The Iridonia-Lannik Campaign was the name given to the counteroffensive conducted by the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire of Darths Revan and Malak. Fought in the wake of the liberation of Iridonia in 3,958 BBY, the campaign included victories by the Republic Military at Rodia, Mon Gazza and Lannik.
Despite the success of this offensive, by 3,956 BBY the Republic was in a desperate situation. Deciding that they had no other recourse, the Jedi High Council hatched a plan to capture Darth Revan and deprive the Sith of their strongest leader and strategist.
Behind the scenes[]
The Essential Atlas gives an accounting of a series of battles between the Sith and the Republic, however, the reference work does not specify a timeframe for their location. This is an effort by Goodwood to reconcile these events with the known canon history.
- The Last Full Measure (Mentioned only)
- The Great Leap Forward (Mentioned only)