Iperogga is the language of the Condorians. The language was made standard when Millennium Falcon unified the Condorian species against larger predators on their planet. Condorians can make most of the sounds of Basic, but their accent is heavy and difficult to master. Some sounds, such as the one written in Basic as ckg, are not easily pronounced by humans.
"M"'s in Iperogga are not common. When there is an "m" in a word, it is pronounced like "m" without using nasal sound. "N"'s are almost devoid of existence, but they are pronounced choppily when used by Condorians.
Nouns in Iperogga are usually simple enough. Most words are based on root syllables. To make a noun plural, put a "u" (pronounced ooo) at the front of the word. Hence, few words start with "u" and for the few exceptions, "g" is added to the prefix.
Most of the pronouns in Iperogga are related to chunks and roots that have sub-meanings. For example, the word "daw" usually has something to do with the self, and Ak usually is used in selfless terms, or "you"-related concepts.
- I--Daw
- You--Ak (Uaku formal)
- He--yckgo
- She--yckgi
- We--Udaw
- You (plural)--Uak
- They--uyckoi
- It--Lyl
Proper Nouns[]
The proper nouns of Iperogga are emphasised on the first syllable. In the Iperogga written language, the word is underlined.
Improper Nouns[]
Some words are common in the Condorian language, and are a necessity to learn if a student wishes to master Iperogga.
Everyday objects[]
- Cloth--Sigahuh
- Auora Borealis--Usousyer Yord
- Animal--Betes
- Plant--Coyu
- Water--Ststtt (hissing)
- Fire--Cakkak
- Air--Fuuuff
- Rock--Bahd
- Beak--Aeiou
- Wings--Utuah
- Weapon--Peq
- Tool--Yit (suffixes added for different tools)
- Condoria--Codorya
- Condorian--Codoryaen
- Universe--Yifyef
- Enemy--Xix (also used as prefix or honorific for showing dislike toward an individual)
- Friend--Dawak
- Computer--Kowled Usousyered (variants have prefixes "kowled")
- Oven--Cakked
- Food--Betre
- God (divinity)--Yord (usually honorific of entity during prayer)
- Prayer--Yordawk
- Child--En
Name Honorific[]
When a name is used formally, an honorific is used. An honorific in Iperogga is usually a prefix added before the name. "Ed," also meaning "of" when by itself, is usually at the end of the prefix. Honorifics are expected to be used at the end of names during most speech, unless it is a conversation between "Brothers-In-Mossunja," or two devoted friends.
- Peasant--Plaed
- Craftsman--Bahded
- Artist--Stoosed
- Tradesman--Daw-aked
- Noble--Yayed
- Patrician--Yeyed
- Elder--Yiyed
- Superwarrior--Yoyed
- Commander--Umillyeyay
- Unmarried/male--Ycko
- Unmarried/female--Ycki
- Married/male--Yckgol
- Married/female--Yckgil
- Enemy--Xix
- Friend--Dawak
- Father--Bowbow
- Mother--Lawlaw
- Sibling (older)--Yis
- Sibling (younger)--Sis
- Education--Roed
- Religion--Yorded
- Government--Mill (synonymous for thousand)
- Market--Dotcom
- War--Peqenino
Verb Conjugation[]
Verbs in the infinitive form begin and end with "yo" and "oy" respectively. When the verbs are conjugated, the "yo" and "oy" are taken out and the following are added for the varying subject pronouns.
- Daw xxxed
- Ak xxxunu
- Yckgo xxxgo
- Yckgi xxxgi
- Udaw xxxled
- Uak xxxyunu
- Uyckoi xxxthet
Forming Tenses[]
- Past--mexxx (flat e)
- Present--(no change)
- Future--whixxx
Common Verbs (in half-conjugated form)[]
- Walk--Pobahd
- Fly--Fuuuffed
- See--Yigckt
- Pray--Yordawked
- Talk--Awked
- Change--Orphoz
- Go--Haller
- Do--Tetre
- Be--K'mad
- Buy--Cheter
- Rule--Iper
- Rise--Pup
- Fall--Doun
- Run--Pobahdsulp
- Migrate--Yorded Pobahd
- Begin--Isthis
- End--Mort (synonomous for "death")
- Can (as in, can I, can you)--Peux
- Write--Yorgs
- Read--Yorgsed
- Take--Pedkul
- Travel--Vivtrail
- Work--Rarghtigck
- Play--Ttcoym
- Give--Shquet
- Receive--Thakyu
- Have--Lail
All adjectives in Iperogga are placed after the noun it describes. A hyphen is placed between the adjective and the noun.
- Low-frequency infrared--Pickgir
- High-frequency infrared--Pickgor
- Red--Booder
- Orange--Fumar
- Yellow--Joad
- Green--Velot
- Blue--Sishht
- Violet--Mumpar
- Low-frequency ultraviolet--Reckgir
- High-frequency ultraviolet--Reckgor
- White--Banc
- Grey--Bancadonc
- Black--Donc
Character Traits[]
- Smart--Intel
- Stupid--Aintal
- Interpersonal--Derk
- Asocial--Gudgy
- Esteemed--Milleiya
- Humble--Modeer
- Solemn--Migal
- Disruptive--Cogh
- Truthful--Vrai
- Disobedient--Nottt
- Forgiving (note that Condorians do forgive small mischief, as is the command of Mossunja Pijin)--Yaya
- Vengeful--Kardecrak
- Daring--Hro