne Gho. Just to make my feelings known from the off, I don't see eye-to-eye with my DCI on this one. Roping in civilians to do our job is... well I strongly disagree, let's just leave it at that.
—Isla and Detective Inspector Daphne Gho.
In the weeks preceding the garden party she had been invited to attend, Isla received a message from DCI Arkonjii instructing her to meet with one of his officers. Isla arrived at the specified time and location and found a Bothan waiting for her, who promptly introduced herself as detective inspector Daphne Gho. She made it clear that she disapproved of Arkonjii's inclusion of Isla in police business, but behaved professionally nonetheless, explaining that Arkonjii was unavailable but would be meeting them later for a report.
Gho then revealed that the information Isla had previously uncovered had proven useful in identifying a potential spice cache secreted within the labyrinth of sewer tunnels beneath the city. Heading down into the sewers, the duo followed the lead until they reached the cache, exactly where they had expected it to be and – best of all – completely unguarded. Gho mused that the likelihood of anyone stumbling across the location by chance was infinitesimally low.
Thus, with their intrusion known only to themselves, the pair were able to rifle through the stockpile and the accompanying records at their leisure. They were preparing to destroy the stockpile of spice when they heard someone approach, the individual only realizing that he had company when he came into view. At Gho's insistence, Isla remained behind to destroy the cache of toxic spice while Gho pursued the criminal, separating them until Isla eventually caught up with the Bothan not far from the access point they had used to enter the sewers. Sadly, Gho had either been overpowered or snuck up upon, and by the time Isla found her she was slumped against the sewer wall, her throat cut open and her clothes soaked in blood.
Isla carried Gho out of the sewers and carefully navigated the quieter streets and back alleys to reach her rendezvous with Arkonjii without drawing too much attention, delivering the fallen officer to her superior. The hulking Lasat was understandably enraged, though thanked Isla for not leaving her down in the sewers. After taking possession of the logs the pair had recovered, he expressed his belief that they were getting close. He promised to keep her updated once he had looked through the documents and would – if she still wanted to be involved – contact her once they had something to act on.
The Prime Minister and the Sith Lord[]
High Society[]

Sera developed an intense and focused hatred of Isla for her killing of Artem Phond.
Ahh, Ms Ahnkett, at long last. I've heard so very much about you this past year. Namos D'callo, Prime Minister of Voryle. It is a pleasure to finally put a face to the name."
"The pleasure is mine Prime Minister, and thank you for your kind invitation. Your home is quite splendid."
"Isn't it just? Oh, forgive me, where are my manners? This is Lord Sera Artofen, our esteemed guest from the Sith Empire. And you've already met my daughter Samantha, I believe..."
"Yes. We have met.
—Namos D'callo, introducing himself and Lord Artofen to Isla.
Two weeks later, Isla was en route to the Midnight Rose to pick up Madam Quisselle prior to Namos' garden party when she suffered another hallucinatory episode. This time, however, she was assaulted by a vision of Empress Acina – in the middle of a busy street. As before she was swiftly overwhelmed and "killed", leaving her lying in the street, momentarily crippled by pain. In the aftermath, Isla employed her stealth abilities to veil herself from sight and flee the area, nervous that word of a lightsaber-wielding individual would spread and draw police attention. Disheveled but physically unharmed, Isla continued on to her destination and – somewhat later than expected – she and Madam Quisselle joined Countess LaLenna and Bibi – LaLenna's chosen plus one – and set off in a carriage for Namos' estate, outside the urban sprawl of the city. Isla noticed that Bibi seemed nervous during their journey over, while LaLenna focused on preparing her for the social dos and do nots of such events.
She dismissed what she sensed from Bibi as pre-party jitters; she was socially awkward, so it came as no surprise that she was a little tense, more so than usual, ahead of the big event. LaLenna led the group – being intimately familiar with the politics – and introduced the pair as they went around, describing Isla as an entrepreneur and Bibi as a distant relative of hers on her deceased husband's side. Before long, however, the group passed through to the garden where the party was centered, approaching the man in charge of the largely pro-Imperial governing council; Prime Minister Namos D'callo, an orange-skinned Twi'lek in his late fifties. Stood alongside him were two women, one with piercing orange eyes who stared at Isla – her hatred for the Chiss being as clear in the Force as it was on her face – and the second was Samantha.
LaLenna introduced Isla and the Prime Minister and despite her shock at Samantha's connection to her enemy the Chiss managed to hide the effects of Namos' low-blow from her expression. Namos introduced himself formally to Isla, claiming to have heard a lot about her before introducing Lord Sera Artofen and maliciously stating that she already knew Samantha D'callo – Namos D'callo's daughter. Isla, feeling betrayed, hesitated briefly, looking at Samantha, but confirmed that they had met before, realizing only then that Bibi and LaLenna had already known that Samantha would be there – and who she was.
The two groups then moved on to continue mingling, Isla quietly – but angrily – scolding Bibi and LaLenna for keeping it from her. Bibi tried to justify herself and apologize. LaLenna told them the issue was for later as their bickering could be seen by others, if not heard. Isla largely ignored them both for the remainder of the evening, keeping to Madam Quisselle's company and the comforting reassurances she offered before departing at the earliest opportunity. Before she left, though, Lord Artofen caught up to her privately, telling her she knew she was the one who killed Artem Phond. For that, she promised Isla that her "Jedi friend" would learn the true horrors of Sith alchemy before Sera finally allowed her to die. She even told her that she was in her private lab in the Magenta Sparrow Innovations corporate embassy, safely beyond the reach of her "silly playgroup".
Once she had returned home, Isla began reviewing the territory situation in the city, planning her attack on Sera's headquarters to rescue Zhavi, stealthily or otherwise. Bibi caught up with her once she had returned from the party, apologizing for not telling her about Samantha and revealing that LaLenna had told her not to, but would not tell her why, exactly. Isla accepted her apology, telling her it was LaLenna – and more importantly Samantha – who she was angry with, given that the deceptions were theirs, not Bibi's. Bibi did not believe that Samantha had been deceiving her – pointing out that she could not choose her father, after all – but Isla was convinced she had not mentioned it so she could get close to her and gain more information about their plans to feed it back to the Sith. She even wondered if she was the reason Zhavi had been captured. Whatever the case, she felt humiliated and intended to confront Samantha before she set off to rescue Zhavi. The Cathar questioned if she was sure there was not a way to work things out with the Twi'lek, but Isla was set on her choice, feeling as though she had betrayed Zhavi yet again by being led astray.
Socially inept even with her friends, Bibi decided – with Isla's mind apparently set against Samantha – that it was a good time to finally act on her crush and ambush Isla with a hasty, messy kiss, all but lunging at her and telling her it was "for luck". Isla – caring for Bibi but still unable to completely shake the anti-alien mindset she had adopted as a Sith – brushed off her advance with humor, joking that if they tried that again, Bibi should slow down a little to help improve her aim. Embarrassed, Bibi reiterated her well-wishes, telling Isla that if she decided she wanted help, she knew where they all were before rushing out of the Chiss' carriage.
Amused – and admittedly feeling better than she had after the party – Isla turned in for the night once she had finished looking over the city blueprints. She knew she would need all the rest she could get for the eventful day that lay ahead of her.
Isla! It's a trick! That crazy bitch is goin' after the train!
—Zhavi, to Isla, after the latter's arrival in Artofen's private laboratory.
Before setting off for Magenta Sparrow Innovations' embassy to rescue Zhavi, Isla met with Samantha in the park where they had had their date, determined to make her thoughts known whether it was too late to undo her mistake or not. Moments before she entered the park, Isla was once again set upon by a psychosis-induced hallucination, taking a more haunting image than those that had come before; her deceased mentor, replete with a seared skull from the wound that had killed her. Jhang's spectral form slammed Isla against the pillar of a gateway arch and ran her lightsaber – slowly – through the Chiss' shoulder.
She faded a moment later, leaving Isla in an even worse mood – and unaware that Samantha had witnessed the episode unfold from a distance. Regrettably, Isla's rage got the better of her; she slapped the Twi'lek, beginning a blistering tirade of abuse and not giving her the chance to explain herself before storming off. Appropriately fired up, Isla proceeded to the embassy just after midday, approaching the front door – which was locked – and tapping on the glass to attract the guard's attention. When he came closer to speak, Isla used her lightsaber to kill him and shatter the glass.
Evidently she was expected, as the far more heavily armed local police officers emerged from the stairwell and elevator to stop her within seconds her arrival, opening fire immediately. Even with their arms and armor, Isla had the skills and experience necessary to dispatch the inexperienced fighters, inciting panic and prompting several of them to drop their rifles and run. Isla soon pushed her way up to the higher levels of the embassy. By the time she found Zhavi in Lord Artofen's private laboratory, she was badly hurt, tortured but – it seemed – not subjected to Sith alchemy as Artofen had suggested.
Even so, Artofen had left one of her Sithspawn creations – a small creature that appeared to have started life as a gorg – behind to slowly chew on Zhavi's flesh, causing her constant pain and and continuously dosing her with a mild venom, although neither the bites nor the poison inflicted any debilitating, serious damage, the intention apparently being simply to make Zhavi suffer. Zhavi warned Isla that she was there as bait, luring the Chiss away and keeping her preoccupied while Artofen eliminated the Cobbled Terentateks leadership, tearing the heart from the gang and plunging them into chaos to punish Isla for the grim death of Artem Phond.
Isla assured her she would deal with the situation once she got Zhavi to a hospital, but the Jedi insisted she head back immediately or it would be too late. Unshackling Zhavi from the interrogation rack, Isla begrudgingly left her partner at the embassy and rushed back to protect her allies from Artofen's wrath. By the time she made it back to Yonmouth South, the borough was under siege. Erupting from beneath the city – using the same tunnels they had discovered at the zoo – a colossal beast had begun laying waste to the area, intercepting the Cobbled Terentateks' mobile hideout and hoisting it from the track. Isla rushed to assist, though the creature was so massive she had no idea how to get its attention, let alone hurt it.
Regardless, she knew she had to at least try to draw the creature away from her allies. Getting closer, Isla spotted the police, deployed in full force with hovertank support. Worryingly, the hovertanks were just as incapable of piercing the creature's hide as the police blaster rifles. Isla's Force lightning was just as ineffective, she soon discovered, though she was not surprised. Out of options, she attempted to try something that ran contrary to everything she had ever been taught; instead of staying hidden and unnoticed, she attempted to emulate the effect Artem Phond had involuntarily produced when he died.
Focusing on the negative emotions that had dogged her after her dismemberment at Lord Jhang's hand, Isla channeled the Force into a targeted scream, mimicking a Force call to compel the beast to focus on her, effectively entrancing it; it dropped the train – and her friends, still trapped inside – and turned to begin lumbering towards Isla, just as she had hoped. Isla's plan began and ended with getting the monster's attention, however.
Exhausted by her demanding use of the Force, the situation looked bad for Isla until Samantha arrived, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her over to one of the unoccupied tanks being used to tow the explosive ammunition that the other vehicles were firing. Helping the Chiss clamber into the tank, Samantha perched on top, using one of the police rifles to fire on the beast as it chased after them, tearing through the line of police tanks and surrounding buildings without slowing whatsoever, determined to reach the duo as they fled. Isla managed to target the creature and launch the tank's missiles all at once, yet even that did nothing to hinder the abomination's progress.
Before long, their mighty foe had caught up with them, chomping down on the ammunition crates trailing behind the tank and hoisting them into the air. Realizing they had been caught and that Samantha was in danger, Isla jammed the controls and clambered out of the tank, cutting the crates of explosives loose with her lightsaber before gathering all her strength to leap up towards the creature. All it took was a single spark of lightning from Isla to detonate one of the missiles and cause a chain reaction, detonating the entire police troopers' stockpile – much of it exploding while still inside the creature's open mouth.
Although its hide was thick and impenetrable, its insides were as soft and vulnerable as any other creature, so when the explosives went off – the shockwave throwing Isla through the sky – the shrapnel that was projected out speared up into its skull, causing it to fall down dead, finally concluding the massacre. Isla awoke ten minutes later – buried beneath the rubble of the ruined borough – and hurriedly navigated her way through the chaotic labyrinth of buried housing and fallen signage, struggling to stay ahead of the collapsing debris as the makeshift tunnels fell apart brick by brick around her, unable to withstand the weight pressing down from above.
Eventually she saw daylight, and as she wearily tried to drag herself through the shrinking opening, Samantha appeared to drag her out just moments before her escape route vanished in a cloud of brick dust. Though injured and exhausted, when Samantha told her that the governing council had entered an emergency session – which involved a communications lockdown, isolating the occupants of the chamber – the pair agreed it was part of Namos D'callo's plan to align with the Sith Empire and rushed to interrupt the meeting.
Impeachment of Namos D'callo[]
Councillors, listen to me! My father has lied to you! The monster destroying the city was created and commanded by the Sith, all as part of my father's underhanded scheme to scare you into signing over our independence!"
"Councillors I apologies for my daughter's appalling behavior. Unfortunately the rebellious streak that began in her teenage years has yet to come to an end. Much to my consistent disappointment."
"The Sith beast is dead, dad, killed by a Jedi. Game's over. Loyalist volunteers are beneath the debating chamber right now, disabling the machine you planned to poison your opposition with."
"Lies! Wild conspiracy theories dreamed up by an attention-seeking child!
—Samantha and Namos D'callo.
Together, the pair – reconciled in the face of such wanton devastation – sped across the city, commandeering a carriage to expedite their journey to the Debate Chamber where the discussion about the now-resolved crisis continued, those within oblivious to the fact that the danger – and the preface for joining the Sith Empire – had passed. On the way, Samantha explained that she had done some snooping after the party at her father's residence, overhearing some of his conversation with Lord Artofen.
Piecing together clues from that discussion with the attack on the city and the emergency session that had been called to coincide in almost perfect unison with the appearance of the Sithspawn, Samantha had come to the conclusion that her father was going to push for Voryle to join the Sith Empire, something which he could not do without a unanimous vote. Votes from vacant seats were not required, however, meaning Countess LaLenna did not need to agree – she could simply die.
Bibi was protecting the countess and they had both made it into the chamber safely, so Samantha surmised that the attack had to come from inside the chamber itself. Unfit and not the young man he once was, Namos was not capable of killing his political rivals personally, which had to mean he had a more elegant system in place already. Having consulted the city plans Samantha believed her father would try to poison the councilors using the tunnels beneath the debating chamber, which were connected to the chamber itself via air vents. There was no other way that he could execute his opponents in a controlled fashion; he needed to retain authority and control to push the vote through; an overt attack would cause a panic.
Fear was vital, panic a detriment. Whilst Isla got past the police troopers stood guard at the entrance to the underground section of the Debate Chamber, Samantha forced her way into the emergency meeting using a rifle looted during the battle, catching the troopers at the door by surprise. As she revealed her father's plan to the rest of the council and moved to arrest him – going up against his personal bodyguard, HK-LEU-04, a specially designed HK-series assassin droid gifted to him by the Sith Empire – Isla entered the tunnels, discovering another of Artofen's alchemical creations.
This time it was some form of horribly mutated parasitic spider that had glued itself to the roof and made the tunnels its hive, surrounded by eggs and with unsightly tubes stretching from its body, linking it to the ventilation systems. Knowing little about biology, never mind the biology of Sithspawn mutated from unfamiliar creatures, Isla decided to hazard a guess that the creature could release poison at Namos' command. Not daring to get close enough to try and physically remove the monstrosity – it being awake and watching her with an unblinking gaze – Isla chose to tap into the dark side again, managing to generate lightning strong enough to burn the eggs of the Sithspawn, before targeting the beast itself.
A fleshy creature, the energy was sufficient to disintegrate it and caused it to fall from where it was attached, dissolving into a foul, gooey pulp that quickly congealed on the floor. The Chiss did not linger, satisfied that the threat was over and keen to check on Samantha's progress, catching up to her in the debating chamber. Unfortunately, Namos' use of his HK unit to stall Samantha during his escape had bought him time, and although Samantha had managed to best the droid, her father disappeared from the Debate Chamber before she could catch up with him – Isla and Samantha agreed he would run to Lord Artofen for protection. They also agreed they could not hope to take her on right away, given what they – and the gang – had already been through. Rest would have to come first, then after that they could focus on making a targeted strike against Namos and his Sith puppeteer.
Before anything else, however, Isla and Samantha were keen to check on their friends and allies in the wake of the monster attack, hoping – desperately – that the casualties were not as severe as they feared. If nothing else, LaLenna assured the duo that the events of the day would spur the Police Commissioner to find and arrest Namos, promising that she would make sure the word was spread quickly around the city, turning public opinion against the Prime Minister, the Sith Empire and the council itself.
Voryle's independence was safely out of reach of the Sith Empire. All that remained was the arrest of the disgraced Prime Minister – and the elimination of Sith Lord Sera Artofen.
Ending the Spice Trade[]
We got 'em Isla. We got 'em."
"And about time too.
—DCI Arkonjii and Isla, after shutting down the Vorylian spice lab.
Confirming the survival of the Cobbled Terentateks' officers, Isla was soon warned by Yagogg that the police were looking for her and advised that she lay low until the situation had blown over, assuring her that her team could take care of coordinating the rescue efforts in her absence. Isla – angry that she had gone to such lengths to help Voryle and its people yet was still being vilified – agreed, happy to shrug off her duties for the rest of the day.
With her living quarters currently coiled up in and among the rest of the debris, Samantha invited Isla back to her home for the night, hoping it would give them a chance to talk properly, as they had yet to do so. After Isla jokingly said that Samantha had told another lie – regarding her earlier comments that Isla's home was nicer than hers – the two sat down and discussed the revelation from the party. The Twi'lek explained that as soon as they had met, she could tell Isla was burdened by something, a burden which caused her to retreat into her own head and push away the people around her. Samantha had wanted to help, not just Isla but also the Terentateks, and knew that revealing her connection to Namos would ensure that Isla kept her at arm's length forevermore.
She insisted that she always intended to tell her, but her father's invitation was a sudden and unexpected move, no doubt intended to break off their relationship and stir up distrust within the gang. Samantha was surprised her father would resort to such extreme methods to turn the planet over to the Empire, and admitted that she had mistakenly believed she would have more time to tell Isla before her connection to the Prime Minister was brought to light. The Cobbled Terentateks had not even secured a second city borough and, even if they kept up their pace, it would likely be another year before they could take the entire city, making Namos' bold and aggressive tactics strange, especially to Samantha, who thought she knew him better. Much as she still loved her father, Samantha assured Isla she had no reservations about bringing him in – dead or alive – and that she was committed to her cause – and to the Chiss herself.
Sensing the truth – and silently relieved to have been wrong about Samantha – Isla accepted the explanation, cleaning herself up and tending to her injuries with the Twi'lek's help. They spent the night together, waking late the next morning, whereupon they began formulating a plan of attack on the Magenta Sparrow Innovations embassy with the Terentateks officers. Given the state of Yonmouth South, the surge in police patrols and the time required the get the gang ready for an all-out assault, the group agreed to postpone the operation until the end of the week.
In that time, Arkonjii reached out to Isla via one of his men, a junior officer who escorted Isla to a carriage in which Arkonjii was sat waiting. They set off the moment she clambered inside and Arkonjii explained that he had identified the source of the spice – the individual behind it and the location of his laboratory. Together, Arkonjii intended for them to eliminate the "doctor" behind the spice epidemic and put an end to the creation and distribution of the toxic substance once and for all. With his officers surrounding the factory in which the laboratory was concealed, Arkonjii and Isla entered together and used a combination of stealth and distraction to pass the workmen and guards swarming through the various buildings and courtyards, eventually finding the entrance to the underground facility which had once been part of the city's sewer system.
Descending into the laboratory, the crime fighting duo agreed to split up in case the doctor was well-defended, with Arkonjii approaching directly and Isla tailing him from on the pipes that ran along the walls and ceiling. When they arrived, Arkonjii conversed with the doctor in an attempt to learn what he could about any other loose ends and to give Isla as much time as he could to get into position, knowing he was relying on her to deal with the doctor's bodyguard – one of Artofen's Sith minions. The doctor watched – amused and sure of the outcome – as his dark guardian and Pierre went head-to-head, the Sith taking her time to mock and taunt the lawman, delighting in the futility of Arkonjii's shots as they melted harmlessly against her blade. In the meantime, Isla maneuvered herself into position on the overhead pipes. Once she was satisfied with her approach, the assassin leapt down – slowing her descent with the Force – and slit the doctor's throat before he knew she was there. Isla stood on the desk and activated her lightsaber to draw the Sith's attention away from Arkonjii.
Once she had, he had no qualms about shooting her in the back, firing a bullet that hit her in the spine and seemingly paralyzed her, allowing Isla to run her blade through the minion's chest without resistance. Using a radio he had requisitioned for the operation, Arkonjii ordered his officers to move in and secure the factory for a full, thorough and official investigation, giving the unlikely pair a few minutes to sit, smoke and revel in their success before Isla had to stealthily vacate the scene.
Battle for Voryle[]
So... what'll it be then? Help your friend... or show me more of that rage?"
"You get to live, this time. But I shall find you. Whatever it takes... I shall find you."
"Mm... I'll be waiting for you, little "Jedi".
—Sera Artofen and Isla, on reaching a stalemate.
By the end of the week, the Terentateks were ready to move into position and deal with Artofen and Namos. With her officers leading the gang into battle against the Rabid Akks – who had been congregating near the entrance of the MSI building, ready to defend against an attack – Isla was able to sneak past the defenders and ascend the tower, unaware that Zhavi was influencing them all from a nearby rooftop using her limited understanding of battle meditation. On her way to confront Lord Artofen, Isla found the Prime Minister, who attempted to kill her with a blaster pistol in his panicked state and failed miserably. Isla blocked his shots with ease, then crippled him with a number of precision strikes that left him too weak to move, leaving the Chiss free to continue after Artofen. When she reached the top of the tower, she concealed herself both visibly and in the Force, hoping to catch the Sith Lord by surprise and assassinate her, rather than risk a head-on confrontation.
Unfortunately, having watched her approach on the security cameras, she was able to correctly estimate how long it would take Isla to reach her position from the location of the last camera outside her office; as Isla crept behind her, she turned and unleashed a wide web of lightning. Thankfully, Isla was on high-alert and prepared for failure; she adapted quickly, raising her saber to block, surrendering her invisibility and breaking into a determined jog. Once she closed in, Artofen was forced to drop her Force attack and activate her lightsaber to engage the Chiss directly, a school of combat which – it soon became clear – Artofen had neglected.
Driving her back up a curving stairwell and onto the mezzanine overlooking the room, Isla maneuvered herself in such a way that Artofen had her back to the balcony. The Chiss gained the advantage when she cut Artofen's double-blade in half and sent the two separate blades spinning out of reach, only to be disarmed herself when Artofen used the Force to shove her arm, changing their duel into a battle of Force powers, where Artofen would have the advantage. Used to the speedy pace of combat, however, Isla responded first; she lunged at the Sith, grabbed her and pulled her up into the air with a Force-enhanced jump. Whilst airborne, the Chiss spun, building up momentum to throw Artofen back down towards the lower level. As Artofen slowed her fall with the Force, Isla followed up by pushing her, accelerating the descent beyond what she was expecting to slam her into the floor with a painful jolt.
Artofen was quick to get back up though and both combatants had their weapons (half a weapon, in Artofen's case) in hand again by the time Isla landed and attacked. Sadly, Isla's advantage was soon lost by an unexpected intrusion. As their duel progressed back up the stairwell once again – this time leaving the mezzanine and heading to the corridor connected to it – Bibi arrived, the gang having broken through the Rabid Akks' line and pushed into the building. Fearing for Isla's safety, Bibi had taken Rissessk's sword and rushed up the tower, under the illusion that she could help. Despite Isla's best efforts, Artofen cut a clean line through Bibi's abdomen the moment the Chiss' position prevented her from intervening, her limited lightsaber skills proving more than a match for the training offered by the Republic military. Horrified by the sight of Bibi's fatal injury, Isla became enraged and was subsequently bolstered by the loss of her friend, intensifying her attack until both Sith swept their lightsabers in a mirrored attack, each combatant halting their blades at the last moment – right by the other's neck. They reached a stalemate.
Artofen mocked Isla, pointing out that they could continue or she could attend to her friend. Racked with guilt for letting Bibi – the woman who had shown her kindness and affection from the moment they had met – die, Isla knew she had to let Artofen flee so she could be with the Cathar in her final moments. Isla promised the Sith she would find her and kill her for what she had done, then – in unison – both women pulled their weapons back and circled one another, switching positions so that they could go to their respective destinations; Artofen ran back up to the mezzanine and through an adjacent corridor that led out to the roof, where her ship was docked on a private landing pad, while Isla was free to rush to Bibi's side.
Unable to do anything about Bibi's wound, Isla cradled her as she died, apologizing for failing her. Bibi told Isla she loved her, prompting the Chiss to lie and tell her she felt the same, promising they would go for dinner somewhere nice once she was out of the hospital. Grief-stricken, Isla channeled the cocktail of negative emotions she was feeling, exploiting them for a more noble purpose. Exhausted by fueled by rage and Zhavi's battle meditation, Isla combined two mind-altering techniques she had only ever used separately in the past, projecting a complex illusion into Bibi's dying mind while using her vulnerable mental state to erase the events of the preceding minutes from her mind.
By removing the memory of her injury she calmed Bibi's fear, making it easier to implant false memories in her mind, fabricating a comforting illusion of a happy future, one in which the Sith Empire was defeated, peace was restored to the galaxy and the pair settled down to start a life together. Normally unthinkable due to both the invasive nature of the procedure and Isla's limited strength in the Force, the Chiss' determination, the trust Bibi placed in her, her weary near-death state and Isla's unconscious siphoning of energy from her bond with Zhavi all worked in unison to make the process possible, any potential damage to the Cathar's mind from such a rushed and aggressive intrusion being inconsequential, as she soon slipped away to become one with the Force.
Although Isla had to live with the guilt, she was comforted by the fact that Bibi died believing she had lived a long and happy life. By the time Bibi passed away from her injury, the other officers had arrived to bear witness to their friend's departure, watching – horrified – as Isla opened her eyes and stormed out, her features marked by the corruption of the dark side. On her way out – her rage worsening as she went – Isla soon came across Namos once again, slumped in the same place she had thrown him, still trying – but unable – to move. In place of Lord Artofen, Isla decided Namos would suffer instead, unleashing her fury – and lightning – on him, electrocuting the deposed Prime Minister even after his heart gave out. She only stopped when Samantha, having followed her, placed a hand on her shoulder, silently telling her that that was enough. Isla left the embassy to find police officers and troopers waiting for her. Samantha stated they should go with them, suspecting LaLenna would ensure no charges would be brought against them and that the police were merely looking for answers regarding the events that had led up to the recent disturbances, a formality they could afford to play along with.
The Chiss was still furious, however, and wanted to kill the lawmen for standing against her even now, after she had saved the city from destruction. She questioned Samantha on why she should not just "burn them all" for their lack of gratitude, claiming she should have let the Empire shackle the planet and drag "these savages" into the modern era. Sympathetic, Samantha agreed with her about the shortcomings of Voryle; she also reminded Isla that it was her home, and reminded her of all the civilians she had helped by pushing the Rabid Akks out of just two single boroughs. Samantha asked her, if they were not reason enough for Isla to stop fighting, then she should go with the officers because Samantha herself was asking her to.
Tired and calmed enough by Samantha that her rage was compromised by less aggressive emotions, Isla relented, letting her fury subside and leaving her with only her sadness; she broke down, tearfully hugging Samantha and expressing her regrets, blaming herself for Bibi's death before blacking out from exhaustion. The couple were taken away in police speeders and escorted to their headquarters, where Countess LaLenna and Police Commissioner Sanders were waiting. The pair were questioned on the events of the past few days – during which DCI Arkonjii forced his way in, insisting that he remain to defend Isla – and filled the blanks to help clarify the entire situation, ensuring the police could fill in a satisfactory report of the incident and release a statement to address public concerns.
Despite being in possession of illegal weapons, breaking and entering and committing brazen murder, Commissioner Sanders was willing to omit their names from the official reports due to the extreme circumstances, but suggested they treat his leniency as a second chance rather than a free pass. Both women agreed it was best if they kept their heads down until everything had blown over, if only to give the Cobbled Terentateks – and the city – time to heal and rebuild. In the meantime, they returned to Samantha's home for a few weeks, processing the chaos and losses they had suffered and giving Isla a chance to fully recover after such an exhausting period. Yagogg, Bon-Yi, Rissessk and Tabassa helped coordinate the rebuilding of Yonmouth South, recovering and repairing the train in the process and ensuring the families of the gangsters who had fallen in defense of the city were provided with support – emotional and monetary – to ease the transition. Two weeks after the attack on the embassy, Isla and Samantha were summoned to LaLenna's estate for an unspecified reason. When they arrived, Zhavi was there waiting, and once the group entered they were greeted by two familiar but unexpected faces; Benjamin Lambert and Zhavi's brother, Carth.
Benjamin explained that Zhavi and Isla had stumbled upon a black ops SIS initiative when they had first arrived on Voryle, one which was supposed to be led by Zhavi's aunt Sophia Sofora, though she had been prevented from arriving as intended when the Sith Empire launched their assault on the Meridian Complex, an attack which compelled her to travel to Corellia to assist in the defense of the facility. He further explained that they had decided not to intervene when the pair had claimed to be the Jedi Countess LaLenna was waiting for, to which Zhavi quickly pointed out that LaLenna had assumed the SIS sent the pair and that they had never actually claimed to represent anyone but themselves. LaLenna, clearly finding the mix-up amusing in the wake of Isla and Zhavi's victory, said there was no harm done, and that she did not blame either of them for hiding the truth of things, given the state Isla had arrived in. Carth admitted he was surprised to see Zhavi taking responsibility for a change, though commented that he was less surprised that she was doing so via criminal activity. Regardless, he was pleased that she was helping the Republic, commending her on cleansing Voryle of the Empire's taint. Not one to steal someone else's thunder, Zhavi was quick to point out that Isla had been the driving force behind their successes, but Benjamin claimed it was irrelevant; the pair had impressed them with their work and it was requested that both of them report to Coruscant for a debriefing.
Though they agreed, both women wanted to remain on-world for a few more days before they were pressed into moving on. During that time, Carth was introduced to the Cobbled Terentateks as their new SIS ambassador and LaLenna pushed for Samantha to take her father's place as interim Prime Minister, with his co-conspirators being arrested and the rest of the council under police investigation – at the countess' request. Due to her consistent opposition to Namos and his allies and the political vindication she was enjoying in the aftermath of his death, LaLenna's political clout had never been greater. Strong-arming the remaining councilors, Samantha was chosen to hold the position temporarily due to her relative neutrality in inter-council politics.
All the councilors knew her, and all were confident that she had no interest in ruling. Thus, Samantha had no trouble securing the position – in spite of her objections to the nomination. A few days of legal proceedings to swear her into office was all it took to cement the arrangement, casting doubt on Samantha's relationship with Isla now that she was leader of a planetary government and Isla was being sent off-world. Irrespective of her new position, Samantha was not going to resign herself to being constantly professional; she invited Isla to her father's – now her – estate, spending a final day together before the Chiss was shipped to the Republic. At the end of their final day as a couple, she revealed that her first act as Prime Minister was to grant Isla a Lordship, officially raising her to the rank of Vorylian nobility and granting her the title of Lord Ahnkett of the Independent Nation of Voryle, along with the associated political perks. Usually there would be a ceremony, though Samantha had rightly assumed Isla probably would not care much for the formalities and fanfare. Aside from the prestige such a title suggested, the title itself was little more than a class marker, useless outside of Vorylian society.
Normally females received the title of "Lady" as was common on other Basic-speaking worlds, but there was no fixed rule regarding assignment based on gender and so – knowing how much Isla lamented never attaining the rank of Sith Lord during her time in the Empire – Samantha decided to make an exception. Even if it was not quite what she had always imagined, Isla was touched all the same and thanked Samantha for the thoughtful gesture. Along with Yagogg, Rissessk, Tabassa, Bon-Yi and LaLenna, Samantha was present to wave the two Jedi off the following morning, not knowing when they would see them again.
Republic Operative[]
Operation: Crystal Lekku[]
In short, we're gathering up the active Jedi who either fell out of sync with the Order or left outright. People with all the practical skills of a Jedi, but who know that wars aren't won through meditation or wishful thinking."
"Sounds like y' talkin' 'bout recruitin' fallen Jedi..."
"That's because I am, Miss Waverunner. Jedi are zealots, present company excluded, and I've got no interest in letting religion dictate how we fight this war. Anyone who wants to fight against the Sith and abide by our laws is fit to serve the Galactic Republic as far as I'm concerned. Bet that sounds like something you would like, Miss "Ahnkett"?
"I think that is an idea I could get behind, certainly.
—Frank Pad, Zhavi and Isla discussing Project Petrichor.
Isla and Zhavi arrived on Coruscant not knowing what to expect, and when they reached the Heorem Complex in the early hours of the morning they were met by plainclothes agents and escorted to the office of an aged Human man who introduced himself as Bureau Chief Franklyn Pad. Frank was in the process of setting up a new initiative under the SIS's banner, for which he needed a team of uniquely qualified operatives. Primarily, the initiative would make extensive use of Force users who were not bound by the Jedi Order – former Jedi, Dark Jedi and Force users from any and all backgrounds; whoever was willing to serve the Republic to push back against the evils of the Empire, and beyond.
The team itself – under the project name "Petrichor" – would be a versatile group of individuals sent into various situations to extract or eliminate targets both opposing and allied, gather intelligence, retrieve objects of value, sabotage enemy installations and any other task that they might be uniquely suited to accomplish – such as Isla and Zhavi's successful campaign on Voryle. In fact, it was that very success that had convinced the Frank's superior to give his scheme – which had been met with a great deal of skepticism due to the Republic's historic reliance on the Jedi and the considerable public support they enjoyed – the green light, awarding Frank a token budget with which to put his plans into action.
Frank thanked Isla and Zhavi for their efforts, informing them that it was because of what they – as rogue elements disconnected from the Jedi Order – had achieved on Voryle – with no Republic direction or support – that he had finally been able to prove the value of the proper integration of Force wielders into Republic society. He went on to detail his background, revealing that all three of his children had been Jedi and all three of them had died over the course of the war against Zakuul, abandoned by their leaders when the Jedi Order scattered and left – unprepared, unsupported and without direction – to fend for themselves.
Because of those losses and the repeated collapse of the Jedi over the course of history, Frank had concluded that an alternative was needed, one that was in line with Republic law and not a power unto itself. In the aftermath of his children's deaths and the death of his wife, Frank had been trying to identify and locate lost or failed Jedi whenever he had time to spare, hoping to recruit them before the Jedi Order could reform and rebuild. His success had been limited by a lack of time and resources to devote to the search, but after recruiting his first volunteer the project had started to pick up traction, with a self-trained Dark Jedi being rescued from the vengeance of the Black Sun gang and a "retired" Jedi Knight being located living on Corulag.
Now, with Isla and Zhavi on board and having been given the go-ahead, they had the makings of a new department. Before he agreed to take them on, however, he wanted to test them. Zhavi complained that they had already spent a year running a gang on an unfamiliar world, but Frank wanted to see how well they handled being under official direction, answering to a superior rather than themselves. To that end, he offered them a conditional place on the team, which they accepted. After that, Frank escorted them to his real office, where he and Benjamin – the group's commander – introduced a Sith Pureblood woman, Jedi Master Avexiss Odé, who worked as a Jedi Shadow, specialized hunters of artifacts and practitioners of the dark side. Such a revelation made Isla and Zhavi understandably tense, both women concerned Isla was the target of some sort of underhanded trap. Lambert was quick to notice, however, and quickly assured them that Avexiss was only present as a personal favor to him, due to her expertise in unusual Force-related activity, and would not actually be joining the initiative.
Benjamin then explained that their first assignment would be an unofficial one, as there were still a number of formalities to process before Project Petrichor was given free reign to proceed with operations. Reports from Voss indicated that a Force-sensitive Gormak, openly wielding lightsabers, was operating near the Interpreter's Retreat. Force-sensitivity among the Gormak was rare and, in the past, had been considered blasphemous by both the Voss and the Gormak themselves, so Benjamin suspected such an individual would run into trouble sooner or later. Isla and Zhavi's job was, simply, to find the Gormak – a woman named Xadda – and offer her a job as an agent of Project Petrichor.
To aid in their activities, both on Voss and in the future, Isla and Zhavi were sent to an SIS surgical center, where Zhavi was outfitted with a high-end translation implant and Isla – who already had one – was provided with a software update, adding additional languages and security measures to protect the device from interference and malfunction. Transportation to Voss was provided, as access to the planet by Republic personnel was regulated, and the duo departed the capital for the mysterious autumnal world before the end of the day.
The Jedi Gormak[]
They're getting better, but the Gormak are still wary of Voss and their powers. In the same vein, Voss are still uncomfortable with the idea of Gormak using the Force. Might be a pointless blue milk run, but I want you two to check it out.
—Frank, regarding the saber-wielding Gormak, to Zhavi and Isla.
Once the pair arrived on Voss, they split up, with Zhavi exploring the area while Isla approached the heads of the Shrine Restoration Initiative, Maton-Ja and Kodom, for permission to remain at the Interpreter's Retreat. Learning that Sana-Rae, Arcann and the Alliance Commander had visited recently, Isla hoped to leverage her past connection to the Eternal Alliance, but she discovered that, unfortunately, she had missed her old allies by several hours. Permission was granted, however, but it came with a caveat, forcing Isla to agree to assist with a recovery operation taking place in the Shrine of Silence the following day, a condition which the Chiss begrudgingly agreed to.
Catching up with Zhavi, who had busied herself fighting the native mawvorr, and informing her of the development, Isla and her partner carried on to the nearby Gormak work camp, where they believed they would find Xadda. Offering the mawvorr carcasses as a gesture of goodwill, the duo were welcomed into the work camp, where they learned Xadda had gone out to hunt Czerka Interstellar forces, who were reportedly operating nearby.
Stopping only to eat (and briefly pausing on their way out when Zhavi decided to purchase Voss commando armor from a Gormak salvager), the agents set off into the night again in search of the mysterious Force-wielder. With Isla leading the way while hidden from sight, the pair were able to navigate the wilds without incident until Isla found Xadda, who was battling one of the planet's fierce vorantiki. Once the Gormak killed the beast with the aid of the dark side of the Force, several Czerka Interstellar mercenaries, hidden using stealth field generators, appeared to surround her.
Isla, still hidden from sight herself, moved into position, and when Zhavi arrived and refused to turn a blind eye to the altercation, sparking a fight, Isla was ready to ambush the Czerka assailants. Thanks to Zhavi's distraction, Xadda and Isla killed several of the mercenaries before they realized what was happening and, despite a close call when the Gormak was snared by an electroshock net, the trio wiped out the mercenaries without suffering any injuries.
Cautiously, the duo approached Xadda and explained the reason for their presence on Voss, offering her a place in the newly formed Project Petrichor where her abilities would be considered an asset, rather than "corruption". Distrustful, Xadda was nonetheless aware that her place in Voss society was shaky at best, as both Voss and Gormak held her in contempt. Despite her misgivings, she agreed to the offer and traveled to the Interpreter's Retreat with the agents, departing the planet via shuttle with Isla while Zhavi remained behind to fulfill the promise of assistance the Chiss had made to Maton-Ja and Kodom.
Mission to the Shadowlands[]
Welcome to Kashyyyk!
—Batauww, to Isla and Zhavi.
On their return, Benjamin congratulated Isla and Zhavi and welcomed Xadda, greeting her in her native tongue, though he quickly apologized as he only knew a handful of Gormak words. Xadda, untrained, was escorted away to be briefed on her role and path forwards, while Isla and Zhavi were told to enjoy some downtime before they kicked the project off in the new year.
In early 28 ATC, Benjamin summoned both Isla and Zhavi and explained that their first official assignment would be a follow-up mission based on Rissessk's identification of the first mutant beast Isla had encountered, the Kkorrwrot, which could only be found on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk; their destination. Avexiss, Benjamin's Jedi Shadow friend, had a contact on Kashyyyk – Avexiss' former Jedi Master, Batauww – who had would meet them near his home in the city of Rwookrrorro and, with any luck, help them shed more light on the situation. Isla mentioned Darth Aivela – the Sith who Phond had named before his death – and Benjamin confirmed that both Phond and Artofen were the apprentices of Darth Aivela, who was Project Petrichor's first target.
While they were busy on Kashyyyk, Odé would be headed for the fiery wastelands of Mustafar, the source of the strange raptors Isla had encountered at the Voryle Zoo and the enormous titan that had laid waste to South Yonmouth. Given the incredibly volatile state of Mustafar, it was deemed too dangerous for their first assignment, but Frank cautioned that that did not mean Kashyyyk would be a walk in the park. Lambert agreed, warning them that – as safe as they would be high up in the wroshyr trees – venturing outside the city or down to the forest floor would be very dangerous, remarking that even the natives knew better than to underestimate the forest.
Zhavi, of course, took the information in stride, causing Isla to speak up and assure Frank that they would take the assignment as seriously as was warranted. They had nothing to go on, sadly, but the Wookiees knew Kashyyyk incredibly well; Lambert was certain they would be able to lead the two of them to whoever was exporting the native fauna. Limited as they were when it came to funding, Frank was willing to fuel up their ship but could not provide any additional support. Nonetheless, Isla and Zhavi were confident and departed for their destination within the hour.
