Star Wars Fanon

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Legacy era

The Insectoid Confederacy was an invasive extragalactic confederation of various bug-like species that first appeared in the galaxy in 55 ABY. Initial sightings of the Insectoid Confederacy was spotted by traveller of the Morsian Empire, who swiftly notified them of a potential new extra-galactic threat. News was spread and the Morsians notified the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, or GFFA, of a new threat. Worried about a new Yuuzhan Vong War scenario, the GFFA gave the Morsian Empire control of the situation due to their close proximity to the appearance of the confederacy. Over the following few years, more sightings were spotted to the galactic west and east of the Morsian Empire, prompting heightened military responses from both the Morsians and GFFA. In 59 ABY, the Insectoid Confederacy appeared to the south of the Morsian Empire and entered their territory, resulting in the First Morsian-Insectoid War.

Over the course of the war, the Morsians found themselves fighting a whole new type of enemy. The Vong had been far different to what they were used to fighting, but the Insectoid Confederacy was even stranger than them. They had very few starships and mostly relied on living insects and other bugs to conduct the war. Initial Morsian attacks left them baffled on a way to get through the hard outer armor of the insects as well as how to deal with the Hive asteroids of the Nebulae fly and its swarm of defending insects. However, progress was made in tactics and they slowly began to counterattack against the confederacy.


Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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