The Invasion of Naboo was a battle in the Theed Palace in which the Trade Federation successfully invaded the peaceful planet of Naboo and killed Jar Jar Binks and captured Padme Amidala. Darth Maul, apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, was killed by Qui-Gon Jinn.
The Trade Federation was seduced by Sidious to blockade the planet Naboo. Supreme Chancellor Valorum dispatched Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Xanatos, his apprentice, were sent to Naboo to settle the dispute. Xanatos sensed that the Sith were behind this and sneaked out of his room on the Trade Federation ship while Qui-Gon was sleeping. He saw Trade Federation viceroy Nute Gunray talk to a black-robed, hooded Sith and a horned apprentice. He snuck out and was caught by several Security droids.
Qui-Gon, hearing several droids coming to his room, ignited his lightsaber, killed droids, and helped Xanatos escape. Xanatos told Qui-Gon what he saw and Qui-Gon said Xanatos was dreaming.
They fled to several Trade Federation dropships and landed on Naboo. On the planet, a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks was running from several advancing Trade Federation ships when he was run over by one and killed. Qui-Gon, having pity on the small, useless creature, went over to his sack that he was carrying, and found a map to the Gungan capital, Otah Gunga.