When they arrived on Kashyyyk, however, their welcome was less than warm. Thanks to the enslavement of the Wookiees at the hands of Czerka Corporation three centuries earlier, outsiders were met with suspicion at the best of times, though the presence of landing platforms suggested a degree of tolerance for outsiders. Thankfully, Batauww approached them shortly after they disembarked and welcomed them to Kashyyyk, quickly explaining that he had asked around already and told the local scouts to keep an eye on anything suspicious in their travels. A hunter ended up being the one to discover something amiss, reporting strange behavior from the wildlife and unusual noises down in the Shadowlands.
Normally, the Wookiees did not let just anyone descend to the forest floor, but Batauww had helped the chieftain's nephew when he was lost down in that very area several years ago. Thus, reluctantly, the chieftain had agreed that – if Batauww vouched for the outsiders – he would allow them to take the lift, under the condition that Batauww be their escort to ensure they respected the forest. Zhavi and Isla were happy to accept the extra help, especially since neither of them were particularly at home in the wild. It did not take the trio long to reach the lift, giving them plenty of time to discuss the precise details of what had brought them there. Zhavi showed Batauww images taken on Voryle and he expressed concern over the crystal growths, something he had not seen in Sithspawn before. They also learned that Batauww had willingly been cut off from the Force prior to leaving the Jedi Order, though he was ominously evasive about the experience that had led him to that decision. He maintained that it was the right decision, however, and he had no regrets about leaving that life behind.
By the time they reached the Shadowlands, Isla had "befriended" one of the local critters – a red hued tach – who seemed intent on winning her affection and chose to ride on Zhavi's shoulder – who was much more receptive to the creature's interest – once they left the lift. Strangely, they did not encounter any hostile creatures for over an hour, the first indication of trouble being a noise none of them had expected; blaster fire. Chasing the sound, they charged headlong into the survivors of a Trandoshan hunting party, who were fending off a group of wyyyschokk, having apparently been ambushed from above. The four survivors were finishing off the last of the spiders when they spotted the trio, who were forced to take a defensive stance to protect Batauww, no longer in possession of the Force or a lightsaber.
Fortunately, he was a decent shot with a bowcaster and took two of them out, reducing the incoming fire and allowing Isla and Zhavi to rush the remaining two. As they moved, a katarn rushed out of the undergrowth to try and steal a kill in all the commotion. Working together in a moment of perfect synchronicity, Zhavi swung Isla – the katarn's target – by the hand, allowing her to both rise above the attacking creature and kick the blaster cannon of her nearest opponent, causing him to fire down into the dirt. At the same time – with her weapon hand – Zhavi severed the barrel of the other Trandoshan's rifle, forcing him to draw his knife with his free hand, though she was quick enough to sever his arm and cut him down before he could land a blow. Isla, likewise, dispatched her foe without much difficulty, the unwieldy cannon proving too sluggish to reposition before she could land and strike.
With the Trandoshans defeated, the katarn – circling back around to rush Isla again – was the only foe remaining. As both woman came together and raised their sabers in anticipation, they were beaten to the kill by an exceptional shot from Batauww, who had taken up a new position and managed to hit the creature in the side of the head just as it pounced, knocking it off-course and – more importantly – killing it instantly. After searching the hunters' possessions and ascertaining that they were poachers who had managed to sneak their way onto the planet, the trio continued through the Shadowlands, eventually encountering a wounded Wookiee scout who told them that the poachers had a compound a few miles ahead, beyond the area the Wookiees usually patrolled.
Unfortunately, the scout could not get close enough to determine what those activities were, but the trio were confident they could put a stop to what was almost certainly the poachers' base of operations. When they finally arrived at the compound, they discovered that the poaching operation was considerably better funded and more organized than they would have guessed. A gargantuan lift had been built, not dissimilar to the ones used by the Wookiees, though much larger and suspended by massive chains to support the unfathomable weight of the cargo – durasteel transport containers that littered the area – it was built to lift up to the treetops.
The ground underfoot had been dug out to accommodate a huge holding pen and the Trandoshans patrolled the area with an almost military discipline, so Batauww took up a position in the bushes, ready to provide cover fire if needed, while Zhavi and Isla calmly entered the compound, intending to negotiate if possible. To nobody's surprise, the aliens opened fire immediately, trying to overwhelm them with blaster fire. Thanks to their connection, the pair's effectiveness was bolstered considerably, allowing them to survive a direct onslaught that would have killed them under normal circumstances. Unfortunately, they were facing difficulty when it came to returning fire, more or less immobilized by the volume of the incoming attacks. That quickly changed when the Trandoshans began falling, picked off one by one by Batauww, hiding out of sight beyond the treeline. They did not waste time pushing forwards as the blaster fire began to decrease, gradually defeating the bulk of the forces until the numbers were getting close to being even.
Some tried to run, and those met an even grislier end; stepping out from an overgrown hut, a dark-skinned Trandoshan used the Force to choke one of the runaways, punching another using his cybernetic arm with such force that he was thrown backwards through the air. The third and fourth were felled when the Trandoshan activated and threw a blue-bladed lightsaber to cut them apart. The Trandoshan approached, threatening them for interrupting his operation and claiming that Darth Aivela had trained him herself, gifting him a lightsaber so that he could dominate his peers and provide her with mighty beasts for the Sith Empire, so that one day he would be named ruler of Trandosha.
His actual strength in the Force was limited, though, and while Isla and Batauww worked on releasing the creatures from their cages Zhavi engaged the Trandoshan in a duel, trying to goad him into revealing more information – learning only that he was obsessed with earning enough Jagannath points to become the mate of the Scorekeeper – before she exploited an opening and decapitated him. Once they had freed the imprisoned creatures they took the lift up out of the poacher encampment, expecting more hostile Trandoshans to be waiting for them in the wroshyr canopy. In reality, what awaited them was the burning wreckage of a makeshift spaceport, a funeral pyre of dead Trandoshans and a squad of soldiers from the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, led by Isla's brother – Mitth'endar'inrokini, known outside Chiss space by his core name Hendar.
Isla's last interaction with her brother had been while she was on Dromund Kaas, when he had contacted her and attempted to arrange a meeting. She had declined, and ignored further requests until the messages had stopped. Isla remarked that his presence on Kashyyyk at such a timely moment seemed too unlikely to be mere chance. Anticipating her confusion, Hendar explained that he had been searching for a Dark Jedi Trandoshan by the name of Tsosska, who had killed an agent of the Chiss Ascendancy, and tracked his underlings to Kashyyyk. He had identified the landing site and had – alongside his fellows – descended to attack it, landing and disembarking to execute the survivors of the aerial assault.
They had been searching the area when the lift activated, yet despite expectations a Chiss, a Human and a Wookiee ascended, not Trandoshans, a mystery he confessed he had little explanation for – nor could he explain how they had both ended up arriving on the same planet at the same location and at the same time. Batauww spoke up only to be cut off by Hendar, who apologized and explained he did not speak Shyriiwook, though Isla was able to translate thanks to her implant and explained their purpose there, including the fact that she was no longer working for the Empire. Hendar assured her the Chiss did not care about the Sith Empire's politics, but did ask for a favor in return for him not mentioning her presence; permission to scan the head of Tsosska to confirm his death to his superiors, which Zhavi had brought with her to impress the chieftain of Rwookrrorro, knowing that the Wookiees respected warriors.
Hendar concluded their conversation with the same topic he had wanted to discuss with her years prior – he told her that their mother wished to meet, claiming it was important and that she would greatly appreciate her time. Hendar also handed her his comm details, asking that – at the very least – she remain in touch. Bidding them farewell, the Chiss departed, and Zhavi complained that her brother would have had the common decency to offer them a ride back to Rwookrrorro, amusing Batauww.
Traveling through the treetops rather than moving back through the Shadowlands, the group returned to Rwookrrorro several hours later, reporting the destruction of the poaching operation and the Trandoshans who had been responsible for it. The chieftain thanked them for protecting Kashyyyk from their "hated enemy" and wished them well on their travels. Batauww warned them to keep an eye on their new companion, the tach who had yet to leave their side, explaining that curious primates were often troublemakers around people. Although Isla removed the tach from the ship when she found it had followed them aboard, when they were finally in orbit above Kashyyyk she discovered he had somehow snuck on board once again.
Not wanting to go through the effort of landing just to return the primate, Zhavi convinced Isla to accept their new friend's presence – and not kill him – and named him Vrym, after one of the many unusual noises he produced.
Investigation in Curamelle[]
This is Kassie Kaadara. Cocky son of a Hutt, doesn't pay her debts, drinks like a Selkath... but she's got a mean right hook, a bar that sells passable Menkooro and I'd trust her with my life. Say hello to your new buddies, Kas.
—Frank, introducing Kassie Kaadara to the other members of Project Petrichor.
Upon their return from Kashyyyk, Isla and Zhavi were debriefed and congratulated on their success. Isla noticed some tension between Commander Lambert and a woman that had not been at the previous meeting, another member of the team who spoke in broken Basic, introduced simply as Aaellu. Whatever the issue was it was not voiced, and after Lambert informed the group that he and Aaellu would be investigating an archaeological site on Yavin IV, Isla and Zhavi were given the details of their next mission.
A Human woman entered the office who was introduced by Frank as Kassie Kaadara, a former Jedi Knight who had settled down on Corulag – in the capital city of Curamelle – where she owned a reasonably successful bar. Kaadara greeted the group with enthusiasm, saying she expected they were all going to have fun working together before explaining that a deserter from Sith Intelligence was in hiding on Corulag. The defector had – before leaving his post – sliced Imperial systems to download a list containing the names of over two dozen Cipher Agents operating in Republic space, hoping to use it to buy himself asylum.
Given the value of the data and the SIS's belief that there were already several Imperial agents on Corulag hunting down the rogue asset, Kassie had requested additional support from Frank to allow them to match the suspected Imperial presence. Their job was straightforward, in theory; find the defector and acquire his data before the Empire caught up with him, with a secondary objective of keeping him alive so he could be placed into protective custody. Once the trio arrived on Corulag, Zhavi and Kassie were happy to spend what was left of the evening settling in, unlike Isla, who wanted to jump straight into her work. To that end, she began asking around at a number of well-frequented locations, trying to gleam any hint as to when or where the deserter last surfaced.
It was while questioning patrons at a local club that Isla attracted the attention of Damascus Lambert, a towering Chistori Force user who approached her outside, claiming he was looking for the same individual as the Chiss. Isla was cautious at first, sensing the dark side and believing Damascus to be a Sith, though he soon revealed that he was Commander Lambert's "brother". Damascus claimed he had been asked to look into the missing agent too, and when Isla asked why his name had not been mentioned at the briefing he admitted to being wary of the Petrichor and its agenda, trusting Benjamin but not his new allies, knowing that the Jedi were zealous in their pursuit of those who did not conform to their beliefs.
Hearing her own concerns echoed by another, Isla lowered her guard and allowed Damascus to sense her own connection to the dark side, keen to earn his trust, given their shared situation. She reassured him that the man in charge seemed to be a pragmatic, realistic individual more concerned with actions than ideology, although Damascus remained skeptical, which Isla admitted was probably wise, for the time being. Nonetheless, Damascus did not hide his relief at meeting Isla and all but demanded that they work together, which she was happy to agree to. No longer in possession of his lightsaber, Isla surrendered the lightsaber taken from Tsosska on Kashyyyk to Damascus to ensure he was not left defenseless if their search turned violent. Isla then took Damascus with her when she reported to Kassie's bar, the group ending the night together with a few drinks before turning in.
The following morning the group split into pairs to cover more ground and Isla was quick to claim Damascus as her partner for the day. Together, they followed up on local chatter, eventually crossing paths with an agent of Sith Intelligence, who Isla managed to throw in front of a passing speeder – but not before stealing his datapad, learning that he had found a lead. Heading to Crullov City to investigate, Isla and Damascus soon located their target while he was in the process of selling his data to a local criminal group. Using Damascus' smoke grenades, Isla blinded and ambushed the participants of the meeting, rushing in to snatch the data from the deserter and sparking a fire-fight.
Isla was in and out in a matter of seconds, fleeing the smoke and making a break for it by the time the shooting started. Unluckily, however, she was not the only one looking to steal the data; as she fled the scene, explosive charges detonated in an abandoned alley shopfront, throwing Isla off her feet, disorienting her and sending the briefcase containing the data skittering along the street, where it was easily taken by a Togruta woman.
Isla pursued her, but as she ran for her ship the woman surprised the Chiss by using the Force to throw debris in her path to stall her, ensuring she could escape with the data, foiling the Republic's efforts and infuriating Damascus and Isla. Sadly, unable to identify or track the woman, there was little they could do. Isla and Damascus reported back to Kassie's bar, informing their peers about the incident. Kassie convinced Zhavi to remain on Corulag until they received new orders, while Isla convinced Damascus to join her when she reported back to Coruscant.
Felucian Errand[]
No reason to suspect Aivela's got a hand in this either, but even the SIS has its politics. It'll help our little project if we start making friends – friends we may need later – now.
—Frank, regarding the ambush on Felucia.
After a disappointing debriefing directed solely at Isla, Frank moved on to greeting Damascus, saying he had hoped to have him join their team sooner rather later. He told them that their next assignment would probably be more to the Chistori's liking; an Imperial force had stopped on the jungle world of Felucia after an engagement with a Republic patrol. The Imperials had won the day, but not without cost, and were hunkering down on the fungal world while the major damage was repaired.
Republic forces could not be reassigned to eliminate the Imperials before their repairs would come to an end, prompting Frank's friends in the military to informally request the aid of his new team. All they needed to do was travel to Felucia and attack the Empire's forces there, personnel and equipment both, to delay them as long as possible. To aid them, Benjamin had recruited an old friend and student of his, Khruukunu, a Jungle Felucian who – while hailing from a group who were forcibly relocated to another world decades earlier – was familiar with the native species and could more easily navigate the dense jungle terrain. Even with Khruukunu assisting them, the situation was not as simple as the pair had hoped when they arrived on Felucia; they received an unwelcome reception from the natives immediately after disembarking.
The group were swarmed and during the attack Isla – who was more at home dueling with a single opponent or lunging from the shadows to ambush a target – was injured by the native's projectile attacks, only for her new ally Damascus to step in and protect her. Much to her irritation, Isla had – before their arrival on the planet – reluctantly agreed to a bet proposed by Damascus to determine who was the better fighter, with the winner being the one who defeated the highest number of opponents. Yet on a more positive front, Khruukunu was able to heal the worst of Isla's injury after the confrontation and volunteered to scout ahead to seek out a path to the Imperial encampment that would avoid the more densely populated areas of Felucian territory. Their chosen route was not entirely without danger, however, and Isla and Damascus were caught out by two patrolling Felucians mounted upon ferocious rancors.
Forced to engage, the pair split off from one another, taking a rancor and its rider each. With their training and agility giving them a sizable advantage over the lumbering beasts, the Dark Jedi duo soon dispatched all four of their foes after a short but intense confrontation, Isla utilizing the moist atmosphere to enhance her lightning attack while Damascus managed to plunge his lightsaber into the monster's skull. Not long after, the pair caught up with Khruukunu on the edge of the Imperial camp near an enormous sarlacc and proceeded to launch their assault, steadily battling their way through the Imperials on the surface.
Their toughest obstacle – an Imperial walker – was the final, last-ditch attempt by the Empire to repel them, but by working together the trio were able to bring the armored vehicle down – the soldier who emerged was of little threat without his toy. To damage the ships in orbit and surpass their remit, the trio packed any and all explosive material they could recover from the encampment into two troop transports, piloted by Khruukunu and Damascus. Isla flew alongside Khruukunu in a third vessel, landing in the hangar of one of the fleet's Gage-class transports and setting the timer on the explosives before escaping aboard Isla's ship together. They repeated the process with the ship Damascus was piloting, damaging a second vessel and leaving the system before fighters could be deployed to stop them.
Though the vessels survived the blasts they were damaged significantly enough that they were unable to escape Felucia's orbit in time before Republic reinforcements arrived, forcing the Empire to abandon both, along with significant numbers of Imperial crewmen. On their return, their victory was soured when news reached them that Lord Dratine Rhonjenvyn – a Sith sorceress working with Darth Aivela – had murdered the pilot who had taken Benjamin and Aaellu to Hoth, an old friend of the commander's named Cerys Odé.
Cerys was also a good friend of Damascus too, and her death left him understandably shaken and upset and exposed a side of the brutish alien that Isla had not expected to see. With no further assignments pending, Frank gave the team some time off to process Cerys' death, acknowledging that while he did not know her well her upbeat outlook and kind-heartedness had been evident the moment he met her. Isla spent their time off duty comforting Damascus, providing a supportive shoulder as best she could until the funeral arrangements had been made. She accompanied the hulking alien to the ceremony on Ryloth, where Cerys' loved ones bid her a final, tearful farewell.
Romantic Distraction[]
You lose little Chiss. Ha!
—Damascus, to Isla, after winning their bet.
After the funeral, Isla requested some straightforward hit-and-run work from Frank to help keep Damascus busy and his mind on something other than Cerys' passing. Frank managed to pull intelligence from other departments for them to follow up on, simple assignments which consisted of eliminating hidden Imperial safe houses in Republic space that the SIS had yet to deal with. Mundane work, but something useful they could do between assignments. Damascus, having already expressed his interest in Isla, suggested another bet with more tangible stakes than the last (which Isla had won), those stakes being a date with the hulking alien if Isla did not win. Pitying him, Isla reluctantly agreed.
By the time of their last assignment – an attack on a hidden Sith assassin training outpost – the pair were neck and neck, the attack being the last chance for the pair to rack up the kill count needed to win their bet. To Isla's annoyance, Damascus put his all into winning and pipped her to the post as she defended against the last surviving attacker's strike, killing him while he was distracted by the Chiss and making her defeat all the more galling. Damascus was not humble in victory, unsurprisingly, and was quick to begin gloating about stealing a win out from under her nose. They returned to Corulag, with Damascus booking them a table at a mid-range restaurant less than a week later. Isla arrived at the restaurant with low expectations despite Damascus' assurance that the date would end with the consummation of their "relationship", though admitted, once seated, that she was surprised at Damascus' good taste, the restaurant not being an inexpensive choice of venue.
Although Damascus was brutish and crude more often than not, apparently lacking any kind of tact, he behaved admirably during their date, producing all the charm and gentlemanly etiquette of an Alderaanian nobleman. The pair chatted over the course of their meal, sharing stories of how they left the Empire, both "choosing" to leave because of their loyalty to someone they cared for, and how neither of them really had any plans for the future, both strangers to the Republic and unsure about how they could ever truly fit in. As the evening came to an end, Damascus insisted on walking Isla back to Kassie's bar where she was staying. En route, however, Isla was finally wooed by the aliens' charm – much to her own surprise – and kissed him, leading to a more heated interaction in one of Curamelle's side-streets. They were moved along by local police as they cleared out the drunks roaming the streets, forcing them to continue their journey back to the bar.
By the time they reached the park between the restaurant and Kassie's bar, it was late and the streets were abandoned. Riled up by their brief moment in the street, Isla paused, and when Damascus asked what was wrong (concerned she sensed something) Isla told him that she would rather go home with him than back to the spare room at Kassie's place, jokingly claiming it would be wrong of her to let him walk back to his hotel all the way from Kassie's bar on his own. Gradually – after a passionate pit stop midway through the park – the pair made their way to the hotel where Damascus was staying, spending a long night together, falling asleep a little before dawn and waking up in the late afternoon, at which point Damascus gleefully reminded Isla that he had told her how the date would end.
She playfully assured Damascus that she had only stayed overnight out of pity, and the pair decided to get dressed and head to Kassie's bar. A few days after their successful date, Damascus and Isla received an invitation to join Benjamin, his children and Aaellu (with whom Damascus had let slip the commander was having an affair) on a short beach holiday for the last week of their time off. As did Zhavi and Kassie, although unlike Isla and Damascus, the two Human women turned the offer down in favor of remaining on Corulag. After a week sunbathing on an uninhabited world and feeling a little better after their loss, the group were ready to get back to work on whatever new initiative Frank had found for them.
Mission to the Circumvention[]
There's another thing. It'll be difficult, but it's very important, not just for me, but for what we're trying to do here; don't kill anybody else aboard that ship. If you can avoid serious damage, please do that too. Just don't kill any of our men or the Jedi escort. The prisoner is the only one who needs to die.
—Frank, to Isla.
While Benjamin and Aaellu were away pursuing the Gray Secant, Frank summoned Isla for a solo mission that she was uniquely qualified for. A fallen Jedi had recently turned himself in after disobeying orders, killing several civilian targets and going on the run, though as he had returned willingly and submitted himself to Republic authority, arrangements had been made for him to be transferred into Jedi custody so he could be rehabilitated.
Frank noted that this was another clear example of the Jedi being a law unto themselves; rather than face trial and go to prison, like anyone else would be required to, the Jedi was essentially going to get away with his crimes. He acknowledged that the dark side influenced Force users, but remained adamant that that did not excuse criminal behavior; a spice addict would not be forgiven for crimes committed under the influence, and neither should Force wielders, an opinion Isla shared. The Jedi in question was currently in transit aboard the prison transport Circumvention – Isla's task was to dock with it using falsified clearance codes and kill the fallen Jedi.
Unfortunately, what would have been a simple task for an expert assassin was complicated by Frank's insistence that she bring no harm to the Republic personnel on board the vessel, in addition to remaining anonymous during the mission; the assassination could not be traced back to Project Petrichor. Isla, familiar with the type of mission she had been assigned, accepted the challenge, though she requested a pilot for the mission to ensure a quick extraction. Carth, not a pilot by profession but trained enough to serve in that capacity, was temporarily reassigned from overseeing the Cobbled Terentateks on Voryle to assist Isla, though he was kept in the dark regarding the precise nature of the operation.
Using the clearance codes and a new transponder code, the Cobalt Whisper had no trouble locating and boarding the Circumvention, posing as Republic agents who had intelligence to share with the captain regarding an Imperial saboteur aboard her vessel. Once aboard, however, Isla proceeded to use her hand-to-hand skills to knock out the security personnel who greeted her before disappearing into stealth, speedily locating the Jedi prisoner's cell and confronting the Jedi stood guard outside. Although Isla tried to talk her down, warning her that Jedi were not above Republic law, the Jedi would not surrender the prisoner, as expected. Isla was forced to engage, using a spare lightsaber loaned to her from the Petrichor store to protect her identity, yet despite using an unfamiliar weapon Isla was a capable enough duelist to match the Jedi and – combining her stealth abilities and poisons with her blade work – she was ultimately able to incapacitate her opponent, leaving the prisoner defenseless.
When asked why she had come for him, Isla explained that the Jedi Order needed to realize they could not simply ignore the law; a crime committed under the dark side's influence was still a crime, and simply returning to the light did not entitle a fallen Jedi to evade justice. Glumly, the Jedi agreed, and made no effort to resist when Isla executed him. Remaining anonymous throughout her incursion and succeeding in sparing and killing exactly who she had been ordered to, Isla hurried back to the ship and left, engaging the Whisper's stealth systems before the prison transport could give chase.
Desert Iron[]
Put away your swords, dar'jetii. We're not blind.
—Ramira Al-Zaidi, on meeting Damascus and Isla.
Tatooine was to be their next destination, a near-lifeless desert world in the Outer Rim that – usually – held little of interest beyond petty criminal operations, moisture farms and savage locals. An old military friend of Frank's had requested his aid with a personal problem on the world, however, and a small detail about the situation he needed help with had transformed the request from a simple personal favor to something much more substantial.
Frank's friend, a colonel in the Republic military named Vanrick Taetriss, had a son named Erin Taetriss. Like his father, Erin had joined the Republic military, but unlike his father he found himself unable to stomach taking orders for very long and, it seemed, was not cut out for life as a soldier. Repeatedly mouthing off and disobeying orders, Erin had wound up being court martialed and dishonorably discharged and since leaving the military had thrown his lot in with a small group of Mandalorians, much to his father's dismay. The Mandalorians in question were what remained of Clan Gharva, who – by chance or by fate – had once harbored Benjamin when he first fled the Sith Empire as a boy before a rogue Jedi Knight named Ruhnali decimated their ranks.
Clan Gharva had not answered the call of Mandalore the Avenger, continuing instead to live simple lives, seeking out challenging contracts and taking on new converts, such as Erin. One of the Mandalorians was – surprisingly – a Chiss woman named Ramira Al-Zaidi and a Mandalorian since birth. Most importantly, Al-Zaidi was engaged to a Sith, Tharah Odé, and Tharah herself was a follower of Darth Madré, one of her most trusted apprentices – so much so that Madré had adopted her and allowed the former slave to carry her family name as her own. Darth Madré was reportedly allied with Darth Aivela and Frank believed – hoped – that they could use Al-Zaidi to get to Tharah, and through Tharah learn more about what Darth Aivela was up to. When Isla and Damascus arrived at Anchorhead, they met with Rowan Delk, a local who knew the planet well and had helped the Jedi in the past, proudly claiming that he had assisted the famed Barsen'thor.
Delk had asked around before their arrival, learning that the Mandalorians had been spotted on a moisture farm belonging to the brother of one of his friends. Accompanying them, Delk led the pair out to the edge of the Dune Sea, where they met the owner of the farm. The farmer explained that the Mandalorians had come to the planet looking for the fabled sand demons – an elusive and lethal predator that was said to be able to "glide" beneath the sand – but needed credits in the meantime, which he had offered in exchange for assistance, being more familiar with work that needed doing than the location of a creature he had no desire to ever encounter.
His problem was far more grounded in the mundane day-to-day of Tatooine life; Exchange thugs had set up in a cave a few miles away. They had been watching the moisture farm, yet so far had not done anything against any of the local settlements. Even so, the farmer was understandably worried and wanted to make sure they never had the chance to act. Hiring the Mandalorians to take them out, the farmer had started fretting when the armored warriors had not returned, fearing that they had failed and would prod the Exchange forces into finally making a move.
Grateful for the lead, Isla promised that she and Damascus would kill any Exchange thugs they encountered in their search for the Mandalorians, taking the weight off of the farmer's mind. They parted ways with Delk – who directed them, but was unwilling to join them on account of an oncoming sandstorm – and headed out. By the time they arrived at the cave the Exchange had been using as a base, the location was littered with corpses, not only Exchange members but Sand People, the primitive locals who attacked on sight. They dispatched the surviving locals easily enough and checked the cave, though the trail of bodies leading away made it clear the Mandalorians had fought their way out, so they were not surprised when they found the cave to be devoid of living beings.
The duo followed the bodies – one being Mandalorian – until they inevitably ran out, carrying on their search by following what faint tracks remained in the sand. Eventually, they heard the distant sound of blaster fire and rushed to find the source, locating a second cave – half-buried beneath the sand – that was under siege. A group of Sand People were firing into the cave – with some blaster fire being returned – yet they had significant numbers with which to press the trapped Mandalorians, no matter the casualties they suffered in the process. Fortunately for Isla and Damascus, with the growing sandstorm masking their approach and attention focused on their quarry, the Sand People noticed the two Dark Jedi too late to prepare a decent defense. The pair mercilessly cut through the native warriors, their skill, powers and training proving an impossible challenge for the primitive fighters, especially at close range.
Although the immediate threat was over, the duo were wary of entering the cave, keeping their lightsabers active and raised, ready to defend against the warriors in the event they mistook them for a threat. As it turned out, they need not have worried. Inside the cave, the three surviving Mandalorian warriors – Ramira Al-Zaidi, Erin Taetriss and a woman named Xelda Gharva – were calmly awaiting their arrival. Al-Zaidi told the pair to lower their weapons, referring to them as dar'jetii, which Isla knew enough Mando'a – from her infrequent interactions with the Mandalorians on Dromund Kaas – to recognize as the word for Sith, prompting her to question her word choice.
Al-Zaidi pointed out that real Jedi did not fight so ruthlessly or kill so many without a moment's hesitation – nor, she joked, had she ever seen a Jedi wearing black. Regardless, she thanked them for the assistance, asking what it would cost them. Isla cut straight to the point and told her that they knew of her relationship with the Sith Tharah Odé and wanted her help gathering information on Darth Aivela, assuring her they would not compromise or harm Tharah herself. Al-Zaidi was loyal, however, and told them as much, declining their offer. She also told them that if anyone owed them for the assistance, it was Erin – she had quickly surmised that Erin had contacted his father to ask for help, otherwise they could not have found them, at which point Erin confessed as much, revealing that unlike most Mandalorians Clan Gharva had not used beskar since the Republic confiscated their clan armor, hence their difficulties with the Sand People.
Isla considered pressing the issue by force, but decided against it, suspecting that Al-Zaidi probably had a strong will – and would not take kindly to having her mind violated. Instead, the group parted ways amicably, just without the assistance of Al-Zaidi. Isla, initially frustrated, decided not to write off the Al-Zaidi angle right away, believing surveillance could be a worthwhile avenue.
The Mandalorian Spy[]
It is hard not to appreciate the beauty of irony at a moment like this.
—Isla, after discovering Artofen's blackmail file.
Contacting Frank once they were back in Anchorhead, Isla and Damascus learned that Tharah Odé had been living out of a rented room on Nar Shaddaa while she was working on an unknown assignment in Hutt Space. Like most Imperials and Sith visiting the world, SIS agents kept tabs on their comings and goings and were able to furnish the couple with an address to investigate once they arrived. Frank did not believe there would be much to gain, as her personal datapad would not contain information on her master's plans, but approved the detour.
While Damascus created a distraction, hitting an Imperial warehouse to prompt them to call for assistance from allied forces available in the immediate area, Isla broke into Tharah's room and used a security spike to slice her personal datapad. At first, she found nothing, quickly losing hope of finding anything incriminating that would convince Ramira Al-Zaidi to turn against her lover. Until, in a message Tharah had received earlier in the year, she found a link that connected her with a secure data storage server containing a video file from a security camera. The video clearly showed Tharah engaged in sexual activity with Lord Artofen, with a timestamp confirming that it was recent, though it was clear from the footage that the Twi'lek had been an unwilling participant.
Accompanying the link was a message from Lord Artofen herself, who made no effort to hide the fact that she was using the footage as leverage to ensure Tharah did not jeopardize Darth Aivela's aims, confirming Tharah had indeed been coerced. Isla was pleased; the video was far more than she had hoped for. It went beyond simply sowing doubt in Al-Zaidi's mind and provided concrete evidence of Tharah's betrayal, albeit one she was pressed into. The Chiss, wanting to guarantee the intelligence worked as they needed it to, downloaded a copy of the video file to her own datapad before deleting the original message and the link therein, ensuring the message was deleted and only Isla and Artofen had access to the footage.
With the data in hand, all that remained was to return to Tatooine, seek out the Mandalorians and show Ramira the footage. When they did, Isla's fellow Chiss launched her glass across the cantina and stormed out without a word, leaving the pair alone with Erin and Xelda, who explained that she had a temper, but if she was left alone a little while she would be fine. Correctly anticipating her actions, Ramira returned a few hours later having vented her frustration on the local womp rat population. Begrudgingly, she thanked Isla for finding out what her wife-to-be had been up to behind her back, making it clear she understood she owed them.
Then, still furious, she asked what Isla's plan was, prompting the Dark Jedi duo to explain that all they needed from her was an eye in the enemy camp. If Ramira could play along as if she knew nothing about Tharah's affair, she could pass along information on what Darth Aivela was up to and inform them if she was planning anything noteworthy. The agents also promised a financial reward, but Ramira dismissed the credits and agreed to their request, confident she could continue to act as though she was in a loving relationship, though warned them that she would not wait forever to get Tharah back for betraying her. Isla promised she would get her chance sooner rather than later.
Before they left, Xelda surprised the pair by presenting Isla with a gift; a pair of vambraces, made of phrik but lacking the usual plethora of gadgets that made the Mandalorians so deadly, featuring only a single retractable blade. Xelda told her the best way to kill a Sith was by attacking in ways they could not anticipate, telling her she wanted Isla to succeed because, should she fail, Clan Gharva might not survive. As the pair left, Isla felt a small twinge of guilt about destroying the couple's relationship, noting that despite coming from completely different walks of life Ramira and Tharah had made things work, for a while.
Discomforted by the familiarity of the scenario and the signs of empathy creeping into her thoughts, Isla was pleased with the outcome all the same, believing that Ramira would be a useful asset in tightening the net around Darth Aivela's operations.
The Fall of Darth Aivela[]
With Master Oteg's fleet keeping the enemy's naval forces occupied, the rest of you will be joining our ground forces in assaulting the castle's front gate. While all eyes are on the battle, Commander Lambert will make his way through the surrounding forest to infiltrate the lower levels and make his way up to Darth Aivela herself."
"If she thinks the battle is turning against her she'll try to make a run for it. Knowing my darling wife, she's almost certainly left herself an escape route."
"You make it sound like she is expecting us?
"Mm, an old castle well outside Imperial space where she's a much easier target for Republic forces? She wants us here. We found her stronghold because she allowed it.
—Frank, Benjamin and Isla, discussing the attack on Darth Aivela's castle.
After a successful assignment in which Benjamin and Aaellu had recovered of the last missing orb in the collection of artifacts Isla had helped the commander start on Dronim Major, the Chiss received an update from her unlikely Mandalorian ally, surprising her slightly, especially given that it had only been a matter of weeks since she had agreed to help.
Regardless, Ramira provided a name and location for where Darth Aivela was supposedly sending her forces, an uninteresting neutral world that nobody had claimed due to both its remoteness and lack of valuable resources. It was uninhabited, although once upon a time a low-tech civilization had existed, leaving a sizable – but mostly ruined – castle behind them. The location struck Isla as strange. It was isolated, yet it was also exposed, outside the protection of Imperial space. Irrespective of its location, Frank had agents near the area confirm there was still a sizable Imperial presence on the planet, protected by a Harrower-class dreadnought no less, hinting that whatever was happening on the surface was important.
Once the information was passed on to Frank, it was not long before Benjamin called everyone back to Coruscant to discuss a plan for dealing with Darth Aivela and retrieving the artifacts she had gathered before she could use their power for further dark deeds. Frank, pulling in every favor he could scramble together, managed to secure the assistance of Fleet Admiral Oteg, the Jedi Master who had helped secure the release of the fabled Republic hero known as Revan from a hidden prison. In addition, a battalion of troops from the 372nd Legion had been redirected temporarily to support a ground attack on Aivela's castle thanks to Colonel Taetriss' efforts. Isla and her peers would join that group, creating a suitably large distraction for the Dark Lord's forces to focus on while Benjamin infiltrated the castle via an underground entrance, which they were aware of thanks to old archaeological surveys performed on the planet before the Sith returned to the galaxy.
Benjamin believed Aivela would have an escape plan ready in the event the battle turned against her, and though he believed she would be expecting him to sneak up on her, he knew she would also believe she had stacked the deck against him sufficiently enough that she was safe. Hearing his theory prompted Aaellu to insist she accompany him, a proposal Isla was going to make herself rather than join the others on a battlefield, a place she was ill-suited to. She chose to remain silent, however.
Initially, everything went as planned once they launched their attack; Oteg's ships engaged the Harrower overhead while the Petrichor team and the Republic battalion deployed on the ground. Master Avexiss Odé joined them, and among the troops were Yuri and Nomi Waverunner, Zhavi's parents. Working together, the two groups gradually pushed back the Imperial defensive line, crossing the bridge to the castle and breaching the main gate. When the opportunity presented itself, Isla acted on instinct and disappeared from sight, cloaking herself with the Force so she could use the chaos to sneak past the Sith and Imperials and reach the throne room at the top of the castle, just behind Benjamin and Aaellu.
Darth Aivela was guarded by Lord Sera Artofen, convincing Isla her instincts had served her well – she would finally get the chance to avenge Bibi's murder. Not that it would be that simple, of course, namely due to the ominous figure looming over both Artofen and her master; one of Aivela's Sithspawn creations, a colossal, winged mutant, stood ready to kill for its mistress. Aaellu had the most to fear; as Benjamin's new lover, his estranged wife commanded the beast to single her out. Isla was pleased, however, as when she leapt out of hiding to intercept Artofen and leave Aivela to Benjamin, she was able to focus solely on her revenge rather than Aivela's seemingly unstoppable dragon.
Artofen was far more powerful than she had been before though and, despite her mediocre talents with her lightsaber, was more than a match for the frail assassin. But Isla, thanks to her stealth abilities and competence with her chosen form, was able to evade Artofen's Force attacks and drag the confrontation out. It was only when Benjamin and Aivela – the pair's own duel having led them out of a window – returned to the throne room that Artofen finally took a blow – only it was not Isla who dealt it.
Darth Aivela, slowly losing her duel against her husband, chose to stab Artofen in the back, death being the only way to force the artifact she had absorbed on Yavin IV out of her possession. Aivela claimed the orb and absorbed it into her own body, using the power boost it provided to wrench the small hypergate portal from where it was situated in the throne room and throw it out of the ruined throne room, down to the valley outside. Aivela leapt after the portal to disappear through it before it struck the ground and shattered, allowing her to flee the battle and preventing anyone from following after her. Benjamin was quick to work out what she was doing, however, and dived after her just seconds later.
Isla acted on impulse, taking a gamble to do the same, taking a literal leap of faith from the top of the castle down towards the falling gateway that may or may not have continued to function by the time she reached it. Descending into the darkness of the chasm, Isla veiled herself in the Force once again, closed her eyes and hoped that – when she opened them – she would still be in the world of the living.

A master of stealth, Isla was able to assassinate Darth Aivela.
I saw... I saw everything. Just for a moment.
—Isla, describing the experience of holding all of the Four Bound Spirits.
The hypergate led the three combatants to Darth Aivela's office aboard her company flagship, a salvaged Gage-class transport retrofitted to serve as a long-term exploration vessel. That vessel – the Outreaching Hope – was the heart of Aivela's operations, orbiting above her company headquarters down on the surface of the Outer Rim world of Lok. Arriving just moments after Benjamin, Isla was alarmed to see the Darth had turned the situation around and immediately gained the upper hand, catching the commander by surprise by virtue of knowing where the portal let out.
Disarmed and beaten down, Benjamin's chances looked bleak. As he crawled along the floor, Isla – hiding behind a large piece of decorative Gree architecture – unveiled her hand, extending it to Benjamin so that only he could see. Taking the chance, Benjamin voluntarily relinquished possession of the two artifacts he carried, discreetly handing them over to the Chiss to prevent Darth Aivela from taking them. As Aivela chided her estranged husband and closed in to kill him – believing she was victorious – Isla touched the orbs and absorbed them into her body, then circled around to ambush Aivela, stabbing her through the chest to mortally wound her. Darth Aivela, once Lexi Lambert, collapsed, and as she died in Benjamin's arms, she apologized and tried to warn him about something, though she died before she could tell him what that something was.
Distracted by his grief, Isla saw the opportunity to take the artifacts before Benjamin could, claiming the last two orbs when they were shed from Aivela's corpse and successfully controlling their power, albeit temporarily. Holding all four of the artifacts at once required a strength in the Force Isla simply did not possess, however, and even as her mind was overwhelmed by the surge in power, Isla felt her body recoil, struggling to retain its form against the immeasurable power she was harboring.
The cybernetics installed to replace the limbs she had lost to Lord Jhang's lightsaber were infused with Force energy and Isla felt her connection to the Force strengthen as her metal appendages ceased to be simple machines. Such incredible power at her fingertips also gave Isla access to abilities far beyond her own capabilities, and all she had to do was think about where she wanted to go to vanish into thin air – about what she had taken the orbs for – moving from the Outer Rim back to the industrial world of Voryle in a heartbeat.
Isla knew she had only minutes before the astonishing power of the orbs would disintegrate her body. So, using what little time she had available, the Chiss transported herself to the cemetery where Bibi Jotto was buried, ripped her coffin out of the ground and broke it open. Then, using the divine power granted to her by the orbs, Isla revitalized Bibi's remains and tore her essence from the Netherworld of the Force. Relocating to the park before Bibi came around, Isla relinquished the orbs, setting them down on the grass beside her, where she stood watch over them, knowing that – with the orbs augmenting her bond with Zhavi – her allies would know where to look for her and arrive to retake the orbs soon enough.
When they did, Isla reclaimed the orbs to use their power one last time. Zhavi, having briefly been a death stick addict during their separation, had suffered genetic damage that had left her infertile and shortened her lifespan. With a single touch to her abdomen, Isla was able to heal that damage in an instant, an act of kindness that would – though she did not know it at the time – significantly affect her own future. With her personal use of the orbs out of the way, she handed control of the Four Bound Spirits to Benjamin, who had the raw Force potential and appropriate control training to safely harness the energy that was threatening to undo Isla from the inside out.
Though he warned he could not hold onto the orbs indefinitely, they were safe with him for the time being, and the group could breathe a collective sigh of relief – Darth Aivela was defeated, the power of the orbs was safe from the Sith and Isla's "betrayal" had turned out to be nothing of the sort.
The Strategic Asset Reassignment Bureau[]
Return to Voryle[]
It's been an eventful time in Voryle's history. Your fault, naturally.
—Samantha, to Isla, regarding the political changes on Voryle.
With Darth Aivela's ambitions halted and all four orbs secure, things settled down among the eclectic coalition of outcasts. Benjamin and his family retreated to grieve over the loss of Aivela – to them a wife and mother, not just a threat to be stopped – while the others were given leave to celebrate their victory and relax. Kassie and Zhavi returned to Corulag to unwind, while Isla took Damascus to Voryle, both to show him around the unusual world and to touch base with her friends in the city. When they arrived, it was early evening locally, prompting Isla to take Damascus to the fight club that had served as her first cultural excursion on Voryle.
