The Intra-War Period was a period in the Common Era from 1927 with the 1927 Core Worlds Financial Crisis to 1939 with the Battle of Scarif beginning the Greater Rim Rebellion and the Thirty-Seventh Galactic Civil War
Events each year[]
- Nationalisation of the Corellian Engineering Corporation and the Corellian Shipping Consortium
- Beginning of Imperial Expansionism with the start of the Trans-Rimma Pacification Campaign on February 7th
- Beginning of the Second Tionese-Imperial War on June 8th
- End of the 1927 - 1930 Recession
- End of the Trans-Rimma Pacification Campaign on March 10th
- Beginning of the Old Kingdoms Suppression Campaign on May 11th
- End of the Second Tionese-Imperial War on May 29th
- Beginning of the Far Reaches Pacification Operations on August 7th
- End of the Far Reaches Pacification Operations on June 25th
- Beginning of the Old Wilds Campaign on October 14th
- Beginning of the Hutt Dependencies Pacification Campaign on July 12th
- Occurrence of the Southern Core Suppression Campaign beginning on January 2nd
- End of the Hutt Dependencies Pacification Campaign on June 22nd
- End of the Imperial Expansionism with the end of the Southern Core Suppression Campaign on August 22nd, subsequently beginning the Late Imperial Conflicts with the Denon Contention on October 13th
- Beginning of the Pantoran-Imperial War on September 3rd
- Occurrence of the Harrsk Conflict from September 28th to November 30th
- End of the Old Wilds Campaign on December 12th
- End of the Old Kingdoms Suppression Campaign on March 23rd
- Beginning of the Rishi Maze War on June 9th
- Beginning of the Northern Wilds Pirate War on October 19th
- End of the Northern Wilds Pirate War on January 15th
- End of the Rishi Maze War on April 11th
- Battle of Scarif begins the Greater Rim Rebellion and the Thirty-Seventh Galactic Civil War