The Inicrans were Near-Humans from the Inner Rim moon Inicra Minor in the Miras System, which they shared with Human colonists.
There were two major divisions in Inicran society-those who still lived traditionally in the deserts of Inicra Minor, and those who lived alongside the human Inicra Minor residents. There were once several tribes of Inicrans, but the low population of tribal Inicrans reduced the number to two by 19,990 BBY-the Yalata, and the Korik.
Those that lived with the humans adopted human culture.
The Inicrans were close enough genetically to Humans that they could breed with them. Human/Inicran hybrids had less of a yellow tint to their skin and smaller dewlaps. They were still bald, however. If a hybrid was to have a child with a full Human, the child would be indistinguishable from a human besides a small bulge of skin under their chin and their natural baldness.
Inicrans are roughly equal to Humans in strength.
The Inicrans were unaware of anything off their moon for most of their history. They never formed large governments or settlements, owing to the small size of their homeworld. They lived in several small tribes, who hunted, farmed, and fought several wars. Republic scouts discovered Inicra Minor in 20,080 BBY and began to settle the world.
The Inicrans were split. A faction lead by Uitar Darak of the Ilonn tribe argued for assimilating into Human society. The anti-alien faction was lead by the elderly Yalata named Liron Taal. Taal threatened violence against any aliens who set foot on Inicra Minor.
When the first ship full of miners landed in 20,073 BBY, Taal and a band of warriors struck. They were quickly repelled, with their losses being double those of the colonists. Taal and the warriors were arrested for the attack, while the rest of his followers were offered the arid side of the moon as a compromise. They took the offer, to Taal's disgust. He was convicted and spent the remaining years of his life in prison.
The majority of Inicrans then moved into the Human settlements and worked mainly in the mines. They mostly managed to avoid the slavery and exploitation that characterized the worst colonization efforts in the Great Manifest Period. Many humans continued to regard Inicrans as outsiders and not full members of society well past the first years of the colony, however. These were known as the "city Inicrans". The population of the "desert Inicrans", the followers of Taal, in 19,990 BBY was only 2,567.
By the year 10,000 BBY, the Inicrans as a distinct species had gone extinct and existed only as hybrids with Humans.
In the Galaxy[]
Very few Inicrans left their homeworld. The notorious pirate Antar Went was a Inicran, and was well known up to his death in 12,000 BBY. Another Inicran to go off Inicra Minor was the Jedi Knight Krali, who survived the attack by the Pius Dea Crusaders on the Jedi in 12,000 BBY and helped the resistance based on Trandosha.
- Star Wars: Dawn of Chaos (first appearance)