Damsacus was eager to participate – not that Isla was surprised – and easily won his bout due to his considerable size and power. What did surprise her was him stepping out of the ring after just one match, and after tending to some minor cuts the couple left the arena early. The pair proceeded to the newly refurbished palace where they were admitted to see the newly appointed Queen Samantha D'callo, who had managed to use her local knowledge and apparent political savvy – along with the countess' not inconsiderable support – to transition Voryle's government into what she was calling an "acting monarchy", a temporary change to implement new policies rapidly and without resistance – and one that made her the first queen of Voryle.
Samantha was, of course, delighted to see Isla, welcoming her back and detailing the events that had led to her coronation, assuring the Chiss that the political changes were mostly a means of accelerating Voryle's development. By pushing the corrupt old guard too hard, too fast, Samantha intended to force them into taking hasty and desperate actions, at which point she would have them arrested. She also assured her that the practical situation on Voryle had changed considerably in her absence, and that she could rest easy knowing that she was immune to prosecution, provided she behaved herself. She also "revealed" that Bibi had made a miraculous recovery from death – hinting that she was aware of Isla's involvement – and suggested Isla should go and see her.
Due to her new position, Samantha had to send the pair on their way before too long so she could get back to her many duties, encouraging Isla to check in with her gang, who had become an unofficial peacekeeping force for the planet now that the Rabid Akks had been reduced to little more than a blip on the outskirts of the city. All too aware that she could not really avoid seeing Bibi any longer, Isla and Damascus proceeded to intercept the Lashing Talon to see her old friends, leaping down from a maintenance catwalk – as she had when she first captured the train – and boarding to find an enthusiastic greeting waiting for her, particularly from Kol and Mirris, both of whom threw themselves at her with youthful eagerness.
Bibi and Isla spoke privately in Isla's old room, which had been preserved in case she ever returned, and the Cathar broke down in tears, thanking the Chiss profusely for saving her life. The conversation upset Isla and she apologized for getting her killed in the first place, yet Bibi did not see it that way, pointing out that Isla had given her an entire lifetime of happy memories. That those memories were fiction did mean she treasured them any less. Bibi also explained that Isla's actions had created an energy surge that the government's tech-detection equipment had picked up. Spaceport logs betrayed the presence of Isla's Republic allies, and after that discovery Samantha had contacted the Republic for information on what had taken place, suspecting Isla's involvement.
At first, the Republic denied any presence on Voryle beyond what Samantha already knew about, but after her conversation with Republic representatives Chief Pad had contacted Samantha directly in an attempt to quiet the situation down before word spread further than it ought to, explaining what Isla had done and apologizing. Naturally, Samantha relayed Frank's explanation to Bibi, who was in an extremely confused state when she first woke up thanks to the false memories Isla had implanted in the moments before her death.
Despite her confusion, Samantha had – along with the other gang members – helped Bibi to cope and over time she managed to recover from the shock, albeit with lingering difficulties when it came to separating her false memories from reality. Samantha and Bibi had become close since her resurrection, so much so that the Cathar now served as her chief of security, though she still lived aboard the train and retained her close connection with the Cobbled Terentateks. After catching up with her old friends, Damascus and Isla remained on Voryle for a week, giving them time to unwind and enjoy what the city had to offer.
The Imperial Starfighter Factory[]
It is certainly an ambitious attack, given our numbers. But, with only limited ground defenses in our way, the element of surprise to improve our opening hand and our advantages over conventional soldiers... I would say our objective is within reach, certainly.
—Isla, assessing the planned attack on the Imperial starfighter factory.
With the war still raging in the wider galaxy, Isla and Damascus could not remain on Voryle for long and were recalled to Coruscant to report for a new assignment a week after their arrival on Voryle. Alongside Kassie and Zhavi, the team received a proposition from Frank, who had access to intelligence exposing a starfighter construction facility belonging to the Empire, although only temporarily. A large facility, the foursome were not the ideal choice for the mission, the odds being firmly against anything less than a full attack group, resources that simply could not be made available in time.
However, with their lightsaber training and Force abilities the group had the potential to stealthily enter the facility and sabotage it from within, escaping without the need for a full-scale assault. Kassie and Isla were cautious, while Damascus and Zhavi were eager to step up to the challenge, but after a lengthy discussion to hammer out the details the team agreed to take the mission, setting off for Imperial space and behind enemy lines, using the Cobalt Whisper to approach the factory undetected.
Sneaking on board via an exterior maintenance hatch, the group had little trouble at first, moving unnoticed until an unanticipated maintenance crew forced them to cross a storage hangar, leaving the team exposed exposed. Skirting around the completed fighters, Isla and Zhavi made it further across the hangar than Damascus and Kassie, who were forced to hide as a patrol passed by. Zhavi and Isla reached another entrance to the maintenance shafts, but as they ascended Kassie and Damascus were spotted, sparking the beginning of a firefight that quickly led to a station-wide alert. Although Kassie got away thanks to an opening created by Damascus, the Chistori was captured as Zhavi and Isla watched from an air vent in the shaft, unable to do anything but hope that Damscus was taken alive as more and more troops filed into the hangar. They proceeded with their objective, capitalizing on the distraction created by their friends' unfortunate circumstances.
Regrettably, the facility had been locked down due to the security alert, scuppering their plan to overload the station's reactor from the control room. Kassie, being more tech savvy, had planned for the complication and made her way to the reactor core to physically destroy it, causing significant damage to the machine and destroying the capacitors that regulated power surges to and from the device. With the capacitors down, the damaged reactor began to overload the various systems throughout the station, generating more energy than the facility could safely manage and starting a deadly countdown. Isla and Zhavi escaped via one of the hangars, but Kassie was held up and implored the pair to make their escape and leave her, certain she was too injured and too far from the secondary rendezvous to flee the factory in time.
Zhavi leapt down from the ship and rushed back through the station to where Kassie was pinned down, carving ruthlessly through the Imperial troops and carrying her back to the ship. They escaped with minutes to spare, and once they were safely away from the factory Kassie angrily scolded Zhavi for her reckless heroics, pointing out that she could have killed them all. Fearing for the fate of their lost friend, Isla, Zhavi and Kassie returned to Coruscant in low spirits, unable to take much pride in the blow they had dealt to the Imperial war machine.
Damascus Lambert's Departure[]
I have to try... I owe her that much. She is my wife, after all, you know?
—Damascus, to Isla, regarding Corrith Lambert.
The loss of Damascus fragmented the team. While Isla privately worried about the fate of her lover, Zhavi and Kassie broke up, the latter returning to Corulag alone due to what she saw as a clear discrepancy between her feelings and Zhavi's. Separated and disconnected, the team was silent for a few weeks, keeping to themselves. Isla monitored intelligence channels, searching for any hint of Damascus' whereabouts, eventually learning that he had survived the station's destruction and was being transported to Dromund Kaas for interrogation.
Ever the type of woman to deal with things alone and not wanting to burden Zhavi so soon after her breakup, Isla set off to free Damascus on her own without notifying her superiors. Unexpectedly, by the time she reached and infiltrated the Imperial base, Damascus was already in the process of being freed. A Twi'lek Sith had destroyed the Chistori's escort in the minutes leading up to her arrival, releasing him from captivity before Isla could do so. Before the two women came to blows, Damascus interrupted the pair, explaining that the Twi'lek was his estranged wife, Corrith Lambert, who had refused to join him when he left the Sith Empire behind.
Though the Twi'lek had refused to give up her position and authority, the threat of Damascus being tortured to death in the capital had prompted her to make a choice to betray her loyalties and step in, surprising Damascus, who saw her refusal to support him as a betrayal. She explained that she was willing to help him, but wanted him to come home to Dromund Kaas, where she could hide him while they discussed their future. Torn, Damascus agreed, asking for a moment alone with Isla, where he explained to her that although he cared deeply for the Chiss, he had made a vow to his wife and felt obligated to try and honor that, now that he knew it was not an insurmountable task.
Saddened, Isla knew there was little she could say or do to dissuade him and wished him well, jokingly warning him to remain safe, or she would kill him. Parting with a friendly hug, Damascus and Corrith left for Dromund Kaas while Isla returned to Coruscant, happy that Damascus was alive and well but feeling very much alone, her teammates absent and her boyfriend – an alien who, once upon a time, she would have dismissed as a lesser life form – abandoning her for a woman who had already failed to support him once.
Into the Zavian Abyss[]
This is a low-risk, high-yield situation. I have seen first-hand what valuable allies – and good friends – former Imperials can be, and I trust the pair of you implicitly. So let's go make us some new friends eh?
—Frank, to Zhavi and Isla, regarding a request for assistance from an Imperial destroyer crew.
Towards the end of the 28 ATC, Zhavi and Isla were called in to meet with Frank in relation to a distress call received days prior. On their arrival, the duo were introduced to Imperial pilots Seon Corbeck and Eleanor Corstle, the source of the "distress call", which in reality was a request for aid presented directly to the Republic by the rogue pilots.
Corbeck and Corstle were part of a squadron serving aboard the Relinquished, a specialized Terminus-class destroyer assigned to harass Republic ships and launch hit-and-run strikes on lightly defended worlds. Their purpose was to stretch Republic resources and demoralize its citizens, using their stealth systems and nearby space anomalies to veil their presence and allow them to operate with minimal expense or oversight. Led by a particularly merciless Sith, Corbeck and Corstle's peers were suffering under the yoke of their commander and had been forced to commit actions more akin to terrorism than legitimate warfare. Most of their squadron had finally snapped during their last assignment and disobeyed orders to bomb a civilian settlement, for which they had all been imprisoned.
Scheduled for a public execution on their return to Dromund Kaas, Corbeck and Corstle had conspired with their captain to request Republic assistance in exchange for their stolen cargo, mostly consisting of rare minerals. The two pilots were assigned a decoy scouting mission to ensure a safe route back towards Dromund Kaas through the Zavian Abyss, a dangerous and unstable area of space but one free of Republic patrols, while in reality they made immediately for Republic space. After contacting the Republic the pilots were arrested for war crimes the SIS took the pilots into custody for interrogation, but they were unwilling to enact Corbeck and Corstle's plan, which had led to them refusing to cooperate.
Once it became obvious the pilots were not going to compromise their position they were all but written off, and Frank's request to transfer them into his custody was granted, though it was made clear to him that he would get no additional resources for their proposed scheme – Project Petrichor was on its own. Knowing Isla and Zhavi worked well together and believing Isla in particular would appreciate helping other Imperials make the switch to the Republic, he offered them the task of taking the vessel. Frank believed that not only could they recruit a sizable crew of disgruntled Imperials, but also recover a swath of resources and steal an Imperial vessel ideally suited as a mobile command center from which Petrichor could operate.
Not sensing any deception from Corbeck and Corstle, Zhavi and Isla agreed to participate alongside them in an ambush in the Zavian Abyss. In addition to the veteran Imperial pilots, Frank had hand-picked the Duros ace Parkott Hend and the self-proclaimed "immortal" Quarren known only as The Reaper to join Project Petrichor, expanding their capabilities and ensuring Zhavi and Isla – themselves inexperienced when it came to piloting starfighters – had the best support available at such short notice. With each of them provided a reconditioned FT-8 Star Guard purchased from a military surplus vendor and Corbeck and Corstle piloting their S-12 Blackbolts, the unusual squadron set off on their maiden voyage, transmitting a flight plan to the Relinquished along with a fabricated story to explain their extended absence.
Once they received a response confirming the Relinquished was proceeding through the Zavian Abyss without them, the squadron waited patiently at the ambush site until the destroyer arrived, at which point they attacked the vessel and Zhavi and Isla used the ensuing chaos to board. Despite Zhavi being forced to eject and her ship exploding in the hangar, the pair got aboard without incident and proceeded to carve their way through the loyalists aboard the ship. Many of the Imperials laid down their weapons ahead of time, signalling that they were among the defectors and ensuring Zhavi and Isla did not harm them in their rush for the bridge. On their arrival, the Sith in charge questioned how they had found his vessel, not realizing until it was too late that the captain – positioned behind him – had drawn her blaster. She fired, shooting him in the back and telling him that he was aboard her vessel, not his, before firing a second shot, killing him.
Stowing her pistol, the Rattataki introduced herself as Captain Elizabeth Kondarr, commanding officer aboard the Relinquished, in service to Darth Xarion. Kondarr thanked them for responding to her request for assistance and explained she was willing to negotiate terms for their surrender, making it clear that – in the absence of their Sith commander – she would be taking full responsibility for the crimes committed by the Relinquished during her captaincy and asked that that fact be taken into consideration in the treatment of her crew.
The captain also provided a detailed inventory of the Relinquished's plundered cargo, primarily a large quantity of chromium, which Zhavi – as a long-time smuggler – was impressed by. However, the pair assured Kondarr that – since they had no official sanction – they had no intention of forcing a surrender. Instead, they invited her to meet with Frank, explaining that – reluctant though they might have been to defect – there was an alternative to prison open to them. Directing the Relinquished to a predetermined rendezvous point, Zhavi and Isla escorted Captain Kondarr, Corbeck and Corstle to meet with Frank, leaving them to discuss the situation with him for over an hour.
Following the meeting, Frank explained that Captain Kondarr had reached out for assistance for the sake of her crew, not out of disloyalty, but that he believed she was unlikely to betray their trust – and was smart enough to know the Empire would kill her if she ever tried to return. A situation, he pointed out, another member of Project Petrichor had once found herself in.
With that in mind – and viewing the ship and its cargo as Project Petrichor's resources, given how support had been deliberately withheld from them – Frank had decided to offer her a mutually beneficial arrangement; she would continue to captain the Relinquished and her crew would remain under her command, but instead of attacking Republic worlds the vessel would become a mobile command center for Project Petrichor. Additionally, her pilots would provide off-the-books training to select operates – starting with Isla and Zhavi – and accommodate outside pilots as part of their crew, starting with Parkott Hend and The Reaper.
When appropriate, Frank also intended to use the Relinquished as a "stepping stone" posting for defectors to acclimatize them to the transition from Imperial life before official pardons were arranged, easing the often frightening and long-winded process of defection with an environment they were more used to. Frank confided in Isla and Zhavi that he was irritated by the behavior of his colleagues who had dealt with Seon and Eleanor and would not be mentioning their new assets to anyone outside the project.
Moreover, he believed another department would only try and take the ship and crew, a theory with which Isla and Zhavi both agreed, suggesting that the support the ship could offer them would allow them to be a lot more self-reliant.
Chromium Squadron[]
Attention, Chromium Squadron!
—Captain Kondarr, to the newly formed Chromium Squadron.
Over the weeks that followed, Isla and Zhavi were put through an intensive starfighter training program by Parkott Hend, flying alongside their one-time wingmates on a number of training exercises to hone their ability to fly and manage their ships' systems with greater effectiveness. While undergoing this training, the Relinquished was refurbished using the abundance of chromium hoarded during its time raiding Republic settlements, giving it a sleek, reflective appearance that distinguished it from standard Imperial vessels as well as providing the hull with additional protection against radiation and laser damage.
With Frank's blessing, Captain Kondarr upgraded the Relinquished's starfighters as well, improving them to be sturdier and introducing life support systems to better protect the pilots. The most visible of the upgrades was the addition of chromium plating, which Kondarr remarked provided a style and uniformity that would be at home even in the Empire. Additionally, both the Relinquished and its starfighter complement were given updated transponder codes to identify them as Republic vessels, as well as being outfitted with IFF scramblers to confuse enemy targeting systems during battle, improving the pilots' odds of survival.
Finally, using the last of the resources they had to hand, the crew uniforms were overhauled to remind everyone that they were no longer servants of the Sith Empire. Security personnel had chromium incorporated into their armour, and the new pilot flight suits were afforded extra armoring to reduce fatalities in crash scenarios, armoring which also sported chromium to match the Relinquished's new aesthetic. Once the retrofit was complete, Captain Kondarr gave a speech commending her crew on their professionalism, adaptability and courage during such an uneasy and uncertain transition, praising their faith in her leadership and promising that – as always – she would continue to act with their best interests at the forefront of her mind.
She also announced that – in keeping with their new role as agents of the Galactic Republic – the ship would be defended by a mixed crew of Imperial and non-Imperial pilots, commanding the squadron to stand at attention and announcing their new designation in the process; Chromium Squadron. As Isla and Zhavi had other duties to attend to and could not fly with the squadron full-time, they adopted slightly different call signs. Instead of being numbered like their wingmates, Zhavi and Isla were given letter designations instead, those designations being Chrome Aurek and Chrome Besh, respectively.
Nightmares on the Galaxy's Edge[]

At the edge of the galaxy, Isla came face-to-face with the near-mythical starweirds.
What the fu–"
"–Let's... let's just keep quiet and proceed slowly until we know what is going on here, shall we."
"Sometimes, we really ain't as in sync as we ought t' be, y'know?
—Zhavi and Isla, after seeing the state of the Chiss Ascendancy observatory.
Over the new year period, Project Petrichor was reorganized – after considerable pushing on Frank's part – into the Strategic Asset Reassignment Bureau, transitioning from a proof-of-concept project to a permanent division of the SIS and remaining on-call until the logistics of the transition were out of the way. Isla mostly kept to herself – still saddened by Damascus' return to Dromund Kaas – and occupied her time by picking up the training regimen she had mostly abandoned after leaving the Empire, periodically including Xadda, to help the novice duelist hone her own skills.
She also started to learn how to play the Chandrilan viol using HoloNet video tutorials, but her solitary learning was put to one side when a message intended for her was intercepted by Republic security techs and eventually found its way to Frank's desk. The message was from her brother, though he was simply forwarding it for Isla's biological mother, Mitth'icini'inrokini. An extra-galactic Ascendancy observatory intended to monitor the Intergalactic Void and study what lay beyond the mysterious hyperspace disturbance that ringed the known galaxy had dropped out of contact several months prior, yet despite repeatedly sending agents to re-establish contact the situation had remained an ominous puzzle that the Chiss Ascendancy were struggling to solve.
An agent in the area (the former Ascendancy pilot-turned-privateer Gretta Farrow, who had been working for Commander Lambert directly) had already been diverted to observe the facility from afar and await their arrival. Mitth'icini'inrokini had requested that Isla investigate personally, both as a favor to her and a show of respect in the hope that she might finally visit Copero as requested. Frank approved the mission on the proviso that any non-confidential data be shared on her return, and that Isla took Zhavi with her as backup. Isla was not thrilled about having company so soon after her break-up with Damascus but did not make an issue of it, accepting the conditions primarily to alleviate the boredom she had been experiencing with so little to do.
It took almost a week for Isla, Vrym, Zhavi and Zhavi's new droid Ducky – who had previously belonged to Kassie – to reach the station, being greeted with silence just as they had expected based on Mitth'icini'inrokini's report. Gretta's ship was already docked at the station, and was just as unresponsive when hailed. The station's docking systems were automated so they had no trouble landing, but as they stepped through the docking tube they came across a bizarre sight; an unnatural, heavy fog hung in the air, as did thousands of tiny spores. Fleshy, alien vines had anchored themselves to every surface, twitching slightly as the pair stepped aboard the station.
They proceeded cautiously, checking the first console they encountered for any information on what had transpired to leave the station in such a poor state and found nothing but damaged electronics. While Zhavi tried to repair the terminal, Isla looked around in nearby rooms for clues, finding one of the missing Chiss. Disturbingly, the individual in question was in an advanced state of decay after having been bound to a wall by the vines that covered the facility. It was as she inspected what was left of the corpse that Isle sensed an unfamiliar presence and responded by igniting her lightsaber, pointing it at what she soon saw was a surviving member of the Ascendancy's forces.
Though both Chiss were aiming weapons at one another, they quickly deduced they were on the same side and introduced themselves. The Chiss explained that the original team aboard the station had discovered an artifact that had seemingly drifted in from beyond the edge of the galaxy, emitting a weak signal that revealed its location and prompting the researchers to retrieve it for study. Since then they had suffered communication problems, followed by periodic attacks from some sort of creature that they could neither kill nor recall the appearance of after witnessing. He seemed confused, and when Isla questioned his wellness he suggested she speak with his superior further inside the station, offering to escort them to her for a full and proper report of the situation.
When they arrived they were greeted with an unsurprising degree of calm from the Chiss forces, though even the commanding officer seemed slightly dazed when pressed for definite answers regarding the nature of the artifact and what had transpired since its acquisition. Instead of the clear and concise detailing of events she expected from a Chiss, they were led to the room containing the artifact. Without equipment they could not determine much other than its appearance; a large, glassy black sphere with faint lights moving around inside, contained beneath a shield dome. Both Isla and Zhavi felt something strange in the Force, not from the orb precisely but all around it, like some sort of distortion field warping the air.
As the duo examined the alien device, the door behind them slammed shut and underfloor vents began to pump gas into the chamber. Over the intercom, the woman in charge advised them not to resist, as they were quite secure and the process would only hurt more if they struggled. Isla asked what "process" she was referring to, but the Chiss only rambled about "answering the call". Rather than listen to her nonsensical babbling, Isla used her ability to phase to leap through one of the walls and into an adjoining corridor, intent on finding the controls for the gas to switch it off before Zhavi succumbed to the effects.
Events took a much more sinister turn when she landed in the corridor, however. Using her phase ability left her almost entirely drained of Force energy and shaking from fatigue, and while Ascendancy troops would not be enough to stop her from reaching the controls the starweird that screamed at her from the far end of the corridor was another matter. Isla was momentarily immobilized by the creature's chilling cry but soon overcame her initial shock and attempted to flee, only to be "run" down by the mythological monster gliding after her. The creature tripped her with the Force, then grabbed her by the throat and hoisted her up into the air, leaving Isla unsure if she would be choked to death or torn apart as the spacer's tales suggested.
To her relief, it was neither; presumed dead by Isla given her own experience on the station, Gretta Farrow proved to be very much alive when she interrupted the starweird with a burst of shots that peppered its back, prompting it to howl out in what she assumed was pain and drop Isla, giving her an opening to activate her lightsaber and cut the monster apart. As the Chiss duo stood over the corpse, watching as it evaporated before their very eyes, Gretta revealed that the artifact was emitting a signal of some kind that slowly influenced the minds of the Ascendancy soldiers. According to Gretta, her implant – designed to inflict pain whenever a Force user attempted to use a mind trick – was the only reason she had not been enslaved by the device, though she was in constant pain.
To make matters worse, Gretta claimed that the dead Chiss Isla had encountered when she arrived was one of many, and that the corpses slowly mutated into new starweirds. According to the smuggler, she had counted six individual starweirds aboard the station, which she had managed to elude (but only just) so far. Both women agreed that their best bet was to destroy the orb, but to do so they would need to shut down the power supplying the shield dome protecting it – and quickly, else Zhavi and Isla would start to lose their minds too. Gretta argued that she was good with computers and so could manage the station's systems to guide Isla through the maintenance tunnels that would take her to the reactor and, although she was unsettled by the idea, Isla agreed, noting that she could also move faster and use her lightsaber to cut through anything Gretta could not open remotely.
They quickly got to work, with Isla entering the narrow tunnels while Gretta operated a terminal she had jury-rigged into life to pull up the station schematics and guide her over the comm. Just before she reached her destination Isla caught the attention of one of the starweirds, which chased her into the vents and started a desperate race for the nearest exit. Once she was out, she tried to run, stopping and turning to fight once she heard the starweird screaming not far behind her. Gretta was watching, however, and as the starweird passed through one of the doorways she activated that particular blast door, slamming it shut and cutting the creature in half, only for it to drag itself after Isla for a time before she finished it off.
Unfortunately, Gretta's assistance had run its course; her temporary repairs to make her terminal work had burnt out, taking control away from her. She told Isla to keep going while she made for the airlock to activate the manual override systems on the station's exterior to unlock all the blast doors. Isla was trying to comfort the audibly traumatized Gretta over the comm when she reached the reactor control room, only to be cut off when the connection was lost, followed by the sudden appearance of the commanding officer who had trapped Isla and Zhavi earlier. Taking a page out of Isla's book, the Chiss phased out of the wall to stab her in the shoulder, taking a firm head start.
Armed with only a vibroknife against Isla's lightsaber, the fight seemed clear cut for a moment even with Isla's injury. That was until the Chiss woman unleashed a storm of what seemed to be black Force lightning, forcing her onto the ground, immobilized by a kind of pain she had never experienced before. Unable to defend herself or escape and with the Chiss woman clearly in the thrall of something more powerful than her, Isla would have been incinerated over the next few minutes if not for the brave heroics of Vrym, who had seen lightsabers used enough to know how to activate them. Ignored by the artifact's servant, the tach was able to get behind the aggressor and activate Zhavi's lightsaber straight through her sternum, breaking off the attack and – after a few seconds of wild flailing – leaving her dead on the floor. It was as she recovered that Isla felt an explosion rock the station, after which Gretta stopped responding.
Wasting no time, Isla deactivated the station's reactor, sprinted for where Gretta had suspected Zhavi was being held captive – directly beneath the artifact chamber – and found her bound to the wall like the previous victims, struggling against the restraining vines. The vines were easily severed by her lightsaber, and once Isla handed Zhavi's weapon back the duo were charging to the artifact chamber, cutting down the enthralled Chiss who stood in their way until they reached the entrance. Inside, half a dozen starweirds had congregated around the orb to protect it, forming a sinister, impenetrable wall between the two women and their objective.
Knowing they could not hope to win against them all, the pair rushed directly for the orb. Zhavi then dropped down into a crouch before reaching the starweirds to allow Isla to use her as a springboard; Zhavi stood, launching Isla up into the air – above the ring of demonic guardians – and gave her a clear shot at the mysterious device that had caused so much chaos. Through a final, laborious exertion, Isla launched her lightsaber and shattered the orb; the shockwave of Force energy slammed Isla and Zhavi to the nearest bulkhead – knocking them both out cold – but, most importantly, it dissolved the starweirds and purged the unnerving roots that lined the interior, reducing them to a fine, ash-like powder.
With the artifact and its brainwashing capabilities neutralized, the station secured and the unsettling creatures destroyed, Isla and Zhavi were able to make a hasty retreat from the observation facility. They spent the journey back discussing the implications of their encounter, in particular the strange distortion the orb created in the Force and what that suggested. Zhavi believed that – despite appearances – the situation was not over; for reasons she could not explain, Isla uncomfortably admitted she had a strong feeling that Zhavi was correct.
Whatever the truth, they both agreed that Gretta was a hero for her sacrifice – and her death marred their success with an undeniable air of tragedy.
Operation: Kaasian Rose[]
Republic Pirates[]
You're going to die slowly, Isla Ahnkett.
—Sera Artofen, after capturing Isla and Zhavi.
After their "success" aboard the Chiss observatory, Isla and Zhavi were one of many teams engaging in piracy operations against Darth Madré's vessels, who had claimed Darth Aivela's assets after her death. They were sent to intercept an Imperial transport while it was passing through a nebula that would necessitate travel through realspace. Their objection was simple; board the transport and take control of the bridge before they left the nebula and made the jump to hyperspace, allowing Republic vessels to intercept and capture it.
Using their ship's stealth systems, the duo boarded the transport easily enough and had little trouble fighting their way through the soldiers who tried to stop them reaching the bridge. Once they arrived, they encountered the vessel's commanding officer, the Cathar Captain Viktor Argon, who had his men stand down rather than try to combat the Jedi. He told the pair that he was ready to negotiate the terms of surrender, but when Isla commended his good sense he corrected her assumption that he was referring to his crew and told her it was the Jedi's surrender he was prepared to negotiate.
Isla was amused by the man's apparent arrogance, but Zhavi – her senses stronger than Isla's – felt the presence of several powerful Sith. Sera Artofen arrived on the bridge, flanked by her servants, but neither Isla nor Zhavi were willing to lay down their weapons and surrender, knowing the former student of Darth Aivela – who Isla had seen killed at her master's hand – had a grudge against Isla for the death of Artem Phond. Realizing the transport had been bait for a trap aimed at the members of SARB, the two were nonetheless determined to fight to the death and threw themselves into battle against Artofen, Tark Jaggentire, Arden Yox, Tharah Odé, Zane Lambert and an honor guard of elite soldiers led by Skyell Ottazen and his second, Kara Regent.
Tapping into their bond, the former couple put up an admirable but short-lived fight, holding off their Sith opponents and blocking the timely blaster shots that sped towards them between blows for almost a full minute before being subdued. While defending against the combined attacks of Tark, Tharah and Zane, Zhavi's left arm was severed at the shoulder, leaving Isla to face the entire group alone. Rather than fight, Isla contacted Ducky and ordered him to take the ship and run, blocking a strike from Zane before Artofen struck with a surge of lightning, disarming her and dropping her to the deck.
That did not stop the Sith Lord from continuing her barrage, and as Isla tried to drag herself away she was repeatedly shocked by Sera's potent electrical attack, all while being assured that her death would not be quick and merciful. Restrained and stripped of their possessions, Isla and Zhavi were taken to separate holding cells until the transport left the nebula and made the jump to lightspeed, its destination; a high security prison on the barren world of Dromund Tyne.
Imprisonment on Dromund Tyne[]
I'm... glad, we'll go together.
—Isla, to Zhavi, towards the end of their imprisonment.
Stripped of their clothing, shackled and thrown into a cold, wet and disused cell, Zhavi and Isla were initially unsure about what the Empire had planned for them. They expected to be tortured and questioned, but as hours turned into days and days into weeks, they began to realize they were simply prisoners, nothing more. During their imprisonment, Isla told Zhavi about how Damascus had ended their relationship after she rescued him and returned to Dromund Kaas with his wife, not to damage the Empire from within as she had claimed but to resume his relationship with his wife. Zhavi was initially startled that Isla had kept the truth from her, but admitted that she had been so wrapped up in her relationship with Kassie that she had neglected their friendship, albeit without meaning to.
Isla also confessed that she had experienced vivid hallucinations after her defeat on Dxun and that it – in addition to the shock of losing her limbs – had caused her to regress and close herself off to Zhavi while they were on Voryle – something Zhavi had mistook for her having fallen out of love at the time, and a rift that circumstances had made it easier to maintain in the time since they joined the SIS.
In spite of their current circumstances, both women were glad for the honest conversation, agreeing that if they ever escaped their prison they would need to work on mending their relationship. While held on Dromund Tyne they were fed enough to prolong their lives, but not indefinitely; two months passed with no change to their situation, at which point both women were on the verge of starving to death. Isla suffered the most, being thin and somewhat underfed even before her capture, and though they divided their food appropriately Zhavi had more weight and muscle to burn before succumbing. Through the dyad that bound them, however, Isla unconsciously drew energy from Zhavi, weakening the Jedi but extending the Chiss' life.
Such a boost proved to be vital in ensuring both women lived long enough to be rescued which – despite Isla's skepticism – they eventually were. In the last few hours of their captivity – when the duo both knew they were reaching their end – Isla told Zhavi that she was glad she would die with her, a sentiment that was returned by the Jedi. Thankfully, the forces of SARB had not abandoned them to their fate. Due to the obvious risk of infiltrating an Imperial facility within the Dromund system, Benjamin Lambert elected to personally lead the operation to save his teammates, his knowledge of Imperial protocols and the fact that he was still the vessel for all of the Celestial Orbs making him uniquely equipped for such a mission. Typically, Aaellu did not let him go alone.
Using stolen Sith disguises, Benjamin and Aaellu infiltrated the base to access the security station and determine Isla and Zhavi's location before proceeding to split up. Aaellu cleared a path to the nearest hangar bay, distracting enemy forces and allowing Benjamin to sneak through to the prison block with little resistance. Once Benjamin found the duo and helped them hobble out of their cell, they did not have far to travel before they came across Tark Jaggentire locked in a duel with Aaellu, surrounded by Imperial troops. As the trio were spotted by the troops, Benjamin used the power of the Celestial Orbs to throw Tark and his men aside, giving the group some breathing room to switch things up for their escape.
Aaellu took over helping Isla and Zhavi to the ship and Benjamin hung back to protect the group from reinforcements, dueling Tark briefly before incapacitating the Twi'lek and his troops. When they reached the hangar Aaellu cut through the blast door, helped the two women aboard and made sure they were stable before preparing to launch their escape shuttle, signalling Benjamin, who annihilated the reinforcements to cover their escape. Little more than skin stretched over a pair of skeletons, Isla and Zhavi had survived nonetheless – with a newfound appreciation of life, their friends and, most of all, their relationship with one another.
Daragon Hall Charity Gala[]
We might be here to work but I am quite content to be a bad employee tonight.
—Isla, to Zhavi, referring to their assignment at the charity ball on Coruscant.
Isla and Zhavi spent the next two months recovering from their ordeal on Dromund Tyne, quickly regaining their strength, although in Zhavi's case the muscle mass lost would take a lot longer to fully restore. They were both healthy enough to be discharged a few weeks after their return and returned to work a month later, against the recommendation of their doctor. Frank confined them to light duties as a compromise. To that end, Isla and Zhavi were to accompany Benjamin and Aaellu as they tackled a local issue in the capital.
A particularly cunning Coruscanti gangster had been running circles around the CSF and creating something of a backlash from the populace, who mistook the lack of success against the rapid rise in criminality as a lack of action on the part of the security force. The gangster had done an excellent job keeping his identity a secret even from his own minions, leaving his arrest a difficult task for the already overwhelmed authorities. They had, as such, requested the aid of the SIS, which had ultimately led to a sting operation involving a local business mogul. Said mogul had volunteered his identity and assistance to lure the gangster into a meeting, the SIS believing that with such a huge potential gain on offer their target would be willing to chance a face-to-face meeting.
A belief that had borne fruit almost a year since the operation started with the arrival of a charity gala, one of many yearly gatherings for Coruscant's social elite to fraternize, mingle and parade themselves about under the pretense of charity work. The event was to be hosted at Daragon Hall and during the proceedings the mogul was scheduled to meet the mysterious criminal boss. Once he was approached and the identity of the target confirmed, the mogul would give a pre-arranged signal for the agents to move in. Given the collective political and social influence of the wealthy attendees, the SIS had selected the forces of SARB specifically, to guarantee the least amount of collateral damage. They knew the target was a cunning and elusive individual, but they also had strong evidence that suggested he was equally as violent, meaning they had to move in on him with ruthless efficiency to avoid civilian casualties.
Although there was some concern about moving in during the ball, the CSF were determined to apprehend him immediately out of fear they may identify him and let him walk away only for him to prove just as elusive. So Isla, Zhavi, Aaellu and Benjamin were to attend the ball in addition to a handful of agents and a small army of CSF officers, waiting in unmarked speeders not far from Daragon Hall. Benjamin had chosen to wear his Jedi robes to make himself more visible, hoping that – provided he kept far from the businessman at all times – a Jedi being in attendance would draw attention away from Isla and Zhavi, giving them room to work with. Aaellu – as she so often did – insisted she stay with Benjamin, giving Isla and Zhavi the opportunity to make the arrest themselves and score a win after their recent hard luck.
In spite of Isla's distaste for formal gatherings and Zhavi's hatred of wearing dresses – particularly after being fitted with her new cybernetic arm – both were glad to be busy again, regarding the assignment as a pleasant diversion. The ball was busy, as expected, with a lot of media attention outside and a lot of judging glances from the Coruscanti upper crust within, but Isla and Zhavi took the disapproval of the so-called "elite" in their stride. They were there for little over an hour by the time their target made his appearance and the signal was given. Isla and Zhavi went to move in, but their mogul ally got nervous and panicked, accidentally tipping off the target and outing the two agents – who proceeded to pull out a concealed heavy blaster in response, firing at the Force users. Isla and Zhavi were forced to stay rooted between their target and the civilians in his line of fire as he made a run for it.
Benjamin leapt into his path to cut him off, forcing him to flee to the upper balcony, unaware that he was being driven that way towards Aaellu, who was returning from the restroom. Not realizing she was a threat, Aaellu was able to knock him out with a powerful swipe of her elbow, ending their assignment in a manner that greatly amused the team. After handing the gangster over to the CSF and learning that the gangsters loitering outside had been rounded up when they tried to storm into Daragon Hall with blaster rifles, the foursome decided to stay at the ball for a time and make the most of the evening. Benjamin took the setting as an opportunity to act on a personal matter, proposing to Aaellu who – once she had composed herself – tearfully accepted. Isla and Zhavi shared a final dance, then departed to make a dinner reservation Isla had – to Zhavi's surprise – made a day earlier.
The duo shared several glasses of wine over the course of their meal and took a bottle to go when they finally decided to stagger back to the hotel they were staying at while on Coruscant. Unsurprisingly – and as they had both been not-so-discreetly pushing for – the pair spent the night together, though they were eased to sleep by the wine before midnight and rose early the following morning as a result. They left the hotel briefly for food before returning to wait in the lobby for Aaellu and Benjamin, as arranged the day before. While they waited, Isla invited Zhavi to join her for a "holiday", in a manner of speaking.
Specifically, she invited her to join her on a trip to Copero – her homeworld – a journey that she had been putting off for several years despite her mother's biannual requests to see her. Zhavi was reluctant to fly into the heart of Chiss space given they were still allies of the Sith Empire and notably xenophobic, but knew it was important to Isla, no matter how much the Chiss contested the fact. Because of that, Zhavi agreed to accompany Isla as backup, jokingly commenting that it would be nice to get an idea of what Isla would look like in twenty years or so.
Ever the forward thinking type, Isla's invitation – sincere though it was – also served as a way of drawing attention to an issue she had been meaning to broach for some time. As Zhavi squinted at the holographic image of Isla's last letter from her mother – projected from her comm – the Chiss took the opportunity she had deliberately orchestrated to point out that she had noticed Zhavi's eyesight was failing. She also revealed that she had had Ducky discreetly scan her eyes so she could buy her a pair of reading glasses, assuring her that admitting her eyes were failing was not a weakness and insisting she accept the glasses – and use them.
Zhavi disagreed with Isla's assessment, yet accepted the glasses and agreed to consider wearing them, if needed, asking Isla to remind her to tell her about the story of Master Hortath one day, when she was a little older and a little less proud.
Capture the Ysalamiri[]
Woah! Tha's... yep! Ok, yep, wow, tha's a real ysala-whatchamacallit... Nomi's tits! I don't like that.
—Zhavi, after getting too close to Isla and the ysalamiri.
Before the pair were scheduled to visit Copero, Zhavi received a message from an old associate of hers, a local crime lord on Nar Shaddaa who she had worked for a handful of times before; the enigmatic Mister Crimson. A Force-blind Sith Pureblood whose mother had run from the Empire to save him, Mister Crimson had made a name for himself on the Smuggler's Moon, becoming a gangster of some renown who was well-respected by those who lived in the district he controlled.
Although it had been several years since Zhavi and Mister Crimson had last spoken, the two got on well, and he had not forgotten her skills as a fighter. Her martial prowess were, in fact, the reason he was calling her, as he needed a champion to fight in one of the infamous war games of Yummobbu, a powerful Hutt matriarch. This particular war game was to take place on Crimson's homeworld and was promised to be the first of its kind, though nobody had been able to understand why, as the game – capture the ysalamiri – had been presented as nothing more than a variation of the classic capture the flag game with themed flags.
Both Isla and Zhavi knew that ysalamiri could not be removed from their home planet and so suspected it would differ from capture the flag in other ways, most likely violent, unexpected ways, such as fire traps, snipers and other "obstacles", which Mister Crimson agreed was a certainty. He had the entrance fee but needed a team of his own to enter the competition on his behalf, as the grand prize was an entire district on Nar Shaddaa, a prize which would allow him to expand his operations on the Hutt world.
The couple agreed to compete on Mister Crimson's behalf and traveled to Nar Shaddaa to meet with him, accepting additional equipment from him for use in the upcoming war game. A few days later, Isla and Zhavi arrived at the starting area and were sent to their designated "base", where they watched Yummobbu's opening speech and learned the rules of the game. There were two ysalamiri flags at opposing ends of the course; each team needed to return both to their home base to win the game, and no team could carry more than one flag at a time. If dropped, probe droids would rush the flag back to its start point. With the rules explained, the gates were raised and the game began.
Isla and Zhavi raced to find the first flag, battling Mandalorians, Sith, Knights of Zakuul and even other Jedi, seemingly coerced into playing the game somehow. With Isla's intellect and Zhavi's raw power, the couple made good progress and eventually found the first of the two flags, following it as probes escorted it back to its start point after another team dropped it. When Isla approached to grab the ysalamiri-decorated flag, however, she was overwhelmed by a strange sensation as her connection to the Force was seemingly cut, realizing that – despite the impossibility of it – she was being affected by a real ysalamir. Isla speculated that the sealed capsule attached to the flag must have contained one of the lizards, possibly frozen in carbonite or held in some other form of suspended animation.
Irrespective of how Yummobbu had done it, the pair had a job to do and, as they processed the revelation, they came under fire, forcing them to continue moving to the upper levels of the arena where, not used to being without the Force, Isla tried and failed to make a jump, falling back to the first level but – luckily – landing on one of the platforms, rather than falling into the endless abyss of shadows below. Stripped of all her power, Isla and Zhavi had to develop a new strategy; Zhavi led the charge while Isla followed after her, keeping enough of a distance to avoid catching both of them within the invisible, Force-negating bubble.
It took several hours, with different teams capturing and losing the two ysalamiri at various points and the interruption of a surprise intermission, before the game finally reached its conclusion. With only a handful of players surviving until the end, various droid and animal opponents were released into the arena to keep the conflict entertaining for the audience watching on the HoloNet. By the end, Isla and Zhavi were competing against the surviving Knights of Zakuul and a trio of Mandalorians, and in a race to the finish the couple managed to plant both flags on the pedestals at their home base, activating a lockdown command that sealed their base, protecting them from their pursuers and officially ending the competition.
