Héró, hoyów ár vú? Í ám Okúo Nívárká, hú ár vú? Í ám únú persóná Íngzána fróm zsé pláránettá Íngza Prímú, Wér ér vú fróm?
—"Hello, how are you? I am Okúo Nívárká, who are you? I am an Ingzan person from the planet Ingza Prime, where are you from?", Okúo Nívárká speaking his native language
Hey-roh, hoy-oh ahr voo? Ee ah Oh-koo-oh Nee-vahr-kah, hoo ahr voo? Ee ahm oo-noo per-soh-nah Eeng-zah-nah frohm zey plah-rah-neh-ta Eeng-zah Pree-moo, wehr air voo frohm?
—The pronunciation of the above phrase
Ingzan (Lónguá Íngzána in Ingzan) was the traditional language spoken by the Ingza a Human people from the Ingzan system of the N'Akkiarl Galaxy, it was also spoken by the avian Bregaro species, the N'Akkiarla, whose language was one of Ingzan's ancestral languages, notable N'Akkiarlian speakers of Ingzan included Jyoznarr 'Burr-Hureg and Bnezo 'Noni-Kvarrigarrtirakorr.
Ingzan was also spoken by other human races who learnt it, like the humans of the Coruscant Galaxy, as well as most of the people of Ingzan colonies, such as Ingzan Yzaaka, Ingzan was considered one of the easier languages for speakers of Basic to learn, due to the relative similarity of words, pronunciations and word order of Ingzan with Basic.
Ingzan was one of two main languages of the Ingzan-Bregaran Confederation and Empire, the other was Bregaran. Co-operation between the Ingza and the Heshtians, which was another subject race of the N'Akkiarlian Empire, meant that some Heshtians learnt Ingzan, in particular those who served the Heshtian Embassy at Ingza City.
Despite being a co-official language of the Ingzan-Bregaran Confederation, and later Empire, Ingzan was the Lingua franca of the Ingza system, as well across the colonies of the Ingza and Bregaro, Ingzan was often used as the Lingua franca between the Ingza, Bregaro and the natives of their colonies, as the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire spread through-out the Foundary Region Ingzan was taught to natives of the ever-expanding colonies, and much of the galaxy also learnt Ingzan as a trade language, making trade within Imperial space much easier, this made Ingzan one of the most common languages in the N'Akkiarl Galaxy, even most N'Akkiarla, who possessed the largest empire in the N'Akkiarl Galaxy, learnt Ingzan as a second language, Ingzan was a common language to learn in schools across the N'Akkiarl Galaxy.
Ingzan was first seen in the form of Ancient Ingzan which was created around the same time as Ingzan civilisation in 40,000 BBY. Ancient Ingzan became extinct around the year 38,482 BBY when it was largely replaced by standard Ingzan but speakers of Ancient Ingzan continued to exist for another 5,000 years after it was made extinct.
When Ingzans got contact with their cousins from other galaxies they saw the similarties between their language and those of their extra-galactic cousins, the similarities between Ingzan and the Ancient Zeregan language reinforced the ancient Ingzan legend that their ancestors had been taken from the planet Earth by an unknown race millenia before the beginnings of Ingzan society.
Although Ingzan was mostly descended from Ancient Zeregan, it was not solely descended from said language, the was also some N'Akkiarlian influence in Ingzan, mostly notably the Ingzan word for "The", which was "Zsé", which was believed to have originated from the N'Akkiarlian word "Dze", it was theorised that the N'Akkiarlians tought the Earthling ancestors of the Ingza their language when the N'Akkiarlian transported them from Earth to Ingza Prime, which was why the Ingzan language had some N'Akkiarlian influence.
Some other Ingzan words of N'Akkiarlian origin included "Ést", "Drácon" and "Rísya", which stood for "Is","Dragon" and "Rise"/Rising", respectively, the N'Akkiarlian words for the aforementioned words being "est", "Drako" and "Rizya".
Each planet of the Ingzan Commonwealth had a different dialect of Ingzan, some dialects were easy to understand by speakers of Standard Ingzan, some like the Vleemsian dialect were harder to understand, the standard Ingzan dialect was the Ingza Prime dialect, which was tought in school on all planets of the Ingza system.
Ingzan was considered a "beautiful" language, people said it sounded nice on the ear. They also said it felt "smooth" to speak. As one of the more romantic languages of the N'Akkiarl Galaxy, Ingzan was commonly seen as a language of seduction, romance and passion, as well as poetry and literature, poets and authors being particularly common amongst the Ingza, it wasn't unknown for N'Akkiarlian soldiers serving with the N'Akkiarlian Army of Occupation in Ingza space to be seduced by Ingzan woman, a lot of these soldiers ended up having children with these Ingzan women.
