Star Wars Fanon

Welcome to Ingza Prime! I hope you enjoy your time on our beautiful world!
—An Ingzan to a visitor

Ingza Prime (Íngza Prímú, pronounced Eeng-zah Pree-moo), sometimes known as the Daughter of Earth, was the adopted homeworld of the Ingza people, the ancestors of the Ingzan race were brought to the planet in 40,000 BBY from Earth by the N'Akkiarla, other races of Ingzans came from other nearby planets populated with Earthlings by the N'Akkiarla in the planetery chain like the planet Vleems, which was home to the Vleemsi race of Ingzans, which traditionally spoke the Vleemsian language before adopting standard Ingzan, which was the lingua franca of the Ingzan Commonwealth.

The ruler was the Ingzan sovereign, whilst the feudal ruling families ruled the regions of the planet, e.g. the upper-class Zerego family ruled the Vénkáíláz Mountains region.

With many beautiful regions like the Uzako Desert, Vénkáíláz Mountains and Nóthlánd and with a reputation for having nice and welcoming locals, Ingza Prime was considered by many across the N'Akkiarlian galaxy a great place to go on holiday.