As the competitors, the couple were not invited by Yummobbu when she presented Mister Crimson with his reward, though they were interviewed by local journalists afterwards, not realizing that they had become temporary HoloNet celebrities through their participating in Yummobbu's capture the ysalamiri game. Once the furor had tapered off, Isla and Zhavi were able to reconvene briefly with Mister Crimson, learning that he was already making use of his new properties. As thanks for their efforts, he provided a substantial amount of credits and, as an added bonus, furnished Isla and Zhavi with brand new Vectron speeder bikes, the Magnus and Opus, respectively. Loading the bikes onto the Cobalt Whisper, the couple left Nar Shaddaa, wealthier and more infamous than they had arrived.
An Invitation to Copero[]
Welcome home, Mitth'att'inrokini.
—Mitth'icini'inrokini, to Isla.
After contacting her brother to confirm her intention to finally visit Copero, Isla was provided with the information she would need to safely enter Chiss space and land on the world. She was advised to follow the instructions without deviation as her visit would not be met with universal approval, and causing trouble would only worsen the situation needlessly.
Aware that being Chiss herself was no guarantee of safety, Isla was happy to comply with the instructions provided, travelling through Ascendancy territory without issue before touching down at Copero City.
When they disembarked they were greeted by Isla's brother, Mitth'endar'inrokini, who reintroduced himself to Zhavi, making the assumption that – as a drunk – she had forgotten, starting their trip with an openly disapproving tone. He went on to hint that the invitation did not extend to Zhavi, but Isla made it clear Zhavi was her partner and went wherever she went, a condition Hendar stated was acceptable.
Before they left the landing pad, Hendar asked if they were aware of Chiss law regarding Force sensitives.
Naturally, Isla had been curious enough about her origins to look into her people and confirmed they knew the rules, though for Zhavi's sake Hendar spelled them out clearly; if they were caught using the Force at all, they would be executed.
Zhavi flippantly commented that she would make sure not to get caught, to which Hendar darkly warned her that the Chiss did not share her good humor when it came to their "unfortunate genetic flaws".
The pair were given a tour of the city, during which they attracted a lot of attention from the locals – Zhavi in particular given the rarity of non-Chiss on Ascendancy worlds.
Zhavi asked about the topic specifically, prompting Hendar to reveal that a mere one percent of Csilla's population belonged to species other than Chiss; on Copero, that percentage was considerably lower. Zhavi remarked that it was a shame, since Copero was a beautiful world.
Hendar also made sure to show them one of the local bars, making a point of addressing Zhavi directly when he talked about intoxication being no excuse for anti-social or illegal behavior on Copero as it was on other worlds. After browsing the local markets briefly, Hendar escorted the pair to the office of Syndic Mitth'icini'inrokini for their appointment.
Zhavi was told to wait outside, and when she objected the guards on the door readied their weapons, prompting Isla to relent and tell Zhavi to back down, confident she could handle the meeting herself.
Once she entered the office, she was met with the stern gaze of her unfamiliar mother, Mitth'icini'inrokini, accompanied by a much younger male Chiss. Thicinii welcomed Isla home, formally introducing herself and her son, Mitth'arron'inrokini, Isla's second brother.
Tharron seemed to be genuinely pleased to see her, but that only seemed to irritate their mother, who was cold and aloof towards her long-lost daughter. Thicinii dismissed Tharron, leaving the two women alone.
Isla questioned why her mother had been so insistent on her returning to Copero, pointing out that even without the Force she would never fit in with Chiss society after being raised in Republic space. Thicinii explained that, while what she said was true, Isla was still her daughter and her absence had always pained her.
She went on to reveal how she and Isla's father had disagreed on how best to deal with her Force sensitivity when it first manifested; Thicinii had believed they could hide her talents long enough for her to rise to a position of influence and gain the authority she needed to shield Isla from those who would see her exiled, but her father was "too sentimental" and did not want to risk Isla being executed for using the Force before she was old enough to know any better.
To save her from that fate, Isla's father had taken her and fled Ascendancy space and – Thicinii later learned – died from injuries sustained during a pirate attack on the edge of Republic space, ensuring Isla was robbed of both her parents.
The revelation caught Isla off-guard, as until that moment the circumstances surrounding her birth had been a mystery she had accepted she was never likely to solve. Learning her father had died to give her the freedom she had enjoyed all her life upset her more than she thought possible.
Past events aside, Thicinii wanted to rekindle the bond between mother and daughter and had worked her way up to a position where she had the influence to integrate Isla into Chiss society despite what Thicinii referred to as her "impurities".
Aware Isla would not agree to being medicated, Thicinii had a compromise in mind; Isla could live on Copero, away from Copero City but with the right to visit for recreational and work purposes, in exchange for biological data the Chiss could use to research combating Force sensitivity, both biologically and in a more literal sense.
Isla questioned what the benefits were for her and though it was obvious to Thicinii she indulged the question nonetheless, explaining that she would have a home among her own people – where she belonged – and would be of service to the Chiss Ascendancy, all while living in comfort.
She would not need to work for the Republic or fear retribution from the Empire and – if nothing else – would be reunited with her family once again.
Thicinii also mentioned that, with time and effort on her part, she could also arrange for a decent match for Isla one day, which she was understandably quick to object to, pointing out that she had already found a match in Zhavi.
Unsurprisingly her mother scoffed at her objection and dismissed Zhavi as a distraction and an embarrassment, revealing that she had monitored both Isla and Zhavi for some time and knew of Zhavi's alcoholism and petty criminality – traits which only made her more abhorrent to the Chiss when cast onto the backdrop of her Force sensitivity and her failure as a Jedi.
Isla took great offence at Thicinii's condescending summary of her partner, actually raising her voice in anger, unintentionally highlighting that she was not like her mother or the rest of the Chiss.
Furthermore, she rejected her offer, telling her mother that although the Chiss might believe themselves superior to all others, where she came from superiority was proven through actions, not through barbed words spat from behind the safety of a desk or a defense fleet.
Isla concluded that it was a mistake for her to return to Copero – a statement Thicinii agreed with – and declared her desire to leave, as she wanted to go back to her real home, where people actually wanted her around.
Thicinii honored her assurance of safe passage and allowed her to depart peacefully, arranging accommodation for the night and for their ship to be refueled by morning.
When Isla left and regrouped with Zhavi outside, she shrugged off her anger as being a result of the suggestion she would aspire to be a test subject – rather than the fact her mother's cruel words and unexpected revelations had actually upset her – and insisted she would rather not talk about it until she was a little calmer.
Hendar suggested they take a walk around the city, but reminded them to be conscious of their actions.
Given the warm climate of Copero they were quite content to loiter around aimlessly for the rest of the day, enjoying the weather and ignoring the constant observations of the local population, all of whom shamelessly stared at the duo as if they were zoo specimens.
Later in the day, Isla told Zhavi the truth about the meeting and Zhavi admitted she thought the offer was pretty good – aside from the part that cut her out of the equation. The Chiss assured her that the part of her that wanted to know her family was insignificant next to the part that wanted Zhavi in her life.
As they discussed the frosty reunion, the couple were approached by a female Chiss who introduced herself as Mitth'kriss'inrokini. She seemed unusually friendly (earning the pair's suspicion) but only asked about their life in Republic space, non-invasive questions mainly concerning their quality of life rather than their secretive work for the Republic.
She asked if they were happy and asked if they felt they – in their honest opinion – made worthwhile contributions to their society, to which they both responded with affirmative answers.
Unbeknownst to them both, Kriss' questions were not idle curiosity – Syndic Mitth'icini'inrokini had tasked her with gathering more information, and it was only after she had finished her questioning that Kriss revealed the truth – along with the fact that she was Isla's younger sister.
Like Tharron, she was pleased to meet her missing sister, and informed her that – after some reflection – her mother had decided she was willing to alter the terms of her offer to allow Zhavi to accompany Isla, should she choose to remain on Copero.
Zhavi was more open to the idea of living on the tropical world than Isla, but after some encouragement from both Zhavi and Kriss, Isla agreed, admitting that it would be nice to learn more about her people and – more specifically – her biological family. She clarified, however, that she could not simply abandon her duties elsewhere, and trusted that her mother would appreciate that her transition to Copero would not be immediate.
Kriss was confident that their mother had already factored in the likelihood of a postponement – remarking that their mother would respect her sense of duty – but promised to bring it to her attention all the same.
Her offer accepted, Thicinii's instructions were for Isla and Zhavi to be shown to their prospective home, a few miles off the coast on a small, unused island that had been their mother's private residence until their arrival. They were informed that on the island – in the privacy of one another's company – they were free to make use of their Force abilities, but only there and even then, it was discouraged.
Kriss reminded both women that Thicinii was taking a calculated risk by allowing them to stay; the more people who knew they were there, the more pressure Thicinii would face to prove their presence was of benefit to the Ascendancy.
With the warnings offered and terms loosely agreed, Isla and Zhavi were taken to the island by shuttle settled in for the evening. The pair cooked dinner together, enjoying a romantic seaside meal before turning in for the night and returning to Copero City and their ship early the next morning.
Oopta Freight Solutions[]
Oopta Freight Solutions were struggling for a long time. Shortly after Darth Aivela's death their fortunes inexplicably turned around, and rumors of their Imperial ties began to circulate.
—Evis Odé to Isla and Kassie.
Returning to duty, Isla partnered up with Kassie Kaadara for a mission to the underworld fueling station Mek-Sha. Undercover agents had come across information connecting a freight company operating there – Oopta Freight Solutions – to the Sith Empire, more specifically the forces of Darth Madré. Isla and Kassie were to investigate the supposed connection, starting with a tour of the local bars. Combining Isla's observational and analytical skills with Kassie's street smarts and underworld know-how, the duo managed to navigate the criminal hub without too much difficulty, with only one altercation taking place when Isla was forced to put down an aggressively amorous Weequay.
After a few hours of (mostly) discreet questioning, they had not gleamed much from the cantina patrons, but word of their interest in Oopta Freight Solutions had got out and attracted the attention of an old ally. Ramira Al-Zaidi took up a position outside the cantina in Slugfall Harbor, revealing herself to the pair when they emerged and remarking that no matter how hard they tried, they had the faces of privileged women that stood out among the crowds of born-and-bred underworld scum.
That being the case, Isla asked if the Mandalorian could be of assistance. Ramira admitted that she felt she still owed her for uncovering her fiancée's duplicity, adding that cutting off Tharah's ring finger during the battle at Darth Aivela's castle had been one of the most satisfying moments of her long career. She told them to try bay one-six-seven, ominously advising them to hurry if they did not want to be beaten to their prize. It was only when they arrived at the hangar that they understood what Ramira had been alluding to; another operative was investigating the company, and they nearly came to blows when they ran into one another. Kassie raised her pistol but the operative was unbelievably fast for a non-Force users, knocking her blaster away and winding her with a swift punch to the gut.
Rather than capitalize, however, the operative removed her helmet instead, revealing herself to be another Chiss. She introduced herself as Evis Odé, sister-in-law of Jedi Master Avexiss Odé and a friend of the Republic. She was investigating the same lead as they were, but for a separate division of the SIS; once she had learned SARB agents were on Mek-Sha she had refrained from moving in and contacted Ramira to have her point them to her location, ensuring they could work together to achieve the best possible outcome. Evis added that she was a business partner of Yummobbu the Hutt's, and so had had the pleasure of watching Isla and her partner win one of the Hutt's capture the Ysalamiri games.
The trio quickly agreed to split up, with Kassie and Evis entering the hangar directly to distract Oopta Freight Solutions' guards while Isla crept behind their lines using the overhead walkways and sabotaged the hangar controls, preventing any ships from leaving. Isla snuck aboard one of the transports to inspect their cargo, learning that they were shipping large quantities of cortosis ore. When she tried to make her way back to her allies to provide support she encountered a Sith waiting for her on the walkway.
Although Isla knew her senses were not as perceptive as most Force users, they were tuned enough to sense a strangeness in the Sith's presence, an unnatural aspect to his connection that made her nervous about facing him. Fortunately, when she did, his skill with a lightsaber proved to be limited to the very basics of Shii-Cho, giving her time to try and work out what exactly what she was sensing. Ultimately, however, she could not make heads or tails of what she felt, and once the duel was over Isla had more questions than answers. The Chiss was again held up on her return to Evis and Kassie when she received a disturbing call from Samantha; an alliance of her political opponents were – according to intelligence gathered by the Cobbled Terentateks – mobilizing their supporters to take the throne by force within a matter of hours.
At Bibi's insistence, Samantha had decided it was time to reach out to Isla to ask for help in dealing with the traitors. The Chiss assured her she would return to Voryle as soon as possible, though Samantha suspected the coup would take place before she could reach her – she asked only that Isla help discover how the conspirators had assembled a force to challenge her so quickly, and to stop them from undoing her work. Or worse, aligning Voryle with the Sith Empire.
By the time Isla finally got back to her allies, the Oopta Freight Solutions hangar was secure, but Kassie had been stabbed in the abdomen during the skirmish, forcing the group to make a hasty retreat – abandoning the cortosis in the process. Once they had retreated from Mek-Sha, Kassie was delivered to the nearest Republic medical facility while Evis made her way to Coruscant to report the group's findings to her superiors. With Kassie in safe hands, Isla contacted Frank to report what had happened, then wasted little time departing for Voryle with his blessing – and an assurance that he would monitor the situation and send reinforcements if needed.
Civil War on Voryle[]
By decree of Kind Drahm, you are both under arrest on suspicion of espionage, terrorism, conspiracy to commit acts of terror, murder and perverting the course of justice. Slowly place your weapons on the ground, keeping your hands visible at all times, then take three steps forwards. You have five seconds to comply"
"I'm sure we've done more than that. Haven't we?
—A Vorylian customs agent and Zhavi.
Having been on Onderon to check in on Isla's parents (and rescue their missing tooka) while Isla was busy on Mek-Sha, Zhavi picked Isla up when she arrived via public shuttle in Coronet, joining her in her mission to Voryle. Almost immediately after disembarking, the couple were met by customs officials who had a warrant for their arrest on trumped up charges, apparently on the orders of one "King Drahm", the individual they presumed was spearheading the coup against Queen D'callo.
Naturally they did not comply, certain that – given the chaos a coup would cause – the authorities would be stretched too thin to keep track of them, giving them a chance to force their way through security and disappear while holding onto their illegal weaponry, which they knew they would need during their visit if they wanted to take on the government forces now under the command of "King Drahm". Their first port of call was Countess LaLenna's estate, where they discovered the noblewoman was under house arrest, being too influential for the new king to simply execute without stirring up a full-blown revolution. LaLenna informed the pair that Samantha and Bibi had escaped the attack on the palace but had been forced underground, pointing them towards their next destination; the headquarters of the Cobbled Terentateks, where Rissessk was helping coordinate the resistance movement that had risen up quite literally overnight in response to Drahm's behavior.
The Trandoshan was glad to see the couple and unsurprised that they had returned to the city in its hour of need. He confirmed that Samantha and Bibi had not been killed by Drahm and had escaped through a hidden emergency tunnel leading into the sewers, but pointed out that Bibi would not let Samantha resurface if she was not certain it was safe to do so; as it stood, that certainty was absent. Emboldened by the chaos of civil war, the Rabid Akks had taken their chance to begin pushing back into the Cobbled Terentateks' territory, knowing the gang were too busy assisting the loyalists in their fight for control to defend their holdings across all the boroughs. With Zhavi and Isla back in the fight, Rissessk believed they could cripple the Akks with a series of fierce counter-attacks that would drive them back long enough to give their allies and the civilians some breathing room.
To that end, Rissessk paired off with Zhavi to carve a bloody path through one borough, while Isla accompanied Bon-Yi and Carth to do the same elsewhere, pushing the Akks back easily enough given that they were still limited to homemade slugthrowers. Once word spread that the Cobbled Terentateks Jedi leaders were in play the Akks had been sufficiently muzzled, retreating and leaving the Terentateks' lieutenants free to coordinate their side of the civil war while Isla and Zhavi descended into the sewers to locate and secure the queen and her bodyguard. Aided by the Force – and with Isla's intimate past with the recently crowned monarch providing her a useful familiarity with her presence in the Force – the seemingly impossible search through the underground labyrinth only took most of the night rather than most of the week.
And that was fortunate, as Samantha and Bibi were fleeing from one of Lord Artofen's leftover Sithspawn that had escaped into the sewers at some stage, a starving drakag that Isla and Zhavi were able to dispatch without too much difficulty. Briefly exchanging pleasantries, Samantha and Bibi revealed that Sith had helped Drahm take the palace and expressed their concerns that a protracted civil war would compromise Voryle's security, provided both criminal factions and the Sith Empire a window onto the planet even if Drahm was removed. Painful though it was, Samantha asked her friends if the Republic would be willing to offer support, and if they could do so without the queen betraying her people by paying for said support with her world's neutrality. Isla was unconvinced, but Zhavi suspected she knew someone who would be willing to help without condition; her parents.
Returning the queen and her bodyguard to the Cobbled Terentateks' headquarters, Zhavi had Samantha record a message requesting Republic assistance, which she then forwarded to her father, alongside a recorded message of her own, asking him to provide ground support. While he would be reprimanded severely for deploying troops without consulting his superiors in the Ministry of Defense, that reprimand would not be particularly severe if he helped prevent the world's weapon shipments being redirected away from the Galactic Republic to be enjoyed exclusively by the Sith Empire. On Yuri's orders, Nomi arrived a few days later with a volunteer platoon from the 372nd Legion who landed with the help of the loyalist troops, a number of whom had barricaded themselves in the planetary command center for the orbital defense platforms.
They wasted little time on pleasantries and took immediate command of the resistance, intent on pushing into the palace to kill Drahm and end the conflict before it could develop into a full scale civil war. With no standing army Drahm's forces were restricted to the police (who had been divided by the coup) with their high-end weapons and armour, yet against Republic soldiers – who had military weapons and training in their corner – they were little more than bandits. Joined by the Cobbled Terentateks, the loyalist resistance movement and the synchronized efficiency of Isla and Zhavi, Nomi led her platoon in an assault on the palace, paving the way for the two Force wielders to move in and arrest him on behalf of the legitimate monarch.
Just as Samantha and Bib had warned, Drahm was not alone; he was protected by two Sith, both similarly "off" in the Force, like the assailant Isla had encountered on Mek-Sha. These troops were something more refined, however, clad in full suits of black armor that – the couple soon realized – were made using cortosis, compensating for their limited skills with a lightsaber by making them resistant to conventional killing or disarming blows. Yet even the strongest armor had its weak points; together, Isla and Zhavi were able to strike the gaps in their opponents' armor, wounded and ultimately killing them both. Without his Sith guardians Drahm was left powerless. Knowing it was over, the short-reigning monarch began to beg for his life, readily offering up every bit of information he could, including the fact that Darth Madré was behind his sudden rise to power.
Knowing what she wanted to, Zhavi impaled the self-proclaimed king without hesitation, bringing Voryle's political instability to a decisive end and leaving the staunchly neutral population with a deeper appreciation of the Republic, who had once again saved their world from the machinations of the Sith Empire. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Sith Empire attempted a parting blow after Drahm's death; a Sith assassin was sent to the Cobbled Terentateks' headquarters, intent on murdering Samantha while her Jedi defenders were preoccupied. Fleeing to the roof of the train with Bibi, Samantha was trapped until Rissessk caught up with the pair and intervened, dodging an attack and grabbing the Sith's weapon.
Tragically, aged as he was and unable to match the augmenting abilities available to the Sith, Rissessk knew he could not grapple with his opponent for long before he lost his grip, so instead of trying and ultimately risking Samantha's life he surprised the Sith by pushing forwards, turning the double-bladed weapon at one end and activating it, impaling himself and the would-be assassin. Samantha shot the Sith in the head and she and the Cathar quickly rushed to Rissessk's side, but he died within seconds of his collapse. Isla and Zhavi found out about Rissessk's death later in the day, and both were saddened that they had not been present to save him. There was worse still to come, however, in the form of a matter Bibi wished to discuss with the two Jedi.
A local asylum had been overrun by its patients and the entire complex locked down, leaving the authorities precious few options for dealing with the situation that did not involve storming the building, a course of action that Samantha was concerned would inevitably lead to a number of deaths. Isla and Zhavi agreed to break in and secure the facility without killing the inmates, heading to the asylum with an ominous warning from Bibi that there was "something sinister" at the heart of the incident that they should not take lightly. Once inside, both women sensed a wrongness in the air that matched Bibi's assertion and – incapacitating the maddened patients they encountered as they went – soon knew that the situation was more serious than a simple uprising of the mentally impaired.
Zhavi encountered reanimated corpses in the morgue, and when the couple regrouped at the lecture hall in the center of the asylum they found two more guarding a man who appeared to be one of the facility's doctors. He was, however, suffering from the visibly corrupting effects of the dark side, his skin cracked and pale and his eyes burning a fiery orange. The Jedi were even more disturbed when the doctor slowly applauded their arrival, welcoming them with a distorted voice. Confused, Isla and Zhavi eventually worked out – from his comments – that the entity inhabiting the doctor was what remained of Artem Phond, the Sith Isla had killed above the zoo years earlier, though they had no idea how he was clinging to the physical world or why he had only manifested now, so long after his death.
Oblivious to his situation as he seemed to be, he was nonetheless a threat that needed to be contained, and after dispatching his undead guardians Isla and Zhavi had little trouble restraining the unarmed doctor who, despite being possessed by Artem, did not seem to have inherited any of his Sith abilities. Upon securing the asylum, the couple called in the police to handle the situation and returned to Samantha and Bibi, sensing tension between them when they did. Bibi, against Samantha's wishes, revealed their speculation that her resurrection was the cause of the high number of patients admitted to the asylum in recent years, noticing that most new admissions were coming from the neighborhoods closest to the cemetery.
Bibi believed that she had to die to undo the damage before more people got hurt, while Samantha refused to entertain the notion, unwilling to lose Bibi over what she saw as baseless speculation. Isla and Zhavi, neither of them well-versed in such things, reached out to Commander Lambert to consult with him on the matter. Arriving a few days later to attend to the matter in person, Benjamin studied the cemetery and agreed with Bibi's assessment; he pointed out that it was impossible to be sure if Bibi's death would fix the wound in the Force Isla created when she used the Celestial Orbs, but he knew of no other way that might.
Having brought the ancient orbs with him, Benjamin told the group he was willing to reverse what Isla did, but it had to be Bibi's choice to go through with it and advised her to think on it carefully, as there could be no guarantee. Bibi had already made her decision, however. The group bid Bibi farewell at the cemetery, but before allowing her to go through with it Samantha arrived with a pastor, finally agreeing to marry the Cathar, a topic she had previously avoided, not wishing to compromise her position as queen by marrying a commoner, something which the Vorylian aristocracy would be strongly against. In light of recent events, though, Samantha admitted she no longer cared, and the pair participated in a simple, brief ceremony to make their relationship a legal and binding one.
Using the Celestial Orbs, Benjamin then reversed the process that had restored Bibi to life, numbing her with the Force to ensure the transition was painless and returning her remains to her coffin – reburied after her resurrection – once it was over, marking the final death of Bibi D'callo. Distraught, Samantha abdicated her position as queen to Countess LaLenna, ignoring all calls for her to reconsider. Instead, she declared her intention to leave Voryle behind her and venture out into the wider galaxy, leaving all of the memories that haunted her behind. Isla and Zhavi stayed with her in the week leading up to her departure and purchased a kusak pup, a Lokian canine, to keep the Twi'lek company on her travels.
When the time came, the couple (alongside Yagogg and Bon-Yi) were present for Samantha's departure, where she was surprised with the gift of her own ship – a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft, the Eternal Sovreign – from Tabassa. Parting with the group after a sad farewell, Samantha boarded her new ship, leaving Voryle's atmosphere for the first time.
Hit and Run[]
Darth Madré didn't do this... that vile witch Magda's the only one who could have set this up.
—Aaellu, concerning the attack on Benjamin.
Gradual as their progress in uncovering the schemes of Darth Madré was, the forces of SARB were pleased with their recent successes and were optimistic about the future. Sadly, all that changed within a week of their victory on Voryle, in tragic fashion. An unusual assignment had been directed to Frank's desk from elsewhere within the Republic hierarchy, an untraceable request for Benjamin to oversee a cargo delivery at the spaceport on Coruscant. Bizarre though it was, the former Darth accepted the request, not knowing whether it was a trap or an invitation but curious enough to play along regardless.
Once the delivery was underway, however, a more sinister motive became apparent. A civilian flying an illegally modified speeder left the designated lanes overhead and swooped down to the pedestrian area outside the spaceport near the senate plaza. The modifications were such that the speeder moved silently, giving Benjamin little time to react when it hurtled into him at incredible speed, colliding with him and leaving him in critical condition. The scene was quickly secured by a CSF officer – whom the Force user had pushed aside, at his own expense – and Benjamin was rushed to hospital for urgent medical care, during which time he was placed in a medically-induced coma to try and stabilize his condition. Isla and Zhavi rushed to Coruscant after hearing the news, suspecting it was the work of Darth Madré, but Aaellu, understandably distraught about the attack, was in the midst of a Force-augmented rage when the couple arrived and once she calmed her down she was adamant that it was the work of a Jedi Master named Magda.
She explained that she and Benjamin had crossed paths with Master Magda and her followers a short time ago, all of whom belonged to a sect of Jedi Shadows who were pursuing a Sith artifact known as the Scepter of Ragnos. A Sith assassin they had encountered during their own search had tricked them into raiding one of the Jedi's hidden encampments, but on realizing their mistake they had attempted to disengage. The Jedi, however, were unwilling to compromise the secrecy of their operation, forcing Aaellu and Benjamin to kill the Jedi Shadows in self-defense.
Rather than admit her followers were at fault, the aged Master Magda had contacted Benjamin personally to threaten him, warning that he had made an enemy of the Jedi. Aaellu was certain the speeder crash – committed by a law-abiding citizen with no memory of the incident who's intentions Benjamin had somehow been unable to anticipate and with no connections that could explain his acquisition of illegal speeder modifications – was orchestrated by the Jedi Master and her agents in retaliation over the loss of her operatives. Such an attack would have been difficult for Darth Madré to engineer.
Benjamin had suspected that Darth Madré now held the Scepter of Ragnos, however, and as eager as Aaellu was to kill Master Magda the Sith Lord's activities had become more overt, with several attacks on minor border worlds being carried out by a legion of her new "ascension troopers". These new troopers were accompanied by intelligent and ruthless beast companions that bore an alarming resemblance to the crystalline Sithspawn conceived and manufactured by the late Darth Aivela – and her apprentice, Darth Artofen. Aaellu briefly returned home to support Benjamin's children, while Avexiss Odé returned from her work in Imperial territory to guard him while he was in hospital, agreeing with Aaellu's suspicions and knowing Master Magda personally, thus she knew that the elderly Jedi Shadow was ruthless enough to murder Benjamin in his sleep if given the chance.
She also warned the group that she had been investigating Darth Madré's activities while undercover in Imperial space, and had heard that the scepter was reportedly able to drain the ambient Force energy at any Force-strong location and redistribute it elsewhere – even into other people. Given Isla's encounter with the strange Sith on Mek-Sha and Voryle and the sudden emergence of Darth Madré's new breed of Sith warriors, SARB forces agreed that Avexiss' gossip was almost certainly true.
Princess Imke Ulgo of Alderaan[]
This way princess!
—Samantha D'callo, to Imke Ulgo.
Two weeks after the attempt on Benjamin's life, Isla was assigned to protect an Alderaanian noble alongside Samantha D'callo, as a decoy and bodyguard respectively, much to the Chiss' irritation. Initially the identity of the noble was a closely guarded secret, but once the pair reported to Alderaan they were briefed about the situation in person and learned that the noble had been the target of several assassination and kidnap attempts already.
When they learned her identity, they understood why there was so much commotion; the noble was Princess Imke Ulgo, the – until recently – secret daughter of the deposed usurper Bouris Ulgo. Although Ulgo's reign had been widely condemned as illegitimate, Imke Ulgo was still regarded as a threat by many members of the other Alderaanian houses, and she was still widely addressed as "princess" by those who knew her. Unfortunately, thanks to her father and his troops, revelations of Imke's existence had generated enough anger among Alderaanians that her life was in constant danger, even from members of houses whose leadership had pledged to help the young woman. Worse still were the attempts by the remaining forces of House Ulgo to kidnap the princess in the hopes of legitimizing their activities, further fueling animosity towards the young woman, many of whom suggested the kidnapping attempts were an effort to "rescue" her.
As she would never be safe on Alderaan, Imke had elected to leave to escape persecution and the dark shadow cast by her father's reign, accepting an invitation from a businessman on Chandrila – who was a well-respected philosopher, patron of many charities at home and abroad and a patriotic supporter of the Galactic Republic – to relocate and work with him on his charitable endeavors. In spite of her father's removal from the throne, Imke had been left a considerable sum of credits and heirlooms to ensure she was well looked after in the event of her father's death. Imke had chosen to donate the heirlooms to the archives of House Alde; it was Imke herself who needed transportation.
Given that none of the houses could guarantee their people would not attempt to harm her, House Organa allowed Republic forces to temporarily lock down Pallista Spaceport while they made the necessary preparations, lessening the chance of infiltrators getting aboard the corvette the princess would be traveling aboard. Nonetheless, the Republic expected that assassins would already be onboard the vessel and so only the highest ranking Republic personnel involved in the operation were aware of Samantha and Isla's roles. Being of similar enough physiques, Isla took Imke's place in her quarters while the princess herself was disguised as an engineer and – alongside Samantha, disguised similarly – hidden on the engineering deck.
Short as the journey was, when the attack came it quickly became evident that their ship would not reach Chandrila; the assassin was not alone, and he did not hail from Alderaan either. Isla was the one to raise the alarm when the assassin killed the guards posted outside her quarters and began cutting through the door with a lightsaber. Once inside, she revealed her deception, angering the Sith not only because he had been tricked, but also because he recognized her. When his face shifted to reveal that he was in fact a Clawdite, Isla was able to piece together the facts and recognize him as well.
Cell Bassol, an assassin working for Sith Intelligence and a former colleague, had no qualms about taking time away from his mission to eliminate a traitor and launched into action. Meanwhile, Imperial infiltrators revealed themselves, having replaced an entire platoon of Republic troops at some point prior to the corvette's departure, prompting the captain of the ship to send a distress signal and sabotage the ship's controls before the bridge was captured. Massacring the crew without hesitation or remorse, Samantha was forced to disobey her orders and engage the Imperials to defend Imke and the engineers and, in doing so, allowed the Imperials to identify their target. Regrettably, Samantha was unable to keep the engineers alive, nor was she able to stop the Imperials from laying waste to the volatile components housed in the engineering deck.
Regardless, while Isla dispatched her former comrade Samantha and Imke were able to evade the Imperial agents and reach the port side hangar, boarding a shuttle whilst under fire and escaping to the safety provided by Republic reinforcements deployed from Chandrila in response to the distress call. Isla remained trapped aboard the doomed vessel, however, and was forced to take drastic action to ensure she survived. Coordinating with Zhavi via comms, Isla directed the reinforcing corvette into position outside the window of her borrowed quarters and ordered them to send a medical team to the starboard hangar in preparation for her arrival.
Then, once she was confident everything was in place, Isla used a blaster rifle taken from one of the fallen Republic soldiers to destroy the damaged window, causing her to be sucked out into space at high speed due to the rapid decompression. Projected like a slugthrower round, Isla traveled rapidly between ships, narrowly missing the beginning of a series of explosions that culminated in the princess' vessel being engulfed in a short-lived cloud of fire. Even so, the Chiss started to succumb to the effects of vacuum exposure just as quickly as she was moving, and by the time she passed through the hangar's force-field she had already passed out. Thankfully Zhavi was there waiting alongside the medical team as the corvette's artificial gravity took hold and sent her plummeting – head-first – towards the deck, ensuring she was intercepted before she could sustain any further injuries.
Following a brief observation period, Isla was released from the medbay and Zhavi remarked on both the bravery and uncharacteristic boldness of her plan, commending her for a job well done. Once the ship arrived safely at their destination, Imke thanked Samantha and Isla, wished them well and promised they would be welcomed as friends if they ever decided to visit Chandrila. Transferring to the custody of a local security team, Imke than departed for the planet's surface via shuttle. Pondering the odds of them – of all people – befriending yet another noble, Zhavi and Isla remained aboard the ship as it made its return journey to Coruscant.
The Bimmisaari Document[]
Not long after helping Princess Ulgo escape Alderaan, Isla and Zhavi were briefed on the theft of a considerable amount of classified military data on the Halla sector by one of the Republic's admirals, who intended to sell it to the Hutts. Fortunately, the location of the exchange had been uncovered from archived comm logs and an SIS agent – Yana Wheeler – was already on assignment in the region, allowing her to reach Darvannis and intercept the exchange, recovering the datacard that had quickly become known as the Bimmisaari Document.
Alone on a hostile world, Wheeler had been forced to flee into the desert, braving the wilderness in the hopes of losing her pursuers. She had activated her distress beacon to alert her superiors to her troubles, but sending in ships could cause a major incident with the Hutt Cartel, leaving the Republic with precious few options. Thus, SARB had been called upon for their unique blend of stealth and power, and Isla and Zhavi were deployed aboard the Cobalt Whisper to find the Bimmisaari Document (with Wheeler's extraction as a secondary objective) and return it to Coruscant. Landing at the Oasis City Spaceport, Isla and Zhavi set off to find Wheeler, stopping only briefly to check in at the cantina Zhavi used to visits in her smuggling days, where she was surprised to find Jacen Tasslor, her old silent-drinking buddy, alive and well.
Although he had no information to offer them and was not interested in assisting with Agent Wheeler's rescue, he did warn them that the Hutts had sent out several mounted search parties, but none of them had been successful so far. Wasting no more time, the couple ventured out on Zhavi's speeder but were soon forced to stop for the night and build a campfire, taking shelter from the cold until dawn, at which point they continued their pursuit of the distress beacon's signal. Within a few hours, Isla and Zhavi had caught up with the signal – and a team of Hutt Cartel enforcers. Agent Wheeler was nowhere to be seen, but the couple did not get the chance to learn more, as the enforcers attacked on sight, a mistake which quickly cost them their lives.
Isla and Zhavi were at the source of the signal, but it was not precise enough to narrow down Wheeler's position beyond their immediate area. A number of simple stone ruins littered the area, so the couple began to search them for signs of the missing agent, eventually finding Agent Wheeler's torso. Searching her pockets for the missing datacard, they discovered Wheeler's personal datapad, which detailed her escape from Oasis City, her decision to take refuge in the ruins and her realization that she was not alone. In her last entries, she wrote of the enormous reek that prowled the ruins, her decision to wait for an opportunity to sneak out of the ruins and her concerns regarding her increasing thirst.
She eventually elected to take a chance when the reek – which she had taken to calling "Shimmer Horn" – would not leave. Judging by the state of her remains, Isla and Zhavi knew she had been intercepted. The most important detail the pair took from her final logs, however, was that she had stowed the datacard in her boot; her lower body was nowhere to be seen. Isla and Zhavi soon sensed the beast that had killed Agent Wheeler and, within moments, they felt the thudding of its heavy footsteps as it galloped across the sand. Before they could decide what to do the stone blocks that made up the structure they were in were thrown apart by the rampaging reek – Isla and Zhavi immediately recognized the size and crystalline growths as the tell-tale product of Darth Aivela's Project Synthesis.
Working together, the couple were able to evade Shimmer Horn's Force-augmented attacks and land a series of blows, yet each strike failed to damage the thick crystal hide, compelling the couple to improvise. Zhavi, using her raw power, launched the scattered stone blocks at Shimmer Horn, striking with incredible force to daze the beast and crack its tough protective shell, giving her a chance to leap onto its back and stab her blade down into its neck, dropping it into a fatal slide. Noting the blood around Shimmer Horn's mouth, the couple – having thoroughly searched the area – concluded that the beast ate what was missing of Agent Wheeler's body and the Bimmisaari Document with her. With great difficulty, they cut into the reek's stomach and Zhavi searched the contents, eventually recovering the datacard, which had been melted to the point of being unreadable due to the high acidity of the Sithspawn's stomach.
Although they had failed to save Agent Wheeler or recover the data, their overall mission was successful and the confidential data remained secure. From Benjamin, whose family pet Petrichor was one of Aivela's creations, the couple had previously learned that the crystals could be ground down into a powder which could be used as potent but relatively harmless type of spice. Knowing that the crystals on the corpse of Shimmer Horn would provide a considerable amount of the substance – which Mister Crimson would go on to sell under the name Lilac Sand – Isla and Zhavi made the trip back to Oasis City, retrieving the Cobalt Whisper before returning to the ruins, whereupon they loaded both corpses onboard and made their way back to headquarters to report their mixed success to Frank.
Assault on the Crystal Nest[]
Alright, listen up 'cause we've not got time to go over this twice; Madré's forces have just been spotted entering the Jinata system. I want you en route to Pillio inside of ten minutes. Local assets will be able stall her for a while but we're going to be the primary pain in her ass on the road to Vardos. That withered old shrew wants to showcase her new manifesto; let's run her through ours first.
—Frank, regarding Madré's incursion into the Jinata system.
Three weeks after the attempt on Commander Lambert's life, Darth Madré's fleet arrived in the Jinata system, intent on sacking Vardos with her army of artificially-infused Sith warriors to sow fear across the Galactic Republic and demonstrate her power to the rest of the Sith Empire. SARB forces were on standby after the attack on Benjamin and so were quick to respond, with Isla and Zhavi attending a short briefing from aboard their ship via holo. During the briefing Frank informed them of the imminent attack and ordered them to head to Pillio immediately, where the small fleet guarding Vardos intended to meet Darth Madré's forces with the intention of stalling them while reinforcements were diverted.
When they arrived, they were quickly directed to a landing platform where their allies were gathered. Led by Aaellu, the couple were joined by Khruukunu, Xadda, Kassie, and Evis and Ah'rek Odé, Evis' brother-in-law and a former Jedi Master. The team boarded a shuttle and launched, cutting through the conflict in orbit and heading straight for the vessel identified as the command ship, a Gage-class transport called the Crystal Nest that had been modified. As they drew closer, the team began to sense the frenzied minds of the beasts imprisoned aboard, suggesting that the Imperials intended to drop a large amount of Project Synthesis Sithspawn onto Vardos, likely to hamper any rescue or reconstruction efforts once the Empire's forces withdrew.
Thus began the race against time; the SARB team burst out of the shuttle the moment it crashed down in the command ship's hangar, carving a molten path through the helpless guards who stood between them and the exit. Fast as they were, the commanding officer in the security station had been briefed on the possibility of Jedi attackers and had specific orders to vent the hangar immediately if they managed to board. It was only thanks to his brief moral dilemma and the timely intervention of a conflicted ascension trooper that the SARB team survived Madré's contingency orders at all, and when they left the hangar they found themselves face-to-face with the traitor who had saved their lives, a Twi'lek woman wearing Imperial armour. Aaellu was about to cut her down when Isla intervened, sensing that the woman was not hostile and felt overwhelmingly conflicted. The distressed young woman, Kara Regent, told them she had shot the hangar control room crew on an impulse, and now did not know what to do. Isla told her to help them in exchange for Republic protection, but Aaellu – determined to deal with Madré quickly so she could turn her anger to Master Magda – refused to work with her, warning her to stay out of her way before splitting off from the group to rush for the bridge on her own.
Ah'rek invited Kara to fight alongside him and the team split off into groups, Kassie and Evis joining Ah'rek and Kara while Isla and Zhavi took Khruukunu and Xadda with them. The latter group made for the engineering deck to sabotage the engines while the former aimed to tackle the communications center, only to accidentally stumble across one of the transport's laboratories, where they discovered a crop of modified hssiss asleep in incubation tanks. Meanwhile, Aaellu thundered towards the bridge. For a while she did not report in at all, but when she did she announced that the ship's Sith commanders Arden Yox and Zane Lambert had been removed from command, dead and incapacitated respectively. She also reported that a Harrower-class dreadnought had jumped into the system and several Imperial shuttles were headed for the Crystal Nest.
Darth Madré's Last Stand[]
Madré doesn't want you as bait this time. I'm going to murder you, Isla. You, then the Jedi, then your pet, your "parents" and everyone else you've ever known.
—Lord Artofen, during her duel with Isla.
The shuttles soon arrived, loosing reinforcements onto the Crystal Nest to swarm the SARB forces on board. At the head of this new wave was Darth Artofen, Lord Tharah Odé, Lord Tark Jaggentire and – disturbingly – Yami Jaggentire, Zhavi's former Dark Jedi lover that she had been forced to kill – twice, though apparently it had not stuck. Meanwhile, as SARB forces engaged Darth Madré's strongest devotees, Aaellu fought the Sith Lord herself when she arrived on the bridge of the Crystal Nest, besting her jugoran bodyguards before engaging the elder Sith Pureblood in a destructive final battle that spilled out through the viewing window and onto the ship's hull, the vessel having descended into the atmosphere of Pillio to survive the numerous hull breaches. Due to Isla's team's sabotage efforts, the ship was rapidly falling to the surface of Pillio, causing bouts of aggressive turbulence that threw the occupants off their feet.