An Ingzan slur for these N'Akkiarlian-Ingzan hybrids was "Háf Bríd" (Half Breed), a slur considered so taboo and harsh it became the worst of taste to be spoken to a hybrid's face, Ingzan polite society meant that the slur would attract much shock and disgust if spoken openly in public, the derisive slur came about because some of the "pure-blood" Ingzans despised their N'Akkiarlian-Ingzan kin because they considered that the hybrids were a disgrace to their Ingzan blood by having their Ingzan blood share the same veins as their N'Akkiarlian "Oppressor" blood. Other Ingzans found a sense of irony in that the so called "Pure blood" Ingzans themselves were actually part-N'Akkiarlian, all Ingzans were.
Ingzan words and phrases[]
- Hello - Héró (Hey-row)
- Hi - Hé (Hey)
- How are you? - Hoyów ár vú? (Ho-yoh ahr voo)
- Good day - Gúd Dzé (Good Dzey)
- Good morning - Gúd Múrnón (Good Moor-nohn)
- Good evening - Gúd Óvúrnín (Good Oh-voor-neen)
- Good night - Gúd Nuít (Good Nweet)
- Goodbye - Gúd Báí (Good B-aye)
- Bye - Báí (B-aye)
- See you later - Úntíl látúr (Oon-teel lah-toor); LIT: "Until later"
- Religious leader/Goddess - V'ei'ka (Vey-ka)
- (False) God - V'ei'en (Falasú) (Vey-en fah-lah-soo)
- False Goddess - V'ei'ka Falasú (Vey-ka fah-lah-soo)
- Religious advisor - B'Kekara (Buh-kek-ah-rah)
- Battleship - Batarosép (Bah-tah-roh-seyp)
- Star Dreadnought - Batarosép Estárá (Bah-tah-roh-seyp Eh-stah-rah)
- Queen - Kuwín (Kuh-ween)
- King - Kínigó (Kee-nih-go)
- Planet - Pláránettá (Plah-rah-net-tah)
- First Great Ingzan Civil War - Únún Gúrét Íngzána Civilú Wárá (Oo-noon Goo-rayt Een-gzah-nah Sih-vil-oo Wah-rah)
- Second Great Ingzan Civil War - Túnán Gúrét Íngzána Civilú Wárá (Too-nan Goo-rayt Een-gzah-nah Sih-vil-oo Wah-rah)
- Great One - Gúrét Únú (Goo-rayt Oo-noo)
- Great Mother - Gúrét Múthe (Goo-rayt Moo-theh)
- Omnipotent Mistress - Úmnípótenta Místaresá (Oom-nee-poh-tenta Mee-sta-res-ah)
- Obedient servant - Úbídíenta Sírvíenta (Oob-ee-dee-enta Seer-vee-enta)
- Obedient servants - Úbídíentas Sírvíentas (Oob-ee-dee-entas Seer-vee-entas)
- Slave - Sláva (Slah-va)
- Slaves - Slávas (Slah-vas)
- Who - Hú (Hoo)
- Ingza Prime - Íngza Prímú (Een-gza Pree-moo)
- From - Fróm (Frohm)
- Empire - Ímpír (Eem-peer)
- Ingzan-Bregaran Empire - Ímpír Íngzána-Brégáróna (Eem-peer Een-gzah-nah Bray-gah-roh-nah)
- Ingzan-Bregaran Confederation - Cónfédérát Íngzána-Brégáróna (Cohn-fay-day-rayt Eeng-gzah-nah Bray-gah-roh-nah)
- Royal Navy of Ingza - Róyála Néví ová Íngza (Roh-yah-la nay-vee o-vah een-gzah)
- Royal Ingzan Army - Róyála Íngzána Ármí (Roh-yah-la een-gzah-nah ahr-mee)
- Imperial Navy - Ímpírá Néví (Eem-peer-ah nay-vee)
- Imperial Army - Ímpírá Ármí (Eem-peer-ah ahr-mee)
- Ingza - Íngza (Een-gzah)
- Ingzan - Íngzána (Een-gzah-nah)
- Ingzan person - Persóná Íngzána (Per-soh-nah Eeng-zah-nah)
- Ingzan people - Persónás Íngzánas (Per-soh-nas Eeng-zah-nas)
