Isis Mira Bridger was a Force-sensitive Human female witch from the planet Lothal that lived during the separate periods of time where the known galaxy was ruled the Galactic Empire and then the New Republic, both of which became powers that she would at some point hold ill-feelings towards. Throughout the duration of her life, Bridger would continue to serve numerous different roles, including being a member of the Lothal resistance to Imperial rule, a master assassin, a powerful figurehead within the galactic underworld that became known as "Shadow" and even as a student in the Jedi arts, becoming a Force-sensitive outcast that utilized her powers as a physical manifestation that revealed itself in shifting, multicolored magick.
The daughter of Ephraim and Mira Bridger, Isis Bridger was born approximately two years after her older brother, Ezra, and she shared a special connection with him that transcended ordinary sibling affections, their shared ability to harness the Force creating a unique bond. This connection enabled the pair to read and even 'link' their minds together in a way that gave them a deep understanding of one another. Following her fifth birthday, Isis and her brother were left orphaned after their parents were imprisoned for their public criticism of the Galactic Empire and its occupation. However, a riot separated the pair after Ezra distracted several stormtroopers to provide Isis with an escape route, but during the course of this action, the two siblings presumed the other dead and lost contact with each other, which left Isis stranded within the plains while her brother became a street rat before joining the Spectres rebel cell in their fight against the Empire. Separated from her brother, Isis wandered her homeworld, learning to adapt in the harshest environments in a form of training that led her to discover that she, like Ezra, could harness the Force. Isis, however, also discovered she had numerous psionic abilities somehow aligned with the Force, which she learned to wield skillfully, fighting the Empire on numerous occasions as she tried to find out what had happened to the rest of her family. The knowledge that her parents had been imprisoned because they had defied the Empire, however, resulted in Isis gaining certain reservations towards the Rebel Alliance and their fight, as she believed that even though the Empire was an evil force, the Republic that had preceded it offered little alternatives. Instead, Isis focused her efforts to helping people just get through the Empire's reign, and after learning her parents had died, she turned her back on the whole idea of rebellion against the Galactic Empire, seeing both of them in a negative light. Having heard her brother in his transmission to the citizens of Lothal, Isis set out to find him, participating in the Liberation of Lothal while in search of him.