As Kassie helped Khruukunu get up and the group moved to evacuate, Tharah – the only Sith who had recovered quickly – stabbed the wounded Felucian in the back, dealing him a mortal blow that sent Zhavi into a blind fury, so much so that she physically charged the Twi'lek and gouged her eyes out with her thumbs before she had any time to react, leaving the Sith Lord blinded and screaming and ensuring she did not attack again. Khruukunu died in Zhavi's arms despite her attempts to heal him, and even though the transport was rapidly approaching Pillio's ocean Zhavi refused to leave the Felucian's body behind, carrying him out despite her own injuries. The SARB team escaped the wreckage before it plummeted into Pillio's ocean, detonating moments later when the reactor core was finally overcome by its damage and taking the menagerie of Sithspawn still sealed inside with it. Aaellu also escaped the crash in time, regrouping with the team at a pre-agreed rendezvous point a few miles down the coast to confirm that Darth Madré was dead – killed during a duel on Pillio's surface – and the Scepter of Ragnos had been recovered.
However, Aaellu declared that she had no intention of turning the artifact in, stating that no matter how hard Frank fought the Jedi or the Republic would end up taking the Scepter of Ragnos; she believed neither of them had any right to it. She was unwilling to destroy something so precious and ancient – regardless of the deadly potential it possessed – and so Aaellu took the Scepter of Ragnos off-world instead, heading to Commenor to meet with Frank, as previously arranged, but adamant that she would deal with the scepter herself. Once there, unbeknownst to her friends and allies, she threw the artifact into the ocean on Commenor, where it would remain hidden for several thousand years, awaiting the day fate called it out from the depths for one final conflict.
Shadows of the Jedi[]
You will turn the artifacts Mister Lambert recovered over to the custody of the Jedi Order. If you do not, I will begin executions. Starting with the young woman. Then the boy. Then the girl. Then the infant.
—Master Magda, to Aaellu.
Several hours later, Aaellu returned to her allies on Pillio to assist with the search for crash survivors. Isla and Zhavi were present when Aaellu received a call from someone unexpected; Jedi Master Magda. The elderly Jedi Shadow revealed that she was aware of Aaellu's actions and expressed her disgust at her blatant defiance of the Jedi Order's "right" to the Scepter of Ragnos. When questioned, Magda casually revealed she had learned the artifact's fate by forcibly taking the knowledge from Frank Pad's mind – and in doing so she had learned of the Celestial Orbs.
She went on to tell Aaellu that Frank had "provided" her the location of her and Benjamin's home on Idlanna, then widened the hologram's field of view to reveal her hostages; Alucia, Ben and Acina Lambert, along with their aunt, Sarna Ordina. Magda instructed her to turn over the artifacts or she would kill all four of her hostages, one by one, a demand with which Aaellu was forced to comply. She told Magda that the artifacts were hidden on Idlanna, but that Benjamin had protected them to prevent them from simply being taken by would-be thieves or treasure hunters. To that end, Aaellu promised to return home to Tyrena and guide Magda to the orbs personally. With an agreement reached and the call ended, Isla and Zhavi broke their silence to protest, reminding her that the orbs would give Magda powers that would make her unstoppable, a power she was clearly unfit to possess. Aaellu assured them she did not intend to let the Jedi win so easily, but also made it clear that if it came to a choice between giving her the orbs or letting "her" children be murdered, she would readily donate the artifacts.
However, she had a plan in mind; a small hypergate created using technology salvaged by the Empire on Oricon was located in Aaellu and Benjamin's apartment, connecting their spare room in the Tyrena Heights complex with their home on Farrow's moon. Aaellu would go through first to lead Magda to the orbs, after which Isla would follow and assess the situation stealthily before briefing Zhavi. Then, Zhavi would pass through the hypergate, drawing the attention of the guards Magda would almost certainly leave behind to hold the children, giving Isla an opening to kill them both quickly. Once they contacted Aaellu to let them know the children were safe, she could avenge Benjamin and end the threat posed by Master Magda permanently.
The group wasted no time departing for Corellia, with Aaellu passing through the hypergate as planned. Once the fifteen minutes agreed upon had elapsed, Isla veiled herself from sight and stepped through the hypergate portal, instantly moving from Corellia to the Outer Rim, to the hidden residence of Benjamin and Aaellu. Once inside, Isla located the children and their guardian and took note of their captors and the room layout before passing back through the hypergate to relay the information to Zhavi on Corellia. Satisfied they were as ready as they could be, the duo went through the portal together. Isla continued to employ her stealth ability, while Zhavi – who could hide her presence from neither sight nor Force sense – followed a short while after Isla.
The Chiss positioned herself behind one of the Jedi before Zhavi arrived in the room. When she did, they pointed their blades at her, suitably distracted, and Isla chose that moment to ignite her blade through the sternum of the first Jedi, shocking the second and drawing his attention, which allowed Zhavi to improvise, drawing her blaster and firing a surprise shot that the Jedi was too slow to block, wounding him enough that he could no longer defend himself at all. Zhavi fired another two shots, killing the Jedi Shadow. As they untied the children and reassured them that they were safe from harm, Aaellu contacted them, warning them that Magda had claimed the artifacts from their hiding place far more quickly than expected and disappeared, leaving the fate of the galaxy in the hands of an embittered and aged zealot. Isla, Zhavi and Aaellu regrouped at the house and returned through the hypergate to Tyrena, contacting the rest of SARB to warn them about what was coming.
Fallen Enclave[]
It was a noble attempt, Master Magda. But you know well that there is no death..."
"Only... the Force...
—Isla and Magda, in the latter's final moments.
When the group contacted Frank – and after a furious Aaellu had scolded him for giving away their secrets to the Jedi, no matter the circumstances – they were provided with a potential lead. Frank had immediately begun researching Master Magda after SARB forces had first crossed paths with her and, thanks to her more cooperative Jedi peers, he had access to her personnel record, from which he believed he might have discerned Magda's whereabouts.
Intelligence suggested she made regular trips to Chandrila and had been doing so for several years, and according to her file she started her career at an ancient enclave located on Chandrila that had since been attacked and abandoned. Isla agreed with Frank's theory that she was likely using the ruins as a base, and might well have returned there before putting the orbs to use for whatever nefarious scheme she had in mind. They all agreed they needed to act quickly, but likewise they all knew that with all four of the orbs in her possession even Aaellu – the most powerful of the team in Lambert's absence – could be destroyed with relative ease. Even attacking together with all of their allies would be insignificant. Magda was more or less unstoppable. Which prompted Isla to propose a smarter – if risky – strategy.
Having the orbs augmenting her Force abilities meant Isla's skill at hiding her presence in the Force would be diminished if she tried to sneak up on Magda, but with a sufficient distraction she was confident the Jedi Master would not be able to perceive her presence. Master Magda did not know of Isla – her extraction of information from Frank being specific to Aaellu, Benjamin and the artifacts – and would not know to look for her. Frank was sure he could call in a few favors to gather up Republic military forces to join them for an attack on the Chandrilan Enclave too, though admitted that there would be consequences later, as employing the military to deal with a lone, rogue Jedi Master would raise eyebrows, especially given that they had no evidence connecting her to any crimes yet.
Nonetheless the team knew that the orbs needed to be sealed away again whatever the consequences might be. Without a better plan, the group agreed to converge on Chandrila, join up with the troops and launch a ground assault on the Enclave, giving Magda a larger threat to focus her senses on while Isla snuck inside. Zhavi was the only one to object, making little effort to hide that she did not want to risk Isla's life and reminding them that, if caught, Isla would not be able to retaliate or defend herself whatsoever; she would simply be annihilated. Isla took Zhavi aside and did her best to comfort he privately, reminding her that – once upon a time – she had tried to convince Isla to leave the Sith Empire, believing she could be redeemed. Now, the former assassin had an opportunity to risk her own life to protect others. In the end, Zhavi conceded that Isla was right, but made it clear she was still against the plan.
Isla arrived on Chandrila several hours before the rest of the Republic forces arrived, traveling to the Enclave's location on foot to get a good look at the area and waiting – hidden – a mile away until the battle commenced. Once she realized military forces were being deployed against her, Magda used the power of the Celestial Orbs to dominate the minds of the local garrison, turning the unsuspecting defenders of the Republic into her own private army. Sneaking into the enclave once the opposing groups of Republic troopers came to blows, Isla was able to locate Master Magda and finally uncover why she had been so fixated on acquiring the Scepter of Ragnos – and then the orbs once the scepter was out of her reach.
Gathered in the ruins – in their hundreds – were the mortal remains of Jedi of all ranks who had fallen over the decades since the Sith Empire's return, their bodies ceremonially bound in white cloth with their lightsabers resting upon them in a grim, open-air mass grave. While her forces held off the attackers outside, Magda meditated at the heart of her macabre collection of corpses, slowly spreading threads of her Force energy outwards and connecting with the residual Force energy held in the bones of each fallen Jedi. Isla was certain that what she saw meant one thing; Master Magda intended to use the Celestial Orbs to restore the lives of the fallen Jedi and repopulate the dwindling ranks of the Jedi Order in a single, era-defining moment. Isla found herself unexpectedly empathetic towards the cold-hearted Jedi Master, having abused the power of the artifacts in the same manner herself on Voryle. Yet knowing the consequences of overruling the natural order of things in just a single, small instance, Isla knew that Magda's scheme would create a wound in the Force that would be catastrophic in scale – and with the ruthless Jedi Master at the helm the Chiss knew her renewed Jedi Order would only be even more regimented, militant and zealous than the last. If not something more sinister entirely.
Distracted by the magnitude of controlling the minds of an army and resurrecting a second, Isla crept behind Magda using her mastery of stealth, trying to keep her mind clear of emotion, just in case. Once she was in position, Isla ran her lightsaber through the back of Magda's torso, delivering a blow that – while not immediately fatal – shocked the Jedi Master, severing the connections she had made instantly and putting an end to her ambitious plan. Isla cradled Magda in her arms while she lay dying and did her best to comfort her in her final moments, taking pity on the old woman. She commanded the sentiment she had fought for, but reminded her that her plan would go directly against the beliefs of her own order – specifically their belief that there was no death, only the Force. Taking comfort in the familiarity of the Jedi Code in her last moments of life, Master Magda became one with the Force, causing the orbs to reacquire their physical forms and leaving Isla with little choice but to claim them yet again.
As the possessed troops outside laid down their arms, unsure about where they were or how they got there, Isla used the artifacts to transport herself back to Idlanna. Aaellu had remained with her children at their home in the Outer Rim, unwilling to leave them so soon after their ordeal, although she had maintained constant contact with Frank to monitor the battle from afar. Their plan for the aftermath was virtually non-existent, but as the strongest Force user in their group by far aside from their leader, Aaellu was the only potential candidate to act as host for the orbs until Benjamin recovered and could use his arcane knowledge of the Force to seal them away behind new protective wards. Thus, Isla transferred the orbs to her care and – despite a brief moment of uncertainty as Aaellu struggled to reign in the rebelling energy – the Celestial Orbs were once again contained and safely out of the hands of those who would abuse their power, ensuring the shared obsession with resurrecting the dead both factions had latched on to of late had come to a conclusive and welcome end.
SARB forces, being on-site at the time of the incident, were the first to comb over the forgotten Enclave, discovering a number of secrets hidden away from the Jedi Order by Master Magda over her long career. On Frank's orders, the lost Enclave was stripped of everything of value and its contents taken to the Relinquished for processing.
Retirement on Copero[]
The Lambert Wedding[]
I approve of some of those ideas. I disapprove of many, and I am outright forbidding some. Chief among them being the strippers and excitable headgear."
"Already know this is gonna be one lousy party...
—Isla and Zhavi discussing ideas for Aaellu's bachelorette party.
Darth Madré's defeat put a mercifully quick end to the threat of the Scepter of Ragnos and once again thwarted the biological weaponry pioneered by Darth Aivela. Master Magda's death was mourned by the oblivious Jedi Order, who accepted the half-truth presented to them by the SIS – Magda had hoped to restore her Jedi comrades using the Scepter of Ragnos and had been killed in battle, an altercation which saw the scepter destroyed.
Magda's scheme – and her use of mind control on Republic personnel – were seen by the Jedi Order as a tragic morality lesson on how even the wisest could succumb to the dark side by surrendering to fear. Few Jedi knew the true extent of her crimes. With the most dire and immediate threats to the Republic averted, SARB found itself with a temporary lack of suitable assignments to take on. Frank dismissed the team temporarily, placing them on indefinite leave until such a time that they were needed. Despite the success of their operations against both Madré and Magda, the friendly fire that took place on Chandrila caused a degree of backlash between high ranking military officials and the Director of the SIS. Although SARB was not blamed for Magda's actions, this was another incident where they had commandeered military forces. Thus, Frank came under pressure from his superior, who was concerned they risked alienating other departments if SARB continued to act so brazenly.
Frank volunteered to step down to satisfy the more irate military figures. Primarily, however, Frank's decision was driven by his run-in with Master Magda, rather than a pressing need for his abdication. Her ruthless interrogation had highlighted that he was past his prime and that it was high time he stepped down to enjoy his retirement while someone younger and more fit for the rigors of duty took the reigns. Additionally, Frank was plagued by guilt over endangering the lives of Benjamin and Aaellu's children, the couple not only being respected work colleagues but also good friends.
Both Aaellu and Benjamin – once he was well enough to receive visitors – had written off the incident as part of the job, with Aaellu even apologizing for giving him such a hard time about it in the immediate aftermath. Neither wanted him to leave his post, especially not on their account, but despite protestations from the couple, other members of SARB and even the Director of the SIS to a limited degree, Frank was insistent that it was time to pass the torch. Sad as the team were about his decision there was an upside; Frank would continue to serve while he trained his replacement; Carth Waverunner, who Frank had hand-picked for the role due to his field experience, diplomatic talent, his proven managerial abilities and his pre-existing relationship with several members of SARB.
Two months after Benjamin was attacked, he was finally discharged from hospital and a firm date was set for his and Aaellu's wedding. Aaellu invited Isla and Zhavi to help her plan the wedding, as her people celebrated love and commitment somewhat differently and did not really have "marriage" in the same way the wider galaxy did. Isla was less than enthusiastic but – out of politeness and to reign in Zhavi's ideas – agreed to help her friend, having to talk her girlfriend out of some of her more "crass" bachelorette party ideas almost immediately after they had accepted the task. They also decided that it was time they too started building a life for themselves outside of their work for the Republic.
Artofen was still alive but after aligning herself with two failed initiatives using the same technological advances she had helped create, Isla suspected support both for her schemes and Artofen herself would be minimal for years to come, ensuring that the threats to the Republic would remain mundane enough for the military, SIS and Jedi to deal with without ongoing SARB support, or at least without Isla and Zhavi. Thus, Isla suggested they contact her mother about finally transferring to Copero, a suggestion Zhavi cheerfully agreed with, though she reminded her they had additional details to iron out, including the promise they had made to Kol and Mirris on Voryle. Before doing anything about relocating, they agreed it was high time they made a move to start keeping their word regarding training for the pair, and while en route to the colony on Farrow to visit the soon-to-be-married couple they stopped by Voryle to pick up the children, both of whom were thrilled about the prospect of simply leaving Voryle and going into space.
When they arrived on Farrow, Benjamin shared his plans for the colony he was building there, an expensive and ambitious plan which involved transitioning Magenta Sparrow Innovations from a corporate entity into the foundations of a government, using the money and resources of the company to forge the infrastructure needed to develop Farrow from a dependent colony into a flourishing, self-supporting world without raping the planet's natural resources and upsetting the local ecosystem, including Aaellu's tribal brethren. Naturally, as good friends of Lambert's, he told them they would always be welcome on Farrow, and encouraged them to stay a while and begin training their young wards, providing them with the lightsabers of the late Master Magda for use in their instruction, asking them to make sure the weapons were redeemed. He also told them that, after his accident and with Frank stepping down, he felt it was the right time to take a step back himself to focus on his family; he intended to remain an ally of SARB, but he would be stepping down as commander.
It had been three months since Magda's attack when the day of the wedding finally arrived, with family, friends, allies and citizens of Farrow arriving en masse to celebrate the union of Aaellu and Benjamin Lambert. Isla and Zhavi had all but single-handedly arranged the occasion to spare Aaellu the additional stress and had decided to hold the ceremony on Farrow, Aaellu's home world, timing the ceremony so that the couple's new home on Idlanna could be seen overhead. They also leaned heavily into a nature-theme to reflect Aaellu's past as a local tribeswoman and the couple's shared inclination towards nature. The ceremony took place beside a small lake, beneath the branches of one of an imported, bio-luminescent tree, the leaves of which began to glow as the sun went down – as planned.
After the ceremony – conducted by Master Ah'rek – was concluded, the group were led to Farrow's town hall, where a reception was held and Zhavi's contributions to the day's planning became obvious, providing a not unwelcome reprieve from the worries of war. Isla spent most of the night dancing with Zhavi and intercepting whenever the twins attempted to sneakily acquire alcohol from the other guests. Eventually, the couple ended up sitting outside the party, where they talked with the children about their ideas for the future until, inevitably, the night caught up with the youngsters. Not wanting to wake them, Isla and Zhavi remained where they were until they too succumbed to a combination of tiredness and alcohol.
Let me be the first to officially welcome you to the team, Kara. You're clearly fitting in well already and I don't doubt that before long, the Republic will feel like it's always been your home.
—Ah'rek Odé to Kara Regent after the approval of her assignment to the Strategic Asset Reassignment Bureau.
Towards the end of the year Isla and Zhavi were assisting SARB in a minor capacity, tackling smaller threats in a more conventional Jedi fashion to free up military assets and local law enforcement on various Republic worlds, who were perpetually busy with the ongoing war. Over the course of these engagements, Zhavi managed to goad Isla into accepting a wager concerning who could defeat more Imperial opponents, proposing the idea at an opportune moment when the Chiss was in a more receptive mood, luring her into accepting a bet that – based on past history – she was likely to lose.
Which she did – to neither Zhavi nor Isla's surprise – and consequently, she was forced to accept the loss condition; a tattoo of Zhavi's choosing. Consistent as ever, Zhavi chose a humorous – if crude – pair of sentences strategically placed on her backside. As a show of solidarity, Zhavi also decided to get a new tattoo, keeping her choice hidden until it was finished. When she showed Isla the finished design – a stylized love heart near her collarbone that incorporated Isla's name – the Chiss cried, prompting her to teasingly call the Jedi a "heartless bastard" for eliciting such a response. As the couple had arranged to meet their colleagues at a nightclub later in the evening, they decided to loiter in one of Tyrena's many bars until the time came to return to their hotel and change for their rendezvous.
Arriving early to make sure they were there when the newest SARB recruits showed up, Isla and Zhavi were joined by Ah'rek – who was joining SARB permanently, replacing Benjamin commander – and his husband, Harlem Minstyngar. Kassie, Carth, Xadda and even Damascus (who had found a reliable means of smuggling himself in and out of Imperial space) also attended, though Isla and Zhavi were mostly concerned about the youngest recruit. Kara Regent, the Twi'lek who saved their lives aboard the Crystal Nest, had finally had her citizenship approved and processed after a few months of bureaucracy. She had been nervous about defecting and, despite serving aboard the Relinquished temporarily, the transition had remained an uncertain and stressful one.
On top of her whole life being thrown up in the air and being marked for death by her former comrades and superiors, Kara had also been one of the troopers "gifted" with the power of the Force from the Scepter of Ragnos. She had also been Zane Lambert's lover in the months before her betrayal – Benjamin's nephew – which was part of the reason she had ended up in a position to be selected for "ascension", but after being forced to execute a captive and following the late Arden Yox's revelation of his ongoing affair with Zane, Kara reached her breaking point, ultimately deciding that she did not want her new life as a Sith. Suffice to say her state of mind had not been stable since then, hence Isla and Zhavi's desire to be there waiting when she arrived.
Zhavi was concerned she would not show up at all, but Isla suspected the opposite; as a former Imperial, she would arrive early as well. A prediction that proved to be accurate. Zhavi greeted Kara with a hug, and it was only after Isla greeted her similarly – quite without thinking – that she realized her bond with Zhavi was influencing her own behavior and mannerisms, as it was only a few years earlier that such a gesture was outside of her comfort zone, even with Zhavi. On the upside, however, Kara's anxiety began to fade dramatically after the pair greeted her, and as the others arrived and the group started drinking Kara began to let her guard down and started bonding with her new teammates, grateful for their collective positivity and their helpful advice on her new and confusing abilities.
After Kassie and Damascus offered to walk Kara back to her hotel room, Isla (having started drinking well before the others) decided it was time to stagger to bed after Zhavi threw up, despite the latter's protestations. To their confusion, when they woke the next morning they received a visitor, a Bothan Jedi Master named Kutri O'a, who claimed the Force had called him to them to assist them in making a holocron, a subject in which he specialized. He admitted, though, that the Force had "been vague" on which of them needed to make the device. Given their unique connection, Isla asked – as Zhavi was suffering from a hangover that left her disinterested in everything – if they could make a holocron together, and though Master O'a muttered for a time about the complexity he eventually replied by saying that it was theoretically possible, albeit unconventional, though conceded – to the sound of Zhavi retching in the bathroom – that they were indeed unconventional Jedi.
Isla suggested they meet him later in the afternoon to give herself and Zhavi a chance to get their bearings, a suggestion he agreed with. When they met again, he tried to help them meditate to achieve what he called a "Susheer State", but both women found it difficult to focus thanks to the silence Master O'a had sought out for their meditation spot. The chirpy Jedi Master adapted fast, though, and instead took them to a rooftop adjacent to a busy skylane, where the erratic sounds of city life allowed the pair to calm their minds and achieve the soothing clarity they needed to begin the creation of their shared holocron. To help with the process, Master O'a asked the pair a series of questions that would influence the creation process. Due to their higher mental state at the time, the differences in their answers were filtered down to a core, singular response that both had unconsciously agreed to, allowing the creation of a holocron with two gatekeepers – gatekeepers who argued with one another, exchanged ideas with one another and ultimately reached agreements and conclusions with one another, just as Isla and Zhavi themselves did.
The pair thanked Master O'a, asking if he wanted to stay in their room overnight given how late it was by the time they had finished, but the quirky Bothan politely declined, claiming that the Force had told him he needed to be on the ocean floor of Dac in two days before complaining about how the Force did not seem to be concerned with how exactly he was supposed to get there. Surprised, baffled, amused and touched all at once, the couple walked Master O'a to the spaceport before bidding him farewell, thankful for the unexpected gift he had given them to take into their new life on Copero.
Liberation of Scarif[]
Beautiful planet. Shame 'bout the natives though.
—Zhavi, regarding Scarif and the occupying Imperial force.
In 30 ATC Zhavi and Isla returned to Republic space and bought an apartment on Coruscant, preferring to have their own place to stay rather than relying on hotels whenever they returned to visit family and friends. Around the same time, Kassie Kaadara was participating in the Bloodrush Cup on Scarif, an Outer Rim world that was home to a small Hutt mining operation. Sadly, Kassie crashed during the deadly race and her body could not be found, leading the organizers to declare that she numbered among the long list of dead racers who preceded her.
Before their departure for Copero, Zhavi left her Vectron Opus in Kassie's care, and Kassie had – not surprisingly – modified the speeder extensively, so much so that she had been using it as her backup vehicle in case her own racer was taken out of commission. Isla and Zhavi visited Scarif in the hopes of recovering Kassie's body, but all they found was the wreckage of her speeder; Zhavi used what was left of the chassis to finish construction on a new lightsaber and a complementary shoto. Although the couple were saddened to hear of their friend's demise, they considered the matter closed until – six months later – they received a request from Carth to assist with an operation against the Empire which, curiously, was to take place on Scarif.
Previously occupied by a small force of criminals and the Hutt mining installation, the Empire had discovered Scarif not long after the conclusion of the Bloodrush Cup and sent in a force to seize the mining complex for themselves. Since then the facility had been expanded to meet the immense demands of the Empire's navy, leading to the Republic's decision to intervene before they could expand their operation further. Hoping to use a minimal amount of resources for the attack, SARB sent Isla and Zhavi in ahead of the military forces, updating their vessel's stealth systems to allow them to be smuggled onto the surface undetected. Equipped with suitable disguises, the couple were to reach the installation, quietly raid the armory for explosive charges and plant them on strategic targets around the facility, chiefly the shield generator and anti-air emplacements.
At first the plan went without a hitch, with Isla making her way stealthily across the base and setting several charges while Zhavi and Ducky bluffed their way into the communications room to send the confirmation code to the Republic fleet on standby nearby – then they cut off communications entirely to prevent the Empire raising the alarm when the battle began. Their intrusion had not gone unnoticed, however, and Isla was intercepted by Lord Ahmed Dzundro, sparking a short confrontation that ended with Isla being incapacitated and secured, immobilized alongside the explosives she had planted. After failing to report in, Zhavi made her way back into the base to look for her and was likewise intercepted by Dzundro, who explained the situation and demanded the detonator, agreeing not to stand in her way if she did, an offer that was punctuated by the arrival of the Republic fleet.
Despite the damage it would do to the fleet, Zhavi could not bring herself to sacrifice Isla for the sake of the mission; she handed over the detonator, and true to his word Dzundro departed without raising a hand to her. He did, however, wave in his troops to surround her. Dispatching the soldiers easily enough, Zhavi rushed back to the shield generator as the battle began overhead, desperate to save Isla but almost as desperate to save the fleet she had betrayed. Isla was where Dzundro had left her, and after she apologized for the mishap Ducky interjected to pitch an alternate plan of action.
The facility housed a small army of ground forces to repel pirates and raiders who might try their luck against the Empire, and to aid them in that the Imperials had a number of walkers at their disposal. Additionally, they possessed several bombers that were yet to be deployed, as the Republic could not penetrate the facility's shield. Racing to one of the hangars, Ducky sliced his way into one of the bombers and the group split up again. While Zhavi – inside the shield dome – took the unlocked bomber and circled around for a bombing run on the shield generator building, Isla and Ducky commandeered a walker to begin taking out the turret emplacements one by one. Within minutes the tide seemed to be turning in their favor, with the shield falling and several Republic dropships making it to the surface to deploy troops.
Yet even with Ducky's quick-thinking evening the odds the situation was still dire; Isla's walker was brought down and the fleet had taken severe damage before the turrets were destroyed, losing several dropships and leaving their ground forces much thinner than expected. That was until unexpected reinforcements arrived from elsewhere on the planet, a small army of insectoids lead by a familiar face – the late Kassie Kaadara, who had been taken in and nursed back to health by space-faring Killiks, subsequently joining their hive mind after months of pheromone exposure. As a Force wielder with an unshakable sense of right and wrong, Kassie's will had influenced the Killiks' collective consciousness, reshaping it enough that they willingly exposed themselves to aid the Republic and help rid Scarif of the Empire's corruption.
Pursuing Lord Dzundro[]
We are not afraid, Zhavi Waverunner. The Kind feel joy. A child of the nest will be loved.
—"Kassie Kaadara", to Zhavi and Isla.
The tide of the battle turned rapidly, allowing Zhavi to split away from the rest of the Republic's forces to pursue Lord Dzundro, who had departed in his shuttle but had not left the planet. Instead, he had flown to another island a few miles from the Imperial mining complex for reasons unknown. Whatever they were, Zhavi intended to soothe her guilty conscious by preventing his escape. Stealing a speeder and riding out until she was close enough to swim for a stealthy approach, Zhavi made her way onto the island via a rocky and unyielding beach which backed onto a dense patch of jungle. Navigating through that jungle, Zhavi did not have to look hard to spot the mansion on the more open northern side of the island.
An old structure built using stone and wood instead of durasteel, the building evidently predated the Imperial occupation but sported a few modern conveniences of Imperial design – most notably, a long range transmitter. Zhavi knew she would be too late to stop Dzundro from reporting back to the Empire and that Imperial reinforcements would likely arrive before too long. Instead of rushing for the transmitter, Zhavi committed to cleaning up as many Imperials as she could, beginning with the soldiers patrolling the ground and swiftly moving on to one of Darth Madré's surviving ascension troopers drawn outside by the commotion.
After the ascension trooper was disarmed and killed, Dzundro emerged to confront Zhavi personally. She gave him the opportunity to surrender, but unsurprisingly he did not take it, opting to try and kill her before withdrawing to Dromund Kaas. During the duel Zhavi learned that the Empire had no intention of returning to Scarif, not even to wipe out the vulnerable Republic fleet. A ship would be arriving, but only to extract Dzundro. In an effort to help thin out the enemy numbers Isla had commandeered one of the remaining Imperial ships and launched a bombing run on the island, temporarily interrupting the duel and giving Dzundro an opportunity to run for the shore. Initially Zhavi was unsure what he hoped to achieve, but when they reached an old wooden dock she spotted a Fury-class interceptor descending at speed.
Leaping up with timing only a trained Force-user could manage, Dzundro slipped out of Zhavi's grasp, ascending into Isla's sights. Unfortunately, her efforts were doomed from the start; the Fury was a superior vessel, and Isla's sluggish bomber was easily outrun. Isla landed a few minutes later and the couple shared a relieved moment together before calling for a pickup back to the smoldering Imperial complex. Upon their return, they had the opportunity to speak with Kassie, learning the truth of their old friend's accident and her new life among the insectoid aliens. Zhavi, having been closer to Kassie than Isla, was saddened by her fate, but the Joiner – sensing her sadness – assured her she was happy, recalling her dissatisfaction with her previous life.
Observant by nature, Isla spotted that Kassie was pregnant and asked what would become of the baby. Kassie admitted it was an unusual situation, and that the nest had no memory of it happening before. Nonetheless, Kassie seemed calm and confident about the prospect of a child born within the nest and reassured them both that the child would be loved by the Killiks. That being the case, Kassie and her new family did have a problem that weighed on their collective mind, however; they resided on Scarif as the result of a crash landing following their departure from Alderaan, but the planet's volcanic nature and the high average temperatures that resulted were not to the Killik's liking. Even living out of the sun in the caves they had occupied, the temperatures were uncomfortably high. On behalf of the Ukunuku nest, Kassie requested Isla and Zhavi's help emigrating to a more suitable world. Zhavi questioned their intentions – along with why they left Alderaan in the first place – and was assured that they did not wish to expand their nest with more Joiners.
Kassie had been grievously wounded and needed help and, thus, was an exception to their claim, otherwise the nest preferred to remain hidden from the rest of the galaxy, their memories of the violence on Alderaan leaving its mark on their collective psyche. They wanted to find a new home where the war would not reach them. Hesitant, yet finding herself struggling to say no to her old friend and the alien warriors who had aided them, Zhavi and Isla agreed to help them, speculating that Benjamin would be able to offer advice – or better yet, actual assistance with the relocation. In the meantime, Zhavi and Isla slipped away from Republic forces while they were busy wrapping up on Scarif, deciding to spend a day or two relaxing on the tropical world before facing Carth's inevitable questions about their flawed performance.
Rise of the Crimson Wave[]
Damn fine place you got here girl. Startin' to see what you had in mind when you called me out here. Place is lush.
—Mister Crimson, to Zhavi, after landing on Scarif.
Two months after the liberation of Scarif, Zhavi had largely come to terms with the fact that she would never be a proper Jedi, whether she was part of the Jedi Order or separate from it. She was determined to follow her own conscience to make the galaxy a better place regardless, although in the meantime she intended to take a break with the woman she loved – and two young Nautolans who deserved a holiday. Traveling back Voyle to pick up Mirris and Kol – who were spending time with the Cobbled Terentateks while Isla and Zhavi were working – for a surprise trip, the group made their way to Scarif, where Zhavi had a surprise ready for Isla, too.
Before they disembarked, she unveiling a caged bird that had been confiscated from the cargo hold of an illegal arms dealer taken down by the SIS. As there was every chance it would simply be euthanised, Carth had used his authority to release it from evidence and after mentioning it in passing during a call with Zhavi, the Jedi had offered to take it off his hands. Isla was initially shocked into silence by the unusual – and unwanted – gift but quickly took to the curious creature, connecting with him through the Force. She decided to call him Imani. Although a holiday, Zhavi and Isla traded off time training the twins in the basic aspects of feeling and channeling the Force while they started working on repairs to the old mansion Lord Dzundro had fled to during the liberation.
The couple assigned their HK unit, Ducky and Vrym to watch the twins in the afternoon while they sat at the dock, drinking wine and admiring the view while debating the realistic possibility of properly retiring. Unbeknownst to Isla, Zhavi had called Mister Crimson to meet them on Scarif, and it was only when his shuttle descended into view that Zhavi explained herself, a surprise that was made easier to swallow by the inclusion of Crimson's right-hand woman; Samantha D'callo. Having expanded his spice trade considerably over the past few years thanks to the discovery of Lilac Sand, Mister Crimson was finding Nar Shaddaa increasingly restrictive, with his success attracting rivals, thieves and increased taxation from the Hutts. Although that was nothing unusual for the Smuggler's Moon, Mister Crimson preferred his dealings to be smooth, uneventful and unnoticed, something easier for a smaller organization. Thus, Zhavi believed relocation was the solution. Out of the way but closer to Isla and Zhavi's new home on Copero, she had proposed that the pair work together to turn his homegrown operation into a formal enterprise based on Scarif.
Mister Crimson was tempted, but had reservations about moving somewhere so wild and unprotected. Zhavi explained that, initially, his operation would be too small to attract attention, and if he sold off the assets he had acquired from Yummobbu he would have the start-up capital needed to hire security as his empire grew, and promised that he would have her support too. She also explained to Isla – openly, in front of Mister Crimson – that her experience on Scarif had made her realize that she needed to stop holding herself up to what the Jedi considered the right path; accepting that allowed her to be truer to herself than she had ever been before. Much of her life had been spent as a criminal – if she could be a part time Jedi, she could be a part time criminal too.
Additionally, Zhavi felt that the relative safety of the particular brand of spice peddled by Mister Crimson made her involvement a non-issue, as many millions – herself included – participated in safe recreational drug use and continued to be productive members of society. Zhavi had already been supplying Mister Crimson with Lilac Sand acquired from Shimmer Horn's corpse; formalizing that relationship to ensure she could take care of Isla, the kids and everyone else she cared about well into the future was a plan Zhavi had few qualms about. With a few of his loyal lieutenants and his husband, Mister Crimson began unloading supplies with the help of Isla and Zhavi, the plan being to rebuild the Dzundro's mansion and use it as the headquarters of a new organization; the Crimson Wave. Isla assisted in scanning the island's geography using specialized seeker droids, mapping the entire area and discovering a cave hidden behind a waterfall and – worryingly – a mature boma prowling the area. By late afternoon – after confining the kids to the beach and mansion area – she had acquired a small amount of Lilac Sand from Mister Crimson's supply, pulling Zhavi away from the rebuilding efforts to spend some time alone together in the cave she had uncovered earlier. The couple fell asleep on the beach that night and in the morning, after a late breakfast with Mirris and Kol, set off to track down the boma before it could find them.
When they finally located the creature, it rushed the couple, leaping from the undergrowth and pinning Zhavi down just as the juvenile boma on Dxun had done years prior. Zhavi had become stronger since then, however, and managed to wrestle herself free, disorienting the creature by punching it repeatedly before – when it tried to flee – using the Force to crush the creature's bones, disabling it and allowing her to finish it off without any trouble. Having secured the island, the couple elected to leave Mister Crimson and his men to their work, spending a week on Scarif switching between training the kids to utilize their Force sensitivity and napping in the sun. Before they departed, Mister Crimson thanked Zhavi for her friendship, noting that trustworthy associates were rare and should be appreciated, and as a small token of thanks presented her with a designer fur coat similar to what he himself wore, a piece that was worth several thousand credits.
Ahch-To and the Mirror Cave[]
Any time we do Jedi-related stuff we end up in dumps like this. Don't recall any line in the Code sayin' Jedi can't live on a world tha's actually nice.
—Zhavi, to Isla, regarding the climate of Ahch-To.
Eager to keep Isla and Zhavi involved with SARB, Carth tempted the couple back from Copero yet again, this with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Master Magda's defeat had unveiled a small cache of hidden secrets that had been left largely unexplored since its recovery from her Enclave on Chandrila. Now that the information had been thoroughly looked over and cataloged, however, Carth invited the couple to be the first modern Jedi to set foot on the lost world of Ahch-To, before he gifted the information to the Jedi Order and the wider Republic government as a peace offering.
Curious, Isla and Zhavi agreed, setting course for the forgotten planet and – after some careful maneuvering – touching down on a small island. They discovered a short species of alien caretakers who maintained the old village located on the island, and though the locals did not seem overly thrilled to see them they did not object to their presence either, leaving the couple to explore uninterrupted. Unfortunately, even with Ducky's scanning capabilities assisting their search for relics and information of value, they found little of note, even within what remained of the ancient Jedi temple. After splitting up to cover more ground, Isla discovered a dark side nexus beneath what appeared to be an overgrown well.
As a Dark Jedi, she decided she was the best qualified of the pair to investigate and – despite Vrym's objections – jumped down into the darkness. Landing unharmed in a small cave, Isla was initially confused, finding nothing of immediate interest save for a reflective surface on one of the cave walls. Approaching the mirrored stone caused the rest of the cave to fade into darkness, yet Isla barely noticed at first and continued towards her reflection while Vrym retreated, his instincts overriding his loyalty, leaving her standing staring at her own reflection alone, surrounded by shadows. It was as she studied her own image that the dark side aura of the cave pulsed with life, and Isla's reflection twisted into the visage of a starweird. Such was the entrancing nature of the mirror that Isla was caught completely off-guard, until she was forcibly snapped out of her trance; the monstrous vision physically reached out of the reflective stone and gripped her throat.
The starweird screamed in her face, causing her ears to ring painfully in the aftermath, and before Isla could muster up the will to try and fight her way free the reaching arm pulled her towards the wall, smashing her head against it and knocking her out. When she awoke the light had returned to the cave and the starweird had disappeared, leaving behind a cave that was seemingly mundane. Vrym, powerlessly fussing her for however long she had been unconscious, urged her to get up so they could leave. Before they did, Isla glanced back to look at the reflective wall, believing what she had seen was little more than a spiteful hallucination produced by the lingering taint of the dark side, as was common on worlds like Korriban and Ziost. Seeing the blood and bruising on her forehead from where she had struck the wall caused her to wonder if it was not something more, however.
Zhavi, meanwhile, had continued scanning with Ducky, weathering the fierce storm that had swept over the island while Isla was in the cave. When Isla had failed to answer her comm she had become concerned, but once the Chiss departed the cave she contacted Zhavi herself, learning that they had been separated for almost five hours – far longer than Isla had thought. Sharing what they had learned – or in Zhavi's case, what she had not learned – with one another, Isla and Zhavi concluded that their previous encounter with the starweird was probably not going to be their last, something which both women confessed they had known – on an instinctive level – to be the case ever since they had escaped the Chiss observatory.
They were also forced to concede – after a day of searching – that Ahch-To was not the treasure trove they had hoped it would be. Finding a collection of ancient Jedi books tucked away inside a hollowed-out uneti treee that the Jedi had seemingly used as a library, the pair were content that the historians of the Jedi Order, if no one else, would have something to fawn over when they visited the planet. Zhavi wanted to leave the books behind so that the Jedi were thankful to SARB and had Ducky scan the contents so they had a copy of the texts to sift through for valuable information once they left the planet, and Isla agreed they were of no value to either themselves or the SIS and should be left for the Jedi to find. Despite what felt like a disappointing journey the couple decided to spend the night in one of the small stone huts spread throughout the village, deciding to "live as the old Jedi lived" for a single night before returning to the comforts of modern civilization the following morning.
Mission to Sullust[]
I don't like it, but the boss says she's yours, so she's yours. For now. Don't land her in a lava river.
—Erin Taetriss, to Zhavi, regarding Clan Gharva's Basilisk war droid.
Before Isla and Zhavi made their return to Copero, Carth invited them to lead an operation against the Sith Empire's forces on Sullust, using their brief history with the planet and the importance of the world as leverage to press them into lending their aid. Having been occupied by the Empire – and the Eternal Empire, briefly – for many years, the enemy was well-entrenched, but the SIS had been looking for a weakness to exploit and Carth believed he had a solution.
Clan Gharva, SARB's reluctant Mandalorian allies, had acquired a wrecked Basilisk war droid and restored it to full functionality thanks to Erin Taetriss, the former Republic soldier who Isla had encountered on Tatooine during Operation: Crystal Lekku. The rare and legendary war machine was a key part of Carth's plan for Sullust. Sand from Scarif had found its way into Zhavi's cybernetic arm and was causing periodic glitches, so as a prerequisite for helping she insisted Carth arrange for its replacement with something higher-end. Once that was done, the couple met up with Taetriss on Nar Shaddaa to take the Basilisk off his hands. Although the clan were not happy about handing over their prized possession, it was only temporary; Zhavi would use the Basilisk to get past the anti-air defenses and penetrate the base under the cover of an approaching meteor shower while Ducky would pilot the Cobalt Whisper, using its stealth systems to sneak onto the planet's surface and drop Isla off, drawing forces away from Zhavi's position.
Initially everything went as planned and – once inside – Isla used the chaos Zhavi was causing to eliminate the Moff overseeing Imperial operations on Sullust before he could evacuate. Troop numbers inside the base had been grossly underestimated, however, and the couple were forced to improvise to disable the defenses in time for the arrival of the Republic fleet. Rather than disabling them from the control center Zhavi made use of thermal detonators looted from the dead to destroy a section of the underground base's outer wall by throwing the explosives down a thermal exhaust port, causing the heat sink protecting the geothermal energy collectors to become overwhelmed.
