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Irita Piett was the aunt of Firmus Piett, sister of Kaida Piett, and the youngest daughter of Apollo Jerec Piett.


Irita's mortal life was short, but she idolized her sister Kaida and enjoyed listening to others read.

Early life[]

Irita never went a day without knowing she was loved. Kaida hand made a small plush bantha for her one day and she never slept without it from then on. The sisters were almost inseparable from the day she was born. The second day after her birth, Kaida came into the nursery, said she was beautiful and asked if she could hold her. Apollo never had to worry about his baby girl being in danger, Kaida was a caring, responsible sister who was lightning-quick to defend and help Irita.


Irita was found dead in her crib one night, a night that traumatized the whole family. When she returned as a Force Ghost half a year later, she told her parents she didn't blame them for anything, it was her time and that she'd be waiting for them.


Irita frequently returned to her family, even appearing to her nephew, Firmus to introduce herself and give him a warning when her grandnephew, Qui-Gon Piett, was in danger.

Personality and traits[]

Irita was a loving, happy little girl. She didn't live long, but the life she lived was a happy one and she knew she was loved.

Behind the scenes[]

The author found Irita's name in a name generator one day.

See also[]

  • Apollo Jerec Piett
  • Kaida Piett