The Intergalactic Vanguard, commonly referred to as just the Vanguard, was a band of mercenaries formed by the Kuati Khoss Tyresian, a member of the small House Tyresian. The majority of the Vanguard's career spanned fighting in civil wars for those they believed were being oppressed by corporations, including the Arkanian Revolution, when the group would fight for the Arkanian Renegades, until the Jedi and Galactic Republic intervened.
In 44 BBY, a large section of the Intergalactic Vanguard were drawn into a war against the Galactic Republic and Jedi as a corrupt majority had been enlisted with the Stark Commercial Combine in the years prior.
By the time of the Galactic Empire, the group had completely dissolved.
Founding and early action[]
The Intergalactic Vanguard, initially called the Vanguards, were founded by Khoss Tyresian and a couple of his future henchmen in 120 BBY, Tyrone Saul among them. They began by raiding planets near to Lok, before going up the Corellian Run. Eventually they would arrive at Atzerri where they captured a Class VI bulk freighter they christened the Augur.
First Actions as the Intergalactic Vanguard[]
After acquiring Augur, the Intergalactic Vanguard would find itself on Kurov where they would first encounter their future nemesis the Qalin Enforcers, in the battle of Alreivor where the Vanguard won a victory for the Workers. They would continue on minor conflicts until in 108 BBY they began embroiled in the Miner Wars of Tyrn Xysus against the Corporate Alliance and later the Jedi and Judicial Forces, where they would be in service for nearly five years being paid in various precious metals mined from the world, amassing some wealth allowing to continue expanding there operations. And allowing them to acquire a second ship the Xysus which had similar modifications to the Augur, and allowed them to expand there operations to more men and some vehicles to hopefully not repeat the failure of Tyrn Xysus.
Aiding the Arkanian Renegades[]
In 50 BBY the Arkanian Revolution began and though and Khoss chose to support the Arkanian Renegades with the full might of the Vanguard. By the time he had gathered each of the echelons and arrived at Arkania the did not wish their aid, believing their cybernetic army to be invincible, but Khoss still fought for them. His commanders argued against it but Khoss truly believed in the Renegades and the emancipation of the Yaka, though the Renegades had begun to become just as bad when the Jedi arrived. The Vanguard lost one of its eight echelons due to the Iron Knights.
This would lead to some distrust amongst some of the Vanguard's leadership though the fracture would not burst open yet, and Khoss did not take action as he instead chose to take leave and visit his family. So this defeat festered for months and was one of the first crack in the unity of the Vanguard.
The Stark Commercial Combine[]
Even with the disastrous end to the Arkanian Revolution, the Intergalactic Vanguard had made a name for itself in the Outer Rim by the end of 50 BBY, one of reliability and responsibility. In the years following, several members of the group were approached by Iaco Stark, seeking to recruit the organisation into the Stark Commercial Combine. This proved fruitless when some of the higher ranking personnel wouldn't agree, and instead, Iaco began recruiting members independently. He had done such with Esa Napolae Daruun – a Vanguard Lieutenant of the group – several years prior.
While some of its members couldn't be swayed, Tyrone Saul – one of the leaders – gladly accepted a top position within the combine. This however led to direct conflict with the Galactic Republic and the Jedi when Iaco indirectly attacked them on Troiken, forcing a large number of the Vanguard members to join the ensuing Stark Hyperspace War.
The Stark Hyperspace War caused a divide between the lower ranks of the Vanguard, as some of the leaders refused to have their troops consumed by a war that wasn't theirs for a variety of reasons; be it due to projected casualties or lost war matériel. In the following years, this divide would only grow, and was ultimately cemented with Khoss' untimely death in 30 BBY.
Upon Khoss' death in 30 BBY, the group descended into factionalism and fragmented, with Tyrone, his former second-in-command, leading one of its largest successor groups.
Standard Ranks[]
- Vanguard Commandant — the leader of the Intergalactic Vanguard the as such only was used by Khoss Tyresian, until the fracturing of the Vanguard. Afterwards, several Echelon Commanders claimed this rank.
- Vanguard Echelon Commander — commanding one of the various groups of Vanguard in the galaxy, these were the trusted few such as Tyrone Saul, given control of a force to do as they believe Khoss would, they commanded two regiments.
- Vanguard High Marshall — the High Marshall served as the second in command to an Echelon Commander and commanded a Regiment, and commanded four Marshalls.
- Vanguard Marshall — the Marshall commanded a Battalion of Vanguards, and was under the Regimental command of a High Marshall.
- Vanguard Line Lieutenant — the Line Lieutenant served as commander of a company of Vanguards.
- Vanguard Lieutenant — the Lieutenant served as the commander of a platoon of Vanguards, Esa Napolae Daruun achieved this rank during his service.
- Vanguard Sergeant — Sergeants were the commander of a squad.
- Vanguard Talon — the Vanguard Talon were the second in command of squads.
- Vanguard — Vanguards were the line troops of the Intergalactic Vanguard.
- Vanguard Prospect — The Prospects were recruits who had yet to see service, once they served in their first action they were promoted to Vanguard.