Unable to dissipate heat faster than it was building up, the facility's systems started overheating and vital components soon began to melt, which in turn caused the heat shielding to fail, exacerbating the issue irrevocably and creating widespread breaches in the deepest areas of the base within a matter of minutes. Even on the higher levels, Isla and Zhavi had to sprint for the surface to escape the rising flood of molten rock. Zhavi encountered a highly trained breed of Imperial soldier she had never seen before on her way up, delaying her enough that the metal walkway she was standing on almost melted enough for her to sink through it. Thankfully, however, both women managed to get out safely with only minor injuries, though without the Basilisk. The couple agreed that it was definitely part of Carth's job to inform the Mandalorians of that fact, not theirs, and once the Republic had begun landing troops and established a staging area the couple left the planet, content that they had done their part.
Forests of Endor[]
This is a personal matter. One of friendship. I am told that the two of you will understand that better than anyone else.
—Urthan Reynolds, to Isla and Zhavi, shortly before inviting them to accompany him to Endor.
Two years later in 32 ATC, Isla and Zhavi were contacted by Master Urthan Reynolds with a request for assistance on a personal errand that had the potential to be dangerous. A powerful Jedi Master with decades of experience, Master Reynolds nonetheless believed that additional forces would be required to ensure a smooth journey, yet was reluctant to involve other Jedi given the personal nature of his planned excursion. Reynolds had consulted the knowledgeable Jedi Master Gnost-Dural for advice, and Isla and Zhavi's names had been given as ideal – albeit unorthodox – candidates.
They agreed to assist the aging Cathar, picking him up on Tatooine – along with his short, furry companion – before setting off for a location provided by the Jedi Master, an unremarkable Outer Rim world called Endor. Master Reynolds explained that his mysterious companion was from a short-lived species who enjoyed a primitive lifestyle and knew nothing of the wider galaxy, save for the occasional vessels that crashed on their world. Reynolds' friend had managed to stow away aboard a crashed vessel after the owner survived the impact and was able to repair the ship and take off, pursuing a female who had departed years earlier in the hopes of proving his bravery, winning her affection and becoming her mate.
Sadly he had never found his love and, after journeying alongside Master Reynolds for many years, he had been content not to, though he now wished to return to his home planet to live out his final days. Despite the low-tech nature of the world, it was home to many fierce predators, hence Master Reynolds' desire for a larger group. The Jedi Master also requested that the couple avoid lethal force unless they could not avoid it. A request they had to heed within an hour of landing on the planet. While making their way through the untamed forests the group were surrounded by the natives they were there to locate, armed with slings and spears and openly hostile. They did not attack, thankfully, and the ensuing standoff provided Master Reynolds' companion with an opportunity to talk his diminutive friends down, diffusing the situation and earning them an escort.
Less than two hours later, the group arrived at a lakeside stilt village that was home to the Gondula tribe, where Reynolds' companion shared his fantastic stories from the stars. The Jedi later learned that the locals were having issues with the forest being destroyed by off-worlders. None of the primitive people could understand the destruction, but Isla and Zhavi suspected – from descriptions of the fiery devastation – that the invaders were clearing the land for either an outpost or a landing zone – or both. Irrespective of the reason why, the couple set out later in the evening to eliminate the group, discovering that they were a small band of gun-runners who were burning sections of the forest to create a number of clearings large enough to house weapons caches, but too small for traveling ships to use as landing sites, ensuring the caches would not be uncovered accidentally.
A problem they would not have to worry about by the time Isla and Zhavi had finished with them. The couple treated themselves to the weapons intended for the secret caches to sell on once they left Endor. Several days later, Reynolds' companion's health began to deteriorate rapidly. Knowing he had only hours left to live, he asked his Jedi friend to escort him out to where he used to play as an adolescent, wishing to be laid to rest there, where his fondest memories had been born. Isla and Zhavi escorted the duo, though the trek out – and their furry companion's end – was peaceful. The return journey was more eventful, however; the trio came face to face with a large, territorial hanadak who attempted to assert his dominance. Zhavi, not being one to stand down, made her own display, augmenting her scream through the Force to pacify the creature and force it into submission.
With his friend deceased and the gun-runners dealt with, Master Reynolds suggested it was time for the group to leave Endor, an idea Isla and Zhavi were more than willing to get behind after trudging through the forest for hours.
Mister Crimson's Birthday Party[]
Zhavi, baby! Damn! Y' really squeezed y'self into that thing huh? Lookin' fine as hell girl. And who's-? Ahhh! Force forgive me I jus' did not recognize you Miss Isla. Aging like a fine wine. The hell you doin' still hangin' round with this Core World loser huh?
—Mister Crimson welcoming Zhavi and Isla to his birthday celebration.
In the weeks after their journey to Endor, Zhavi, Isla, Ducky and Vrym accepted an invitation from Mister Crimson to attend a three-day birthday celebration he was throwing on the neutral of Kymikka VI. Crimson's chosen venue was a castle built out of ice at the planet's frozen southern pole, which was property of the Kymikkan government and available for hire to only the very wealthy. Although he could afford it, the expense was a considerable investment – and as always his actions were wiser than a cursory glance might have suggested. Among the wealthy names on the guest list was the princess of Kymikka, Isanna Kymikka, invited by Mister Crimson in the hopes of wooing her into a business arrangement that would allow him to expand his operations considerably. Notoriously fickle and hedonistic, the princess cared little for politics and was by all accounts a spoiled and over-privileged woman, and it was that self-interest that Mister Crimson hoped to exploit.
In addition to providing additional security, Isla and Zhavi had been invited to assist in assessing the princess – and if necessary, stepping in to help sweet talk her into working with their organization. With so much money riding on the event's success, Mister Crimson personally greeted the couple once they arrived at the castle, his nervousness radiating through the Force despite his cool demeanor. Once the group had exchanged pleasantries Isla and Zhavi merged with the crowd, leaving Mister Crimson to get on with his work behind the scenes until the princess arrived. Shortly before her ship touched down, Isla sensed something was amiss, which surprised the couple as Zhavi was stronger in the Force and normally far more receptive to sensory warnings. Nonetheless, they decided to keep their eyes open for anything out of the ordinary.
When the princess finally arrived – fashionably late, as Mister Crimson had correctly predicted – Isla and Zhavi accompanied Mister Crimson to welcome her, taking a knee and listening to their conversation until the royal VIP moved on. Less than thirty minutes later, a small bomb was detonated inside the ice palace, killing a member of the princess' security detail, enraging the over-privileged royal and seemingly ending any hopes of an alliance. On investigating the scene, Isla and Zhavi were able to ascertain from the remnants of the bomb that it was homemade, but clearly assembled by a professional. Thanks to the security footage they were able to identify the bomber and track his movements until he disappeared, descending to the lower levels of the castle, which had been abandoned and sealed off over a decade earlier.
With no cameras in the lower levels, the couple were forced to descend and search for the bomber while Mister Crimson's hired security covered the potential exits, all while trying to keep the situation under wraps to avoid alarming the other guests. Unable to hide for long from two Jedi, the bomber attacked the couple with a vibrosword, only to be almost immediately outmaneuvered and disarmed. At blade point, he revealed that his target was the princess, but that the reason for the attack was unrelated to Mister Crimson's interests. He refused to reveal who his employer was, but thanks to Zhavi's talent for dominating minds he revealed not only the name of the king's political rivals who had sent him but also the presence of another two assassins. Having been kept in the dark about his peers, he was able to tell them that one assailant was female and the other male, but nothing more.
Once free of his mental domination – and while Isla and Zhavi were discussing the likely methods of the second and third attackers – the would-be assassin withdrew a concealed blade and attempted to slash Zhavi, forcing Isla to stab him in the chest, killing him. On their return to the main area of the castle, the duo sat down in one of the quieter bar areas to discuss what they had learned, ensuring that security staff remained on alert before making their way to their room for the night. The following morning, while moving through the palace, the princess was once again targeted by her father's opponents.
An Aqualish assassin attempted to rush her, quickly bypassing her inexperienced guards and almost succeeding in killing her, if not for the timely intervention of Isla, who gave the princess an opening to retreat to safety and quickly eliminated the threat. In doing so, Isla had earned herself a degree of approval from the princess, yet having seen the second attempt on her life happening up close, the princess took it far more personally than the bomb blast and unleashed a flood of abuse towards Mister Crimson. Over the course of the next few hours, the couple watched the guests closely but were unable to identify the final assassin. Isla suggested that perhaps the last assassin was hiding among the staff Mister Crimson had hired, rather than posing as a guest, despite his insistence that he had done a background check on everyone he hired. Expanding their list of potential suspects, Isla knew she could rule out the bartender – a Chiss – with a call to her sister in the Chiss Ascendancy.
To her surprise, she discovered the Chiss was in fact wanted by the Ascendancy for murdering his comrades and stealing the ship he was serving on. The couple had spent a fair amount of time at the bar since they had arrived and several hours in his company as a consequence, yet they had failed to detect any nervousness or anxiety or even a hint of deception during their conversations. When Isla returned to the bar to confront him, Mister Crimson and the princess were present, the latter having calmed down enough to sit down and talk with her host. They were about to accept drinks provided by the Chiss until Isla launched herself towards them, sliding along the bar to sweep the glasses aside – and in doing so, tipping the Chiss off. Pursuing him, Isla soon discovered that he was not only the last assassin, but Force-sensitive and armed with a stolen lightsaber. Fortunately Zhavi sensed enough about Isla's situation to anticipate her needs, cutting off the assassin and beginning a short duel, during which it became obvious that while he might have acquired a lightsaber, he had little skill in using it; Zhavi managed to lock his arms and run her weapon through his chest, finally eliminating the threat to the princess' life.
Sadly, Mister Crimson's negotiations had already been thoroughly soured, the princess leveraging his failings to make unreasonable demands. Once Isla and Zhavi returned to report their success, the princess approached Isla, grasping her face and examining her in a demeaning fashion. She mockingly told Mister Crimson she would agree to his proposals if he provided Isla as "entertainment", expecting that one or both of them would refuse. However, when Mister Crimson pointed out that Isla and Zhavi were both a couple and his business associates, the princess "permitted" Zhavi to join them, aware of how much Mister Crimson wanted to make a deal and enjoying the power she believed she held over them. Given Zhavi's more adventurous sexual past, Isla surprised everyone by accepting the condition, ensuring the deal would go ahead as the princess would not risk losing face by backing down once the Chiss called her bluff.
With most of the day gone already, Isla and Zhavi arranged to fulfill their part of the arrangement on the final evening of the event, and despite repeated queries from Zhavi, Isla assured her she was willing to play the princess' game, though assured her it would be a one-off. On the third day, the couple were free to enjoy the festivities as guests and – in the evening – attended a dance that marked the end of the celebration, reporting to the princess' room afterwards, where they spent the night. The couple left late the following morning, seeing the princess off out of politeness before discussing business with Mister Crimson, who thanked them for their help and enthused about how the princess had already assigned a liaison to begin working out the details of their new business arrangement.
In addition to having the princess' ear, his vessels would also have free access in and out of the system through the princess' misuse of the royal seal, opening up a sizable new market that would allow him to expand his operation tenfold. Promising to repay them for going the extra mile, somehow, Mister Crimson waved the couple off as they returned to their ship and departed Kymmika VI, happy to be leaving for warmer climes.
The Secret of Retem Vok[]
I could never have children of my own, but in you I see the daughter I wished I'd had. I am so proud.
—Lord Jhang, to Isla, via recorded message.
Isla made another unexpected return to Imperial space in 36 ATC, when she was approached by an Imperial infiltration unit masquerading as a protocol droid and given a datapad inviting her to claim assets left to her by the late Scarlet Jhang. Suspicious but knowing it was too obvious to be a trap, Isla elected to investigate, making sure to do so without informing Zhavi, who she knew would protest the decision or insist on accompanying her. The datapad directed Isla to a remote area of Imperial space, far from the well-traveled routes of the military, where a small space station was located.
On boarding using the codes provided, Isla was welcomed by the overseer, who explained that the station was the ancient vault of the Jhang family, passed down from each head of house to their surviving child. Lord Scarlet Jhang had inherited it after murdering her elder brother and her father not long after, but seldom visited. Isla was informed that Scarlet had left the station to her, leaving her confused, given that Jhang's death had come about as a direct result of her doubting Isla's loyalty to the Empire. When they arrived at the main office, however, Isla was shown a holorecording left by Jhang in which she claimed that she had seen Isla as the daughter she had never been able to have. In that message, she "gifted" Isla her family name and all the material benefits that came with being the sole heir.
Unexpectedly, Isla was upset by the revelation, knowing that Jhang meant what she had said, yet also remembering clearly what had happened during their confrontation on Dxun years earlier, when Jhang had dismembered her after she lost control of the situation. Isla regretted the loss of her mentor and gained a new insight into how much the dark side could warp and twist an individual, stripping them down until they were just mindless animals driven only by the will to survive. Isla also discovered that she had been left a more personal gift by her former mentor; a wrist-mounted disc launcher known as a Sith lanvarok, which Jhang had commissioned specially for Isla's use. Although she was pleased with the acquisition of the lanvarok, Isla was unsure about the station and its contents, mostly old family holocrons and artifacts hoarded over the generations. The overseer informed Isla of a "special case" that was unknown even to Scarlet, who had been deliberately kept in the dark on her father's orders; that special case was a personal bodyguard, bound by oath to serve the family, who had been frozen in carbonite and hidden within one of the vaults.
Isla was wary of releasing the individual, however, assuming that a Sith disciple who served because of an "oath" was likely a maniac who would not take kindly to her being an ex-Sith, a fact she could hardly conceal long-term. While she mused on the idea of releasing the bodyguard, Isla requested a full inventory of the vaults, discovering that several of the Seeds of Rage – which had been temporarily secured on Ziost – were not only intact but had been successfully extricated by Jhang's agents and locked away in the family vault. Nonetheless, Isla was in no position to do anything about the station's contents, and by the time she was brought up to speed regarding her new possessions she had decided to awaken the bodyguard. The overseer was unable to provide any details, only that the bodyguard was male and his imprisonment had been an incredibly secretive affair, with all records scrubbed. Once the carbonite block was revealed, Isla was surprised to discover that the bodyguard was a Dashade, a species of Force-resistant beings whose homeworld had been destroyed centuries ago. Curious, she decided to proceed, releasing him from carbonite with the expectation that she would have to turn the facility's defenses on him.
To her surprise, the Dashade was docile, thoughtful and soft-spoken and almost pitiful, as he was temporarily blinded and weakened by hibernation sickness. Introducing himself as Retem Vok, the Dashade explained that he was the latest in a long line of Shadow Killers who had served the Sith for over a thousand years, each one teaching their child their skills so that they could continue to serve through the generations. Retem explained that Scarlet's father was a cruel man, and both he and her brother tormented the girl from an early age.
As the only friendly face in her life, Retem and Scarlet grew close, so much so that Retem even helped her to kill her brother, despite his family oath. To reward her success in besting her brother, Scarlet's father removed her womb, denying her children to give her a powerful source of fury to draw upon. However when she and Retem became intimate, the elder Jhang faked Retem's death and sealed him away, not wanting to waste a useful resource but unwilling to allow Scarlet to take solace in his presence. Ultimately Scarlet killed her father, but as instructed she was never told of Retem's survival. Isla was honest with Retem, explaining that she was not a Jhang by blood and that she assisted a Jedi in killing Scarlet, but the towering Dashade confessed that he already knew she was dead by the fact he had been roused from his slumber. The Chiss also warned that she was no longer a Sith, and had little use for a bodyguard or personal assassin. Retem, though, was pleased to hear the revelation.
Having watched what the Sith philosophy did to someone he had come to care for, he had no passion for propagating it. Isla attempted to offer Retem his freedom, even offering to arrange for Republic citizenship, but Retem was adamant that he honor his ancestor's oath and continue to serve the Jhang family – even if their bloodline had come to an end. Isla was unsure about Retem becoming a part of her life, even if she knew he could be useful to her in the future. No matter her concerns, Isla's business on the station was complete; she left her newly acquired treasures behind for the time being, eager to return home and inform Zhavi about what she had discovered, if only to work out what to do about it.
Liberation of Sullust[]
Sullust is becoming a morale issue more than anythin' else. I'm pulling in everyone, even Ben and Aaellu... and you guys, I hope?
—Carth Waverunner requesting Isla and Zhavi's aid against Imperial forces on Sullust.
In 38 ATC, six years after assisting with the Republic's initial strike on the planet, Isla and Zhavi returned to Republic space at Carth's request, meeting with him at a SARB safe house where he put forth his case to enlist their help with the war effort on Sullust. The Sith Empire had been clinging tightly to the world since the liberation campaign began, knowing that losing it would be a severe morale boost to Imperial forces and mark a low point in their ongoing fight against the Galactic Republic. Their success at holding the planet was becoming a point of controversy within the Republic, with the public losing faith in the Jedi and the military, who seemed incapable of driving the Empire off the fiery world. Pressure to bring an end to the conflict was being felt keenly at every level of the campaign.
To expedite the process, Carth was sending in all SARB personnel, even calling on Benjamin and Aaellu who – despite their retirement – agreed to return to Republic space and lend their powers to the cause. Somewhat resentful of the pressure, Isla and Zhavi felt compelled to join the initiative and reluctantly agreed to rendezvous with SARB forces, who had already been deployed to a number of adjacent zones contested by the forces of the 372nd Legion. Isla and Zhavi were assigned to separate areas of activity due to their differing specialties, with Zhavi charging into one of the more heavily contested zones while Isla was assigned to a less brutal sector of the ground offensive, providing support to Aaellu and the troops she was fighting alongside. Over the days that followed, Isla and Aaellu found themselves taking primarily defensive action against the opposing forces. Meanwhile, Kara, Ah'rek and Harlem liberated a prisoner of war camp and Benjamin led Clan Gharva in uprooting the entrenched Imperial forces at Shyrack Base, taking on the ruthless members of Clan Bossim, losing Ramira Al-Zaidi when she sacrificed herself to ensure the clan's victory.
With Republic forces making rapid gains, Imperial troops in the area were recalled to the Eye of Ragnos, a sprawling installation outfitted with a powerful electrostatic gun, similar to – but with significantly wider range than – the weapon once used to keep the population of New Adasta under control. Zhavi – as the closest Jedi commander to the Eye of Ragnos – took command of a battalion of 372nd Legion troops and led a desperate charge to reach the tower before the Imperials could lock it down, determined to prevent the weapon's activation. Supported briefly by the Relinquished before anti-air turrets forced the ship to withdraw, Zhavi and a handful of Republic troops managed to get into the tower before the Imperials raised the shields. Isla and her peers held their breath, powerless to intervene, and remained at the ready for three days as the military laid siege to the tower, not knowing when or if the weapon was going to fire.
Only Isla, bound as she was to Zhavi, knew that her partner was still alive and – unable to lend her aid directly – spent the siege meditating, channeling as much of her energy as she could through their bond to keep Zhavi fighting. When the tower was finally breached, Isla and Benjamin were among the first of the Republic forces to enter and quickly located Zhavi in the command center, learning that she had held the room single-handedly for three days and nights. For her heroic stand against the Sith Empire's doomsday weapon, Zhavi was awarded the Cross of Glory when the Republic achieved victory on Sullust two months later, with Republic media outlets spreading word of her incredible achievement across Republic space, dubbing her the "Undying Knight" and "Champion of Sullust", titles which Zhavi cheerfully adopted for her own use.
A title she had not expected to receive was the one given to her by the Jedi council several weeks later, when she was unexpectedly summoned to speak with them on Coruscant. On arrival, she was informed that, in light of her actions on Sullust, she was to be offered the rank of Jedi Master, surprising both Isla and Zhavi. Although she accepted, Zhavi suspected there was more to the advancement than what the council was telling her, a suspicion that Carth was able to validate somewhat, revealing that the Republic military had been pressuring the Jedi council to promote her for morale purposes. Knowing the council were reluctant only made Zhavi's promotion all the more amusing to her, however, and when Isla suggested that maybe the recognition would lead to a more mature, responsible version of the woman everyone had gotten used to, Zhavi simply laughed.
Errands on the Capitals[]
Warranted Arrests[]
Bye bye Beck, careful not t' drop the soap!
—Zhavi, to Beck Yuggoda, during his arrest.
A few months later Isla and Zhavi were staying on Coruscant for two parties they were due to attend when they were contacted by Carth, who directed them to a bounty posting for a Togrutan smuggler who was on the run after murdering three CSF officers during an undercover sting. Of particular note was that the Togruta – identified as Natasha Butler – was the same woman who had foiled Isla and Damascus on Corulag a decade earlier, making off with a list of Imperial operatives embedded within Republic space.
Carth, shrewd as ever, knew the Chiss would be interested in being the one to bring her to justice. Equipped with Zhavi's lightwhip, Isla descended to the lower levels and spent several days tracking the desperate Togruta, eventually catching up with her and sparking a pursuit when the cop-killer – being, unbeknownst to Isla, Force-sensitive – picked up on that fact that Chiss was following her. Even with the Force assisting her, however, Butler was run down, overpowered and left dangling from a maintenance catwalk, tied up with Isla's borrowed lightwhip until the CSF arrived to take her into custody. The bounty collected and with one less murderer on the streets of Coruscant, the couple celebrated with a day of pampering and spending their unexpected boon frivolously in the innumerable shopping malls littered across the Republic capital.
A little drunk after a heavy wine brunch, the couple visited a hairdresser's and Zhavi was able to convince Isla to have her hair dyed for the first time, switching from her natural jet black to snow white in time for a garden party they were due to attend that evening. Before the party began the couple went for dinner at an expensive restaurant and headed to the event immediately after, where they were personally greeted by their Sullustan host Beck Yuggoda. Yuggoda was a senatorial candidate competing for Coruscant's seat and – unsurprisingly – was on the warpath in the run up to the election, trying to make himself as visible as possible to the citizens of Galactic City. Zhavi – the "Champion of Sullust" or the "Undying Knight", as she had become known thanks to Republic news outlets – had been invited due to the fame she had acquired after her heroic stand during the liberation of Sullust, a major victory that marked a turning point in the war in the public's collective consciousness and earned SARB a great deal of goodwill among the various Republic agencies.
Although the organization had evolved from being barely tolerated to holding notable prestige among the SIS, military and senate, the wider public simply saw Zhavi as a Jedi Master, indistinguishable from her more conservative peers, which disappointed Isla. Zhavi herself was emboldened by the recognition and the admiration her actions had earned her, though, and it was thanks to Carth's manipulations that she – alongside her plus one – had ended up in a position to assist the Republic further. The SIS suspected – thanks to a tip provided anonymously by Mister Crimson's people – Yuggoda was involved in the distribution of stolen Lilac Sand (mixed with more harmful materials to make it go further) on Coruscant, using the proceeds to fund his expensive senatorial campaign, but due to his political connections and a woeful lack of evidence they had were unable to open an investigation. Isla and Zhavi would use the party as cover for an off-record investigation.
Unconventional wherever she went, Isla drew attention immediately. Not to be outdone, Zhavi wore a particularly revealing dress that clashed with the more refined and tasteful styles worn by the other attendees, ensuring the couple rubbed almost everyone in attendance the wrong way with their presence alone. As the evening progressed and the shock they had generated tapered off, the couple slipped away from the main event and began discreetly searching for evidence. Eventually – after slicing their way into several sealed rooms – the couple discovered a logbook that provided sufficient evidence, allowing them to send a copy of the stolen data anonymously to the CSF. Their mission complete, the couple settled in on the balcony, enjoying the view of Coruscant's glittering night time skyline until CSF officers arrived to arrest Yuggoda and secure the evidence of his drug dealing. Isla and Zhavi made sure they were present for the arrest, implicitly revealing their part in his misfortune and mocking him as he furiously struggled against his captors.
Naturally the evening was cut short as the mansion became a crime scene, but Isla and Zhavi abused their SIS clearance to remain, idling for an hour in a large, decorative atrium that had previously been off-limits. On the way back to their apartment, they stopped off at a bakery to pick up a cake they had ordered for the second party they were due to attend the following evening, picking up another cake while they were there "as a snack" before returning home for a quiet night in.
Nomi and Yuri's 40th Anniversary Party[]
Something's wrong with Frank...
—Zhavi, to Isla, regarding Frank Pad.
Rising early, the couple got dressed and split off, with Isla picking up Nomi, Yuri, Kol and Mirris – the latter being taken by the former to Onderon to visit (and pick up) the Ahnketts – while Zhavi ran a few last minute errands. Once the two families were together they headed out for lunch at the Waverunner's favorite restaurant and spent several hours wandering through one of Coruscant's parks discussing a variety of subjects, the Waverunners and the Ahnketts surprising their respective children by getting on very well. By late afternoon the group made their way to Nomi and Yuri's apartment, where they were ambushed with a "surprise" 40th anniversary party organised by Bao Shotti and a select few of their friends in the military. Benjamin and Aaellu were in Republic space at the time and so decided to stop by, as did Frank, who had befriended the Waverunners since his retirement.
During the gathering, Isla and Zhavi both sensed unusually strong emotions in Frank and decided to investigate. Isla managed to catch him alone and convince him to reveal what was bothering him, discovering that one of Frank's children – all three having reportedly died during the Eternal Empire's occupation – was still alive. Seemingly good news, until Frank revealed his surviving son had recently been promoted to the rank of Sith Lord under Darth Hamon. Carth had become aware of the truth of Frank's son's survival shortly after he took over his role as the head of SARB, but had kept the secret to himself out of respect, continuing to monitor intelligence reports until he found the right time to act.
Distressed by the news, Frank admitted that although he desperately wished he could save his only surviving child, the risk of an operation to capture him was too great, and his new position as a Sith Lord prompted Frank to write him off as a lost cause. Learning that he was on Dromund Kaas celebrating his success, Isla and Zhavi agreed between themselves that they would risk traveling to the Imperial capital to incapacitate and extract the newly anointed Sith Lord and give the aging Frank some much needed closure, before it was too late.
Infiltrating Dromund Kaas[]
So this is where all you Imps crawl out from huh? Sure explains a lot.
—Zhavi, to Isla, after exiting the Dromund Kaas spaceport.
With Carth's assistance and their ship's stealth systems, Isla and Zhavi were able avoid Imperial patrols as they journeyed through Sith space and land on Dromund Kaas using a new transponder code. Although Isla had been away from the Imperial capital for many years, Kaas City had not changed much in that time, and – disguised as "Lord Vhazi" and her apprentice "Lisa Kapet", names Zhavi had come up with despite Isla's concerns – the couple had little trouble reaching the heart of the city to begin their inquiries. Questioning the intoxicated patrons of the Nexus Room, Isla and Zhavi were eventually directed to a location outside the city where the newly anointed Lord Vauk supposedly trained, though Isla was almost certain it was a trap, suspecting that their questions had drawn attention. With little else to go on, however, the couple decided it was worth the risk and departed the cantina, only to be held up by a Sith duo who mistook the Jedi's veiled presences as an indication that they were both weak; spoiling for a fight, the pair quickly fabricated a reason to confront the couple.
Isla, knowing the Sith better than Zhavi, made sure to wait until their foes struck first, goading the Sith and taking care not to instigate the fight themselves. Once the first strike had been made, however, the couple were free to retaliate in self-defense, making short work of the pair and – they hoped – making it clear to onlookers that they were better left alone. Once they arrived at the coordinates they had been given by the cantina patron, their suspicions were confirmed when a Sith assassin emerged from the gloom. Instead of attacking, he extended an invitation from his master – one Lord Traguum – who was at odds with Lord Vauk and wished him removed.
Rather than expose them as Jedi infiltrators, he offered assistance; in exchange for their removal of Vauk, either by killing or capturing him, Traguum would provide them with the means of reaching him. Isla and Zhavi cautiously accepted the terms. True to his word, the mysterious Lord Traguum provided the pair with docking codes and coordinates and set them after his rival, sending them to fight through security personnel aboard a small cargo transport. Before they even reached the bridge, the couple sensed something was amiss, noting the meager resistance they were facing en route. Once on the bridge, they realized why; Traguum had been outmaneuvered, and – as his pawns – so had they. Instead of finding Frank's wayward son, they found Lord Traguum waiting for them, revealing that he had boarded after them in the belief that they would kill Lord Vauk and – weakened from the fight – he would eliminate them. Sadly, for both parties, Vauk's spies were well aware of Traguum's schemes, and while Vauk set a small force of defenders against the Jedi to stall them he left Traguum's path to the bridge wide open.
In doing so, he had ensured the Jedi and their benefactor crossed paths at almost the same time while he simply slipped away and boarded Traguum's shuttle, flew over to the vessel under Traguum's command and seized it for himself. Enraged by his defeat, Traguum attempted to kill Isla and Zhavi before making his escape, believing he might still salvage something from his botched scheme. Unfazed from their confrontation with the security personnel, the pair were able to hold off and ultimately dispatch the Sith Lord before Lord Vauk opened fire on the vessel, under the pretense that Lord Traguum had lost it to Republic boarders.
Isla and Zhavi only escaped their predicament thanks to the timely arrival of Republic vessels sent – unofficially – by Carth, who had – along with other divisions of the SIS – been monitoring developments in Imperial space closely. Retreating safely and signaling for Ducky to pilot the Cobalt Whisper back home, Isla and Zhavi were nonetheless disappointed by the outcome given the high personal stakes. Frank had joined the crew sent to extract them, however, and while he voiced his disapproval of their actions he did express his gratitude to them for making such a dangerous attempt on his behalf, even if the situation had turned against them. With unusual firmness, Frank told them not to pursue the matter further as doing so put them in considerable danger, something which he would not abide; his son had made his choice, and though that choice saddened him saving his son was not as important as Isla and Zhavi's continued survival. Despite their reluctance to accept their failure as the final word on the issue, they agreed to respect Frank's wishes.
Operation: Black Forge[]
Call to Arms[]
So, pool or beach?
—Zhavi, to Isla.
By 39 ATC, Isla and Zhavi had been living on Copero for a full decade. As part of the agreement that allowed them to call Copero their home, Isla was subjected to regular drugs tests to improve the effectiveness and strength of the Force-suppressing medication the higher ranking Chiss used to smother their connection, her assistance proving invaluable in identifying and reducing side effects and fine-tuning the effectiveness of the drugs. In addition, her duties had been expanded once her value had been proven to those who objected to her presence, with the law against using the Force being waived during controlled and heavily monitored sessions so that Isla could train members of the CEDF to combat the use of Force powers and lightsabers, better preparing them for hostile encounters with both Sith and Jedi.
Operatives on Copero also benefited from her lessons on resisting the mental abilities of a strong-willed Force user. Additionally, Isla was employed to teach advanced lessons to a specially selected handful of agents every few months, sessions which Zhavi was permitted to join in with to compensate for Isla's lack of raw power, or when a squad needed to run scenarios that included the common master/apprentice match-up. The Chiss' relationship with her biological family had improved considerably during her time on Copero too, with the young woman coming to respect her mother and love her siblings, who had been strangers to her a decade earlier.
Isla often spent time with her siblings outside of work hours and despite their initial, condescending attitude towards Zhavi, the Jedi accompanied her more often than not and had – Isla believed – earned a degree of respect for her combat prowess, word of which had spread far and wide since Sullust and only been cemented further by Zhavi's assistance with CEDF training. They also seemed to have accepted – despite being a far cry from what Chiss considered a suitable match – that Isla loved Zhavi and acknowledged the existence of the Force dyad, even if they did not understand it. Even members of the Chiss Ascendancy outside of Isla's family interacted with the couple, and though many gave them a wide birth just as many were courteous and friendly, knowing that Isla and Zhavi – abhorrent as their connection to the Force was in Chiss society – had willingly elected to live on a world where they were shunned and considered inferior to benefit the Chiss Ascendancy, which was ultimately worthy of respect.
Obviously many voices across the Chiss Ascendancy were open about their disapproval of their presence on a Chiss world and there had been attempts to frame and eject them, but with Isla's mother being a savvy politician and their work for the Chiss Ascendancy proving to have practical uses on multiple fronts, the couple's position only became increasingly secure as the years went on until, eventually, they had been accepted as a permanent fixture. Towards the end of the decade, after the twins had left home to find their own lives in the wider galaxy, Isla had started to bring up the idea of getting married, an idea Zhavi had been resistant to for fear of angering Mitth'icini'inrokini. As much as Isla's mother had accepted Zhavi was there to stay, the idea of telling her the pair were intent on marrying terrified Zhavi, so much so that by the time the tenth anniversary of their relocation to Copero arrived she had rejected three proposals of marriage from Isla, rejections that always led to a few weeks of angry silence and – the hardest aspect for Zhavi – uncompromising celibacy.
When Mirris returned home and announced she was pregnant – and sensed the flicker of irritation from Isla – the subject was raised again, with both their children joining Isla in telling Zhavi she could not keep putting it off forever. Zhavi finally caved after the three-pronged attack, and when the pair were alone by the pool she quietly agreed to marry Isla – and have the baby she knew she would ask for next, pointing out that it was the baby announcement that set her off, a reaction she had had earlier in the year when they received a message from Carth announcing he and Bon-Yi were expecting, which Isla almost denied before stopping herself, claiming there was no point arguing against her own case.
Zhavi added that if she was going to make an enemy of her mother she might as well get it all over with in one go rather than drawing it out over time, to which Isla argued that ten years had been long enough a wait. A few days after they settled the marriage and baby debate, Isla and Zhavi were contacted by Master Gnost-Dural, who had been working in tandem with the forces of SARB – even lending them official Jedi support – to deal with a Sith threat that he could not discuss over an unsecured channel. He asked if they would be willing to return to the Republic space to assist, and though Zhavi could not say yes fast enough Isla questioned why a leading Jedi Master was contacting them instead of members of SARB. The revered master claimed that, quite simply, he was sentimental, and liked to catch up with other Jedi – past and present – every once in a while. He then recounted his memories of meeting both women as young Jedi when he sensed Isla did not believe him, asking the Chiss if that was enough for her to be sure he was telling the truth.
Isla apologized for being distrustful – though she followed up by blaming Zhavi's influence for her expressions being so scrutable in recent years. Glad of the break, the couple assured him they would be on Coruscant by the start of the following week at the very latest.
Rakatan Descent[]
So, Republic personnel claim they have no idea what is down there, but what about you? Exotic Force devilry was always your forte. Any idea what might be down there?"
"Not a bloody one. Sorry. Rakatan... stuff, I suppose? This one's a classic Rakatan surprise I'm afraid.
—Isla and Benjamin.
Although the couple arrived on Coruscant a little later than anticipated due to pirate activity on their route towards the Core, preparations were still underway by the time they reported in. They met with General Daeruun, Master Gnost-Dural and Ah'rek (via holo, as he was unavailable for the operation at the time) aboard the Gav Daragon, where they were briefed about a discovery beneath one of the active fronts in the war against the Empire. This discovery was Rakatan in origin, a large underground vault that was reportedly some sort of ancient shelter housing thousands of sleeping Rakata, similar to the vaults uncovered on Belsavis – though intended for hibernation rather than incarceration – and in much worse shape.
Reports indicated that the facility was running on minimal power, which was why it had not been picked up by any kind of planetary scans beforehand, and though the Rakata held in stasis were all believed to be long dead the forces of the Sith Empire were eager to get inside, suggesting they knew – or at least suspected – something the Republic did not about the nature of the vault's contents. A number of Jedi and Republic troops had already entered the facility and fallen out of contact and Master Gnost-Dural wanted to avoid further losses, admitting that under normal circumstances he would avoid mixing Jedi and SARB forces to avoid any potential conflict that might negatively impact their (thus-far) peaceful coexistence.
Now, though, they needed to go in hard and strong, as the reviled Darth Vokuur – a Sith diplomat who had proven to be a surprisingly painful thorn in the Republic's side when it came to cross-faction political jousts – was deploying his forces to plunder the vault, indicating that the dark collector believed valuable antiquities of practical use were up for grabs. The Republic was determined to ensure whatever Rakatan secrets lay inside were either buried or salvaged before the Empire could claim them. Despite the time pressure and the mounting losses, however, Isla and Zhavi were going in as support in case the situation took a turn for the worst. The current, younger crop of SARB agents were heading in initially, and while Isla was quite content with that Zhavi – now fifty years of age – expressed her irritation that she was now viewed as support rather than being the first through the door.
After the briefing Isla reminded Zhavi that she did not like working, to which Zhavi retorted that fighting was not really working. The duo were left to loiter on the ship for a few hours as the rest of the Republic forces finished all of the necessary last-minute checks and preparations, which included the arrival of two familiar faces. Shortly before the ship was set to make its jump into hyperspace, they finally spotted the two presences they had felt arrive aboard the Gav Daragon half an hour earlier; Benjamin and Aaellu, fresh out of a briefing of their own. They watched as Benjamin gifted Gnost-Dural a Jedi holocron from his collection, then waited until Aaellu spotted them and pointed them out to Benjamin, after which the couple made their way over. The group exchanged hugs and Isla asked Aaellu how the kids – their current total standing at nine including the trio from Benjamin's previous marriage – were getting on while Zhavi poked fun at Benjamin for looking "a little smaller" than when she had last seen him, giving her a chance to show off her biceps.
Isla asked if Benjamin had any idea what to expect, though he admitted that he did not, able only to tell her that descriptions of the Rakatan complex sounded more like some sort of doomsday shelter than anything discovered previously. Benjamin also confessed that his appreciation for the potential historical discoveries was overshadowed by his concern, as Alucia and Ben – his eldest children – were two of the Republic agents going in, as was Aaellu, although he was confident he did not have to worry about her. Isla and Zhavi assured him they would be ready to save the day if needed, reminding him that he had trained both of them himself and that – last time Isla had seen them – they were both shaping up nicely as duelists. Benjamin agreed, jokingly warning Zhavi to be careful, as Alucia's Djem So was starting to rival hers in terms of power, a claim Zhavi humorously dismissed.
Their conversation was interrupted by a ship-wide alert warning them that they were setting off, prompting the Lambert's to part ways with Isla and Zhavi for a while, the couple understandably wanting to catch up with their children before they reached the objective. Within a few slow hours the ship dropped out of hyperspace in orbit above their destination, deploying a number of troop transports to reinforce the wider campaign on the planet below before the SARB group deployed. When Isla and Zhavi caught up with Benjamin at the command center just inside the top level of the mysterious Rakatan facility, the mission had already started, with Benjamin coordinating the various groups' movements from a reactivated security terminal.
Aaellu had found one of the lost Jedi and used her psychometry on his remains to learn that there was a mutated patrol beast roaming the halls, a terentatek at one point but now more akin to the images taken of the so-called Primal Destroyer released and slain on Belsavis twenty-seven years earlier. Knowing it was moving around the maze of corridors gave Ben and Alucia a heads-up they would not have had with Aaellu's talent, but they were keeping busy all the same. Ben in particular, as he and his Jedi teammate – a bubbly Padawan named Saria Minstyngar – had encountered an Imperial Reclamation Service squad, replete with a double war droid escort.
Alucia, accompanied by Kara, had uncovered a functioning elevator that would take them down to the next level of the facility, marking the lowest documented point charted by Republic forces so far. As soon as they descended they were forced to engage a group that they claimed was comprised of surviving Rakata, and though Alucia described them as "manic" she reported that they had also used the Force. She queried that via the comm, confirming with her father that the Rakata had lost their Force powers, but Benjamin theorized that the facility might have been used to try and ride out the decline of their Force sensitivity in the hope that researchers elsewhere would awaken them with a cure later.
He added that their odd behavior might be due to the power loss in the facility. Most of the chambers were offline entirely, but with low power the stasis technology might have only partially held up, keeping them alive but awake, a state that would undoubtedly lead them to madness after long enough. Isla cautioned her not to disregard them as a threat no matter their mental state, as a lunatic wielding a blade was still wielding a blade. Alucia's response was to greet her "auntie" and ask how she had been, to which Isla begrudgingly answered before reminding her of the casualty numbers so far. After dispatching the IRS team, Ben and Saria raced to match Alucia and Kara's pace, locating another elevator en route which provided a more complete map thanks to their scanning equipment. Unfortunately mapping the facility required that the two groups remain distant from one another, ensuring Benjamin – helpless to actually protect his children – was constantly on edge.
As the trio monitored the situation, directing other squads of Republic troops to secure strategic points in the labyrinth behind them, Ben and Saria slowly started to overtake Alucia and Kara, meeting with less resistance from the deranged inhabitants. They stopped reporting in entirely after a while, although the worrying development became a secondary problem when Kara and Alucia reported that their path was blocked by a Sith Lord. Benjamin told his daughter to remain calm and work together with Kara to overcome their opponent. Alucia stressed, however, that her hesitance was not due to facing a Sith Lord, it was due to who that Sith Lord was.
With her fear palpable through the Force even from afar, Alucia reported that the Sith Lord facing them down wore the face of her father. Zhavi was confused, asking if it could have been his nephew Zane, but he ignored her, asking for Alucia to clarify. Kara responded, but as soon as she started speaking the sound of igniting lightsabers cut them off, prompting Benjamin to direct Aaellu to their position. After a long period of silence, Benjamin received a call from Darth Vokuur himself informing him that both his son and his Jedi companion had attempted to kill him and failed. However, Vokuur had left them alive – albeit trapped and with their scanners destroyed – to be rescued, on the condition that Benjamin recall his forces and allow Vokuur to walk out with whatever he had claimed.
He added that the stone walls of the facility were built by the Rakata to withstand the extreme heat of the magma surrounding the structure; a structure that "may" have been compromised during his duel with Ben and Saria. Benjamin understood the threat, and asked what assurances Vokuur was offering in exchange for the location of his son. The Dark Lord merely offered his word, citing his well-documented career as proof of his trustworthiness. Left with little choice, Benjamin agreed to let Vokuur escape. Once the call was concluded Isla offered to pursue Vokuur quietly and ambush him after he had transmitted the team's location, but Benjamin refused, not willing to take the risk and – more importantly – being a man of his word, trusting that Vokuur lived up to his reputation as a man clever enough that he never had to lie.
