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Irobus Letro was a Human male politician from the planet Contispexus. He began his career in the Galactic Republic and continued in office under the Galactic Empire, eventually becoming governor of his homeworld. He was a fan of podracing but was persuaded to vote for laws banning the sport.
Irobus Letro was born in 56 BBY, the son of wealthy and influential corporate executives. As a teenager he displayed a streak of rebellion, experimenting in glitteryll. After finishing his studies at the Contispex University in 32 BBY he secretly entered a rehab program on Rhommamool to cure his drug addiction. He married Adurema Nizelgon and returned home in 29 BBY and began his career in politics by running for mayor of Tepex, narrowly winning against the incumbent, Jessea Xihasperex. At the beginning of the Clone Wars he left his post as mayor to lead the newly created office of the Ministry of Republic Military Relations. In 19 BBY it was reorganized as the Imperial Military Office of Contispexus and Letro continued as head of the office until he was elected to the Imperial Senate in 11 BBY.
All of his children were members of the Sub-Adult Group and his son Gerrelt later joined CompForce while his daughters Uran and Tessa joined the Coalition for Progress. His youngest son, Vorx, did not remain with COMPNOR and was often harassed by his siblings because of it. The Imperial Senate was dissolved in 0 BBY and Letro retired until Roogil Mols-Eibon, the governor of his homeworld, died in 2 ABY and Letro was able to gain the position. In spite of his experience, he was a fairly mediocre governor, ruling until he was forced to surrender Contispexus to the New Republic in 14 ABY, after building a military that would violate the treaty between the New Republic and the Empire.
Put on house arrest afterwards, he managed to escape with the help of the smuggler Tull Strayfiend and traveled to Orinda and secretly joined the First Order. Numerous attempts to have his wife brought to him failed and he did not see her again until 19 ABY, when they were reunited on Baramorra, which he was governor of from 15 ABY until 39 ABY. Outliving his wife by a few years, he died in 48 ABY.