Star Wars Fanon
Legacy eraPost-Legacy era

Irestego was a planet in the Romasi sector of the Unknown Regions and a member of the Golden Empire. It was the homeworld of the Eliasen.


Much of Irestego's surface was gently rolling hills, grassy plains. The world's plains were temperate closer to its poles and warmer near the equator. Though the planet had deserts, only some were equatorial; the largest was an arid rainshadow region on a vast plateau, and the southern pole was a cold desert of snow and tundra. The majority of the surface was considered pleasant by both the native Eliasen and most offworld visitors.

Irestego had broad oceans and thousands of kilometers of beachfronts. Its beaches often curved around inlets and bays.

Society and culture[]

The Eliasen were the majority species of their homeworld, and their inventive culture favored both innovation and efficiency. Though Irestego had abundant natural resources, the Eliasen disdained wasting anything, and consequently large-scale deforestation or consumption of resources never became a planet-wide concern. Its natural beauty meant that a noteworthy portion of Irestego's economy was generated by tourism, vacationing, and honeymooners.


Irestego joined the Golden Empire in 96 ABY and was the site of a 101 ABY battle during the Great Liberation. It was captured by the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob, but retaken shortly thereafter when the Tetrarchy pulled back in the wake of the Battle of Tizgo V.

Due to its scenic beaches and idyllic climate, Irestego was a popular vacation destination for citizens of the Empire in the postbellum years. Shortly after the beginning of the Nightmare War, Jira and Wyro Zaffrod were vacationing on Irestego with their daughter Terra when they were attacked by a group of Veracht assassins. The Zaffrods were saved by the timely intervention of Zahyr, but the Veracht killed all the other guests at the resort. Despite their awareness of the planet's existence, the Reawakened did not invade Irestego during the war.