As promised, they received a transmission with Ben and Saria's location a short while after Vokuur was granted passage out of the facility. Benjamin forwarded the coordinates of one of the many chambers in the depths of the facility – which was slowly filling up with magma – to Aaellu, whose battle with the Sith Lord who looked like Benjamin had ended with her victory. She managed to unshackle Ben and Saria and together the trio were able to climb around the facility walls, safely avoiding the rising canal of magma that had spread to cover the floor of the lowest level. After that, Benjamin ordered a full withdrawal of Republic forces to the surface, leaving whatever secrets remained to be incinerated as the rest of the facility was consumed by molten rock.
When Ben and Saria finally returned to the command center Benjamin scolded them fiercely for disobeying his standing order not to engage Darth Vokuur unless given the go-ahead. Although Saria was apologetic and accepted responsibility for not following orders, Ben protested his decision, still adamant he could have taken Vokuur down with a different approach. In response, Benjamin suspended him from service for a month, telling him he needed some time out to reflect on his "hero complex", humiliating him in front of his friends, family, colleagues and – unbeknownst to most – lovers. Once the operation was complete, Isla and Zhavi – the latter still sulking about about being relegated to backup – decided to take a shuttle to Onderon to visit Isla's parents while they were back in Republic space, leaving the others to return to Coruscant to deliver the bad news in person.
Jedi Knight[]
Visitations from Beyond the Grave[]
M- Master?"
"Hello again, Padawan.
—Isla and the spirit of Master Rosentine Synma.
On Onderon, Isla and Zhavi were reunited with the former's parents, who were unsurprisingly thrilled to see their daughter and daughter-in-law after so long. Zhavi in particular enjoyed visiting the Ahnketts, describing them as her "favorite in-laws" thanks to her tenuous relationship with the Chiss of Copero. They remained on Onderon for a few days, intending to stay indefinitely until they were next called to service, certain that Darth Vokuur would make another move sooner rather than later.
Strangely, though, their visit was cut short by an unexpected visitation from one of Isla's oldest associates. Whilst walking through the markets of Iziz one evening, Isla felt something drawing her out just beyond the city wall, prompting the couple to investigate. But when they arrived on the bridge crossing the river just outside the main gate, that feeling of being drawn out vanished in an instant, leaving the duo confused. As they turned back, dismissing the sensation, an image began to take shape ahead of them, materializing to form the familiar features of Rosentine Synma, the S'kytri Jedi Master under whom Isla had briefly served as a Padawan. Their time together had been short and – for Isla – it had been a period of frustration, with her species' early maturation age and Synma's cautious teaching methods becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile. Isla's Sith master Lord Kim had murdered Rosentine Synma and claimed the ten year old Chiss as his own student, but despite her frustration towards the Jedi Isla had always felt a degree of sadness over her demise.
Now, she stood before her as a spectre from beyond. Isla was uncharacteristically lost for words. Synma greeted the Chiss warmly, exchanging brief pleasantries and complimenting her on how far she had come since their last meeting, wryly admitting that it was not the path she had had in mind when she took her on as her student, but that she was glad that things had seemingly worked out regardless. Isla attempted to console her regarding her murder, but Synma cut her off with a wave of her hand, reminding her that there was no death, only the Force – and that she was at peace within it. At that, Zhavi chimed in to ask why, then, had she appeared to them, over twenty years after her death. Conceding it was a fair question, Synma explained that she obeyed the will of the Force, a will which had guided her back to Isla to complete her training. Synma added that the Jedi trials were normally more streamlined and controlled, but that in times of hardship and war the Force often provided trials of its own.
Isla was quick to state that she had not been a Jedi since the day Master Synma died, but the soft-spoken S'kytri disagreed, saying that although she lost her way – wandering alone through the dark for many years – Jedi were not their title. Being a Jedi was a spiritual calling – Synma claimed – and they were beholden to none but the Force itself. Isla was quick to point out that no living Jedi would agree with her, but Synma found her assessment amusing for reasons she did not explain. She concluded by saying that no matter how Isla dressed, spoke, what she felt or how many lives she took, she had always possessed the heart of a Jedi – and it was that self-acceptance that Synma had been sent to guide her towards. Cryptically, she told her to leave Onderon and follow her destiny to "find the heart of the Jedi" – then faded back away, leaving the couple with a frustratingly vague objective. They said a reluctant farewell to Anna and Ned the following morning – briefly explaining the reason to the perplexed older couple – and took a public shuttle back to Coruscant to pick up their ship, launching into space where they found themselves at a loss regarding their destination.
Zhavi volunteered Tython initially, led by Synma's instruction to find the "heart of the Jedi", yet Isla felt certain that was the wrong choice and both women were in agreement that feelings were more relevant than logic when it came to Jedi business. She then, somewhat reluctantly, suggested Ossus, something of a flashpoint in their personal and romantic lives and the event that ultimately triggered Isla's departure from the Sith Empire. Neither of them were particularly keen to revisit the site (literally in Zhavi's case, as she had fought there during Darth Maglus' attack on the colony) yet Isla felt increasingly confident that Ossus was where they needed to go. The couple set a course before settling into a nervous wait, unsure what they would find when they finally reached the ancient Jedi stronghold.
Dusk on Ossus[]
Historical relevance aside, this was a truly awful location to establish a colony."
"Mhm, yeah. No kiddin'. Already got sand up m' bloody–"
"–Yes, thank you. I had already gathered, what with the constant fidgeting.
—Isla and Zhavi, on Ossus.
The duo touched down near the abandoned colony when they finally reached Ossus, arriving in the late hours of the evening but determined to venture out regardless, following their noses with no particular destination in mind. Eventually their aimless wandering led them to stumble across something akin to a shrine, tucked away in a small rocky crevice at the top of a crumbling cliff-side staircase. The shrine itself sported a root-like growth that Zhavi had heard people claim – during her time at the colony – was part of the legendary Jedi Master Ood Bnar, slumbering beneath the surface of the planet.
Isla attempted to connect with the growth to confirm the rumors Zhavi had relayed and, though there was no response from the growth itself, the Chiss experienced a momentary glimpse of an ancient Jedi temple, buried beneath decades of ice and veiled by a howling blizzard. Before she could tell Zhavi what she had seen the Jedi sensed someone approaching, prompting them to ready their weapons as Sith assassins appeared at the shrine entrance. Zhavi asked what they were doing on Ossus, only to be met with immediate aggression, beginning a chaotic duel that gradually spilled out onto the worn staircase that led up to the shrine. Using their bond, the couple were able to fight as a single entity and easily outmaneuvered the assassins, tricking them into believing two separate duels were taking place while – in truth – Isla and Zhavi were coordinating with one another, luring each combatant into a position that allowed the Jedi to switch targets without warning and catch them by surprise in perfect unison.
In the immediate aftermath, Isla forgot about the icy world she had seen through the Force and focused on searching the assassins for intelligence, learning from a datapad that they were using Ossus as a temporary encampment while they awaited further orders. Isla and Zhavi decided to evict them from Ossus before those orders arrived. To that end, they returned to their ship and flew to the ruins of the ancient library, where the Sith had set up their camp. As they ventured through, Isla pointed out that there was a strange energy in the air, which Zhavi claimed was the palpable presence of the restless spirits of Jedi who had fallen in the library. Zhavi could not explain how she knew – feeling it was the truth, rather than knowing it in a conventional manner – but she was confident they were smothering the senses of the Sith trespassers to mask the Jedi's approach, aiding them in excising the dark side from the ancient holy site.
In the central room at the heart of the library, the couple finally spotted the Sith, still unaware of their presence and not suspecting they were in any danger. The duo rushed them, annihilating the group even more quickly than the pair they had fought earlier, with three of the five masked figures being cut down before they could activate their sabers. The remaining two adapted quickly but could do little against the experience and unified tactics of the veteran Jedi, quickly faltering and falling; like Isla, the assassins had been trained to ambush a target, not engage them directly. As they checked the corpses for any more information that might be worth pursuing, they received a message forwarded from Carth informing them that the their "nephew" Ben Lambert had disappeared battling Imperial forces on Ilum. Based on reports from SIS agents embedded within the Empire, Sera Artofen – now a Darth – was also on Ilum and had been attacked by a "Jedi assassin", leading to her disappearance as well.
This news from Ilum reminded Isla that she had seen a buried temple on a snowy world, which – learning of Ben and Artofen's altercation – she now believed had to be a Jedi temple on Ilum, speculating that perhaps Master Synma had been guiding them to rescue Ben and finally bring an end to Sera Artofen. Zhavi admitted she liked the thought, though cautioned that she had been a Jedi long enough to know that patience was a "big deal" when it came to visions; she withdrew two plastic boxes from her bag and handed one to Isla. Taking a seat at the library entrance, the couple had lunch before heading back to their ship and making their way to the unforgiving world of Ilum.
Trial of Ice[]
Couldn't've seen a vision'a somewhere with an elevator, huh?
—Zhavi, referring to the ancient Jedi temple on Ilum.
With conflict between the Jedi and Sith ongoing on Ilum, Isla and Zhavi were fortunate that their ship's stealth systems were still competitive enough against standard issue scanning equipment, allowing them to touch down away from the conflict without drawing attention. Ilum was littered with Jedi ruins from various different eras, but the one Isla had seen was frozen over and disused, further from the warzones that had wrecked the other sites. After more than an hour spent meditating aboard the ship Isla had been unable to sense anything that might guide her to their destination, and when they landed they only did so to preserve their dwindling fuel supply.
As it turned out, Zhavi was the unknowing vessel the Force had chosen to guide Isla to her destination – her choice of landing location put them down a few hundred meters from the ice-encrusted temple the Chiss had glimpsed on Ossus, placing them close enough for their onboard scanners to finally cut through the interference and pick up the structure. The pair braved the weather to reach the temple's exterior, discovering that the main entrance was frozen solid, so much so that it would take hours to cut through the ice even with a lightsaber. Even if they could survive outside for that long, cutting into the ice at the foot of the temple risked causing the ice sheet reaching up the length of the exterior to become unstable and collapse on them, so the couple began looking for another way inside.
Zhavi proposed climbing the ice, which Isla initially rejected as idiotic until it became clear that the only possible route in might be found in the large gap in the ice further up the cliff side, which was just about visible from below. Returning to their ship to warm up and raid their supplies for equipment they could use, the couple were discouraged when they found nothing modern in their arsenal. Only a number of old climbing axes were present, fashioned from scrap by Benjamin years earlier when he was stranded on Dronim Major. Curiously, Isla had thrown them out before the couple relocated to Copero – not understanding how they had even wound up in her possession – but Zhavi had saved them from being discarded, though she could not remember her motivation for doing so. Thus, with a means of ascending the tower of ice in hand, Isla and Zhavi made for the temple again. Isla – lighter and having been trained to climb to aid her effectiveness as an assassin – led the ascent, with Zhavi trailing a short way behind her.
Unfortunately, the gap between them left Isla just out of reach when part of the wall of ice cracked and gave way, taking Zhavi down with it and swallowing her up into the whiteness of the blizzard. Via their connection, Isla was relieved to sense that Zhavi had survived the fall unscathed, but with the ice having broken away Zhavi could no longer accompany her partner into the temple – and Isla had no safe route back down to the ground. Not long after the collapse, Isla found her way into the temple and to a small entrance that led her further inside. Met with a frozen waterfall that blocked her passage inside the first room of the temple, the Chiss quickly realized the structure utilized a series of crystals that concentrated sunlight and directed that heat towards the ice, granting Jedi pilgrims access to what lay beyond.
Isla suspected, however, that the sunlight available during a blizzard would be insufficient; instead of utilizing the mechanism she simply destroyed the ice with her lightsaber, marching through to the temple beyond. Once inside, Isla realized there was no larger temple, only winding caves of ice, snow and thousands of tiny crystals. She attempted to take one of the crystals she found but found that when she tried to pull it loose, it was immobile. Again, with a different crystal, she encountered the same result, and only on her third attempt did she find a crystal that yielded and broke free – only to dissolve into a crystalline powder that was immediately dispersed by a breeze. Isla sensed that something – the Force, perhaps – protected the crystals, though as she had only tried to take a crystal for the child she and Zhavi planned to have, she was not overly concerned by the cave denying her its bounty. She resigned herself to looking elsewhere, another time, and began wandering the caves in search of anything that seemed important or valuable – or that looked like a way back outside.
The Chiss was completely unaware that she was in fact trapped, however, and as she searched deeper and deeper – moving further and further from where she thought she was heading – the first thing she encountered was herself. Like the inexplicable clone of Benjamin that Alucia and Kara had encountered in the Rakatan Descent, Isla was face-to-face with what she had to assume was some sort of genetic copy engineered by the Sith. Yet the Chiss was an identical copy, being of the same age and appearance, which to Isla's knowledge was impossible. What was clear was that she was immersed in the dark side; her presence bristled with a cocktail of barely contained passions – ranging from righteous fury to the most sordid expression of lust – while her skin was cracked and pale from the toxic corruption ravaging her body.
The clone ignited her weapon – identical to Isla's own lightsaber – and fondly recalled how she had constructed it while on Voryle. She claimed that her original blade was destroyed when she and her lover overthrew her master and she claimed the title of Lord, but that after helping the Empire conquer Voryle she built the commemorative blade out of the spoils pilfered from their new vassal state. She then rhetorically asked Isla what she had achieved in her reality, listing her mutilation at Lord Jhang's hand, her failure to claim Voryle's industry for the Republic and her decade of subservience to the family who resented her power as proof of her poor choices. Isla voiced her assessment that her clone was only vision, one which she had overcome as a child, but her copy mocked her in response, stating that there were no limitations to the Force.
The dark apparition told Isla she could have had what she had now if she had only embraced the dark side and done what she wanted instead of pandering to Zhavi's sentimentality. In addition, she claimed that – in her phantom reality – Zhavi's resistance was such that when she fell to the dark side, she fell far, becoming obsessed with Isla to the point of worship, an intensity of passion and synchronicity she claimed the real Isla and Zhavi would never know. The true Isla dismissed the fantasy as being a fleeting daydream she had thought up years ago, just as the clone was little more than a fleeting daydream too; a temporary image conjured from her imagination – and no match for her. To prove it – and being unwilling to listen to more of the phantoms efforts to undermine her self-confidence – Isla activated her own saber and the two fought a fierce duel that pit their skills – equal in potential but diverging in focus – against one another until a slight scratch Isla had sustained from the edge of her opponent's lightsaber hilt began to show signs of poison.
Her dark copy chuckled and mocked her, reminding her that once upon a time she wielded poisons as well, further proof that she had grown soft and complacent while she served others rather than forging her own path. Isla claimed that the fact she did not need poisons any more showed how far she had come, but as the duel dragged on and the poison continued to sap her strength she was eventually overpowered. Managing to get behind her and clamp an arm across her throat, the dark clone had Isla trapped, ending their confrontation by activating her lightsaber through the Chiss' stomach. Only then did the phantom vanish, leaving Isla physically unharmed but unable to move for some time.
Although the wound was not really there the phantom pain of being stabbed by a lightsaber lingered for a considerable amount of time, forcing Isla to struggle for hours on the icy floor – demoralized, freezing and alone – until she was recovered enough to stand.
By the Will of the Force[]
Then... what was all of this in aid of? What does it mean?"
"It means what you've always known; though you no longer wear the trappings of the order, the Force sees you clearly, Isla Waverunner, Jedi Knight.
—Isla's vision of a redeemed Lord Jhang.
Isla continued to wander the unmarked tunnels that wound through the ice, shivering and feeling as though her connection to the Force had been weakened by her defeat. Nonetheless, she was determined to push forwards and find a way back to Zhavi, though when she did find her it was not the woman she knew. Clad in a revealing black outfit and with a red lightsaber in-hand, a heavily corrupted vision of Zhavi stood ahead of Isla, waiting for her and blocking her path as she approach. Zhavi's specter was less talkative than her own, however, and simply mocked Isla by pointing out that if she could not defeat herself, what hope did she have against her.
Then she charged the Chiss, beginning a relentless and rage-fueled assault that Isla stood little hope of overcoming. Aware it was another phantom and not real, Isla was still reluctant to go through the experience of killing her partner – warped from reality as she might have been – and focused on simply surviving the attack until she could work out how to escape the situation. The dark mirror of Zhavi eventually swung her foot to trip Isla, and it was only when she was flat on her back that she saw an opening, reaching up from the floor instinctively to re-activate her lightsaber up through the phantom's throat. For a few moments the false Zhavi choked painfully – her expression awash with shock, horror and betrayal – then toppled, falling into the arms of a distraught Isla, who was mortified by what she had done. She reminded the Chiss that not everything was within her power to save – no matter how important – before she vanished completely, leaving Isla concerned about the fate of her partner.
She tried to push herself harder, feeling slightly rejuvenated after defeating the vision of Zhavi and hoping to get out of the cave before she encountered any more hallucinations. Unfortunately, her ordeal was not yet over. When she saw the next specter, however, she did not stop moving as she approached, swearing angrily at the vision of Lord Jhang as she threw her saber and screamed at her to get out of her way. The specter effortlessly intercepted the lightsaber at its tip, absorbing the length of the blade with the Force before catching the deactivated hilt, emitter first. Isla responded by trying to attack with Force lightning – only to discover she could no longer conjure it.
That was when the vision finally spoke, calmly handing the lightsaber back to the Chiss and explaining that while Jedi could summon lightning with the right training, emotional precision or by conjuring similar alternatives, Isla had learned to conjure Sith lightning. Without the negative emotions required to fuel that power, she no longer had access to the ability. Isla questioned that statement, claiming she had never had problems before, to which Jhang asked when Isla had last used it; Isla was forced to confess she could not recall. Only now, Jhang claimed, could Isla truly understand the implications of her choice on Dxun; Voryle was free to choose its own destiny, Zhavi stood by her side as her lover and protector rather than her broken pet, her family both in blood and bond loved her and she had a life that filled her with happiness.
The lingering fragment of bitterness she had always carried over losing her place in the Sith Empire finally faded away; she had seen what might have been, a future in which she and Zhavi had reigned together as "Lords of the Sith", and it was only after her experience in the cave that she realized she had not lost anything when she left the Sith Empire behind. Finally, the psychological wounds she had suffered on Dxun had truly healed; with that festering resentment over what might have been extinguished from her mind – the realization that what she had seen in the cave was not really what she wanted at all – Isla was a Dark Jedi no longer. The Chiss was irritated by the drastic nature of the ordeal all the same, questioning the purpose of everything that had led her to Ilum. Jhang explained, simply, that it meant Isla was a Jedi Knight, regardless of how she was perceived by the wider galaxy.
To validate her ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, the specter handed her a yellow lightsaber crystal and told her it was time she returned to the galaxy, directing her to the end of the tunnel where she would find the way out. Before she faded, Isla asked Jhang what fate had befallen the real Lord Jhang, to which the vision ominously responded with a single word; "damnation". Isla commented that that did not seem fair, as Jhang's path was chosen for her, as it was for many in the Sith Empire. The specter claimed, however, that damnation was not necessarily forever. Saddened in spite of everything Jhang had put Isla, Zhavi and the Waverunner family though, Isla left satisfied that she had made the choices that would allow her to avoid her old mentor's fate.
Strangely, following the path she had been directed down led Isla to a dead end, and when she turned around to backtrack the cave rumbled and collapsed suddenly, blocking the way back but breaching the icy floor of the tunnel to reveal an underwater path. Isla delayed as long as she could but eventually realized she had no choice but to take a breath and begin a panicked swim through pitch-black, ice-cold water until she found an air pocket or a way out. It was only once she was too far in to turn back that she started to realize she was not going to find either; Isla was no longer able to stop herself from trying to breath. She instinctively opened her mouth to gasp for air and – inhaling nothing but freezing cold water – fell unconscious as her body shut down.
Chilling Visions[]
I don't know if I feel any better. Seems like we put in a lot of work just for... this.
—Isla, referring to her lightsaber crystal.
Unbeknownst to Isla, Zhavi began searching the surrounding area for an alternate route into the temple shortly after her fall from the temple's outer wall. Zhavi was not surprised to find the temple completely enclosed beneath Ilum's snow and ice, yet with something blocking her connection to Isla she refused to simply give up, searching until she found a cave, accessible through a narrow crawlspace. Once inside, she was disappointed to realize that the cave was a dead end.
However, sheltering from the wind for a few moments, Zhavi noticed the floor of the cave was made of ice rather than stone or snow. A crack in the ice drew her attention, and for a moment she was worried that the ice might break entirely. Beneath that crack, however, she spotted Isla's blurred form drifting unconscious in the water, driving her to smash through the ice with the aid of the Force, dropping herself into the water to grab Isla and drag her up to the surface of the surprisingly deep pool. Alarmed by the situation and wondering how exactly Isla had ended up there, Zhavi wasted no time reviving her and, once she started breathing again, hurried her back to the warmth of the their ship, remaining by her side until she awoke half an hour later, unsettled by what she had experienced in the submerged tunnel – and believing she had been wandering, lost, for several hours, rather than the thirty minutes that had actually passed since their separation.
During her brief slumber, she had seen images, glimpses of what she feared might be the future: medical tanks in which she had seen herself, Zhavi and an infant wired into monitoring stations, Sera Artofen mercilessly butchering Republic marines, new Sith vessels bombarding the Core Worlds and – at the heart of this sinister future – a nebulous, evil entity intent on consuming the galaxy. Although she could not say whether any, some or all of it was going to happen or not, she feared what she had seen nonetheless. Zhavi sensed her feelings easily through their bond but knew that Isla did not want to discuss the details.
Instead, Zhavi asked whether she had found anything on Ben's whereabouts – or Artofen's – to which Isla sadly reported that she had learned nothing about either of them. Isla revealed she had experienced a series of visions within the crystal caves behind the temple, visions which were unpleasant but ultimately culminated in her "promotion" to the rank of Jedi Knight, a revelation which thrilled Zhavi, who saw the revelation as the Force giving its stamp of approval. Feeling somewhat vulnerable after her premonitions, Isla told Zhavi she wanted to go back home, but when Zhavi agreed it would be nice to get back to the warmth of Copero Isla protested fiercely. Zhavi questioned what she had seen that made her unwilling to return to Chiss space, leading to Isla detailing her vision of the couple and their baby in laboratory tanks.
Feeling that Copero was unsafe for them, Isla insisted they stay away – at least for a while – and suggested they remain on Onderon for the foreseeable future. Having always been suspicious of the Chiss and with no objections of her own, Zhavi agreed and set a course for Onderon, revealing that they had received a request for help from Ned and Anna while on Ilum anyway. It was not urgent, but local authorities were investigating an apparent poisoning of the city's main water source. Isla mused that solving a mundane mystery was just what she needed after her unpleasant foray into the realm of the spiritual.
Smuggler's Cache[]
The source of the poison's been traced to a specific location, but there's not much call for aquatic probes here and the palace have said it's too dangerous to send in divers. You girls think you can handle it?
—Ned Ahnkett.
When they returned to Onderon Ned and Anna told them about what had been happening in their absence; several dozen cases of poisoning had been reported in Iziz, and after narrowing down the causes the authorities had tested the city's water supply and discovered it contained chemicals that – while not lethal – caused sickness in most living beings. Usually impurities and other toxins were cleaned out of the water automatically, but the chemicals in question were exotic and Iziz's water purification centers were not designed to tackle them. As a result, the city's water had been shut off temporarily while authorities investigated the situation. The source of the poison had been traced to an underground cave network beneath the jungle, yet without the right kind of probe droid to survey the caves and with the location being deemed too dangerous for divers there was little progress to be made until proper equipment was brought it.
Isla and Zhavi – as Jedi – could act independently, however, and were both accustomed to danger and able to resist toxins that would debilitate normal beings. Zhavi asked if there was a bounty – for which Isla punched her arm – before agreeing to help, sending Isla to the palace to request the navigational data they would need to track the poison. When she returned, they took Ned's speeder out through the jungle to the lake where Zhavi had fought the rogue Mandalorians over a decade earlier. From the lake, they had the closest possible access point to the network of tunnels beneath the jungle, a small labyrinth which Isla had partially memorized during the ride over – in no small part out of paranoia after her last tunnel-related adventure.
Equipped with diving gear, the duo swam down to the lake bed and soon found the narrow entrance to the adjoining caves, entering and carefully navigating the gloomy path by the light of Zhavi's lightsaber, which unlike Isla's weapon included a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse that allowed it to function normally whilst submerged. Before long, they came across signs of the poison in the water and, after following a strange cloud of dust to its source, discovered a smuggler's cache in one of the larger caves. One of the many crates hidden there had been damaged and started leaking its contents out into the water, a spice Zhavi was able to identify as Pyros Jingle Dust, a potent hallucinogenic that evoked a temporary state of euphoria followed by hours of stomach cramps, diarrhea, committing and – in the long term – tooth loss. Unable to remove all the crates by hand, they chose instead to take the leaking crate with them and report the location of the others to Republic authorities, which they did as soon as they reached an opening through which they could surface.
Republic forces moved in to discreetly secure the access points in case the smuggler's returned before the spice could be confiscated, while the leaking container was escorted to Iziz to be utilized in their emergency countermeasures for the patients who had been afflicted the worst. Isla and Zhavi, meanwhile, decided to dry off in the sun. As they settled down on the sand, Zhavi revealed that the watertight rucksack she had borrowed from Isla's father was not just to protect the Chiss' lightsaber from water damage as they traveled, but also to protect a picnic blanket and the meal she had prepared with Anna's help whilst Isla was gathering information at the palace. Isla was suspicious, asking Zhavi what she had done, but her partner dismissed the accusation, reminding her that she had every right to surprise her girlfriend if the mood struck her.
After their meal, Zhavi led Isla to a nearby cliff-face overlooking a large swath of jungle bathed in the light of the setting sun, where Isla's suspicions that Zhavi was up to something were confirmed. Satisfied with the location, Zhavi sunk to one knee, pulled out a ring box and – to Isla's shock – asked the Chiss to marry her, presenting her with a rose gold ring featuring sculpted flowers. Following a breathless (and tearful) rant concerning Zhavi repeatedly rejecting her proposals only to then go and choreograph a perfect proposal herself, Isla finally confirmed she would – unsurprisingly – marry Zhavi, telling her it was "about bloody time".
The pair watched the sun sink further beneath the horizon for a time, but left before dark to avoid getting entangled with Onderon's famously dangerous wildlife. Zhavi told Isla her parents had said they would be at the cantina to buy them a drink if they were successful, yet when they arrived and Zhavi led Isla to one of the function rooms, the Chiss soon discovered another surprise waiting; the door opened to admit them, at which point her parents and a large swath of her friends jumped out, firing off confetti poppers and unveiling a hand-painted "congratulations" banner. Almost in tears again, Isla exchanged hugs with her friends and family and settled in to mingle, remarking that ever since she had come back to the Republic, life – and the people in it – continued to find new ways to catch her by surprise, a fact she was incredibly thankful for.
Isla had news of her own, however, and though he could not be there in person, Benjamin, attending via holo, encouraged her to announce it while everyone was together. She revealed that – after Ilum – she had contacted Benjamin about her desire to leave Copero and live elsewhere for the foreseeable future. He, in turn, had offered up his old apartment in Tyrena, as with the colony on Farrow now including schools in its ever growing selection of modern services he no longer needed a home in the Core. Furthermore, the apartment had been redecorated at Isla's direction, and though she had initially believed Benjamin had paid for the work with the expectation he would be reimbursed as soon as Isla had a moment to transfer the funds, he told the couple that they could consider both the apartment and the renovations an early wedding present.
Isla tried to protest but Benjamin dismissed her objections, telling them that they had been good friends to him and that he was rich enough that he would not miss the money. The party continued long into the night, and the happy couple departed Onderon a few days later to visit their new apartment at the top level of the Tyrena Heights building in Tyrena. Both women were surprised that the upper section of the tower was touched by the Force, the prolonged presence of Benjamin, Aaellu and his children (and the strong emotions that family relationships generated) having left a residual Force energy soaked into the underlying structure. Other than that, the apartment was alien to them; completely refurbished, the light Republic color scheme had been replaced by a darker and more elegant aesthetic that better suited the new occupants. The jungle of plant life Aaellu and Benjamin had filled their home with was gone, opening up the apartment considerably into a spacious, open-plan living space. Sadly, the couple were unaware of events unfolding elsewhere that would leave them with only a few days to christen their new home before duty called them back to war once again.
Defense of the Janarus Hypermatter Refinery[]
Whatever Vokuur's people are up to, I doubt it's got anything to do with that refinery. Your job is to get into the Imperial-held section of the facility and find out what this is really about – and quickly.
—Benjamin briefing the SARB team.
Within days of leaving Onderon Isla and Zhavi were summoned to Coruscant to regroup with the rest of the SARB personnel and ship out in response to an Imperial attack on Agamar. An Imperial task force had breached the orbital defenses and landed at the Janarus hypermatter refinery situated on the surface, an important fueling resource that Republic command believed the Sith Empire intended to destroy in a hit-and-run attack to slow down the Republic offensive and buy themselves time to shore up their defenses. The Imperial forces had been deployed from a Harrower-class dreadnought that covered their run to the surface before withdrawing from the system, leaving the Imperial troops stranded on the outer edge of the shielded facility.
Normally an attack on such a valuable resource would elicit a full-scale naval response, but given the size of the Imperial ground forces reinforcements had been held back, albeit while remaining on high alert. They could not take the facility with the numbers they had and the small area they had holed up in did not grant them any kind of access or control over the wider facility; the fuel reserves were safe, as were the key sections of the refinery itself, leaving the enemy's intentions a mystery. However, Ah'rek, Carth and Benjamin speculated that perhaps the target was not the refinery at all. Given that it was Darth Vokuur's Harrower that had delivered the troops to Agamar Republic command was uneasy about leaving the situation in the hands of the on-site security personnel. Vokuur was known to be a powerful Sith and collector of ancient Force-related artifacts, making the possibility of unconventional tactics or objectives highly likely. Worse still, Vokuur himself could well be on the surface.
To cover the more sinister possibilities, SARB had received permission to join Republic forces on Agamar, who were holding position waiting for the Imperials to make a move, believing that they were trapped and would eventually be forced to surrender. Leading a team, Isla and Zhavi joined the briefing above Agamar before taking a shuttle planet-side, where they intended to navigate an abandoned web of mining tunnels that predated the construction of the refinery. Despite Isla's complaints about how this was the third occasion in a single month that she had been forcing herself through narrow cave tunnels, she approved of the plan by and large and – to everyone's relief – the mine proved to be stable enough for the group to pass through without incident. Thanks to the forgotten pathways, they were able to reach the section of the facility occupied by Imperial forces, cutting through the cap sealing the mine entrance off from the refinery and bypassing the Imperial defensive line.
Once inside, they carved out an early lead over the opposing troops thanks to their unexpected point of attack, quickly reaching the heart of the suspicious Imperial operation only to find they had more distance to cover than they had anticipated; the Imperials had somehow drilled a massive hole through the floor, reaching down further than any of the team could see. None of the soldiers knew the reason they were drilling when questioned, however, just that Darth Vokuur himself had accompanied the task force and had descended the shaft personally, both a concerning revelation and self-explanatory opportunity. Though they attempted to contact command, jamming equipment spread out across the Imperial-controlled section of the facility blocked their efforts.
One of the SARB agents returned to the mining tunnels to make the journey back to update Republic command rather than waste time hunting down the jammers, while two remained at the top of the shaft to seal the drilling room and guard the exit. Those that remained rappelled down the shaft in pursuit of Darth Vokuur. Near the bottom, they realized they were dropping into yet another Rakatan facility, lost since the reign of the Infinite Empire and no doubt rediscovered by Vokuur using information he had acquired from the Rakatan Descent. Cleverly, to avoid detection by Republic sensors, he had employed the services of a duracrete slug, modified to grow to an enormous size, to bore through the stone between the refinery and the hidden sanctuary. Undoubtedly the work of Sith alchemy, but now dead at the bottom of the shaft, regardless.
Splitting off into groups, the team moved through the forking corridors of the facility to try and locate Darth Vokuur with the aim of stalling him as best they could until allied forces could launch an attack on the Imperial lines and secure the drill site, cutting off his escape. Isla accompanied SARB's most unlikely candidate – a Jawa Force user – while Zhavi protected Alucia. As in the Rakatan Descent, the team encountered the sad legacy of the Infinite Empire; Rakata whose minds and bodies had decayed due to damaged stasis chambers, devolving into madness that manifested as blind aggression. While Zhavi and Alucia found Vokuur and were forced to attack him to try – unsuccessfully – to prevent the taking of a Rakatan artifact, Isla and her diminutive companion were set upon by Vokuur's daughter, Lord Salila Ishtar, a Sith assassin working for Sith Intelligence and the same woman who had misled Benjamin and Aaellu into the hidden base of Master Magda's Jedi Shadows, over a decade earlier.
The two fought for a time, but the Chiss knew Ishtar was not trying to kill her and was only stalling to buy her father time. When she was signaled by her father, she used pre-laid detonite to split the wall of the facility, causing a tsunami of trapped water to pour into the ancient corridors, providing her an opportunity to flee the confrontation. All of the teams were en route back to the drill site as the water swept through the facility, inevitably catching up with them and washing them to their destination, after which the rising water level gradually lifted the team back up to the refinery on the surface.
Once they were back above ground and Republic forces had all but secured the lost sections of the installation, the team received a call – the jammers having been located and shut down – from Benjamin, informing them that Vokuur had slipped past the soldiers retaking the facility somehow and managed to leave the planet aboard a stolen Republic shuttle. Although they were unable to stop Vokuur from escaping the system when his dreadnought and its escort returned, a backup plan was in place to intercept the Sith Lord on his way through hyperspace, with Republic vessels blocking his route using a rarely-seen model of Valor-class specially upgraded for interdiction. Led by Master Ah'rek, Master Urthan Reynolds, his Padawan Saria, Kassie and Harlem, a joint SARB-Jedi strike team intended to board Vokuur's flagship, capture or kill the Sith Lord and recover the artifact. Sadly, as they helped secure the refinery and check for any potential surprises left by the Imperials, the SARB forces on Agamar received word that Darth Vokuur had already transferred to one of the smaller transports in his fleet, one of the vessels that escaped the ambush – taking the artifact with it.
Even more tragically was the news that – although Vokuur's flagship was disabled and Lord Tark Jaggentire, serving as a decoy, had been captured in the Darth's place – Master Reynolds had died lowering the Harrower's shields, being executed by means of decapitation over an open broadcast transmitted by Lord Ishtar, who had also vanished in the aftermath. The silver lining of the failed attempt to capture Darth Vokuur was that Tark Jaggentire – the sacrificial pawn left in command of the Sith Lord's flagship – had some insight into his new master's plans. Given their lack of leads, Benjamin chose to extract the knowledge from the uncooperative Twi'lek by force, painfully wrenching what he knew from his mind, a process which left him severely brain damaged, at which point Benjamin killed him in an act of mercy. Lambert's harsh methods were not in vain, however, as he managed to learn that Vokuur believed the relic he had claimed held the vast secrets of Rakatan technology.
Not the locations of forgotten weapons caches or yet more long-lost installations, but the collective knowledge of the Infinite Empire, an archive – akin to a holocron – supposedly containing the techniques they had used to build the Force-based technology with which they had once enslaved the entire galaxy. Whatever the truth, the SARB agents and Republic reinforcements returned to the Core, disheartened by their defeat and grieving the loss of the elderly Cathar master.
Ascendancy Politics[]
You know I would not ask for help – especially your help – unless I truly needed it."
"You flatter me, mother, as always.
—Mitth'icini'inrokini and Isla.
In the weeks following the skirmish at Agamar, Isla and Zhavi spent their days anticipating the next call to arms, training hard to ensure their skills were as sharp as could be after the execution of Master Reynolds. Both had been shaken by his death; not on a personal level as they barely knew him, but by the very public spectacle Lord Ishtar had made of his demise. It reminded them that victory – and survival – was not guaranteed, and that the Sith Empire would murder even the kindest and warmest of the Republic's heroes.
Seeing his student Saria so distraught in the aftermath had only driven their fear home further and so, when Isla received a call from her mother saying she needed her to return to Copero but would not say why, the couple were somewhat resistant to the idea. Thicinii would not take no for an answer, however, and was almost – by her own typically expressionless standards – pleading, pointing out that she would not be asking for their help unless she really had to, which Isla – vaguely insulting as she found that statement – knew to be true. She asked her mother to promise she was not doing anything that went against Zhavi or Isla's best interests, and the subtle signs of confusion she let slip were enough to convince Isla the vision she had on Ilum had not been warning her of this particular visit – or at the very least, was not a warning of duplicity on her mother's part.
The absence of a child like the one she had foreseen in her vision on Ilum also eased her concerns somewhat, though she still feared the Chiss intended to turn on her at some point. Regardless, she felt sure that her mother was not planning to act against her, with Thicinii actually claiming her request was indirectly beneficial to her and the entire Chiss Ascendancy, she just could not say what she needed to say over the comm. Reluctantly, Zhavi voiced the same opinion Isla held herself; they had no tangible reason to distrust her and could not live their lives in fear of the future, concerning as her vision was. The couple agreed to return to Copero and set off later that day. Once they were back on the tropical world they were discreetly rushed to Thicinii's office without delay, quickly learning that the Syndic needed help dealing with a particularly troublesome political rival on Csilla, a doctor who shared her interest in the study of Force users, but with much more savage methods and ambitions.
Although his ideas alone did not earn him much in the way of support, he was supposedly excellent at maneuvering potential allies in such a way that they ended up needing either his support or his discretion, favors he courted expertly to secure his personal agenda. Isla was relieved that her mother and siblings were not involved in her vision, a relief she did not hide, which prompted Zhavi to explain to Isla's biological family that she had experienced a vision through the Force that showed the couple – and presumably their own child – held in specimen tanks, sparking the fear that they would be betrayed and captured for experimentation. Thicinii was hurt – both Isla and Zhavi sensed clearly – but did not let it show, though Hendar, Tharron and Kriss all voiced their objections to the insinuation, claiming that though they were all loyal to the Chiss Ascendancy they would neither take part in – nor neglect to warn her of – any operation that involved trapping and experimenting on either Isla, Zhavi or their friends and allies.
Thicinii sharply added that Isla had spent too long listening to Republic propaganda during her time away, explaining that she wanted her help to eliminate the doctor before he could leverage the favors he had earned to force his ideas on the citizens Thicinii was trying to "help" with the clinical trials Isla had been assisting with. Much as it bothered her that the Chiss held the views they did on Force sensitivity, her mother's "solution" to the Force was much more palatable than the doctor's were implied to be. She had seen a future in which he got his way, but feared that assisting her mother might result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. She shared this concern with her family and, after a lengthy discussion, came to the rather grim conclusion that they could do nothing to guarantee they were not captured other than to have suicide chips implanted until the mission was over. That way, if they did not return, Thicinii could activate the chips to remotely euthanize them rather than allow them to be used in whatever horrifying experiments the wicked doctor had in mind.
There was some good news, thankfully, in that her three siblings would be joining the couple to help deal with the doctor, both as support and to assist with any obstacles that required a more intimate understanding of Chiss technology and procedures. Isla was touched not only by their willingness to risk accompanying her, but also by the revelation that her siblings had volunteered for the mission. Heart-warming as it was, the task itself would be difficult, and near enough impossible to even attempt if not for the stealth systems employed by the couple's ship, which with some slight modifications and a number of key upgrades would not be all that far off top-of-the-line, just as they had been when they vessel was first commissioned by the Sith Empire decades prior. Once the upgrades were completed and the team had loaded their equipment aboard, they set off for Csilla, arriving a few hours later and descending to the coordinates of the doctor's isolated laboratory.
Descending undetected, the group were able to surprise the security staff, cutting their way in through the facility roof using a thermal bore and demolishing the opposing forces, who were understandably surprised to find themselves under attack by two Jedi Knights, even more so when they realized those Jedi had native help. Though unfortunate, the group had orders to kill every member of staff in the facility and scrub all security footage when the doctor was dealt with. Leaving witnesses not only jeopardized the couple's safety in Ascendancy space, but would also come with severe ramifications for Isla's siblings and mother, who had no other home to flee to if evidence of their attack was left behind. Thus, reluctantly, the pair struck to kill, wiping out everyone they encountered until they reached the security station.
Once there, Kriss sliced into the life support systems and bypassed their safety protocols, depriving most of the airtight base of oxygen to ensure any survivors hiding out of sight were killed, leaving only the doctor himself – sealed within his secure laboratory with its separate, backup systems – to contend with. Once cornered, he warned that he had already sent a transmission informing the rest of Csilla what was happening, urging the group to surrender and appealing to their Jedi sensibilities by warning them that the lives of their Chiss allies would be better protected if they laid down their weapons and submitted to Ascendancy law. When they refused, he appealed to Isla's siblings instead, claiming that the research he was performing would allow the Chiss to rid themselves of imperfections forever – and that experimenting on live Jedi specimens would allow him to expedite the search for a "cure".
With his reflexes slowed by age, Isla leapt for him and severed the barrel of his weapon when he tried to shoot her. The energy imparted from the strike spun him slightly, at which point Zhavi calmly strode forwards and whipped her blade through his lower back, severing his spine. Kriss fired a shot that connected with his temple, ensuring that he was dead by the time he hit the floor. A number of Chiss citizens – presumably Force sensitives – were being held in the laboratory, and though they expected reinforcements were coming as promised, the group agreed it was worth the risk to extract them, if only to expose the illegal experiments and sully the carefully manufactured reputation of the doctor in case their activities were traced back to Mitt'icini'inrokini.