- Bregaro - Brégáró (Bray-gah-roh)
- Bregaran - Brégáróna (Bray-gah-roh-nah)
- (Star)fighter - (Stá)fáítá (Stah-f-aye-tah) or Fáítá Estárá (F-aye-tah Eh-stah-rah) (1)
- Cruiser - Krúzíá (Kroo-zee-ah)
- Destroyer - Déstróyá (Dey-stroy-ya)
- Carrier - Káríá (Kah-ree-ah)
- Frigate - Ávákóné (Ah-vah-koh-neh)
- Monitor - Mónítá (Moh-nee-tah)
- Transport - Tránspórtó (Trahns-poh-r-toh)
- (Star)bomber - (Stá)bómbá (Stah-bohm-bah) or Bómbá Estárá (Bohm-bah Eh-stah-rah) (1)
- Battlecruiser - Batarokrúzíá (Bah-tah-roh-kroo-zee-ah)
- Bolt-action rifle - Bóltó-ákshón ráífel (Bohl-toh ak-shon r-aye-fel)
- Sniper rifle - Snáípúr ráífel (Sn-aye-poor r-aye-fel)
- Rocket launcher - Rókátá lónchúr (Roh-kah-tah lohn-choor)
- Ts'shúkí - Ts'shúkí (Ts-shoo-kee)
- Dókyún - Dókyún (Doh-kyoon)
- Kúshózí - Kúshózí (Koo-shoh-zee)
- Castle - Cásúl (Cah-sool)
- Palace - Pálás (Pah-las)
- Heaven - Hérébon (Hey-rey-bon)
- Bridge (multiple types) - Bríjí (Bree-jee)
- Desert - Deséríko (Deh-ser-ee-koh)
- Mountain - Móntíán (Mohn-tee-ahn)
- Language - Lónguá (Lohn-gwa)
- Languages - Lónguás (Lohn-gwas)
- Ingzan language - Lónguá Íngzána (Lohn-gwa Eeng-zah-nah)
- N'Akkiarla - Nákíála (Nah-kee-ah-lah)
- N'Akkiarlian - Nákíálána (Nah-kee-ah-lah-nah)
- Old Fathers - Áldes Váteres (Ahl-des Vah-teh-res) (Poetic name for the N'Akkiarla)
- N'Akkiarlian Star Empire - Ímpír Estárá Nákíálána (Eem-peer Eh-stah-rah Nah-kee-ah-lah-nah)
- First N'Akkiarlian Star Empire - Únún Ímpír Estárá Nákíálána (Oo-noon Eem-peer Eh-stah-rah Nah-kee-ah-lah-nah)
- Second N'Akkiarlian Star Empire - Túnán Ímpír Estárá Nákíálána (Too-nahn Eem-peer Eh-stah-rah Nah-kee-ah-lah-nah)
- Third N'Akkiarlian Star Empire - Turína Ímpír Estárá Nákíálána (Tuh-ree-nah Eem-peer Eh-stah-rah Nah-kee-ah-lah-nah)
- The museum is an ésá from here, turn right at the next corner - Zsé músó ést únú ésá fróm híé, túrnú réshkán é zsé néks cúrnú (Zey moo-soh eyst oo-noo ey-sah frohm hee-eh, toor-noo raysh-kahn ey dzey neyks coor-noo)
(1) - Latter most commonly used in standard Ingzan, whilst former is mostly used in "Bregaran Ingzan"
Note-Italic words represent Ingzan donations to Galactic Standard Basic
As with words, numbers in Ingzan were largely understandable by non-Ingzan speakers who could understand Galactic Basic.
- One - Únú (Oo-noo)
- Two - Tú (Too)
- Three - Turí (Tuh-ree)
- Four - Foá (Foh-ah)
- Five - Fáívu (F-aye-vuh)
- Six - Síkkis (See-kis)
- Seven - Síven (See-ven)
- Eight - Áíyít (Aye-yeet)
- Nine - Náíyun (N-aye-yun)
- Ten - Tín (Teen)
- Eleven - Éréván (Ey-rey-vahn)
- Twelve - Túwéluv (Too-w-ey-luv)
- Thirteen - Turítín (Tuh-ree-teen)
- Fourteen - Foátín (Foh-ah-teen)
- Fifteen - Fífatín (Fee-fah-teen)
- Sixteen - Síkkistín (See-kis-teen)
- Seventeen - Síventín (See-ven-teen)
- Eighteen - Áíyítín (Aye-yeet-een)
- Nineteen - Náíyutín (N-aye-yuh-teen)
- Twenty - Túwéntuí (Tuh-wey-n-tuh-ee)