While Isla and Zhavi used the Force to transport the kolto tanks to their ship rather than risk removing the patients, Kriss, Hendar and Tharron began setting up thermal imploders around key sections of the facility, erasing any physical evidence when the fuel stores for the heating systems caught light. Unfortunately, by the time they were ready to leave, Chiss fighters arrived and opened fire on the ship, chasing them away from the doomed laboratory. Unable to get a lock on the vessel thanks to its various stealth systems, the fighters were forced to rely on line of sight to attack and so – albeit after a few excellent shots found their mark – the team were able to reach the atmosphere and outrun the Csillan fighters. The group agreed that – for the foreseeable future – they would be wise to avoid taking the ship out of the hangar, with Isla suggesting it might be a good time for a paint job to throw off the pilots, just in case they were able to visually ID them at a later date.
After praising their collective effort, Mitth'icini'inrokini dismissed everyone but Isla, waiting until they were gone before embracing her daughter and thanking her for her assistance, stating that although they held different views, she was still her daughter. She also confessed that the doctor's gradual rise to prominence had frightened her, allowing her to finally understand her late husband's perspective when he decided to sacrifice everything to get Isla out of Chiss space. She still disagreed with his decisions, but admitted that she could finally let go of her resentment towards him. Additionally, Thicinii claimed that Isla's long absence from Copero had made her realize that she missed her daughter after having her around for so many years, and although she was ashamed she had ordered an attack on her own people – especially for personal reasons – she was adamant that eliminating the doctor was, nonetheless, the proper thing to do.
She remarked that his methods were not only illegal, but sadistic, inefficient and unneeded, and that as such they were beneath the Chiss people – a comment that Isla knew amused Zhavi, who was eavesdropping on the entire conversation by thanks to the connection between them. Isla took the opportunity to inform her mother that she and Zhavi were engaged and intended to have a child together, capitalizing on the frankness of the moment to break the news. Thicinii was surprised at first, though she congratulated Isla and expressed her happiness, begrudgingly admitting that it had been bound to happen at some point and even offering to see what she could do in regards to enlisting the aid of Ascendancy genetic engineers to help the couple conceive, although Isla dismissed the idea, not wanting to push their collective luck any further than needed.
The recovered test subjects saved from their grim fate in the laboratory were kept sedated until they could be discreetly delivered elsewhere, to be found by forces who had no connection with House Inrokini and thus did not need to worry about being implicated in an unauthorized stealth attack on a Csillan installation. Isla later speculated that the vision was not about Isla and Zhavi at all and that perhaps what she had seen had been a personalized metaphor warning of the plight of her fellow Chiss, either in the present or in the future. Whatever the truth, they both agreed that – for all its faults – kidnapping and experimenting on their citizens was indeed behavior beneath the Chiss Ascendancy, just as Thicinii had said, and the couple were happy to have ensured the status quo was maintained, optimistic that one day things would be better for those rare Chiss born with the power of the Force.
Imperial Withdrawal[]
What is it? What's going on?"
"The Empire's forces are retreating en masse. Word on the street is that the war's over.
—Isla and Benjamin.
By the end of the year, Isla and Zhavi had finally heard news that the missing member of the Lambert family was alive and well on the Imperial world Som Galla, a volcanic planet that supported a number of island communities who were best known for creating beautiful marble structures and sculptures, earning the world its unofficial name, "the artisan isles". The planet had a near-Human population whose culture centered on veneration of the Force and the Sith, regarding them as demi-gods and the pinnacle of organic life.
As such, the Sith Empire had never needed to deploy anything more than a token force when their fleets first reached the system decades earlier, and what little presence the Empire maintained was primarily reduced to shipping orders off-world, as the planet held little value. Most in the Empire disregarded it as a worthless backwater devoid of useful resources or sizable landmasses that made it worthy of colonization, while those that looked upon it more favorably did so purely out of an appreciation for its artistic contributions. It was on this unremarkable world that Ben Lambert had been living since his attempt to assassinate Sera Artofen – and according to a report from Acina Lambert, both her brother and the evasive Sith Lord were living on the fiery planet of their own free will. Ben was, despite what everyone had presumed, not a prisoner at all; he was a guest.
Even so, his time on the Sith world would not last as long as his family feared. Without warning, the Empire made the sudden and unexpected decision to withdraw from every theater of war, pulling back their forces and retreating behind their borders, leading many to believe the war was all but over. Emboldened, the Republic advanced and liberated many of the worlds abandoned by the Empire – spreading themselves thin but pushing the front line ever closer to the heart of Imperial space. One such abandoned world was Som Galla; after Benjamin had forwarded information on Darth Artofen's presence there, the Republic prioritized the liberation of the world for the sole purpose of finally capturing the elusive alchemist who called the gloomy world home. The native Som Gallans had limited technology and resources and could do little to resist the Republic's military might, but even so, it came as a shock to all involved when the invading force was met with not a single instance of resistance from the population, although the natives very clearly resented the Republic's presence on their world.
Darth Artofen was located at her residence and arrested – also without resisting, which was viewed as incredibly strange. Isla and Zhavi were both shocked to hear that Ben had been arrested alongside Artofen – not rescued, as hoped – after trying to stop Republic troops from detaining the Sith Lord, making him – a SARB operative – the only being on the planet to actively oppose Republic troops. As a gesture of respect for the senior Lambert – and since he had not actually gone as far as to harm any Republic personnel – Ben was released into his father's custody without charge. Although he had set off to kill Artofen to impress his father and prove his worthiness, their reunion upon his return was tense and hostile. Isla and Zhavi were present, but remained silent for the most part, listening as Ben protested against Artofen's imprisonment while the elder Lambert reminded him that she was an enemy of the Republic, guilty of an endless list of crimes against their people.
A fact Benjamin could not change no matter how much his son implored him to. Isla and Zhavi waded into the debate to try and help, assuring their "nephew" that – while she might have been attractive and alluring to the untrained eye – Artofen was a Darth of the Sith Empire and had not achieved that lofty title without knowing how to scheme, murder, manipulate and exploit people for her own benefit. They warned that she would have betrayed him in a heartbeat the moment it became convenient to do so, a claim that Ben angrily refuted, pointing to her final order to the people of Som Galla not to resist the Republic forces as evidence of her true nature, which Benjamin conceded was a noble act and most unlike her. Although he promised to highlight her actions when it came to her legal defense, the younger Ben Lambert was not satisfied with such a small concession and angrily stormed off, leaving his father saddened. Zhavi reminded him that it was better for them to fall out with one another than for Artofen to have killed him or tortured him into embracing the dark side.
It was a month later – after Artofen's sentence was sped through the courts and she was secured aboard a Republic prison vessel bound for the high security wing of the Belsavis facility – that Isla was forwarded a disturbing report that Ben had abused his friendship with Saria – who was assigned to the ship as its Jedi escort – to surprise and incapacitate her, taking her clearance codes to board the vessel in her place. From there, he had proceeded to release Artofen, who killed many Republic troops during their escape from the prison vessel and ultimately destroyed the ship itself. Were she to encounter her nephew in the future, Isla – and the rest of SARB's forces – were expected to arrest or eliminate him as an enemy of the Galactic Republic. Isla confessed to Zhavi that she would not be able to bring herself to do either, and although Zhavi agreed she dismissed the scenario as unlikely, reminding her that Ben was – albeit maybe not in this particular instance – intelligent enough that he would likely disappear and avoid the Republic entirely.
Darth Vokuur's Secret[]
Alright, some of you know each other, some of you are strangers, but all of you know why we're here, so let's skip straight to the stuff that matters. Sooner we get this done, the sooner we can all grab a cold one and start polishing our medals.
—Benjamin opening the SARB war council.
Just under a year after the Empire withdrew its forces – in 40 ATC – intelligence from within Sith space gathered and corroborated by a number of agents and informants within the Sith Empire – including Damascus, Darsun Odé and, unexpectedly, the famously patriotic Darth Hamon – revealed that Darth Vokuur had rallied many of the Empire's top military leaders – Imperial and Sith alike – into abandoning their posts to join him. Such was the confidence he had inspired that the Dark Council had no choice but to officially support his plans or risk being openly undermined, leading to a power struggle that could quickly devolve into civil war at a time when the Sith Empire could ill-afford division.
The Sith withdrawal, viewed by many across the Republic as a sign that the Sith were on the verge of defeat and were digging in to defend the Seat of The Empire, was in fact a strategic – and temporary – one, ordered with the aim of securing a construction site far from the front line. That construction site – if reports were to believed – was home to the functional core of a massive space station drawing raw materials and energy from a local star, with which it had already begun building new ships, blasters and wardroids to be employed in an unprecedented counter-attack against the Republic. Though intelligence only revealed the station's function, most high-ranking Republic officials who were aware of the reports suspected it was more than a simple factory. Indeed, from the factory's description, coupled with the knowledge that Darth Vokuur had taken a Rakatan holocron from Agamar, top Republic military leaders soon came to the conclusion that Darth Vokuur had found the means through which the ancient Rakata were able to build the Star Forge used by Darth Revan and Darth Malak – construction methods he would use to launch the Sith Empire's resurgence.
To what extent the Sith were able to replicate the station's capabilities was unknown, but after much deliberation it was decided that a preemptive strike was vital to ensure the station's destruction, before it could be completed and its assembly lines activated. A massive task force was assembled, with the army and navy being recalled en masse from dozens of ongoing theaters of war. The Jedi, too, dedicated a large swath of their renewed numbers to the cause, and a series of briefings were held in the days prior to the attack, outlining the strategy for what was to be a bloody – but hopefully brief – clash. SARB, already heavily involved, were to be included in the Republic attack force, joining the Jedi strike teams who had the unenviable task of boarding the station. None were ordered, but many answered the call for volunteers.
In the hours leading up to the battle, Benjamin summoned all SARB personnel for a final briefing. General Daeruun attended via holo along with Fleet Admiral Oteg to ensure all of the strike teams understood their role in the fight ahead, as did the Supreme Chancellor, who was offering what motivational support she could from a crisis command center on Coruscant. Ben surprised everyone by reaching out to pledge his support too, promising that no matter what personal issues might have come between him, his friends, family and the Republic, Ben still stood against the Empire. Even Mitth'icini'inrokini made a point of being in attendance, pledging a volunteer group of skilled pilots to help destroy the station without the knowledge of the wider Chiss Ascendancy, who were – as ever – hedging their bets.
From behind enemy lines, Darsun, Damascus and his wife Corrith all attended via holo, along with the begrudging Darth Hamon, who was less concerned about the threat to the Republic and more interested in killing his long-time political rival, Vokuur, even at the Sith Empire's expense. Once assembled, the group wasted no time starting the briefing. According to a first-hand account by Benjamin's former master Darsun Odé, alongside rumors supposedly filtering down from high ranking Sith and the staff aboard the station, Vokuur had become immeasurably powerful seemingly overnight. His personality had shifted considerably too, with the Nautolan becoming reclusive and quiet, even with his daughter. Torem Vhenn – one of Benjamin's less visible Sith allies who had managed to get away during the Imperial withdrawal – and Darsun both attributed that shift to an ancient Force wielder having seized his body, a claim that was questioned by almost everyone in attendance due to the seemingly baseless nature of the assertion.
Darsun, however, spoke directly to Benjamin, claiming that the governor of Farrow already knew about the spirit that now ruled the Empire through what was left of Darth Vokuur. Benjamin, quickly understanding what his old mentor was referring to, revealed to the group that after claiming the first of the Celestial Orbs on Dronim Major, he had shared his body with a benign spirit, an ancient shaman and guardian of the orbs named Akum Fta Q'arryb. Said guardian had bound his own essence to one the orbs so that he might protect it in death as he had in life, but he had warned that there was a second individual who had sought the orbs in life and used his considerable power to resist the draw of Chaos for millennia, refusing to give up his quest by anchoring himself to his old war mask.
Benjamin had never encountered that spirit and the orbs – along with the Q'arryb – were now safely hidden, veiled behind layers of near-impenetrable security created using the power of the artifacts themselves. According to Darsun the dark spirit had been poisoning the minds of everyone it reached out to over the years, starting with Benjamin's deceased wife Lexi, who had discovered the mask when she found the first orb; a fact she had alluded to – but could not fully express – in her dying moments. Now, with the orbs out of reach, the spirit – whose mask had moved from Lexi's collection to Darth Madré's, then to Darth Vokuur's – had been searching for alternate methods of enforcing its will upon the galaxy and found one such method in Darth Vokuur. With the Rakatan holocron in his possession, Darsun believed Darth Vokuur had ceased to be useful and the entity had taken his body as his own.
With access to one of the few – if not the only – remaining repositories of Rakatan Force lore that had not been lost or destroyed since the fall of the Infinite Empire, replicating the Star Forge was just the beginning – unless the Republic could stop the entity before it cemented its hold over the Sith Empire and became the next Vitiate. To that end, the forces of SARB would be split into strike teams and flown through the battle to the partially constructed station, using the unfinished exterior as a means of boarding without the concern of hangar security. Benjamin conceded that there was no guarantee everyone's vessels would survive the journey there, but if they did, they were to fight their way through the station to the control center at its heart.
Meanwhile, six "broadcast teams" would attempt to use the distraction created by the strike teams to reach the station's communications hub, entering at separate locations to maximize their chances of reaching their objective. Darsun, as a senior Darth, had volunteered to be one of Vokuur's defenders serving as the last line of defense against boarding action, and would transmit the station's schematics internally – to the communications hub – once the battle started. From there, the team that reached the communications hub first would be able to freely transmit that data to allied vessels, providing Republic forces with a detailed blueprint to inform their attacks on the station once the vessels hosting its remote shield generator systems were all destroyed.
The station was the primary target; it had to be destroyed at all costs. Second was the recovery or destruction of the Rakatan holocron. Darth Vokuur's capture or – more likely – death was given as a tertiary objective, and was in no way a higher priority than the station, much as Darth Hamon felt otherwise. Benjamin would be remaining behind to join other Jedi whose job was to bolster allied forces to improve their chances, but everyone else would be assigned to a team for the assault, unless they wished to back out beforehand. Fielding some questions before listening to a short motivational speech from the Supreme Chancellor, Benjamin dismissed the team and left them to spend the hours before the battle relaxing or preparing as they so desired.
Isla, painfully aware of the scale of the battle that would soon unfold, suggested to Zhavi that they just cut and run after the briefing ended, pointing out that they were just two people who would not tip the scales either way and that they had given the Republic plenty over the years already. Zhavi shot the suggestion down immediately, but sympathized with Isla's fear. She did her best to comfort her, assuring her that as long as there was breath in her body she would always fight her way back to Isla's side, though her words did little to diminish the Chiss' concerns.
Battle of the Dromund Forge[]
This is Isla Ahnkett to all Republic forces. Darth Vokuur has been eliminated and station schematics have been broadcast. All forces evacuate immediately. Repeat: all forces, evacuate immediately.
—Isla addressing Republic forces aboard the Dromund Forge.
With all Republic forces reporting their readiness for battle, the fleet prepared to begin a series of predetermined lightspeed jumps that would take them around the Stygian Caldera that protected Imperial space, bypassing Imperial territory by utilizing a smuggler's route through the far side of the nebula that would take them to the construction site, just beyond the edge of the Nfolgai system.
When the fleet dropped out of hyperspace for the final time, the battle for what had become known as the "Dromund Forge" began. While Zhavi was charged with leading one of the twenty-seven boarding parties who would be drawing the attention of the bulk of the Imperial forces, Isla was partnered with Torem to make up one of the broadcast teams intent on capturing the communications hub. Isla and Torem's mission started poorly when their ship was damaged en route, forcing them to utilize a well-timed deployment of their escape pod to even reach the station alive. Once aboard, however, the two women made good use of their stealth training to quickly navigate the incomplete factory. Once they arrived at the communications hub, Torem received word from Darsun, learning that he had been uncovered as a traitor and was trapped by incoming Imperial troops. He had, however, succeeded in transmitting the schematics from the station's data archive to the communications hub, which would allow Isla and Torem to broadcast the technical readouts to the Republic fleet from there.
Torem asked if Isla would be able to complete their mission alone – to which she gave an affirmative answer – before rushing off to try and reinforce Darsun before Imperial forces overwhelmed him. During her absence, Isla felt – through her bond with Zhavi – the sudden death of her aunt Sofia. Isla ignored the loss as best she could, but unfortunately Imperial technicians had realized what was going on and remotely overloaded the consoles she was using, forcing the Chiss to rush out of the room before a huge electrical discharge destroyed everything inside. The explosion caused was such that Isla was propelled out of the room, tumbling over the edge of the walkway and into the hollow center of the station.
Barely managing to catch the edge in time, Isla believed she was going to die when a patrolling wardroid staggered over to her position and aimed its dual-barrel cannons at her. Yet for all her certainty, Isla had not anticipated the appearance of an unlikely ally; a lightsaber blade seared through the droid before the dismembered pieces were sent flying into the chasm beneath Isla. In the droid's place, Sera Artofen appeared, offering her hand and helping Isla back onto solid ground. She warned that they were not on the same side and that she was only helping because it mattered to Ben, who she claimed meant "everything" to her. Isla accepted the temporary alliance and contacted Zhavi to warn her that the plan had been scuppered, concluding that they had to push forward and take the command center if they wanted to salvage a victory.
By the time she had finished her conversation with Zhavi, Sera had slipped away for reasons unknown. Isla, having seen the station's schematics while in the communications hub, had a good idea where she was headed and began making her way after her, proceeding towards the command center. While en route, she sensed Damascus' pain and fury and quickly realized that his wife Corrith – who had been providing aid via battle meditation – had been killed. She could do nothing to help him either, however, and so proceeded with her mission with an ever-increasing sense of urgency. By the time she arrived at the command center, Darth Vokuur lay dead on the floor. Carried in Aaellu's arms was Acina Lambert – who was also dead.
Aaellu, clearly horrified and not in her right mind, left the command center with Acina's body, leaving Isla to finish the mission. Rushing to the main control console, Isla transmitted the location of the Imperial vessels that were providing remote shielding to the incomplete space station, alongside the station schematics themselves, to the Republic fleet. Then, with the boarding parties' mission completed, Isla used the station's internal communications system to order all allied forces to their extraction points and off the station before moving to retreat herself, taking the fallen Infinite Codex on her way out. Seeing Sera incapacitated near the entrance to the command center, Isla realized she must have tried to help Aaellu and Acina during the battle against Darth Vokuur. Clearly injured and unable to escape on her own, Isla – against her better judgement – risked her own safety to help Sera in escaping the station, narrowly avoiding the station's destruction as the Republic fleet brought down the shields and began targeted bombing runs on the facility's critical systems. Alongside Aaellu – who despite being in shock had waited for Isla before leaving – and the mortal remains of young Acina, Isla and Sera escaped the station only to be crippled by an Imperial fighter wing, leaving them drifting and without power. Covered by a starfighter escort, retired freighter pilot and SIS informant Kellith Odé, accompanied by his wife Evis, made the risky decision to leave the capital ship he was docked with in response to their distress call.
Rushing in to pick them up using a magnetic cargo clamp, Kellith's ship was badly damaged and his escort destroyed by the time he reached safe harbor, the dire situation forcing him to dock at speed. Anchored beneath Kellith's ship, Isla, Aaellu, Sera and Acina slammed down in the hangar less than a minute before the fleet made their jump out of the system, narrowly avoiding the same fate as the many thousands of Republic personnel who had died to see the Dromund Forge destroyed.
Balance of Odessen[]
Back where it all started...
—Isla, regarding Odessen.
The battle of the Dromund Forge had ended with a decisive victory for the Galactic Republic, but at great cost. In addition to the thousands of lives lost on both sides, Darsun Odé had made a heroic but ultimately wasted last stand to hold the data center and ensure the station schematics could be transmitted to the communications hub. Corrith Lambert was murdered in cold blood by Salila Ishtar while strengthening her allies on the station through her use of battle meditation, while Zhavi's aunt Sophia had died protecting Aaellu and Avexiss from the nebulous dark magic of Lord Dratine, allowing the prolific sorceress to be stopped for good when Aaellu and Avexiss severed her connection to the Force.
But most tragically of all was the death of fourteen year old Acina Lambert who &ndahs; guided by one of her many visions – had sacrificed herself against the ancient specter inhabiting Vokuur to protect her friends and family from the alternate version of events she had foreseen, saving thousands of lives at the cost of her own. Unsettled by so much death – deaths they felt keenly through the Force – Isla and Zhavi left the fleet shortly after the Republic's retreat from Imperial space, seeking out a peaceful spot to reflect on recent events in relative isolation. Zhavi, unbeknownst to Isla, already had a destination in mind, having been secretly collecting materials for her partner to use in the creation of a new lightsaber, to house the crystal she had acquired on Ilum, for some time.
She revealed her collection once they had landed at the old Eternal Alliance base on Odessen and – after spending some time looking around and reminiscing in what had once been the heart of the revolution against the Eternal Empire – the couple eventually ventured out into the wilds on foot, searching for a location that would lend itself to saber construction. Though they wandered aimlessly without a destination (crossing paths with a number of shade stalkers on their way) the Force guided the duo to the same cave the Alliance Commander had explored years earlier, to the stone forge used to craft the weapon that had been wielded to dethrone Emperor Arcann. Zhavi handed the materials she had collected to Isla, telling her she would stand guard until she was done. Isla grabbed her arm before she could step away, however, pulling her back and reminding her that they were inseparably bonded through the Force; they were no longer individual entities, and so Isla could not build the lightsaber alone.
So – working in unison – the couple began to meditate, using the Force to begin construction of the last lightsaber Isla would ever wield. The blade itself was an amalgamation of various design concepts and materials, including spikes – as featured on her first Sith saber – protruding from a shielded emitter. While the spikes represented her past as a Sith and her ongoing lethality as an assassin, the shielded design reflected her more recent role as a protector. Copper alloy from the most prestigious of Voryle's innumerable factories was utilized to create the casing, while Isla's necklace – fashioned using the remains of the crystals from her previous lightsabers – was disassembled and reassembled one final time to create decorative, jeweled veins inset along the length of the curving hilt.
Part of the process when constructing a lightsaber involving directing Force energy into the crystal, creating a strong link between wielder and blade so that the two were bonded. Normally, that energy was supplied by the creator of the weapon alone. However in sharing the moment with Zhavi, Isla's lightsaber crystal was charged with the Force energy of two Jedi, resulting in an unusual, pulsing blade when the weapon was activated – though the resulting effect was almost entirely cosmetic. The only notable distinction was that the lightsaber had a more pronounced Force signature, making it easier to detect through the Force, which both Isla and Zhavi noted as being somewhat ironic for a woman who specialized in stealth.
By the time the blade was finished and activated, both Jedi had reacquired a sense of inner calm and – though still saddened by recent events – the couple had soothed the wounds of their recent losses somewhat, better preparing them to face them. With Isla's new saber completed, the couple decided it was time for them to return home to comfort their friends and family and help guide them towards a similar sense of peace.
Starting A Family[]
The Waverunner Wedding[]
If I've got a reason t' exist or a callin' or a destiny or... whatever... it's you babe. Always was, always will be, from now till the end'a time.
—Zhavi, to Isla, on their wedding day.
In the wake of the somber aftermath of the destruction of the Dromund Forge, Acina was given a touching send-off on Coruscant, with not only friends and family in attendance, but also many Republic and Jedi defenders who arrived to pay tribute to the child hero who had stood against the evil of the dark side and won. A starfighter flyby took place at the ceremony and Acina's name was prominently featured on a memorial placed in the senate building, alongside the names of all those who died in the battle. Believing it would help distract the grieving Lambert family and provide a more uplifting occasion to help everyone move past the traumatic events, Isla and Zhavi brought the date of their wedding forward, leveraging their participation in the destruction of the Dromund Forge to avoid the usually lengthy wait for a venue.
The ceremony itself took place on Corellia's legendary Gold Beaches not far from the couple's new home in Tyrena, an event that was open to any who wished to attend, though naturally seating at the heart of ceremony was reserved for friends and family. Both brides were given away by their fathers in a modern twist on the old tradition, while Master Oteg agreed to officiate the ceremony in a friendly, informal capacity. As Jedi were forbidden to marry or form attachments, Oteg could not formally approve of their wedding, but being less severe than many of his fellow masters, noting that their status as a dyad in the Force was an exceptional circumstance and knowing the couple reasonably well on a personal level, Oteg admitted that he was – off record – happy for them both.
Most of the Jedi Order who were aware of the ceremony did not speak out against it either, however, as the couple's achievements over the last decade had earned them considerable respect and admiration from all corners of the Republic, particularly Zhavi, and thus the Jedi Order did not openly comment on the matter. Mitth'icini'inrokini and Isla's siblings also attended using temporary diplomatic immunity granted at Isla and Zhavi's request, as did the leadership of the Cobbled Terentateks and the former queen of Voryle herself, accompanied by her new boss Mister Crimson. Even Sera and Ben were present, albeit attending remotely due to their criminal status. Isla took Zhavi's family name, as the Waverunners were a respected military lineage in the Republic and the Ahnkett name was not Isla's by birth, which by her own admission lessened her attachment to it. Zhavi suggested a double-barreled name as a compromise, but Isla wanted to take the Waverunner name, as it marked the first time she was able to willingly embrace a new identity rather than having one chosen for her.
Once the ceremony was complete a reception was held in Tyrena, with Isla and Zhavi returning to Copero to begin their "honeymoon" the following morning.
Dig Site on Kubindi[]
Zakuulan, hm? Interesting.
—Isla, to Maris Mistwood.
Towards the end of 40 ATC, Isla was deployed to ruins of unknown origin recently discovered on the unwelcoming surface of Kubindi, where a lethal artifact – supposedly a new Celestial Orb, though Isla was skeptical – had been causing the archaeological team trouble. Given her experience with the orbs and the need for secrecy Isla was believed to be a suitable investigator to aid the team, but by the time she arrived with Ducky, Imperial forces were already on site, a commando team seemingly led by a Sith carving through the lightly staffed ruins.
The commandos ambushed Isla to stall her from reaching her destination, and although she managed to reach their Sith commander, Shara Vhenn, she was too late to stop her from escaping with the artifact. Prior to her skirmish with Shara, Isla came across Maris Mistwood, a Zakuulan warrior who had been caught sneaking around the ruins and who had teamed up with Shara in exchange for her freedom, only to be betrayed and left as a distraction for Isla. Complicit in the deaths of several Republic soldiers and indirectly connected to the death of Padawan Jojan, Isla decided to recapture Mistwood and waited for reinforcements to arrive to secure the site, extract the survivors and collect the dead.
Birth of Acina Waverunner[]

Zhavi in the junkyard.
You stole the wrong bitch's droid!
—Zhavi, to the junkyard thugs.
Towards the end of 41 ATC, Isla was over eight months pregnant with the couple's first child, conceived with the assistance of Genius Genetics, a bioengineering company who specialized in same-sex and inter-species reproduction. Isla and Zhavi left Copero for a final trip to Republic space before the birth, but while en route Isla began to suffer from unexpected pains, followed by significant bleeding that caused the couple to fear for the health of their baby. Cutting their journey to Corellia short, the couple redirected to nearby Talravin for emergency medical attention.
Isla's condition deteriorated rapidly as they descended, though thanks to Zhavi calling ahead medics were waiting for them when they disembarked and the Chiss was rushed to a local hospital immediately, where Zhavi learned that – due to Isla's unusually small frame and the larger size of the child – the baby was coming early. She was also asked to give her consent for emergency surgery, as a natural delivery would likely kill both mother and child. Thankfully the surgery itself was straightforward and performed without complication, although as with most occasions in the couple's lives there were other issues that arose; Zhavi received a panicked message from Ducky while she was waiting to hear from the surgeons, telling her that someone had boarded their ship, taking advantage of the fact that Zhavi – in her rush – had neglected to secure the vessel.
Zhavi fled the hospital immediately. By the time she arrived Ducky was gone, though thanks to her SIS credentials Zhavi was able to commandeer the services of local security forces, who served as her eyes and helped guide her in pursuit of the suspected droid-napper. Unfortunately even with additional resources at her command Zhavi caught up with the thief too late to rescue Ducky. In no mood for niceties, Zhavi beat the Kaleesh criminal severely until he confessed that he was only a courier and that it was his boss who wanted the droid, though he had not been told why. Pointing her to a junkyard outside the city, Zhavi crushed the thug's kneecap to immobilize him and called the authorities to pick him up while she proceeded to the junkyard, accompanied by an increasingly agitated Vrym and with the Talravin authorities following in her wake. The junkyard itself was a dense fortress of crushed metal held in position by thick durasteel meshes, creating an enclosed base for what was evidently a criminal operation. Stressed and enraged by the day's events, Zhavi created her own entrance into the junkyard, leaping onto the roof of the makeshift bunker and smashing through with the aid of the Force.
Inside, she discovered a fiery underworld of molten metal and streams of hyperdrive plasma, as well as a number of workers who – it seemed – were ready and willing to kill the Jedi, confirming they were more than simple laborers. With decades of experience, a fierce command of the Force and in a terrible mood, Zhavi decimated the thugs with horrifying ease, murdering her way to the Ugnaught foreman who attempted to kill her using droids he had clearly assembled from salvaged parts. Zhavi obliterated the droids and disarmed the foreman, strangling him until he revealed that he had been contacted by an anonymous individual who wanted him to steal Ducky and download the data held in his memory, a seemingly simple task that earned him an eye-watering number of credits. He told her Ducky was in the compactor room with the other scrap, as he no longer needed him, and Zhavi decided to give him a chance to live by testing his character.
Turning her back on him, Zhavi made her way out of the room expecting that he would try to shoot her in the back. When he did, Zhavi was ready, disarming and kicking him into a viscous waterfall of molten metal, which quickly ended his life. By the time she began searching the compactor room, Ducky was seconds away from being crushed, only surviving thanks to Zhavi and Vrym, who instinctively dived after the helpless droid. The trio returned to the hospital, soaked in rain, sweat and mechanical fluids, tired but alive and unharmed and – to their joy – greeted by the sight of Isla, now awake, holding the newest addition to the Waverunner family. Zhavi asked if Isla had decided on a name, and Ducky projected his suggestion in the form of an image of the late Acina Lambert – a tribute to their beloved niece while also keeping up the Waverunner tradition of naming at least one child in each generation after a Republic hero, which both Isla and Zhavi agreed on. Thus, Acina Waverunner joined the galaxy.
The unorthodox family remained in the hospital for a few days – during which time Zhavi regaled both Isla and the local authorities with the details of her trip to the illicit junkyard and her confrontation with the foreman – before resuming their journey to Corellia, deciding to remain in Republic space for a month or two before heading home. Neither of them could completely disregard the mystery aggressor, however, and with Ducky having traced the foreman's transmission Zhavi made it clear she intended to follow the trail when the time was right.
Evacuation of Bimimma[]
Not again...
—Isla, on seeing evidence of starweird activity.
In late 42 ATC, Zhavi was pregnant with the couple's second and third children, although in contrast to Isla's pregnancy Zhavi took the extra load in her stride and made a point of keeping herself busy. Isla insisted they avoid any form of danger, an insistence which led them to the agricultural world of Bimimma, where Samantha D'callo was visiting on behalf of Mister Crimson, who had invested in the foundation of the colony. On Bimimma, Zhavi assisted the locals in digging the foundations of an extension to the colony while Isla looked after Acina, transporting tools and moving soil using a cargo sled. A few weeks into their stay on the uneventful world the colony's orbital proximity alarms began blaring, however.
Initially, the residents feared pirates or an invading Imperial fleet, but it soon became apparent that it was neither. Ducky – connected to the colony's systems – projected a hologram of the object that had triggered the alarm; a wrecked Harrower-class dreadnought that had dropped out of hyperspace and was now drifting, lifeless and little more than debris but on a collision course for Bimimma. A distress call was transmitted and responded to immediately by Republic forces, a fleet being promised within a matter of hours to intercept the derelict before it reached the planet. Unfortunately, Ducky calculated that in the time it would take the nearest fleet to arrive the wreck would be too close to the planet to avoid a collision.
By the time the fleet arrived, destroying the dreadnought would litter the planet with debris, avoiding an apocalyptic scenario but raining down an unpredictable hailstorm of destruction on their evacuation efforts. Ducky suggested that if the ship could be redirected to fall into the ocean, the colonists would have more time to evacuate and what little progress had been made on the colony's construction could be rebuilt in the aftermath, once the seawater receded. Zhavi agreed, though even she had to admit that redirecting a falling dreadnought was beyond her power alone. Contacting Master Gnost-Dural, Zhavi was informed that Saria Minstyngar was close enough to assist, and after a second call to Carth a handful of proximate SARB agents were rerouted immediately. Meanwhile, Isla took a scout ship out to the Harrower and boarded it to investigate what had transpired aboard the vessel to send it hurtling towards a Republic agricultural world – and whether it was intentional.
Unbelievably, Isla's list of possibilities failed to accommodate the horrifying reality that she encountered shortly after securing her vessel; the ship was ensnared by the same fleshy vines she and Zhavi had encountered aboard the Chiss Ascendancy observatory, leaving Isla to conclude that starweirds had struck yet again and prompting her to make a speedy departure for fear that the spectral beings might still be present aboard the dreadnought. By the time Isla returned to the colony, SARB forces had arrived and were preparing to set out to reach a strategic location from which they would attempt to steer the falling vessel. Isla and Acina left the planet aboard their ship to wait out the collision, leaving Zhavi and her team to alter the trajectory of the dreadnought as it broke through the atmosphere, using the Force to drag the vessel down so that it crashed into the ocean instead of the land.
Doing so created a tsunami, though the group were prepared for it, fleeing on speeders and riding up the boarding ramp of freelancer Florence Carter's freighter shortly before the wave caught up with them. The colony was resettled a day later and work recommenced as before, but Isla and Zhavi did not join the colonists in returning to Bimimma, choosing instead to move on while SARB personnel and a larger Republic team were brought in to investigate the wreckage in the hopes of discovering more about the concerning incident.
The Lost Fortress of Shimka[]
Shimka's Well[]

Isla and Zhavi, with Vrym, Ducky and Acina, around the time of the rediscovery of Shimka's Well.
Huh... sunshine, green grass, gentle rivers, no mutant Geo's. We sure this is a Jedi world?
—Zhavi, after setting foot on Shimka's Well for the first time.
In the first few weeks of 43 ATC, Isla and Zhavi participated in an expedition to locate a lost world settled by a number of Jedi artisans, led by the eccentric Master Shimka, centuries earlier. The expedition – funded by the government of Farrow rather than the Jedi Order, who were still recovering from their losses in the war – made use of Master Magda's cache of ancient secrets, leading the team into the vast Rose Nebula, well beyond the Republic's borders. Deep within the gaseous veil, the expedition rediscovered the star system, the world they were looking for and its intact Jedi settlement, the fabled "Lost Fortress of Shimka", also known as "Shimka's Well".
Surrounded by endless ocean and man-made waterfalls, Shimka's Well consisted of a number of islands separated by shallow canals. Most of the islands were occupied by various types of stone structures – basic, yet expertly crafted – while the main temple was situated on a high mesa that appeared to be inaccessible by land. Due to the unknown stability of the mesa and the limited open space available in which a ship could be set down, the expedition members agreed to land on the central island, a location which would allow for easy exploration of the surrounding points of interest. On landing, the Force-wielders at the head of the expedition – Zhavi, Isla, Aaellu, Alucia, Ah'rek, Kara, Gretta and Shen Lambert and Master Oteg, the latter having been invited by Governor Lambert – disembarked to secure the landing site, a large stone courtyard overlooked by an enormous sculpture of an unknown Twi'lek Jedi holding his lightsaber aloft.
Isla and Zhavi were particularly surprised by the planet, having been expecting an unpleasant world like Ilum or Ossus, but instead found that Shimka's Well had a hot, watery climate. Once the security personnel had finished offloading equipment and supplies and secured a perimeter, Isla and Zhavi elected to venture out to the closest structure while their allies continued setting up the their base of operations. At first, the couple found no evidence of recent activity and nothing out of the ordinary. However, after reaching the top of a stone staircase that spiraled around a small hillside, the duo were faced with a narrow, mossy bridge, on which stood an ancient guardian droid – one which greeted them with immediate hostility.
Although the droid had some surprising methods of attack unlike any the couple had encountered before, the machine was sluggish and heavy, and Isla was able to dispatch it alone with relative ease, avoiding the droid's beam weapon before cutting the machine in half. Reporting the presence of the droid – which Isla believed to be Zeffonian in origin, a mysterious long-dead species she had learned about from Governor Lambert – to the rest of the group, the couple continued onwards, eager to discover what the machine had been guarding. To their surprise, the structure across the bridge was not particularly noteworthy; a storehouse for tools and supplies used by Master Shimka and his band of errant Jedi artisans. Fortunately, the discovery was of interest to the wider expedition, and though Isla and Zhavi were not overly excited by the mundane contents they did discover a unique variation of the common Jedi holocrons, one which activated on their arrival and produced a recording of Master Shimka himself. The recording recognized that they were newcomers to the world and welcomed them, explaining that they were currently standing inside a storehouse, as they had already surmised. Thankfully, the device was in good working order and was able to provide them with detailed information on the other structures in Shimka's Well, giving the expedition a better idea of what awaited them at each location.
Isla and Zhavi returned to the expedition's base camp and joined their peers for lunch, over the course of which they discussed what the couple had found so far and shared their thoughts on what the expedition should focus on first. They also traded theories on the abundance of memory moths present throughout Shimka's Well, which both Oteg and Ah'rek had encountered before on the world of New Holstice. While the majority of the group remained at camp to keep their landing site secure and coordinate the troops and researchers under their command, Alucia and Kara were permitted to venture out to explore the Communion Hall, which housed the similarly named Communion Chamber. Isla and Zhavi, likewise, were permitted to continue exploring, heading to a location referred to in Shimka's chronicle as the Artisan's Retreat.
The Artisan's Retreat[]
Looks like some kinda... mold? Maybe f' armor or somethin'?
—Zhavi, to Isla, regarding Shimka's Loom.
Crossing the river via a series of sunken stones sat just beneath the surface, Isla and Zhavi made their way to the Artisan's Retreat without issue, an air-conditioned bunker accessible only by water and protected by an energy gate which – they soon discovered – only responded to the will of an individual attuned to the light. Fortunately, that was not an issue for the Waverunners. Once inside, the pair slowly made their way along the sloping entry corridor and down into the heart of the structure, whereupon they found a vast library that seemed – after briefly skimming through the nearest stack of holobooks – to relate to the specific techniques – trialed, failed and successful alike – employed by the Jedi artisans in their varied crafts.
To the couple's surprise, they were not alone in the library; while few in number, droids of an alien design – yet dissimilar from the Zeffonian machine they had encountered earlier – patrolled the area with an eerie silence. Stranger still was the distinct Force signature of each of the droids. Although Isla and Zhavi suspected they were some form of defense droid designed for repelling thieves, Dark Jedi and Sith, they were not optimistic about the droids welcoming them into the library with open arms, and after jumping down to address the unorthodox guardians the couple's suspicions were confirmed. Activating lightsabers, the droids attacked the couple without hesitation or negotiation. Isla and Zhavi attempted to talk their way out of the confrontation, hoping that – as they were still active – the machines would be able to help the expedition instead of hindering it, though it soon became evident that the droids were intent on killing them.
Forced to disable them, the couple were perplexed by their Force sensitivity, noting that – like organic beings – they could sense their lives slip away through the Force as they "died". On reaching the back chamber of the Artisan's Retreat, Isla and Zhavi encountered another of the bizarre Jedi droids. Unlike the previous machines, however, this droid spoke to them rather than attacking, apologizing for the behavior of its peers and claiming that they had spent so long in isolation that their minds had atrophied until they were unable to distinguish between friend and foe. The droid introduced itself as Shauko and explained that she – like her deceased peers – was part of a group of Jedi known as Temple Watchmen, followers of Shimka who chose to transfer their consciousnesses to a mechanical frame instead of becoming one with the Force when their bodies began to fail.
By doing so, they were able to continue serving as protectors of Shimka's Well long after their bodies turned to dust. Sadly, as Shauko had explained already, the unforeseen cost was the addling of their minds over time, leading to their indiscriminate hostility towards even their fellow Jedi. Fortunately, the transition to their droid hosts hampered their Force abilities; they were not strong enough to open the gates and were thus confined to their assigned areas. That restriction extended to Shauko, yet with Isla and Zhavi's entry into the Artisan's Retreat she was finally able to move around Shimka's Well once more, promising to help the Jedi and their expedition with her first-hand knowledge of the ancient temple. Shauko departed for the entrance, but not before introducing the couple to the artifact in the chamber, Shimka's Loom, one of the many hidden treasures of the artisans of Shimka's Well. Once Shauko had left – promising to meet them at a bunker to the south – Isla approached the artifact, insisting that Zhavi stay back so as not endanger their unborn children. It activated automatically as she moved into range, prompting her to pause while the device automatically scanned her proportions and pierced its way into her memories in a matter of moments.
That information was then used to begin fashioning a custom Jedi robe, specifically tailored to her physical capabilities and fighting style. In Isla's case, she was presented with a sleek, off-white outfit similar in design to what she had worn as a Sith Inquisitor. With the mystifying Artisan's Retreat explored and the threats within neutralized, the pair remained for a while at Isla's insistence, giving her time to indulge her curiosity regarding the ancient Jedi texts and the unique sculpting techniques contained within.